Be careful one word or two

How do you spell careful or carefull?

Carefull definition

Obsolete spelling of careful.

Is be careful one word or two words?

Correct pronunciation for the word “be careful” is [biː kˈe͡əfə͡l], [biː kˈe‍əfə‍l], [b_iː k_ˈeə_f_əl].

Is careful a correct word?

cautious in one’s actions: Be careful when you cross the street. taking pains in one’s work; exact; thorough: a careful typist. (of things) done or performed with accuracy or caution: careful research.

What is the mean by careful?

careful, meticulous, scrupulous, punctilious mean showing close attention to detail. careful implies attentiveness and cautiousness in avoiding mistakes. a careful worker meticulous may imply either commendable extreme carefulness or a hampering finicky caution over small points.

What is a two-word expression?

Sometimes in English two words are used together to make a common expression. For example: credit card, departure lounge … Twitter Share. English exercise “Two-word expressions – 1” created by anonyme with The test builder.

Is wake up a one word?

Wake and wake up are verbs which mean ‘stop sleeping or end someone else’s sleep’. They are used in everyday language. I woke (up) suddenly when the alarm clock went off. I woke (up) the children.

What is another way to say carefully?


1 watchful, guarded, chary, circumspect. 2 meticulous, scrupulous. 3 rigorous. 4 thoughtful, concerned, solicitous, attentive, heedful, regardful.

What’s another word for carefully?


  • conscientiously,
  • meticulously,
  • scrupulously.
  1. Be particularly careful when swimming in the lake.
  2. Bitter past experience had made her careful of what she confided to Nadia.
  3. He’s very careful of his reputation.
  4. She was quite careful about how she spoke to him.
  5. I’m very careful about washing my hands before eating.

How do you write carefully?

When in doubt, look it up. When not in doubt, look it up. Don’t be content with spell-checking programs; check not only definitions of words, phrases and expressions but also their connotations.

3 Tips for Careful Writers

  1. Know the Rules. …
  2. Be Open to New and Unusual Usage. …
  3. Verify.

What type of sentence is be careful?

A compound sentence with “be careful in” contains at least two independent clauses. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon.

What kind of sentence is this please be careful?

This is a imperative sentence .

What is an example of careful?

The definition of careful is someone or something that works or thinks in a cautious, thorough or thoughtful way. A mountain climber who triple checks their safety gear is an example of careful. A person who is very detailed is an example of careful.

What kind of sentence is open the door?

‘Please open the door’ is an example of an imperative sentence.

How do you use the word complaint in a sentence?

The board has received a number of complaints about the new policy. The company has a system to handle customer complaints. The lack of parking spaces is a common complaint among the city’s residents. The lack of financial support is our biggest complaint.

Is more carefully correct?

“more carefully” is correct with “than”. If your answer pages say otherwise, then they are wrong.

Is it more carefully or more careful?

TIA!! “Careful” is an adjective, which means that it modifies a noun. For example, in “She is a careful driver”, the word “careful” modifies the noun “driver” — it tells us what sort of driver she is. “Carefully” is an adverb, which means that it modifies a verb (or, in other contexts, an adjective).

How do you use more carefully in a sentence?

  1. Others may tread more carefully. The New York Times.
  2. “Then try listening more carefully”. The New Yorker.
  3. “You order much more carefully. The New York Times.
  4. The kid will look again, more carefully. …
  5. He studied the dogs more carefully. …
  6. He read the story more carefully. …
  7. Reebok has tried to tread more carefully.

Is it safe or safely?

Safe is an adjective and is mainly used with the verb “to be” and the verb “to feel”. Safety is a noun and is used to talk about the concept of being free from danger or harm. Safely is an adverb and describes verbs.

  • 1

       a. [worker] soigneux ; [work] soigné ; [planning, examination] minutieux

       c. ( = economical) économe ; ( = mean) avare

    * * *



    [person, driving] prudent; [planning, preparation] minutieux/-ieuse; [research, monitoring, examination] méticuleux/-euse

    English-French dictionary > careful

  • 2

    be careful! (faites) attention!;

    be careful of the wet floor! attention au sol mouillé!;

    be careful not to or be careful you don’t hurt her feelings faites attention à ou prenez soin de ne pas la froisser;

    (b) soigneux, consciencieux; approfondi;

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > careful

  • 3
    ♦ careful

    ♦ careful /ˈkɛəfl/


    1 attento (a qc.); cauto; prudente: a careful driver, un automobilista prudente; This need careful handling, deve essere maneggiato con cura; (


    , di situazione, ecc.) deve essere affrontato con tatto, è una faccenda delicata; Be careful!, sta’ attento; fa’ attenzione!; bada!; Be careful how you cut it, sta’ attento a come lo tagli; Be careful you don’t drop it, attento a (o bada di) non lasciarlo cadere; Careful, it’s hot!, attento, scotta!




    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ careful

  • 4

    Big English-French dictionary > careful

  • 5

    1) забо́тливый, проявля́ющий забо́ту (for, of)

    2) осторо́жный;

    3) то́чный, аккура́тный

    4) стара́тельный, аккура́тный; внима́тельный;

    5) эконо́мный;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > careful

  • 6
    careful scheduling

    careful scheduling

    чёткое планирование работ, планирование работ по чёткому графику

    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > careful scheduling

  • 7

    English-german engineering dictionary > careful

  • 8
    careful attention

    English-spanish dictionary > careful attention

  • 9
    careful consideration

    English-spanish dictionary > careful consideration

  • 10
    careful management

    English-spanish dictionary > careful management

  • 11
    careful search

    English-spanish dictionary > careful search

  • 12
    careful examination

    English-Dutch dictionary > careful examination

  • 13
    careful! that sofa is dodgy

    careful! that sofa is dodgy

    pas op! die sofa is nogal wankel

    English-Dutch dictionary > careful! that sofa is dodgy

  • 14
    careful consideration

    серьёзное/должное внимание

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > careful consideration

  • 15
    careful study

    полное (исчерпывающее, всестороннее) исследование

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > careful study

  • 16

    Персональный Сократ > careful

  • 17

    1) cuidadoso


    be careful of the dog, it bites! ¡ten cuidado con el perro, que muerde!



    cuidadoso, cauteloso

    cuidadoso, esmerado, meticuloso


    ‘kerfəl, ‘keəfəl


    1) ( cautious) cuidadoso, prudente

    to be careful OF somebody/something — tener* cuidado con alguien/algo

    to be careful to + INF — procurar + inf




    a) cuidadoso, cauteloso

    he’s a careful driver — es un conductor prudente, conduce con prudencia or cuidado


    she’s very careful about what she eats — pone mucho cuidado en or es muy prudente con lo que come

    be careful of the dog — ten cuidado con el perro

    be careful that he doesn’t hear you — procura que no te oiga, ten cuidado de que no te oiga

    be careful to shut the door — no te olvides de cerrar la puerta

    he was careful to point out that… — se cuidó de señalar que…

    be careful not to drop it, be careful (that) you don’t drop it — procura que no se te caiga, ten cuidado de que no se te caiga

    you can’t be too careful — todos las precauciones son pocas

    be careful what you say to him — (ten) cuidado con lo que le dices

    to be careful with sth — tener cuidado con algo

    2) cuidadoso, esmerado; cuidadoso, meticuloso; meticuloso, cuidadoso

    after careful consideration of all the relevant facts — después de considerar todos los datos cuidadosamente

    we have made a careful study of the report — hemos estudiado el informe cuidadosamente or detenidamente

    after giving this problem careful thought, I believe that… — después de pensar detenidamente sobre este problema, creo que…

    * * *

    [‘kerfəl, ‘keəfəl]


    1) ( cautious) cuidadoso, prudente

    to be careful OF somebody/something — tener* cuidado con alguien/algo

    to be careful to + INF — procurar + inf

    English-spanish dictionary > careful

  • 18


    1) sorgfältig; vorsichtig

    [be] careful! — Vorsicht!

    be careful that… — darauf achten, dass…

    be careful of somebody/something — mit jemandem/etwas vorsichtig sein; sich vor jemandem/etwas in Acht nehmen

    be careful [about] how/what/where — etc. darauf achten, wie/was/wo usw.

    be careful with somebody/something — vorsichtig mit jemandem/etwas umgehen

    * * *

    1) vorsichtig

    2) sorgfältig

    * * *


    [ˈkeəfəl, AM ˈker-]

    you can’t be too careful these days man kann heutzutage nicht vorsichtig genug sein

    be careful to look both ways when you cross the road denke daran, in beide Richtungen zu sehen, bevor du die Straße überquerst

    be careful about the ice on the road fahr vorsichtig — es ist glatt draußen

    to be careful with sth mit etw dat vorsichtig umgehen

    to be careful [that]… darauf achten, dass…

    to be careful where/what/who/how… darauf achten, wo/was/wer/wie…

    be careful how you phrase that question überlege dir genau, wie du die Frage stellst

    to pay careful attention to sth auf etw akk genau achten

    to make a careful choice sorgfältig auswählen

    after careful consideration nach reiflicher Überlegung

    to make a careful search of sth etw gründlich [o genau] durchsuchen

    [be] careful how you go! BRIT ( dated) pass auf dich auf!

    * * *



    sorgfältig; sorgsam, vorsichtig; sparsam

    careful! — Vorsicht!, passen Sie auf!

    be careful (that) they don’t hear you — gib acht or sei vorsichtig, damit or dass sie dich nicht hören

    he is very careful with his money —

    * * *

    1. vorsichtig, achtsam:

    be careful pass auf!, gib acht!, nimm dich in Acht!;

    2. a) gründlich (Studie etc):

    b) sorgfältig:

    3. sorgsam bedacht (of, for, about auf akk), umsichtig, achtsam, behutsam:

    4. Br sparsam:

    be careful with one’s money sparsam mit seinem Geld umgehen

    * * *


    1) sorgfältig; vorsichtig

    [be] careful! — Vorsicht!

    be careful that… — darauf achten, dass…

    be careful of somebody/something — mit jemandem/etwas vorsichtig sein; sich vor jemandem/etwas in Acht nehmen

    be careful [about] how/what/where — etc. darauf achten, wie/was/wo usw.

    be careful with somebody/something — vorsichtig mit jemandem/etwas umgehen

    * * *


    besorgt adj.

    reiflich adj.

    sorgfältig adj.

    vorsichtig adj.

    English-german dictionary > careful

  • 19



    1) аккуратный, внимательный, старательный, тщательный, заботливый

    Be careful about your health. — Береги свое здоровье.

    You must be careful in these calculation. — Вы должны быть очень внимательны в этих подсчетах.

    They were careful in selecting pictures for the exhibition. — Они тщательно выбирали картины на выставку.

    She was careful about her manners. — Она следила за своими манерами.

    He was always careful in his choice of friends. — Он всегда тщательно выбирал друзей.

    careful medical examination

    — careful preparations
    — careful analysis
    — careful piece of work
    — be careful about smth
    — be careful to do smth
    — be careful with smth
    — be careful to avoid danger
    — be careful to keep one’s word
    — be careful to come in time
    — be careful to hide one’s feelings
    — be careful not to get your feet wet
    — be careful in smth
    — be careful with one’s money

    She was careful about walking on a slippery road. — Она осторожно шла по скользкой дороге.

    Be careful how (where, when) you do it. — Следите за тем, как (где, когда) вы это делаете.

    careful driver

    — be careful with books
    — be careful not to do smth

    3) внимательный, заботливый, экономный

    careful mother

    — careful housewife
    — be careful about one’s health
    — you cannot be too careful


    (1.) Прилагательное careful, помимо атрибутивного употребления, в разных значениях употребляется в разных конструкциях. В значении 1. careful употребляется с предлогом with или в конструкции с последующим инфинитивом: be careful with that vase, don’t drop it осторожнее с этой вазой, не уроните ее; he was careful not to bind himself with a promise он следил за тем, чтобы не связать себя обещанием; they were careful to make their position clear они постарались разъяснить свою позицию. (2.) В значении 3. careful употребляется с предлогом of и в конструкции с инфинитивом: to be careful of one’s health заботиться о своем здоровье; to be careful to do his duties заботиться о том, чтобы выполнить все свои обязанности. (3.) В значении 1. careful чаще употребляется атрибутивно: a careful examination тщательный осмотр; a careful consideration тщательное рассмотрение; a careful analysis тщательный анализ

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > careful

  • 20


    to be careful to do o about doing fare attenzione a fare; to be careful that fare attenzione che, badare che o di; to be careful of sth. fare attenzione a qcs.; to be careful with sth. fare attenzione a o stare attento con qcs.; to be careful (when) doing fare attenzione nel fare o quando si fa; to be careful what one says fare attenzione a ciò che si dice; «be careful!» «fa’ attenzione!», «sta’ attento!»; «you can’t be too careful!» — «non si è mai troppo attenti!», «l’attenzione non è mai troppa!»

    * * *

    1) attento


    * * *


    to be careful to do o about doing fare attenzione a fare; to be careful that fare attenzione che, badare che o di; to be careful of sth. fare attenzione a qcs.; to be careful with sth. fare attenzione a o stare attento con qcs.; to be careful (when) doing fare attenzione nel fare o quando si fa; to be careful what one says fare attenzione a ciò che si dice; «be careful!» «fa’ attenzione!», «sta’ attento!»; «you can’t be too careful!» — «non si è mai troppo attenti!», «l’attenzione non è mai troppa!»

    English-Italian dictionary > careful

  • *


    be careful — быть внимательным; смотреть; беречься
    be careful of — остерегаться; остеречься
    be careful not — опасаться
    be careful that — следить за тем, чтобы
    be careful not to — быть осторожным, чтобы не; беречься
    be careful of health — заботиться о своем здоровье
    he needs to be careful — ему следует проявлять осторожность
    one must be careful that — надо следить, чтобы
    to be careful to do smth. — не преминуть /не позабыть/ сделать что-л.; найти нужным сделать что-л.
    be careful not to break it — смотрите не разбейте

    ещё 20 примеров свернуть

    Автоматический перевод

    быть осторожным, беречься, быть внимательным

    Перевод по словам

    be  — быть, находиться, должен, тратта
    careful  — осторожный, внимательный, заботливый, аккуратный, бережный, точный, старательный


    Be careful how you act.

    Будь аккуратнее в том, как ты действуешь.

    I promise to be careful.

    Обещаю, что буду осторожен.

    Be careful with that glass.

    Будьте осторожны с этим стеклом.

    Be careful! The stove is hot!

    Осторожно! Плита горячая!

    Be careful crossing the road.

    Переходя дорогу, будьте осторожны.

    Damn it, be careful with that!

    Блин /чёрт/, поаккуратнее!

    Be careful not to drop the cup.

    Смотри не урони чашку.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    Be careful not to overheat the engine.  

    Be careful. The footing is slippery there.  

    The roads are slippery, so be extra careful.  

    Be careful, he’s got a pretty violent temper.  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.



    Common suffixes that form adjectives
    include: —able (comfortable), —al (musical), —y (cloudy), —ous
    (famous) and —ive (attractive).



    Adjectives ending —al are usually formed from nouns, and often
    mean ‘relating to the noun’, e.g. a musical instrument (from music),
    a political issue (from politics), an electrical fault (related
    to electricity), a personal opinion (the opinion of one person).


    Shichi-Go-San (meaning 7, 5, 3) is an annual ceremony in
    Japan for three-and seven-year-old girls, and three-and five-year-old boys.
    It is on November 15, but it is not a national1 holiday,
    so people often have it on the nearest weekend. Seven, five and three are
    seen as important years in the growth of a child, and the numbers also
    have cultural significance2 because odd numbers (1, 3,
    5, 7, 9, etc.) are lucky in Japan. This is one of the special days when
    the older boys and girls are allowed to wear traditional3
    clothes: a kimono for girls and hakama trousers for boys. Now it is quite
    normal4 for children to wear western-style clothes at
    this ceremony. The children visit a shrine and are then given special
    sweets called Chitose-Ame by their parents.


    -able /əbl/

    This suffix
    forms adjectives from nouns and verbs, and the prefix un— often forms the opposite:

    an enjoyable party [something that you

    a comfortable chair (opp uncomfortable)

    a suitable word or phrase
    [right/correct for a particular situation; opp unsuitable]

    a reliable service; reliable
    information [able to be trusted or believed; opp unreliable]

    fashionable clothes
    [popular now with many people; opp

    a reasonable decision or price [fair;
    not a bad decision or price; opp unreasonable]

    a sociable person [enjoys being with
    people; opp unsociable]

    Sometimes the
    opposite form is the more common adjective:

    an unforgettable experience [something
    that cannot be forgotten]

    an unbelievable story [something that
    is very surprising and very difficult to believe]


    -ful and

    The suffix —ful often means ‘full of’ or
    ‘having the quality of the noun’, e.g. a colourful room

    has a lot of
    colour in it; a helpful person
    gives a lot of help; a peaceful
    place is calm and quiet.

    The opposite
    meaning is sometimes formed by adding the suffix —less to the noun.

    a useful machine [having a lot of
    uses; opp a useless machine]

    a painful injection [giving pain and
    being unpleasant; opp a painless injection]

    a careful driver [drives with care
    and attention; opp a careless driver]


    The suffix is —ful (NOT full), so useful and careful (NOT usefull or carefull).



    Correct the spelling mistakes. Be careful: one word is correct.

    1 enjoiable _____enjoyable_____

    2 carful ________________

    3 relyable ________________

    4 peacefull ________________

    5 confortable

    6 anual ________________

    7 unforgetable

    8 reasonable

    9 unbeleivable


    Match the
    words on the left with the words on the right.


    Write an adjective formed from
    these nouns or verbs. 11–15 are not on the opposite page, but you can find
    them in the index if you don’t know them.

    1 tradition ________traditional__________

    2 attract

    3 person

    4 cloud

    5 colour

    6 fame

    7 electricity

    8 politics

    9 enjoy

    10 nation

    11 wind

    12 danger

    13 create

    14 emotion

    15 fog


    Tick ()
    the words which form opposites with the suffix -less.


    Complete the sentences.

    1 You must be very ______ careful _______when you drive in
    wet weather.

    2 She told us an ____________
    story about a dog that could speak.

    3 The tourist information
    office was very ____________, and told us everything we needed to know.

    4 The festival is an ____________
    event, held on the first Monday in September.

    5 It was very ____________ when
    I hit my leg against the corner of that table.

    6 This bag is ____________;
    it’s too small for me to put anything in it.

    7 We’ve never had any
    problems with our TV in ten years; it’s been very ____________.

    8 Most people agreed with
    it, so I think it was a ____________ decision.

    9 This is just my ____________
    opinion; others may not agree.

    10 Travelling round China
    and the Far East was an ____________ experience.

    11 Children perform ____________
    dances at the ceremony, as they have done for hundreds of years.

    12 Do you think this dress
    is ____________ for a wedding?


    Choose three
    adjectives from the opposite page which could describe these people or


    • #1

    What is the difference between be careful and be carefully? <——Edited to include topic in post.——>

    because be-v can be modified by adj or adv. what the difference ??

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2014

    sound shift

    • #2

    We say «Be careful» but we don’t say «Be carefully». Adverbs don’t go with the verb «to be».

    • #3

    ..but we do say «something can be XXXX carefully» e.g

    The statue

    had to be lowered carefully onto the plinth by crane» as opposed to «


    had to be careful when lowering the statue onto the plinth»

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