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Bug Report Template Excel

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Free Sample Bug Report Template Excel excel word pdf doc xls blank Tips:
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Примеры тест-кейсов и баг-репортов





variant A


Id A1


Name FF53 — User can enter alphabetical and special symbols to DOB fie


Steps 1. Log in to MiAgent portal


2. Search for a customer


3. Click on Edit icon near Income/Last Changed


4. Click on Occupant


5. Enter alphabetical and special symbols to DOB field


Actual result User can enter alphabetical and special symbols to DOB field


Expected result

User can’t enter alphabetical and special symbols to DOB field


Attachments http://prntscr.com/jas795



variant B


Id Summary Preconditions Steps to reproduce Actual Result Expected Result Attachments


B1 404 error is displayed 1. Go to http://www.example.com 404 error is displayed Authorization page is opened http://prntscr.com/ic93kw


2. Click on «Login» button






ID Summary Precondition Steps Expected Result


R_1 Регистрация пользователя через email https://www.facebook.com/r.php?locale=ru_RU&display=page 1. Ввести имя и фамилию в поля «Имя» и «Фамилия» 1. Данные введены


2. Ввести email в поле «Номер телеофна….»

2. Email введен, появилось поле «Ввведите повторно email»


3. Ввести email в поле «Ввведите повторно email» 3. Email введен


4. Ввести пароль 6 символов в поле «Пароль» 4. Пароль введен


5. Выбрать день, месяц и год рождения в выпадающих списках «день», «месяц» и «год» 5. Дата рождения выбрана


6. Выбрать пол в radio button «Пол» 6. Пол выбран


7. Нажать кнопку «Зарегистрироваться» 7. Пользователь успешно зарегистрирован, переход на страницу «Подтвердите свой эл. адрес»



ID Summary Precondition Steps Expected Result


R_1 Registration via email Go to the https://www.facebook.com/r.php?locale=ru_RU&display=page 1. Enter first and last name to the «Name» and «Last Name» fields 1. Data is entered


2. Enter an email to the «Phone number ….» field 2. Email is entered, the «Re-enter email» field appears


3. Enter email to the «Re-enter email» field 3. Email is entered


4. Enter password (6 characters) to the «Password» field 4. Password is entered


5. Select the day, month and year of birth to the «day», «month» and «year» drop-down lists 5. Date of birth is selected


6. Select the gender in the «Gender» radio button 6. Gender is selected


7. Click on «Register» button 7. The user is successfully registered, redirects to «Confirm your e-mail address» page






























































Below, you’ll find the best and most comprehensive free bug tracking templates, including forms for quality assurance (QA) personnel, customer service representatives (CSRs), subject matter experts (SMEs), developers, and even clients.

Included on this page, you’ll find a variety of templates, including a simple bug report template and bug report forms, as well as steps to write an effective bug report.

Simple Bug Report Template

Use this simple bug report template to standardize your company’s software bug reporting process. Enter a unique bug ID, an overview of the issue (along with a screenshot and source URL, if applicable), the software environment, the steps to reproduce the bug, the expected and actual results, and any additional details (such as the bug’s severity, who the bug is assigned to, and the bug’s priority). Download this template for a one-off, unique instance, or save it as part of a larger document for QA and development to track several instances of bugs — and keep tabs on the process, and progress, of fixing them.

This reusable template is available in Excel as an individual bug template and also as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Simple Bug Report Template

Download Simple Bug Report Template

Excel | Google Sheets | Smartsheet

Additional Bug Report Templates

Bug Report Form

This bug report form is a perfect fit for companies that want a simple form on which to enter all issues related to a bug. Simply enter all the details regarding the bug’s discovery, include the details of the bug’s frequency and priority, and upload any supporting attachments that document the bug. Once you’ve filled out the form, developers will be able to review the bug, prioritize it, and quickly get it fixed.

Fillable fields include the following:

  • Issue/Title: The name for the bug

  • Action Performed: The action that resulted in the bug

  • Expected Result: How the software should have performed

  • Actual Result: How the software actually performed

  • Error Message: What error message appeared (if applicable)

Additionally, dropdown lists allow you to specify the software build in which the bug was encountered.

This easy-to-use form also allows you to select the following radio button options so that developers can quickly determine the frequency and priority of the bug:

  • Frequency of the bug: Every time, hardly ever, occasionally, once

  • Priority of the bug: Low, medium, high, critical

Additionally, an Attachments section allows you to choose files to upload in order to provide screenshots to document the bug.

This form is available in Excel and Word as individual annual templates for comparison, and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Bug Report Form Template

Download Bug Report Form

Excel | Word | PDF | Google Sheets | Google Docs | Smartsheet

Software Bug Report Form

This software-specific bug report form allows you to enter all the information relevant to a bug found during testing or when using a software application. Once you’ve entered all the information, your company’s software engineers can begin to remedy the issue. Unique in its inclusion of all the major fields you’ll need to file a software bug, this simple form gives you the ability to detail the following information, so software engineers can triage the issue and fix it as soon as possible:

  • Severity: Always occurs, occurs occasionally, occurred once

  • Priority: High, medium, low

  • Summary: An explanation of the bug and when it occurs

  • Description: Additional details that describe the bug

  • Upload File: A screenshot or video that illustrates the bug’s behavior

  • View Status: Reported, in progress, to be validated, fixed

This form is available in Excel and Word as individual annual templates for comparison, and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Software Bug Report Form Template

Download Software Bug Report Form

Excel | Word |  PDF | Google Sheets | Google Docs | Smartsheet

Software Defect Report Template

This bug report is designed for companies who want to provide their customer service representatives and quality assurance employees with a tool to file software bugs with comprehensive details. This way, developers can quickly review and fix those bugs. This template provides you with column details for the following:

  • ID: Enter a unique number for the bug (for easy reference).

  • Title: Enter a clear title for the bug, so anyone, regardless of role, can understand it (e.g., “Invoice Will Not Print for User”).

  • Description/Summary: In addition to a clear title, add an easy-to-understand description of the bug (e.g., “The invoice will not print for the user when they have the invoice opened and click the Print button”).

  • Environment: Include any environment details (such as browser, operating system [OS], URL, software version, etc.), so anyone reviewing the bug can easily glean the environmental factors, and so development can replicate the bug and fix it.

  • Screenshot: Add a screenshot of the bug, if applicable. That way, whatever the software malfunction, the issue will be clear to anyone reviewing the report.

  • Steps to Reproduce: Include the exact steps you take to reproduce the bug occurrence (e.g., “Customer running Windows 10 and Internet Explorer 8 cannot print an invoice”).

  • Status: Specify the status of the bug using the Status dropdown list (e.g., new, open, resolved, accepted, in progress, to be validated, done, etc.).

  • Priority: Select a priority for the bug using the Priority dropdown list (e.g., critical, high, medium, low, etc.).

  • Resolution: Select the bug’s status using the Resolution dropdown list (e.g., unresolved, fixed, etc.).

  • Assignee: Enter the name of the employee who is responsible for ensuring that the bug is fixed.

  • Reporter: Enter the name of the person who reported the bug.

  • Created: Enter the date that the bug was reported.

This reusable template is available in Excel as an individual bug template and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Software Defect Report Template

Download Software Defect Report Template

Excel | Google Sheets

Bug Sheet Template

Designed with comprehensiveness in mind, this bug sheet template allows you to factor in all the pertinent details relating to a software bug. Armed with this template, your developers will have all the information they need to fix the bug. You can easily fill in the following details related to a specific bug ID: the name of the tester; the date the bug was submitted; the title of the bug; a description of the bug; the URL where the bug was encountered (if applicable); a summary of the issue; a screenshot showing the bug’s behavior; the platform on which the bug was encountered; the browser used (if an online bug); the name of the team member to whom the bug is assigned; the date and time during which it was assigned, its priority compared to other bugs; and its severity.

This form is available in Excel and Word as individual annual templates for comparison. It is also available as a fillable PDF and as a Google Sheets template that you can easily save to your Google Drive account.

Bug sheet Template

Download Bug Sheet Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Google Sheets | Google Docs

Bug Summary Report Template

Use this simple, streamlined bug summary report template to quickly summarize the software bugs you’ve encountered. Now, your developers will be able to quickly assess what the bug entails and begin fixing it. Here are the fillable details:

  • Defect ID: Enter a unique number for the bug for tracking purposes.

  • Module Name: Enter the name of the module in which the bug was discovered.

  • Release Version: Enter the version of the software in which the bug was detected.

  • Summary: Provide a high-level summary of the bug.

  • Description: Write a comprehensive description of the bug, so developers can easily understand why the software is not working as it should.

  • Steps to Reproduce: Provide step-by-step details of what actions you took when you encountered the bug, so development can reproduce the bug and fix it.

  • Expected Result: Enter the results you expected when you followed the steps.

  • Actual Result: Enter the actual results that occurred when you followed the steps.

  • Defect Severity: Enter the severity of the bug (low, medium, high, critical).

  • Defect Priority: Enter the priority of the bug (low, medium, high, critical).

  • Assigned to: Enter the name of the person to whom the bug is assigned.

  • Status: Provide a status for the bug (open, resolved, closed).

Bug Summary Report Template

Download Bug Summary Report Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Google Sheets | Google Docs

QA Bug Report Template

Use this comprehensive bug report template designed specifically for the people who need it most: your quality assurance team. QA employees test software to ensure that it works the way it was designed; they also test it to take note of what doesn’t work. This template tracks the bugs you uncover to provide you with a ready-made, out-of-the-box QA bug report, rather than a one-off bug filing. This template gives QA personnel everything they need, including the following:

  • Defect ID: A unique ID to reference the bug

  • Author: The person writing the bug report

  • Release Build #: The release build number of the software in which the bug was detected

  • Open Date: The date the bug was filed

  • Close Date: The date the bug was fixed

  • Problem Area: A brief description of what area the bug affects

  • Problem Title: A title describing the bug

  • Problem Description: A detailed description of the bug

  • Current Environment: The environment in which the bug was discovered

  • Defect Type: What kind of bug is it (e.g., incorrect UI, unresponsive field, error message, incorrect results, etc.)?

  • Who Detected: Who first encountered the bug?

  • How Detected: How was the bug detected (through testing, from a customer’s use of the product, etc.)?

  • Assigned to: Who is assigned to ensure the bug gets fixed?

  • Priority: What is the priority of getting the bug fixed, as compared to other concerns?

  • Severity: What is the severity of the bug? How serious is it?

  • Status: What is the bug’s status (ready for testing, closed, etc.)?

  • Status Description: Describe the status of the bug (e.g., “Bug is ready for development confirmation,” etc.).

  • Fixed by: Who fixed the bug?

  • Planned Fix Build #: In what software build will the bug fix be released?

QA Bug Report Template

Download QA Bug Report Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Google Sheets | Google Docs

Sample Bug Report Template

Track bugs’ impact on your business and software performance with this easily fillable bug report template. Columns provide you with details regarding bugs’ severity, business impact, functionality, performance, stability, and graphics/UX. Determine the severity of any particular bug (showstopper, major, minor, or low). Provide others with details of bugs’ impact on business (e.g., related to deliverables, revenue, customer satisfaction, etc.). Detail the expected functionality (as opposed to the actual functionality) that resulted in a bug. Then, document other details in order to provide members of product, QA, development, and customer service with the behavior, status, and expected time frame for fixing any particular bug.

Bug Report Template

Download Sample Bug Report Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Google Sheets | Google Docs

How to Write a Bug Report: Best Practices

Next to developing cutting-edge applications, nothing is more important to a software company than fixing a current version’s defects. Without tracking these bugs, applications don’t work as designed, customers aren’t satisfied, and revenue is lost.

But, how do you track these defects? Your organization needs ensure that you track bugs correctly, document them comprehensively, and assign them to the right individuals so that developers can fix them. That’s why you need to choose just the right bug tracking template for you — to ensure that you’re delivering quality products on time and making your end users happy.

Whether a bug is found by a customer service representative, a member of QA, a developer, or even a client, you need an easy way to provide enough detail, so that you can queue up and correct the bug.

Choose a free template in one of the following formats to immediately get started filing the bugs you find:

  • Microsoft Excel

  • Microsoft Word

  • Google Docs

  • Google Sheets

  • Acrobat PDF

Once you have downloaded a bug tracking template in your preferred format, fill in the following fields:

  • Defect ID: Enter the unique ID so that the bug can be referenced.

  • Author: Specify who wrote the bug report.

  • Release Build #: Enter the release build (or version of the software) in which the bug was detected.

  • Date: Enter the date that the bug was found/filed.  

  • Close Date: Enter the date that the bug was fixed.

  • Title: Enter a clear, brief title describing the bug.

  • Description: Enter a detailed description of the bug.

  • Environment: Specify the environment in which the bug was discovered.

  • Who Detected: Enter who first encountered the bug.

  • How Detected: Describe how the bug was first detected.

  • Assigned to: Enter who is assigned to ensure the bug gets fixed.

  • Priority: Select the priority of getting the bug fixed (e.g., high, medium, low, etc.).

  • Severity: Select the severity of the bug. How serious is it (e.g., blocker, critical, major, minor, trivial, enhancement, etc.)?

  • Status: Select the bug’s status (e.g., new, open, resolved, accepted, in progress, to be validated, done, etc.).

  • Status Description: Describe the status of the bug (e.g., “Bug is ready for QA testing”).

  • Fixed by: Specify who fixed the bug. Planned Fix Build #: Specify the software build for which the bug fix is targeted.

Improve Bug Tracking with Smartsheet for IT & Ops

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Report Templates

We currently live in an era called the Internet of Things. It is an era so advanced that it could make even the greatest science fiction writers of yesteryear blush. It isn’t farfetched to say that software runs all. One of the most common uses of software is the development of apps. There is an app for everything. Want to manage your banks along the way? There is an app for that. Want to watch live CCTV footage of your front door? There is probably an app for that. Want to monitor your tiny little house-cleaning robot? That robot is probably bundled with an app. There is an app for everything. You may also see report samples.

bug report templates

Software developers churn out thousands and thousands of code every day. Not only do they write code to develop new apps, they also do it to update older ones. Apps, and in a larger scale software, need to be refined and updated to remain useful and relevant. Every day, people would think of better ways to make themselves convenient. For humanity, progress is the name of the game. Not all software updates give birth to positive results, however. Some people dislike change. Sometimes an app dies from just a facelift even if this facelift is as simple as moving a button originally found on the left to the right. You may also see sample budget report templates.

Free Bug Report Template

bug report template


File Format

  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Apple Pages


Bug Report Form Template

bug report form templateftp.csoft.com

Survey on Bug-Report Analysis

a survey on bug report analysisciteseerx.ist.psu.edu

Free Mobile Bug Project Report

mobile bug project reportdmohankumar.files.wordpress.com

Another one of these rough patches in software development would be the bugs. The term “bug” (which originated from a computer problem caused by an actual moth, a real “computer bug”) is defined by Wikipedia as a failure, flaw, error, in the computer system or program that causes it to produce an unexpected or incorrect result or results in unintended behaving ways. Software debugging is the term used for the process of correcting these bugs. Software debugging can take a long time and as such, bug reports are vital to this process. You may also see contact report templates.

Bug Reports

A bug report is just that, a document created to report the existence of bugs. Software testers are the people whose main job is to find and test the bugs. It is their primary job to test a software to the limits of its capabilities and report their findings to the developers. Software testing can even take more time and resources than developing the program, as such, it is vital for testers to write a good bug report. You may also see IT report templates.

Elements of a Good Bug Report

1. Specific Bug Number

A bug should have a unique number assigned to it. Having a specific number for each detected bug could make for an easier way to track it. This number could be considered as the bug’s ID. This could be automatically generated when a tester is using an automatic bug reporting software. You may also see sample action report templates.

2. Reproducible

A bug must be reproducible for it to be considered a bug. Reproducing a bug ensures that the bug was from a system error and not just unique to one person. This also proves that the bug does exist and not just a random report. You may also see performance report templates.

3. Detailed Description

In order to avoid wasting more time, a bug must be described properly. There is no need to write a long essay. A quick description of the bug to help the developer visualize the problem is enough. It is also a good practice to write your expectations on executing a certain command to ensure whether the bug is indeed a bug or the program is working just as intended. Note that it is also good practice to write just one problem per report and do not combine them in a single report. You may also see feedback report templates.

Bug Report Form Sample

bug report form sampleilssys.com


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 86 KB


Simple Bug Report Template

bug report templatemobilefish.com

Basic Defect Report Template

defect report templatesoftwaretestinggenius.com

Before Writing a Good Bug Report

1. Isolate the Bug

The first step in writing a bug report is to isolate it. This means that you should try to reproduce the bug. Remember that a bug must be reproducible for it to be considered a bug. To correctly identify the problem, retrace every step that you have done and in always be specific. Being explicit is key. Try to write your report in a step-by-step process so that it would be easier for the developer to replicate said bug. You may also see monthly report templates.

2. Check for Version

Always check the program that you are using. The bug might have already been fixed in the newest version if you are using an older one. If you are indeed using an older version, try to replicate the bug on the latest version and see if it still exists. You may also see quality report templates.

3. Check if the Bug is Known

This is what the specific bug numbers are for. Having duplicate bugs can be confusing and frustrating. Avoid adding burden to the testing cycle by checking if the bug has already been identified. Create a new issue if it is not. You may also see executive report templates.

Excel Bug Report Template

excel bug report templatemarker.io


File Format

  • XLSX

Size: 74kB


Sample Bug Report

sample bug reportsoftwaretestinggenius.com

What to Include on Your Bug Report

1. Bug description

Indicate what went wrong here. As stated above, keep it brief but detailed.

2. Steps to replicate it

Indicate how you broke the program here. Write it in a step-by-step process. Always be specific. Indicate things like whether you used a keyboard to submit a form or used the button instead. These things might seem inconsequential but they are vital to the replication process. As much as possible recreate the environment when you found the bug. You may also see status report templates.

3. Expectations

Indicate what you think should happen here. This is essential to the bug report as this will tell the developers if one is just not misunderstanding the function of the program. Some bugs are obvious while others are not. Indicating what you expected to happen can be a great help to developers in finding the problem or if there is any problem at all. You may also see evaluation report templates.

4. Screenshot

A picture speaks a thousand words. Including pictures in your bug report can help highlight the bugs you found.

What is Found on Your Bug Report

A simple format for a good bug report should at least include the following:

  • Reporter – Write your name or the name of who discovered the bug here.
  • Product – Write in which product was the bug found here.
  • Version – Write in which version did you find the bug here.
  • Platform – Write in which platform did the bug appear. The bug might only be replicated on a ‘PC’ but not on a ‘Mac’. Be specific. You may also see financial report templates.
  • Operating System – In the same vein as the platform, write which operating system was the bug found.
  • Priority – Write when should the bug be fixed here. Some people have a simple code for levels of priority.
  • Severity – Write the impact of the bug here. You can read the types of severity a bug can have below.
  • Status – If you have found a new bug, indicate it here. This will help track the status of the bug. As time progresses, this might change from verified, fixed, reopened and others. You may also see board report templates.
  • Assign to – If you know who is responsible for the software, you can indicate them here. Otherwise, leave it blank
  • URL – If you are working on a website, it is a good idea to write the URL of where the bug occurred. You can also change this as the location of the bug. You may also see evaluation report templates.
  • Summary – Write a brief summary of the bug here
  • Description – The detailed description of the bug goes here. Include the steps to replicate the bug in this field.

Support and Request Template

support and request templatemobigator.com

Standard Bug Report Template

standard bug report templatemobilefish.com

Printable Bug Report

printable bug reporthomepages.inf.ed.ac.uk


File Format

  • Doc

Size: 162 KB


Types of Severity

Bug severity describes the impact of the bug. It can also dictate the priorities of when should the bug be fixed. Indicated below are the common types of bug severity. This may vary depending on your project, organization, or company. You may also see access report outline templates.

  • Critical – Affects critical functionality or data. This may not have a workaround. Some examples include application crash or loss of data. You may also see project report templates.
  • Major – Affects major functionality or data. May have a workaround but is not obvious or complicated
  • Minor – Affects minor functionality or data. May have an easy workaround.
  • Trivial – No affect to functionality or data. Usually, just a major inconvenience and may not impact productivity or efficiency. You may also see project report formats.

All in all, creating a good bug report layout is vital to the software development process. As it is a document that serves as the line of communication between the tester and the developer, it is essential to create one that is clear and direct to the point. A good bug report may very well be the key to a fast remedy to your software problems. You may also see report template samples.

More in Report Templates

Чтобы упростить работу тестировщикам и программистам, был разработан и стандартизирован отчет о дефектах. С одной стороны его задача — быть простым и понятным, а с другой стороны — быть эффективным.

Важно, чтобы программист при изучении данного отчета мог с легкостью воспроизвести описанный баг и понять ход мыслей тестировщика.

Шаблон отчета о дефекте, который отвечает запросам тестировщика и программиста, выглядит следующим образом:
1. Заголовок ошибки
2. Описание ошибки
3. Начальные условия
4. Шаги воспроизведения
5. Ожидаемый результат
6. Фактический результат
7. Вложения

В зависимости от ситуации или компании, в которой вы работаете, шаблон может изменяться и отклоняться в разные стороны. Например, в некоторых случаях «Начальные условия» не пишут. Если дефект связан с графикой, то рекомендуется добавить скриншот. Также вводятся дополнительные атрибуты для указания Платформы или Барузера и т.д.

Теперь рассмотрим структуру шаблона подробно на конкретном примере. Допустим, мы тестируем сайт. На сайт есть раздел Контакты. В этом разделе находится Форма обратной связи.

Баг на сайте

Баг на сайте

После заполнения всех полей мы нажимаем на кнопку «Отправить сообщение» и ничего не происходит.

Данный баг мы и будем описывать по шаблону.

Заголовок ошибки (Title)

По сути это краткое описание найденной ошибки. Его задача — в понятной и простой форме передать смысл найденной ошибки.

Наиболее эффективным описанием считается описание, которое отвечает на три вопроса:
— Что произошло?
— Где появилась ошибка?
— Когда или при каких условиях найден дефект?

Также важно, чтобы заголовок был именно кратким, т.е. он должен содержать максимально полную и, в то же время, краткую информацию об ошибке.

Заголовок ошибки — это первое, что видит разработчик, получая отчет. В некоторых случаях, при правильном оформлении, этого бывает достаточно, чтобы понять в чем заключается дефект и как его исправить.

Пример плохого заголовка: Ошибка, когда нажимаю «Отправить сообщение».
Пример хорошего заголовка: При нажатии на кнопку «Отправить сообщение» в форме обратной связи сообщение не отправляется.

Описание ошибки (Summary)

Попробуйте в паре предложений описать суть дефекта, а также когда он появляется и в чем выражен.

Правильное и качественное описание также позволяет сразу понять проблему и приступить к ее исправлению.

Пример плохого описания: Жму «Отправить сообщение», а в ответ тишина.
Пример хорошего описания: При нажатии на кнопку «Отправить сообщение» в заполненной форме обратной связи ничего не происходит. Аналогичное поведение, если форма не заполнена.

Начальные условия (Precondition)

В случае, если есть специфичные действия или шаги воспроизведения достаточно объемные, то указываются начальные условия. Например:
1. Быть авторизованным в системе.
2. Находиться на главной странице.

Пример плохих начальных условий: Находиться на сайте.
Пример хороших начальных условий:
1. Страница «Контакты»,
2. Платформа и устройство не имеют значения.

Шаги воспроизведения (Steps To Reproduce)

Шаги, при которых повторяется найденная ошибка. Например:
1. Нажать на кнопку “Войти”
2. Ввести “Имя пользователя” и “Пароль”
3. Нажать на кнопку “Ок”

Убедитесь, что у вас нет лишних или ненужных шагов воспроизведения, которые будут отвлекать и тратить время команды.

Пример плохих шагов: 1. Зайти на сайт, 2. Зайти на страницу обратной связи, 3. Поставить курсор в поле Имя, 4. Ввести имя, 5. Поставить курсор в поле e-mail, 6. Ввести действующий e-mail, 7. Навести курсор на Отправить сообщение, 8. Щелкнуть по Отправить сообщение.
Пример хороших шагов:
1. Заполнить поля формы обратной связи,
2. Нажать на копку «Отправить сообщение»

Ожидаемый результат (Expected Result)

Результат, который должен быть при выполнении шагов. В идеале, его можно найти в ТЗ (техническом задании). На практике, ТЗ бывает не всегда и ожидаемый результат определяется либо здравым смыслом, либо по аналогии.

Пример плохого ожидаемого результата: Что-то должно произойти.
Пример хорошего ожидаемого результата: Сообщение отправляется либо система сообщает о невозможности его отправки.

Фактический результат (Actual Result)

Указывается результат, который получил тестировщик при выполнении описанных шагов. Также может отвечать на три вопроса “Что? Где? Когда?”.

Пример плохого фактического результата: Ничего нет.
Пример хорошего фактического результата: Сообщение не отправляется, не появляется ошибка об отправке. После нажатия на кнопку ничего не происходит.

Вложения (Attachments)

При необходимости тестировщики прикладывают скриншоты или видео воспроизведения ошибки. Также могут прикладывать логи выполнения программы.При соблюдении правил оформления баг-репортов, ваша работа станет более эффективной.

Название (заголовок) баг-репорта

  • Название не должно быть слишком длинным
  • Прочитав название должно быть сразу понятно в чем дело
  • Принцип “Что? Где? Когда?

Плохой пример   “Если открыть вкладку crm, потом выбрать напоминания, потом мышкой нажать на чекбокс любого напоминания, то тогда не появится корзина”

Хороший пример — На вкладке crm в разделе напоминаний не появляется иконка удаления при проставление чек-бокса у любого напоминания

Плохой пример   “В заголовке письма не отображаются символы, при отправке письма”

Хороший пример — “В заголовке письма не отображаются русские символы при отправке письма Daily Stat (!!!

Вся суть в том, что нельзя отбрасывать те слова, которые имею значение, иначе разработчик не воспроизведет баг)


Описываем все шаги, с упоминанием всех вводимых данных (явки, пароли) и промежуточных результатов

  • Оптимально не более 7 шагов
  • Минимально возможные шаги, выкидываем лишнее
  • Добавляем  пример, на котором воспроизводится баг, если это необходимо ( ссылка, файл, фотография и т д, именно те, с которыми вы поймали баг)

Плохой пример

1. Открыть браузер

2. Открыть jivo.ru

3. Войти в систему

4. Вести данные нашего админа

5. Теперь щелкнуть напоминания

6. В напоминаниях создать новую напоминалку

7. Нужно заполнить все нужные поля

8. Сохраняем

Хороший пример

1. Войти в jivo.ru : (логин: [email protected],  пароль: 123456)

2. Перейти в  Управление —->  CRM —->  Напоминания

4.  Нажать на кнопку “Создать напоминание»

5.  Заполнить поле “Описание” и “Дата” (Например: Test, 04.04.2023)

6.  Нажать на кнопку “Сохранить”

Результат/Фактический результат

  • Указываем кратко, что произошло и в каком состоянии находится система
  • Прикладываем скриншоты, видео, логи (при грамотно составленном баге разработчику достаточно хорошего названия баг-репорта и скриншота/видео/логов)

Плохой пример

Результат: Кажется, напоминание не сохранилось и не создалось, но вообще должно было

Результат: Сохранение не работает корректно

Хороший пример

Результат: Появился попал с сообщением об успешном создании напоминания, но напоминание не появилось в списке

Ожидаемый результат

  • В ожидаемом результате указываем по факту, что должно произойти
  • Прикладываем скриншот ожидаемого результата.
  • Помимо этого прикладываем доказательство, что результат должен быть такой, а не какой то другой

Что служит доказательством

  • Спецификация
  • Макеты
  • Спросить у проджект менеджера, тим-лида, дизайнера, аналитика
  • Ссылка на документацию, вики
  • Здравый смысл

Плохой пример

Ожидаемый результат: Напоминание должно быть создано

Хороший пример

Ожидаемый результат: Появился попал с сообщением об успешном создании напоминания, созданное напоминание появилось в списке напоминаний


Приоритет (Priority) — это то насколько срочно надо исправить баг

Серьезность (Severity) — это то насколько баг влияет на нашу систему


Лог (с англ журнал) — это журнал, документ, в который программа вносит различные записи

Шаблоны оформления баг-репорта


1. Раз

2. Два

3. Три



Ожидаемый результат



1. Раз

2. Два

3. Три






1. Раз

2. Два

3. Три

Фактический результат


Ожидаемый результат



1. Раз

2. Два

3. Три

Что не так


Как должно быть


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