Bad word sentence in english

Bad Words is a 2013 American comedy film directed by Jason Bateman and written by Andrew Dodge. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Moreover, never utter bad words about your previous organizations, otherwise it will break your credibility.


I’ve yet to hear a bad word about these babies!


Fox News slammed Hillary Clinton for using a bad word — s @!


My wise grandmother took me aside and told me, «There are no bad words, but some words make other people feel bad.


Especially Entourage, because I’ve been hearing a lot of bad word of mouth on the show over the internet and I got the feeling that most people are more or less fed up with the show and have lost interest in the completely whimsical film career of Vinny Chase.


Lets see, southern girl, dark chocolate, grits, fast driver, bad word yeller, lots in common.


On track, Sato can be a bit feisty and sometimes that causes incidents, but there’s no denying he’s incredibly quick — he was fast all through the «Month of May» and off track, no one ever has a bad word to say about him.


We have now included a bad word / spam / commercial posting filter.


She makes me read the other parts (I do have to skip the bad words, lol), and I use funny voices.


I swore (Sh **) in front of my son, he told me that that was a bad word and I wasn’t allowed to use «that» word!


«Discipline» has become somewhat of a bad word now too, but why do people automatically think of physical punishment when they hear the term?


From book festivals having their competition claiming the largest trade space at their festival, to new censorship apps that take out all the bad words in books much to the Author’s dismay, conflicting mishaps are popping up everywhere within the publishing world.


Replace each bad word with a similar-sounding but more acceptable word that you clearly repeat and use frequently.


Education reform is not a bad word or a bad thing.


Personally, I suspect that bad word of mouth finally sank Hulk.


Now the word quality has become a bad word in its current usage.


MWR: Opticality seems to be a bad word in post-modernist circles, because it harkens back to the Greenbergian supremacy of flatness in painting.


By the end, by say»57 and»58 there were lots of exhibitions of second-rate abstract painting of which your gallery had perhaps fewer, shall we say, of this kind of fashionable I know fashionable’s a bad word.


Ten years ago, forensics was really a bad word in the eDiscovery market.


I am very softly spoken, very polite; very well mannered, bad words don’t appear in my vocabulary.


Such people have turned sanctification into a bad word not only for the population in general but also for many Christians.


To be continued are always bad words to see when a game is only just starting.


Best of all… language, bad words make this game a proper game.


Many years ago I used to think mythology was a bad word.


Stress wouldn’t be such a bad word if it wasn’t a daily state of being.


Many TMZ style reporters will rat out anyone who is the least bit notable if they use one of these «bad words» in an attempt to stir up outrage from the language police.


Challenging Behavior by Development Stage Discover ways to handle challenging behaviors such as saying bad words, hitting, biting, and more.


Adoption is not a bad word, we have -LSB-…]


With anti-carb fever gripping the fitness world in recent years, you’ve likely come to think of starch as a bad word.


3)… that they will repeat a bad word I used when they weren’t supposed to be listening, like when Garrett spilled his goldfish crackers on the floor in the doctor’s office and he said «oh shit»… conveniently, I might add, just after the doctor had asked me «So how’s the speech therapy going?»


Caryn Hartglass: Actually, I may use that, «Meat is not a bad word


You will want to proofread for any formatting issues such as bad word or line breaks.


BUT once he is out, i will not say one bad word against him.


No one could say a bad word about her.»


Does it bother you that skeptic has become a bad word?


Sorry to be MEAN (is that a bad word too?)


The full skirt is just divine and I will never say a bad word about red and stripes.


Polygon’s Arthur Gies offered up an almost perfect 9.5 / 10, opening with a brief summary of its quirks and mentioning glitches in a boxout, but not really finding much of a bad word to say about it.


This ingenious way to prepare sweet potatoes will make you take back every bad word you ever said about them.


He never once lost patience… always remained composed and not once would he say a bad word about anybody.


There better be a solid reason since no one likes quitters and make sure you do not put in any bad word about your previous employer.


The above example of the mother, behaviors were carried out without one bad word about the childs father.


«I have never heard anyone say a bad word about him.


Hiring a freelance editor can be expensive, but having your book professionally edited can make the difference between positive reviews and bad word of mouth — and between good and lackluster sales.


My dad’s views on race are generationally sour, but I never heard a bad word from him about the influx of Polish tradesmen over the past decade: he respected the quality of their work, because it was the kind of work that decades of experience helped him understand.


Personally, I am proud to call myself a commercial artist, and I suppose that means we would called «traditionally published» authors, commercial writers, but there will always be that ellite group that feels commercial is a bad word.


Wow… not one bad word, not even any words that would trigger any parental filters and I get moderated, once again Wow!


This is not the season of your average black ankle boot — shop 15 pairs that make basic look like a bad word.


She said she had recently heard that bitch is a bad word and she doesn’t understand why?


It’s a bad word in some households, but it really shouldn’t be.


Random good picture Not show

1. Jacky said a bad word!

2. It’s a very small town and if you do something bad, word gets around.

3. I said a bad word.

4. Most anywhere else, vigilante is a bad word.

5. The critics reserved their worst words for the relatively unknown George Corraface, who plays Columbus.

6. We haven’t a bad word to say about him.

7. It’s impolite to say a bad word about anyone behind him.

8. Feedback is a bad word, and it’s a bad business.

9. Has been honey drunk to aspic water? If bad word is why?

10. Happiness is a very bad word, does not have literariness (, overflows vulgarly.

11. A: Jimmy said a bad word to me when I refused to lend him money.

12. She is kind and never says a bad word about anyone.

13. Then, you said one bad word about Confucius and you risked a «flame war» that would incinerate you.

14. She is very friendly and never says a bad word about anyone.

15. Don’say a bad word about Mr. Chen, because he has a good sense of humour.

15. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

16. Andy is so kind. He never says a bad word about others.

17. In the year since banker became a bad word, Leonard Abess brought some goodwill — and some good p.r. — to the besmirched financial sector.

18. We have to watch our mouths and let our kids know that bad words are unacceptable.

19. It was a mystery to her how anyone could make a bad word out of some-thing so beautiful.

20. She’s got beauty, wealth, and fame, and we still can’t find anyone with a bad word to say about her.

21. He is a true friend. He never says a bad word about anyone.

More similar words: roadwork, headwork, roadworthy, send word, deadwood, word for word, in a bad way, bad weather, be in a bad way, old world, handwork, woodwork, william wordsworth, fieldwork, roundworm, worse and worse, groundwork, hard worker, third world, ground work, hardworking, woodworking, the Third World, skilled worker, unskilled worker, word, go from bad to worse, words, wordy, get word. 

Перевод по словам

bad [adjective]

adjective: плохой, дурной, нехороший, скверный, сильный, вредный, больной, испорченный, недоброкачественный, безнравственный

adverb: нехорошо, дурно

noun: неудача, несчастье, убыток, гибель, дефицит, разорение

  • go bad — портиться
  • bad fortune — плохое состояние
  • bad man — плохой человек
  • look bad — выглядеть плохо
  • bad loser — безнадежно проигравший
  • bad excuse — слабое оправдание
  • bad gas mileage — неэкономичный расход газа
  • bad brambach — Бад-Брамбах
  • bad weather conditions — неблагоприятные погодные условия
  • bad beat — плохой удар

word [noun]

noun: слово, речь, текст, известие, обещание, замечание, пароль, разговор, девиз, лозунг

verb: вести, сформулировать, выражать словами, подбирать выражения

  • word form — текстовая форма
  • household word — домашнее слово
  • word on the street — слово на улице
  • word occurrence — встречаемость слова
  • word spoken is past recalling — слово не воробей, вылетит-не поймаешь
  • cognate word — однокоренное слово
  • uninflected word — нефлективное слово
  • utter a word — выговорить слова
  • without another word — без лишних слов
  • word search — поиск слова

Предложения с «bad word»

Sir, if you say another bad word about her, I’m gonna whoosh-whoosh you off that chair.

Сэр, если вы скажете о ней ещё хоть одно дурное слово, я вас вышибу из этого кресла.

I’ve interviewed three men from Shaw’s regiment, two political opponents and an adjunct who was dishonorably discharged, and none had a bad word to say.

Я опросил трех человек из полка Шоу, двух политических оппонентов и помощника, которого с позором уволили, и ни один не сказал и дурного слова.

Are you teaching me a bad word?

Ты меня какой — то гадости научил?

I mean, just put in a bad word for me?

Просто напиши обо мне пару плохих слов.

Obviously I can’t go into details, but the fact is he never said a bad word about her.

Подробности я конечно не могу разглашать, но он ни разу дурного слова о ней не сказал.

They weren’t gonna lock him up, But he called the policeman a bad word.

Его не собирались задерживать, но он оскорбил полисмена.

You might also note that as far as I know, she never said a bad word against the persecution.

Вы также можете заметить, что, насколько мне известно, она никогда не говорила плохого слова против преследования.

In this country, where censorship is an extremely bad word, the voters get to hear all and decide what’s relevant.

В этой стране, где цензура — крайне плохое слово, избиратели могут услышать все и решить, что имеет отношение к делу.

I totally agree with that, but I think that when he was proposing a huge government program last night that we used to call the bad s-word, stimulus, I find it completely ironic.

Абсолютно согласна, но, на мой взгляд, то, что он представил огромную правительственную программу, которую мы раньше обзывали стимулом, — это просто смешно.

But if you present it along with another randomly chosen word, bad things can happen.

Но если показать его с другим случайным словом, страшные вещи могут случиться.

And, because deals can be good or bad, fair or exploitative, the word “new” provided metaphoric depth, suggesting that Roosevelt’s deal was better, fairer, and more attractive.

И поскольку сделки могут быть хорошими или плохими, справедливыми или нечестными, слово «новый» придавало метафорическую глубину, подчеркивая, что сделка Рузвельта была лучше, честнее и более привлекательной.

I got dragged into a very bad I word rerun, starring Nora and Mary Louise, so we could track down Rayna Cruz, the big scary huntress- who, by the way, turned out to be 80 and senile

Меня втянули в плохую версию Возвращения в город Л в главных ролях Нора и Мэри Луиза, мы выследили Рейну Круз, большую страшную охотницу которая ,кстати, оказалась 80 — ти летней старушкой.

This is the thought of almost everybody on the ground, as they stand waiting for some one to say the word-some bad, bold borderer daring enough to take the initiative.

Вот чего хочет толпа, и не хватает только, чтобы какой — нибудь дерзкий негодяй взял на себя инициативу.

She’s the town bad woman, said Scarlett briefly, and I give you my word I don’t know her, so shut up.

Падшая женщина, — коротко пояснила Скарлетт, — и я даю тебе слово, что не знакома с ней, так что перестань мне докучать.

It’s too bad, you know, ‘pon my word it is.

Это нехорошо с вашей стороны, честное слово!

You are not a bad sort of youngster, and I have no quarrel with you. I like you, take Trump -(confound it!)- take Vautrin’s word for it.

Вы юнец хороший, и я не хочу вам зла, ведь я вас люблю, честное слово Обма… (тьфу, черт!)… честное слово Вотрена.

You disobeyed authority-that was bad; but to have stood by, without word or act, while the authority was brutally used, would have been infinitely worse.

Ты не подчинился власти, это очень плохо. Но стоять рядом, безмолвствуя и бездействуя, когда властью так жестоко пользуются, было бы намного хуже.

Bad heart, in every sense of the word.

У него плохо с сердцем, во всех смыслах этого слова.

It’s bad enough during a strike, but my word, if it closes for good, it’ll be like the end of the world.

Даже когда в забастовки работа стала, и то не по себе. А если уж навсегда закроют — считай, конец света.

I’m so bad at word games!

Я совсем не умею играть в словесные игры!

I’m really bad at word games.

я очень слаб в словесных играх.

We’ve given the word mob a bad name.

Из — за нас слово толпа стало ругательством .

And Nicky said it wasn’t bad language unless you actually said the word.

И Никки сказал, что это не плохое слово, если ты не произносишь само слово.

Armed with the helpful information that the Finnish word for bad news is jobinposti.

Вооруженные полезной информацией, что плохие новости на финском — это jobinposti.

YES…..finally some1 that is as bad at spelling as i am. i usally end up typing a word into google which corrects it for me and then searching for it in wiki.

ДА…..наконец, некоторые из них так же плохо пишут, как и я. обычно я набираю слово в google, который исправляет его для меня, а затем ищет его в wiki.

The word nemesis originally meant the distributor of fortune, neither good nor bad, simply in due proportion to each according to what was deserved.

Слово Немезида первоначально означало распределителя удачи, ни хорошего, ни плохого, просто в должной пропорции каждому по заслугам.

This passage was widely quoted in the national press, leading to the popularization of the word slum to describe bad housing.

Этот отрывок широко цитировался в национальной прессе, что привело к популяризации слова трущобы для описания плохого жилья.

My france is very bad but so far as I can see there isn’t a word about WWI.

Моя Франция очень плоха, но, насколько я вижу, там нет ни слова о Первой мировой войне.

Interestingly, noone seems to know where ‘bad’ comes from, but ‘good’ is another proto-Germanic word.

Интересно, что никто, похоже, не знает, откуда взялось слово плохой, но хороший — это еще одно протогерманское слово.

Please don’t ruin an already bad piece by created Wikilinks for every word — this is ridiculous.

Пожалуйста, не разрушайте и без того плохую статью, создав Викилинки для каждого слова — это смешно.

Rig veda does not connote the word Māyā as always good or always bad, it is simply a form of technique, mental power and means.

Ригведа не подразумевает слово Майя как всегда хорошее или всегда плохое, это просто форма техники, ментальной силы и средств.

The word originates in Latin from Pessimus meaning worst and Malus meaning bad.

Это слово происходит от латинского слова Pessimus, означающего худший, и Malus, означающего плохой.

I have listened to the radio interview and it’s a bad line but I certainly can’t hear the word niggers.

Я прослушал радиоинтервью, и это плохая реплика, но я определенно не слышу слова ниггеры.

The article discusses the learning of how to invert word order using bad examples, one of which is incorrectly described.

В статье рассматривается обучение инвертированию порядка слов с использованием плохих примеров, один из которых неверно описан.

I added some information on the etymological history of the word, that I think clarifies the meaning of the bad connotations of the word.

Я добавил некоторые сведения об этимологической истории этого слова, которые, как мне кажется, проясняют значение плохих коннотаций этого слова.

Googling for the word to compile the article served the author bad service.

Поиск в гугле слова для компиляции статьи сослужил автору плохую службу.

Disclaimer: This article contains lots of bad words. If you don’t want to read bad words, don’t click on an article about swearing.

I haven’t included racist or homophobic language. You should swear at someone because they are behaving badly, not because of how they were born.

Note: Don’t use these phrases in your job interviews and Cambridge exams. And be careful when using them on a first date.

So you are learning English. The language of Shakespeare. Of Dickens. Of Wordsworth and James Joyce. You love its beauty and majesty and you never tire of its power and precision. English sparks joy.

Yes. Yes, it does.

But sometimes you just have to scream at someone. Sometimes your computer freezes and you lose 2 hours of work. Sometimes your car won’t start and you’re already late.

That’s when you want to swear.

When I’m teaching my classes I almost never swear. I try to be a ‘good model’ of English so that students can safely mimic me. But when the lesson is over – I start swearing like a sailor.

When to Swear

  • When you are frustrated.
  • When something unexpected happens.
  • When you want to make a sentence funnier.
  • When today ends with the letter Y.

The 10 Best English Swear Words

1. Fucking

The cornerstone of all swearing.

Basically you can and should use it liberally before nouns and adjectives.

  • He’s so fucking stupid!
  • It’s too fucking cold in here!

And before verbs.

  • Fucking slow down!
  • Can you please fucking shut up?
  • Could you fucking pass the fucking salt?

And before other swear words.

  • Where the fucking fuck is my fucking phone?

2. Dick

Synonyms: cock, prick, knob, tool (and a million others)

A dick is a penis. Obviously calling someone a penis has a negative meaning.

Why do you like Brian? He’s a total dick.

I mostly use it in the phrase ‘don’t be a dick’. It means ‘please behave with more class and dignity, like Anthony Hopkins in The Remains of the Day’.

Karen is stealing flowers from a field for her Instagram. They don’t belong to you, Karen. You fucking dick.

The first time I told my girlfriend she was ‘being a dick’ she was NOT happy. But the next day she said, ‘you know what? I was being a dick. I’m truly, truly sorry.’

That’s how I remember it, anyway.

3. Shit

There’s shit in the sense of ‘this movie is shit‘, which means ‘really bad’. And there’s ‘a shit’ which is just like ‘a dick’ in part 2.

Note: If you want to get creative you can often add the suffix head to these curse words. ‘He’s a shithead’. ‘Trump is such a dickhead.’

But my favourite version is ‘little shit’, which is how I show affection to my cat.

My cat has his own schedule, and he doesn’t give a shit what I am doing. He wants to go outside at 3AM and be let back in one microsecond before I fall back asleep. He’s extremely demanding and everything has to be done just how he likes it. Otherwise he wails his fucking head off, scratches at doors – whatever it takes. But you can’t stay mad at him. He’s adorable!

Guess what that little shit did? He waited until I got in the bath to start demanding his dinner! He does it on purpose!

4. Talking Shit

Movies are shit, someone is a shit, and people talk shit. That means saying stupid or impossible things.

  • Francis says we swallow 10 spiders in our sleep.
  • As always, Francis is talking shit. That’s not true.

My favourite is to look someone in the eye and say ‘don’t talk shit’. The important thing is to put a space/pause between each word. Make it three sentences!

5. Jesus

Most swearing is based on religion. But if God didn’t want us to swear, why did he make it so cool?

You can say ‘Jesus’ almost any time anything happens. Your cat vomits on your new socks? Jesus! Your neighbour has a new haircut that makes him look like a fucking serial killer? Jesus! You drop a knife and it nearly hits your toe? Jesus!

The best thing about the word ‘Jesus’ is that it’s so modular. Modular means you can easily add bits to it. So if you want extra emphasis you go:

Jesus Christ!

That’s literally twice as powerful as just saying ‘Jesus’.

But there’s more. One of the two great American inventions of the 20th century was stuffed crust pizza. The other was adding the letter H to Jesus’s name.

Jesus H. Christ!

Try it! It’s very satisfying.

If you want to get really creative with this one, you can try this:

Christ on a bike!

Yes, it’s real. People say it. Especially me.

6. Jesus Wept

We haven’t totally finished the Jesus theme. That’s because I feel ‘Jesus wept’ deserves its own entry.

‘Jesus wept’ is the shortest sentence in The Bible, and in the 1990s people started using it to express disappointment and/or annoyance. You have to put some negative energy into your voice as you say it.

Imagine your drunk boyfriend is trying to unlock the front door but he can’t get the key in the lock. You’re not angry enough to shout ‘stop dicking around!’ but you do want to say something. That’s where ‘Jesus wept’ comes in.

Or you’re watching your favourite football team and after 10 minutes they are 2-0 down and miss a penalty. You put your head in your hands and go ‘Jesus wept‘.

Because it’s a line from The Bible it’s much safer to use in public than those in section 5. If you say it in school and you get in trouble, you can say that you were just memorising scripture.

7. Holy Fuck

Take your basic ‘farmer English’ and add a hint of religious mysticism and you get ‘Holy Fuck’. It feels so smooth coming out of your mouth. Use it to express surprise and amazement.

  • Holy fuck! That bumblebee is the size of a tennis ball!
  • Holy fuck! That bitch is wearing a white dress to MY wedding!
  • Holy fuck! I just noticed three spelling mistakes in my resume!
  • Holy fuck! The guy who wrote Chernobyl also wrote The Hangover 2!

8. God Damn It

This one is pretty mild these days (although technically you’ll go to hell if you use it), but it remains deeply satisfying to say. Use it when you’re frustrated.

  • Ah god damn it! This machine is broken again!
  • Who’s phoning me during dinner? God damn it!

It’s another one with fun variations.

  • Damn it all to hell!
  • Fuck this goddamnedcocksucking game. Seriously. Fuck it sideways.

9. Fuckwit

A fuckwit is an idiot. A moron. An imbecile.

But it’s got the word ‘fuck’ in it so it’s much stronger than all of those.

You have to WARM IT UP before you TURN IT ON you absolute FUCKWIT.

10. Sod It

This is a very British way of saying ‘I’ve had enough of this’ or ‘I don’t want to continue’.

It’s too hot to do any work. Sod it, let’s go to the pub.

People often say ‘sod this’ or ‘sod that’.

As you know, ‘this‘ is used for things that are physically or emotionally close to you.

  • We’ve nearly finished this IKEA wardrobe but there’s a piece of wood and 14 screws left over. I think we’ve made a big mistake.
  • Sod this. Let’s call a pizza and watch TV.

And ‘that‘ is used for things that are physically or emotionally DISTANT.

  • My boss wants me to work on Saturday.
  • Sod that! Come to the lake with me and we’ll eat corn on the cob smothered in butter.

Although the queue is physically NEAR, it is emotionally FAR.

Let’s Practice Swearing

Who is the most famous writer in English?

1. William Fucking Shakespeare.

2. Charles ‘The Dick’ Dickens.

You, a cat, are having a nice relaxing day. Suddenly, this happens.

1. Haha, what an entertaining prank. You got me.

2. Oh you little shit! Do that again and I will fucking murder you.

Come on, bro! Let your emotions out! Tell us how you really feel!

What did Karl (the guy on the right) say?

1. «The best topping for a pizza is pineapple.»

2. «Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie.»

3. «The 1980s was the best decade for music.»

The other two sentences are 100% accurate (so if he said them, he wouldn’t have been talking shit).

Pineapple is absolutely fucking disgusting. If I went on a date with Jennifer Lawrence and she ordered a Hawaiian pizza I would walk out.

Why is Eggsy so upset?

1. He’s watching episode 4 of the hit TV show Chernobyl.

2. He’s watching Peppa Pig.

3. He just got his exam results from Cambridge.

Nobody would ever react badly to watching Peppa Pig, and Eggsy’s exam results were great because he prepared by taking online courses here at EFL Academy.

The correct answer is that he’s watching Chernobyl. It’s amazing, but holy fuck, it’s hard to watch.

All 4 questions completed!

Let’s Practice Swearing

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Sweary Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms

FFS – For fuck’s sake. Great for showing disbelief. Trump said what?! Oh, FFS.

WTF – What the fuck? Multi-purpose. WTF were you doing in a hotel with our marriage counselor?

BS – Bullshit. Used when something is untrue. That’s BS! I never went to The Plaza Inn with Simon last night!

STFU – Shut the fuck up.

GTFO – Get the fuck out.

Fubar – Fucked up beyond all recognition. Used to describe a situation that has gone VERY wrong.

BFD – Big fucking deal. Who cares?

A Partial List of English Swear Words

Quite Mild

Arse – Means ‘bottom’. Arse is British English and ass is American. She has a face like a slapped arse.

Asshat – A moron. An idiot. Jack is, and always will be, a prize asshat. If you marry him I shall never speak to you again.

Bugger – Basically a much milder version of ‘fuck’. You want me to work on Saturday? Bugger that!

Cow – A rude name for a woman. Drive on the left you silly cow!

Damn – Means all kinds of things, from ‘wow!’ to ‘that is bad news’. Here’s a picture of my younger sister. / Damn! She’s hot!  / And here’s a picture of her husband. / Damn.

Git – Someone you don’t like. That Boris Johnson is a bit of a git, isn’t he? / Clean your room you lazy git!

A Bit Harsh

Arsehole – A particular part of a bottom. It’s ruder than ‘arse’ because holes are generally rude.

Balls – Testicles. Generally used to mean something bad. We put him in charge of the Lisbon project and he totally ballsed it up. He doesn’t have the balls to make hard decisions.

Bitch – Like cow, but cowier.

Bollocks – A very British way of saying ‘bullshit’.

Bullshit – An American way of saying ‘bollocks’.

Pissed – angry or drunk. I got pissed last night, and when I got home my wife was really pissed.

Son of a bitch – Child of a cow. That son of a bitch has parked in my space again! I’ll rip his head off!

Tits – Boobs. Lol.


Bastard – A bad dude.

Bellend – Another way to say ‘dick’.

Cocksucker – Someone who gives blowjobs to men. Still considered offensive even though more than half of the population do it. Not a word I ever use, but it has lots of strong harsh syllables in it, so you can really spit it in someone’s face.

Fanny – In the UK, a lady’s special area (rude). In the USA, a bottom (not that rude).

Pussy/Snatch/Twat/Minge/Beaver – Lady’s special area again. “When you’re a star you can just grab ’em by the pussy.” The 45th President of the USA.

Slag/Slut/Whore – A woman who sleeps with lots of men. There’s no equivalent for a man who sleeps with lots of women.

Wanker – A man who pleasures himself sexually. The implication is that he’s a loser who can’t get a girlfriend.

Very Toxic

Cunt – Lady bits. For some reason this version is considered much stronger than the other variants. Calling someone a cunt is a good way to start a fight.

Motherfucker – This one is still considered provocative even though it’s used 400 times in every Hollywood movie.

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