Basic english word with meaning

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Verbs with example phrase (with audio Mp3)
be 🙂 Be happy.
have 🖐️ Have a good day.
do 💪 Do the work.
say 🗨️ Say, “Hello.”
get 🛠️ Get to work.
make 👩‍🍳 Make some food.
go 🛵 Go for a drive.
know 🎓 I know a lot.
take 🎫 Take a number.
see 👓 I can see.
come 🧲 Come to me.
think 🤔 I think so.
look 👀 Look at that.
want 😋 I want to eat.
give 🎁 Give me a gift.
use 🍴 Use a fork.
find 🔍 Find the answer.
tell 🎤 Tell your story.
ask 🙋 Ask a question.
work 🔨 I work hard.
seem 🤔 You seem lost.
feel 🤗 I feel happy.
try 😣 Try again.
leave 🚶‍♂️ I will leave.
call 📱 Call me.

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Nouns with example phrase (with audio Mp3)
person 😃 This person is happy.
man 👨 The man is nice.
woman 👩 The woman is young.
child 🧒 The child is small.
time The time is 7am.
year 🎉 The year is 2019.
week 📅 A week is 7 days.
day 📆 This is a good day.
way 🛣️ Come this way.
thing What is that thing?
world 🌎 The world is big.
life ⚕️ Life is good.
hand My hand is clean.
part 🧩 I like this part.
eye 👁️ My eye is open.
place 🗺️ This is the place.
work 🔨 My work is important.
case 📁 USCIS case number
point 📌 I see your point.
government 🏛️ I like the government.
company 🏭 Her company is new.
number 🔢 This is my number.
group 👨‍👩‍👦 The group is big.
problem 🤦 I have a problem.
fact 📚 That is a fact.

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Adjectives with example phrase (audio Mp3)
good 👍 Good work.
new 🌅 It is a new day.
first 🥇 This is my first job.
last 🤷 That was last time.
long ✈️ It was a long way.
great 👷‍♀️ She is a great boss.
little 🚗 I have a little car.
own 🏠 I want my own home.
other 🏨 I like the other place.
old 🏚️ It is an old house.
right 📲 This is the right number.
big 👪 It was a big group.
high 🔢 It is a high number.
different I have a different time.
small 🌎 It is a small world.
large 🏬 That is a large place.
next 📅 That is next week.
early 🤤 I like early lunch.
young 🧒 He is a young child.
important 👩‍✈️ She is an important person.
few 🗓️ Give me a few days.
public 🏞️ It is a public place.
bad 😥 You have a bad problem.
same ⏲️ Come at the same time.
able 🧰 I am able to work.

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Prepositions with example phrase (audio Mp3)
to Go to work
of a lot of people
in Get in place
for Come for the day
on Be on time
with Stay with my child
at Good at work
by Wait by the car
from I am from New York
up Go up to the place
about Tell me about life
into Come into work soon
over Go over there next week
after Call me after work

Listen 🔉 Read 🔎 Repeat 🔁

Other common vocabulary – with example phrase
the the child
and man and woman
a a day
that that place
I I like you
it It is nice.
not Not my place
he He is nice.
as as a child
you You are nice
this This is the place
but But not today
his His car
they They are here
her Her mother
she She is nice
or Yes or no
an an eye for an eye
will I will call you
my My first job.
one One at a time
all All the same
would I would like that
there There is a place to stay
their Their home is nice

111 Basic English Vocabulary with Meaning

In this blog, we are going to learn some useful and easy English to Urdu vocabulary words which will help us a lot in our speaking and writing. This list has common English vocabulary with their Urdu meaning which will help you speak English in your daily routine and communicate with others in English.

111 Basic English Vocabulary with Meaning

English vocabulary is one of the major lessons of the English language which is a little bit tricky we have to search for every word in the dictionary or on the internet which is not easy to do, but now in this lesson, we have mentioned all the vocabulary words with their meanings so that you can easily understand them and use them in your speaking.

Backward پیچھے کو
Above اوپر
Forward اگے کی طرف
After all آخر کار
Therefore بہر حال
Both دونوں
However تاہم
Between درمیان
Without بغیر
Beyond آگے
Me مجھے
Some کچھ
Beside قریب
Them انہیں
Your تمھارا
She وہ (لڑکی)
He وہ  (لڑکا)
I میں
We ہم
They وہ  (جمع)
It یہ
You تم یا تم لوگ
Their ان کا
Our ہمارا
Her اسکی
His اس کا
Him / her اسے
Who کون
Whom کس کا
What کیا

111 Basic English Vocabulary

Below نیچے
Into اندر
Inside اندر کی جانب
Up اوپر
In میں
Through کے ذریعے
From سے
Until جب تک
Except سوائے
Through کے ذریعے
Downward نیچے کی طرف
With ساتھ
Down نیچے
Upward اوپر  کی جانب
But لیکن
My میرا
Why کیوں
Which کونسا
And اور
Away from سے دور
As جیسا کہ
Among درمیان
At پر
Although اگرچہ
At once اچانک
Also بھی
At most زیادہ سے زیادہ
At first شروع میں
Against کیخلاف
After بعد میں

111 Basic English Vocabulary with Meaning

Outside باہر کی ججانب
May be شاید  ، ہوسکتا ہے
Over اوپر
More زیادہ
On پر
Much نا قابل شمار
Mine میرا
Usually عام طور پر
Very بہت
Where کہاں
When کب
Because کیونکہ
Late دیر سے
Behind پیچھے
If اگر
Above اوپر
Already پہلے سے
Again دوبارہ
Along ساتھ  ساتھ
Certainly یقینی طور پر
Quickly جلدی سے
At last آخر کار
Not نہیں
At least کم از کم
No نہیں
Now ابھی
Not yet ابھی نہیں
Otherwise ورنہ
Never کبھی نہیں
Still ابھی تک

Basic English to Urdu Vocabulary

Basic English to Urdu Vocabulary PDF

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About the author


A blogger and English instructor have been teaching the English language in different institutes of Quetta, Pakistan.

Это базовый английский, в основе которого лежит всего 850 слов. Этого запаса будет достаточно новичку, чтобы изъясняться на языке. Проверьте себя! Хорошее начало для быстрого старта в английском.

Basic English был придуман британским лингвистом
Чарльзом Огденом. В 1925 году он разработал British American Scientific International Commercial English (аббревиатура — BASIC). Это 850 слов, обозначающих предметы, направления и действия.

1. Предметы и явления (600 слов)

200 слов в картинках

Картинки посмотрите в википедии — 
200 базовых английских слов в картинках.


angle — угол, поворачивать;

ant — муравей;

apple — яблоко;
arch — арка, дуга, выгибать;

arm — рука, вооружать;

army — армия


bag — сумка

ball — мяч

bank — банк

basin — бассейн

basket — корзина

bath — ванна, купаться

bed — кровать

bee — пчела

bell — колокольчик

berry — ягода
bird — птица

blade — лезвие

board — доска

boat — лодка, судно

bone — кость

book — книга

boot — ботинок, загружать

bottle — бутылка

box — коробка

boy — мальчик
brain — мозг

brake — тормоз, тормозить

branch — ветвь, отделение

brick — кирпич

bridge — мост

brush — щётка, кисть

bucket — ведро, черпать

bulb — луковица, выпирать

button — кнопка, застёгивать

baby — ребёнок, младенец


cake — пирог

camera — камера

card — карта, чесать

cart — везти

carriage — вагон

cat — кот

chain — цепь, сеть

cheese — сыр
chest — грудь, сундук

chin — подбородок

church — церковь

circle — круг

clock — часы

cloud — облако

coat — пальто, покрывать

collar — воротник, хватать
comb — расчёсывать

cord — шнур, связывать

cow — корова

cup — чашка

curtain — занавес, штора, занавешивать

cushion — подушка, смягчать


dog — собака

door — дверь
drain — утечка, истощать

drawer — ящик
dress — платье, одевать

drop — капля, опускать


ear — ухо

egg — яйцо
engine — двигатель

eye — глаз


face — лицо

farm — ферма

feather — перо, украшать

finger — палец
fish — рыба

flag — флаг, сигнализировать

floor — пол, этаж, дно

fly — муха, лететь
foot — нога

fork — вилка

fowl — домашняя птица

frame — структура, рамка, создавать


garden — сад

girl — девочка

glove — перчатка
goat — коза

gun — оружие


hair — волосы

hammer — молоток

hand — рука

hat — шляпа
head — голова

heart — сердце

hook — крюк, вербовать

horn — рожок
horse — лошадь

hospital — больница

house — дом



jewel — драгоценный камень


kettle — чайник

key — ключ
knee — колено

knife — нож
knot — узел


leaf — лист, покрывать листвой

leg — нога
library — библиотека

line — линия, очередь, выравнивать
lip — губа

lock — замок


map — карта

match — спичка, сделки, соответствовать
monkey — обезьяна

moon — луна
mouth — рот, жевать

muscle — мускул


nail — ноготь

neck — шея, обниматься

needle — игла
nerve — нерв

net — чистый, сеть
nose — нос

nut — орех


office — офис orange — апельсин, оранжевый oven — духовка, печь


parcel — пакет, распределять

pen — ручка

pencil — карандаш

picture — картина

pig — свинья
pin — булавка, прикреплять

pipe — труба

plane — самолёт

plate — пластина

plow — плуг, пахать
pocket — карман, присваивать

pot — горшок

potato — картофель

prison — тюрьма

pump — насос, качать


rail — рельс, перевозить поездом

rat — крыса

receipt — квитанция
ring — кольцо, звонить

rod — прут
roof — крыша

root — корень


sail — парус

school — школа

scissors — ножницы

screw — винт

seed — семя

sheep — овцы

shelf — полка

ship — корабль

shirt — рубашка

shoe — ботинок
skin — кожа, очищать

skirt — юбка

snake — змея

sock — носок

spade — лопата

sponge — губка

spoon — ложка

spring — весна

square — квадрат

stamp — печать, марка, отпечатывать
star — звезда

station — станция

stem — стебель, происходить

stick — палка, прикреплять

stocking — снабжать

stomach — живот, смелость, переваривать

store — магазин, запас

street — улица

sun — солнце


table — стол

tail — хвост, выслеживать

thread — нить, пронизывать

throat — горло

thumb — листать, большой палец
ticket — билет

toe — палец ноги

tongue — язык

tooth — зуб

town — город
train — поезд

tray — поднос

tree — дерево

trousers — брюки



wall — стена

watch — часы

wheel — колесо, вертеть
whip — кнут, хлестать

whistle — свист, свистеть

window — окно
wing — крыло

wire — провод

worm — червь

400 общих слов


account — счет, считать

act — действия

addition — дополнение

adjust — регулировать, приспосабливать

advertisement — реклама

agreement — соглашение

air — воздух, проветривать
amount — количество, означать, составлять

amusement — развлечение

animal — животное

answer — ответ, отвечать

apparatus — аппарат

approval — одобрение

argument — спор, аргумент
art — искусство, художественный

attack — нападение, нападать

attempt — попытка, пытаться

attention — внимание

attraction — достопримечательности

authority — власть, полномочие


back — назад, спина, отступать

balance — баланс, уравновешивать

base — основной

behavior — поведение

belief — вера

birth — рождение

bit — частица, бит
bite — укус, кусать

blood — кровь

blow — удар, дуть

body — тело

brass — медь, руководство

bread — хлеб

breath — дыхание
brother — брат

building — здание, строение

burn — ожог, гореть

burst — взрыв, взрывать

business — бизнес, деловой

butter — масло


canvas — холст

care — забота, лечение

cause — причина, вызывать

chalk — мел, рисовать мелом

chance — шанс, случайный, рисковать

change — изменение, замена

cloth — ткань, одежда

coal — уголь

color — цвет

comfort — комфорт

committee — комитет
company — компания

comparison — сравнение

competition — соревнование

condition — условие, обуславливать

connection — связь

control — контроль

cook — готовить

copper — медь

copy — копия

cork — пробка

cotton — хлопок
cough — кашель

country — страна

cover — покрытие, покрывать, обложка

crack — первоклассный, взламывать

credit — кредит, верить

crime — преступление

crush — давка, сокрушать

cry — плакать

current — текущий, поток

curve — кривая, избегать


damage — повреждение, повреждать

danger — опасность

daughter — дочь

day — день

death — смерть

debt — долг

decision — решение

degree — уровень, градус, степень

design — намереваться

desire — желание, желать
destruction — разрушение

detail — детализировать, детали

development — развитие

digestion — вываривание

direction — управление

discovery — открытие

discussion — обсуждение

disease — болезнь

disgust — отвращение
distance — дистанция

distribution — распределение

division — подразделение

doubt — сомнение

drink — пить, напиток

driving — вождение

dust — чистить, пыль


earth — земля

edge — продвигаться, край

education — образование

effect — производить, эффект

end — заканчивать, конец
error — ошибка

event — случай, событие

example — пример

exchange — обмен, обменивать

existence — существование
expansion — расширение

experience — опыт, испытывать

expert — опытный, эксперт


fact — факт

fall — падение, осень

family — семья

father — папа

fear — бояться, страх

feeling — чувство

fiction — беллетристика, фикция
field — область, поле, выставлять

fight — борьба, бороться

fire -огонь

flame — пылать, пламя

flight — полет, рейс

flower — цветок

fold — сгиб, сворачивать
food — еда, продовольствие

force — сила, вынуждать, вызывать

form — форма

friend — друг

front — выходить, фронт, передний

fruit — фрукт


glass — стекло, стакан

gold — золото

government — государство
grain — зерно

grass — трава

grip — власть, захват, захватывать
group — группа

growth — рост

guide — гид, справочник, путеводитель


harbor — приютить, питать, вставать на якорь, гавань

harmony — гармония

hate — ненавидеть, очень не хотеть, ненависть

hearing — слушание, слух
heat — нагревать, высокая температура

help — помощь, помогать

history — история

hole — продырявливать, отверстие
hope — надежда, надеяться

hour — час

humor — юмор


ice — лёд

idea — идея

impulse — импульс

increase — увеличивать, увеличение
industry — индустрия

ink — чернила

insect — насекомое

instrument — инструмент
insurance — страховка

interest — интерес, процент, доля

invention — изобретение

iron — утюг, гладить


jelly — превращать в желе, желе

join — присоединяться, объединение, соединение
journey — путешествовать, поездка

judge — судья, судить
jump — прыгать, прыжок


kick — удар, ударить kiss — поцелуй, целовать knowledge — знание


land — земля

language — язык

laugh — смеяться, смех

law — законный, закон

lead — принуждать, побеждать, вести, лидерство

learning — изучение, обучение
leather — кожа

letter — письмо

level — уровень, выравнивать, направлять

lift — поднимать, лифт

light — освещать, легкий, свет

limit — ограничивать
linen — льняной, полотно

liquid — жидкий, жидкость

list — список, перечислять

loss — потеря

love — любовь


machine — машина

man — человек

mark — марка

market — рынок

mass — масса

meal — еда

measure — мера, измерять

meat — мясо

meeting — встреча
memory — память

metal — металл

middle — средний, середина

milk — молоко

mind — ум, возражать

mine — мой, месторождение, мина

minute — минута

mist — туман

money — деньги
month — месяц

morning — утро

mother — мать

motion — двигаться, движение, жест

mountain — гора, горный

move — двигать, шаг, движение

music — музыка


name — имя

nation — нация

need — потребность, требоваться
news — новости

night — ночь

noise — шум
note — примечание, отмечать

number — число, номер


observation — наблюдение

offer — предложение, предлагать

oil — масло
operation — операция, действие

opinion — мнение

order — заказ, заказывать, приказывать
organization — организация

ornament — украшение, украшать

owner — владелец


page — страница

pain — боль, причинять боль

paint — краска, рисовать, красить

paper — бумага

part — часть, отделять, разделяться

paste — приклеивать, паста

payment — оплата

peace — мир

person — персона

place — размещать, помещать, занимать место, место

plant — завод, растение, прививать, сеять
play — играть

pleasure — удовольствие

point — пункт, точка, указывать

poison — яд, отравлять

polish — полировать

porter — швейцар,носильщик

position — помещать, позиция

powder — порошок

power — сила, власть

price — цена

print — печатать
process — обрабатывать, процесс

produce — продукт, производить

profit — прибыль, получать прибыль

property — свойства

prose — проза

protest — возражать, протест

pull — напряжение, тянуть

punishment — наказание

purpose — намереваться, цель

push — толчок, подталкивать


quality — качество, качественный question — вопрос


rain — дождь

range — диапазон, располагаться

rate — норма,разряд

ray — луч

reaction — реакция

reading — чтение

reason — рассуждать, причина, разум

record — рекордный, отчёт, делать запись

regret — сожаление, сожалеть
relation — отношение

religion — религия

representative — представитель

request — запрос, просить

respect — уважение, уважать

rest — отдых, отдыхать, оставаться

reward — награда, вознаграждать

rhythm — ритм

rice — рис
river — река

road — дорога

roll — рулон, ведомость, катиться, въезжать

room — комната

rub — протирать, тереться

rule — правило

run — бег, бегать


salt — соль, солить

sand — песок

scale — измерять, масштаб

science — наука

sea — море

seat — сиденье, усаживать, место

secretary — секретарь

selection — выбор

self — сам

sense — чувство, значения, смысл, ощущать

servant — слуга

sex — секс, пол

shade — оттенок,тень, заштриховывать

shake — встряска, встряхивать, дрожать, потрясать

shame — позор, позорить

shock — шок, потрясать

side — сторона, примыкать

sign — знак, признак, подписывать

silk — шёлк

silver — серебро
sister — сестра

size — размер

sky — небо

sleep — спать

slip — промах, бланк, подсовывать, скользить

slope — наклон, клониться

smash — удар, разбиваться

smell — запах, пахнуть

smile — улыбка, улыбаться

smoke — дым, курить

sneeze — чиханье, чихать

snow — снег

soap — мыло, мылить

society — общество

son — сын

song — песня

sort — вид, сортировать

sound — звук

soup — суп

space — пространство, космос
stage — стадия, сцена, организовывать

start — начинать

statement — утверждение

steam — пар, париться, двигаться

steel — сталь

step — шаг, шагать

stitch — стежок, сшивать

stone — камень

stop — останавливаться, остановка

story — история

stretch — отрезки, протягивать, простираться

structure — структура

substance — вещество, сущность

sugar — сахар

suggestion — предложение, предположение

summer — лето

support — поддержка, поддерживать

surprise — сюрприз

swim — плаванье, плавать

system — система


talk — разговор, говорить

taste — вкус, испытывать

tax — налог, облагать налогом

teaching — обучение

tendency — тенденция

test — проверять, тест

theory — теория
thing — вещь

thought — мысль

thunder — гром, греметь

time — время

tin — олово,консервная банка

top — возглавлять, вершина, главный

touch — прикосновение, касаться
trade — торговля, обменивать

transport — транспорт, транспортировать

trick — уловка, обманывать

trouble — проблема, беспокоить

turn — поворот, поворачивать

twist — завихрение, крутить


unit — единица use — использование, использовать


value — ценность, оценивать

verse — стих
vessel — судно, сосуд

view — вид, взгляд, рассматривать
voice — голос, высказывать


war — война

wash — мытьё, стирать, чистить

waste — ненужный, отходы, трата

water — вода

wave — волна

wax — воск, натирать воском

weather — погода
week — неделя

weight — вес, нагружать

wind — ветер

wine — вино

winter — зима, зимовать

woman — женщина

wood — лес
wool — шерсть

word — слово

work — работа, работать

wound — проветривать, рана, ранить

writing — письмо


2. Действия или движения (100 слов)

come — приходить, приезжать

get — получать, заставлять

give — давать

go — ходить, идти

keep — продолжать, держать, оставлять, не допускать

let — позволять

make — делать/сделать, заставлять

put — помещать

seem — казаться, представляться

take — брать/взять

be — быть

do — делать

have — иметь, съесть, знать

say — говорить

see — видеть

send — посылать

may — мочь

will — быть хотеть

about — о

across — через

after — после

against — против

among — среди

at — в

before — перед

between — между

by — к, в соответствии с, за, на

down — вниз

from — из

in — в

off — прочь, от

on — на

over — по

through — через
to — к, до, в

under — под

up — вверх

with — с

as — поскольку, как

for — для

of — из, о, от

till — пока, до

than — чем

a — любой, один, каждый, некий


all — все, весь

any — любой, никто

every — каждый

no — никакой, нет

other — другой

some — некоторый, немного

such — такой, таким образом

that — что

this — это, этот

i — я

he — он

you — ты, вы

who — кто

and — и

because — потому что

but — а, но

or — или

if — если

though — хотя

while — в то время как

how — как

when — когда

where — где, куда, откуда
why — почему

again — снова

ever — когда-либо, никогда

far — самый дальний

forward — отправлять, вперед

here — здесь, сюда

near — рядом, около

now — теперь, сейчас

out — вне, снаружи

still — все еще

then — тогда

there — там, туда

together — вместе

well — хорошо, намного

almost — почти

enough — достаточно

even — еще, даже

little — маленький

much — много

not — не

only — только

quite — весьма

so — так

very — очень

tomorrow — завтра

yesterday — вчера

north — север

south — юг

east — восток

west — запад

please — пожалуйста

yes — да

3. Выражение качества

Общие (100 слов)


able — способный, быть в состоянии acid — кислота, кислый angry — сердитый


beautiful — красивый

black — чёрный
boiling — кипение

bright — яркий, умный
broken — сломанный

brown — коричневый


cheap — дешёвый

chemical — химикат

chief — главный
clean — чистый, чистить

clear — ясный, очищать, оправдываться

common — общий
complex — комплекс

conscious — сознательный

cut — резать


deep — глубокий, глубоко dependent — зависимый


early — рано, ранний elastic — эластичный equal — равный, равняться


fat — толстый, жир

fertile — плодородный

first — первый
fixed — неподвижный, неизменный

flat — плоский, квартира, плоскость

free — свобода, бесплатный
frequent — частый, часто посещать

full — полный


general — общий, генерал

good — хороший
great — великий, великолепный

grey|gray — серый


hanging — вывешивание, висение

happy — счастье
hard — трудный, тяжёлый, твёрдый

healthy — здоровый
high — высокий, высоко

hollow — пустота



jewel — драгоценный камень



like — подобный, любить, нравиться living — проживаниe long — долго, длинный


male — мужской, мужчина

married — женатый, замужем
material — материал

medical — медицинский
military — военный


natural — натуральный

necessary — необходимый
new — новый

normal — нормальный


open — открытый, открывать


parallel — параллельный, находить что-либо подобное

past — мимо, прошлый

physical — физический
political — политический

poor — бедный, плохой, слабый

possible — возможный
present — существующий, подарок

private — личный, приватный

probable — вероятный


quick — быстрый

quiet — тихий, успокаивать


ready — готовый, готов

read — читать
regular — регулярный

responsible — ответственный
right — верный, право

round — вокруг, круглый, раунд


same — то же самое

second — секунда, второй

separate — отдельный, отделять

serious — серьёзный
sharp — острый

smooth — гладкий, мягкий, приглаживать

sticky — липкий

stiff — жесткий
straight — прямой

strong — сильный

sudden — внезапный

sweet — сладкий


tall — высокий

thick — толстый, густой
tight — трудный

tired — усталый
true — правда, правдивый


violent — сильный, жестокий


waiting — ожидание

warm — теплый, нагревать
wet — влажный

wide — широкий
wise — мудрый


yellow — жёлтый

young — молодой

Противоположные (50 слов)


awake — активный, пробуждать, просыпаться    


bad — плохой

bent — склонность, сгибать
bitter — горький, ожесточенный

blue — синий


certain — уверенный, определенный

cold — холодный
complete — полный, заканчивать

cruel — жестокий


dark — темнота, темный

dead — мёртвый

dear — дорогой
delicate — тонкий, деликатный

different — различный, другой

dirty — грязный
dry — сухой, сушить


false — фальшивый

feeble — слабый
female — женский

foolish — глупый
future — будущий, будущее




last — последний, длиться

late — опаздывать
left — лево, левый

loose — свободный, освобождать
loud — громкий

low — низкий




old — старый

opposite — напротив, противоположный




sad — расстроенный

safe — безопасный

secret — секретный

short — короткий
simple — простой

slow — медленный

small — маленький

soft — мягкий
solid — твёрдый, солидный

special — специальный

strange — странный


thin — худой, тонкий, жидкий    


white — белый 

wrong — неправильный, несправедливость

This is a list of the 850 words in the Basic English core vocabulary. These words all denote simple concepts commonly used in everyday life.

Operations — 100 words[edit]

come, get, give, go, keep, let, make,
put, seem, take, be, do, have, say,
see, send, may, will, about, across,
after, against, among, at, before, between,
by, down, from, in, off, on, over,
through, to, under, up, with, as, for,
of, till, than, a, the, all, any,
every, no, other, some, such, that, this,
I, he, you, who, and, because, but,
or, if, though, while, how, when, where,
why, again, ever, far, forward, here,
near, now, out, still, then, there,
together, well, almost, enough, even, little,
much, not, only, quite, so, very,
tomorrow, yesterday, north, south, east, west,
please, yes.

400 general words[edit]


account, act, addition, adjustment,
advertisement, agreement, air, amount, amusement,
animal, answer, apparatus, approval, argument,
art, attack, attempt, attention, attraction,
authority, back, balance, base,
behaviour, belief, birth, bit, bite,
blood, blow, body, brass, bread, breath,
brother, building, burn, burst, business,
butter, canvas, care, cause, chalk, chance,
change, cloth, coal, colour, comfort,
committee, company, comparison, competition,
condition, connection, control, cook, copper,
copy, cork, cotton, cough, country, cover,
crack, credit, crime, crush, cry, current,
curve, damage, danger, daughter, day, death,
debt, decision, degree, design, desire,
destruction, detail, development, digestion,
direction, discovery, discussion, disease,
disgust, distance, distribution, division, doubt,
drink, driving, dust, earth, edge, education,
effect, end, error, event, example, exchange,
existence, expansion, experience, expert,
fact, fall, family, father, fear, feeling, fiction,
field, fight, fire, flame, flight, flower,
fold, food, force, form, friend, front,


glass, gold, government, grain, grass, grip, group, growth, guide, harbour,
harmony, hate, hearing, heat, help, history,
hole, hope, hour, humour, ice, idea,
impulse, increase, industry, ink, insect,
instrument, insurance, interest, invention, iron,
jelly, join, journey, judge, jump, kick,
kiss, knowledge, land, language, laugh, law,
lead, learning, leather, letter, level, lift,
light, limit, linen, liquid, list, look,
loss, love, machine, man, manager, mark,
market, mass, meal, measure, meat, meeting,
memory, metal, middle, milk, mind, mine,
minute, mist, money, month, morning, mother,
motion, mountain, move, music,
name, nation, need, news, night, noise, note, number,
observation, offer, oil, operation, opinion,
order, organization, ornament, owner


page, pain, paint, paper, part, paste,
payment, peace, person, place, plant, play,
pleasure, point, poison, polish, porter,
position, powder, power, price, print,
process, produce, profit, property, prose,
protest, pull, punishment, purpose, push,
quality, question, rain, range, rate, ray,
reaction, reading, reason, record, regret,
relation, religion, representative, request,
respect, rest, reward, rhythm, rice, river,
road, roll, room, rub, rule, run, salt,
sand, scale, science, sea, seat, secretary,
selection, self, sense, servant, sex, shade,
shake, shame, shock, side, sign, silk,
silver, sister, size, sky, sleep, slip,
slope, smash, smell, smile, smoke, sneeze,
snow, soap, society, son, song, sort,
sound, soup, space, stage, start, statement,
steam, steel, step, stitch, stone, stop,
story, stretch, structure, substance, sugar,
suggestion, summer, support, surprise, swim,
system, talk, taste, tax, teaching, tendency,
test, theory, thing, thought, thunder, time,
tin, top, touch, trade, transport, trick,
trouble, turn, twist, unit, use, value,
verse, vessel, view, voice, walk, war,
wash, waste, water, wave, wax, way,
weather, week, weight, wind, wine, winter,
woman, wood, wool, word, work, wound,
writing, year.

Things — 200 picturable words[edit]

angle, ant, apple, arch, arm, army, baby,
bag, ball, band, basin, basket,
bath, bed, bee, bell, berry, bird, blade,
board, boat, bone, book, boot, bottle,
box, boy, brain, brake, branch, brick,
bridge, brush, bucket, bulb, button, cake,
camera, card, cart, carriage, cat, chain,
cheese, chest, chin, church, circle, clock,
cloud, coat, collar, comb, cord, cow, cup,
curtain, cushion, dog, door, drain, drawer,
dress, drop, ear, egg, engine, eye, face,
farm, feather, finger, fish, flag, floor,
fly, foot, fork, fowl, frame, garden,
girl, glove, goat, gun, hair, hammer,
hand, hat, head, heart, hook, horn, horse,
hospital, house, island, jewel, kettle, key,
knee, knife, knot, leaf, leg, library,
line, lip, lock, map, match, monkey, moon,
mouth, muscle, nail, neck, needle, nerve,
net, nose, nut, office, orange, oven,
parcel, pen, pencil, picture, pig, pin,
pipe, plane, plate, plough, pocket, pot,
potato, prison, pump, rail, rat, receipt,
ring, rod, roof, root, sail, school,
scissors, screw, seed, sheep, shelf, ship,
shirt, shoe, skin, skirt, snake, sock,
spade, sponge, spoon, spring, square, stamp,
star, station, stem, stick, stocking, stomach,
store, street, sun, table, tail, thread,
throat, thumb, ticket, toe, tongue, tooth,
town, train, tray, tree, trousers, umbrella,
wall, watch, wheel, whip, whistle, window,
wing, wire, worm.

Pictures of these 200 words

Qualities — 100 descriptive words[edit]

able, acid, angry, automatic, beautiful,
black, boiling, bright, broken, brown, cheap,
chemical, chief, clean, clear, common,
complex, conscious, cut, deep, dependent,
early, elastic, electric, equal, fat, fertile,
first, fixed, flat, free, frequent, full,
general, good, great, grey, hanging,
happy, hard, healthy, high, hollow, important,
kind, like, living, long, male, married,
material, medical, military, natural, necessary,
new, normal, open, parallel, past, physical,
political, poor, possible, present, private,
probable, quick, quiet, ready, red, regular,
responsible, right, round, same, second,
separate, serious, sharp, smooth, sticky,
stiff, straight, strong, sudden, sweet, tall,
thick, tight, tired, true, violent, waiting,
warm, wet, wide, wise, yellow, young.

Qualities — 50 opposites[edit]

awake, bad, bent, bitter, blue, certain,
cold, complete, cruel, dark, dead, dear,
delicate, different, dirty, dry, false,
feeble, female, foolish, future, green, ill,
last, late, left, loose, loud, low, mixed,
narrow, old, opposite, public, rough, sad,
safe, secret, short, shut, simple, slow,
small, soft, solid, special, strange, thin,
white, wrong.


  • 850 Basic English words by alphabetical order
  • 850 words by categories
  • Basic English (simple English Wikipedia)

See also[edit]

  • 193 International English Words
  • 1000 Basic English Words
  • Special English 1500 word list
  • Basic English 2000 word list

Further reading[edit]

  • 500 Most Common Words in English
  • 1500 Standard English Words
  • Basic English Combined Word Lists(2000 words)


  • The 850 words as grouped and listed by C.K. Ogden in ‘The ABC of Basic English’ (1932), Archived link at Wayback Machine

If you want to learn a language, the way to start is by building up a mental “dictionary” of basic words – this is true if
you want to learn English.

While it may sound boring at first, building up a basic English dictionary in your head is the first step to learning enough English to have a conversation.

If you don’t know enough simple English words for daily use, you won’t be able to ask questions and understand the answers.

You also will not be able to convey thoughts or emotions.

Tips For Learning Basic English Words

A quick Google search should provide you with lists of daily use English words with meaning.

Looking through and memorizing these 20 to 100
English words for beginners will help you learn enough to build up your vocabulary enough to have a conversation.

Try reciting the words aloud over and over for yourself.

One of the most efficient ways to learn English words for beginners, however, has got to be to look at lists of basic English words with pictures. 

Try and find picture books or other materials for learning basic English words for kids.

Being able to see a picture of what
a basic English word is supposed to means is a great way to imprint it into your memory.

90 Basic English Words That Every English Learner Should Know

Here is our own list of some basic words you should get to know. 

There’s also a downloadable PDF file with all these words waiting for you in the end. Let’s dive in!

1. Hello

This is a basic greeting.

2. Goodbye

This is what you say when you are leaving.

3.  Yes

This is a word that you say when you agree with something someone has said.

4. No

This is a word that means you disagree with something someone has said.

5. Please

This is a polite way to call someone’s attention. When you are asking someone for a favor you should say “please.”

6. Thank you

When someone does something for you, this is the polite response. 

7. Help

If you need someone to do something for you because you can’t do it yourself, you ask for help. If you are in trouble, you should yell “Help!”

8. Sorry

This is what you say if you’ve done something wrong to someone. You can also use it to ask for their attention or interrupt them.

9. Person and People

This is a word that is used when you are talking about humans. A “person” is the singular form, what you use when referring to an individual. “People” is what you call a group.

10. Man and Men

A man is a person who is male. Meanwhile, a group of people who are male are men.

11. Woman and Women

A woman is a person who is female. A group of people who are female are women.

12. He or Him

These are used to refer to a male person. The words “person” or “man” are nouns. “He” and “Him” are pronouns which is a shorter word that is use in place of a noun.

13. She or Her

These are pronouns that are used to refer to a female person. You can use these in place of “woman”.

14. They or Them

These are gender neutral pronouns that you can use to refer to people.

15. I

This is a pronoun you can use to refer to yourself.

16. Me

This is a word you can use to refer to yourself.

17. Mine

This is a word that indicates possession. If you say something in “mine” you are saying it belongs to you.

18. You

This is a gender neutral pronoun that you can use to refer to another person. This is usually what you use when talking directly to someone.

19. We

This is a pronoun that you can use to refer to yourself and other people as a group or collective.

20. Child and Children

These are gender neutral terms that mean a young human or person. A “child” is one young human, while “children” refers to a group of young humans. If someone is below the age of puberty or not yet of legal age, they are usually considered a child.

21. Teenager

If a young human is above the age of puberty, they are referred to as a teenager.

22. Boy

A child or teenager who is male can be called a boy.

23. Girl

A child or teenager who is female can be called a girl.

24. Parent

A parent is someone who takes care of a child. Often this is a blood relation of the child.

25. Father

A father is the male parent

26. Mother

A mother is the female parent.

27. Son

Male offspring.

28. Daughter

Female offspring.

29. Brother

Someone who has the same parent as someone else. If there is more than one male offspring, they will refer to each other as “brother”. 

30. Sister

Someone who has the same parent as someone else. If there is more than one female offspring, they will refer to each other as “sister”

31. Thing

An object that is not alive.

32. Animal

A living being that is not human.

33. Plant

A living thing that grows on the earth.

34. This and That

These are pronouns used to refer to things.  They can also be used to refer to living things that are not human.

36. These and Those

These are other pronouns used to refer to things. They can also be used to refer to living things that are not human.

37. It

Another pronoun that can be used to refer to things or living things that is not human.

38. Time

This is a concept which means a measurable period when an action happens.

39. Hour

This is a specific unit of time.

40. Day 

Can either mean 24 hours of time or the time when the sun is in the sky.

41. Night

The period of time when the sun in not in the sky. 

42. When

This is an interrogative word, which is a word that asks a question. When you ask “when” you are looking to know a specific unit of time.

43. Who

This is an interrogative pronoun. The answer to the question “who” refers to a specific person.

44. What

This is an interrogative pronoun. When you ask “what” you are asking about a particular thing.

45. Why

This is an interrogative pronoun. When you ask “why” you are questioning the reason behind a certain action.

46. Place

This means a venue or address where you are, where another person or object is, or where an action or event is taking place.

47. Where

This is an interrogative pronoun. Where you ask “Where” you are asking about a specific place. Often the answer is a specific place at a specific time and date.

48. Here

This refers to the present location. When you are “here”, it refers to where you are at present.

49. Now

This is a word that means the present time. When you say you are somewhere “now”, it is your present location.

50. Later

This word refers to a future time. When you say you will be somewhere “later”, it refers to your location in the near future.

51. From 

When you say something is “from” somewhere, you are talking about where it was before it came to its present location.

52. Building

This is a man-made structure, usually consisting of walls, a floor, and a roof.

53. Home

This is a building that is used as by people or a group of people as a residence. Where they eat and sleep on a daily basis.

54. Store

This is a building where good and services are available for sale.

55. Restaurant

This is a building where meals are available for sale. The meals can be eaten there.

56. Eat

This is the act of taking in food or having a meal.

57. Drink

This is the act of taking in liquids.

58. Breakfast

This is a meal that is taken in the morning. Breakfast is usually the first meal of the day.

59. Lunch

This is the meal that is usually taken around mid-day.

60. Dinner

This is a meal that is taken in the evening. It is usually the last meal of the day.

61. Before

This is a word that refers to the past.

62. After

This is a word that refers to a period of time that occurs after an event.

63. To

This is a word that refers to movement. When you go “to” something you are moving closer to it.

64. School

This is a building where education takes place. People gather at a school to either teach of learn lessons.

65. Student

This refers to someone who goes to school to learn. Gender neutral and can be used to refer to an adult, a child, or a teenager.

66. Teacher

This is someone who goes to school to teach students. Gender neutral and usually meant to refer to an adult.

67. Have

This is a verb, which is an action word. “Have” means something you hold.

68. Go

This is another verb. When you or someone “go” you are moving towards something.

69.  Do

This is a verb. When you “do” something, you are performing an action.

70. Get

This is a verb. When you or someone else “get” something, you move towards it and hold it.

71. See

This is a verb that refers to vision. If you lay eyes on something, you see it.

72. Smell

This is a verb that refers to odor. When you smell something, you are using your nose.

73. Sound

This is a verb that refers to hearing. You hear a sound.

74. Taste

When you taste something, you know its flavor.

75. Touch

When you touch something, you feel it. Usually with your hands, but if almost anything touches your skin, you will feel its “touch”.

76. Know

When you “know” something, you understand it.

77.  Make

This is a verb that refers to creation. When you “make” something, you create it.

78. Come

This is a verb that refers to a future action. When you say you will “come” you are saying that you will be at a venue at a specific time, usually this is sometime in the near future.

79. Use

When you perform an action with something, you use it. 

80. With

When you are with someone or something, they or it are with you physically. You are in the same place at the same time.

81. Want

When you want something you desire to have it. 

82. For

When you say something if for someone, you are indicating that they possess it. 

83. Buy

When you buy something, you give someone else money in order to posses it.

84. Sell 

This refers to someone being willing to take money in exchange for an object they posses.

 85. Hurt

This refers to feeling bad or being in pain due to an accident.

86. Sick

This refers to feeling bad and maybe being in pain due to illness

87. Doctor

This is someone you should see if you are feeling ill.

89. Hospital

This is a building where you will find a doctor and where you will be taken if you are hurt in an accident.

90. Police

This is a government mandated entity who is supposed to keep peace and security. If you need help you can ask for the police.


While it is possible to
expand your vocabulary by memorizing lists like this, you will still need to know how to use them properly in a conversation. To do so, you need to practice putting the words together and saying them to a native speakers.

This is where and why you need to find a good native English speaking tutor.

Download the PDF file with 90 basic English words below:


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