Bear text word of the day

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דוב (dov) bear (noun)

.דוב הגריזלי רץ בתוך הנהר
dov ha-grizli ratz be-toch ha-nahar.
The grizzly bear is running in the river.

דובים הם חיות חזקות
dovim hem chayot chazakot
Bears are strong animals.

הדוב החום רץ בתוך הנהר
ha-dov ha-chum ratz be-toch ha-nahar
The brown bear is running in the river.

דוב חום גדול
dov chum gadol
big brown bear

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Английский язык для 7-го класса

English Afonaseva 7 grade.jpg

Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Описание и ответ на задание[править | править код]

Make the story complete. Use the appropriate forms of the words on the right.

One day when Pooh Bear already had visited some of his friends and had nothing else to do, he thought he would go round to Piglet`s house to see what Piglet was doing.

It had been snowing since early morning.

Pooh expected to find Piglet warming his toes in front of his fire, but to his surprise he saw that the door was open, and the more he was looking inside the more Piglet was not there.

«So what I will do,» said Pooh, «is this. I will go home first and see what the time is, and perhaps I will put a scarf round my neck, and then I will go to see Eeyore and sing my new hum to him.»

Pooh hurried back to his own house. When he opened his door he suddenly saw Piglet sitting in his best armchair and looking as if he had been sitting there for a long time. Pooh could only stand there wondering whose house he was in.

«Hallo, Piglet,» said Pooh, «I think you were out.»

«No,» said Piglet.»it’s you who were out. I have been sitting here for an hour already.»

Pooh looked up at his clock, which had stopped at five minutes to eleven some weeks before.

Перевод задания и ответа[править | править код]

Завершите рассказ. Используйте соответствующие формы слов справа.

Однажды, когда Медведь Пух уже посетил некоторых из своих друзей и ему больше нечего было делать, он подумал, что зайдет в дом Пятачка, чтобы посмотреть, что делает Пятачок.

Снег шел с раннего утра.

Пух ожидал, что Пятачок греет пальцы ног перед огнем, но, к своему удивлению, увидел, что дверь открыта, и чем больше он смотрел внутрь, тем больше Пятачка не было.

«Так что же я сделаю», — сказал Пух, — «вот что. Я сначала пойду домой и посмотрю, сколько сейчас времени, и, возможно, я накину на шею шарф, а потом пойду к Иа и спою свою новый гул для него «.

Он поспешил обратно в свой дом; когда он открыл дверь, то вдруг увидел Пятачка, сидящего в своем лучшем кресле и с таким видом, как будто он сидел там уже давно. Пух мог только стоять и гадать, в чьем он был.

«Привет, Пятачок», — сказал он. «Я думал, тебя нет дома».

«Нет, — сказал Пятачок. — Это тебя не было. Я сижу здесь уже час».

Пух взглянул на свои часы, которые несколько недель назад остановились на без пяти одиннадцать.

Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]

перевести срочно :One day a boy found a brown bear-cub in the forest. He was very little and looked like a puppy. The boy carried him home. Every day the boy went to school. The bear-cub went with him and waited for the boy in the field. At first the other boys were afraid of the bear-cub, but soon they became great friends. Many of them brought food to school and gave the bear-cub some bread and butter. The bear-cub lived with the boy for a long time. But one day he went to the forest and did not come back. Everybody was very sorry for the bear-cub. Many years passed. New schoolboys came to the old school. One very cold winter day the door opened, and a large brown bear walked into the classroom. The boys were afraid. Some ran to the door, others jumped out of the window. But the bear did not touch the pupils. He walked up to the fire and warmed himself. He felt quite at home. He was very glad to get into such a warm room. He sat by the fire, and then walked up to the table and ate some bread. Then the bear walked out of the house. Some young men of the village came with their guns to kill the bear. They soon found him but did not kill him. They saw sonte marks on his skin and understood that the bear was the old friend of their schooldays. They let-him go. back into the forest.​

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A region usually adopts a lingua franca, or common language, when its inhabitants speak many different languages or dialects.

When people hear the term lingua franca, they often think of English. Although there are millions of people worldwide who don’t speak English, it has still become the lingua franca of many regions and areas of communication. One example is aviation — for airline pilots around the world, English is the lingua franca. The term means «Frankish tongue» in Italian, a reference to the original, 11th-century lingua franca, a mixture of Italian, French, Turkish, and other Mediterranean languages.

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