Band one rock word

Photo: Freebase / Public domain

but chickens double d

but chickens double d

Updated May 31, 2021 12.9k votes 2.1k voters 132.2k views

Bands whose names consist of one word

Photo: Freebase / Public domain

Ranked by

  • Queen


    498 votes


    Pop music, Rock music, Heavy metal

  • Nirvana


    449 votes


    Grunge, Alternative rock, Punk rock

  • Metallica


    298 votes


    Thrash metal, Rock music, Heavy metal

  • Rush


    296 votes


    Progressive metal, Rock music, Heavy metal

  • Boston


    171 votes


    Hard rock, Progressive rock, Arena rock

  • The Eagles


    255 votes

    The Eagles

    Country pop, Rock music, Folk rock

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Объяснял Курт Кобейн: «Я хотел название, которое было бы красивым, милым и симпатичным, а не подлым, похабно панковским вроде Angry Samoans». Но в другом интервью Кобейн признавался, что Nirvana в какой-то момент начала раздражать: «Слишком эзотерично и серьезно». Журналисту MTV Кобейн говорил, что придумал название группе в девять утра – когда был усталый с похмелья.

Depeche Mode

Группа взяла название у французского журнала о моде. Его можно перевести просто как «Новости моды», но группа вкладывает более тонкий смысл французского слова: «Стремительная, быстрая мода, которая постоянно меняется».


Том Йорк взял название из песни Radio Head группы Talking Heads. Ее музыка сильно влияла на ранние песни Radiohead. История закольцевалась, когда солист Talking Heads Дэвид Бирн ввел Radiohead в зал славы рок-н-ролла.


Название выбрано из лаконичности и ощущения, что вокруг города группы Тинмута как будто появилась муза – у них в какой-то период появилось много новых групп. Автор книги о Muse Марк Бомонт писал: «Мэтт Беллами хотел отразить названием, что он вызвал группу, как медиумы могут вызывать вдохновляющий дух».


Лидеры группы Ангус и Малькольм Янг составляли список из крутых названий для группы. Однажды они увидели на швейной машинке или пылесосе (точно не помнят) аббревиатуру AC / DC. Она обозначает переменный и постоянный ток. Но Янги не знали, что еще этот термин на жаргоне обозначает бисексуальность – в какой-то момент они устали отвечать на вопросы про это. 


Сначала группа отрицала свою связь с трагедией на американской авиабазе Рамштайн. В интервью участники говорили, что они вдохновлялись старыми замками на воротах с таким же названием. Но это было странной отговоркой, потому что первый хит группы назывался Ramstein. И уже в 2019-м участники подтвердили, что назвались так из-за ассоциации с одной песней. А гитарист Пауль Ландерс вообще говорил, что одна лишняя «m» в названии появилась по ошибке.

Pink Floyd

Группа долго придумывала себе название, остановилась на Tea Set, но отказалась. Основатель группы Сид Барретт однажды просто совместил имена блюзовых музыкантов – Пинка Андерсона и Флойда Каунсила. Есть популярная версия, что Барретт придумал новое название, потому что группа с названием Tea Set уже существовала.


В 2020-м лидер группы Боно сказал, что ему до сих пор не нравится название. Он назвал группу в честь американского шпиона-разведчика, а менеджер похвалил – одна буква и цифра хорошо смотрятся вместе. Но сейчас Боно признается, что так получился слабый каламбур, на который не обращали внимания – you too («ты тоже»).


Сначала группа называлась Starfish, но потом выбрала Coldplay – так назывался сборник детских стихов. Точнее, группе название подарил студент, который основал группу Coldplay, но не захотел дальше играть. 

The Doors

Джима Моррисона вдохновили строки поэта Уильяма Блейка:

«Если бы двери восприятия были чисты, все предстало бы человеку таким, как оно есть — бесконечным»


Объяснял Фредди Меркьюри: «Название очевидно, очень царственное, и звучит великолепно. Это сильное название, очень универсальное и непосредственное. Я, конечно, знал о гей-коннотации, но это был только один аспект». Под «гей-коннотацией» Меркьюри имеет в виду созвучие со словом queer.

Here we have shared some cool and catchy band names that you will like. All the rock band names that we have shared are unique and attractive and can be used anywhere you want.

But make sure to select a catchy and unique name that will attract more people. Let’s dive into the list of such ideas.

Here are some cool and catchy unused music band names to inspire your ideas:

  • Samba Kids
  • Midnight Buzz
  • Cash Calamity
  • Choral Life
  • Oxymoron
  • Infinity
  • Green Plastic Bottle
  • E.E.F.
  • Dancing Shoes
  • Spades
  • Agreste Albert
  • Quake Covered
  • Machine Gun Villains
  • Chromium
  • Obelus
  • We Ain’t Listening
  • Down By 14
  • Diplomats
  • High on Drugs
  • Jupiter Funk
  • Mars Landing
  • The Vicious Goat
  • Ready Made Success
  • Morning Kisses
  • Wet Paint
  • Blood Bath
  • Modern Romance
  • Public Enemy
  • Disappointed 009
  • The Very Best
  • Medium-sized Band
  • Monarchs
  • Deep Six
  • Awesome Angels
  • Mad Men
  • Metallica
  • Santa Clause Is Dead
  • On and On
  • Sound Alarm
  • Blue Galaxy
  • Coffee Tugs

Cool Band Names

Here are some good and cool band names that will inspire you:

  • Beverly Boyz
  • Charming Chicks.
  • Gothic Girls
  • Pot Of Success
  • Globe Runners
  • 90 Proof
  • Minions
  • The Sound Collective
  • The Glass Slippers
  • 17 Orchids
  • Two Week Trip
  • Tongue Deep
  • The Dead Stars
  • Pitchfork
  • Investor Stake
  • The Paws
  • Mob Rule
  • Re-Choir
  • Opportune Omen
  • Political Enemies
  • Put Up Wet
  • Olympians
  • Zombie Killers
  • Main Event
  • Bambi’s Group
  • Pebble Nests
  • Roll Over
  • Affordable Song
  • The Runaways
  • Plain Vagabonds
  • Ospreys
  • Misfits
  • Techno Drone
  • Black & Gorgeous
  • Fortune and Luck

Unique Band Names

Here are some creative and unique band names that will inspire you:

  • Plasmatic
  • Curson The Sein
  • Lockdown
  • Treble Tones
  • One Dolphy
  • Sanguine Saturnine
  • Totally Generic
  • The Shirelles
  • Relative Success
  • To Hell and Beyond
  • Moaning Dreamers
  • International Hayes
  • Three Little Bones
  • Cream
  • Sense Of Freedom
  • Variation 5
  • L’il Angels
  • Pioneer Duo
  • Wise Yanks
  • Joyous Treats
  • Skeleton King
  • The Bayonets
  • Daddy
  • PARADIGM The Brazil
  • The Murdered
  • The Rocking Germany
  • Lonely Servants
  • Tidal Waves
  • Espresso Jones
  • Object Lesson
  • One-Eyed Flammers
  • City On Fire

Country Band Names

Here are some clever and cool country band names that you will like:

  • Tough Time
  • Joy & Joey
  • Saturn Blues
  • Wingspan Wide
  • Grasshoppers
  • Firestorm
  • Title Fire
  • Acoustricks
  • esus by the Corner
  • Original Myth
  • Bizzarremedy
  • Riverside The George
  • The Summer Rays
  • Brick City
  • Mnemonic Miasma
  • Nothingness
  • The Departed
  • The Dear Ones
  • Soft Hands
  • Beats of Heart
  • Screams Of Youth
  • Orbit Clash
  • Erudite Dunce
  • The Gentle Ones
  • Pitch Pariah
  • Idiosingcrasies
  • Uncertain Outcome
  • Classic Harmonies
  • Dead Hands
  • Stolen Identity
  • Green Mushroom
  • Catastrophe
  • Screaming Heads
  • Murmuration
  • Anti-Competitive
  • The Singles
  • Flipped Works
  • The Claw Scratches
  • Seller’s Market
  • Pilots
  • Flipped Thurston
  • Skinny Bundle
  • Cries In The Dark

Funny Band Names

Here are some funny band names that will make you smile when you read them:

  • Interestless Band
  • One Year Delay
  • The Laughter
  • Just Peachy
  • Albino Love Slaves
  • Scars For David
  • Explosion
  • Singers of Wisdom
  • The Rectangles
  • No Doubt
  • Fortress on Pluto
  • My Zenith
  • Joyful Mermaids
  • Evening Cuddles
  • 3 Day Rain
  • The Pleasant Ones
  • Angry Hawks
  • Athenas
  • The Rusty Nails
  • Wonderful Wonder
  • Red Hots
  • The White Holes
  • Real Joy
  • Honest Lads
  • Soulfy
  • Cosmic Rhythm
  • Golden Girls
  • Sub Now
  • Subzero
  • Metal Angel
  • The Badlands
  • Masters Of Music
  • Twice The Action
  • The Powerpuff Girls.
  • Octopi
  • The Reborn Thomas
  • Poor The Champions
  • Pink Panthers
  • Banana Splits

Girl Band Names

Here are some attractive girl band names that you will like the most:

  • Joyful Claps
  • The Recorded Lullaby
  • Naughty Nevada
  • Waterproof Hands
  • The Circle
  • Pulsar Dream
  • The Space Tigers
  • Blood Sucker
  • Re-dress
  • The Wolves Of Yesterday
  • Best In Class
  • Mike Doesn’t Sing
  • The Buttons
  • Return of the King
  • Lost Hope
  • Cozy Sunday
  • Demon Girls
  • Smooth Play
  • Never Apart
  • Musical Divas
  • Laces Out
  • 1000 Frames
  • The Geese
  • Fred Don
  • The Shaking BBC
  • Deft Denizen
  • Area 52
  • Guilty Ladies
  • The Crises
  • Seeking Open Minds
  • Selling for Free
  • Complete Chamber
  • The Snouts
  • Generous Boys
  • Zenith
  • GI Janes
  • Rivers
  • Avalanche
  • The Digital Punks
  • Hungry Dogs
  • Sweetest Vol
  • Lover’s Smile
  • Funeral for a Queen
  • Dominators
  • The Stalkers
  • Killing David
  • Odious Melodium
  • Quicken

Punk Band Names

Below are some unique and famous punk band names for your inspiration:

  • Unisex
  • Major Kronos
  • Mirror Racial
  • Four Men in a Basket
  • The Driving Crew
  • Killer Barbies
  • Take a chant
  • Oversight
  • Minor Prophets
  • Mix Princess
  • Cutie Pies
  • Shirk Sharks
  • Lateral Move
  • Untapped
  • Edge
  • Humble Love
  • Demon Scarecrow
  • The Groupie Dolls
  • The Revisited Ferguson
  • The Duties
  • Your Worst Dream
  • 2 Combustion
  • Devil In The Hallway
  • Rinse The Song
  • Bottoms Up
  • Insane Sardines
  • Blood In The Water
  • Hip Hauteur
  • Where Are Murmurs
  • Astronauts
  • Strikers
  • Allophones
  • Songs Divine
  • Shiny Guitar
  • Qabalah
  • Thunder
  • Puppets For Hire
  • Iron on Mercury
  • Jar of Skulls
  • Ice Crystals
  • The Grudges
  • Vox Humana
  • Ego Trippers
  • Young Decay
  • Snow Queens
  • Three-Day Funeral
  • Flower Drawing

Rock Band Names

Here are some creative rock band names to inspire you:

  • Dubious Devils
  • Bouncy Bats
  • The Jokers
  • Raging Storm
  • Liberty
  • Monkey Mash
  • Yapper
  • Leech
  • Far Away Nebula
  • Easter Brook
  • Turquoise Terror
  • The Tenders
  • Vortex
  • Better Than Us
  • Treble in Paradise
  • Spitfire
  • The Grapeful Girls
  • Lyra Ad Infinitum
  • Jammers
  • Adult Insects
  • Crawling Home to Texas
  • Navarro
  • Wizards
  • Five Little Galaxies
  • DIY Band
  • Metal Gods
  • The Dark Holes
  • Human Torso
  • Voyage To The Sun
  • All My Chimes
  • Smiling Puppies
  • Flower Power
  • Curated For You
  • Bit The Bros
  • Surge
  • Red Brazil
  • Soda Preachers
  • The Abandoned Souls
  • Small Holes
  • Advance On London
  • Paulo The Shelley
  • Diva Harmonized
  • Happy Connection
  • Acriharmony

One Word Band Names

Here is the list of one word names for band names that you will like:

  • S-Choir
  • The Nostrils
  • Middle Income
  • Second Run
  • Ice Angels
  • Dolphins
  • The Sound Of Scars
  • Ferguson The Ekdahl
  • The Madhouse Heroes
  • Forever Clean
  • Using Sarah
  • Electric Currents
  • Ultimate Nerds
  • Zips
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • Laudabillies
  • Astronaut Dogs
  • Pony Tails
  • New Dawn
  • Payroll
  • Separated
  • Camera People
  • Joyful Nuns
  • Fallen Flame
  • Scratching Allowed
  • Necromancer
  • Reborn Mitchell
  • Got Hot Not
  • Hymn and Her
  • Chronic Caterwaulers
  • HeeBee BGs
  • Bay Of Nests
  • Pop Rhetoric
  • Way Brubeck
  • Baxter!
  • After The Apocalypse
  • Gentlemen’s Club
  • Wild Bunch
  • Smiling Eye
  • Admin
  • Soundbite
  • Leader In The Making
  • Mars and Tigers
  • The Accompanied Pat
  • Spicy Flies
  • Neologic

Two Word Band Names

Here are some two word band names that are unique and creative:

  • Cosmic Mines
  • Ted BBC
  • Random Dancing
  • The Ripper’s Delight
  • Girls with Nothing to Lose
  • Flipped Psychedelic
  • Burned Alive
  • Sunrise on Mars
  • Point The Album
  • 3rd Planet
  • Stimulus
  • Hard Times
  • Last Whisper
  • Midnight Madness
  • Mai The Summertime
  • Chaos
  • Birds Bones
  • Encore
  • Soft Girls
  • Vixens
  • Fault Makers
  • Zodiac
  • Greedy Gawkers
  • Beards on Fire
  • Soul & Friends
  • Gladiators
  • The Conducting Makowicz
  • Make You Smile
  • Ghosts On A Boat
  • Letter Sequence
  • Hollow Tree
  • Cameos
  • The Mirrors
  • Greek Infection
  • Her-ricanes
  • Necessarily Bad
  • John The Left
  • The Butchers
  • Rip Girls
  • Wonder Girls
  • Dangerous Divas

Smart Band Names

Following are some smart band names that you will like:

  • The Big Claws
  • Sanitarium
  • The Black Nothing
  • Leftovers
  • Dearth Planet
  • Ump Yours
  • More Time
  • WD-41
  • The Locked Doors
  • Decades of Experience
  • Minimum Commitment
  • Bubblilicious
  • Totally Frothy
  • Tigers
  • Fact Of The Matter
  • Oblivion
  • Serious Party
  • The Paw Prints
  • Volcanic Blast
  • Clear Photo
  • Dark Spot
  • Beefy Flavor
  • Dragonflies
  • Gung-Ho
  • Pulsar Luck
  • Groovy
  • The Four Calves
  • Where We Are Today
  • Kryptonite
  • Space Hunters
  • Jolly Lads
  • Aces
  • Crushers
  • Abandoned Dreams
  • The Everythings
  • PseudoSounds
  • Gremlins
  • Junket Monks
  • Fly Away
  • Yoga Cart
  • Over Top
  • Reborn Nuevo
  • Flushing
  • Lucid Angels
  • Heading For Two

Band Names

How to Name A Music Band

Creating an attractive name for a band is not as easy as it looks. Sometimes, it can be a daunting process to accomplish.

Some entrepreneurs spend a lot of time and effort on marketing, advertising and branding strategies of their newly born venture but pay no heed to the naming process. Naming a business is not something that should be completed in haste or taken lightly.

Keep in mind a business name is the most critical and sensitive part of your business. it carries the capacity to make or break the business.

It is the first word people listen to when you talk about your new business. It is stamped on walls, displayed on Billboards and Signs boards. What if you have developed a bad or confusing business?

Think about the first impression that your business name will put on a potential customer. It creates your identification and recognizes your new business among the customers.

The more is it is attractive and catchy the more it will be able to make your new venture lucrative and well-reputed. Everything you put in your music band name shows your personality.

Here are some tips to create a perfect name for a music band.

Reflect the right mood and image

While designing your band name make sure it is reflecting the perfect image of your music band revealing all about your vision.

It should be able to describe the idea to your audience that what they should expect from you when they hear your music. In this way, you will help your audience to visualize all about your music band.

Add some uniqueness

Uniqueness in your band or business name is the only thing that makes you different from others. It is the aspect that makes you able to stand out among your competitors. Secondly, a uniqueness in a name gives it’s a never-ending power to attract the audience.

If you have planned to use your name, prepared yourself to add some uniqueness to it. Remember, the more your business is unique, the more it will be easy to remember.

If your audience remembers your brand, they will talk about it among the people or may refer your music to them.

On the contrary, if you have developed a boring or confusing name for your music band, how can you expect that audience will think or talk about you.

Google it

Before coming up with a finalized name for your music band, search it on Google or other social media sites to make sure either it is easy to search on the search engines.

It will be difficult or even impossible for fans to search your music band name on the internet if it is too common or vague.

To make your brand name easily searchable, avoid the use of non-alphabetic characters or symbols.

Not already in use

Some people try to copy the name of other well-reputed bands or businesses to make their own newly born band or business well-established. Keep in mind that you can in troubled waters if you are going to copy others. You can face a legal battle if you use a name that is already in use.

You can avoid this mistake by searching your name on Facebook. In this way, you will come to know if there is any band using the name you have chosen for your band. If you find some or a few bands having that name, it is good for you.

There are many other sources where you can do the same research. Go to the other music streaming websites like YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Music and search your brand name and see what are the results.

Also, use Google to make sure that the music band name you have created doesn’t match others. Search band name on Google, you will be able to know about the groups using the same name.

If you find that your brand name is already in use by another music group, don’t change or replace it with another name. Because it will again take a lot of effort and time.

The easiest way is to add your lucky number or digit before or after your band name. For example, if you have developed a band name “The Rock”, add numbers like 111 or 123 to this name to make it “The Rock-111” or The “Rock-123”.

If you find this awkward, you can add another similar-sounding word to your music band name. keep in mind that you have created a difference no matter big or small to avoid confusion with any other brand name.

Easy to spell and pronounce

Remember, you have to make your brand name memorable. For this purpose, you will have to make it easy to spell and pronounce. A band name that is hard to spell and pronounce can spoil your purpose or vision.

Can you imagine if a person can’t pronounce your brand name? it would be a nightmare when you see the audience messes up with your name. Also, avoid making your band name’s spelling too weird or confusing.

Invent a new word

To make your music band name more attractive and catchier, you can smash two words to form a new and creative name. if you invent a new name from your own, it would be the best thing for your music band. You can also add your or city name to your brand name.

Add the word “the”

You can also add some “colors” and “emotions” by using the word “the” in front of your band name. it can be the best way to create a big difference. Try to make your brand name easily recognizable having some effect on the audience.

Try one-word band names

One-word brand names help you to form a short, catchy, and easy-to-remember band name. Go and Google, you will find some of the greatest brands having one-word brand names working well for them.


400+ Singers Group Names

Additional Help: List of Music Bands

Pearl Jam

Soundtrack |
Big Fish

Pearl Jam is an American rock band formed in Seattle, Washington, in 1990. Since its inception, the band’s line-up has consisted of Eddie Vedder (lead vocals), Mike McCready (lead guitar), Stone Gossard (rhythm guitar) and Jeff Ament (bass). The band’s fifth member is drummer Matt Cameron (also of …


Soundtrack |
Mission: Impossible II

Metallica is an American heavy metal band. The band was formed in 1981 in Los Angeles, California by drummer Lars Ulrich and vocalist/guitarist James Hetfield, and has been based in San Francisco, California for most of its career. The group’s fast tempos, instrumentals and aggressive musicianship …

Bob Dylan

Soundtrack |
Renaldo and Clara

Robert Allen Zimmerman was born 24 May 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota; his father Abe worked for the Standard Oil Co. Six years later the family moved to Hibbing, often the coldest place in the US, where he taught himself piano and guitar and formed several high school rock bands. In 1959 he entered the…


Soundtrack |
Flash Gordon

Queen were one of the longest-lasting and most commercially successful bands to emerge from the British heavy rock scene of the early 1970s, but unlike their contemporaries such as Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Black Sabbath, they soon became just as popular with pop fans as fans of hard rock and …

Pink Floyd

Soundtrack |
Tang shan da xiong

Syd Barrett: vocals, guitar (born: Roger Keith Barrett; 6 January, 1946; Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, UK). In 1968, Syd Barrett left the band. Syd died in July, 2006 at aged 60 from pancreatic cancer.

David Gilmour: vocals, guitar (born: David John Gilmour; 6 March, 1946; Cambridge, …

Jimi Hendrix

Soundtrack |

Widely regarded as the greatest and most influential guitarist in rock history, Jimi Hendrix was born on November 27, 1942 in Seattle, Washington, to African-American parents Lucille (Jeter) and James Allen Hendrix. His mother named him John Allen Hendrix and raised him alone while his father, Al …


Soundtrack |
The Batman

Nirvana was an American rock band formed by lead singer and guitarist Kurt Cobain and bassist Krist Novoselic in Aberdeen, Washington, in 1987. Nirvana went through a succession of drummers, the longest-lasting and best-known being Dave Grohl, who joined in 1990. Despite releasing only three …

Neil Young

Composer |
Dead Man

Neil Young is one of the most respected and prolific rock/folk guitarists of the late 20th century. Raised in Canada, he first became well-known as a guitarist and occasional vocalist for the band Buffalo Springfield. After the band’s breakup, Young became a solo performer. However, he also has …

The Beatles

Soundtrack |
The Beatles: Get Back

The Beatles were an English rock band that became arguably the most successful act of the 20th century. They contributed to music, film, literature, art, and fashion, made a continuous impact on popular culture and the lifestyle of several generations. Their songs and images carrying powerful ideas…

David Bowie

Actor |
The Man Who Fell to Earth

David Bowie was one of the most influential and prolific writers and performers of popular music, but he was much more than that; he was also an accomplished actor, a mime and an intellectual, as well as an art lover whose appreciation and knowledge of it had led to him amassing one of the biggest …

Foo Fighters

Soundtrack |

Foo Fighters is an American rock band, formed in Seattle, Washington in 1994. It was founded by Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl as a one-man project following the dissolution of Nirvana after the death of Kurt Cobain. The group got its name from the UFOs and various aerial phenomena that were reported …

Led Zeppelin

Soundtrack |
The Song Remains the Same

Led Zeppelin are a popular British band best known for their iconic «Stairway to Heaven» as well as for co-creating the music genre of heavy metal. Since their nine albums were recorded between 1968 and 1979, Led Zeppelin has been one of the most popular bands of all time, having sold more than 300…

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Soundtrack |

Red Hot Chili Peppers are an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1983. The group’s musical style primarily consists of rock with an emphasis on funk, as well as elements from other genres such as punk rock and psychedelic rock. Currently, the band consists of founding members vocalist …

Black Sabbath

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Iron Man

Black Sabbath were an English rock band, formed in Birmingham in 1968, by guitarist and main songwriter Tony Iommi, bassist and main lyricist Geezer Butler, drummer Bill Ward and singer Ozzy Osbourne. Black Sabbath are often cited as pioneers of heavy metal music. The band helped define the genre …

The Rolling Stones

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The Boat That Rocked

The Rolling Stones are the legendary British rock band known for many popular hits, such as Paint it Black, Lady Jane, Ruby Tuesday, and (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction. Almost everyone who attended their shows is quick to comment on their ability to start you up and shake your hips. Their song «…

The Doors

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The Doors

The Doors were an American rock band formed in 1965 in Los Angeles, with vocalist Jim Morrison, keyboardist Ray Manzarek, guitarist Robby Krieger, and John Densmore on drums. The band got its name, at Morrison’s suggestion from the title of Aldous Huxley’s book The Doors of Perception. They were …


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Morning Joe

U2 has been perhaps the biggest music act in the world since the late 1980s to the current day. They take prominent stands on human rights issues, expressed through their lyrics and other public statements and actions. The band’s lead singer, Bono, has become quite prominent in charity movements …

Green Day

Soundtrack |
Shoot ‘Em Up

Green Day is an American punk rock band formed in 1987 by lead vocalist and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong and bassist Mike Dirnt. For much of the band’s career, they have been a trio with drummer Tré Cool, who replaced John Kiffmeyer in 1990 prior to the recording of the band’s second studio album…

Bruce Springsteen

Soundtrack |
Blinded by the Light

Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen was born September 23, 1949 in Long Branch, New Jersey, USA. His father, Douglas Frederick Springsteen, worked as a bus driver, and was of Irish and Dutch ancestry. His mother, Adele Ann (Zerilli), worked as a legal secretary, and was of Italian descent. He has an…

Creedence Clearwater Revival

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Creedence Clearwater Revival, also referred to as Creedence and CCR, was an American rock band formed in El Cerrito, California. The band initially consisted of lead vocalist, lead guitarist, and primary songwriter John Fogerty; his brother, rhythm guitarist Tom Fogerty; bassist Stu Cook; and …


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Aerosmith is an American rock band, sometimes referred to as «the Bad Boys from Boston» since they were formed in Boston, Massachusetts in 1970. Aerosmith is the best-selling American hard rock band of all time, having sold more than 150 million records worldwide, including over 70 million records …

Guns N' Roses

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Body of Lies

Guns N’ Roses is an American hard rock band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 1985. The lineup, when first signed to Geffen Records in 1986, consisted of vocalist Axl Rose, lead guitarist Slash, rhythm guitarist Izzy Stradlin, bassist Duff McKagan, and drummer Steven Adler. Guns N’ Roses has …


Soundtrack |
Man on the Moon

R.E.M. was an American rock band from Athens, Georgia, that was formed in 1980 by drummer Bill Berry, guitarist Peter Buck, bassist/backing vocalist Mike Mills, and lead vocalist Michael Stipe. R.E.M. was pivotal in the creation and development of the alternative rock genre. In 2007, the band was …


Soundtrack |
Spider-Man: Homecoming

Punk Rock band formed in Forest Hills, Queens, New York City, USA, in 1974. They are known as one of the pioneers of the punk rock sound. All the band members have adopted the fake surname «Ramone» alongside their stage name. School friends John Cummings (Johnny Ramone ) and Thomas Erdelyi (Tommy …

Elvis Presley

Soundtrack |
Girls! Girls! Girls!

Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935 in East Tupelo, Mississippi, to Gladys Presley (née Gladys Love Smith) and Vernon Presley (Vernon Elvis Presley). He had a twin brother who was stillborn. In 1948, Elvis and his parents moved to Memphis, Tennessee where he attended Humes High School. …

Lynyrd Skynyrd

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Kingsman: The Secret Service

Lynyrd Skynyrd is an American rock band formed in Jacksonville, Florida. The group originally formed as My Backyard in 1964 and comprised Ronnie Van Zant (lead vocalist), Gary Rossington (guitar), Allen Collins (guitar), Larry Junstrom (bass guitar) and Bob Burns (drums). The band spent five years …


Soundtrack |
Grosse Pointe Blank

Motörhead was an English rock band formed in June 1975 by bassist, singer, and songwriter Ian «Lemmy» Kilmister, who was the sole constant member, guitarist Larry Wallis and drummer Lucas Fox. The band are often considered a precursor to the new wave of British heavy metal, which revitalized heavy …

Jefferson Airplane

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Four Brothers

Jefferson Airplane, a rock band based in San Francisco, California, was one of the pioneering bands of psychedelic rock. Formed in 1965, the group defined the San Francisco Sound and was the first from the Bay Area to achieve international commercial success. They were headliners at the three most …


Soundtrack |
The Nice Guys

KISS is an American rock band formed in New York City in January 1973 by Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Peter Criss, and Ace Frehley. Well known for its members’ face paint and stage outfits, the group rose to prominence in the mid-to-late 1970s with their elaborate live performances, which featured …

Sex Pistols

Soundtrack |
The A-Team

The Sex Pistols originally comprised vocalist Johnny Rotten (John Lydon), guitarist Steve Jones, drummer Paul Cook, and bassist Glen Matlock; Matlock was replaced by Sid Vicious in early 1977. Under the management of Malcolm McLaren, the band attracted some controversies that both captivated and …

Janis Joplin

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Janis Lyn Joplin was born at St. Mary’s Hospital in the oil-refining town of Port Arthur, Texas, near the border with Louisiana. Her father was a cannery worker and her mother was a registrar for a business college. As an overweight teenager, she was a folk-music devotee (especially Odetta, …

The Clash

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Grosse Pointe Blank

The Clash were an English rock band formed in London in 1976 as a key player in the original wave of British punk rock. The Clash achieved commercial success in the United Kingdom with the release of their self-titled debut album, The Clash, in 1977. Their third album, London Calling, released in …


Soundtrack |
The Avengers

Soundgarden are an internationally successful American alternative rock band, who first appeared from amidst the damp and misty city of Seattle, Washington. Along with Alice in Chains, Mudhoney, Nirvana and the Screaming Trees, they formed what was referred to as the ‘Grunge’ movement of the early …

Rage Against the Machine

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The Matrix

Rage Against the Machine is an American rock band from Los Angeles, California. Formed in 1991, the group consists of vocalist Zack De la Rocha, bassist and backing vocalist Tim Commerford, guitarist Tom Morello, and drummer Brad Wilk. Rage Against the Machine is well known for the members’ …


Soundtrack |
Iron Man

AC/DC is a legendary rock band from Australia, formed in Sydney in 1973 by brothers Malcolm and Angus Young. AC/DC have sold more than 200 million records worldwide, including 71.5 million albums in the United States, adding them to the list of highest-certified music artists in the United States …


Soundtrack |
Children of Men

Radiohead is an English rock band from Abingdon, Oxfordshire, formed in 1985. After signing to EMI in 1991, Radiohead released their debut single «Creep» in 1992. It became a worldwide hit after the release of their debut album, Pablo Honey (1993). Their popularity and critical standing rose in the…

Alice in Chains

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Alice in Chains is an American rock band from Seattle, Washington, formed in 1987 by guitarist/vocalist Jerry Cantrell and drummer Sean Kinney. Since its formation, Alice in Chains has released five studio albums. Their debut album, Facelift, featuring the hit single «Man In The Box», was released …

Faith No More

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Grosse Pointe Blank

Faith No More is one of the more unorthodox bands on the big metal scene with their mix of traditional heavy metal and a myriad of other music genres. They formed in San Francisco, California in late 1981 and settled under their current name in the autumn of 1983. The band has had several lineup …

Eric Clapton

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Lethal Weapon 3

Eric Clapton was born in Ripley, Surrey, England, on March 30, 1945. His real father was a Canadian pilot but he didn’t find that out until he was 53. When he was 2 his mother felt she was unable to look after him, so Eric then went to live with his grandparents. When he was 14 he took up the …

The Killers

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Spider-Man 3

The Killers are an American rock band formed in Las Vegas in 2001 by Brandon Flowers (lead vocals, keyboards, bass) and Dave Keuning (lead guitar, backing vocals). The current, official lineup of the band (as of 2020) consists of Flowers, Mark Stoermer (bass, rhythm guitar, backing vocals) and …

ZZ Top


Nine Inch Nails

Soundtrack |
Man on Fire

Nine Inch Nails is an American industrial rock band founded in 1988 by Trent Reznor in Cleveland, Ohio. The band released two influential albums during the 1990s-The Downward Spiral (1994) and The Fragile (1999)-and has record sales exceeding 20 million copies worldwide, with 10 million sales …


Soundtrack |
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation

Megadeth is an American heavy metal band from Los Angeles, California. Guitarist Dave Mustaine and bassist David Ellefson formed the band in 1983. A pioneer of the American thrash metal scene, Megadeth is credited as one of the genre’s «big four,» along with Metallica, Anthrax, and Slayer, …

Joan Jett

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Light of Day

Joan Jett rose to fame in the 1970s all-girl rock band The Runaways. Her cover of «I Love Rock and Roll» was a number one hit in 1982; «Crimson and Clover» was another hit for her. Jett has appeared as Columbia in the Broadway production of «The Rocky Horror Show».

Depeche Mode

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Depeche Mode is an English electronic band formed in Basildon, Essex in 1980. The group consists of founders Dave Gahan (lead vocals, co-songwriting), Martin Gore (keyboards, guitar, chief songwriting), and Andrew Fletcher (keyboards). Depeche Mode have had 50 songs in the UK Singles Chart and …

Stone Temple Pilots

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Stone Temple Pilots is an American alternative rock band from San Diego, California that were formed in 1989 under the name Mighty Joe Young. They have released seven studio albums and has become one of the most commercially successful bands of the 1990s, selling more than 18 million albums in the …

Tears for Fears

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Ready Player One

Tears for Fears are an English pop rock band formed in Bath in 1981 by Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith. Their debut album, The Hurting, released in 1983, reached number one on the UK Albums Chart, while their second album, Songs from the Big Chair, released in 1985, reached number one on the US …

Van Halen

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Van Halen is an American hard rock band formed in Pasadena, California, in 1972. The band went on to become major stars, and by the early 1980s they were one of the most successful rock acts of the time. 1984 was their most successful album. The lead single, «Jump», became an international hit and …

System of a Down

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Dracula 2000

System of a Down is an Armenian-American alternative heavy metal band from Glendale, California, formed in 1994. They have released five studio albums and has sold over 40 million records worldwide. System of a Down’s music style is highly unorthodox, where they use a wide range of instruments, and…

Jon Bon Jovi

Soundtrack |
Young Guns II

Jon Bon Jovi, was born John Francis Bongiovi, Jr. On March 2, 1962, in Perth Amboy, New Jersey to parents John Francis Bongiovi, Sr. and Carol Sharkey.

Family: Jon’s mother, Carol Sharkey, was a former model and one of the first Playboy Bunnies. She met Bon Jovi’s father after she enlisted in the …

Johnny Cash

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The Johnny Cash Show

Johnny Cash was born February 26, 1932, in Kingsland, Arkansas, to Carrie Cash (Rivers) and Raymond Cash. He made his first single, «Hey Porter», for Sun Records in 1955. In 1958 he moved to Columbia Records. He had long periods of drug abuse during the 1960s, but later that decade he successfully …

Iron Maiden

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Fighting with My Family

Studio Albums: Iron Maiden (1980) Killers (1981) The Number of the Beast (1982) Piece of Mind (1983) Powerslave (1984) Somewhere in Time (1986) Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (1988) No Prayer for the Dying (1990) Fear of the Dark (1992) The X Factor (1995) Virtual XI (1998) Brave New World (2000) …

Tom Petty

Actor |
The Postman

Thomas Earl Petty was an American musician and actor who was the lead vocalist and guitarist of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, formed in 1976. He previously led the band Mudcrutch, was a member of the late 1980s super-group the Traveling Wilburys, and had success as a solo artist.

Petty had many …


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Slipknot is an American heavy metal band from Des Moines, Iowa. Formed in 1995, the group was founded by percussionist Shawn Crahan and bassist Paul Gray. After several lineup changes in their early days, the band consisted of nine members for the greater part of their tenure: Sid Wilson, Paul Gray…


The Kinks

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The Boat That Rocked

The Kinks were an English rock band formed in Muswell Hill, north London, in 1963 by brothers Ray and Dave Davies. They are regarded as one of the most influential rock bands of the 1960s. The band emerged during the height of British rhythm and blues and Merseybeat, and were briefly part of the …


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INXS were an Australian rock band, formed as The Farriss Brothers in 1977 in Sydney, New South Wales. The band would achieve international success with a series of hit recordings in the mid-to-late 1980s and the early 1990s, including the albums Listen Like Thieves, Kick, and X, and the singles «…

The Beach Boys

Soundtrack |
The Boat That Rocked

The Beach Boys is an American rock band formed in Hawthorne, California, in 1961. The group’s original lineup consisted of brothers Brian Wilson, Dennis Wilson, and Carl Wilson; their cousin Mike Love; and their friend Al Jardine. The Beach Boys are one of the most critically acclaimed, …

Fleetwood Mac

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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Fleetwood Mac are a British-American rock band, formed in London in 1967. The band has sold more than 100 million records worldwide, making them one of the world’s best-selling bands. In 1998, select members of Fleetwood Mac were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and received the Brit …

Arctic Monkeys


Soundtrack |
The Butterfly Effect

Oasis were an English rock band formed in Manchester in 1991. Oasis have had eight UK number-one singles and eight UK number-one albums. They have won seventeen NME Awards, nine Q Awards, four MTV Europe Music Awards and six Brit Awards, including one in 2007 for Outstanding Contribution to Music …


Soundtrack |
Star Trek: First Contact

Steppenwolf is a Canadian-American rock band, formed in late 1967 in Los Angeles. Steppenwolf has sold over 25 million records worldwide, released eight gold albums and 12 Billboard Hot 100 singles, of which six were top 40 hits, including three top 10 successes: «Born to Be Wild», «Magic Carpet …


Soundtrack |
Baby Driver

Blur is an English rock band, formed in London in 1988. Their debut album Leisure (1991) incorporated the sounds of Madchester. Following a stylistic change influenced by English guitar pop groups such as the Kinks, the Beatles and XTC, Blur released Modern Life Is Rubbish (1993), Parklife (1994) …


Soundtrack |
Shaun of the Dead

Steven Patrick Morrissey was born in Davyhulme, Manchester, England, UK. At a very early age, he took an interest in writing. His top priority was poetry, though he would have his biography on James Dean, «James Dean Is Not Dead», published by his early 20s. His literary influences ranged from …

Alice Cooper

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Wayne’s World

Alice Cooper was born Vincent Damon Furnier, in Detroit, Michigan, the son of a minister. He moved to Phoenix, Arizona, at a young age and still lives in the state today. At age 17, he formed a rock band called the Earwigs, who changed their name to The Spiders and then The Nazz, before finally …

Talking Heads

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

Started performing in the New York club, CBGBs. They released their first album, «Talking Heads: 77,» in 1977. They recorded the film, Stop Making Sense (1984), in 1984, with director Jonathan Demme. After releasing their 1988 album, «Naked,» the group broke up. In 1992, they released «Popular …

Carlos Santana

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La Bamba

Carlos Santana is a Mexican guitarist, composer, singer and band-leader who helped to shape the concept of «world music» by his experiments with blending many styles of music from a multitude of ethnic sources.

He was born Carlos Augusto Alves Santana on July 20, 1947, in Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco,…

Queens of the Stone Age

Soundtrack |
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

Queens of the Stone Age is an American alternative rock band formed in 1996 in Palm Desert, California. The band has released seven studio albums and has won several awards for their live performances. Their best selling album «Songs for the Deaf» was a critical hit and was certified gold in 2003, …


Soundtrack |
Serial Mom

L7 is an American rock band from Los Angeles, California, United States. They were active from 1985 to 2001, and reunited in 2014. Due to their sound and image, they are often associated with the grunge movement of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Their 1992 third album Bricks Are Heavy, produced by…


Soundtrack |
The Emperor’s New Groove

Sting was born Gordon Matthew Sumner on 2 October, 1951 in Wallsend, North Tyneside, Tyne and Wear, England, the eldest of four children of Audrey (Cowell), a hairdresser, and Ernest Matthew Sumner, an engineer and milkman. He received his name from a striped sweater he wore which looked like a bee…


Soundtrack |
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

The Eagles are an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1971. With five number-one singles and six number-one albums, six Grammy Awards and five American Music Awards, the Eagles were one of the most successful musical acts of the 1970s in North America.

Founding members-were recruited by …


Soundtrack |
Thunder Force

Whitesnake is a heavy metal band formed in Middlesbrough, England in 1978 by David Coverdale, after his departure from his previous band Deep Purple. Their 1987 self-titled album contained two major US hits, «Here I Go Again» and «Is This Love», reaching number one and two on the Billboard Hot 100….

Dire Straits


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Bush is an English rock band formed in London, England in 1992. In 1994, Bush found immediate success with the release of their debut album, Sixteen Stone, which is certified 6× multi-platinum by the RIAA. They went on to become one of the most commercially successful rock bands of the 1990s, …

France might be more famous for its cuisine that its rock music, but there are plenty of great artists toiling in the shadow of poor ol’ Johnny Halliday’s fake biker imagery. Here’s 10 to get you started…


Nearly a decade before the famous Anthrax cover version, France had its own Antisocial anthem, a voice from a desperate nation. Trust were suburban blue-collar lost boys who mixed raw street punk with down-to-earth hard rock. Bon Scott used to love’em and public-enemy number one Jacques Mesrine was almost a father figure to many.

Mass Hysteria

A most incendiary modern metal posse, with live shows like battlefields. Think: tribal Sepultura-like rhythms, stroboscope-like machinery, and intense Prong-meets-Ministry industrial guitars. Twenty years of domination with singer Mouss’s intelligent us-against-the-machine lyrics and atomic fury.


These four guys rolled down their mountain with full make-up and spandex, matching a larger-than-life 80’s attitude with sharp pop metal song-writing. The two most recent of the five Blackrain albums were produced by the legendary Jack Douglas. “It’s very rare to have a French band that rocks like this,” says Jack.


With post-punk fan singer Armand Gonzalez looking like a young Jaz Coleman and screaming goofy, hysterical vocal parts, this new school power trio embodied the best of 90’s alt.rock, with three albums. The first two were produced by sonic guru Steve Albini.

Noir Desir

The ultimate French rock band, featuring a tortured, romantic soul singer, Bertrand Cantat, whose Baudelaire-ish poetry was layered on barbed-wire guitars. Regarding their musical roots, it’s all Gun Club, Television, Stooges and The Doors.

  • 10 of the best rock bands from Australia
  • Every Gojira album in their own words
  • The French metal revolution
  • 10 of the best rock bands from Germany

The Liminanas

Praised by underground intelligentsia and hipsters in The US, The Limiñanas are a male-female fronted duet from Perpignan, a delicious bitter-sweet soundtrack for Nouvelle Vague Truffaut/Godard movies with 60’s Italian flavours. The sound is a Farfisa-and-fuzz-injected musical experience that sits right between The Velvet Underground and Serge Gainsbourg.

No One Is Innocent

Shortly after Killing In The Name, No One Is Innocent delivered their very own french anti-racist anthem, La Peau. With Armenian singer Kemar fronting bullet-proof Rage Against The Machine-like warriors, France had its own true revolutionary flag-holders, two centuries after La Marseillaise.


Like Slade or Queen, they’ve been played at every wedding, Friday night student party or Bar-Mitzvah in France for almost 40 bloody years. But before going pop and somehow becoming labeled by non-rockers as THE french rock’n’roll band, this three boys-one girl Rolling Stones-influenced quartet used to be really, really good.

Mars Red Sky

There’s no desert here, but France does have a secret band escaped from its very own Area 51. Mars Red Sky are some kind of unidentified super fuzzed freaky power trio from Bordeaux, bearers of a modern alien space-rock stoner formula that buzzes loudly in the stratosphere. Latest album Apex III — Praise For The Burning Soul is a masterpiece.


Hailed by Metallica and everybody else as tomorrow’s leaders in metal, Gojira escaped the woods near the Basque country to fight and live their dreams, originally mixing the Mets’ with Sepultura, Morbid Angel and Meshuggah influences. Huge everywhere else on the planet, they’re still obscured in France by crappy totalitarian radio pop.

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