Be washed by the water of the word

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Joseph Prince - Be Washed By The Water Of The Word
Joseph Prince - Be Washed By The Water Of The Word

Praise God. Well, God gave me a promise, and when I was away recently, and God says, «I’ll return you», from the book of Job, «I’ll return you to the days of your youth», and I believe that’s gonna happen to us. He’s gonna return us to the days of our youth. However you wanna meditate on that verse and you know, it’s a verse from God, and God said to Job that «Because I have found a messenger». «I have found an atonement». Literally, in Hebrew, «I’ve found an atonement, a ransom. His flesh shall be fresher than a child’s. He shall return to the days of his youth».

It’s God’s Word, so let’s claim it, amen? Praise the Lord. Another thing the Bible tells us is that, «With long life will I satisfy you,» and that is Psalms 91, and it comes after Psalms 90. In Psalms 90, it says that… it’s a psalm of Moses, Psalms 90. It talks about the children of Israel in the wilderness, and they said that, «The days of our years are 70, and if by reason of strength it’ll be 80».

A lot of people use that as a criteria, and they’ll say that God only promise us 70 to 80 years old, but you must understand that they are quoting from Psalms 90, a psalm of Moses of the children of Israel when they were undergoing judgment. They were under… in fact, you read the verses before the 70 and 80 years old in Psalms 90. It says, «Your wrath, who can endure your anger»? And then by wrath, there is a sandwich of verses talking about God’s anger, God’s wrath. So we are not in Psalms 90. We are in Psalms 91, «With long life will I satisfy you». Can I have a good amen? Praise God.

And it’s important that you release your faith to believe God, because the thing is this: Faith does not make it happen, like I said last week. I wanna recap on some things because I’m continuing from last week where we left off. Faith does not make the existence of the sun real. Even though we don’t feel the sun now because we are in this building, the sun is real. Whether you believe it or you don’t believe it, your belief or unbelief does not make it real or not real. But what happened is that your faith is like a window that allows the light and the warm to come in. Can I have a good amen?

There’s nothing big about faith. You know, God doesn’t want anything on man’s part but you say faith. Yes, but if you make faith into something that you have to work at, then faith becomes that wall of partition between you and God or you and whatever God has for you. Yes, it’s by grace through faith, but even that faith is the gift of God, so we don’t have to focus on the window, amen? We have to focus on the fact that the sun is shining, amen. Praise the Lord. And that window does not create the warmth, nor does it create the light. It allows the light and the warmth to come into my room, amen.

So you know what? I’m looking forward for big windows, right? But it’s not a question of faith. It’s now between you and God. And always remember this: When you’re believing God for a miracle, look to the Lord. And like I said last week, the blood saves. Not only the blood saves, the blood heals, but when you believe the blood heals, when you partake of Communion, when you believe the blood heals, God looks at you, and God says that’s faith in the blood, son. But it’s not for me to say I have faith in the blood. My part is to say, «The blood saves. The blood heals». It’s God’s part to say, «That’s faith in the blood». My part is what? Believe that the blood alone saves. The blood alone heals, amen? Then God turns around, and God says, «That’s faith in the blood».

So we have taught so much about faith until faith has become like a middle wall that separates us from our miracle. Another thing we learned last week is this, that the first two groups that goes into the lake of fire, in Revelations 21, are the fearful and unbelieving, long before the, you know, the drug pushers, the whoremongers, before the… in the Greek, pornos. That should tell you sexually immoral. Long before those lists comes up that goes in the lake of fire, the Bible talks about the first two groups, fearful and unbelieving. I’m recapping so that we go from there, okay?

So people don’t really judge that as sin, fear and unbelieving, yet those are the two groups that lead all the rest, even all the pornos into the lake of fire. And the church is so strong on overt sin that we forget this intrinsic, this inward sin that God says is worse than anything else, because fear and unbelief is the mother of all sins because we fear we don’t have enough. We fear we are being left out, therefore, we cut corners, we cheat, we lie because we don’t believe God will supply.

So the first two groups is fearful and unbelieving. Then we ask the question, confession of sin, the way that it’s taught. The way that it’s taught is that unless you confess your sin, God will not forgive you, okay? Now, I believe in confession of sin. I have a latest clip from one of my sermons that we put on YouTube recently called «Joseph Prince Believes in Confession of Sins», because there are people out there who are saying that I don’t believe in… no, no, no. I believe in confession of sin, but it’s the word confess is homologeo. Logos, homo means the same word, to say the same with God about our sin.

When you sin, you must say this: «It is a sin». We don’t deny it. Number two, God has forgiven it. That’s to say the same thing with God because Christ has paid the price for it. It cost God his Son, amen. It cost the Lord great sufferings. I mean, the other day I was watching the movie «The Passion» once again, and I wept again, you know, and again, it’s like the fresh, you must always keep the cross fresh in your heart and mind. Paul told the Galatians, «Who has bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth,» which is the Gospel. «Before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently crucified among you»?

Now, the Galatians, when he said that to the Galatians, they were not there at Calvary. Well, when Paul preached, Paul preached in such a way, it was so graphic the first time Paul preached to them that they saw Jesus like a placard right in front of them in Paul’s preaching. So, good ministry will always put the cross before you so that when you sin, you revert back to the cross. But this idea, «Unless I confess, I am not forgiven,» is gonna hold you back. Many of them, not all of them, but many of them, I can tell you stories, they cannot receive, because deep down, they feel that there’s some unforgiven sin somewhere, or there is some sin that God cannot forgive.

If we had just gone by the biblical injunction in James where it says that, «Let the sick call for the elders, and let the elders pray over him, anointing with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick. And if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him». If only we told the sick, «Your sin is not gonna hold back the healing of God flowing into your body. It cannot stop it». And if you think you have committed sins and that’s why you are in your condition, if you have committed sins, read here: «They shall be forgiven him». One fell swoop, the same power that heals your body removes your sins if we had only spoken the truth.

And that’s why I’m so strong on this fact that people need to be free from guilt and condemnation before they are able to receive from God. And this idea of 1 John 1:9, which is only one verse in the New Testament, Paul never wrote it in his three-fourths of Paul’s… Paul wrote three-fourths of the New Testament. He never mentioned confession of sins once; nonetheless, the fearful and unbelieving go into the lake of fire. We find that Jesus, when he appeared, this is post-cross. This is now Resurrection. This is after his earthly life. What we term as his earthly life, he is now in his resurrected form.

The Bible says the disciples were in the Upper Room for fear of the Jews, not the fear of God, for fear of the Jews. They were all behind closed doors in the Upper Room for fear of the Jews. Fear, my friend, is sin. Whatever is not of faith is sin. Let’s see how the resurrected Lord treats them. He appears to them. The Bible says his first word, «Peace be unto you». Wow. They were in fear. They were in sin. Based on our tradition, they’re out of fellowship. They need to confess that fear, and yet the Lord came to them as if he’s not conscious of their sin. Instead, he says, «Peace,» then he gave them the divine receipts, the foundation for their peace. He showed them his hands and his side. These are the divine receipts, the finished work, the payment for them to have peace, not only that, these people, fear-filled disciples, the next thing he did was he breathed on them the Holy Spirit, not one word about «Confess your sin».

I believe in confession of sin. In fact, when I say thank God that through Christ’s blood, we have forgiveness of sins, we are not like the Gnostics who deny that they have sin. For you to preach forgiveness of sins, you must believe that you have sins, or else what is forgiveness of sins? All right, chapter 1 was written to Gnostics, especially Gnostic Jews. 1 John 2, you find him saying, «My little children». That’s when he writes to the believers, but in 1 John 1, there’s nothing about «My little children».

After Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit on his disciples, the very same chapter, the Bible tells us that Thomas wasn’t there. Thomas was absent from that meeting. Thomas was in unbelief. They went to tell Thomas that same evening, after the Lord breathed on them, the Lord spoke peace to them, they came to Thomas and said, «We saw the Lord». Thomas says, «Except I see the nail prints in his hands and in his side, I will not believe». The fearful and apistos, unbelieving. «I will not believe,» he said, and for one week, he live in sin. I said for one week he live in sin, in unbelief. Whatever is not of faith is sin.

Come on. Next Sunday, Jesus appeared in the Upper Room. This time, Thomas was there, and Jesus went to Thomas, made a beeline to Thomas and said, «Thomas, reach out your hand and feel the nail prints in my hands and feel my side,» and be not apistos, be not unbelieving, but believing. What was Thomas’s response? «I confess. I’m so sorry. Forgive me».? No, «My Lord and my God». Every true repentance is a fresh revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He made them repent without even using the word repent. He made them change their minds, which is what repentance is all about, without even saying repent. Are you listening?

So this idea that, you know, unless you confess your sins, your sins are not forgiven puts you on a never-ending cycle of wondering whether you’ve confessed all your sins, and you know something? If you advocate that and you believe in that, you can confess all your sins of the day if you want to before you go to bed. Don’t be lazy. Kneel down by the side of your bed. Ask God to show you all your sins of that day, and you can start from the time you first woke up in the morning and name them one by one. See what a glorious sleep you will have. And even people who believe in that don’t really confess. I believe in it. I confess my sins like crazy. You know, those who knew me when I was 17, they will see me, when I talk to you halfway, I will… Then I will continue talking. What was I doing? Confessing my sins because I just realized I exaggerated.

Now, for you all, you all laugh, but exaggeration is sin, so I had to get right with God… All right? If you look at 1 John before verse 9 comes the divine sandwich. Verse 8 says, «If we say we have no sin, inherent sin, we deceive ourself, and the truth is not in us,» that is, if we say we have no inherent sin. Do any of us deny that we have inherent sin? Sin in our flesh? No. That’s why we are preaching grace so strong. Now, the other sandwich, after verse 9 is verse 10, «If we say we have not sinned,» now it’s a sinful deed. «If we say we have not done anything wrong, we make God a liar, and his word is not in us». Are you listening, people? Amen.

And how do you explain in chapter 2, 1 John 2, all right, this is right after 1 John 1:9, a few verses right after 1 John 1:9, and this is the first time you have that phrase, little children. So I keep on telling people and I keep on repeating myself, the whole entire epistle is not written to the Gnostics, only chapter 1, and that’s why it starts off by saying, «That which we have seen, our eyes have looked upon, our hands have handled», remember what Jesus said to Thomas? «Handle me. A spirit does not have flesh and bones». It’s the same thought. John, who is the writer here as well, John says, «We touched him,» even Thomas touched him. «We handled him. He’s not a phantom». Because the Gnostic says that Christ did not come in the flesh. He came in the Spirit. There’s no body. They say that, all right? And they deny that they have sin.

So 1 John was written primarily to the Gnostic Jews, and by the way, Peter’s letters, John’s letters, they were all written to the Jews primarily because the Bible says in Galatians, they gave Paul the right hand of fellowship that Paul should go to the uncircumcised Gentiles. They, Peter, James, and John, to the circumcised. So, when you read their letters, you must understand it’s very Jewish.

If someone says, «Well, Pastor, the 1 John 1:9 is confessing your sins,» that means you admit you have sins. It’s in the present tense. I will tell you, in Mark chapter 1, we’ll come back to this, Mark chapter 1, about John the Baptist, «Then all the land of Judea, and those from Jerusalem, went out to John the Baptist and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins». Are they saved? I don’t think they are saved. They have not yet met Christ, these Jewish people that came to John the Baptist. But they came to John to be baptized, confessing their sins, and do you know something? Confessing is present tense in the Greek.

Does that mean they are still at the River Jordan in Israel today in 2015, confessing their sins? No. Present tense can also mean what is characteristic. Doesn’t mean always present tense means something’s going on, all right, an action is going on. It also means something characteristic like «The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin». You say, «Soap cleanses». The blood of Jesus cleanses. Both of these in the Greek will be put in the present tense, something characteristic. Are you with me so far?

So, folks, Jewish people confess their sins even when they come to, even that verse, for example, 1 John 1:9, which I believe is salvation verse when they come to God in sin as confessing their sins. If I live before Jesus came, I’ll be confessing my sins every day. Not only that, periodically I’ll bring a lamb if I can afford a lamb. I cannot afford a lamb, I’ll bring a pair of doves to the temple for a sin offering, and then I confess my sins. Like Daniel, Nehemiah, they confessed their sins because they were under the law. Friend, we, 1 John 2:12, once again, «I write to you», this is right after 1 John 1:9. He writes to you, «I write to you, little children».

Now, little children is a term of endearment for the family. Because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake. And forgiven there is perfect tense, which cannot be repeated, once and for all, your sins, past, present, future. Hey, John, don’t you think you are presumptuous when you are writing this letter to people? And it takes a while, a few days, before your letter reaches them. By then, how do you know that you can just say completely that these people, in an unqualified fashion, you can say in a way that all these people are forgiven of their sins as long as they believe on Jesus? Maybe someone just woke up this morning and had some strife with their spouse, someone has just had some bitterness and some fallout in their relationship with their brother in Christ. Hey, how can John say that? Obviously, John knew something that we don’t today. John was confident, if you are saved, your sins are forgiven.

Now, if 1 John 1:9, same book, 1 John, if 1 John 1:9 is written to the believer, and this is written to the believer, we have a double-talk. We got a problem, ’cause 1 John 1:9 says, «You confess, then he is faithful and just to forgive». Then they say, «Well, well, you know, this one is judicial forgiveness; 1 John 1:9, family forgiveness». Read. Can you read now? «I write to you, little children». What judicial? This is a family term. This is a family term. You cannot call this judicial and 1 John 1:9 family. Man put those ideas there. This is family forgiveness as well.

So, when you teach judicially, we’re all forgiven, past, present, and future of all our sins; experientially we need fatherly forgiveness for our daily life. Bottom line, you’re still not forgiven. There is some sin somewhere. The devil is not stupid. He will come to you and tell you, «You know why this came on you? There’s some unconfessed sin». You must come to a place of robust faith where we know all our sins are forgiven. Okay?

Now, I wanna say something else to those grace teachers that are teaching. Some of them, they make sweeping statements, and I wish that they will study the Word of God more. They get some of the things about forgiveness and all that, and they run on a tangent, and they say, «There’s no more cleansing anymore for the believer». Don’t make statements like that, all right? Don’t stand up and say, «You know, once we are forgiven of all our sins, there’s no more cleansing or any kind of cleansing or washing,» ’cause I’ll tell you right now, there is a cleansing, but it’s not a cleansing by the blood. It’s a washing of the water, and that’s a message for the church, and that’s what I wanna share with you today. Ready?

All right, let’s go to John 13, and I wanna start off by telling you that this has nothing to do with 1 John 1:9. Someone says, «Well, there you see? There’s another cleansing». No, no, no, no, 1 John 1:9 reminds you of your sin, makes you sin-conscious. Like I said, a salvation verse. «Do I confess my sins today, Joseph Prince»? «Do you confess your sins»? I do. If I tell God, Father, I did that just now. «Father, I thank you I can say, ‘I’m sorry.'» «No problem». When you are in the presence of someone who loves you and accepts you, you can be frank, but I’m not confessing to be forgiven. I’m confessing because I am forgiven, okay?

All right, so I’m not against that, okay? Please keep that in mind. But the thing is this: There is a cleansing, but it’s a cleansing that doesn’t make you conscious of your sin. I think I need to establish this before we go through this washing of the water. Hebrews 10. Hebrews 10 tells us that if all those sacrifices of the Day of Atonement, during the Passover, during all the feast days, if all those lamb sacrifices offered, thousands and thousands, in 1,500 years, offered upon Jewish altars, cannot do what the blood of Jesus does, and what did the blood of Jesus do for us? Read, «For then would these sacrifices not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers, once purified», hapax in the Greek. Once is hapax, which is once and for all. Once you are purified, you would have no more consciousness of sins.

Today, they say that the teaching that makes you no more conscious of sins is a dangerous teaching, and yet this Bible that is God-breathed and as we pore over the fountain of life as we read, every word is important, every nuance, every feature of God’s Word. For the child of God that knows it’s God-breathed, he will pore over it and meditate on it because there’s life there. There is virtue there. And it says once, hapax in Greek, once and for all purified. If those sacrifices, the Jewish sacrifices had worked, then the worshipers, «once purified would have had no more consciousness of sins. But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year».

So, we have no more consciousness of sins versus reminder of sins. Which ministry are you? That’s the reason why I preach the way I do, people. I’m of the belief when people are free from consciousness of sins, not just saying, «Well, you know what? Sin doesn’t matter to God anymore». No, no, free through understanding that one sacrifice for all time, it causes in you a gratefulness, a thankfulness, yeah, even worship to God. Look at it again. No more consciousness of sins versus reminder of sins every year and yet our preaching, our ministry many a times is a reminder of sins, because a reminder of sins means the blood didn’t work. The next verse, «It’s not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins».

Why do the Jewish people have reminder of sins every year? Because it’s not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. And when you and I, we have a reminder of sins every time we come to God’s house, we have it from the pulpit, we have it to each other and all that, we are saying the blood of Jesus could not take away sins. If my debt, my financial debt has been paid by a generous benefactor who loves me, and I still act uneasy, queasy in the presence of my former creditor, it’s an insult to the one that paid my debt. Hmm? But is there a cleansing? This is the conscience, no more consciousness of sins. Yes, there is, and it’s for the lack of knowledge of this that the body of Christ is also sick.

I’m gonna tell you something about the body of Christ knows about forgiveness through the blood, but they do not know about this daily washing of the water of the Word. I’m gonna tell you what is being done right now, what Jesus is doing to you. Number two, what is the nature of this water before you leave? And I tell you this, if you understand this, not only this washing of water will cleanse you of your daily defilements, there is a defilement, but it will keep you healthy. So, let’s go right into it.

John 13, «Before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew», this is the upper room. Before Jesus was betrayed, in fact, in the process of being betrayed. «When Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end». To the end here is not a measure of time, it’s a measure of extent. He loved them to the uttermost, so beautiful. When he saw the cross in front, he knew that all of them will be left without a shepherd. He knew that the devil had put in Judah’s heart, he loved them and this time he loved them to the fullest. Amazing. You know how it’s like before you go for a long trip? You look at your little boy and you hug him for a longer time, at that moment you loved him to the end, not time in the Greek, but measure.

«And supper being ended», I don’t know why they say supper being ended, because in the Greek it actually says supper being going on, ginomai. In other version it tells you that as well. «The devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray Him,» verse 3, «Jesus, knowing the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper, laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself».

Now, stop. He rose from what? Supper. Now, there is something very beautiful in terms of type. He’s about to die on the cross and go back to the Father. He rose from supper, supper, the memorial of his death. He rose from his death. It’s a picture of resurrection. What he’s gonna do when he is resurrected, okay? What’s he gonna do? He laid aside his garments, took a towel, and girded himself. He took on the garb of his servant. Isn’t that amazing? No wonder John, in the Book of Revelation, when John saw him, this John who leaned on his bosom, this John called himself the disciple whom Jesus loved, when he saw his master full of glory, he fell at his feet like one dead. And the Bible says he saw him girded with a golden, this time it’s a golden girdle, though in heaven he still serves.

There are four gospels, you have different features of our Lord Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Matthew, he’s portrayed as the king. That’s why in Matthew it starts off by saying, «The generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham». Wait a minute, son of David first, then son of Abraham? But don’t you know Abraham came before David? Yet it says the son of David, the son of Abraham, why? Because David was a king and to Abraham was a promise given. It’s a book of the king. That’s why you have the Sermon on the Mount. That’s the constitution of the king, amen?

And how does a king use his power? The first thing he did after the Sermon on the Mount, he came down the mountain, used his power to cleanse, to heal, his words to lift, to encourage. What a king. What a king. In Gospel of Mark, you don’t have his pedigree mentioned because a servant, and that’s how Mark portrays Jesus, as a servant. In the Gospel of Mark it begins with straightaway his ministry, and you find this chapter in chapter 1 alone of Mark immediately, straightaway he got out of the water. Immediately, Jesus went. Immediately, immediately, why? It’s a picture of the worker, the tireless laborer.

In the Gospel of Luke, he’s portrayed as a man and because he’s a man, he has ancestors in terms of his natural family, Mary and Joseph, and it’s traced all the way to Adam, whereas in Matthew, it’s traced only to Abraham. Then the Gospel of John where he’s portrayed as God, there is no pedigree. God has no pedigree. It starts with, «In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God, and the word became flesh and dwelt among us,» amen?

So, the four faces of the Tabernacle you find this on the veil, you find this almost everywhere in the Tabernacle is you have the face of the lion, Gospel of Matthew, the king of the beast. Then you have the face of the ox, the tireless laborer. Then you have the face of a man on a veil. Then you have the face of man is Gospel of Luke. Then you have the face of the eagle, God in the heavenlies. Wow, sorry, I got distracted. The beauty of our Lord Jesus. He rose again.

So, you know which Gospel ends… all the Gospel endings are very interesting. In Matthew, the last chapter of Matthew, after he rose from the dead, you don’t see him go back to heaven. He’s still on earth commissioning the disciples, go into all the world, the great commission. It’s as if he’s still on earth, because it’s the gospel of the king. So, he ends there with him commissioning, right? But in the Gospel of Mark, how does it end? It ends with the disciples going around and the Lord working with them. The last verse of the last chapter of Mark, the Lord working with them with signs and wonders confirming the Word. And now even in heaven, John saw him with a golden girdle. He’s still serving you. It’s pride not to allow him to serve you.

So, what does he want to do? He’s about to do an action right now, he’s about to do an action right now that many of us think, we in the church we think we understand, but actually we don’t, because Jesus said, when we say that sometimes we practice feet washing, you know, we wash one another’s feet. Now, I’m not knocking that, but if it’s just natural, physical feet washing, why did Jesus tell Peter, when Peter says, «You must not wash my feet,» Jesus says, «What I do now, you don’t understand, but you will know later». Didn’t Peter understand what is feet washing?

So, it’s obviously there’s a deeper meaning to the feet washing. So, let’s go on. «He rose from supper, took a towel and girded Himself». Next verse, «After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet». He’s portraying to us what he’s doing right now in heaven after he’s risen from the dead. «He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded». Girded means what? It’s like a belt. He had a towel, all right, he took off his shirt, all right, his outward tunic, and then muscles grippling after 30 years of working in a carpenter’s workshop. He knelt down and usually this kind of task, you know, in Israel, the thing is this, many a times because they only wear sandals, okay, they walk in the dusty streets of Israel and all that.

Y’all know what it’s like, okay? By the time they reach the house, their feet is dusty. So, the lowest of the most lowest slave of the house is the one that does this most menial task of washing your feet before your enter in. So, obviously, they’re all looking at each other and said, «No, not me, I was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration». They looked at Thomas, Thomas says, «I doubt it’s me». All right, so Jesus took water, and that’s a symbolic act. I want you to know that Jesus did it purposefully, all right? He girded himself. Say towel. Say towel. With the towel, he washed the disciples’ feet, wiped them, that means dried them with the towel with which he was girded.

Now, I’m gonna tell you right now because of time, washing the disciples’ feet is a form of preaching, is a form of… however you do it. If every morning you spend time reading a portion of the Word or daily bread or your daily guide or day by day, all right, whatever it is, you are exposing yourself to the basin of water. Are you listening? And that is what washes your feet. Now, after he washes, he wiped your feet dry with what? The towel with which he was girded like a belt. The towel was around him after he washes, he takes out the towel and he dries it.

What is the towel? Very interestingly the Greek word for towel is lention. Lention means linen cloth, and linen in the Bible is a picture of righteousness. And if that is not enough, let’s look at Isaiah 11, verse 5, «And righteousness», messianic Scripture, «And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins». So, the girdle of his loins, you must know Scripture to interpret Scripture, and what he did was that preachers listen, after you preach the word, even it’s a corrective word, even it’s a word that is heavy, all right, you need to end up drying their feet with a sense of righteousness. Leave them refreshed that they are the righteousness of God in Christ. Speak if need be.

Now, please don’t think that it’s just preaching from the pulpit, all right? I’m gonna show you the importance of listening to the Word, whether it’s from your friend, whether it’s from a book you read, or from the Scriptures itself, whatever it is, expose yourself to the water. Why? If not, you’ll be dusty, and when you’re dusty, you are the devil’s food, because God said to the devil, «Dust you shall eat all the days of your life». Are you listening, people?

Okay, so you need the water, not the blood. I’m gonna prove to you right now. Go back to John 13, «Then Jesus came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, ‘Lord, are You washing my feet?’ Jesus answered and said to him, ‘What I’m doing, you see, you do not understand now». Obviously, he understood that it was physical washing, so I’m not referring to the physical washing. And if you want to practice that and all that as an act of humility, go ahead, but I’m telling you this portion is not about that, it’s about something symbolic that is showing us the greater truth that when he goes back to the Father, what he’s doing right now to all of us. Hmm?

Do you know right now washing of the water is happening? You have been regenerated by the blood. You had a bath by the blood. What you need daily is wash your feet. And if you can’t do it, God will send somebody. In fact, later on he says, «Do you know what I did to you? Do this to one another. Share the Word. Cleanse one another’s feet». I’m getting ahead of myself, but Peter said, «Lord, are you washing my feet»? Jesus says, «You will understand this later». Verse 8, «Peter said to Him, ‘You will never wash my feet!'»

You know, while I’m talking about the flesh, let me tell you about the flesh. The flesh is either too forward, all right, or too backwards. First, the flesh says, «Huh, you’re gonna wash my feet»? He’s too backward. Then after the Lord said, «If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me». «Simon Peter said, ‘Lord, not my feet only, also my hands and my head!'» So, the flesh is either too backward. «Are you gonna wash my feet»? After that, «Wash everything».

So, the flesh never goes in flow with God. It is always added forward or backwards like a horse or a mule. In fact, before the chapter ends, he told the Lord, «I’ll follow you to death». The flesh can be very courageous. The next verse Jesus said, «Before the cock crows, you’ll deny me three times». Too coward. The flesh is either too courageous or too coward all in the same chapter. Don’t trust our flesh. I don’t make, you know, special vows, special promises, or you know, in the beginning of the year, because I know I’ll break it. I rely on him. Joseph Prince don’t trust in his flesh. Look at what Jesus says, «If I don’t wash you, if I don’t wash you, you have no part»? No, he did not say this is not a washing of salvation.

Some people say, «This is washing of the water». No, it’s not. It’s a washing of, listen, if I don’t wash you, what happens? You have no part in me, that’s how some people interpret. No, in me means salvation. You have no part with me, meta, with me. With me means what? You cannot flow with me, you’ll either be too ahead, too behind, you’ll not be flowing with me. You need the washing of the water of the Word. I’m so eager to come to the content of the water, but let’s just so step by step. Okay, verse 9, «Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head»!

I want to say something here to all of you. Throughout this account you’ll find that both, all the disciples, whether it’s Thomas, my Lord and my God, whether it’s Peter, throughout this entire chapter he calls him, «Lord, Lord, Lord». It’s one thing for the writers of the Gospels to say Jesus went here, and Jesus said this and Jesus that and Jesus said this, but I think it’s a good practice for us. Nothing wrong with saying Jesus, Jesus. Nothing wrong with that, all right? He doesn’t mind. It’s his name. But the thing is that can you also say often, «Lord»? Lord. Later on he says, «You call me master and Lord and you say well. If I your master and Lord have done these things, you ought also to do this to one another». Let’s call him Lord, not just Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

Now, nothing wrong with that. I’m not gonna say that from now on no more, no, but learn to say, «Lord, the Lord». It’s a confession of Jesus as Lord that is most powerful. As charismatics, we are very, very fast on saying, «Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,» you know? Again, I’m saying there’s nothing wrong, but let’s learn to say Lord Jesus or Lord or Lord Jesus Christ often also. Okay, «Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head»! Next verse. Now watch this, «Jesus said to him, ‘He who is bathed.'» Bathed means what? All over. That’s salvation. That is by the blood. «He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet».

Both bathe, louo in Greek, wash his feet, wash is nipto, two different Greek words are used. One is total salvation. You are saved once and for all. You are washed once and for all by the blood which the main characteristic is what? It cleanses us like soap cleanses. Now, he need only, needs only to wash his feet, ’cause feet is what? For walking, you contract defilements. You know, in our daily life, just walking through this, you go to the barber, you go walk to the mall, you watch television, whatever it is, there are daily defilements, negativism, wrong beliefs, people’s wrong beliefs trying to impose in your mind. Subconsciously you accept it, and you listen.

One out of five Americans, one out of five Australians, one out of five Singaporeans will suffer this by the age of 60 or but whatever it is, and you start accepting, you know, and you are defiled. You have changed through the power of right believing. The devil is using it against you. Defilement, you see pictures you shouldn’t have seen, but it flashes real fast. You look at a billboard, you can’t help it, you are there. It stares at you. Have you seen? No, but you are defiled, your mind is defiled. How do you wash yourself away from all this? Water of the Word. It does not mean you have lost your standing, you’re still righteous in the Father’s eyes, you are still in splendor with all the merits and the glories and the excellence of our Lord Jesus put on you.

When God looks at you, you never lose that once and for all bath. But your feet is dirty. And grace teachers, please never say there’s no more cleansing. No, thank God for that once and for all bath. But there is a daily cleansing. Make sure you avail yourself of it. «Pastor, I’m not the type that reads the Bible a lot». You know something, but you ask the Lord to wash you, he will either cause you to read something, or your friend might call you, say something, all of a sudden you feel the washing. Are you listening, people? So, Jesus says, «He who is bathed,» saved, wash once and for all, «needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean». Say completely clean. And he looks at his disciples and said, «And you are clean, but not all of you».

Now, who is he referring to? Not all of you. Let’s finish off that one first. Let’s go the next verse. «For he knew who would betray him». That is Judas Iscariot. Therefore, he said, «You are not all clean», okay, got it? So, let’s get that out first. Remove Judas Iscariot. All right, and the teaching is what? Once you, you see when you go to the beach, it’s good to bring a bottle of water, a huge bottle or a pail, why? After you bathe and all that, or even you play with the water. The other day I was at the beach with my son, and I forgot to, usually I bring a bottle of water, and we just, you know, tread in the water and play with him, but man, the sand will get stuck on your, in between your toes, right? And you wish that on your way to the, to the restroom, right, you can at least have water to clean your feet as you sit down somewhere.

So, likewise after you wash, in those days, Jesus’s days, they go to a public bath or the river. But when they come out, there they are washed clean, but then they step on mud. They don’t have to go back to the complete bath again. You’ll never get saved and re-saved and re-saved. In 1 John 1:9 that he will forgive you, no, that cannot be. You don’t get re-forgiven and re-forgiven and re-forgiven. But there is a constant cleansing of water to present the bride glorious without blemish, without spot. Are you with me so far? Are you all learning? Okay, praise God.

Let’s find the content of the water, shall we? This one will take the entire chapter of Numbers 19. Numbers, you know that Numbers… I need to do it in Numbers and Leviticus. You all got time? All right, anyway, just to let you know because of time, I’ll just tell you what the content is hidden in the book of Numbers. Very interesting because it should be in the book of Leviticus. All the offerings that we know of, sin offering, trespass offering, peace offering, meal offering, burnt offering, they’re all found in Leviticus, the book of worship. The book where most Christians, their book is still pasted together, all right, which I love to preach from, okay?

But I love that book. It unveils Jesus, and that’s why as grace teachers, it’s important we not only say, «The work finished everything». We need to study that work. How finished is finished? How complete is complete? Because everything in the Old Testament… the New Testament gives you the substance, but the Old Testament many times gives you the details. But the funny thing, the amazing thing is this: in all this five offerings in Leviticus, we don’t find the ashes of the red heifer mentioned.

Now, say red heifer. You know what’s a heifer? A female cow. They choose a female cow that’s red in color. There’s a practice from Numbers. But Numbers is a book of wandering. Shouldn’t this red heifer offering, shouldn’t this be in Leviticus with all the five offerings? Herein is the wonderful thing about inspiration of Scripture. If man wrote it, if a Jewish rabbi wrote it, he will compile everything in Leviticus. But because this book is from God, he puts it solely in the book of wandering, the book of Numbers, when Israel’s wandering in the wilderness, because the ashes of the red heifer is not for salvation, it is for your daily walk.

So ashes of the red heifer, chapter 19: «Now the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, ‘This is the ordinance of the law, which the Lord has commanded, saying, «Speak»‘». I’m not going to read the entire chapter. Don’t worry, okay? «Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring you a red heifer without blemish». Now, who is the red heifer? Our Lord Jesus. Why is it a female here? Because when it’s a male in the Bible it speaks of strength, active. If it’s a female, it speaks of passivity, okay? Male, active. Female, passive.

So when you talk about the ashes of the red heifer, because it’s a heifer, it’s talking about how the Lord will apply this to you. It’s not about you applying to you. It’s about, hey, Peter didn’t take the basin of water and say, «I clean myself». So don’t leave with this idea. I’m telling you what the Lord would do to you. It’s a passive, which means he’s active, you are passive. Let’s go on, because I want to show you the content of the water, okay? «Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring you a red heifer without blemish». That’s our Lord Jesus, without blemish, amen. Peter said he did no sin. Peter, the man of action. He said, «The Lord did no sin». Paul, the man of knowledge, Paul says, «He knew no sin». John, a man of the heart, he says, «In Jesus, in him is no sin». Without blemish. «In which there is no defect, on which a yoke has never come». Inside, outside, he is without sin. No spot, no defect.

I told you, every word in the Bible is precious. Every word. I wish I can camp here, talk about the Lord. Inward, outward. That’s why all these paintings that says he’s not good looking, you know, there is no beauty that we should desire him. No, that phrase, there is no beauty, is in the context of Isaiah 53 when he was beaten, spat upon by soldiers, multitude of soldiers, a legion of soldiers and all that, until his face was deformed, and his face was deformed to give you, «Let the beauty of the Lord God be upon us».

Can you imagine a child growing up with no sin in his blood, how radiant, how beautiful, how good looking Jesus is. He is the fairest, he’s the most beautiful of 10,000. Thirty years working without modern tools in a carpenter workshop, stonemasonry, his biceps, my best friend… Whatever’s there. «Blessed are those who have not seen,» Jesus said to Thomas, «and yet believe». Okay, so this is our Lord Jesus. Okay, what happens? Now, listen, the next verse says: «You shall give it to Eleazar the priest». I wish I have time to tell you Eleazar, his name means helper, and Jesus said of the Holy Spirit, and he was speaking Aramaic, in Hebrew, he would say, «Eleazar, I will send Eleazar to you».

So the Holy Spirit was the one that brought Jesus outside the camp. Eleazar will bring the red heifer outside the camp. Hebrews 13 says Jesus was crucified outside the camp, outside the Jewish camp, amen, fulfilling the type. «It shall be slaughtered before him». Notice, the Holy Spirit didn’t slaughter him, didn’t kill him, but the heifer was slaughtered before Eleazar, okay? Now, what happens? It’s very interesting. Church, listen. The entire thing, all right, what happened is that it’s slaughtered, it’s burnt until it become ashes. They would throw in the scarlet, the cedar, and the hyssop, representing the smallest to the greatest of nature, all right? It’s all in the finished work of Christ, and then become ashes.

But the blood, earlier on they take the blood and they sprinkle it seven times before the temple. Jewish tradition says it was done on the Mount of Olives before the Temple Mount, facing the Temple Mount, seven times, okay? Which means perfect reconciliation, perfect redemption. Are you listening, people? But they keep the ashes. I said they keep the ashes. And it is actually used for, listen carefully, when someone touches death. It’s all about dead things. You touch a dead bone, a dead skeleton, a dead carcass, you touch anything dead, you are unclean. And then they must take the ashes of the red heifer and okay, let me just show you two more verses from Numbers 19: «Whoever in the open field touches one who is slain by a sword», death, or who has died, death, bone of man, death, grave, death, shall be unclean seven days. It’s all about dead things. «For an unclean person they shall take some of the ashes of the heifer».

Now, how do you get ashes? You burn it. You burn it until the substance cannot be burnt anymore, and what do you have? Ashes. Ashes means the judgment is past. In fact, because it has been judged, it has become ashes. That is the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ, hallelujah. That means what? That means its time is finished. Keep that in mind. Ashes means what? That means the judgment has gone through it. And the judgment cannot burn anymore. You know how the fire dies? When the carcass becomes ashes, the fire says, «Enough. We have exacted payment». And now the ashes is a reminder of what? Finished. Your sins, finished. The devil says, «I’m going to make sure that you fall sick because of that sin». And God says, «These are the evidence. He was burned already». Jesus became sick with your penalty. Are you listening, people?

So they take the ashes, «burnt for purification from sin,» notice that? «And running water,» or living water, mayim chayim in Hebrew. «Living water shall be put on them in a vessel». Next verse: «A clean person shall take hyssop and dip it in the water, sprinkle it on the tent», your entire family, «on the vessels», whatever you have, «on the persons», you, yourself, «who were there, and on the one who touched a bone, the slain, the dead, or the grave».

Look up here, people. It’s beautiful. The ashes are put one side. It’s not thrown away. The ashes are put one side as evidence that payment has been done for your sins. And then these ashes, when someone touches a dead bone, you know, let me explain. A hunter, when he shoots real fast, all right, and he shoots two birds, you know, two birds fall from the branch of the tree, the other five birds fly away, okay? Which bird does he go for? Does he hunt for the five that flew away? No, he looks for the ones that fell to make sure that they are dead. Perhaps there’s one that’s wounded. He doesn’t want it to go away, fly away, because there’s still life. The devil doesn’t care for those who are dead, but you still have life. You understand? But that’s why when we touch death, you know, who’s touching death?

I remember one time when I was with my pastors, and I look at a book. It’s actually a book, a simple, well, I thought it was a psychology book. Nothing else to browse through, so I pick up the book, and I read through some of the things. Quite interesting, I thought it was quite interesting. Actually, it’s a book, a very famous book, on the occult, parapsychology. They put a lot of mixture in. When I put the book back, and I walked away, that whole afternoon I had terrible headaches. I asked the Lord, «What happened, Lord»? And this is how the Lord said to me: «You touched death».

Now, I’m not saying if you have headache right now, okay? I’m not saying every headache is caused by, but here I’m telling you, church, what the Lord said: «You touched death». Sometimes we watch a movie, and we touch death. We are not dead, we are still alive. We are still glorious in God’s, the Father’s eyes. We are still covered with the merits of Christ. We are still covered with a robe of righteousness, but we touched death. Are you listening, people?

How do you wash it away? It is not by being re-forgiven. It is not by being rewashed in the blood. You don’t go back for a bath. You need to wash your feet. How? Start exposing yourself again. Start listening to a sermon that talks about the ashes. Many sermons don’t talk about the ashes. They say that you need to burn. You need to sacrifice. You need to produce some ashes yourself. Make sure your sermon you are listening so because what happened to the guy who touched death in Numbers 19? There’s a vessel of living water, running water. They take the vessel, they take the ashes, listen. They take the ashes which means the finished work of Jesus, all right? The fire has done its job. They put into living water.

What is the living water? The Holy Spirit. «For if the ashes,» the writer of Hebrews says, «if the ashes of the red heifer, sprinkling the unclean purifies the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit purged your conscience from dead works to serve the living God»? So here he is. He put the ashes into the water and takes like a very small plant, a hyssop, all right? He dip into it. And you are the unclean person who has touched death, and he sprinkle on you. You’re clean. Are you listening?

Now, do you know, Jesus in the Upper Room said to his disciples, «I am the vine, you are the branches. Now you are clean through the Word that I’ve spoken unto you». Wow, just by listening to the Word, you are clean. Not by the blood, by the water. Do you know that every time you come to church on Sunday, you go off refreshed? You don’t feel dusty anymore, amen? And during the week, you’re listening to Pastor Prince’s sermon. At least I’m confident that ash is inside. I’m confident that there’s living water inside, all right? So I can speak for myself, can I? But there are many good, many others who are also, but the thing is, now don’t listen to one who has no ashes. They come to you and say, «Your case, terrible. Quin, take him to the river again. You need to rebathe and rebathe, reforgiven, reforgiven, reforgiven». No, no, friend. This shows us the importance of hearing the Word of God. Are you listening?

You know something? I wish I have time to tell you about Leviticus 14, about the leper. The leper in the day of his cleansing, which never happened before Jesus came, because no leper in Israel was cleansed. In fact, in the Old Testament, only Naaman the Syrian was cleansed. No Jew was cleansed. The first time was Jesus touched the man who was full of leprosy. Jesus touched him and said, «Be clean,» and Jesus says, «Go offer a sacrifice as Moses commanded». He was referring to Leviticus 14. So when a man went to offer the sacrifice to the priest, the priest says, «How in the world are you». And the guy says, «A man called Jesus cleansed my leprosy,» as a testimony to this Jewish priest that the Messiah has come.

So Leviticus 14 was never fulfilled. But nonetheless, if you go to it, it says: «When the leper is cleansed,» what’s the gift to be offered? And Jesus told the man who was just cleansed, healed of leprosy, «Go offer the gift». What gift is it? It’s two birds. Two birds. He brings the two birds, or the two birds are brought for him, it’s a passive term, because he’s poor, he’s a leper. It’s brought for him, and he comes to the priest. And what happened is this: the priest takes one bird, listen, one bird. Both birds represent our Lord Jesus Christ. Because he’s so poor, he brings a bird. In those days, when you are rich, you bring a bullock; when you are middle income, you bring a lamb or a goat; when you’re so poor, you can bring a bird which can be easily caught in Israel. They’re a dime a dozen, all right? Or a handful of flour, because Jesus says, «I am the bread of life».

Anything that typified to the Father his Son, it is accepted. You see how good God is? Today, the truth reverse it. If you are poor, spiritually, you only have a small revelation of Jesus, bird size. If you are rich, you have a bullock size, okay? Bullock-sized revelation. May all of you have bullock-sized revelation, not bullock-sized lips, but bullock-sized revelation, amen. Okay, are y’all enjoying this, before I go on? So I’m bringing this to a close. So he brings the two birds, right, to the priest, and the priest takes one bird, listen. He kills that bird, the picture of the cross, Jesus Christ, all right? And the bird is dead, all right?

The blood is caught in a bowl, and he puts again cedar, hyssop, and scarlet, and then he brings that leper in front of him, and he takes the living bird. Say living bird. There’s a picture of resurrection. There’s death and resurrection. The living bird is not killed. This living bird is dipped into the blood of the dead bird. In our case, Jesus’s work is one. Dip, and then now he’s full of blood, all on his wings, and he will sprinkle the blood on the leper. And then the Bible says, Leviticus 14, when he sprinkles it seven times, he will, «pronounce the leper clean, and shall let the living bird loose in the open field,» resurrection and ascension.

See, Jesus goes back to heaven after he rose from the dead. Because he has applied the blood to you. Are you listening? He pronounced him what? Clean. We’ve got to be careful. Our sermon must be, God is watching. God says, «What I have cleansed,» he tells all preachers, «don’t you dare call unclean». Our ministries pronounce people clean by the blood, okay? So there’s the first clean, taher in Hebrew. But look at this, verse 8: «He who is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes, shave off his hair, wash himself in water,» clothes speaks of your testimony. «Wash himself in water,» this time, «that he may be clean». Wait a minute, I thought he was pronounced clean already? So the first pronounce clean is what? Salvation. Now for that, your habits and all that must be washed in water, okay? Then «that he may be clean».

Now, I’m going to show you something that I pray that you will get this, because you get this, it’s got to do with sickness and disease. Can you try, by the grace of God? Father, give me the words. Because in the Hebrew there are a deeper study of the word taher, which is the word clean, both pronouncing clean, taher, that he may be clean, next verse. Is also taher. But even though it’s the same word, in the Hebrew there is a stem of that word which is either qal, Q-A-L or P-L. Now, qal, if it’s qal, it means cleansing, listen, the very first interpretation of qal is cleansing from physical disease. Cleansing from what? Physical disease.

Now, pronounce him clean, is not qal, it is P-L. That means what? Pronounced clean, ceremonially clean. But the next one, that he may be clean. Even though the same Hebrew word, but the stem is qal, which means what? Free from physical disease. There are two cleansing here. Are you listening, people? What does that mean, Pastor Prince? This is what’s interesting. Every time you sit under the Word of God, your body gets healthier. But make sure it’s the death and resurrection of Jesus. This guy was cleansed by the death, all right, and the resurrected Jesus applying his blood, amen. And just now we read about the ashes of the red heifer, it is applied when you touch death.

So, because of time, I cannot go into detail, but let me just tell you this. Jesus did both in one fell swoop, both kind of cleansing. When the leper came to him, Jesus went down the mountain. And the Father spoke to me some time ago, and God said to me, «Son, even though the cleansing of the leper was not chronologically the first miracle Jesus did, the first miracle was turn water into wine. However, in terms of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, the Holy Spirit deemed fit to put the first miracle of healing as the cleansing of the leper». And the Lord said to me, «Study this». And that’s when I study it and I got all this. The Lord says, «Study it because you will find a revelation there for healing».

By the way, I just started something, it’s only a starting, all right? So, the first one is pronouncement of cleanse, being clean in terms of ceremonially. That he may be clean, the second verse, refers to free from physical disease. Now, who wants that? Y’all don’t want, it’s okay, you know? In fact, this washing of the water might keep you young. Young means you got responsibilities. I was somewhere the other day and someone, a lady who was in a shop, I asked her for some product, you know? She looked at me, now it’s in her interest to sell the product, isn’t it? She says, «No, these are for older people, not for you». I said, «Praise God». So I said, «Okay, okay, I don’t need that product». God bless her, she has great discernment.

Anyway, all right, go on, praise God. Stay under the Word, man. Say under the washing of the water of the Word, amen? It refreshes you, it cleans you up. I’m bringing this to a close. All right, Jesus did this in one fell swoop. The first miracle documented in Matthew, which is the first miracle of all the miracles, but it’s not first miracle in terms of chronological order. That’s what the Father said. But why did the miracle was mentioned first in the Gospel of Matthew? Jesus came down after he preached the Sermon on the Mount, he came down and a leper came to him, and says, «Lord».

I don’t know how the leper made it, there’s a multitude there. Nonetheless, he was there. And I got a whole sermon on this when I was at that location, I saw something that I never saw before. There were rocks all around. He must have hidden in one of those rocks. And Jesus did not go the way down where the multitude were. He went down where the rocks were. Because he went down where the multitudes were doesn’t make sense. Based on the Bible, it says the crowds followed him. That means he went the other way, because of one leper. See the compassion of our Lord Jesus? So after he finished his Sermon on the Mount, he went down the other way, and the Bible says the leper came to him and says, «Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean».

Now, he used the word what? He didn’t say, «You can make me well». «You can make me clean». Jesus touched him. Jesus said, «I am willing». Jesus said what? «Be», not healed. In other cases, he would say, «Be healed. Be thou made whole,» right? In this case, «Be clean». And immediately, his leprosy left. And the Father said to me, «Son, study this. It’s this cleansing that gives healing». And that’s when I studied this and God brought me to Numbers and Leviticus. And there’s so much more, you know, but I don’t have time. Just to suffice to say this, and for grace teachers, thank God for the finished work. Yes, what cleanses people is the constant preaching, constant sharing. Whether it is through the Bible you receive it or whether you read books, or you listen to messages, you must keep on listening.

Martin Luther said that, «I need to preach to myself every day the gospel because every day I forget». I said before, you listen to a sermon, 10 series, 10 weeks, a series on grace. The 11th week, somebody comes and preach a mixture, you can forget all 10. ‘Cause the natural propensity of the human flesh is to gravitate towards law, okay? So, the thing is this, people. What is the water that Jesus washed them with? It is a reminder of his finished work, applied practically. So the water is… you know how you apply water? The water must contain ashes? You cannot just say, «Well, water is also the Ten Commandments». No, no, no, no, no. You know, you must be accurate. I showed you Scripture. I took pains to show you Numbers 19, all right? The application of the water is a reminder. And don’t forget, right after he washes their feet, what does he do? He takes the towel, lention, linen cloth, which is «Righteousness is the girdle of his loins,» and he dries their feet with.

Every sermon, every book you read, must leave you with a righteousness consciousness or else it’s not the ministry of the New Testament. Makes you feel dirty, makes you feel lousy, makes you feel more under the dust, taking dust and ashes on your head, it’s not the ministry of the New Testament. It is killing you. So church, let me just say this to you. If you’re having problems, you cannot psych your way out of fear, but you can listen to your way out of fear. Get an iPod, whatever you need to get, and load it down with good sermons. But make sure that these sermons contain the ashes. Make sure that they end off by drying your feet. Wet feet walking around will contract even more defilement. Hmm?

It is the Holy Spirit applying the death of Christ, the reminder of it, that cleanses people, that cleanses the believer today. And that’s why this is not 1 John 1:9. It cannot be, because 1 John 1:9 will remind you of your sins. This is a reminder your sins are put away. The work has been done. You cannot say, «Well Pastor Prince, I know all that already». No, you need to daily know because we forget. Everything in this world cries. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Everything in this world says, all right, your conscience will say, «You have done wrong, now expect this to happen. Expect that to happen».

You need the washing of the water. You need good messages to read or to listen to, or even find for yourself as you go into God’s word. But the thing is this, God has given us helps, and it’s the height of pride to say, «I just read the Bible». Someone I know recently say, «I just read the Bible». Well friend, what has it brought you? ‘Cause it can actually be a pride. I read the Bible, but listen, God has given us helps, ministers, teachers, pastors. Use both. But make sure the minister is a minister of the new covenant. Amen?

And for all the grace teachers that say there’s no more cleansing, let me just tell you this, there is. Let me show you this. How do you explain this? 2 Corinthians 7 and I’ll close with this. Verse 1, «Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves». Let us what? Cleanse ourselves, «From all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God». There is a cleansing. When your body and your spirit get defiled, you feel dirty. You’re still righteous, all right? But you say, «Pastor, where’s the word here»? Read, «Therefore, having these,» loss or promises? Promises. It is through the Word of God. His greatest promise is, «Your sins I remember no more». Keep on reminding yourself of that and guess what? The defilements fall away.

I asked the Lord for a good illustration for this a number of years ago and he gave me this. I’ll close with this. Look up here. And this is what every ministry of the New Testament ought to be. This is how, when you contract defilement, you are still intrinsically, listen, you are in God’s eyes, in Christ, you are still glorious, but you fell among dirt. And this is how God cleanses you. You see the little gold medallion? That’s like people who are true believers. And this is what the Lord does. He picks you up. You are still valuable. Would you pick this up if you see it? Of course. It’s still valuable. You would pick it up.

You see, it’s still righteous. It is still covered with Christ’s glory. And then you wash with the water of the word. This is what every preaching ministry ought to be, every book, every blogging. Every time we interact with each other, this is what we should do to one another. Now you see, this is cleansing ourselves through his promises, his word, from all filthiness of the flesh and the spirit. This filthiness fix themselves on us, but they are not us. They don’t become us. There are those who would teach, you see, you can sin and become dirty again, all right? In a sense, this is dirty first. At first you saw that, but it’s not dirty inwardly. You can never be dirty inwardly again. You have been made righteous, but it can contract defilement. It’s your feet washing. Are you listening? Amen.

Now you are clean. Now you are clean through the Word that’s been spoken to you. And the Lord said, and I’ll close with this, John 13:12, «When He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down, He said, ‘Do you know what I’ve done to you?'» Go on. «You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I’ve done to you». Look up here. Some people don’t read their Bibles, you all know that, but they talk to you. Some people, our young people, some of them, they don’t spend time in the word or listening to Pastor Prince’s messages, but father, mother, they listen to you. Put ashes in your words and let’s do this to one another. When we see a brother that’s contracted, we don’t say, «How dirty your feet is. You need to be born again. You need to be reforgiven». No, we humble ourselves and we wash them.

Every time you talk to someone, you have this opportunity to do what Jesus did. This is loving one another, amen? I’m not saying that you gotta, you know, every day you gotta spend 1 hour in the Bible. It’s ideal you can spend some time in this book, but Jesus does not limit himself, his Word, just to the Bible. He will get his Word through his servants. A phone call, a text. Someone comes to your mind, text them. «No weapon formed against you will prosper». That person might be going through some things. They know this verse before. They have heard it before, but what timely word when the Holy Spirit brings to your mind the living water.

Apply the ashes. Because of what Jesus has done, you will not be punished. Or you can say, «This sickness is not from God. It’s from the devil». Or you can say, «This is a lying symptom». Amen. Jesus has made you well. Amen. Friend, ultimately all ministry comes from him, amen? Expect that to happen. Expect that to happen. And John saw him in the book of Revelation. He was now clad with a golden girdle. Although glorified, still a servant. And he wants to wash your feet, and today he has done it, amen? Have you been blessed? Praise the Lord. Give him praise, church. Hallelujah. Amen, amen, amen, amen. Praise the name of Jesus.

Every head bowed, every eye closed all across this place and everywhere that’s watching this right now. Friend, if you are here or you’re watching this broadcast and you’ve never encountered this wonderful love that you heard about just now. He loved you to the end. He loved you to the uttermost extent. Gave his life with arms stretched wide as if saying, «This is how much I love you». Friend, the soul that sins must die. That’s the law of the universe. That’s the law of heaven. The soul that sins must die. But God so loved the world, God so loved you, God sent his Son, that whoever believes in Christ will not perish, but have everlasting life.

And friend, on that cross, our Lord Jesus bore your sins and mine, suffered in our place, and he suffered such agony like no man ever suffered, because not only he suffered outwardly, but also inwardly, which is the worst suffering, as he bore the sins of all the world. This thrice-holy man, who is God in human flesh, had the weight of all the world’s sins upon him. And he bore all the penalties, including sickness and disease, all the judgment, all the curse, and he endured it and shouted finally, «Finished»! As every stroke of the broken law, every stroke of punishment and the curse slowly exhausted itself until it’s got no more claim on our substitute, and therefore no more claim on you. You have been forgiven righteously. You have been forgiven on judicial ground. Someone died in your place, and because that someone is eternal, you have eternal forgiveness.

And friend, if you have not received this, this is your moment, this is your time to receive what he has done for you. Jesus cried at the end, «Finished»! It’s now all ashes. and the devil wants to bring these ashes in front of you and threaten you with it. Just say, «Ashes, ashes, ashes». Jesus finished it. And he rose from the dead. God raised him from the dead as a receipt to all his people that your sins have been put away. The same body that carried our sins rose without them. It’s a declaration. His resurrection is a declaration that our sins have been effectually put away. Friend, if that is you wherever you are right now, pray this prayer with me. Say from your heart:

Heavenly Father, you love the world, therefore you love me. And though a sinner, you loved me and you sent your Son while I was still a sinner to die for me, for all my sins on that tree. And Jesus finished it all on my behalf, and he rose from the dead without my sins. Hallelujah. I’m in Christ risen, forevermore. Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Savior. Thank you, Father, in Jesus’ name. And all the people said amen. Praise the Lord.

Let’s all stand to our feet. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Lift your hands all across this place. I really believe that after the washing of water of the Word, just like in the Old Testament, before the priest can pronounce the blessings, there must be a sacrifice. After the sacrifice, then the song of the Lord began and the priest would bless the people. Because we have a greater sacrifice, we have better blood, we have a more excellent name, therefore guess what? Your blessings are greater than all the Jews ever had in the Old Testament. Amen? Lift up your hands all across this place and everywhere that’s watching this.

This coming week, the Lord bless you with the blessings of Father Abraham and the blessings of Deuteronomy 28. Blessed coming in, blessed going out, blessed in all that you set your hand unto. Even if your enemies come against you one way, they flee before you seven ways. The Lord will make you the head and not the tail. You come to a place you will lend and not borrow. The Lord bless the fruit of your body. Your children are blessed. The Lord bless your children in every area of their lives. The Lord bless them in their studies. The Lord keep you and your families throughout this week from danger, harm, accident, from disease, from the powers of darkness. The Lord preserve you and your loved ones from all evil. The Lord make his face shine on you. Be gracious to you and your loved ones throughout this week. And the Lord lift up his countenance and grant you shalom well being, health, and peace. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen, amen, amen.

This Sermon

Ever wanted to know the significance of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet? Why only the feet and not the entire body, as our Lord told Peter? Joseph Prince uncovers deeper truths behind Jesus’ actions in the washing of His disciples’ feet and explains the importance of being cleansed daily by His Word. If you’re feeling discouraged, weak, or tired in your Christian walk, let the Lord wash your feet today through your hearing of what His finished work has accomplished for you. Discover how healing, strength, and faith come and watch condemnation, fear, and oppression flee through this simple act!

The washing water of the Word is necessary for sanctification and cleansing. In Ephesians 5:26, we read about the sanctification and cleansing of the Church with the washing of water by the Word. But what does the sanctification and cleansing with the washing of water by the Word mean? Does the washing of water by the Word only refer to the water baptism or does it also refer to something else? 

The Church is sanctified and cleansed by the washing of water by the Word

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish (Ephesians 5:25-27)

But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; That being justified by His grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life (Titus 3:4-7)

Just like a person is cleansed from all the dirt and bad odors with the washing of water, the new man is sanctified and cleansed with the washing of water by the Word from all sins and iniquities and all the dirt of the flesh and the world. So that through the washing of water by the Word aka the washing of regeneration, the Church that exists of born again believers, is glorious, not having spot or wrinkle or any of such thing and is holy and without blemish.

But the sanctification and cleansing don’t stop after the washing of regeneration. The sanctification process continues with the cleansing by the washing water of the Word.

The renewing of the mind with the Word

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2)

When you have become a new creation through regeneration in Christ and have been made holy and righteous, you should renew your mind with the Word of God. So that you shall no longer think and live like the world and be conformed to the world, but by the renewing of the mind with the Word of God, you shall think and live according to the will of God.

The Word of God is the Truth, the Light, and the Life and reveals the will of God and His Kingdom and the works of the Spirit and the lies of the devil and the works of the flesh. 

The cleansing power of the Word

Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to Thy Word (Psalms 119:9)

You shall read the words of God and take the words of God and renew your mind with the Word of God. During the process of renewing your mind with the Word of God, you shall be confronted by the Word with the works of the flesh, which are not according to the will of God. 

When you are confronted by the Word you have a choice to either obey the Word and put off the works of the flesh, whereby you will be cleansed through your obedience to the Word and by putting off the works of the flesh, or to rebel against the Word and disobey the Word and reject the Word and obey the will of the flesh and keep doing the works of the flesh.

The decision you make depends upon whether you love God or you love yourself.

The Word of God is no respecter of persons and possesses the same power for everyone 

God’s Word is no respecter of persons and is the same for everyone and possesses the same power, however, the outcome aka the result of God’s Word shall be different in everyone’s life. Since every person chooses to either believe and obey the words of God or to not believe the words of God and reject the words of God, by not doing the words of God. 

We read this also in the parable of the sower. The seed was the same, however, the grounds where the seed was sown were different and therefore the outcome was different (Matthew 13:3-23, Mark 4:2-20, Luke 8:5-15 (Read also: ‘The four kinds of believers’)).

God’s Word is life and is so powerful that the lives of everyone, who yield to God’s Word and obeys and does God’s Word will change and will not remain the same.

Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you (John 15:3)

Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy Word is truth (John 17:17)

Just like the earth that is not filled with water, but always needs water and never be satisfied and can’t live without water, you shall also need the Word every day and can’t live without the Word and never be satisfied and therefore you shall never say, “yeah yeah, I know that already’ or ‘I have enough’. But you shall spend time in the Word of God every day (Proverbs 30:16).

Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way Psalm 119:9

The Word of God is like water and the words of God shall give you life, and shall refresh you and cleanse you from all the lies and dirt of the flesh and the world.

The more you abide in the Word and follow up the words, the more the Word shall possess you and you shall be fully consumed by the Word and the Holy Spirit.

Just like in the vision of Ezekiel, where Ezekiel was brought by the man through the waters and the water was first to his ankles, then to his knees, then to his loins and eventually had to swim because the waters were risen and had become a river.  

And that is the will of Jesus for His Church, Jesus wants everyone, who belongs to His Church through regeneration in Him, to be fully consumed by Him; consumed by His words.

Jesus wants His Church to be washed in the water, not only by the baptism in water, which is a one-time event, but that the Church is constantly cleansed by the washing water of the Word of God. It is the will of Jesus that the Church is consumed by His words and remains in Him; in the Word and stays holy and without blemish and the Church will be a Spring of water, whose waters fail not. 

‘Be the salt of the earth’

Fred Coulter—January 15, 2011

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Greetings, everyone, welcome to Sabbath services! Today we’re going to talk about and study:

  • What is the washing of the water by the Word?
  • Why do we need it?
  • How do we in our prayers ask God to help us?
  • It’s a very important thing!

Let’s come to Ephesians 5 and let’s see the one place where Paul writes about the washing of the water by the Word. Then we’ll put some other Scriptures together and understand what he’s talking about here.

Ephesians 5:25: «Husbands, love your own wives, in the same way that Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it; so that He might sanctify it… [sanctify means to make Holy. …having cleansed it… [Cleansed it from what?] …cleansed it with the washing of the water by the Word» (vs 25-26).

This is a process! It’s not just something that happens once, because cleanse it is present tense. And with the «…washing of the water by the Word… [notice what it’s to do]: …That He might present it to Himself as the glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it might be Holy and without blame.» (vs 26-27). That’s the whole process that Christ is using to perfect the Church.

Now, let’s come back to Ephesians 1; let’s see how this ties in with the first part of it, to see what He is doing with us so that we can be Holy and without blame. Ephesians 1:3: «Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly things… [Some people seem to think that means that we go to heaven or something like that. No! But the things that help us in conversion—God’s Spirit, the Word of God—these are heavenly things sent to the earth.] …in the heavenly things with Christ. According as He has personally chosen us for Himself before the foundation of the world in order that we might be Holy and blameless before Him in love» (vs 3-4).

  • So what is this going to do?
  • How does this operation work?

Let’s see what it’s destined to do, v 5: «Having predestinated us for sonship to Himself through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His own will.»

What is the washing of the water by the Word? Let’s come to the Gospel of John, chapter four; here we find the first instance where Jesus talks about living water. We will see that the living water has to do with the Holy Spirit. So the washing of the water by the Word, then, has to do with the Holy Spirit. Then we will see that confirmed in John 7.

John 4:9: «Therefore, the Samaritan woman said to Him, ‘How is it that You, being a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman, to give You water to drink? For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.’…. [They weren’t to associate with any Gentiles. That was a tradition of the Jews, not a Law of God.] …Jesus answered and said to her, ‘If you had known the gift of God… [Now what is the gift of God? The Spirit of God.]…and Who it is that said to you, «Give Me some water to drink,» you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water'» (vs 9-10).

Now where else do we find living waters? Where else is that mentioned? Besides John 7 where else is that mentioned? The book of Revelation! What comes out from underneath the throne of God? Living waters, crystal clear! So that has to do with the supply of the Holy Spirit. Then she didn’t understand that and she said: «…how then do You have the living water?» (v 11).

Let’s see how it is explained here in John 7:37. You’ve heard this said before, too. We’ll come back and we’ll see it in John 6 that it’s combined with something else. John 7:37: «Now, in the last day, the great day of the Feast, Jesus stood and called out, saying, ‘If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. The one who believes in Me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.’…. [We’ll see that has to do with the washing of the water by the Word.] …But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, which those who believed in Him would soon receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified» (vs 37-39).

So there we have it. «If anyone thirsts…» This is a way of explaining that human beings were made incomplete and needing the Holy Spirit of God and needing the righteousness of God to fulfill their purpose in life. We’ll see how Jesus explains it. We also have to understand that this comes through Christ. This is the part of the Holy Spirit of God which is called the Spirit of Christ and it is to do something for us. This has nothing to do with baptism. Baptism is the start of the covenant relationship between you and God. This has to do with something else that involves overcoming. It involves overcoming in our minds and in our hearts, having our minds and hearts changed.

Let’s see what Jesus said here, John 6:35: «Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; the one who comes to Me shall never hunger; and the one who believes in Me shall never thirst at any time.'» Meaning this: If you are baptized and receive the Holy Spirit of God, you are believing in Christ at all times and therefore, the Holy Spirit will satisfy the purpose of your life.

Without the Holy Spirit, you’re never going to know the purpose of life, you’re never going to be satisfied in what you’re doing. That’s why people say, like it says in the Proverbs, ‘Fool’s delight is to discover himself.’ And how many people out there, especially the hippies, they come along and they say, ‘Hey, what are you doing?’ Well, man, I’m finding myself. ‘Were you lost? Where did you go? How do you find yourself?’ And all of these things are motivated because God made us incomplete, needing the Spirit of God. So, if we do, then there’s another aspect tied to it: he «…shall never hunger; and the one who believes in Me shall never thirst at any time.»

Here’s how Jesus explained it, v 48: «I am the bread of life…. [the bread of life combined with the living waters then is what converts you] …Your fathers ate manna in the desert, but they died. This is the bread which comes down from heaven so that anyone may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which comes down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread that I give is even My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world» (vs 48-51).

They couldn’t understand that. They couldn’t understand about eating His flesh and drinking His blood and how does that fill in with the living waters?

  • You first have to repent and be baptized; that puts you in covenant with God.
  • Then you receive the Holy Spirit; so now you have Christ, Who is the living bread.
  • Through the renewal of the covenant with the unleavened bread and wine, then we receive the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is to come to us spiritually just as water:

  • to wash
  • to cleanse
  • to heal

We’ll see how that does here, v 53: «Therefore, Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, you do not have life in yourselves.'» When we get to the Passover time, we know that Jesus broke the bread and said, ‘Here, take this, eat, this is My flesh which is broken for you.’ Then He took the wine and He said, ‘All of you drink of it, this is the blood of the New Covenant which is shed for the remission of sins.’ That shows that you cannot have a relationship with Christ unless that is done that way, exactly as the Scriptures show.

Now, for many years I haven’t given detailed sermons concerning the Passover, and so forth, but this year I’m going to because there’s a lot there. What I’ll have to do is also I’ll have to show you the first and second editions of the Passover book, and then third edition—The Christian Passover. How could something so simple require so many pages? Well, the truth is, because it is so simple and so meaningful, Satan the devil has many counterfeits to try and keep the true Christians out of covenant with God. If you get out of covenant with God, you can lose your salvation. So therefore, there are so many things that come along to try and destroy that relationship.

Now let’s see what He said, v 53: «…unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, you do not have life in yourselves.» Of course, they were wondering, ‘How can this be?’ These were disciples who were following Him; not all the disciples—and a disciple means a learner—who followed him believed Him. Read John 8, we’ve gone through that before. They didn’t believe in Him.

Verse 54: «The one who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up in the last day; For My flesh is truly food, and My blood is truly drink…. [Imagine after Christ got done repeating this and repeating this, they were beside themselves. ‘What is He saying and doing?’ See, because after that those disciples who didn’t believe, they were offended and left! So much so that only the twelve were there and Jesus said to them, ‘Are you going to go?’] …The one who eats My flesh and drinks My blood is dwelling in Me, and I in him'» (vs 54-56).

So the Holy Spirit and thewashing of the water by the Word and Christ in us all tie together. Here’s the whole lesson of it, v 57: «As the living Father has sent Me, and I live by the Father; so also the one who eats Me shall live by Me.»

  • by all the words that He taught
  • the message that He brought
  • how He inspired the apostles to write what they wrote

We shall live by Him.

Let’s come to John 15 and see something else. Here we see that the Father is also involved in it, because the Holy Spirit, as we have seen, has two aspects:

  • the begettal from the Father
  • the Spirit of Christ, which gives us the mind of Christ

Then both of these work together with the washing of the water by the Word.

John 15:1: «I am the true vine, and My Father is the husbandman. He takes away every branch in Me that does not bear fruit; but He cleanses each one…. [How does He cleanse each one?] …that bears fruit, in order that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean through the word that I have spoken to you…. [The washing of the water by the Word.] (Then He explains very clearly here): …Dwell in Me, and I in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself, but only if it remains in the vine, neither can you bearfruit unless you are dwelling in Me. I am the vine, and you are the branches. The one who is dwelling in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; because apart from Me you can do nothing'» (vs 1-5).

That’s why there has to be conversion. And the washing of the water by the Word cannot take place until there first is:

  • repentance
  • baptism, which is the circumcision of the heart
  • then the Holy Spirit can be given

Once we have that, we need to grow in grace and knowledge, grow in understanding, and all of these things combine together, and that’s the process of conversion that we have by living God’s way. And the washing of the water by the Word becomes very important.

Now let’s look at the opposite of this. Let’s come to James 1, and see where it talks about unstable water of those who are unconverted. This is about praying and asking for wisdom, and so forth, and having endurance.

James 1:6: «But let him ask in faith, not doubting at all because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven by the wind and tossed to and fro…. [That’s the way of the world. And who is the ‘prince of the power of the air,’ which sweeps people along? Satan the devil!] …Do not let that man expect that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways» (vs 6-8).

That’s the very first reason why we need the washing of the water by the Word—to increase the faith, to change our thinking. Changing our thinking and cleansing our minds is the whole total purpose of conversion! And it takes the washing of the water by the Word to do that. Let’s see what James says to the double-minded; what happens when you’re double-minded. We can equate this to, as the things that we covered concerning the ‘church wars.’ (Seven Churches-Church Wars I & II)

James 4:1: «What is the cause of quarrels and fightings among you? Is it not mainly from your own lusts that are warring within your members?…. [We’ll see that’s double-minded. You want to follow God, but then you let your lust rule and you’re like the waves of the sea, tossed back and forth.] …You lust, and have not; you kill, and are jealous, and are not able to obtain; you fight and quarrel, but still you do not have, because you do not ask…. [What happens when they hear that? ‘Oh, you’re not asking, well, then I’ll ask.’] …Then you ask, and you do not receive, because you ask with evil motives… [unrepentant; we will see what the washing of the water is to do internally with us through repentance, beginning with repentance] …with evil motives, that you may consumer it on your own lusts. You adulterers and adulteresses, don’t you know that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?.… [One foot in the world; one foot in the Church.] …Therefore, whoever desires to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God» (vs 1-4).

Now notice what’s taking place inside. This is the reason we need the washing of the water by the Word, v 5: «Or do you think that the scripture says in vain, ‘The spirit that dwells in us lusts with envy’?» Because we’re going to see the washing of the water by the Word is the answer to

  • overcoming lusts that pull you down
  • sin that still dwells in the mind
  • bad experiences of the past that still haunt you

That’s what thewashing by the Word is. It starts with human nature and the lust that dwells in there. That’s what we need to get rid of.

Verse 6: «But He gives greater grace. This is the reason it says, ‘God sets Himself against the proud, but He gives grace to the humble.’…. [And humbling means repenting and yielding to God.] …Therefore, submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you…. [he’s the ‘prince of the power of the air’ giving you double-mindedness so that you’re unstable like water. One way one day; one way another day. Can even change in minutes.] …Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, purify your hearts, you double-minded!» (vs 6-8).

So how do we purify our hearts? It has to do with the washing of the water by the Word. Now notice the word cleanse, so many times that we’ve already covered. ‘You are cleansed by the Word that Jesus has spoken.’ That’s the cleansing by the water of the Word. Let’s see how that requires repentance.
Let’s come to Psalm 51; here is a great Psalm which helps us understand

  • real repentance
  • how we are to yield to God
  • how we are to be completely broken-hearted when we sin and do things that are not right
  • we ask God for forgiveness

—and notice what He says, because this ties right in with the washing of the water of the Word.

Now this was after David had committed his sin with Bathsheba and here’s his repentance, Psalm 51:1: «Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness; according to the greatness of Your compassion, blot out my transgressions.» This is a model of prayer for repentance, especially if you have committed a real bad one, like David did. You wouldn’t expect that David would have done anything like this, when you consider how he started.

So he was really repenting, and he says: «…blot out my transgressions» (v 1), because there were many. What did he do?

  • he shouldn’t have had the affair in the first place
  • he shouldn’t have sent a servant over there to invite her over to his place
  • she should not have been bathing up on the roof where she knew the king would walk in the evening
  • she should not have accepted the invitation
  • then they should not have had the affair
  • then he tried to cover it up

When you start sinning, what happens? You drift further and further from God! When you try and work it out yourself without repentance, it doesn’t work! It only gets more complicated, only becomes more trouble.

So then he said, ‘Oh, well, I’ll solve the problem. I’m the king, I’m the commander in chief. I’ll get General Joab up here and we’ll work out a deal. I’ll tell him to send Uriah the Hittite here and I’ll get him to go sleep with his wife.’ Well, Uriah wasn’t quite so stupid, because he knew where his house was and he knew where Bathsheba bathed and he knew where the king walked. And why would the king reach clear down into the lower ranks and ask for Uriah the Hittite to come home, eat with the king, and then the king say, ‘Oh, well, go have some pleasure with your wife.’ And he said, ‘No, my lord, if I’m not there fighting with my men, I’m not going to go with my wife.’

So he didn’t do it. Now it makes you wonder what he suspected. Now David was really in a pickle, so he tried to convince him the next night and give a whole much more wine so he would be kind of half-looped and really want to go home and have an affair with his wife, like he should. ‘No, my lord, I can’t do it.’ So then again he called Joab and said, ‘Joab, when you’re in the thick of the battle against the Amorites, I want you, when Uriah the Hittite is right up there with all the opposition, I want you to back away and let him die.’

Joab remembered that. Imagine what the general would think. So this, where he says here, ‘blot out all my transgressions,’ he had multiple transgressions and planning and he still didn’t come to his senses until God sent Nathan the prophet. And he still didn’t understand it until Nathan the prophet said—after giving the parable of the poor man with the little ewe lamb that was stolen, and then David said, ‘Well, that man should be really punished’—’You, you are the man.’ Then he related what he did with Bathsheba and so forth.

Now notice his approach. That’s why you hear sin explained this way—dirty. Right? Because it is! So David said, v 2: «Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.» That had to be washed away internally as well as removed from the book of Life. Washing by the water by the Word!

«For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me» (v 3). Right there in the forefront of his mind. Have you ever had it that way? You just can’t get rid of it? Or you have an experience that you just can’t stop remembering and reliving? That’s why you need the washing of the water of the Word. Think of all the things that he had to have cleansed out of his mind. All the deviousness to work out all these details to try and get it done. The using of an innocent man Joab, his general, to come and have that man killed. Sound a little like the mafia—doesn’t it? But, just because he’s king and has all power, that makes it even worse.

So David in his repentance really understood. He said: «Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done evil in Your sight that You might be justified when You speak and be in the right when You judge» (v 4). God’s judgment was right. What was the everlasting punishment that David had, even though God forgave him his sin, because it was so grievous? He said, ‘You’re going to have trouble in your household all the rest of your life.’

You read the life of David after that. He had the incident with Absalom and Tamar. And then you had all of the other wives that David had. Other men took them that very day in the sight of the sun. Then the rebellion by Absalom. It got so bad that when the rebellion was going on and the kingdom was split, because of Absalom wanting to take over being king, and nothing but trouble and confusion and David was so afraid that he was leaving the palace with some of his troops and things like that. And a man was coming along and he just cursed him, shook his fist at him. ‘You brought all of this upon us, blah, blah, blah.’ And Joab said, ‘You want me do him in?’ He said, ‘Nah, leave him alone, he’s speaking the truth.’ So he finally learned the lesson. God is right!

So then he admits this, he admits human nature. This is what we have to understand. «Behold I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me» (v 5). Was David born of an adulterous affair? No! We are born with the law of sin and death within us! And unless we have the Spirit of God to have the washing of the water of the Word, and to have our hearts andminds converted, we are going to go back and do just like David and revert back to the lusts of the law of sin and death within us. Then think we’re justified in doing it. So this is a really a deep repentance here.

«Behold… [here is the whole purpose of the cleansing and washing the water by the Word.] …You desire truth in the inward parts…» (v 6). Now what is it said of human nature? ‘The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.’ Is that not what happened with David in this affair? Was he not deceitful in it? Was he not desperately wicked in what he was doing? Yes, indeed! Wants the truth in the inward parts.

How much truth do we have? We can put it another way. How much are we willing to let the Spirit of the Truth, which is the washing of the water by the Word to convert our minds and actually change the way that we think with the Truth of God? Because that’s what it’s all about! That’s how we are converted. That’s how we come to have the mind of Christ. So God is really performing a miracle in us. He’s taking us with this deceitful mind:

  • leading us to repentance
  • granting us His Holy Spirit
  • having us grow and overcome
  • giving His Spirit to us so we can change from deceitful to truthful, from carnal to Holy

—and all of those things are part of the washing of the water by the Word.

Now notice what else he says here, v 6: «…and in the hidden part…»—or the secret part. The secret recesses of the mind also have to be converted and changed. You can’t say, ‘God, I love you,’ and then in the secret part of your mind still hold hatred for people, still hold grudges against people, still relive sins of the past. You have to have all of that washed out. «…and in the hidden part You shall make me to know wisdom…. [Now along with this washing, notice he gets a little scrubbing with it, too.] …Purge me with hyssop… [What is hyssop? Hyssop is like a scouring pad. Did he have a lot of dirt and sinful things in his relationship with God and in his mind, so to speak? Yes!] …Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow» (vs 6-7).

When did David receive the Holy Spirit? When he was anointed to be king! So here he gave in to the pulls of the flesh after years and years and years. And also, after God gave the blessing and the promise, because David’s heart was tender before he did this. And he was sitting in his house playing on his ten-string instrument. And he said, ‘Oh, God, I’m in this house built of cedar and You have no place to live. Let me build a house for You.’ Remember that? Then Nathan the prophet came and said, ‘Yes, do all that’s in your heart, but you will not build it, but your son because you’re a bloody man.’ But he had the blessing of doing all the plans, saving all the money, and everything to build it.

Verse 8: «Make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones which You have broken may rejoice…. [That’s how crushed he was. His bones weren’t broken, but felt as though he was broken.] …Hide Your face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities. Create…» (vs 8-10). Now notice that. This is what has to be done. That’s why the washing of the water by the Word because

  • it cleanses
  • it helps
  • it creates

—and you need the Holy Spirit plus the Word of God, which gets back to two things you’ve heard how many times—prayer and study!—right? Yes! «Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me…. [He wasn’t ‘double-minded’ and like the ‘waves of the ocean.’] …Cast me not away from Your presence, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me» (vs 10-11). So how close was he to really being right on the edge? Very close indeed!

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Now, let’s continue on with the washing of the water by the Word; we need God’s Spirit and we need His Word. What we need to do is have our minds cleansed. I want to go to is Hebrews 10:15, because here is the whole thing concerning how we get converted and change and then build the character of God.

Now they know this, that whenever we change our thinking, our brain structure changes and that the connections between the different cells of the brain refocus in a different way. That’s how, for example, when you first learn to ride your bicycle you’re scared to death. You think you’re ready to fall down and sure enough you do fall down. So then they invented training wheels and then you put it on with training wheels and you don’t know how to hold this thing up and you gradually learn how to do it. Then when you get it all down pat and you have trained your brain on what to do, why you can do so many things. You can do wheelies, you can squeal, you can do loop-de-loops and all this sort of things. You know just when to lean, you know when not to lean, and everything comes automatic. Same way with driving a car. You first get in, start driving a car, oh, man. But once you train your mind, or your brain, then it connects and it does it more automatically.

So this is how the Holy Spirit works and the washing of the water by the Word. Hebrews 10:15: «And the Holy spirit also bears witnesses to us; for after He had previously said, ‘This is the covenant that I will establish with them after those days,’ says the Lord: ‘I will give My laws into their hearts, and I will inscribe them in their minds'» (vs 15-16). Changing the way that we think and changing the structure of our brains, that’s conversion and that is the result of having circumcision of the heart.

Let’s see how that works. Let’s see what it does for us. We’ll see why it does it for us, Psalm 19:7: «The law of the LORD is perfect…» If you had a perfect one rare gold coin, would you throw it away? No, you wouldn’t! You would treasure it—right? Yes! God’s law is that way. That’s where the Protestants put themselves. They throw that which is perfect by saying it’s abolished, and accept the traditions and doctrines of men in place of it. «The law of the Lord is perfect…»

Psalm 12:6: «The words of the LORD… [by the washing of the water by the Word] …are pure words…» Jesus said, ‘by the Word, you are cleansed.’ It changes your mind. It helps you overcome the sin within and it actually restructures your brain. That’s why when you have a real problem you need to overcome, you ask God to ‘please with the washing of the water by the Word get rid of this memory in my mind. Let me remember the lesson, but I don’t want to live through it any more. I don’t want to see it the window of my mind anymore. «The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.»

Psalm 19:7: «The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul… [gives you health—physical health, spiritual health. And if you have spiritual health and peace of mind your body’s going to be more healthy—is that not correct? Do not a lot of the problems and sicknesses that people have are a result of sin externally and sin internally? Yes!] …the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandments of the LORD are pure, enlightening the eyes» (vs 7-8). In other words, giving you a new education. Letting you be able to see things in the perspective that God sees them. Or if we have glasses, since you just took off your glasses, you know, through the lens of Scripture. That’s how we are to view things—’enlightening the eyes.’

«The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever… [notice what all these things cover, and then we’ll take some Scriptures out of Psa. 119 and see how all of this ties together. It’s a fantastic thing.] …The fear of the LORD is clean… [Doesn’t come with any baggage. When you love God and fear Him and keep His commandments, it’s right, it’s good, it’s true. You’re doing the right thing.] …enduring forever; the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether» (v 9).

So you see why we need to have our minds converted and changed by the washing of the water by the Word. Now I know I’ve had some things come along in my mind that I’ve just had to pray to God that way. ‘Oh, Lord, cleanse it with the washing of the water by the Word. Help me to just forget this, get it out of my mind. Remove this thought from me.’ You ever had that happen to you? Something just keeps coming, BAM! in your mind! Then you have to go to God that way. You have your part to do, but God will do it.

«…the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether, More to be desired than gold, yea, much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb…. [Now notice what happens when you have these things in your mind. When the laws and commandments of God are in your mind, inscribed there, as part of the way that your brain is structured and then led by the Holy Spirit.] …Moreover, by them Your servant is warned…» (vs 9-11). That’s that automatic thing that comes up, ‘Oh, oh, I’m not going to do that’—internal warning signal.

In our house we have ADT protection against thieves, burglars, and even us if we forget to turn it off. One time it went off and so I was upstairs. So ADT called in about ten seconds. So I’m standing there, ‘Hello, who is this?’ This is Fred Coulter. ‘What’s your password?’ I don’t know. (because I didn’t know it; now I remember it) ‘What’s the name of your neighbor across the street?’ I couldn’t remember, I don’t know. Well, why don’t you let me hang up and I’ll get the information and call you back. ‘No, no, I can’t have you hang up.’ As Dolores pointed out, that’s just the way a thief would answer it—’I don’t know, but I’ll find out.’ In the meantime you never call back, you rob the house and get out of there. I had to call on Dolores, ‘Help, what is the password? What is the name of the neighbor next door?’ Because she was ready to call the police and dispatch them out there immediately.

So just exactly like with the Word of God. Once you have these things in your mind, you are warned. Don’t think that! Don’t do that! Replace it with something good and right. Let it be washed out of your mind.

Verse 11: «…in keeping them there is great reward.» What are the greatest rewards?

  • love
  • joy
  • peace
  • peace of mind
  • understanding

Correct? Aren’t those the greatest rewards? Yes!

Here’s something else it does, v 12: «Who can understand his errors?.… [You don’t know right from wrong unless you know the Word of God. It doesn’t automatically work unless it’s written in your heart and in your mind. That’s what conversion is all about.] …Oh, cleanse me… [How? With the washing of the water by the Word!] …from my secret faults.» The secret recesses of your mind. That’s what God wants us to do. Now we’ll show you how to do it in a little bit.

«And keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; do not let them rule over me… [This is the whole thing all together. That’s why we’re to have the laws in our minds and inscribed in our hearts. We’re going to see all the things in Psa. 119. ‘Oh, how I love your law. How do I cleanse my way? What do I do?’ And all of these things. It’s fantastic when we put it all together.] …then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart… [with the washing of the water by the Word] …be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer» (vs 13-14).

Let’s go to Psalm 119; we’ll look at several sections of it. If you want a really fantastic revelation concerning the laws, commandments, statutes, judgments, precepts, everything about God’s way, His testimonies, read all of Psa. 119; not all the way through. Take each section. This is an unusual Psalm. Notice right above v 1 it says Aleph. That’s the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Each verse in the Hebrew begins with Aleph. It doesn’t begin that way in English. In each section there are eight verses times twenty-two, which is the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet, then takes up all the verses. Let’s see what the last verse is here so we can get the right one—176.

This entire Psalm is called a Psalm of Degrees. And each one of these eight verses is a degree. The singers at the temple were to memorize this to sing it from memory and notice what it says here. Let’s just start with v 1 because this is a really good place for us to begin.

Psalm 119:1: «Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD…. [If it’s in your mind, you’re going to walk in it automatically—right?] …Blessed are they who keep His testimonies and who seek Him with the whole heart…. [And that’s what’s to happen as we become more converted, become more whole hearted.] …They also do no iniquity; they walk in His ways…. [So if someone says, ‘How do you live?’ I walk in the ways of the Lord. How do you live?] …You have commanded us to keep Your precepts diligently» (vs 1-4). Now precepts is interesting. That’s every concept of God—diligently!

Notice, he laments a little bit here of the pull of human nature, v 5: «O that my ways were directed to keep Your statutes! Then I shall not be ashamed when I have respect unto all Your commandments. I will praise You with uprightness of heart when I have learned Your righteous judgments» (vs 5-7). That’s what happens with the washing of the water by the Word.

  • this is why we have Sabbath services
  • this is why we go through the Word of God
  • this is why we do what we do, because God is converting us and we’re growing in grace and knowledge

He is perfecting us. He’s getting us ready for His kingdom through the washing of the water by the Word.

«I will keep Your statutes; O forsake me not utterly…. [v 9 ties all of this together]: …With what shall a young man cleanse his way?… [Young man or young woman.] …By taking heed according to Your Word» (vs 8-9). You follow the Word of God. You know the Word of God and have it written in your heart with the washing of the water by the Word. And also what it does with the washing of the water by the Word, it cleanses out those secret little things in the corner of your mind that only you know, that only you’ve experienced, those things that you’ve told no one. And all of us have plenty of those—don’t we? Yes, indeed! God cleanses all of that out.

Verse 9: «With what shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. With all my heart I have sought You; O let me not wander from Your commandments…. [notice the cooperation that we need also]: …Your Word I have laid up in my heart, so that I might not sin against You?…. [The more you understand the Word of God, becomes part of the way you think, the less you’re going to sin. That’s the whole purpose of it.] …Blessed are You, O LORD; teach me Your statutes» (vs 9-12).

Come down here to v 18; this one I really, really like because this explains more about the Word of God. How is the Word of God written? ‘Line upon line; precept upon precept; a little here, a little there.’ Are there things in the Word of God that even though you’ve gone over in the past, you go over it and you learn more—right? You understand more.

Verse 18: «Open my eyes, so that I may behold wondrous things out of Your law.» Or we can also say out of the Gospels, out of the general epistles, out of the Epistles of Paul, out of the book of Revelation. Open my mind, open my eyes that I may behold—and that is understand, see the things that I’ve never understood before. And those things will come with the washing of the water by the Word.

Verse 33, I like this section here: «Teach me, O LORD…» And that’s all a part of our prayers to God. How do we learn the Bible? Well, God is the one Who teaches us. How does He teach us?

  • from His Word we study
  • with His Spirit it’s written in our hearts and in our minds.

That’s how He teaches us. And what does it say there in John 6:45? ‘And all shall be taught of God.’ So all the mechanics of learning and teaching and growing and understanding and God’s Spirit all come from God. So if we want to understand something, we ask God, ‘Teach me.’ He’s not going to teach it to you instantly. You’ve got to search it out. You’ve got to put it together and then when you do, you’ll know it. ‘Well, God has taught me.’

«Teach me, O LORD, the way of Your statutes, and I shall keep it unto the end. Give me understanding, that I may keep Your law and observe it with all my heart» (vs 33-34). Notice the complete yieldedness to God, the complete fantastic attitude toward the laws and commandments of God. That’s why you’ve heard me say in the past that Psa. 119 has got to be a prophetic understanding of how Christ looked at the laws of God. Not entirely, but in the main.

Verse 35: «Make me to walk in the path of Your commandments… [Now what is a path? A path is a way! Who is the way? Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life!’] …walk in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in them…. [What did Jesus say? He said, ‘If you love Me, keep the commandments, namely Mine.’ See how the Bible all ties together? Old Testament/New Testament.] …Incline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to covetousness…. [He didn’t want to become double-minded like we started out there in James 1.] …Turn away my eyes from seeing vanity; give me life in Your way» (vs 35-37). Look at Solomon, did he get lifted up in pride and vanity in his old age? Yes, indeed, he sure did! Did not David with the thing—he wasn’t old age then, he must have been about what, about his 50s at that time, with Bathsheba. But he learned.

«…give me life in Your way. Fulfill Your word to Your servant, so that You may be feared….» (vs 37-38). Fulfill your word to your servant and if we add to that the washing of the water by the Word, to growing in knowledge and understanding and grace with the Word of God by the Spirit of God, then all of this comes alive. I don’t know about you, but hey, when I read and study Psa. 119, I get all excited and I feel about this high. You’ll understand why.

Verse 39: «Turn away my reproach which I fear, for Your judgments are good. Behold, I have longed after Your precepts… [As David said in another Psalm, ‘I have longed after you as in a dry and thirsty land where no water is.’] …give me life in Your righteousness» (vs 39-40). That’s fantastic.

What I want you to do is tie all of this together with the washing of the water by the Word, v 47: «And I will delight myself in Your commandments, which I have loved. And I will lift up my hands unto Your commandments, which I have loved, and I will meditate on Your statutes» (vs 47-48). That’s how you get them written in your heart and in your mind.

Verse 49: «Remember the word to Your servant upon which You have caused me to hope…. [The Word of God gives us hope! Claim the promise of that hope. Claim the promise of God’s inspiration.] (notice what it does): …This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your Word has given me life» (vs 49-50)—or in time of trial and testing. We all have that and we all go through that. That’s why we need the Spirit of God to give us comfort, to uplift us.

Let’s come to v 97; this one you’ve heard many times, but look at it. «O how love I Your law!.…» If you love God,

  • you’ll love His Word
  • you’ll love His commandments
  • you’ll love His law

Notice tying in with having it written in our hearts and in our minds, v 97: «…It is my meditation all the day.» And what you think in your heart, that’s what you are. If you think of these things in your heart, that brings conversion with the Spirit of God.

«Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation…. [Notice what it does]: …I understand more than the ancients because I keep Your precepts» (vs 98-100). Isn’t that something?

Now, I don’t want you to be like the man who shot his TV. He got mad at the TV because there was some commentator on there talking about something he knew was entirely wrong, so he shot the TV. The neighbor heard it, the police came out and he got arrested for aggravated assault. Well, it didn’t do any good to shoot the TV, ruined the TV.

But, when you hear people say things and when you watch the news, how many times do you find yourself talking back to it because you know the Word of God. Now, even if you shout back, you’re not going to make it heard at the other end. It isn’t going to do any good to shout. So if it really upsets you, there is the power off, turn it off. You know more than they do. And the truth is, God expects you to. Is He not educating you to be a king and priest in His kingdom? Yes!

Here’s what else it will do, v 101: «I have held back my feet from every evil way…» So if you’re walking in the way of Lord, you’re not going to be walking in the way of evil.

Now, stop and think about this for just a minute. By keeping the Sabbath from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, that’s the day of pleasure for the world—is it not? Yes, indeed! Starts out Friday night with parties and boozing and carousing, and all of this sort of thing. Saturday in the daytime you’ve got all kinds of sports and sales and shopping, and all of this thing. So just by keeping the Sabbath, that in itself keeps you out of the way of an awful lot of evil. Maybe you’ve never thought of it that way.

Verse 103: «I have held back my feet from every evil way, so that I might keep Your word. I have not departed from Your ordinances, for You have taught me…. [Now let’s tie this in with where Jesus said, ‘He who eats Me shall never be hungry.’] …How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!…. [That is the palette of your mind, because it does so much for you to change you and convert you.] …Through Your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way» (vs 103-104). So again, don’t shoot your TV, just hit the power button.

Now let’s look at some of the things that cleanse us and how we are to change our lives with this. You’re going to notice the comparison. You’re going to notice the difference. Here is what Paul says here concerning how we are to be converted:

2-Corinthians 6:14: «Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common? And what fellowship does light have with darkness?» That doesn’t mean you treat people in the world in a harsh way. They just don’t understand. But you can’t have fellowship with them. ‘Oh, come on, let’s go down to the bar on Friday night here and have a good time. All the women will be here and all of this.’ Nah, can’t do that. ‘Oh, let’s go to the ball game on Saturday. You know, this college game. It is a great game.’

I like to watch certain sports and I like football and I’m glad they’re changing the rules so they don’t kill them every time that they tackle them. But you know, you can’t do those things on the Sabbath. You can’t go out with them. Besides, I like to watch it on television. I don’t like to go in the crowd.

Verse 15: «And what union does Christ have with Belial?…» Belial are sons of worthlessness. And that’s generally attributed to what? False prophets! So, we don’t go to other churches and say, ‘How do you understand the Scriptures here?’ Now they may have some things that are right, that’s true. But if it is, we prove it out of the Bible for ourselves.

«…Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever? And what agreement is there between a temple of God and idols? For you are a temple of the living God… [Christ and God the Father are dwelling in you.] …exactly as God has said. ‘I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God… [That’s the result of the washing of the water by the Word, the cleansing of the mind through the Spirit of God.] …and I will be their God, and they shall be My people…. [So then we have a command. What are we to do here?] …Therefore, come out from the midst of them and be separate,’ says the Lord, ‘and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you; And I shall be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters,’ says the Lord Almighty» (vs 15-18).

Now notice what we are to do, what this is to lead us to do, 2-Corinthians 7:1: «Now then, beloved, since we have these promises, we should purge ourselves from every defilement of the flesh and the spirit… [How? By the washing of the water by the Word!] …perfecting Holiness in the fear of God.»

There’s one other step that needs to be, 2-Corinthians 10 and this tells us how we are to do it. This is the way that we need to do it mentally and spiritually:
2-Corinthians 10:3: «For although we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh…. [This is why we cannot use human betterment as a way to improve ourselves, because that’s the way of the world. Yes, we need to be better, but we need to be better from the inside with God’s Spirit.] …we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the overthrowing of strongholds» (vs 3-4). That is with the Spirit of God. And what stronghold is the hardest one to control and overthrow? The mind!

So he talks about, v 5: «Casting down vain imaginations… [You correct yourself. You know when your vanity is starting to get a hold of you. You know when the thought is a wrong thought.] …and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God…» We are to

  • use our minds
  • use the Word of God
  • use the Spirit of God

—this way: «…and bringing into captivity… [controlling it] …every thought into the obedience of Christ» (v 5). That’s the perfect thing we need to do. We’re going to fall short.

  • That’s why there’s repentance!
  • That’s why there’s the washing of the water of the Word!
  • That’s why in bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ we get the reliving of the past experiences and sins out of our lives!

We remember the lesson, like the Apostle Paul did. He remembered he persecuted the Church, but he didn’t relive it. When you relive those things over and over and over again, or there is something that just keeps coming back into your mind, coming back into your mind, you need to grab a hold of that thought, pray about it, come before God and ask Him to cleanse it out of your mind with the washing of the water by the Word.

«…bringing into captivity every thought into the obedience of Christ; And having a readiness to avenge all disobedience, whenever your obedience has been fulfilled» (vs 5-6). That’s how you overcome the disobedience!

  • you replace the disobedience with obedience
  • you replace sin with righteousness
  • you control your thoughts

As the Proverb says, ‘Guard the door of your mind.’ That’s how the washing of the water is to work in our lives.

Scriptural References:

  1. Ephesians 5:25-27
  2. Ephesians 1:3-5
  3. John 4:9-11
  4. John 7:37-39
  5. John 6:35, 48-51, 53-57
  6. John 15:1-5
  7. James 1:6-8
  8. James 4:1-8
  9. Psalm 51:1-11
  10. Hebrews 10:15-16
  11. Psalm 19:7
  12. Psalm 12:6
  13. Psalm 19:7-14
  14. Psalm 119:1-12, 18, 33-40, 47-50, 97-104
  15. 2-Corinthians 6:14-18
  16. 2-Corinthians 7:1
  17. 2-Corinthians 10:3-6

Scriptures referenced, not quoted:

  • John 8
  • John 6:45

Also referenced:

  • Book: The Christian Passover by Fred R. Coulter
  • Sermon: Seven Churches-Church Wars I & II

Transcribed: 1-24-11

Formatted: bo—1-25-11 

Each one of these tutus needs to be washed and sequined.
Все эти пачки нужно постирать и украсить блёстками.

As you can see, most watermark pictures need to be washed out a bit, so they don’t distract the reader.
В большинстве случаев подложку нужно немного обесцветить, чтобы она не отвлекала читателя.

So we can take these liver structures, which are not going to be used, and we then put them in a washing machine-like structure that will allow the cells to be washed away.
Итак, мы можем взять эти структуры печени, которые всё равно бы не использовались, и поместить их в некоторое подобие стиральной машины, которая сможет вымыть клетки прочь.

Body was prepped and washed by the very lovely Valerie McTavish.
Тело подготовлено и вымыто очень симпатичной Валери МакТавиш.

The dishes can be washed in half an hour.
Посуду можно помыть за полчаса.

I refuse to be treated like a slave by you.
Я отказываюсь быть твоим рабом.

It dived and came up all white again, washed by the waters.
Он молча нырнул и показался на воде снова белоснежный.

Of course, the government’s reduction of community policing in favor of paramilitary forces stationed in quasi-military barracks, and the Minister of Interior’s description of the young rioters as «scum» who should be washed away with an industrial power hose, has not helped.
Конечно, проведенная правительством замена полицейских патрулей в жилых районах на военизированные формирования, размещенные в казармах полувоенного типа, и то, что министр внутренних дел назвал молодых мятежников «отбросами», которые нужно смыть мощным водометом, — все это не очень-то способствовало положительному результату.

After his accident, he is happy to be alive.
После несчастного случая он рад остаться в живых.

It should be washed, wash it all although water is scarce.
Следует мыть, стирать, хотя воды не хватает.

People are more educated now than they used to be.
Сейчас люди более образованы, чем раньше.

But, on the other hand, some of Bush’s more intemperate Republican colleagues might have told him that global warming will lift ocean levels to the point where many of the coastal “blue” states, which tend to vote for the opposition Democrats, will be washed away, leaving only “red” Republican states in the center of the country.
Но с другой стороны, некоторые коллеги Буша, которые являются более резко-выраженными республиканцами, возможно, сказали ему, что глобальное потепление поднимет уровень океана до той отметки, при которой многие прибрежные «голубые» штаты, которые обычно голосуют за оппозицию демократов, будут смыты в океан, оставив только «красные» республиканские штаты в центре страны.

What do you want to be?
Кем ты хочешь стать?

But parents tell them, «It will all be washed away by the waves.»
Родители им говорят: «Всё это смоет волнами».

First, we decide on that which needs to be decided, then we split into two teams.
Сначала мы решим то, что нужно решить, а затем разделимся на две команды.

The implementation of control measures applied to Lindane pharmaceutical uses has a positive impact to the environment since Lindane application as a lice treatment shampoo or topical lotion that must be washed off, end up in waste water.
Осуществление мер регулирования применительно к фармацевтическим видам применения линдана может иметь положительные последствия для окружающей среды, поскольку шампунь для лечения педикулеза и лосьоны для местного применения с линданом положено смывать, в результате чего он попадает в сточные воды.

It’s good to be home.
Хорошо быть дома.

For example, scrubber residues from nickel and copper smelters can be washed, slurried and leached with a sodium sulphite solution at a high temperature and a specified pH.
Например, твердые остатки, накапливающиеся в газоочистительных устройствах никелевых и медеплавильных заводов, могут промываться, разжижаться и выщелачиваться раствором сернокислого натрия при высокой температуре и заданном уровне pH.

To be a good teacher you must know to make the most of what your students have.
Чтобы стать хорошим учителем, вы должны научиться добиваться от ваших учеников всего, на что они способны.

Once in the atmosphere they can remain in gas phase, condense on particles present in the atmosphere and be carried or settle out with them, or be washed out with rain (3M, 2000).
Попав в атмосферу, они могут оставаться в газовой фазе, конденсироваться на взвешенных в воздухе частицах и переноситься либо осаждаться вместе с ними, или же вымываться дождем (3M, 2000).

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