Bad word beginning with i

Negative words are used to create contrast and emphasize the positive. As well negative words have a negative impact on the meaning of the sentence. There are many negative words in English. Here are some of the most frequently used negative words: no, not, never, neither, none, nothing, nor, etc.

We all know that writing and speaking is the most creative and important skill for us. So, should be aware of to use of negative words in our writing or speaking. Because Negative word has a great impact on writing and give a negative meaning to the reader. 

We seem that already you understand why we will learn negative words. So, if you want to learn negative words or bad words that start with L, then very well news for you. Because in the full guide our English professional unit will share many lists of negative words beginning with L.

Limitation Lackey Lost
Limitations Lacking Losses
Lonesome Lackeys Loss
Lethal Lament Long-time
Last-ditch Latency Loner
Lamentable Leakage Limit
Lamentably Leaking Lethargy
Lascivious Leakages Lethargic
Low-rated Lurid Lewdly
Ludicrous Lure Liability
Lowly Leakage Lechery
Lackey Lemon Leech 
Lackeys Leakages Leery
Lacking Lengthy Limitation
Left-leaning Lose   Lame-duck 
Lewdness Loot Lament 
Limitations   Loser Lamentable
Limited Leaks   Leaky
Loose    Lecher    Lecherous

Negative Adjectives That Start With L:

Lamentable Lacky Lethargic
Lascivious Lame Liable
Loathsome Late Lonely
Lopsided Lethal Lukewarm

Curse Words, Swear Words Starting With L:

Lameass  Lardass 


We hope you have enjoyed this full guide and learned many new negative words beginning with L. If possible, please share your feedback in the comments box and if you found any wrong info from this guide. You also share it in the remarks section. Our expert English team will fix it as soon as possible.

Hey, I’m Luna Moncada. I’m an English Instructor at Dhaka University. I Completed My Master’s in English at Dhaka University and Working 8 Years as an English Instructor. So, In This Website, I Try To Share Huge Resources Of Vocabulary and English Related Things.

Lists of words starting with I including those most commonly written / spoken, definitions, part of speech, and a very long list arranged by word length. Also includes countries that start with I, household items that begin with I, and more. Skip to the section you’re interested in by using the Table Of Contents, or scroll down to see more i words.

Table of contents

  1. Most common I words in alphabetic and frequency order
  2. Glossary including part of speech and definition for top 200+ I words
  3. Questions and Answers, including household items beginning with I, and list of I country names
  4. More complete mega I word list arranged by word length / number of letters

Most common / frequently used words that begin with I:

Top 10 most common written words ordered by frequency:
in is it into its if important information itself interest

Common written words in alphabetic order:
if important in information interest into is it its itself

Top 20 most common spoken I words by frequency:
i it in is it’s if i’m into i’ll i’ve i’d isn’t its idea it’ll interesting inside ice important involved

Glossary with part of speech and definition for the top 200 or so most frequently used I words:

ice noun water frozen in the solid state
icon noun (computer science) a graphic symbol (usually a simple picture) that denotes a program or a command or a data file or a concept in a graphical user interface
idea noun the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about
ideal noun the idea of something that is perfect; something that one hopes to attain
identical adjective exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different
identify verb recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something
identity noun the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity
idiot noun a person of subnormal intelligence
idle noun the state of an engine or other mechanism that is idling
ignorance noun the lack of knowledge or education
ignorant adjective uneducated in general; lacking knowledge or sophistication
ignore verb refuse to acknowledge
illegal adjective prohibited by law or by official or accepted rules
illness noun impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism
illusion noun an erroneous mental representation
illustration noun artwork that helps make something clear or attractive
image noun an iconic mental representation
imagination noun the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses
imagine verb form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case
imitate verb reproduce someone’s behavior or looks
imitation noun the doctrine that representations of nature or human behavior should be accurate imitations
immediate adjective of the present time and place
immediately adverb without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening
immigrant noun a person who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there
immigration noun migration into a place (especially migration to a country of which you are not a native in order to settle there)
immoral adjective deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong
immortal noun a person (such as an author) of enduring fame
immortality noun the quality or state of being immortal
immune noun a person who is immune to a particular infection
impact noun the striking of one body against another
impartial adjective showing lack of favoritism
impatient adjective restless or short-tempered under delay or opposition
impatiently adverb with impatience; in an impatient manner
imperial noun a small tufted beard worn by Emperor Napoleon III
imperialism noun a policy of extending your rule over foreign countries
implement noun instrumentation (a piece of equipment or tool) used to effect an end
implicit adjective implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something
imply verb express or state indirectly
import noun commodities (goods or services) bought from a foreign country
importance noun the quality of being important and worthy of note
important adjective of great significance or value
imposition noun the act of imposing something (as a tax or an embargo)
impossibility noun incapability of existing or occurring
impossible noun something that cannot be done
impress noun the act of coercing someone into government service
impression noun a vague idea in which some confidence is placed
impressive adjective making a strong or vivid impression
imprisonment noun putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment
improper adjective not suitable or right or appropriate
improvement noun a change for the better; progress in development
inability noun lack of ability (especially mental ability) to do something
inadequate adjective lacking the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task
inappropriate adjective not suitable for a particular occasion etc
incapable adjective (followed by `of’) lacking capacity or ability
incentive noun a positive motivational influence
inch noun a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot
incidence noun the relative frequency of occurrence of something
incident noun a single distinct event
inclination noun an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others
include verb have as a part, be made up out of
inclusion noun the state of being included
inclusive adjective including much or everything; and especially including stated limits
income noun the financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time
incompatible adjective not compatible
incomplete adjective not complete or total; not completed
inconsistent adjective displaying a lack of consistency
inconvenience noun an inconvenient discomfort
incorporation noun consolidating two or more things; union in (or into) one body
incorrect adjective not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth
incredible adjective beyond belief or understanding
incumbent noun the official who holds an office
indebted adjective owing gratitude or recognition to another for help or favors etc
indeed adverb in truth (often tends to intensify)
indefinite adjective vague or not clearly defined or stated
independence noun freedom from control or influence of another or others
independently adverb on your own; without outside help
index noun a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number
indication noun something that serves to indicate or suggest
indictment noun a formal document written for a prosecuting attorney charging a person with some offense
indifference noun unbiased impartial unconcern
indignant adjective angered at something unjust or wrong
indignation noun a feeling of righteous anger
indirect adjective having intervening factors or persons or influences
indispensable adjective not to be dispensed with; essential
individuality noun the quality of being individual
individually adverb apart from others
induce verb cause to arise
indulge verb give free rein to
indulgence noun an inability to resist the gratification of whims and desires
industrial adjective of or relating to or resulting from industry
industry noun the people or companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise
ineffective adjective not producing an intended effect
inequality noun lack of equality
inevitable noun an unavoidable event
infancy noun the early stage of growth or development
infantry noun an army unit consisting of soldiers who fight on foot
infection noun the pathological state resulting from the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
infectious adjective caused by infection or capable of causing infection
inference noun the reasoning involved in drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgment on the basis of circumstantial evidence and prior conclusions rather than on the basis of direct observation
inferior noun one of lesser rank or station or quality
inflammation noun a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat
inflammatory adjective characterized or caused by inflammation
inflation noun a general and progressive increase in prices
influence noun a power to affect persons or events especially power based on prestige etc
influential adjective having or exercising influence or power
inform verb impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to
informal adjective not formal
information noun a message received and understood
infrastructure noun the basic structure or features of a system or organization
inherit verb obtain from someone after their death
inheritance noun hereditary succession to a title or an office or property
inhibition noun (psychology) the conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires
initial noun the first letter of a word (especially a person’s name)
initiation noun a formal entry into an organization or position or office
injection noun the forceful insertion of a substance under pressure
injunction noun a formal command or admonition
injury noun any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
injustice noun an unjust act
ink noun a liquid used for printing or writing or drawing
inland adjective situated away from an area’s coast or border
inner adjective located inward; – Leonard Bernstein; – David Denby; – A.R.Gurney,Jr.
innocent noun a person who lacks knowledge of evil
inquiry noun a search for knowledge
insane adjective afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement
insanity noun relatively permanent disorder of the mind
inscription noun letters inscribed (especially words engraved or carved) on something
insect noun small air-breathing arthropod
insert noun a folded section placed between the leaves of another publication
inside noun the region that is inside of something
insignificant adjective not worthy of notice
insist verb be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge
insistence noun continual and persistent demands
inspection noun a formal or official examination
inspector noun a high ranking police officer
inspiration noun arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity
inspire verb heighten or intensify
instability noun an unstable order
install verb set up for use
installation noun the act of installing something (as equipment)
instinct noun inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli
institute noun an association organized to promote art or science or education
institution noun an organization founded and united for a specific purpose
institutional adjective relating to or constituting or involving an institution
instructive adjective serving to instruct or enlighten or inform
instrument noun a device that requires skill for proper use
instrumental adjective relating to or designed for or performed on musical instruments
insufficient adjective of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement
insulin noun hormone secreted by the isles of Langerhans in the pancreas; regulates storage of glycogen in the liver and accelerates oxidation of sugar in cells
insurance noun promise of reimbursement in the case of loss; paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards that they have made prepayments to an insurance company
insured noun a person whose interests are protected by an insurance policy; a person who contracts for an insurance policy that indemnifies him against loss of property or life or health etc.
integer noun any of the natural numbers (positive or negative) or zero
integral noun the result of a mathematical integration; F(x) is the integral of f(x) if dF/dx = f(x)
integrate verb make into a whole or make part of a whole
integration noun the action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a community
integrity noun an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting
intellectual noun a person who uses the mind creatively
intelligence noun the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience
intelligent adjective having the capacity for thought and reason especially to a high degree
intend verb have in mind as a purpose
intense adjective possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree
intensity noun the amount of energy transmitted (as by acoustic or electromagnetic radiation)
intentional adjective characterized by conscious design or purpose
interact verb act together or towards others or with others
interaction noun a mutual or reciprocal action; interacting
intercourse noun communication between individuals
interest noun a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something
interface noun (chemistry) a surface forming a common boundary between two things (two objects or liquids or chemical phases)
interfere verb come between so as to be hindrance or obstacle
interim noun the time between one event, process, or period and another
intermediate noun a substance formed during a chemical process before the desired product is obtained
internal adjective happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface
interpret verb make sense of; assign a meaning to
interpretation noun a mental representation of the meaning or significance of something
interpreter noun someone who mediates between speakers of different languages
interrupt noun a signal that temporarily stops the execution of a program so that another procedure can be carried out
intersection noun a point where lines intersect
intervene verb get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force
intervention noun the act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute, etc.)
interview noun the questioning of a person (or a conversation in which information is elicited); often conducted by journalists
intestinal adjective of or relating to or inside the intestines
intolerable adjective incapable of being put up with
intricate adjective having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate
intrinsic adjective belonging to a thing by its very nature; – John Dewey
introduce verb cause to come to know personally
introduction noun the act of beginning something new
introductory adjective serving to open or begin
intuition noun instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes)
intuitive adjective spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural tendency
invalid noun someone who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or injury
invaluable adjective having incalculable monetary, intellectual, or spiritual worth
invasion noun the act of invading; the act of an army that invades for conquest or plunder
invasive adjective relating to a technique in which the body is entered by puncture or incision
invention noun the creation of something in the mind
inventor noun someone who is the first to think of or make something
inventory noun a detailed list of all the items in stock
inverse noun something inverted in sequence or character or effect
invest verb make an investment
investigate verb investigate scientifically
invisible adjective impossible or nearly impossible to see; imperceptible by the eye
invitation noun a request (spoken or written) to participate or be present or take part in something
invite noun a colloquial expression for invitation
involuntary adjective not subject to the control of the will; ; ; ; – John F.Kennedy
involve verb connect closely and often incriminatingly
inward adjective relating to or existing in the mind or thoughts
ion noun a particle that is electrically charged (positive or negative); an atom or molecule or group that has lost or gained one or more electrons
iron noun a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen by the blood
irrelevant adjective having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue
irresistible adjective impossible to resist; overpowering
irrigation noun supplying dry land with water by means of ditches etc
irritation noun the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
island noun a land mass (smaller than a continent) that is surrounded by water
isle noun a small island
isolation noun a state of separation between persons or groups
issue noun an important question that is in dispute and must be settled
item noun a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list
ivory noun a hard smooth ivory colored dentine that makes up most of the tusks of elephants and walruses

Questions and Answers:

Q: What is the longest I word and how many letters does it have in it?
A: The word incontrovertiblenesses is 22 letters long.

Q: What is the shortest word that starts with I?
A: The letter “i” is also often used as a word in sentences, and at only one character long, it is a very short word.

Q: What countries start with the letter I?
A: Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy.

Q: What are some household items / things / objects that start with the letter I?
A: ice cube tray, incense, Irish Spring soap, iron, ironing board, Ivory soap

I words by number of letters:

More complete list, by word length:

2 letter words beginning with i:


2 letter words beginning with i:

ia id if in io is it

3 letter words beginning with i:

ice ich icy ihp ike ile ilk ill imp ink inn ion ire irk ism iso its ivy

4 letter words beginning with i:

iamb iare ibex ibis iced icho icky icon idea idee idem ides idle idol ieee iffy iggs ikon ilea ilex ilot imam imit impi inch inky inly insp into iota iris irok iron isle itch item itmo iuds iwis ixia

5 letter words beginning with i:

icaco iceni ichor icily icing ictus idant ideal idiom idiot idled idler idyll igloo ignis ihram ijmaa ileac ileum ileus iliac iliau ilium image imago imams imbed imbue imide imine immix immun impel imply imshi inane inapt inbow incas incle incur incus index indiv indue inept inert infer infix infra ingle

ingot inion inken inkle inlay inlet inner input inrub inrun insea inset inter intnl intro inure inurn inwit iodic ionic irade irate irbis irene ireos irked irons irony isaac ising islet issue istle itchy ivied ivory ixtle izard

6 letter words beginning with i:

iambic iambus iatric ibidem icebox icecap iceman icicle iciest iconic ideate idesia idiocy iditol idlish idolum igname ignite ignore iguana ilexes ilices illume imaged imager imaret imbeds imbibe imbrue imbute imdtly immesh immews immiss immune immure impact impair impala impale impark impart impede impend impies impish impone import impose impost improv

impugn impure impute inamia inarch inbent inbits inborn inbred incage incant incase incept incest incise incite income incorp incult incurs incuse indaba indeed indene indent indico indict indign indigo indite indium indole indoor induce induct indult induna infamy infang infant infare infect infest infirm inflow influx infold inform infuse ingate ingest ingram ingulf inhale

inhaul inhere inhume inions inject injure injury inkers inknot inlaid inland inless inlier inmate inmesh inmost innate inning inpour inroad inrush insane insect inseem insert inship inside insist insole insoul inspan instal instar instep instil insula insult insure intact intake intend intent intern intima intine intisy intone intort intron intuit inulin invade invars invent invert invest invite invoke

inward inwits inwrap iodate iodide iodids iodine iodism iodize iodous iolite ionium ionize ionone iotize ipecac ireful irenic iridal iridic irises iritic iritis ironic irrupt isatin island isling isobar isodef isomer isopod isthmi italic itself iwwort ixodic izzard

7 letter words beginning with i:

iceberg iceboat icefall iceless icepick ichnite icicles iciness ickiest icterus ideally ideatum identic idiotic idlemen idolism idolist idolize idoneal idyllic igneous igniter ignitor ignoble ikebana ileitis illegal illicit illness illogic ilocano imagery imagine imagism imamate imbauba imitate immasks immense immerge immerse immoral immures impanel imparks imparls impasse impaste impasto impeach impearl

imperia imperil impetus impiety impinge impings impious implant implead implied implode implore impound impower impresa impress imprest imprint improve impulse inaners inanity inbeing inboard inbound inbreed inbring incants incaved incense inchers incipit incised incisor incivil incline inclose include incomer incrust incubus incudes incurve indexer indican indices indicia indoors indorse indoxyl indraft indrawn

indulge indwell inearth inertia inexact infancy infanta infante infarct infaust inferno infidel infield infills inflame inflate inflect inflict infract infuses ingates ingenit ingenue ingesta ingoing ingraft ingrain ingrate ingress ingross ingroup ingrown inhabit inhaler inhance inhauls inherit inhibit inhuman inhumed initial initive injured injures injuria inkblot inkhorn inkings inkling inkster inkwell inmates innards innerve innings innyard inphase

inquest inquire inquiry insense inshore insider insight insipid insnare inspect inspire install instamp instant instars instate instead insteam instill insular insulin insured insurer integer inteind intense interim interne intreat introit intrude intrust intwine intwist inutile invalid inveigh invents inverse inverts invoice invoked involve inwards inweave inwraps inwrapt iodines iodisms iodizer ionised ionogen ipomoea iracund irenica irenics iridise iridium iridize

irising irksome ironing ironist ironman isagoge isatine ischial ischium isoamid isobath isochor isodoma isogamy isolate isoline isomere isomery isonomy isopods isotone isotope isotron isoxime issuant isthmus itching itemize iterate ivories ivylike

8 letter words beginning with i:

iceblink icebound icehouse icequake ichthyic icosteid idealise idealism idealist ideality idealize ideation identify identity ideogram ideology ideotype idiolect idiosome idiotish idiotism idiozome idlesses idocrase idolater idolatry idylists idyllist ignified ignition ignitron ignominy ignorant iguanian illation illinium illiquid illogics illumine illusion illusive illusory illutate ilmenite imagilet imaginal imbathes imbecile imbodies imitable imitator

immanely immanent immanity immature immenser immersed imminent immingle immobile immodest immolate immortal immotile immunity immunize impacted impacter impaired impaling impalmed imparity impeding impeller impellor imperial imperite imperium impetigo impletes implicit implodes implored implorer impolder impolicy impolite imposing impostor imposure impotent imprimis imprison improper improves impudent impugned impunity impurity inaction inactive inasmuch incavate incavern incentor inchases

inchmeal inchoate inchpins inchworm incident incisely incision incisive incisure inclined included incocted incogent incoming increase increate incubate incumber indamine indebted indecent indented indentee indevout indexers indexing indicant indicate indicias indienne indigene indigent indigoid indirect indocile indolent indorsee indrises induciae inductee inductor indulger induline indurate indurite indusium industry indwells inearths inedible inedited inequity inerrant

inertiae inertias inessive inexpert infamize infamous infantly infantry infecter infecund inferiae inferial inferior infernal infernos infinite infinity infirmer inflated inflexed influent inforces informal informed informer infrared infringe infrugal infumate infusion infusive ingather ingrowth inguinal inhalant inherent inhesion inhumane inimical iniquity initiate injector inkberry inkindle inkstand inkstone inlawing innatism innerves innocent innovate innuendo inoblast inoculum inosites inositol insanify insanity inscapes inscribe

insected insecure inserted inserter inshrine insignia insnarer insolate insolent insomnia insomuch insphere inspired inspirit instable instance instancy instants instinct instruct insulate intaglio intarsia integral intended intender interact intercom intercut interest interior interlap interlay intermat intermet intermit intermix internal internat internee interpol interrex intertex intertie interval intifada intimacy intimate intimism intimist intitule intonate intrados intrants

intrench intrepid intrigue intromit introrse intubate intwists inundate inurbane invalids invasion invasive inveigle inventor inverses inversor inverter inviting invocate involute involved inwardly iodoform iotacism iotizing iranians ironbark ironclad ironlike ironware ironwood ironwork irrigate irritant irritate iscariot islanded islander isobaric isocheim isochors isocline isocracy isogloss isogonic isohexyl isolated isolator isomeric isometry isomorph isopleth isoprene isospins

isospore isostasy isothere isotherm isotonic isozymic issuable issuance isthmial isthmian itacisms itemized iterable ivybells

9 letter words beginning with i:

icestones ichneumon ichnology ichthyoid ichthyses iconising iconizing iconoduly iconology idealizes identical identifer ideograph ideologue ideomotor idioblast idiocrasy idiomatic idiopathy idiophone idioplasm idiotized idolizing idyllists ignescent ignoramus ignorance iguanodon ileocecal ileostomy iliacuses illegible illiberal illogical imaginary imaginist imagistic imbalance imbarring imbecilic imborders imbricate imbroglio imbursing imidazole iminourea imitation immanence immediacy immediate immensity

immersing immersion immeshing immigrant immigrate imminence immitting immixture immovable immutable impacable impaction impainted impanated impartial impassion impassive impatiens impatient impeccant impedance impellent impendent impending imperator imperfect imperials imperiled imperious impeticos impetrate impetuoso impetuous impetuses impleader implement impletion implicate implicity implorers imploring implosion implosive impoliter impolitic important importune imposters impostume imposture impotence

imprecate imprecise impressor improbity impromptu improvise improviso imprudent impudence impulsing impulsion impulsive imputable imputedly inability inaidable inaidible inamorata inamorato inangular inanimate inanities inanition inaudible inaudibly inaugural inbending inbreathe incandent incapable incarnate incaution incensors incensory incenters incentive inception inceptive incessant incidence incipient incipitur incitants inclement inclining inclusion inclusive incognito incommode incomplex incondite incorpses

incorrect incorrupt increases increment incretion incrossed incubator inculcate inculpate incumbent incurable incurious incurrent incursion incursive incurvate indagates indecency indecorum indelible indemnify indemnity indention indenture indevoted indexable indexings indicator indicting indiction indigence indignant indignity indigotin indiguria indispose indolence indomable indoxylic inducible inductile inducting induction inductive indulgent indulging indurates induviate inebriant inebriate inebriety ineffable inelastic inelegant inerrable

inethical infamises infantile infantine infatuate infection infective infeoffed inference infertile infielder infirmary infirmity inflation inflexion inflictor influence influenza infobahns informant informers infuneral infuriate infuscate infusible ingenious ingenuity ingenuous inglenook ingleside ingrained ingresses ingrossed ingrowing ingulphed inhabited inhabiter inhalator inhearses inherence inherited inheritor inhibitor inimicous initiates injection injectors injurious injustice inlayings inlooking innermost innerness innervate innkeeper innocence

innocency innocuity innocuous innoxious inoculant inoculate inodorous inorganic inotropic inpatient inquiline inquiring insapient insatiate inscience insconced insectile insensate insertion inshining insidious insincere insinking insinuate insipient insistent insolence insoluble insolvent insomniac inspector instanter instantly instigate instiller institute insulator insulting insurable insurance insurgent integrals integrand integrant integrate integrity intellect intendant intensify intension intensity intensive

intention intentive interbody interbred intercede intercept interclan intercome intercrop intercuts interdict interface interfere interfile interflow interfuse interject interjoin interknit interlace interlard interleaf interline interlink interlock interlope interlude intermats intermelt interment intermesh intermise internals internees internist internode interplay interpose interpret interrupt intersect intershop intertask interteam intervale intervary intervene interview interwork intestate intestine

intimados intorsion intrashop intricacy intricate intrigant intrinsic introduce introitus introject introrsal introvert intruding intrusion intrusive intuition intuitive intumesce inturning inunction inutility invariant invasions inveagles invective inveigled inveigler inveigles invenient invention inventive inventory inversely inversion inversive invertase inverters invertive invidious inviolacy inviolate invisible invocator involucel involucre involuted involving inwrought iodhydrin iodometry ionopause irascible irascibly irateness irenicism irenology

iridotomy irisation ironbarks ironbound ironising ironsides ironsmith ironstone ironworks iroquoian irradiant irradiate irregular irrigates irriguous irritable irritated irruption irruptive isabellas isagogics isallobar isenergic isinglass isoapiole isochores isoclinal isoclines isocrymic isodontal isoemodin isogamete isogonies isogynous isohydric isoionone isolating isolation isologous isologues isomerism isomerize isomerous isometric isoniazid isooctane isophotes isopleths isopropyl isosceles isosteric isotomous

isotropic ispraynik isthmiate italicize itamalate itemizers itherness itinerant itinerary itinerate itinerite

10 letter words beginning with i:

iatrogenic icebreaker ichthyoids ichthyosis ickinesses iconoclasm iconoclast iconolatry iconoscope icosasemic idealistic ideational idempotent identikits ideography ideologise ideologist idiocratic idiothermy idiotypies idolatrize idolatrous iliocostal iliopelvic illaudable illegality illegalize illhumored illiteracy illiterate illuminant illuminate illuminati illuminism illustrate imaginable imaginably imaumbarah imbalances imbarkment imbecilely imbecility imbibition imbroglios immaculate immanental immaterial immemorial immiscible immobilise immobility

immobilize immoderacy immoderate immolation immoralist immorality immortable immortelle immovables immunology immuration impalpable impaludism impanation imparadise imparlance imparsonee impartible impassable impassible impatience impeccable impediment impeditive impenitent impersonal impervious implacable impledging implexions implexuous implicants implicated impoisoner importance imposition impossible impossibly impotently impoverish impregnate impresario impressers impressing impression impressive impressure imprimatur imprinting improbable improvised impudicity impuissant impunities

imputation inaccuracy inaccurate inactivate inactively inadequate inamoratas inamoratos inangulate inanitions inapposite inaptitude inartistic inaugurate inauration inbreeding incandesce incapables incapacity incarnates incautious incendiary incestuous inchoation incidences incidental incidently incinerate incitement incitingly incivility inclinable inclinator incogitant incognitas incoherent incomeless incomplete inconstant incrassate increasing incredible increscent incubation inculpable inculpably incumbency incunabula incurrence indagatory indecenter indecision

indecisive indecorous indefinite indelicacy indelicate indentment indication indicators indicatory indictable indictment indigenous indigested indilatory indirubine indiscreet indiscrete indisposed indistinct individual individuum indocility indophenol inducement inductance indulgence indulgiate induration industrial ineconomic ineducable inefficacy inelegance inelegancy ineligible ineloquent ineludible ineptitude inequality inerasable inevasible inevitable inexertion inexistent inexorable inexpiable inexpiably inexplicit infallible infamation infamizing infantlike infarction infatuated infausting infeasible infectible

infectious infeftment infelicity inferiorly infidelity infighting infiltrate infinitely infinitive infinitude inflatable inflatuses inflection inflexible inflicters inflicting infliction influenzic infrabasal infraction infrasonic infrequent infringing infumation infusorian ingeminate ingenerate inglorious ingracious ingrateful ingratiate ingredient ingressive inhabitant inhalation inharmonic inhausting inheritrix inhibition inhibitors inhibitory inhumanity inhumation inimitable iniquitous initialize initiation initiatory injunction inkhornize inmarriage innkeepers

innominate innovation innumerate innumerous inoculable inoperable inordinate inosculate inquestual inquietude inquisitor insalivate insanitary insatiable inscrolled insecurity insecution inselbergs inseminate insensible insentient insightful insinuated insipience insistence insistency insobriety insociable insolation insolvable insolvency insouciant inspection inspissate installing instalment instancies instigated instituter institutor instructor instrument insufflate insularize insulation insultable insurances insurgence insurgency insweeping intactible intangible integrated integrator integument intemerate

intendance intendancy intendment intenerate intensated interblend interbrain interbreed intercalar interchase intercheck intercross interested interfaith interferon interfiber interfluve intergrade interiorly interlaces interlayer interleave interlocus interloped interloper interlunar intermalar intermarry intermedia intermezzo intermural intermures internment internodal internship interphase interphone interplead interpoint interramal interreges interspace interstate interstice intertidal intertrial intertwine intertwist interunion interurban intervalic intervalla interweave intestinal intimating intimidate intinction

intolerant intonation intoxicant intoxicate intramural intranidal intrastate intrigante intrigants intriguant introspect introverse intuitions intumulate inundation invaginate invalidate invalidism invalidity invaluable invariable invariancy inventible inveracity invertedly investient investment inveteracy inveterate invigilate invigorate invincible inviolable invitation invitatory invocation involucrum involution inwardness iodoethane ionization ionosphere iotacismus irefulness iridaceous iridectome iridectomy iridescent iridosmine irisations ironfisted

ironhanded ironmaster ironmonger ironworker irradiance irradiates irrational irredeemed irrelevant irreligion irremeable irresolute irreverent irrigation irrigators irritating irritation isadnormal ischialgic isentropic isoaminile isocamphor isocarpous isocephaly isochimals isochronal isochroous isocyanide isodontals isodontous isodynamic isoleucine isomerized isometrics isonitrile isopiestic isosporous isostemony isothermal italicises itinerancy itineraria

11 letter words beginning with i:

ichnography ichthyolite ichthyology ichthyornis ichthyosaur iconography iconologies iconostasis icosahedron ideologizes ideophonous idioglossia idiographic idiomorphic idioretinal idiospastic ignominious iliofemoral illegalised illicitness illimitable illogically illuminance illuminates illuminator illusionary illusionism illusionist illustrator illustrious illuviating illuviation imagination imbrication imbroccatas immaterials immediately immedicable immigration immitigable immobilised immobiliser immobilises immortality immortalize immunogenic impalements impassioned impatiently impatronize impeachable

impeachment impecunious impedimenta impedometer imperatrice imperforate imperialism imperiality impermanent impermeable impersonate impertinent imperviable impetuosity impignorate implacental implausible implemental implication implicatory importation importunacy importunate importuning importunity impostorism impractical imprecating imprecation imprecisely imprecision impregnable impressible impressment imprintings improcreant impropriate impropriety improvement improvident imprudently inabusively inadvertent inadvisable inalienable inalterable inalterably inappetence inaptnesses inattention inattentive inbetweener incalescent incantation incantatory incapacious incarcerate incardinate incarnadine

incarnation incertitude incessantly incinerator inclemently inclination inclinatory incoercible incogitable incognizant incoherence incommodity incompetent incompliant incomposure incongruent incongruity incongruous inconsonant incontinent incorporate incorporeal incrassates increasedly incredulity incredulous incriminate incunabulum incurvature indeciduous indefinable indefinites indehiscent indemnified indemoniate indentation independent indepravate indicolites indifferent indigenized indigestion indigestive indignantly indignation indignatory indirection indiscussed individuate indivisible indomitable indonesians indubitable inductances indulgingly induplicate industrials industrious ineducation ineffective

ineffectual inefficient ineluctable inemendable inemotivity inenarrable inequitable inescapable inessential inestimable inexcusable inexecution inexistence inexpansive inexpedient inexpensive inextension infamonises infanticide infantilism infantryman infatuation infeodation inferential infestation infestivity infeudation infinituple inflammable influencers influential informality information infrabuccal infracostal infractions infralabial infrangible infrequency infusionism infusorians ingathering ingeminates ingenerable ingratitude ingredience ingressives ingrownness ingurgitate inhabitancy inheritable inheritance inirritable initializes injucundity injudicious

innobedient innumerable innutrition inoculation inoffensive inofficious inopportune inquisition inquisitive inquisitory insalivates inscription inscrutable insectarium insecticide insectivore inseminates insensitive inseparable insessorial inseverable insincerity insinuating insinuation insipidness insomnolent insouciance inspiration inspiratory inspiringly inspissated instability installment instigation instinctive institution institutive institutors instruction instructive insuperable integration intelligent intemperate intendencia intensating intensifier intentional interabangs interacinar interaction interactive interatomic interbanded interbedded intercalary intercalate intercedent interceders

interceptor intercessor interchange interchased intercolumn intercostal intercourse interdental interdepend interdining interesting interfluent interfluous interinsert interjacent interjector interlapped interleaves interlinear interlining intermeddle intermingle internalize internecine internuncio interocular interoffice interplants interpolate interpolity interpreter interracial interradial interregnum interrelate interrogate interrogees interrupted interrupter interseamed intershaded intersperse intertarsal intervalled intervaried interveinal interviewee interviewer intinctions intolerable intolerance

intolerants intoxicable intoxicated intractable intradermal intraseptal intravenous intricacies intriguants introjected introverted introvision intrusively intuitional intuitivism intumescent inverminate investigate investiture investments invigilated invigorated invocations involuntary involutions involvement iodoprotein ionospheres iridescence iridorhexis irradiation irradicable irrecusable irredentist irreducible irreduction irrefutable irrelevance irrelevancy irreligious irremovable irreparable irresoluble irretentive irreverence irrevocable irrevocably isallobaric isobilianic isochronism isochronize isochronous isoclinally isodiaphere isodynamous isoelectric

isolecithal isomagnetic isometrical isometropia isomorphism isoniazides isoparaffin isopropanol isoxsuprine itacolumite italianiron italianizes itatartrate ithyphallic ithyphallus

12 letter words beginning with i:

ichorrhaemia ichthyocolla ichthyosaurs iconoclastic iconophilism ideographies idiosyncrasy idolatrously idoxuridines ignitibility ignorantness illegitimacy illegitimate illogicality illuminating illumination illusionable illustration imbibitional imitationist immanentists immeasurable immediatisms immensurable immersionism immethodical immigrations immiserizing immoderation immortalised immortaliser immortalized impannelling imparadising impardonably imparkations impedibility impenetrable impenitently imperception imperceptive impercipient imperfection imperfective imperishable impersonally impertinence impeticossed impierceable implantation imponderable

importunance impoverished impregnatory imprevisible imprisonment improducible impromptuist improvisator impugnations inacceptable inaccessible inactivating inactiveness inadjustable inadmissible inadvertence inadvertency inapplicable inarticulate inartificial inattackable inaugurators inauspicious incalculable incandescent incapacitate incarnadines incatenation incendiarism incensurably incentivizes incestuously incidentally incinerating inclinograph inclinometer incogitantly incoherences incommodious incommutable incomparable incompatible incompetence incompletion incomposedly incomputable inconcinnity inconclusive inconformity inconsequent inconsistent

inconsolable inconsumable inconvenient inconversant incoordinate incorporable incorporated incorporator incorporeity incorrigible incorrigibly incorruption incrassating incrustation incubational incumberment incumbrances incunabulist incursionist indebtedness indeclinable indefeasible indefectible indefensible indelectable indeliberate indelicately indemnifiers independence independency indeprivable indetermined indicational indifference indigenously indigestible indignifying indiscipline indiscretion indisputable indissoluble indivertible individually indoctrinate ineffability ineffaceable inefficience inefficiency inequalities ineradicable inerrability inescutcheon inessentials inexactitude inexpectedly inexperience inexplicable inexpressive inexpugnable

inexpungible inextensible inextirpable inextricable infantilisms infantilizes infelicitous infiltration infinitizing inflamedness inflammation inflammatory inflationary inflationism inflectional infomercials infrabestial inframontane infringement infundibulum infusionisms ingeminating ingratiating ingravescent inharmonical inharmonious inhospitable innovational inobservance inohymenitic inoppugnable inquietation inquinations insalubrious insculptures insectmonger insemination insomnolence insouciances inspectorate installation instantiated instauration instellatinn instillation instillatory instructible instructions instrumental insufferable insufficient insufflators insulination insupposable insurrection

intactnesses intellection intellectual intelligence intelligency intelligible intemeration intemperance intemperants intenability intenerating intensifiers interaccused interanimate intercalates interception interceptive intercession intercessory interchoking interconnect intercreedal intercrosses intercurrent interdespise interdiction interdictory interference interfertile interglacial intergrafted interjection interlineate interlobular interloculli interlocutor intermarries intermeddler intermediacy intermediary intermediate intermembral intermention interminable interminably intermission intermittent intermixedly intermixture internalized internuncial interoceptor interpellant

interpellate interpleaded interpleader interpledged interpreters interpretive interprocess interrelated interrogator interrupters interruption intersection interspersal interstadial interstellar interstimuli interstitial intertexture intertwining intervalleys intervarsity intervarying intervenient intervention intervocalic interweavers intolerances intoxicating intoxication intracardiac intracranial intramundane intransigent intransitive intranuclear intrapsychic intrauterine introduction introductory introjection introjective intromission introversion intuitionism intumescence intussuscept invagination inventorying invertebracy invertebrate investigable investigator inveteration invitatories involucelate involutional invulnerable iracundulous

irredeemable irreformable irrefragable irregeneracy irregularity irrelievable irremediable irremissible irrepealable irrepealably irresilience irresistible irresolution irresolvable irresolvably irrespective irrespirable irresponsive irreversible irritability ischiopodite ischiosacral isochromatic isochronical isochronised isochronisms isodiametric isolationism isolationist isorosindone isosaccharic isothenurias italianating

13 letter words beginning with i:

iatrotechnics ichneumonized iconomaticism idiochromatin idiographical idiorrhythmic illiberalises illuminometer imaginational imagistically immaterialism immateriality immaterialize immediateness immeritorious immortalising immovableness immunogenesis immunogenetic immunotherapy impalpability imparipinnate impassability imperatorship imperceptible imperfectible imperfectious imperialistic impermissible impersonalism impersonality impersonalize impersonators imperturbable impetuousness impossibility impracticable impregnations imprejudicate impressionism impressionist improbability improvisation improvisatory imprudentness impulsivities inactivations inadvertantly inanimateness inappertinent inappreciable

inappropriate inarticulated inarticulates incandescence incandescents incardination incendiarisms incentivizing inclusiveness incombustible incommunicado incompentence inconceivable inconclusible incondensable incondensible inconsecutive inconsiderate inconsistence inconsistency inconspicuous incontestable inconvenience inconveniency inconvertible inconvincible incorporating incorporation incorporators incorruptible indefatigable independently indescribable indeterminacy indeterminate indeterminism indevirginate indiscernible indiscussable indispensable indispensably indisposition indistinctive indistortable individualism individualist individuality individualize individuation indoctrinates inductilities inductivities industrialism industrialist industrialize inefficacious inexhaustible inexorability

inexperienced inexplainable inexpressible inextensional infallibilism infamiliarity infinitesimal inflorescence infracotyloid infrastipular inhabitations inhospitality injudiciously inobservation inoperculates inopportunity inquisitorial insectivorous insensibility insignificant inspirational inspiritingly instantaneity instantaneous instantiation instigatingly institutional instrumentary insubordinate insubstantial insufficiency insupportable insupportably insusceptible integumentary intelligencer interaccusing intercalating intercalation intercalatory intercellular interclavicle intercombined intercostally intercuspidal interdictions interdigitate interdominion interexchange interlaminate interlanguage interlocution interlocutory interlocutrix interlunation intermarriage intermination

intermingling interminister intermissions international internuptials interosculate interpleading interpolation interposition interpressure interpretably interproximal interramicorn interrelation interrogation interrogatory intersegments intersidereal intersocietal interstratify intertraffics interwrapping intimidations intradermally intrafissural intramarginal intramorainic intramuscular intransigence intransigents intraperineal intratelluric intravasation intricateness intrinsically introgression introspection intuitionisms investigation invisibleness invitrifiable iridectomized iridoavulsion irrationalism irrationality irreclaimable irrecognition irrecoverable irrefrangible irrefrangibly irrenunciable irrepentantly irreplaceable irrepressible irresponsible irresponsibly irretrievable

irretrievably ischiofemoral isoagglutinin isoclinically isodimorphism isoelectronic isoperimetric italicization

14 letter words beginning with i:

iatrochemistry ichthyolatrous ichthyophagian iconomatically identification idiopsychology illegalisation illegitimatise illiberalizing illuminability illusivenesses illustrational imitablenesses immanifestness immarcibleness immaterialness immiserization immunogenetics immunoreaction imparisyllabic impassibilibly impermeabilize imperscrutable impertransible imperturbation implausibility imponderabilia importableness imposingnesses impossibleness impregnability impressionable impressionably improvableness improvvisatore inagglutinable inalienability inapprehensive inapproachable incommensurate incommunicable incomprehended incompressible inconceivables inconcinnities inconscionable inconsiderable inconsiderably inconsistences incontinencies incontrollable

inconvenienced incoordinately incoordination incrementalism indecipherable indecisiveness indecomposable indeliberation indemonstrable indestructible indeterminable indifferentism indiscerptible indiscerptibly indiscriminate indomitability indubitability inducibilities industrialised industrialized inelasticities inequigranular inevasibleness inextinguished infinitesimals inflammability infralapsarian infrastructure infratonsillar innominability inoepithelioma inoperableness inorganisation inquisitionist inscriptionist insecticidally insignificance insignificancy insuppressible insurabilities insurmountable intellectation intelligentsia intempestively intentionalism interactionist interarytenoid interassociate intercommunion interconnector interdependent interdetermine interdigitally interdigitates interferograms

interferometer interinsurance interinvolving interlocutress intermediators intermercurial intermigration intermolecular interopercular interoscillate interparochial interpellation interpenetrate interpermeates interpetiolary interplacental interplanetary interpretating interpretation interpretorial intersqueezing intertextually intervalometer interweavement interweavingly intraabdominal intrabronchial intracanonical intracutaneous intramercurial intramolecular intranquillity intranscalency intransigeance intransitivity introspectible investigatable inviolableness iridoparalysis irreconcilable irreproachable irritabilities isoalloxazines isocorybulbine isomerizations isotrimorphism italicizations

15 letter words beginning with i:

identicalnesses immaterialities immitigableness immunochemistry immunoreactions impassabilities impecuniousness impenetrability imperialization implementations importabilities impregnableness imprescriptible improcurability improvisatorize inapperceptible inapprehensible inapprehensibly incommensurable incompetentness incomprehension incomprehensive inconsequential incopresentable incorrectnesses incorrigibility incredulousness incudostapedial incuriousnesses indemnification indetermination indifferentists individualities indubitableness inequilaterally inescapableness inestimableness inextricability infeasibilities infralapsarians infrascapularis infrastructures infundibuliform inharmonicities inheritableness injuriousnesses inodorousnesses inorganizations inscriptionless insensatenesses inspirationists

instantaneously instrumentalism instrumentalist instrumentality instrumentation insurrectionary insurrectionise intellectualism intellectualist intellectuality intellectualize intelligentiary intelligentsias intelligibility intensification interchangeable intercollegiate intercommonable interdivisional interhybridized interlaminating interlamination internunciatory interregimental interresistance interresponsive interscholastic interstimulated interstratified interventionist intoxicatedness intransigentism intransigentist introspectional introvertedness intussusception inviolatenesses irreverentially irreversibility isorhythmically

16 letter words beginning with i:

immoderatenesses immunogeneticist impeachabilities imperceptibility imponderableness inadequatenesses inalienabilities inauspiciousness incompatibleness incomprehensible incomprehensibly incontrovertible inconvincibility incorporatedness incorrigibleness incrediblenesses indecisivenesses indescribability indiscrimination indisputableness indivisibilities indomitabilities inextinguishable infeasiblenesses influenceability ingloriousnesses inguinocutaneous iniquitousnesses insalubriousness insensiblenesses institutionalise institutionalism institutionalize intercanalicular intercommunicate intercontinental intercorpuscular intercrystallize interdiffusiness interlocutresses intermissionless intermodulations intermolecularly intermuscularity internationalism internationalist internationalize interpervasively interstimulation intertransversal interventionists

intervisitations intervocalically intolerabilities intransigentists intraterritorial invertebrateness irreconciliation irredressibility irrefragableness irreversibleness isoagglutination isocinchomeronic isokeraunophonic

17 letter words beginning with i:

immunodepressions immunopathologist imperialistically impressionability improvisationally inagglutinability incapaciousnesses incompatibilities incompletableness incongealableness inconvertibleness indefensibilities indistinctiveness indistinguishable individualization indubitablenesses inexpensivenesses inextricabilities inquisitivenesses inseparablenesses insolubilizations intellectualizers intemperatenesses intercolumniation intercommunicated interdepartmental interdisciplinary intergenerational internationalises interpopulational interproglottidal interrelationship intersubjectivity intertranslatable intradepartmental introspectionisms irreductibilities irremovablenesses irrepealabilities

18 letter words beginning with i:

immunosuppressions imperceptibilities imperturbabilities impracticabilities incompatiblenesses inconsequentiality indestructibleness indiscernibilities industrializations inexplicablenesses infradiaphragmatic interagglutination intercolumniations intercommunication intercomplimentary intercontradiction intercontradictory interincorporation irredeemablenesses irrefrangibilities irremissiblenesses irresponsibilities

19 letter words beginning with i:

ichthyopaleontology immunohematologists immunoprecipitation imperturbablenesses impracticablenesses inconspicuousnesses indemonstrabilities individualistically instantaneousnesses intellectualization interdenominational interesterification interferometrically interscholastically

20 letter words beginning with i:

inapprehensivenesses indeterminablenesses indigotindisulphonic intercommunicational interstratifications

22 letter words beginning with i:


Summary / wrap-up / next steps:

Glad you visited this page with I words that begin with the letter i. Hopefully it helped you find the right 2 letter, 3 letter, 4 letter and longer word beginning with I. The post is organized by word length, and the longest I word on this post is 22 letters, and there are quite a few 18, 19, and 20 letter long examples too.

Words Beginning with i — list and definitions learning English

  • Iamb — a meter in poetry
  • Iambi — a meter in poetry
  • Iambic — with rhythm and beauty; related to poetic composition
  • Iambs — a meter in poetry
  • Iambus — a meter in poetry
  • Iambuses — a meter in poetry
  • Iatric — pertainng to medicine
  • Iatrical — pertainng to medicine
  • IC
  • Icac
  • Ice — frozen water
  • Ice show
  • Iceberg — unfeeling, impartial
  • Icebergs — unemotional person
  • Icebound — very cold
  • Icebox — cold, snowy
  • Iceboxes — penal institution
  • Icecap — mountain of ice, snow
  • Icecapped — very cold
  • Icecaps — mountain of ice, snow
  • Iced — pretty much decided
  • Iceman
  • Icer — accessory; excess
  • Ices — frozen water
  • Ichorous — fluid, flowing, melting
  • Ichthyolite
  • Icicle — frozen water
  • Icicled — very cold
  • Icicles — frozen water
  • Icier — frozen; slippery when frozen
  • Iciest — frozen; slippery when frozen
  • Iciness — frigidness
  • Icinesses — frigidness
  • Icing — frosting
  • Icings — frosting
  • Ickier — not pleasant
  • Ickiest — not pleasant
  • Icky — not pleasant
  • Icon — image
  • Iconic — emblematic
  • Iconoclasm — belief, behavior different from most
  • Iconoclasms — belief, behavior different from most
  • iconoclast — a destroyer of images used in religious worship
  • Iconoclastic — skeptical
  • Iconoclasts — detractor
  • Iconographic — graphic
  • Iconographies — symbolic representation
  • Iconography — symbolic representation
  • Icons — image
  • Icy — frozen; slippery when frozen
  • Id — self
  • Idea — something understood, planned, or
  • Ideal — model, perfect
  • Idealism — state of having positive beliefs
  • Idealisms — state of having positive beliefs
  • Idealist — person who holds fancies in mind, who believes in perfection
  • Idealistic — visionary
  • Idealists — person who holds fancies in mind, who believes in perfection
  • Idealities — mental image, concept
  • Ideality — mental image, concept
  • Idealization — glorification
  • Idealizations — glorification
  • Idealize — romanticize
  • Idealized — romanticize
  • Idealizes — romanticize
  • Idealizing — romanticize
  • Ideally — without flaw
  • Ideals — moral beliefs
  • Ideas — something understood, planned, or
  • Ideate — contemplate
  • Ideated — contemplate
  • Ideates — contemplate
  • Ideating — contemplate
  • Ideation — formation of mental objects
  • Ideational — hypothetical
  • Ideations — formation of mental objects
  • Identic — same
  • Identical — alike, equal
  • Identically — evenly
  • Identicalness — sameness
  • Identicalnesses — sameness
  • Identifiable — capable of being traced
  • Identification — labeling; means of labeling
  • Identifications — labeling; means of labeling
  • Identified — recognize; label
  • Identifier — word that modifies a noun
  • Identifiers — word that modifies a noun
  • Identifies — recognize; label
  • Identify — recognize; label
  • Identifying — recognize; label
  • Identities — person’s individuality
  • Identity — person’s individuality
  • Ideograph — letters of a writing system
  • Ideographies — expression by pictures
  • Ideographs — letters of a writing system
  • Ideography — expression by pictures
  • Ideological — concerning the mind
  • Ideologies — beliefs
  • Ideology — beliefs
  • Idiocies — utter stupidity
  • Idiocy — utter stupidity
  • Idiom — manner of speaking, turn of phrase
  • Idiomatic — informal
  • Idioms — manner of speaking, turn of phrase
  • Idiopathic — emergent
  • Idiosyncrasies — oddity, quirk
  • Idiosyncrasy — oddity, quirk
  • idiosyncratic — peculiar to the individual
  • Idiot — very stupid person
  • Idiotic — very stupid
  • Idiotically — extremely
  • Idiots — very stupid person
  • Idle — worthless, ineffective
  • Idled — move slowly; delay
  • Idleness — laziness, inaction
  • Idlenesses — laziness, inaction
  • Idler — lounger
  • Idlers — lounger
  • Idles — move slowly; delay
  • Idlest — worthless, ineffective
  • Idling — lounging
  • Idly — indolently
  • Idol — person greatly admired
  • Idolater — person who does not believe in an orthodox religion
  • Idolaters — person who does not believe in an orthodox religion
  • Idolatries — the worship of idols
  • Idolatrize — sanctify; idolize
  • Idolatrized — sanctify; idolize
  • Idolatrizes — sanctify; idolize
  • Idolatrizing — sanctify; idolize
  • Idolatrous — fetishistic
  • Idolatry — the worship of idols
  • Idolism — the worship of idols
  • Idolisms — the worship of idols
  • Idolist — person who does not believe in an orthodox religion
  • Idolists — person who does not believe in an orthodox religion
  • Idolization — adoration
  • Idolizations — adoration
  • Idolize — think of very highly; worship
  • Idolized — think of very highly; worship
  • Idolizer — person having sexual relationship
  • Idolizers — person having sexual relationship
  • Idolizes — think of very highly; worship
  • Idolizing — think of very highly; worship
  • Idols — person greatly admired
  • Ids — self
  • Idyl
  • Idyll — pause, break
  • Idyllic — perfect; extremely pleasant
  • Idylls — pause, break
  • If — provided that
  • Iffier — uncertain
  • Iffiest — uncertain
  • Iffiness — equivocation
  • Iffinesses — equivocation
  • Iffy — uncertain
  • Ifs — provided that
  • Igc
  • Igneous — melted
  • Ignitable — ready to burn
  • Ignite — set on fire
  • Ignited — set on fire
  • Ignites — set on fire
  • Igniting — set on fire
  • Ignition — explosion; on fire
  • Ignitions — explosion; on fire
  • Ignoble — lowly, unworthy
  • Ignominies — offensive behavior
  • ignominious — (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
  • Ignominiousness — infamy
  • Ignominy — offensive behavior
  • Ignorable — able to be overlooked
  • ignoramus — an ignorant person
  • Ignoramuses — simpleton
  • Ignorance — unintelligence, inexperience
  • Ignorances — unintelligence, inexperience
  • Ignorant — unaware, unknowing
  • Ignorantly — lightly; without care
  • Ignore — disregard on purpose
  • Ignored — disregard on purpose
  • Ignores — disregard on purpose
  • Ignoring — disregard on purpose
  • Ikebana
  • Ikon — image
  • Ikons — image
  • Ilea — part of digestive tract
  • Ileum — part of digestive tract
  • Ilit
  • Ilk — kind, type
  • Ilks — kind, type
  • Ill — sick
  • Ill-conceived
  • Ill-judged
  • Illation — logic, interpretation
  • Illations — logic, interpretation
  • Illaudable
  • Illegal — against the law
  • Illegalities — crime
  • Illegality — crime
  • Illegalize — prohibit; make illegal
  • Illegalized — prohibit; make illegal
  • Illegalizes — prohibit; make illegal
  • Illegalizing — prohibit; make illegal
  • Illegally — excessively
  • Illegible — unreadable
  • Illegibly — faintly
  • Illegitimacies — illegitimateness
  • Illegitimacy — illegitimateness
  • Illegitimate — not legal
  • Illegitimately — illegally
  • Illegitimation — illegitimateness
  • Illegitimations — illegitimateness
  • Illiberal — narrow-minded
  • Illiberalities — belief without basis, information; intolerance
  • Illiberality — belief without basis, information; intolerance
  • Illiberally — egotistically
  • Illicit — not legal; forbidden
  • Illicitly — illegally
  • Illicitness — illegality
  • Illicitnesses — illegality
  • Illimitable — endless
  • Illiteracies — ignorance
  • Illiteracy — ignorance
  • Illiterate — unable to read well; lacking education
  • Illiterateness — ignorance
  • Illiterates — fool
  • Illness — disease; bad health
  • Illnesses — disease; bad health
  • Illogical — not making sense
  • Illogicalities — unreason
  • Illogicality — unreason
  • Illogically — inarticulately
  • Illogicalness — unreason
  • Illogicalnesses — unreason
  • Ills — misfortune
  • Illude — mislead, falsify; handle several things at once
  • Illuded — mislead, falsify; handle several things at once
  • Illudes — mislead, falsify; handle several things at once
  • Illuding — mislead, falsify; handle several things at once
  • Illume — illuminate
  • Illumed — illuminate
  • Illumes — illuminate
  • Illuminate — make light
  • Illuminated — lighted
  • Illuminates — make light
  • Illuminati — intellectual, very smart person
  • Illuminating — lighting up
  • Illumination — light; making light
  • Illuminations — light; making light
  • Illuminative — educational
  • Illuminato — intellectual, very smart person
  • Illumine — light up
  • Illumined — light up
  • Illumines — light up
  • Illuming — illuminate
  • Illumining — light up
  • Illusion — false appearance; false belief
  • Illusionist — person who performs supernatural
  • Illusionists — person who performs supernatural
  • Illusions — false appearance; false belief
  • Illusive — deceptive
  • Illusory — deceptive
  • Illustratable — explainable
  • Illustrate — demonstrate, exemplify
  • Illustrated — pictorial
  • Illustrates — demonstrate, exemplify
  • Illustrating — demonstrate, exemplify
  • Illustration — demonstration, exemplification
  • Illustrational — graphic
  • Illustrations — demonstration, exemplification
  • Illustrative — explanatory
  • Illustrator — artist
  • Illustrators — artist
  • Illustratory — explanatory
  • Illustrious — famous, prominent
  • Illustriously — most excellently
  • Illustriousness — eminence
  • Illy
  • Image — representation; counterpart
  • Imaged — able to be seen with eyes
  • Imager — glass that reflects image
  • Imageries — metaphors
  • Imagers — glass that reflects image
  • Imagery — metaphors
  • Images — representation; counterpart
  • Imaginable — believable, possible
  • Imaginably — possibly
  • Imaginary — fictitious, invented
  • Imagination — power to create in one’s mind
  • Imaginations — power to create in one’s mind
  • Imaginative — creative, inventive
  • Imaginativeness — imagination
  • Imagine — dream up, conceive
  • Imagined — not real
  • Imagines — dream up, conceive
  • Imaging — make sense of; define
  • Imagining — dream up, conceive
  • Imaginings — belief
  • Imagistic — explanatory
  • Imbalance — lack of balance
  • Imbalanced — unstable
  • Imbalances — lack of balance
  • Imbathe — wash with water and, usually, soap
  • Imbathed — wash with water and, usually, soap
  • Imbathes — wash with water and, usually, soap
  • Imbathing — wash with water and, usually, soap
  • Imbecile — stupid, foolish
  • Imbeciles — stupid, foolish
  • Imbecilic — foolish
  • Imbecilities — foolishness
  • Imbecility — foolishness
  • Imbed — put, tuck in
  • Imbedded — put, tuck in
  • Imbedding — put, tuck in
  • Imbeds — put, tuck in
  • Imbibe — drink, often heavily
  • Imbibed — drink, often heavily
  • Imbibes — drink, often heavily
  • Imbibing — drink, often heavily
  • Imbibition — satiation
  • Imbibitions — satiation
  • Imbricate — overlap
  • Imbricated — covering and coinciding
  • Imbricates — overlap
  • Imbricating — overlap
  • imbroglio — an intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation
  • Imbroglios — misunderstanding; fight
  • Imbrue — coloring
  • Imbrued — bleeding
  • Imbrues — coloring
  • Imbruing — infuse, fill; make pregnant
  • Imbrute — mechanize
  • Imbruted — mechanize
  • Imbrutes — mechanize
  • Imbruting — mechanize
  • Imbue — infuse, saturate
  • Imbued — infuse, saturate
  • Imbuement — coloration
  • Imbuements — coloration
  • Imbues — infuse, saturate
  • Imbuing — infuse, saturate
  • Imitate — pretend to be; do an impression of
  • Imitated — copied
  • Imitates — pretend to be; do an impression of
  • Imitating — copying
  • Imitation — simulation, substitution
  • Imitations — simulation, substitution
  • Imitative — simulated, unoriginal
  • Imitator — copyist
  • Imitators — copyist
  • Immaculacies — celibacy, chastity
  • Immaculacy — celibacy, chastity
  • Immaculate — very clean; unspoiled
  • Immaculateness — blamelessness
  • Immanent — native
  • Immanently — innately
  • Immaterial — irrelevant
  • Immaterialities — unimportance
  • Immateriality — unimportance
  • Immature — young, inexperienced
  • Immaturities — childhood
  • Immaturity — childhood
  • Immeasurability — infinity
  • Immeasurable — infinite, incalculable
  • Immeasurably — considerably
  • Immediacies — nearness to something
  • Immediacy — nearness to something
  • Immediate — instantaneous; without delay
  • Immediately — at once, right away
  • Immedicable — unfixable, unchangeable
  • Immemorial — ancient, old
  • Immense — extremely large
  • Immensely — in addition
  • Immenseness — enormousness
  • Immensenesses — enormousness
  • Immensities — infinity
  • Immensity — infinity
  • Immerge — dip
  • Immerged — dip
  • Immerges — dip
  • Immerging — dip
  • Immerse — submerge in liquid
  • Immersed — deeply involved with
  • Immerses — submerge in liquid
  • Immersing — submerge in liquid
  • Immersion — absorption
  • Immersions — absorption
  • Immersive — deeply engaging
  • Immigrant — person from a foreign land
  • Immigrants — person from a foreign land
  • Immigrate — enter a foreign area intending to live there
  • Immigrated — enter a foreign area intending to live there
  • Immigrates — enter a foreign area intending to live there
  • Immigrating — enter a foreign area intending to live there
  • Immigration — emigration
  • Immigrations — emigration
  • Imminence — approach
  • Imminences — approach
  • Imminent — at hand, on the way
  • Immingle — blend, mix
  • Immingled — blend, mix
  • Immingles — blend, mix
  • Immingling — blend, mix
  • Immix — mix
  • Immixed — mix
  • Immixes — mix
  • Immixing — mix
  • Immixture — combination, mixture
  • Immixtures — combination, mixture
  • Immobile — motionless, fixed
  • Immobilities — disinclination to move; lifelessness
  • Immobility — disinclination to move; lifelessness
  • Immobilization — tie-up
  • Immobilizations — tie-up
  • Immobilize — disable
  • Immobilized — disable
  • Immobilizes — disable
  • Immobilizing — disable
  • Immoderacies — overindulgence in personal desires
  • Immoderacy — overindulgence in personal desires
  • Immoderate — excessive, extreme
  • Immoderately — to a great extent
  • Immoderation — luxury; gratification
  • Immoderations — luxury; gratification
  • Immodest — shameless
  • Immodesties — bad taste, mistake
  • Immodestly — brazenly
  • Immodesty — bad taste, mistake
  • Immolate — sacrifice
  • Immolated — sacrifice
  • Immolates — sacrifice
  • Immolating — sacrifice
  • Immolation — sacrifice
  • Immolations — sacrifice
  • Immoral — evil, degenerate
  • Immoralities — crime
  • Immorality — crime
  • Immorally — sinfully
  • Immortal — death-defying, imperishable
  • Immortalities — endless life
  • Immortality — endless life
  • Immortalization — advancement, promotion
  • Immortalize — memorialize
  • Immortalized — made famous
  • Immortalizes — memorialize
  • Immortalizing — memorialize
  • Immortally — for all time; everlasting
  • Immortals — incorporeal being
  • Immotile — calm, not moving
  • Immovabilities — diligence, hard work
  • Immovability — diligence, hard work
  • Immovable — fixed, stubborn
  • Immovably — firmly
  • Immoveable — property and buildings for sale
  • Immoveables — property and buildings for sale
  • Immune — invulnerable
  • Immunities — privilege, exemption
  • Immunity — privilege, exemption
  • Immunization — additional dose of vaccine
  • Immunizations — additional dose of vaccine
  • Immunize — perform vaccination
  • Immunized — perform vaccination
  • Immunizer — antitoxin
  • Immunizers — antitoxin
  • Immunizes — perform vaccination
  • Immunizing — perform vaccination
  • Immunotoxin — antitoxin
  • Immunotoxins — antitoxin
  • immure — lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
  • Immured — confine
  • Immurement — confinement, imprisonment
  • Immurements — confinement, imprisonment
  • Immures — confine
  • Immuring — confine
  • Immutabilities — continuity
  • Immutability — continuity
  • Immutable — unchangeable
  • Immutably — unalterably
  • Imp — mischievous child, small person
  • Impact — collision, force
  • Impacted — hit with force
  • Impactful — having a great effect
  • Impacting — hit with force
  • Impacts — collision, force
  • Impair — harm, hinder
  • Impaired — injured, faulty
  • Impairing — harm, hinder
  • Impairment — breakage
  • Impairments — breakage
  • Impairs — harm, hinder
  • Impale — stab
  • Impaled — stab
  • Impalement — severe mental or physical pain
  • Impalements — severe mental or physical pain
  • Impales — stab
  • Impaling — stab
  • impalpable — incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch
  • Impalpably — barely
  • Imparities — prejudice; lack of balance
  • Imparity — prejudice; lack of balance
  • Impart — make known
  • Impartation — announcement, revelation
  • Impartations — announcement, revelation
  • Imparted — make known
  • Impartial — fair, unprejudiced
  • Impartialities — evenhandedness
  • Impartiality — evenhandedness
  • Impartially — fairly
  • Impartialness — fairness
  • Impartialnesses — fairness
  • Impartible — communicable
  • Imparting — make known
  • Impartment — transfer, transmittal
  • Impartments — transfer, transmittal
  • Imparts — make known
  • Impassable — closed
  • Impasse — stalemate
  • Impasses — stalemate
  • Impassibilities — apathy
  • Impassibility — apathy
  • Impassible — unfeeling
  • Impassion — fire
  • Impassioned — excited, vehement
  • Impassionedly — tenderly
  • Impassioning — fire
  • Impassions — fire
  • impassive — having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited
  • Impassively — suffering without complaint
  • Impassiveness — absence of feeling, interest
  • Impassivenesses — absence of feeling, interest
  • Impassivities — apathy
  • Impassivity — apathy
  • Impatience — inability, unwillingness to wait
  • Impatiences — inability, unwillingness to wait
  • Impatient — unable, unwilling to wait
  • Impatiently — anxiously
  • Impavid — brave, nervy
  • Impeach — denounce, censure
  • Impeachable — responsible for action
  • Impeached — denounce, censure
  • Impeaches — denounce, censure
  • Impeaching — denounce, censure
  • Impeachment — accusation
  • Impeachments — accusation
  • Impeccabilities — blamelessness
  • Impeccability — blamelessness
  • Impeccable — above suspicion; flawless
  • Impeccably — without flaw
  • Impeccant — blameless
  • Impecuniosities — poverty
  • Impecuniosity — poverty
  • impecunious — not having enough money to pay for necessities
  • Impecuniousness — poverty
  • Impedance — fighting, opposition
  • Impedances — fighting, opposition
  • Impede — obstruct, hinder
  • Impeded — obstruct, hinder
  • Impedes — obstruct, hinder
  • Impediment — obstruction, hindrance
  • Impedimenta — paraphernalia
  • Impediments — obstruction, hindrance
  • Impeding — obstruct, hinder
  • Impel — prompt, incite
  • Impelled — prompt, incite
  • Impellent — forceful
  • Impellents — drive, resolve
  • Impelling — prompt, incite
  • Impels — prompt, incite
  • Impend — threaten
  • Impended — threaten
  • Impendence — warning; danger
  • Impendences — warning; danger
  • Impendent — menacing, ominous
  • Impending — forthcoming
  • Impends — threaten
  • Impenetrability — bulk, mass
  • Impenetrable — dense
  • Impenitent — unrepentant
  • Imperative — necessary
  • Imperatively — forcibly
  • Imperativeness — difficulty
  • Imperatives — authority, order
  • Imperator — historically, person who ruled an area
  • Imperators — historically, person who ruled an area
  • Imperceivable — indifferent
  • Imperceptible — hard to sense; faint
  • Imperceptibly — slowly
  • Imperceptive — random, chaotic
  • Impercipient — not observant
  • Imperfect — flawed
  • Imperfection — flaw
  • Imperfections — flaw
  • Imperfectly — inadequately
  • Imperforate — undamaged; all in one piece
  • Imperia — control, dominance
  • Imperial — regal
  • Imperialism — expansionist doctrine
  • Imperialisms — expansionist doctrine
  • Imperialist — promoting an empire
  • Imperials — facial hair on human
  • Imperil — cause to be in danger
  • Imperiled — cause to be in danger
  • Imperiling — cause to be in danger
  • Imperilled — cause to be in danger
  • Imperilling — cause to be in danger
  • Imperilment — danger
  • Imperilments — danger
  • Imperils — cause to be in danger
  • imperious — having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
  • Imperiously — pretentiously
  • Imperiousness — exaggerated self-opinion
  • Imperiousnesses — exaggerated self-opinion
  • Imperishability — eternity
  • Imperishable — indestructible
  • imperium — the domain ruled by an emperor or empress; the region over which imperial dominion is exercised
  • Imperiums — control, dominance
  • Impermanence — imbalance, inconstancy
  • Impermanences — imbalance, inconstancy
  • Impermanent — fleeting
  • Impermanently — for a limited time only
  • Impermeability — stiffness
  • Impermeable — impenetrable
  • Impermissible — forbidden
  • Impersonal — cold, unfriendly
  • Impersonate — pretend to be another
  • Impersonated — pretend to be another
  • Impersonates — pretend to be another
  • Impersonating — pretend to be another
  • Impersonation — imitation
  • Impersonations — imitation
  • Impersonator — mimic
  • Impersonators — mimic
  • Impertinence — boldness
  • Impertinences — boldness
  • Impertinent — bold, disrespectful
  • Impertinently — saucily
  • imperturbable — not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure
  • Imperturbably — gently
  • Imperturbation — peace, quiet
  • Imperturbations — peace, quiet
  • Imperviable — unable to be penetrated
  • Impervious — unable to be penetrated
  • Imperviousness — resistance
  • Impetrate — plead, appeal for
  • Impetrated — plead, appeal for
  • Impetrates — plead, appeal for
  • Impetrating — plead, appeal for
  • Impetration — question, request
  • Impetrations — question, request
  • Impetuosities — nerve, audacity
  • Impetuosity — nerve, audacity
  • impetuous — characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
  • Impetuously — hastily
  • Impetuousness — recklessness
  • Impetuousnesses — recklessness
  • Impetus — stimulus, force
  • Impetuses — stimulus, force
  • Impieties — ungodliness
  • Impiety — ungodliness
  • Impinge — trespass
  • Impinged — trespass
  • Impingement — trespass
  • Impingements — trespass
  • Impinges — trespass
  • Impinging — trespass
  • Impious — not religious
  • Impiousness — irreverence
  • Impiousnesses — irreverence
  • Impish — mischievous
  • Impishness — mischief
  • Impishnesses — mischief
  • Implacabilities — stubbornness
  • Implacability — stubbornness
  • Implacable — merciless, cruel
  • Implacableness — stubbornness
  • Implant — insert
  • Implantation — information that is designed to mislead or persuade
  • Implantations — information that is designed to mislead or persuade
  • Implanted — insert
  • Implanting — insert
  • Implants — insert
  • Implausibility — unlikelihood
  • Implausible — not likely
  • Implausibleness — improbability
  • Implausibly — incredibly
  • Implement — agent, tool
  • Implementation — exercise
  • Implementations — exercise
  • Implemented — start, put into action
  • Implementing — start, put into action
  • Implements — agent, tool
  • Impletion — something that takes up
  • Impletions — something that takes up
  • Implicate — imply, involve
  • Implicated — under suspicion
  • Implicates — imply, involve
  • Implicating — imply, involve
  • Implication — association, suggestion
  • Implications — association, suggestion
  • Implicative — suggestive of something in the past
  • Implicit — included without question, inherent, absolute
  • Implicitly — inevitably
  • Implied — hinted at
  • Implies — indicate, mean
  • Implode — collapse inward
  • Imploded — collapse inward
  • Implodent
  • Implodes — collapse inward
  • Imploding — collapse inward
  • Imploration — appeal
  • Implorations — appeal
  • Implore — beg
  • Implored — beg
  • Implores — beg
  • Imploring — beg
  • Imploringly — insistently
  • Implosion — failure
  • Implosions — failure
  • Implosive — sound unit of speech
  • Implosives — sound unit of speech
  • Imply — indicate, mean
  • Implying — indicate, mean
  • Impolite — having bad manners
  • Impolitely — pertly
  • Impoliteness — discourtesy
  • Impolitenesses — discourtesy
  • Impolitic — unwise, careless
  • Imponderable — imperceptible
  • Imponderous — not heavy
  • Import — meaning
  • Importance — significance, weight
  • Importances — significance, weight
  • Important — valuable, substantial
  • Importantly — mainly
  • Importation — admittance
  • Importations — admittance
  • Imported — brought in from another place
  • Importer — shipper
  • Importers — shipper
  • Importing — signify, display
  • Imports — meaning
  • importunate — expressing persistant and earnest entreaty
  • Importunately — insistently
  • Importunateness — imperativeness
  • Importune — demand, insist
  • Importuned — demand, insist
  • Importunes — demand, insist
  • Importuning — demand, insist
  • Importunities — demand
  • Importunity — demand
  • Impose — set, dictate
  • Imposed — set, dictate
  • Imposes — set, dictate
  • Imposing — impressive
  • Imposingly — to a great extent
  • Imposition — deception
  • Impositions — deception
  • Impossibilities — hopelessness
  • Impossibility — hopelessness
  • Impossible — beyond the bounds of possibility
  • Impossibles — no chance
  • Impossibly — giving small ground for hope
  • Impost — tariff
  • Imposter — charlatan
  • Imposters — charlatan
  • Impostor — person pretending to be something else
  • Impostors — person pretending to be something else
  • Impostrous — alleged; imaginary
  • Imposts — tariff
  • Imposture — fraud, trick
  • Impostures — fraud, trick
  • Imposturous — alleged; imaginary
  • Impotence — sterility
  • Impotences — sterility
  • Impotent — disabled; unable to perform action
  • Impound — confine
  • Impounded — kept
  • Impounding — confine
  • Impoundment — physical detention by force
  • Impoundments — physical detention by force
  • Impounds — confine
  • Impoverish — make poor
  • Impoverished — poor, exhausted
  • Impoverishes — make poor
  • Impoverishing — make poor
  • Impoverishment — poverty
  • Impoverishments — poverty
  • Impracticable — unrealistic
  • Impractical — unrealistic
  • Impracticality — inefficiency
  • Imprecate — curse
  • Imprecated — curse
  • Imprecates — curse
  • Imprecating — curse
  • Imprecation — blasphemy
  • Imprecations — blasphemy
  • Imprecise — erroneous
  • Imprecision — error, erroneousness
  • Imprecisions — error, erroneousness
  • Impregn
  • Impregnability — protection from harm
  • impregnable — immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
  • Impregnant — unspoiled
  • Impregnate — infuse, fill; make pregnant
  • Impregnated — full
  • Impregnates — infuse, fill; make pregnant
  • Impregnating — infuse, fill; make pregnant
  • Impregnation — assimilation, incorporation
  • Impregnations — assimilation, incorporation
  • Impresario — manager, producer
  • Impresarios — manager, producer
  • Impress — influence
  • Impressed — aroused
  • Impresses — influence
  • Impressibility — susceptibility
  • Impressible — penetrable
  • Impressing — influence
  • Impression — influence
  • impressionable — easily impressed or influenced
  • Impressionist — person who imitates
  • Impressionistic — suggestive
  • Impressionists — person who imitates
  • Impressions — influence
  • Impressive — powerful, influential
  • Impressively — sedately
  • Impressiveness — importance
  • Impressment — military conscription
  • Impressments — military conscription
  • Imprest — influence
  • imprimatur — formal and explicit approval
  • Imprimaturs — approval
  • Imprint — impression; symbol
  • Imprinted — stamp
  • Imprinting — impression; symbol
  • Imprintings — making a mark upon
  • Imprints — impression; symbol
  • Imprison — confine; put in jail
  • Imprisoned — arrested
  • Imprisoning — confine; put in jail
  • Imprisonment — forcible detention
  • Imprisonments — forcible detention
  • Imprisons — confine; put in jail
  • Improbabilities — unlikelihood
  • Improbability — unlikelihood
  • Improbable — not likely
  • Improbableness — improbability
  • Improbably — incredibly
  • Improbities — corruption
  • Improbity — corruption
  • Impromptu — unrehearsed, improvised
  • Impromptus — boost
  • Improper — not suitable
  • Improperly — poorly
  • Improperness — impropriety
  • Impropernesses — impropriety
  • Improprieties — bad taste, mistake
  • Impropriety — bad taste, mistake
  • Improv — unrehearsed, improvised
  • Improvable — remediable
  • Improve — make or become better
  • Improved — made better
  • Improvement — bettering; something bettered
  • Improvements — bettering; something bettered
  • Improves — make or become better
  • Improvidence — extravagance
  • Improvidences — extravagance
  • Improvident — careless, spendthrift
  • Improvidently — impulsively
  • Improving — reconstructing
  • Improvisate — make up
  • Improvisated — make up
  • Improvisates — make up
  • Improvisating — make up
  • Improvisation — extemporary speech
  • Improvisations — extemporary speech
  • Improvisatory — improvised
  • Improvise — make up
  • Improvised — made-up
  • Improvises — make up
  • Improvising — make up
  • Improvs — make up
  • Imprudence — indiscretion
  • Imprudences — indiscretion
  • Imprudent — without much thought
  • Imprudently — unwisely
  • Imps — mischievous child, small person
  • Impudence — audacity
  • Impudences — audacity
  • Impudencies — impudence
  • Impudency — impudence
  • Impudent — bold, shameless
  • Impudently — saucily
  • impugn — attack as false or wrong
  • Impugnable — tricky, doubtful
  • Impugned — criticize, challenge
  • Impugning — criticize, challenge
  • Impugnment — verbal assault
  • Impugnments — verbal assault
  • Impugns — criticize, challenge
  • Impuissant — not having talent, skill
  • Impulse — drive, resolve
  • Impulses — drive, resolve
  • Impulsion — drive, resolve
  • Impulsions — drive, resolve
  • Impulsive — tending to act without thought
  • Impulsively — imprudently
  • Impulsiveness — nerve, audacity
  • Impulsivenesses — nerve, audacity
  • Impunities — freedom
  • Impunity — freedom
  • Impure — not clean mentally, physically; mixed
  • Impureness — dirty state
  • Impurenesses — dirty state
  • Impurities — contaminant
  • Impurity — contaminant
  • Imputable — liable
  • Imputation — ascription
  • Imputations — ascription
  • Impute — attribute
  • Imputed — supposed
  • Imputes — attribute
  • Imputing — attribute
  • Imz
  • In — fashionable
  • In a rush
  • In case
  • In danger
  • In due course
  • In duration
  • In position
  • In the grave
  • In waiting
  • Inabilities — disabling lack of talent, skill
  • Inability — disabling lack of talent, skill
  • Inaccessible — out of reach
  • Inaccuracies — error, erroneousness
  • Inaccuracy — error, erroneousness
  • Inaccurate — erroneous
  • Inaccurately — inexactly
  • Inaction — state of doing nothing
  • Inactions — state of doing nothing
  • Inactivate — make silent, calm
  • Inactivated — make silent, calm
  • Inactivates — make silent, calm
  • Inactivating — make silent, calm
  • Inactive — not engaged in action; inert, lazy
  • Inactively — casually, unhurriedly
  • Inactivities — inaction
  • Inactivity — inaction
  • Inadequacies — shortage, defect, inability
  • Inadequacy — shortage, defect, inability
  • Inadequate — defective, insufficient, incompetent
  • Inadequately — insufficiently
  • Inadequateness — shortage, defect, inability
  • Inadmissible — not appropriate
  • Inadvertence — neglect
  • Inadvertences — neglect
  • Inadvertencies — something forgotten or excluded
  • Inadvertency — something forgotten or excluded
  • Inadvertent — accidental
  • Inadvertently — carelessly
  • Inadvisability — nonsense, ridiculous idea
  • Inadvisable — not recommended
  • Inalienable — absolute, inherent
  • Inalterable — inflexible
  • inamorata — a woman with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship
  • Inamoratas — lover
  • Inamorato — person who is loved by another
  • Inamoratos — person who is loved by another
  • Inane — stupid
  • Inanely — absurdly
  • Inaneness — folly
  • Inanenesses — folly
  • Inaner — stupid
  • Inanest — stupid
  • Inanimate — not alive, not organic
  • Inanities — silliness
  • inanition — weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy
  • Inanitions — laziness, sluggishness
  • Inanity — silliness
  • Inapplicability — inefficiency
  • Inapplicable — not relevant
  • Inapposite — not suitable
  • Inappositeness — irrelevancy
  • Inappreciable — imperceptible
  • Inappreciably — a little
  • Inappreciative — unappreciative, inconsiderate (in behavior)
  • Inapprehensible — mind-boggling
  • Inapproachable — inaccessible
  • Inappropriate — not proper, suitable
  • Inappropriately — poorly
  • Inapt — incompetent; not suitable
  • Inapter — incompetent; not suitable
  • Inaptest — incompetent; not suitable
  • Inaptitude — disabling lack of talent, skill
  • Inaptitudes — disabling lack of talent, skill
  • Inaptness — shortage, defect, inability
  • Inaptnesses — shortage, defect, inability
  • Inarch
  • Inarguable — certain
  • Inarticulate — unable to speak well
  • Inartificial — open, unaffected
  • Inartistic — crude, primitive
  • Inattention — heedlessness
  • Inattentions — heedlessness
  • Inattentive — negligent, not paying attention
  • Inattentively — heedlessly
  • Inattentiveness — carelessness
  • Inaudibility
  • Inaudible — silent
  • Inaudibly — silently
  • Inaugural — initiation
  • Inaugurals — initiation
  • Inaugurate — begin; install
  • Inaugurated — originated
  • Inaugurates — begin; install
  • Inaugurating — begin; install
  • Inauguration — installation of newcomers
  • Inaugurations — installation of newcomers
  • Inauspicious — ominous, unpromising
  • Inborn — natural
  • Inbound — ingoing
  • Inbred — produced by inbreeding
  • Inbuilt — deep-rooted
  • Incalculable — countless, limitless
  • Incalculably — considerably
  • Incalescence — hotness, coldness of some degree
  • Incalescences — hotness, coldness of some degree
  • Incandesce — beam
  • Incandesced — beam
  • Incandescence — luminescence from sun or other source
  • Incandescences — luminescence from sun or other source
  • Incandescent — glowing
  • Incandesces — beam
  • Incandescing — beam
  • Incantation — spell, magic
  • Incantations — spell, magic
  • Incapabilities — ineffectuality
  • Incapability — ineffectuality
  • Incapable — not adequate; helpless
  • Incapacious — confined, restricted
  • Incapacitate — put out of action
  • Incapacitated — disabled
  • Incapacitates — put out of action
  • Incapacitating — put out of action
  • Incapacitation — disabling lack of talent, skill
  • Incapacitations — disabling lack of talent, skill
  • Incapacities — inadequacy
  • Incapacity — inadequacy
  • Incarcerate — put in jail, confinement
  • Incarcerated — put in jail, confinement
  • Incarcerates — put in jail, confinement
  • Incarcerating — put in jail, confinement
  • Incarceration — imprisonment
  • Incarcerations — imprisonment
  • Incarnadine — pink, reddish in color
  • Incarnadined — blush, make rosy
  • Incarnadines — blush, make rosy
  • Incarnadining — blush, make rosy
  • Incarnate — in bodily form
  • Incarnated — real, concrete
  • Incarnates — exhibit, make plain
  • Incarnating — exhibit, make plain
  • Incarnation — personification
  • Incarnations — personification
  • Incautious — not careful
  • Incautiously — heedlessly
  • Incautiousness — temerity
  • Incaverned
  • Incendiaries — causing trouble, damage
  • Incendiarism — intentional burning
  • Incendiarisms — intentional burning
  • incendiary — a criminal who illegally sets fire to property
  • Incense — strongly fragrant smoke
  • Incensed — very angry
  • Incensement — unhappiness, anger
  • Incensements — unhappiness, anger
  • Incenses — strongly fragrant smoke
  • Incensing — strongly fragrant smoke
  • Incentive — lure, inducement
  • Incentives — lure, inducement
  • Incentivize — incite to action or greater effort often with a reward
  • Incentivized — incite to action or greater effort often with a reward
  • Incentivizing — incite to action or greater effort often with a reward
  • Incepted — rising
  • Inception — beginning
  • Inceptions — beginning
  • Inceptive — beginning
  • Incertitude — uncertainty
  • Incertitudes — uncertainty
  • Incessant — never-ending, persistent
  • Incessantly — steadily
  • Incessantness — endlessness
  • Incessantnesses — endlessness
  • Incest — inbreeding
  • Incests — inbreeding
  • Incestuous — abusive
  • Inch — one-twelfth of a foot/2.54 centimeters measured
  • Inched — move slowly; delay
  • Inches — one-twelfth of a foot/2.54 centimeters measured
  • Inching — in the act of creeping
  • inchmeal — Little by little; gradually.
  • inchoate — only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
  • Incidence — occurrence
  • Incidences — occurrence
  • Incident — occurrence
  • Incidental — related; minor
  • Incidentally — by chance
  • Incidentals — part, article
  • Incidents — occurrence
  • Incinerate — reduce to ashes
  • Incinerated — reduce to ashes
  • Incinerates — reduce to ashes
  • Incinerating — reduce to ashes
  • Incineration — burning
  • Incinerations — burning
  • Incinerator — furnace
  • Incinerators — furnace
  • Incipience — beginning
  • Incipiences — beginning
  • Incipiencies — beginning
  • Incipiency — beginning
  • Incipient — developing
  • Incipiently — initially
  • Incise — cut into
  • Incised — cut
  • Incises — cut into
  • Incising — cut into
  • Incision — cut, slit
  • Incisions — cut, slit
  • Incisive — intelligent
  • Incisiveness — edge
  • Incisivenesses — edge
  • Incisor — a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates
  • Incisors — a hard bony structure in the jaws of vertebrates
  • Incitation — stimulus
  • Incitations — stimulus
  • Incite — encourage, provoke
  • Incited — encourage, provoke
  • Incitement — motive
  • Incitements — motive
  • Inciter — agitator
  • Inciters — agitator
  • Incites — encourage, provoke
  • Inciting — encourage, provoke
  • Incivilities — discourtesy
  • Incivility — discourtesy
  • Inclemencies — severity
  • Inclemency — severity
  • Inclement — bitter, nasty (weather)
  • Inclination — tendency, bent
  • Inclinations — tendency, bent
  • Inclinatory — leaning, falling to one side; larger on one side
  • Incline — slope
  • Inclined — having a preference
  • Inclines — slope
  • Inclining — slope
  • Inclinings — tendency, bias
  • Inclose — confine, limit situation or ability to participate
  • Inclosed — confine, limit situation or ability to participate
  • Incloses — confine, limit situation or ability to participate
  • Inclosing — confine, limit situation or ability to participate
  • Include — contain, involve
  • Included — contained
  • Includes — contain, involve
  • Including — containing
  • Inclusion — addition
  • Inclusions — addition
  • Inclusive — all-encompassing, all-embracing
  • Inclusiveness — extent
  • Inclusivenesses — extent
  • Incog — in disguise
  • Incogitable — beyond reason, belief
  • Incognito — in disguise
  • Incognitos — false name
  • Incognizable — not understandable
  • Incognizant — unaware
  • Incoherence — disjointedness
  • Incoherences — disjointedness
  • Incoherent — unintelligible
  • Incoherently — inarticulately
  • Incohesive — unintelligible
  • Incombustible — resistant to burning
  • Income — money earned by work or investments
  • Incomer — person who has just arrived in area
  • Incomers — person who has just arrived in area
  • Incomes — money earned by work or investments
  • Incoming — arriving
  • Incomings — admittance
  • incommensurable — impossible to measure or compare in value or size or excellence
  • Incommensurate — not proportional
  • Incommode — inconvenience
  • Incommoded — inconvenience
  • Incommodes — inconvenience
  • Incommoding — inconvenience
  • Incommodious — inconvenient
  • Incommodities — inconvenience
  • Incommodity — inconvenience
  • Incommunicable — unspeakable
  • incommunicado — without the means or right to communicate
  • Incommunicative — taciturn
  • Incomparability — difference
  • Incomparable — superlative
  • Incomparably — exceptionally
  • Incompatibility — variance
  • Incompatible — antagonistic, contradictory
  • Incompatibly — in another way; otherwise
  • Incompetence — lack of ability
  • Incompetences — lack of ability
  • Incompetencies — inability
  • Incompetency — inability
  • Incompetent — unskillful, unable
  • Incompetently — poorly
  • Incompetents — person who blunders
  • Incomplete — unfinished, wanting
  • Incompletely — imperfectly
  • Incompleteness — shortage, defect, inability
  • Incompliance — stubbornness
  • Incompliances — stubbornness
  • Incompliancies — stubbornness
  • Incompliancy — stubbornness
  • Incompliant — stubborn
  • Incomprehension — ignorance
  • Incompressible — firm
  • Incomputable — incalculable
  • Inconceivable — beyond reason, belief
  • Inconclusive — up in the air
  • Incongruent — discrepant
  • Incongruities — discrepancy
  • Incongruity — discrepancy
  • incongruous — lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness
  • Incongruously — in another way; otherwise
  • Incongruousness — difference
  • Inconscient — out to lunch
  • Inconscious — unconscious
  • Inconsequence — indifference
  • Inconsequences — indifference
  • Inconsequent — little
  • Inconsequential — insignificant
  • Inconsiderable — petty
  • Inconsiderably — a little
  • Inconsiderate — insensitive to others
  • Inconsiderately — carelessly
  • Inconsideration — thoughtlessness
  • Inconsistencies — discrepancy
  • Inconsistency — discrepancy
  • Inconsistent — contradictory, irregular
  • Inconsistently — unpredictably
  • Inconsolable — brokenhearted
  • Inconsonance — discrepancy
  • Inconsonances — discrepancy
  • Inconsonant — not proper, suitable
  • Inconspicuous — hidden, unnoticeable
  • Inconspicuously — unobtrusively
  • Inconstancies — disloyalty to an obligation
  • Inconstancy — disloyalty to an obligation
  • Inconstant — changeable
  • Inconstantly — incidentally
  • Inconsummate
  • Incontestable — certain
  • Incontestably — unmistakably
  • Incontinence — debauchery
  • Incontinences — debauchery
  • Incontinencies — indecency
  • Incontinency — indecency
  • Incontinent — lacking control
  • Incontinently — hurriedly and carelessly
  • incontrovertible — necessarily or demonstrably true
  • Inconvenience — bother, trouble
  • Inconvenienced — bother, trouble
  • Inconveniences — bother, trouble
  • Inconveniencing — bother, trouble
  • Inconvenient — bothersome, troublesome
  • Inconveniently — inaccessibly
  • Inconversable — quiet; speechless
  • Inconversant — unaware, ignorant
  • Incorporate — include, combine
  • Incorporated — included
  • Incorporates — include, combine
  • Incorporating — include, combine
  • Incorporation — inclusion
  • Incorporations — inclusion
  • incorporeal — without material form or substance
  • Incorporeality — immateriality
  • Incorrect — wrong
  • Incorrectly — mistakenly
  • Incorrectness — fault
  • Incorrectnesses — fault
  • Incorrigibility — overenthusiasm
  • Incorrigible — bad, hopeless
  • Incorrigibles — person who is deceptive and
  • Incorrupt — trustworthy
  • Incorruptible — honest, honorable
  • Incorruption — blamelessness
  • Incorruptions — blamelessness
  • Incorruptness — honor
  • Incorruptnesses — honor
  • Incrassation — clotting
  • Incrassations — clotting
  • Increase — addition, growth
  • Increased — raised
  • Increases — addition, growth
  • Increasing — becoming larger
  • Increasingly — to a greater extent
  • Increasings — intensification
  • Incredible — beyond belief
  • Incredibly — amazingly
  • Incredulities — disbelief
  • Incredulity — disbelief
  • Incredulous — unbelieving
  • incredulous
  • Incredulousness — disbelief
  • Incremate — burn
  • Incremated — burn
  • Incremates — burn
  • Incremating — burn
  • Incremation — burning
  • Incremations — burning
  • Increment — small step toward gain
  • Incremental — increasing by additions
  • Increments — small step toward gain
  • Increscent — increasing in size
  • Incriminate — accuse
  • Incriminated — accuse
  • Incriminates — accuse
  • Incriminating — inculpating
  • Incrimination — accusation
  • Incriminations — accusation
  • Incross — composite, mixture
  • Incrosses — composite, mixture
  • Incrust — put covering inside object
  • Incrustation — thin covering, skin
  • Incrustations — thin covering, skin
  • Incrusted — put covering inside object
  • Incrusting — put covering inside object
  • Incrusts — put covering inside object
  • Incubate — hatch
  • Incubated — hatch
  • Incubates — hatch
  • Incubating — hatch
  • Incubation — development, readiness
  • Incubations — development, readiness
  • Incubator — brooder
  • Incubators — brooder
  • Incubi — evil spirit
  • Incubus — evil spirit
  • Incubuses — evil spirit
  • Inculcate — implant, infuse information
  • Inculcated — implant, infuse information
  • Inculcates — implant, infuse information
  • Inculcating — implant, infuse information
  • Inculcation — information that is designed to mislead or persuade
  • Inculcations — information that is designed to mislead or persuade
  • Inculpabilities — blamelessness
  • Inculpability — blamelessness
  • Inculpable — blameless
  • Inculpate — blame
  • Inculpated — blame
  • Inculpates — blame
  • Inculpating — blame
  • Inculpation — condemnation
  • Inculpations — condemnation
  • Incult — coarse
  • Incumbencies — tenure
  • Incumbency — tenure
  • Incumbent — obligatory
  • Incumbents — obligatory
  • Incumbrance — claim on property
  • Incumbrances — claim on property
  • Incunabula — babyhood
  • Incunabulum — babyhood
  • Incur — bring upon oneself
  • Incurable — unfixable, unchangeable
  • Incurables — sick person
  • Incurably — giving small ground for hope
  • Incuriosities — apathy
  • Incuriosity — apathy
  • Incurious — apathetic
  • Incuriousness — apathy
  • Incuriousnesses — apathy
  • Incurred — bring upon oneself
  • Incurring — bring upon oneself
  • Incurs — bring upon oneself
  • Incursion — invasion
  • Incursions — invasion
  • Incurvate — curved, depressed
  • Incurvated — curved, depressed
  • Incurvates — form or cause a curve
  • Incurvating — form or cause a curve
  • Incurvation — rounded part of thing, usually body part
  • Incurvations — rounded part of thing, usually body part
  • Incurvature — arched, rounded line or object
  • Incurvatures — arched, rounded line or object
  • Incurve — bending in a shape or course
  • Incurved — curved, depressed
  • Incurves — bending in a shape or course
  • Incurving — bent, angled
  • Indebted — under an obligation
  • Indebtedness — deficit
  • Indebtednesses — deficit
  • Indecencies — obscenity, vulgarity
  • Indecency — obscenity, vulgarity
  • Indecent — obscene, vulgar; offensive
  • Indecently — cruelly
  • Indecipherable — unreadable
  • Indecision — hesitation
  • Indecisions — hesitation
  • Indecisive — uncertain, indefinite
  • Indecisively — doubtfully
  • Indecisiveness — hesitation
  • indecorous — not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society
  • Indecorously — excessively
  • Indecorum — impropriety
  • Indecorums — impropriety
  • Indeed — actually
  • indefatigable — showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality
  • Indefatigably — actively; intently
  • Indefeasible — insurmountable
  • Indefectible — flawless, superlative
  • Indefensible — inexcusable
  • Indefensibly — without basis
  • Indefinable — unspeakable
  • Indefinably — dimly
  • Indefinite — ambiguous, vague
  • Indefinitely — continually
  • Indefiniteness — vagueness
  • Indelible — not able to be erased, indestructible
  • Indelicacies — impropriety
  • Indelicacy — impropriety
  • indelicate — lacking propriety and good taste in manners and conduct
  • Indelicateness — indecency
  • Indemnification — compensation
  • Indemnified — repay
  • Indemnifies — repay
  • Indemnify — repay
  • Indemnifying — repay
  • Indemnities — reimbursement
  • Indemnity — reimbursement
  • Indent — make a space; push in slightly
  • Indentation — gouge
  • Indentations — gouge
  • Indented — depressed
  • Indenting — make a space; push in slightly
  • Indention — division
  • Indentions — division
  • Indents — make a space; push in slightly
  • Indenture — agreement
  • Indentured — obligated
  • Indentures — agreement
  • Indenturing — obligate; restrict
  • Independence — liberty, freedom
  • Independences — liberty, freedom
  • Independencies — freedom
  • Independency — freedom
  • Independent — liberated, free
  • Independently — alone
  • Independents — person who does not obey
  • Indescribability
  • Indescribable — beyond words
  • Indescribably — oddly
  • Indestructible — lasting, unable to be destroyed
  • Indeterminable — ambiguous, vague
  • Indeterminate — uncertain, vague
  • Indeterminately — to a degree
  • Index — indication
  • Indexed — arrange, order
  • Indexes — indication
  • Indexing — indication
  • Indicant — indication
  • Indicants — indication
  • Indicate — signify, display
  • Indicated — pointed out
  • Indicates — signify, display
  • Indicating — signify, display
  • Indication — evidence, clue
  • Indications — evidence, clue
  • Indicative — exhibitive
  • Indicatively — expressly, particularly
  • Indicator — sign
  • Indicators — sign
  • Indicatory — designative
  • Indices — indication
  • Indicia — indication
  • Indicial — exhibitive
  • Indicias — indication
  • Indict — accuse
  • Indictable — lawless, felonious
  • Indicted — accuse
  • Indicter — person laying blame
  • Indicters — person laying blame
  • Indicting — accuse
  • Indictment — accusation
  • Indictments — accusation
  • Indicts — accuse
  • Indifference — absence of feeling, interest
  • Indifferences — absence of feeling, interest
  • Indifferent — unfeeling, uninterested
  • Indifferently — rather badly
  • indigence — a state of extreme poverty or destitution
  • Indigences — poorness
  • Indigene — person born in the country in which he/she dwells
  • Indigenes — person born in the country in which he/she dwells
  • Indigenous — native, inborn
  • Indigent — poor
  • Indigents — person who is poor
  • Indigestible — inedible
  • Indigestion — upset stomach
  • Indigestions — upset stomach
  • Indignant — angry
  • Indignantly — with anger
  • Indignation — anger
  • Indignations — anger
  • Indignities — embarrassment, humiliation
  • Indignity — embarrassment, humiliation
  • Indigo — sky, sea color
  • Indirect — roundabout; unintended
  • Indirect tax
  • Indirection — dishonesty
  • Indirections — dishonesty
  • Indirectly — obliquely
  • Indirectness — indirect speech
  • Indirectnesses — indirect speech
  • Indiscernible — imperceptible
  • Indiscipline — disobedience
  • Indisciplined — causing trouble; unlawful
  • Indisciplines — disobedience
  • Indiscreet — injudicious
  • Indiscreetly — incautiously
  • Indiscreetness — mistake
  • Indiscrete — undamaged; all in one piece
  • Indiscretion — mistake
  • Indiscretions — mistake
  • Indiscriminate — random, chaotic
  • Indispensable — necessary
  • Indispensably — much, really; to a high degree
  • Indispose — bother, trouble
  • Indisposed — not well
  • Indisposes — bother, trouble
  • Indisposing — bother, trouble
  • Indisposition — dislike
  • Indispositions — dislike
  • Indisputable — beyond doubt
  • Indisputably — word for word; exactly
  • Indissoluble — permanent
  • Indistinct — obscure, ambiguous
  • Indistinctive — neutral
  • Indistinctly — faintly
  • Indistinctness — vagueness
  • Indisturbance
  • indite — produce a literary work
  • Indited — write
  • Indites — write
  • Inditing — write
  • Individual — distinctive, exclusive
  • Individualism — identity
  • Individualisms — identity
  • Individualist — nonconformist
  • Individualistic — egocentric
  • Individualists — nonconformist
  • Individualities — personality
  • Individuality — personality
  • Individualize — distinguish
  • Individualized — distinguish
  • Individualizes — distinguish
  • Individualizing — distinguish
  • Individually — separately
  • Individuals — singular person, thing
  • Individuate — characterize
  • Individuated — characterize
  • Individuates — characterize
  • Individuating — characterize
  • Individuation — description
  • Individuations — description
  • Indivisibility — unity
  • Indivisible — indissoluble
  • Indocile — unruly
  • Indocilities — unruliness
  • Indocility — unruliness
  • Indoctrinate — brainwash
  • Indoctrinated — convinced
  • Indoctrinates — brainwash
  • Indoctrinating — brainwash
  • Indoctrination — propagandism
  • Indoctrinations — propagandism
  • Indolence — sloth
  • Indolences — sloth
  • indolent — disinclined to work or exertion
  • Indolently — casually, unhurriedly
  • Indomitability — boldness, strength of character
  • Indomitable — steadfast, unyielding
  • Indomitableness — bravery
  • Indomitably — stubbornly
  • Indoor — household
  • Indoors — inside
  • Indore
  • indubitable — too obvious to be doubted
  • Indubitableness — positive assurance
  • Indubitably — unquestionably
  • Induce — cause to happen; encourage
  • Induced — persuaded
  • Inducement — incentive, motive
  • Inducements — incentive, motive
  • Induces — cause to happen; encourage
  • Inducible — involving reasoning from facts
  • Inducing — cause to happen; encourage
  • Induct — take into an organization
  • Inducted — conscripted
  • Inductee — recruit
  • Inductees — recruit
  • Inductile — unflexible
  • Inducting — take into an organization
  • Induction — taking in, initiation
  • Inductions — taking in, initiation
  • Inductive — preliminary, first
  • Inducts — take into an organization
  • Indue — gift
  • Indued — gift
  • Indues — gift
  • Induing — gift
  • Indulge — treat oneself or another to
  • Indulged — treat oneself or another to
  • Indulgence — luxury; gratification
  • Indulgences — luxury; gratification
  • Indulgent — lenient, giving
  • Indulges — treat oneself or another to
  • Indulging — treat oneself or another to
  • Indurate — harden
  • Indurated — harden
  • Indurates — harden
  • Indurating — harden
  • Industrial — related to manufacturing
  • Industrialism — commerce, trade
  • Industrialisms — commerce, trade
  • Industrialist — tycoon
  • Industrialists — tycoon
  • Industrialize — automate
  • Industrialized — related to manufacturing
  • Industrializes — automate
  • Industrializing — automate
  • Industries — manufacturing
  • Industrious — hardworking
  • Industriously — diligently
  • Industriousness — diligence
  • Industry — manufacturing
  • Indwell — take up residence in
  • Indweller — person who is resident of habitation
  • Indwellers — person who is resident of habitation
  • Indwelling — constitutional
  • Indwells — take up residence in
  • Indwelt — take up residence in
  • Inearth — lay to rest after death
  • Inearthed — lay to rest after death
  • Inearthing — lay to rest after death
  • Inearths — lay to rest after death
  • Inebriant — hard
  • Inebriants — drink; alcoholic beverage
  • Inebriate — intoxicate
  • Inebriated — drunk
  • Inebriates — intoxicate
  • Inebriating — intoxicate
  • Inebriation — drunkenness
  • Inebriations — drunkenness
  • Inebrieties — drunkenness
  • Inebriety — drunkenness
  • Inedible — unpalatable
  • ineffable — too sacred to be uttered
  • ineffable — too sacred to be uttered
  • Ineffably — inexpressibly
  • Ineffaceable — not able to be erased, indestructible
  • Ineffective — useless
  • Ineffectively — inefficiently
  • Ineffectiveness — ineffectuality
  • Ineffectual — useless
  • Ineffectuality — futility
  • Ineffectually — insufficiently
  • Ineffectualness — ineffectuality
  • Inefficacies — ineffectuality
  • Inefficacious — ineffectual
  • Inefficaciously — inefficiently
  • Inefficacy — ineffectuality
  • Inefficiencies — incompetence
  • Inefficiency — incompetence
  • Inefficient — not working well; wasteful
  • Inefficiently — ineffectively
  • Inelaborate — limited, ordinary
  • Inelastic — unflexible
  • Inelasticities — stiffness
  • Inelasticity — stiffness
  • Inelegance — bad taste, mistake
  • Inelegances — bad taste, mistake
  • Inelegant — clumsy, crude
  • Inelegantly — with difficulty
  • Ineligibilities — disability; rejection for participation
  • Ineligibility — disability; rejection for participation
  • Ineligible — not qualified
  • ineluctable — impossible to avoid or evade
  • ineluctable
  • Ineluctably — inevitably, certainly
  • Ineludible — certain; cannot be avoided
  • Inept — clumsy, unskilled; incompetent
  • Ineptitude — incapacity
  • Ineptitudes — incapacity
  • Ineptly — inadequately
  • Ineptness — disabling lack of talent, skill
  • Ineptnesses — disabling lack of talent, skill
  • Inequalities — prejudice; lack of balance
  • Inequality — prejudice; lack of balance
  • Inequitable — unfair
  • Inequities — state of being unequal
  • Inequity — state of being unequal
  • Ineradicable — confirmed
  • Inerasable — not able to be erased, indestructible
  • Inerrable — unerring, dependable
  • Inerrant — unerring, dependable
  • Inert — not moving; lifeless
  • Inertia — disinclination to move; lifelessness
  • Inertias — disinclination to move; lifelessness
  • Inertness — inaction
  • Inertnesses — inaction
  • Inerudite — lacking knowledge
  • Inescapable — unavoidable
  • Inescapably — inevitably, certainly
  • Inessential — unnecessary
  • Inessentiality — insignificance
  • Inestimable — priceless
  • Inevitabilities — need, essentiality
  • Inevitability — need, essentiality
  • inevitable — an unavoidable event
  • Inevitableness — sureness
  • Inevitably — unavoidably
  • Inexact — inaccurate
  • Inexactness — error, erroneousness
  • Inexactnesses — error, erroneousness
  • Inexcitable — aloof, cool
  • Inexcusable — not forgivable
  • Inexcusably — unforgivably
  • Inexecutable — impossible
  • Inexhaustible — unlimited
  • Inexhaustibly — plentifully
  • Inexorabilities — stubbornness
  • Inexorability — stubbornness
  • Inexorable — cruel, pitiless
  • Inexorableness — stubbornness
  • Inexorably — inevitably, certainly
  • Inexpedient — futile
  • Inexpensive — not high priced
  • Inexpensively — economically
  • Inexperience — lack of experience
  • Inexperienced — unskilled, unfamiliar
  • Inexperiences — lack of experience
  • Inexpert — inexperienced
  • Inexpertly — unsatisfactorily
  • Inexpertness — inexperience
  • Inexpertnesses — inexperience
  • Inexpiable — inexcusable
  • Inexplainable — beyond comprehension, explanation
  • Inexplicable — beyond comprehension, explanation
  • Inexplicably — curiously
  • Inexplicit — ambiguous
  • Inexplicitly
  • Inexpressible — unspeakable
  • Inexpressive — blank
  • Inexpugnable — insurmountable
  • Inexpungible — not able to be erased, indestructible
  • Inextensible — unflexible
  • Inextinct
  • Inextirpable — not able to be erased, indestructible
  • inextricable — not permitting extrication; incapable of being disentangled or untied
  • Inextricably — inseparably
  • Infallibilities — reliability
  • Infallibility — reliability
  • Infallible — unerring, dependable
  • Infallibly — without doubt
  • Infamies — shameful, bad reputation
  • Infamous — shameful, bad in reputation
  • Infamously — particularly
  • Infamousness — notoriety
  • Infamousnesses — notoriety
  • Infamy — shameful, bad reputation
  • Infancies — babyhood
  • Infancy — babyhood
  • Infant — baby
  • Infanthood — period of infancy
  • Infanthoods — period of infancy
  • Infantile — babyish
  • Infantilism — inexperience
  • Infantilisms — inexperience
  • Infantine — very young
  • Infantries — foot soldiers
  • Infantry — foot soldiers
  • Infantryman — soldier who fights on foot
  • Infantrymen — foot soldiers
  • Infants — baby
  • Infarct — barrier
  • Infarction — barrier
  • Infarctions — barrier
  • Infarcts — barrier
  • Infatuate — person having sexual relationship
  • Infatuated — in love with; obsessed
  • Infatuates — person having sexual relationship
  • Infatuating — captivating
  • Infatuation — captivation
  • Infatuations — captivation
  • Infeasible — unrealistic
  • Infect — pollute, contaminate
  • Infected — pollute, contaminate
  • Infecting — pollute, contaminate
  • Infection — contamination
  • Infections — contamination
  • Infectious — catching, spreading
  • Infective — catching, spreading
  • Infects — pollute, contaminate
  • Infecund — not bearing fruit, young
  • Infecundities — sterility
  • Infecundity — sterility
  • Infelicities — bad luck; disaster
  • Infelicitous — unfortunate
  • Infelicity — bad luck; disaster
  • Infer — conclude
  • Inferable — probable, apt, hopeful
  • Inference — conclusion, deduction
  • Inferences — conclusion, deduction
  • Inferential — probable
  • Inferior — less in rank, importance
  • Inferiorities — deficiency
  • Inferiority — deficiency
  • Inferiorly — unsatisfactorily
  • Inferiors — less in rank, importance
  • Infernal — damned; underworld
  • Infernally — hellishly
  • Inferno — hell
  • Infernos — hell
  • Inferred — implicit
  • Inferring — conclude
  • Infers — conclude
  • Infertile — not bearing fruit, young
  • Infertilities — unproductiveness
  • Infertility — unproductiveness
  • Infest — flood, overrun
  • Infestation — disease that is widespread
  • Infestations — disease that is widespread
  • Infested — overrun
  • Infesting — attack and encroach
  • Infests — attack and encroach
  • Infidel — nonbeliever
  • Infidelities — disloyalty to an obligation
  • Infidelity — disloyalty to an obligation
  • Infidels — nonbeliever
  • Infighting — conflict, strife
  • Infightings — conflict, strife
  • Infiltrate — creep in
  • Infiltrate
  • Infiltrated — creep in
  • Infiltrates — creep in
  • Infiltrating — creep in
  • Infiltration — invasion
  • Infiltrations — invasion
  • Infiltrator — intruder
  • Infiltrators — intruder
  • Infinite — limitless, without end
  • Infinitely — extremely
  • Infiniteness — infinity
  • Infinitenesses — infinity
  • infinitesimal — infinitely or immeasurably small
  • Infinitesimals — small bit
  • Infinities — endlessness
  • Infinitive — action word
  • Infinitives — action word
  • Infinitude — endlessness
  • Infinitudes — endlessness
  • Infinity — endlessness
  • Infirm
  • Infirm — sick, weak
  • Infirmaries — clinic
  • Infirmary — clinic
  • Infirmer — sick, weak
  • Infirmest — sick, weak
  • Infirmities — weakness, sickness
  • Infirmity — weakness, sickness
  • Infirmness — depression, sickness
  • Infirmnesses — depression, sickness
  • Infix — fix
  • Infixed — fix
  • Infixes — fix
  • Infixing — fix
  • Inflame — anger, aggravate
  • Inflamed — stirred to anger
  • Inflamer — troublemaker
  • Inflamers — troublemaker
  • Inflames — anger, aggravate
  • Inflaming — anger, aggravate
  • Inflammable — ready to burn
  • Inflammation — redness, swelling
  • Inflammations — redness, swelling
  • Inflammatory — instigative, angering
  • Inflate — blow up, increase
  • Inflated — exaggerated
  • Inflates — blow up, increase
  • Inflating — blow up, increase
  • Inflation — increase, swelling
  • Inflations — increase, swelling
  • Inflatus — idea, stimulus
  • Inflect — adjust, harmonize
  • Inflected — adjust, harmonize
  • Inflecting — adjust, harmonize
  • Inflection — accent, intonation
  • Inflections — accent, intonation
  • Inflects — adjust, harmonize
  • Inflexibilities — stubbornness
  • Inflexibility — stubbornness
  • Inflexible — stubborn
  • Inflexibleness — stubbornness
  • Inflexibly — rigidly
  • Inflict — impose something
  • Inflicted — impose something
  • Inflicting — impose something
  • Infliction — curse
  • Inflictions — curse
  • Inflicts — impose something
  • Inflorescence — flower
  • Inflorescences — flower
  • Inflorescent — blooming
  • Inflow — flow, rush
  • Inflowing — ingoing
  • Inflows — flow, rush
  • Influence — power, authority
  • Influenceable — easily taught; gullible
  • Influenced — affected
  • Influencer — one who can affect or sway; Someone who affects or changes the way that other people behave:
  • Influences — power, authority
  • Influencing — lead to believe, do
  • Influential — effective, powerful
  • Influenza — disease that is widespread
  • Influenzas — disease that is widespread
  • Influx — flow, rush
  • Influxes — flow, rush
  • Info — facts, news
  • Infobahn — computer network
  • Infobahns — computer network
  • Infold — wrap
  • Infolded — wrap
  • Infolding — wrap
  • Infolds — wrap
  • Infomercial — full-length television program existing solely to market a product
  • Infomercials — full-length television program existing solely to market a product
  • Inform — communicate knowledge, information
  • Informal — casual, simple
  • Informalities — ease
  • Informality — ease
  • Informally — as anticipated
  • Informant — informer
  • Informants — person who delivers news
  • Informatics — sciences concerned with information
  • Information — facts, news
  • Information technology
  • Informational — educational
  • Informations — facts, news
  • Informative — educational
  • Informed — cognizant, conversant
  • Informer — reporter
  • Informers — person who delivers news
  • Informing — communicate knowledge, information
  • Informs — communicate knowledge, information
  • Infos — facts, news
  • Infotainment — full-length television program existing solely to market a product
  • Infotainments — full-length television program existing solely to market a product
  • Infotech — computer processing of data
  • Infotechs — computer processing of data
  • Infra — happening after
  • Infract — violate
  • Infracted — violate
  • Infracting — violate
  • Infraction — violation
  • Infractions — violation
  • Infracts — violate
  • Infrangible — strong, tough
  • Infrared — color of blood; shade resembling such a color
  • Infrareds — color of blood; shade resembling such a color
  • Infrastructure — foundation
  • Infrastructures — foundation
  • Infrequencies — rarity
  • Infrequency — rarity
  • Infrequent — not happening regularly
  • Infrequently — seldom
  • Infringe — violate
  • Infringed — violate
  • Infringement — breach
  • Infringements — breach
  • Infringer — intruder
  • Infringers — intruder
  • Infringes — violate
  • Infringing — violate
  • Infructuous
  • Infundibular — empty, hollowed out
  • Infuriate — make angry
  • Infuriated — furious
  • Infuriates — make angry
  • Infuriating — make angry
  • Infuriation — anger
  • Infuriations — anger
  • Infuse — introduce; soak
  • Infused — introduce; soak
  • Infuser — perforated ball for infusing tea leaves
  • Infusers — perforated ball for infusing tea leaves
  • Infuses — introduce; soak
  • Infusing — introduce; soak
  • Infusion — immersion
  • Infusions — immersion
  • Ing — insult
  • Ingather — collect, harvest
  • Ingathered — collect, harvest
  • Ingathering — crops; taking in of crops
  • Ingatherings — crops; taking in of crops
  • Ingathers — collect, harvest
  • Ingeminate — say or do again
  • Ingeminated — say or do again
  • Ingeminates — say or do again
  • Ingeminating — say or do again
  • Ingemination — duplication; doing again
  • Ingeminations — duplication; doing again
  • Ingenerate — coming from birth; natural
  • Ingenious — clever; brilliant
  • Ingeniously — in a dexterous manner
  • Ingeniousness — invention
  • Ingeniousnesses — invention
  • ingenue — an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl
  • Ingenues — innocent
  • Ingenuities — cleverness
  • Ingenuity — cleverness
  • Ingenuous — honest, trustful
  • Ingenuously — honestly
  • Ingenuousness — mistake
  • Ingenuousnesses — mistake
  • Ingest — swallow
  • Ingested — swallow
  • Ingesting — swallow
  • Ingestion — swallow
  • Ingestions — swallow
  • Ingests — swallow
  • Ingle — hearth for burning wood
  • Inglenook — corner, cubbyhole
  • Inglenooks — corner, cubbyhole
  • Ingles — hearth for burning wood
  • Inglorious — disgraceful
  • Ingloriously — meekly
  • Ingloriousness — disgrace
  • Ingoing — stinging, harsh
  • Ingoings — coming into a place; introduction
  • Ingot — block of metal
  • Ingots — block of metal
  • Ingraft — transplant, splice
  • Ingrafted — transplant, splice
  • Ingrafting — transplant, splice
  • Ingrafts — transplant, splice
  • Ingrain — imbue
  • Ingrained — deep-rooted
  • Ingraining — imbue
  • Ingrains — imbue
  • Ingrate — ungrateful person
  • Ingrates — ungrateful person
  • ingratiate — gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
  • Ingratiated — get on the good side of someone
  • Ingratiates — get on the good side of someone
  • Ingratiating — fawning, servile
  • Ingratiatingly — servilely
  • Ingratiation — flattery
  • Ingratiations — flattery
  • Ingratiatory — insinuating
  • Ingratitude — ungratefulness
  • Ingratitudes — ungratefulness
  • Ingredient — component of concoction
  • Ingredients — component of concoction
  • Ingress — the act or right of entering
  • Ingresses — the act or right of entering
  • Ingression — admission
  • Ingressions — admission
  • Ingroup — group participating together
  • Ingroups — group participating together
  • Ings — insult
  • Ingurgitate — gulp
  • Ingurgitated — gulp
  • Ingurgitates — gulp
  • Ingurgitating — gulp
  • Ingurgitation — taking into throat
  • Ingurgitations — taking into throat
  • Inhabit — take up residence in
  • Inhabitable — livable
  • Inhabitance — residence of place
  • Inhabitances — residence of place
  • Inhabitancies — residence of place
  • Inhabitancy — residence of place
  • Inhabitant — person who is resident of habitation
  • Inhabitants — person who is resident of habitation
  • Inhabitation — control, possession
  • Inhabitations — control, possession
  • Inhabited — occupied
  • Inhabiter — resident
  • Inhabiters — resident
  • Inhabiting — take up residence in
  • Inhabits — take up residence in
  • Inhalant — sleep-inducer
  • Inhalant
  • Inhalants — sleep-inducer
  • Inhalation — assimilation, incorporation
  • Inhalations — assimilation, incorporation
  • Inhalator — device to oxygenate blood
  • Inhalators — device to oxygenate blood
  • Inhale — breathe in
  • Inhaled — breathe in
  • Inhales — breathe in
  • Inhaling — breathe in
  • Inharmonic — inharmonious
  • Inharmonies — conflict
  • Inharmonious — lacking harmony
  • Inharmony — conflict
  • Inhere — consist
  • Inhered — consist
  • Inherent — basic, hereditary
  • Inherently — innately
  • Inheres — consist
  • Inhering — consist
  • Inherit — gain as possession from someone’s death
  • Inheritable — inherited; transmitted at birth
  • Inheritance — possession gained through someone’s death
  • Inheritances — possession gained through someone’s death
  • Inherited — hereditary
  • Inheriting — gain as possession from someone’s death
  • Inheritor — heir
  • Inheritors — heir
  • Inherits — gain as possession from someone’s death
  • Inhibit — restrict, prevent
  • Inhibited — shy
  • Inhibiting — restrict, prevent
  • Inhibition — restriction, hindrance
  • Inhibitions — restriction, hindrance
  • Inhibitor — stop
  • Inhibitors — stop
  • Inhibits — restrict, prevent
  • Inhospitable — unfriendly
  • Inhospitalities — unwelcome
  • Inhospitality — unwelcome
  • Inhuman — animal
  • Inhumane — animal, savage
  • Inhumanely — cruelly, without remorse
  • Inhumanities — lack of compassion
  • Inhumanity — lack of compassion
  • Inhumanly — savagely
  • Inhumanness — cruelty
  • Inhumannesses — cruelty
  • Inhumation — burial
  • Inhumations — burial
  • Inhume — bury
  • Inhumed — bury
  • Inhumes — bury
  • Inhuming — bury
  • inimical — not friendly
  • Inimicalities — belligerence
  • Inimicality — belligerence
  • Inimitable — incomparable
  • Inimitably — uniquely
  • Iniquities — sin, evil
  • Iniquitous — unjust
  • iniquity — morally objectionable behavior
  • Iniquity
  • Initial — beginning, primary
  • Initialed — blemish, stain
  • Initialing — making a mark upon
  • Initialize — start a computer
  • Initialized — start a computer
  • Initializes — start a computer
  • Initializing — start a computer
  • Initialled — blemish, stain
  • Initialling — blemish, stain
  • Initially — at first
  • Initials — logo, symbol
  • Initiate — start, introduce
  • Initiated — introduced into
  • Initiates — start, introduce
  • Initiating — start, introduce
  • Initiation — start, introduction
  • Initiations — start, introduction
  • Initiative — eagerness to do something
  • Initiatives — eagerness to do something
  • Initiator — creator
  • Initiators — creator
  • Initiatory — beginning
  • Inject — put in, introduce
  • Injected — put in, introduce
  • Injecting — put in, introduce
  • Injection — introduction into bloodstream
  • Injections — introduction into bloodstream
  • Injects — put in, introduce
  • Injudicious — imprudent
  • Injudiciously — incautiously
  • Injudiciousness — dullness of mind
  • Injunction — decree
  • Injunctions — decree
  • Injure — hurt, harm
  • Injured — harmed
  • Injures — hurt, harm
  • Injuries — hurt, harm
  • Injuring — hurt, harm
  • Injurious — hurtful
  • Injury — hurt, harm
  • Injustice — unfair treatment; bias
  • Injustices — unfair treatment; bias
  • Ink — blemish; character
  • Inked — employed
  • Inkhorn — pedantic
  • Inkier — sooty
  • Inkiest — sooty
  • Inking — blemish, stain
  • Inklike — dark, inky
  • Inkling — idea, clue
  • Inklings — idea, clue
  • Inks — blemish; character
  • Inky — sooty
  • Inlaid — parquet
  • Inland — interior
  • Inland revenue
  • Inlay — parquet
  • Inlaying — parquet
  • Inlays — parquet
  • Inlet — arm of the sea
  • Inlets — arm of the sea
  • Inletting — add, insert
  • Inlying — inner
  • Inmate — patient
  • Inmates — patient
  • Inmost — deep
  • Inn — accommodation for travellers
  • Innards — internal organs
  • Innate — inherited, native
  • Inned — bother, interfere
  • Inner — central, middle physically
  • Innermost — inmost
  • Innerspring — bedding
  • Innervate — stimulate, instigate
  • Innervated — stimulate, instigate
  • Innervates — stimulate, instigate
  • Innervating — stimulate, instigate
  • Innervation — sensation, especially of touch
  • Innervations — sensation, especially of touch
  • Innerve — stimulate, instigate
  • Innerved — stimulate, instigate
  • Innerves — stimulate, instigate
  • Innerving — tonic
  • Inning — turn
  • Innings — turn
  • Innkeeper — hotelier
  • Innkeepers — hotelier
  • Innocence — blamelessness
  • Innocences — blamelessness
  • Innocent — blameless
  • Innocently — without guilt
  • Innocents — someone or something sacrificed, preyed upon
  • innocuous — not causing disapproval
  • Innocuously — harmlessly
  • Innocuousness — insipidity
  • Innocuousnesses — insipidity
  • Innominate — unknown, anonymous
  • Innovate — begin, institute
  • Innovated — begin, institute
  • Innovates — begin, institute
  • Innovating — pioneering
  • Innovation — change, novelty
  • Innovational — clever; brilliant
  • Innovations — change, novelty
  • Innovative — creative
  • Innovativeness — novelty
  • Innovator — inventor
  • Innovators — inventor
  • Innovatory — inventive
  • Innoxious — harmless, naive
  • Innoxiousness — harmlessness, naiveté
  • Innoxiousnesses — harmlessness, naiveté
  • Inns — accommodation for travellers
  • Innuendo — suggestion
  • Innuendoes — suggestion
  • Innuendos — suggestion
  • Innumerable — many, infinite
  • Innumerous — many, considerable
  • Inobservant — negligent, not paying attention
  • Inobtrusive — quiet
  • Inoculable — communicable
  • Inoculate — immunize
  • Inoculated — immunize
  • Inoculates — immunize
  • Inoculating — immunize
  • Inoculation — immunization
  • Inoculations — immunization
  • Inodorous — without fragrance
  • Inoffensive — not obnoxious; harmless
  • Inoffensively — harmlessly
  • Inoffensiveness — harmlessness, naiveté
  • Inoperable — unfixable, unchangeable
  • Inoperative — ineffectual
  • Inoperativeness — inaction
  • Inopportune — not appropriate or suitable
  • Inopportunely — inappropriately
  • Inopportuneness — embarrassment
  • Inordinate — excessive, extravagant
  • Inordinately — in addition
  • Inordinateness — excess
  • Inorganic — not organic
  • Inpouring — ingoing
  • Inpourings — flow, rush
  • Input — consumption
  • Inputs — consumption
  • Inputted — transfer data from one computer system to another
  • Inputting — transfer data from one computer system to another
  • Inquest — investigation
  • Inquests — investigation
  • Inquietude — restlessness
  • Inquietudes — restlessness
  • Inquire — ask; look into
  • Inquired — ask; look into
  • Inquirer — questioner
  • Inquirers — questioner
  • Inquires — ask; look into
  • Inquiries — asking; looking into
  • Inquiring — wondering, curious
  • Inquiry — asking; looking into
  • Inquisition — official inquiry
  • Inquisitions — official inquiry
  • Inquisitive — curious
  • Inquisitiveness — curiosity
  • Inquisitor — questioner
  • Inquisitorial — curious
  • Inquisitors — questioner
  • Inroad — advance, foray
  • Inroads — advance, foray
  • Inrush — flow, rush
  • Inrushes — flow, rush
  • Ins — power, authority
  • insalubrious — detrimental to health
  • Insalutary — immoral, bad, offensive
  • Insane — mentally ill; foolish
  • Insanely — extremely
  • Insaneness — insanity
  • Insanenesses — insanity
  • Insaner — mentally ill; foolish
  • Insanest — mentally ill; foolish
  • Insanitation — contamination
  • Insanitations — contamination
  • Insanities — mental illness; foolishness
  • Insanity — mental illness; foolishness
  • Insanity plea
  • Insatiabilities — voracity
  • Insatiability — voracity
  • Insatiable — voracious, wanting
  • Insatiableness — voracity
  • Insatiate — voracious, wanting
  • Inscience — ignorance
  • Insciences — ignorance
  • Inscribe — imprint, write
  • Inscribed — imprint, write
  • Inscribes — imprint, write
  • Inscribing — imprint, write
  • Inscription — message
  • Inscriptions — message
  • Inscrutability — puzzle, secret
  • Inscrutable — hidden, mysterious; blank
  • Inscrutableness — puzzle, secret
  • Insculpt — cut carefully with sharp instrument
  • Insect — bug
  • Insecticide — poison
  • Insecticides — poison
  • Insectifuge — insecticide
  • Insectifuges — insecticide
  • Insects — bug
  • Insecure — uncertain, worried
  • Insecureness — instability
  • Insecurenesses — instability
  • Insecurer — uncertain, worried
  • Insecurest — uncertain, worried
  • Insecurities — anxiety
  • Insecurity — anxiety
  • Inseminate — impregnate
  • Inseminated — impregnate
  • Inseminates — impregnate
  • Inseminating — impregnate
  • Insemination — impregnation of the ovum
  • Inseminations — impregnation of the ovum
  • Insensate — indifferent
  • Insensibilities — dullness
  • Insensibility — dullness
  • Insensible — indifferent
  • Insensibleness — apathy
  • Insensitive — indifferent, callous
  • Insensitiveness — cruelty
  • Insensitivities — absence of feeling, interest
  • Insensitivity — absence of feeling, interest
  • Insentience — sleep
  • Insentiences — sleep
  • Insentient — inanimate
  • Inseparability — agreement
  • Inseparable — unable to be divided
  • Inseparableness — affectionate closeness
  • Inseparably — as one
  • Insert — put, tuck in
  • Inserted — introduced
  • Inserting — put, tuck in
  • Insertion — insert
  • Insertions — insert
  • Inserts — put, tuck in
  • Inset — add, insert
  • Insets — add, insert
  • Insetting — add, insert
  • Inseverable — unable to be divided
  • Inshore — coastal
  • Inside — in the middle; interior
  • Insider — person peripherally involved in illegal activity
  • Insiders — person peripherally involved in illegal activity
  • Insides — interior
  • insidious — working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
  • Insidiously — in hidden manner
  • Insidiousness — dishonesty
  • Insidiousnesses — dishonesty
  • Insight — intuitiveness, awareness
  • Insightful — perceptive
  • Insights — intuitiveness, awareness
  • Insigne — emblem
  • Insignia — emblem
  • Insignias — emblem
  • Insignificance — unimportance
  • Insignificances — unimportance
  • Insignificancy — indifference
  • Insignificant — not important; of no consequence
  • Insignificantly — a little
  • Insincere — dishonest, pretended
  • Insincerer — dishonest, pretended
  • Insincerest — dishonest, pretended
  • Insincerities — distortion
  • Insincerity — distortion
  • Insinuate — hint, suggest
  • Insinuated — hint, suggest
  • Insinuates — hint, suggest
  • Insinuating — provoking doubt
  • Insinuation — implication
  • Insinuations — implication
  • Insinuative — insinuating
  • Insinuatory — insinuating
  • insipid — lacking taste or flavor or tang
  • Insipidities — dullness
  • Insipidity — dullness
  • Insipidness — insipidity
  • Insipidnesses — insipidity
  • Insist — order and expect; claim
  • Insisted — order and expect; claim
  • Insistence — demand
  • Insistences — demand
  • Insistencies — insistence
  • Insistency — insistence
  • Insistent — demanding
  • Insisting — order and expect; claim
  • Insists — order and expect; claim
  • Insobrieties — drunkenness
  • Insobriety — drunkenness
  • Insociable — aloof
  • Insofar — to such an extent
  • Insolation — energy from the sun
  • Insolations — energy from the sun
  • Insolence — boldness, disrespect
  • Insolences — boldness, disrespect
  • Insolent — bold, disrespectful
  • Insolently — proudly
  • Insolents — domineering person
  • Insoluble — mysterious, unable to be solved or answered
  • Insolvencies — failure
  • Insolvency — failure
  • Insolvent — financially ruined
  • Insolvents — person who is poor
  • Insomnia — inability to sleep soundly
  • Insomniac — alert, restless
  • Insomnias — inability to sleep soundly
  • Insomnious — alert, restless
  • Insomnolence — inability to sleep soundly
  • Insomnolences — inability to sleep soundly
  • insouciance — the cheerful feeling you have when nothing is troubling you
  • Insouciances — absence of feeling, interest
  • insouciant — marked by blithe unconcern
  • Inspect — examine, check
  • Inspected — examined
  • Inspecting — examine, check
  • Inspection — examination, check
  • Inspections — examination, check
  • Inspector — examiner
  • Inspectors — examiner
  • Inspects — examine, check
  • Inspiration — idea, stimulus
  • Inspirational — affecting, exciting
  • Inspirations — idea, stimulus
  • Inspirative — inspirational
  • Inspire — encourage, stimulate
  • Inspired — stimulated
  • Inspires — encourage, stimulate
  • Inspiring — rousing
  • Inspirit — encourage
  • Inspirited — encourage
  • Inspiriting — encourage
  • Inspiritment — help, support
  • Inspiritments — help, support
  • Inspirits — encourage
  • Inspissate — thicken
  • Inspissated — thicken
  • Inspissates — thicken
  • Inspissating — thicken
  • Inspissation — clotting
  • Inspissations — clotting
  • Instabilities — imbalance, inconstancy
  • Instability — imbalance, inconstancy
  • Install — set up, establish
  • Installation — establishment, inauguration
  • Installations — establishment, inauguration
  • Installed — set up
  • Installing — set up, establish
  • Installment — part, section
  • Installments — part, section
  • Installs — set up, establish
  • Instance — case, situation
  • Instanced — case, situation
  • Instances — case, situation
  • Instancies — importance
  • Instancing — case, situation
  • Instancy — importance
  • Instant — immediate, urgent
  • Instantaneous — immediate
  • Instantaneously — promptly
  • Instanter — right now
  • Instantly — right now
  • Instants — immediate, urgent
  • Instate — initiate
  • Instated — initiate
  • Instatement — initiation
  • Instatements — initiation
  • Instates — initiate
  • Instating — initiate
  • instauration — the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new
  • Instaurations — reestablishment
  • Instead — alternatively
  • Instigate — influence, provoke
  • Instigated — influence, provoke
  • Instigates — influence, provoke
  • Instigating — influence, provoke
  • Instigation — prompting
  • Instigations — prompting
  • Instigative — inspirational
  • Instigator — troublemaker
  • Instigators — troublemaker
  • Instill — implant, introduce
  • Instillation — concoction
  • Instillations — concoction
  • Instilled — implant, introduce
  • Instilling — implant, introduce
  • Instills — implant, introduce
  • Instinct — gut feeling, idea
  • Instinctive — reflex, automatic
  • Instinctively — inherently
  • Instincts — gut feeling, idea
  • Instinctual — instinctive
  • Institute — law; custom
  • Instituted — begin; put into operation
  • Institutes — organization, usually educational
  • Instituting — begin; put into operation
  • Institution — organization
  • Institutional — bland, uniform
  • Institutions — organization, usually educational
  • Instituto
  • Institutor — person who establishes an institution
  • Institutors — person who establishes an institution
  • Instruct — inform, teach
  • Instructed — trained
  • Instructible — able to be taught
  • Instructing — inform, teach
  • Instruction — education
  • Instructional — teaching
  • Instructions — education
  • Instructive — informative
  • Instructor — person who educates
  • Instructors — person who educates
  • Instructorship — person in or position of authority
  • Instructorships — person in or position of authority
  • Instructs — inform, teach
  • Instrument — tool, implement
  • Instrumental — influential, assisting
  • Instrumentalist — person who performs music
  • Instrumentality — contribution
  • Instrumentals — sounds that are pleasant, harmonized
  • Instrumentation — means
  • Instrumented — prepare musical composition differently
  • Instrumenting — prepare musical composition differently
  • Instruments — tool, implement
  • Insubordinate — rebellious
  • Insubordination — disobedience
  • Insubstantial — weak, imaginary
  • Insufferable — horrible, intolerable
  • Insufficience — deficiency, need
  • Insufficiences — deficiency, need
  • Insufficiencies — lack
  • Insufficiency — lack
  • Insufficient — not enough; lacking
  • Insufficiently — barely
  • Insufflate — breathe in
  • Insufflated — breathe in
  • Insufflates — breathe in
  • Insufflating — breathe in
  • Insufflation — respiration
  • Insufflations — respiration
  • Insular — narrow-minded
  • Insularities — a mental restriction
  • Insularity — a mental restriction
  • Insulars — languages derived from latin
  • Insulate — protect; close off
  • Insulated — protect; close off
  • Insulates — protect; close off
  • Insulating — protect; close off
  • Insulation — the act of insulating
  • Insulations — the act of insulating
  • Insult — hateful communication
  • Insulted — offended
  • Insulting — abusive
  • Insulting remark
  • Insults — hateful communication
  • insuperable — incapable of being surmounted or excelled
  • Insupportable — unbearable
  • Insuppressible — effervescent, vivacious
  • Insurance — protection, security
  • Insurances — protection, security
  • Insure — protect, secure
  • Insured — safeguarded
  • Insures — protect, secure
  • Insurgence — rebellion
  • Insurgences — rebellion
  • Insurgencies — rebellion
  • Insurgency — rebellion
  • Insurgent — rebellious
  • Insurgents — rebel
  • Insuring — protect, secure
  • Insurmountable — impossible
  • Insurrection — rebellion
  • Insurrectionary — rebel
  • Insurrectionist — rebel
  • Insurrections — rebellion
  • Insusceptible — insensitive
  • Intact — undamaged; all in one piece
  • Intactness — wholeness, whole
  • Intactnesses — wholeness, whole
  • Intagli — carving of letters or design into something
  • Intaglio — carving of letters or design into something
  • Intaglioed — carve letters or designs into
  • Intaglioing — carve letters or designs into
  • Intaglios — carving of letters or design into something
  • Intake — consumption
  • Intakes — consumption
  • Intangible — indefinite, obscured
  • Intangibles — wealth, resources
  • Intangibly — barely
  • Integer — unit of the mathematical system
  • Integers — unit of the mathematical system
  • Integrable — unifying
  • Integral — necessary, basic
  • Integralities — wholeness
  • Integrality — wholeness
  • Integrals — component of concoction
  • Integrant — element
  • Integrants — element
  • Integrate — mix, merge
  • Integrated — joined
  • Integrates — mix, merge
  • Integrating — mix, merge
  • Integration — unification
  • Integrations — unification
  • Integrative — unifying
  • Integrities — honor, uprightness
  • Integrity — honor, uprightness
  • Integument — covering
  • Integuments — covering
  • Intellect — capability of the mind; someone with capable mind
  • Intellection — feeling, idea
  • Intellections — feeling, idea
  • Intellective — very smart
  • Intellects — capability of the mind; someone with capable mind
  • Intellectual — very smart
  • Intellectualist — intellectual
  • Intellectuality — capability of the mind; someone with capable mind
  • Intellectualize — make excuse; justify
  • Intellectually — cleverly
  • Intellectuals — very smart person
  • Intelligence — ability to perceive, understand
  • Intelligencer — person who secretly finds out about another’s business
  • Intelligencers — person who secretly finds out about another’s business
  • Intelligences — ability to perceive, understand
  • Intelligent — very smart
  • Intelligently — cleverly
  • Intelligentsia — very smart person
  • Intelligentsias — very smart person
  • Intelligentsias
  • Intelligibility — clarity
  • Intelligible — understandable
  • Intelligibly — plainly, clearly
  • Intemerate — clean, uncontaminated
  • Intemperance — insobriety
  • Intemperances — insobriety
  • Intemperate — drunken
  • Intemperateness — luxury; gratification
  • Intend — have in mind; determine
  • Intendance — running an organization
  • Intendances — running an organization
  • Intended — engaged; destined
  • Intendeds — marrier
  • Intending — have in mind; determine
  • Intendment — aim, purpose
  • Intendments — aim, purpose
  • Intends — have in mind; determine
  • Intensate — make more forceful, severe
  • Intensated — make more forceful, severe
  • Intensates — make more forceful, severe
  • Intensating — make more forceful, severe
  • Intense — forceful, severe; passionate
  • Intensely — deeply
  • Intenseness — passion, force
  • Intensenesses — passion, force
  • Intenser — forceful, severe; passionate
  • Intensest — forceful, severe; passionate
  • Intensification — addition, growth
  • Intensified — make more forceful, severe
  • Intensifies — make more forceful, severe
  • Intensify — make more forceful, severe
  • Intensifying — make more forceful, severe
  • Intensities — passion, force
  • Intensity — passion, force
  • Intensive — exhaustive
  • Intensively — completely
  • Intent — determined, resolute
  • Intention — goal
  • Intentional — deliberate
  • Intentionality — study of subject and objects of a person’s experience
  • Intentionally — purposely
  • Intentions — aim, purpose
  • Intentive — alert, watchful
  • Intently — with concentration
  • Intentness — hard work
  • Intentnesses — hard work
  • Intents — aim, purpose
  • Inter — bury
  • Interact — communicate
  • Interacted — communicate
  • Interacting — communicate
  • Interaction — interplay
  • Interactions — interplay
  • Interactive — shared, common
  • Interacts — communicate
  • Interallied — linked
  • Interblend — blend, mix
  • Interblended — blend, mix
  • Interblending — blend, mix
  • Interblends — blend, mix
  • Interbred — assorted, combined
  • Interbreed — combine, join
  • Interbreeding — inbreeding
  • Interbreedings — inbreeding
  • Interbreeds — combine, join
  • Intercalate — put, tuck in
  • Intercalated — put, tuck in
  • Intercalates — put, tuck in
  • Intercalating — put, tuck in
  • Intercede — mediate
  • Interceded — mediate
  • Interceder — go-between
  • Interceders — go-between
  • Intercedes — mediate
  • Interceding — mediate
  • Intercept — head off; interrupt
  • Intercepted — head off; interrupt
  • Intercepting — head off; interrupt
  • Interception — blocking
  • Interceptions — blocking
  • Intercepts — head off; interrupt
  • Intercession — mediation
  • Intercessions — mediation
  • Intercessor — mediator
  • Intercessors — mediator
  • Interchange — switch, exchange
  • Interchangeable — identical, transposable
  • Interchangeably — correspondently
  • Interchanged — switch, exchange
  • Interchanges — switch, exchange
  • Interchanging — switch, exchange
  • Intercom — handheld transmitter and receiver
  • Intercoms — handheld transmitter and receiver
  • Interconnect — correlate, pertain
  • Interconnected — connected, accompanying
  • Interconnecting — joining
  • Interconnection — relation
  • Interconnects — correlate, pertain
  • Intercourse — sexual act
  • Intercourses — sexual act
  • Intercross — cut across; cross at a point
  • Intercrossed — cut across; cross at a point
  • Intercrosses — cut across; cross at a point
  • Intercrossing — cut across; cross at a point
  • Interculturally — globally
  • Interdepend — correlate, pertain
  • Interdepended — correlate, pertain
  • Interdependence — relation
  • Interdependency — confidence
  • Interdependent — shared, common
  • Interdepending — correlate, pertain
  • Interdepends — correlate, pertain
  • Interdict — destroy
  • Interdicted — destroy
  • Interdicting — destroy
  • Interdiction — sanction
  • Interdictions — sanction
  • Interdicts — destroy
  • Interdigitate — mesh
  • Interdigitated — mesh
  • Interdigitates — mesh
  • Interdigitating — mesh
  • Interest — attraction, curiosity
  • Interested — concerned, curious
  • Interestedly
  • Interestedness — concern
  • Interesting — appealing, entertaining
  • Interestingness — curiosity
  • Interests — attraction, curiosity
  • Interface — link, connection
  • Interfaced — mix, merge
  • Interfaces — link, connection
  • Interfacing — mix, merge
  • Interfere — meddle, intervene
  • Interfered — meddle, intervene
  • Interference — meddling, impedance
  • Interferences — meddling, impedance
  • Interferer — person who trespasses
  • Interferers — person who trespasses
  • Interferes — meddle, intervene
  • Interfering — meddling
  • Interfold — blend, unite; contrive
  • Interfolded — blend, unite; contrive
  • Interfolding — blend, unite; contrive
  • Interfolds — blend, unite; contrive
  • Interfuse — blend, mix
  • Interfused — linked
  • Interfuses — blend, mix
  • Interfusing — blend, mix
  • Interfusion — assortment, combination
  • Interfusions — assortment, combination
  • Interim — temporary
  • Interims — temporary
  • Interior — inside, central
  • Interiors — center, core
  • Interjaculate — put in, introduce
  • Interjaculated — put in, introduce
  • Interjaculates — put in, introduce
  • Interjaculating — put in, introduce
  • Interject — throw in; interrupt
  • Interjected — throw in; interrupt
  • Interjecting — throw in; interrupt
  • Interjection — emphatic exclamation
  • Interjections — emphatic exclamation
  • Interjects — throw in; interrupt
  • Interknit — twist around
  • Interknits — twist around
  • Interknitted — twist around
  • Interknitting — twist around
  • Interlace — intertwine
  • Interlaced — intertwine
  • Interlaces — intertwine
  • Interlacing — intertwine
  • Interlard — introduce
  • Interlarded — introduce
  • Interlarding — introduce
  • Interlards — introduce
  • Interline — put covering inside object
  • Interlineate — emphasize; mark
  • Interlineated — emphasize; mark
  • Interlineates — emphasize; mark
  • Interlineating — emphasize; mark
  • Interlined — put covering inside object
  • Interlines — put covering inside object
  • Interlining — put covering inside object
  • Interlink — blend, unite; contrive
  • Interlinked — spun
  • Interlinking — blend, unite; contrive
  • Interlinks — blend, unite; contrive
  • Interlock — mesh
  • Interlocked — mesh
  • Interlocking — mesh
  • Interlocks — mesh
  • Interlocution — discussion
  • Interlocutions — discussion
  • Interlocutor — conversationalist
  • Interlocutors — conversationalist
  • Interlope — meddle
  • Interloped — meddle
  • Interloper — person who intrudes, meddles
  • Interlopers — person who intrudes, meddles
  • Interlopes — meddle
  • Interloping — meddle
  • interlude — a brief show (music or dance etc) inserted between the sections of a longer performance
  • Interludes — pause, break
  • Intermarriage — interracial marriage
  • Intermarriages — interracial marriage
  • Intermeddle — meddle, intervene
  • Intermeddled — meddle, intervene
  • Intermeddler — person who intrudes, meddles
  • Intermeddlers — person who intrudes, meddles
  • Intermeddles — meddle, intervene
  • Intermeddling — interfering
  • Intermedia — combined use of several media
  • Intermediacies — middle point
  • Intermediacy — middle point
  • Intermediaries — person who negotiates
  • Intermediary — person who negotiates
  • Intermediate — middle, in-between
  • Intermediated — mediate
  • Intermediates — person who negotiates
  • Intermediating — mediate
  • Intermediator — go-between
  • Intermediators — go-between
  • Intermedium — person who bargains, controls discussion
  • Intermediums — person who bargains, controls discussion
  • Interment — burial
  • Interments — burial
  • Intermesh — interconnect; bring into operation
  • Intermeshed — interconnect; bring into operation
  • Intermeshes — interconnect; bring into operation
  • Intermeshing — interconnect; bring into operation
  • Interminability — long period of time
  • Interminable — infinite
  • Interminably — all the time
  • Intermingle — blend, mix
  • Intermingled — blend, mix
  • Intermingles — blend, mix
  • Intermingling — blend, mix
  • Intermission — break, recess
  • Intermissions — break, recess
  • Intermit — meddle, intervene
  • Intermits — meddle, intervene
  • Intermitted — deferred
  • Intermittence — recurrence
  • Intermittences — recurrence
  • Intermittent — irregular, sporadic
  • Intermittently — at times
  • Intermitting — meddle, intervene
  • Intermix — mix
  • Intermixed — mix
  • Intermixes — mix
  • Intermixing — mix
  • Intermixture — charactertistics of a surface
  • Intermixtures — charactertistics of a surface
  • Intern — apprentice
  • Internal — within
  • Internalize — incorporate within one’s self
  • Internalized — incorporate within one’s self
  • Internalizing — incorporate within one’s self
  • Internally — inside
  • Internals — center, core
  • International — worldwide
  • Internationally — globally
  • Internecine — involving conflict within a group
  • Interned — confine; put in jail
  • Internee — person jailed for crime; person kept against his or her will
  • Internees — person jailed for crime; person kept against his or her will
  • Internet — computer network
  • Internets — computer network
  • Interning — confine; put in jail
  • Internment — physical detention by force
  • Internments — physical detention by force
  • Interns — apprentice
  • Internship — teacher’s assistantship
  • Internships — teacher’s assistantship
  • Internuncio — person who carries messages or deliveries
  • Internuncios — person who carries messages or deliveries
  • Interpersonal — between persons
  • Interplay — interaction
  • Interplayed — communicate
  • Interplaying — communicate
  • Interplays — interaction
  • Interpolate — add
  • Interpolated — add
  • Interpolates — add
  • Interpolating — add
  • Interpolation — something new; something that begins
  • Interpolations — something new; something that begins
  • Interpose — interrupt
  • Interposed — interrupt
  • Interposes — interrupt
  • Interposing — interrupt
  • Interposition — meddling, impedance
  • Interpositions — meddling, impedance
  • Interpret — make sense of; define
  • Interpretable — explainable
  • Interpretation — understanding
  • Interpretations — understanding
  • Interpretative — explanatory
  • Interpreted — elucidated
  • Interpreter — translator
  • Interpreters — translator
  • Interpreting — make sense of; define
  • Interpretive — explanatory
  • Interprets — make sense of; define
  • Interracial — open to all races
  • Interred — bury
  • Interregna — in the intervening time
  • Interregnum — in the intervening time
  • Interregnums — in the intervening time
  • Interrelate — correlate, pertain
  • Interrelated — connected, accompanying
  • Interrelates — correlate, pertain
  • Interrelating — filling, completing
  • Interrelation — connection; friendship
  • Interrelations — connection; friendship
  • Interring — bury
  • Interrogate — ask pointed questions
  • Interrogated — ask pointed questions
  • Interrogates — ask pointed questions
  • Interrogating — ask pointed questions
  • Interrogation — questioning
  • Interrogations — questioning
  • Interrogative — quizzical
  • Interrogator — inquisitor
  • Interrogatories — inquiry
  • Interrogators — inquisitor
  • Interrogatory — inquiry
  • Interrupt — bother, interfere
  • Interrupted — stopped
  • Interrupter — person who trespasses
  • Interrupters — person who trespasses
  • Interrupting — bother, interfere
  • Interruption — break; interference
  • Interruptions — break; interference
  • Interrupts — bother, interfere
  • Inters — bury
  • Intersect — cut across; cross at a point
  • Intersected — cut across; cross at a point
  • Intersecting — cut across; cross at a point
  • Intersection — crossroads
  • Intersections — crossroads
  • Intersects — cut across; cross at a point
  • Intersexual — having relations with either gender
  • Interspace — gap
  • Interspaces — gap
  • intersperse — introduce one’s writing or speech with certain expressions
  • Interspersed — scatter
  • Intersperses — scatter
  • Interspersing — scatter
  • Interstate — concerning a country with a
  • Interstates — highway
  • interstice — a small structural space between tissues or parts of an organ
  • Interstices — opening, crack
  • Intertangle — involve, mix up
  • Intertangled — involve, mix up
  • Intertangles — involve, mix up
  • Intertangling — involve, mix up
  • Intertropical
  • Intertwine — twist
  • Intertwined — twist around
  • Intertwines — twist around
  • Intertwining — twist around
  • Intertwist — twist around
  • Intertwisted — twist around
  • Intertwisting — twist around
  • Intertwists — twist around
  • Interurban — metropolitan
  • Interval — break, pause
  • Intervals — break, pause
  • Intervene — mediate
  • Intervened — mediate
  • Intervenes — mediate
  • Intervening — intermediary
  • Intervention — the act of intervening
  • Interventions — the act of intervening
  • Interview — questioning and evaluation
  • Interviewed — ask questions and evaluate
  • Interviewee — one who is interviewed
  • Interviewees — one who is interviewed
  • Interviewer — questioner
  • Interviewers — questioner
  • Interviewing — questioning and evaluation
  • Interviews — questioning and evaluation
  • Intervolve — twist around
  • Intervolved — twist around
  • Intervolves — twist around
  • Intervolving — twist around
  • Interweave — interlace
  • Interweaved — twist around
  • Interweaves — twist around
  • Interweaving — twist around
  • Interwind — twist around
  • Interwinding — twist around
  • Interwinds — twist around
  • Interwound — twist around
  • Interwove — twist around
  • Interwoven — knit
  • Interwreathe — twist around
  • Interwreathed — twist around
  • Interwreathes — twist around
  • Interwreathing — twist around
  • Intestinal — stomach
  • Intestine — bodily organ
  • Intestines — entrails
  • Inti — attraction, curiosity
  • Intimacies — closeness between people
  • Intimacy — closeness between people
  • Intimate — friendly, devoted
  • Intimated — suggest; tip off
  • Intimately — closely
  • Intimates — friendly, devoted
  • Intimating — suggest; tip off
  • Intimation — clue, hint
  • Intimations — clue, hint
  • Intimidate — frighten, threaten
  • Intimidated — frightened
  • Intimidates — frighten, threaten
  • Intimidating — threatening
  • Intimidation — bullying
  • Intimidations — bullying
  • Intimidator — bully
  • Intimidators — bully
  • Intimidatory — intimidating, ominous
  • Intinction — sacrament of church
  • Intinctions — sacrament of church
  • Into — inside
  • Intolerable — unacceptable; beyond bearing
  • Intolerance — lack of willingness to tolerate
  • Intolerances — lack of willingness to tolerate
  • Intolerant — impatient, prejudiced
  • Intonate — express opinion; put into words
  • Intonated — spoken
  • Intonates — express opinion; put into words
  • Intonating — express opinion; put into words
  • Intonation — inflection
  • Intonations — inflection
  • Intone — utter
  • Intoned — utter
  • Intoner — person who can carry a tune
  • Intoners — person who can carry a tune
  • Intones — utter
  • Intoning — utter
  • Intonings — warbling
  • Intorsion — deformity; falsification
  • Intorsions — deformity; falsification
  • Intoxicant — alcohol
  • Intoxicants — alcohol
  • Intoxicate — anger, aggravate
  • Intoxicated — drunk
  • Intoxicates — anger, aggravate
  • Intoxicating — causing great happiness
  • Intoxication — inebriation
  • Intoxications — inebriation
  • Intoxicative — hard
  • Intra — following
  • Intractability — unruliness
  • Intractable — difficult
  • Intractableness — unruliness
  • Intractably — stubbornly
  • Intramural — in the middle; interior
  • Intransigence — stubbornness
  • Intransigences — stubbornness
  • Intransigencies — stubbornness
  • Intransigency — stubbornness
  • intransigent — impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason
  • Intransigents — person who is politically conservative
  • Intrapersonal — within one’s self
  • Intravenous — within a vein
  • Intrench — infringe
  • Intrenched — infringe
  • Intrenches — infringe
  • Intrenching — infringe
  • Intrepid — brave, nervy
  • Intrepidities — courage
  • Intrepidity — courage
  • Intrepidness — courage
  • Intrepidnesses — courage
  • Intricacies — complication
  • Intricacy — complication
  • Intricate — complicated, elaborate
  • Intricateness — complication, mess
  • Intricatenesses — complication, mess
  • Intrigue — scheme
  • Intrigued — attracted
  • Intriguer — person who is disloyal
  • Intriguers — person who is disloyal
  • Intrigues — scheme
  • Intriguing — interesting
  • Intrinsic — basic, inborn
  • Intrinsicality — center, core
  • Intrinsically — essentially
  • Intro — something new; something that begins
  • Introduce — make known; present
  • Introduced — brought in
  • Introducer — authority
  • Introducers — authority
  • Introduces — make known; present
  • Introducing — make known; present
  • Introduction — something new; something that begins
  • Introductions — something new; something that begins
  • Introductory — preliminary, first
  • Introgression — introduction; permission to enter
  • Introgressions — introduction; permission to enter
  • Intromission — admission
  • Intromissions — admission
  • Intromit — admit
  • Intromits — admit
  • Intromitted — admit
  • Intromitting — admit
  • Intros — something new; something that begins
  • Introspection — self-analysis
  • Introspections — self-analysis
  • Introspective — contemplative
  • Introspectively — rationally
  • Introversion — self-analysis
  • Introversions — self-analysis
  • Introvert — person who retreats mentally
  • Introverted — reserved
  • Introverting — reverse; turn upside down
  • Introvertive — dreamy
  • Introverts — person who retreats mentally
  • Intrude — trespass, interrupt
  • Intruded — trespass, interrupt
  • Intruder — person who trespasses
  • Intruders — person who trespasses
  • Intrudes — trespass, interrupt
  • Intruding — trespass, interrupt
  • Intrusion — interruption
  • Intrusions — interruption
  • Intrusive — obtrusive
  • Intrusiveness — nerve, audacity
  • Intrusivenesses — nerve, audacity
  • Intrust — deliver, entrust
  • Intrusted — lent
  • Intrusting — transfer, transmittal
  • Intrusts — deliver, entrust
  • Intuit — perceive
  • Intuited — perceive
  • Intuiting — perceive
  • Intuition — insight
  • Intuitional — reflex, automatic
  • Intuitionism — psychic power
  • Intuitionisms — psychic power
  • Intuitions — insight
  • Intuitive — instinctive
  • Intuitively — inherently
  • Intuitiveness — instinct
  • Intuitivenesses — instinct
  • Intuitivism — psychic power
  • Intuitivisms — psychic power
  • Intuits — perceive
  • Intumescence — swollen object
  • Intumescences — swollen object
  • Intumescent — swollen
  • Inuktitut
  • Inumbrate — shut out the light
  • Inumbrated — shut out the light
  • Inumbrates — shut out the light
  • Inumbrating — shut out the light
  • Inundant — abundant
  • inundate — fill or cover completely, usually with water
  • Inundated — drown, overwhelm
  • Inundates — drown, overwhelm
  • Inundating — drown, overwhelm
  • Inundation — deluge
  • Inundations — deluge
  • Inundatory — abundant
  • Inurbane — crude, awkward
  • Inurbanities — disrespect
  • Inurbanity — disrespect
  • inure — cause to accept or become hardened to; habituate
  • Inured — accustom
  • Inures — accustom
  • Inuring — accustom
  • Inurn — bury
  • Inurned — bury
  • Inurning — burial
  • Inurnment — burial
  • Inurnments — burial
  • Inurns — bury
  • Inusitation — state of non-use
  • Inusitations — state of non-use
  • Inutile — useless
  • Inutilities — disabling lack of talent, skill
  • Inutility — disabling lack of talent, skill
  • Invade — attack and encroach
  • Invaded — attack and encroach
  • Invader — trespasser
  • Invaders — trespasser
  • Invades — attack and encroach
  • Invading — attack and encroach
  • Invalescence
  • Invalid — worthless; unfounded
  • Invalidate — render null and void
  • Invalidated — render null and void
  • Invalidates — render null and void
  • Invalidating — render null and void
  • Invalidation — abolition
  • Invalidations — abolition
  • Invalided — limited, enclosed
  • Invalidities — defect, proneness
  • Invalidity — defect, proneness
  • Invalids — worthless; unfounded
  • Invaluable — priceless
  • Invariabilities — boredom; sameness
  • Invariability — boredom; sameness
  • Invariable — not changing
  • Invariably — perpetually
  • Invariant — even
  • Invasion — attack, encroachment
  • Invasions — attack, encroachment
  • Invasive — obtrusive
  • invective — abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will
  • Invectives — verbal abuse
  • inveigh — speak against in an impassioned manner
  • Inveighed — blame, denounce
  • Inveighing — blame, denounce
  • Inveighs — blame, denounce
  • inveigle — influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
  • Inveigled — entice, manipulate
  • Inveiglement — lure
  • Inveiglements — lure
  • Inveigler — seducer
  • Inveiglers — seducer
  • Inveigles — entice, manipulate
  • Inveigling — seductive
  • Invent — create, think up
  • Invented — fictitious
  • Inventing — create, think up
  • Invention — creation, creativeness
  • Inventions — creation, creativeness
  • Inventive — creative
  • Inventiveness — invention
  • Inventivenesses — invention
  • Inventor — discoverer
  • Inventoried — keep detailed record
  • Inventories — list of stock; stock
  • Inventors — discoverer
  • Inventory — list of stock; stock
  • Inventorying — keep detailed record
  • Invents — create, think up
  • Inveracities — lie
  • Inveracity — lie
  • Inverness — heavy coat
  • Invernesses — heavy coat
  • Inverse — opposite
  • Inversed — reverse; turn upside down
  • Inversely — with the order reversed
  • Inverses — contradiction, denial
  • Inversing — reverse; turn upside down
  • Inversion — transposition
  • Inversions — transposition
  • Invert — reverse; turn upside down
  • Invertebrate — weak, useless
  • Invertebrates — person who has no strength
  • Inverted — upside-down
  • Inverting — reverse; turn upside down
  • Inverts — reverse; turn upside down
  • Invest — contribute money to make money
  • Invested — contribute money to make money
  • Investigate — check into thoroughly
  • Investigated — examined
  • Investigates — check into thoroughly
  • Investigating — fact-finding
  • Investigation — thorough check
  • Investigations — thorough check
  • Investigative — curious
  • Investigator — person who checks thoroughly
  • Investigators — person who checks thoroughly
  • Investigatory — wondering, curious
  • Investing — contribute money to make money
  • Investiture — initiation
  • Investitures — initiation
  • Investment — something given, lent for a return
  • Investments — something given, lent for a return
  • Investor — financier
  • Investors — financier
  • Invests — contribute money to make money
  • inveterate — in a habitual and longstanding manner
  • invidious — containing or implying a slight or showing prejudice
  • Invidiousness — jealousy
  • Invidiousnesses — jealousy
  • invigilate — watch over (students taking an exam, to prevent cheating)
  • Invigilator — person who watches, oversees
  • Invigilators — person who watches, oversees
  • invigorate — impart vigor, strength, or vitality to
  • Invigorated — stimulate
  • Invigorates — stimulate
  • Invigorating — stimulating
  • Invigoration — activating
  • Invigorations — rebirth
  • Invigorative — alive
  • Invigorator — restorative drink, medicine
  • Invigorators — restorative drink, medicine
  • Invincibilities — bravery
  • Invincibility — bravery
  • Invincible — indestructible
  • Invincibly — powerfully
  • Inviolabilities — sanctity
  • Inviolability — sanctity
  • Inviolable — divine
  • Inviolate — virginal, chaste
  • Invisibilities — obscurity
  • Invisibility — obscurity
  • Invisible — unable to be seen; hidden
  • Invisibly — imperceptibly
  • Invitation — proposal; asking
  • Invitations — proposal; asking
  • Invite — ask to do something socially
  • Invited — ask to do something socially
  • Invitee — person temporarily in a foreign location
  • Invitees — person temporarily in a foreign location
  • Invites — ask to do something socially
  • Inviting — alluring, captivating
  • Invitingly — in a becoming manner
  • Invitings — solicitation
  • Invocate — plead; call upon for help, answer
  • Invocated — plead; call upon for help, answer
  • Invocates — plead; call upon for help, answer
  • Invocating — plead; call upon for help, answer
  • Invocation — prayer
  • Invocations — prayer
  • Invoice — itemized bill
  • Invoiced — not said
  • Invoices — itemized bill
  • Invoicing — keep a record; tabulate
  • Invoke — call upon
  • Invoked — call upon
  • Invokes — call upon
  • Invoking — call upon
  • Involuntarily — helplessly
  • Involuntary — automatic; not done willingly
  • Involute — complex
  • Involuted — rotating
  • Involution — rotation
  • Involutions — rotation
  • Involve — draw in; include
  • Involved — complicated
  • Involvement — difficulty
  • Involvements — difficulty
  • Involves — draw in; include
  • Involving — draw in; include
  • Invulnerability — care, guardianship
  • Invulnerable — invincible
  • Inward — ingoing
  • Inwardly — by nature
  • Inwardness — closeness between people
  • Inwardnesses — closeness between people
  • Inwrought — innate, inherent
  • Iodinophilous
  • Ionic — concerning ancient culture
  • Iota — small bit
  • Iotas — small bit
  • Ipo
  • Ipod
  • Irascibilities — temper
  • Irascibility — temper
  • irascible — characterized by anger
  • Irascibleness — temper
  • Irasciblenesses — temper
  • Irate — angry
  • Irately — with anger
  • Irateness — anger
  • Iratenesses — anger
  • Ire — anger
  • Ired — make very angry
  • Ireful — furious
  • irenic — conducive to peace
  • Irenics — expression to attain peace
  • Ires — anger
  • Iridescence — luminosity
  • Iridescences — luminosity
  • iridescent — varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles
  • Iring — make very angry
  • Irisated
  • Irised — rainbow-colored
  • Irish soda bread
  • Irk — aggravate; rub the wrong way
  • Irked — aggravate; rub the wrong way
  • Irking — aggravate; rub the wrong way
  • Irks — aggravate; rub the wrong way
  • Irksome — annoying
  • Irksomeness — dullness, monotony
  • Irksomenesses — dullness, monotony
  • Iron — hard, tough; inflexible
  • Ironclad — fixed, rigid
  • Ironed — pressed
  • Ironfisted — mean, heartless
  • Ironhanded — overwhelming, repressive
  • Ironhearted — hard-hearted, numb
  • Ironic — sarcastic
  • Ironical — cynical
  • Ironically — comically
  • Ironies — sarcasm
  • Ironing — cleaning, maintaining a home
  • Ironings — cleaning, maintaining a home
  • Irons — hard, tough; inflexible
  • Ironware — tools; fittings, especially made of metal
  • Ironwares — tools; fittings, especially made of metal
  • Irony — sarcasm
  • Irradiant — bright
  • Irradiate — illuminate
  • Irradiated — illuminate
  • Irradiates — illuminate
  • Irradiating — illuminate
  • Irradiation — luminescence from sun or other source
  • Irradiations — luminescence from sun or other source
  • Irradicable — confirmed
  • Irrational — illogical, senseless
  • Irrationalities — unreason
  • Irrationality — unreason
  • Irrationally — illogically
  • Irrealizable — impossible
  • Irrebuttable — beyond question
  • Irreconcilable — hostile, conflicting
  • Irrecoverable — unfixable, unchangeable
  • Irredeemable — bad, hopeless
  • Irreducible — profiting
  • Irreflective — accidental
  • Irrefragable — lasting, unable to be destroyed
  • Irrefrangible — lasting, unable to be destroyed
  • Irrefutable — beyond question
  • Irrefutably — without doubt
  • Irregular — random, variable
  • Irregularities — unevenness
  • Irregularity — unevenness
  • Irregularly — intermittently
  • Irregulars — bushfighter
  • Irrelative — not relevant
  • Irrelevance — irrelevancy
  • Irrelevances — irrelevancy
  • Irrelevancies — digression
  • Irrelevancy — digression
  • Irrelevant — beside the point
  • Irreligion — belief that no god exists
  • Irreligionist — nonbeliever
  • Irreligionists — nonbeliever
  • Irreligions — belief that no god exists
  • Irreligious — ungodly
  • Irremediable — hopeless
  • Irremissible — required, necessary
  • Irreparable — unable to be fixed
  • Irreplaceable — unable to be fixed
  • Irreprehensible — exemplary
  • Irrepressible — effervescent, vivacious
  • Irreproachable — innocent
  • Irreproachably — happily, pleasantly; capably
  • Irreprovable — innocent
  • Irresistible — compelling; inescapable
  • Irresistibly — inevitably, certainly
  • Irresolute — indecisive
  • Irresolutely — skeptically
  • Irresoluteness — hesitation
  • Irresolution — hesitation
  • Irresolutions — hesitation
  • Irresolvable — mysterious, unable to be solved or answered
  • Irrespective — without regard
  • Irresponsible — careless, reckless
  • Irresponsibly — heedlessly
  • Irretrievable — unable to be fixed
  • Irreverence — disrespect
  • Irreverences — disrespect
  • Irreverent — disrespectful
  • Irreverential — disrespectful
  • Irreversible — irrevocable
  • Irrevocability — definiteness, conclusiveness
  • Irrevocable — fixed, unchangeable
  • Irrevocably — beyond any doubt
  • Irrigate — water
  • Irrigated — water
  • Irrigates — water
  • Irrigating — water
  • Irrigation — watering
  • Irrigations — watering
  • Irriguous — wet, wettish
  • Irritabilities — irascibility
  • Irritability — irascibility
  • Irritable — bad-tempered, crabby
  • Irritableness — inability, unwillingness to wait
  • Irritablenesses — inability, unwillingness to wait
  • Irritably — with anger
  • Irritant — annoyance
  • Irritants — annoyance
  • Irritate — upset, anger
  • Irritated — annoyed
  • Irritates — upset, anger
  • Irritating — vexatious
  • Irritatingly — painfully
  • Irritation — sensitivity
  • Irritations — sensitivity
  • Irrupt — pour out, flood
  • Irrupted — pour out, flood
  • Irrupting — pour out, flood
  • Irruption — aggression
  • Irruptions — aggression
  • Irrupts — pour out, flood
  • Irs
  • Is — exist
  • Isagoge
  • Isatogen
  • Isc
  • Ischemia — blood deficiency
  • Ischemias — blood deficiency
  • Island — land surrounded by body of water
  • Islanded — protect; close off
  • Islanding — protect; close off
  • Islands — land surrounded by body of water
  • Isle — land surrounded by body of water
  • Isles — land surrounded by body of water
  • Islet — land surrounded by body of water
  • Islets — land surrounded by body of water
  • Ism — religious belief, group
  • Isms — religious belief, group
  • Isobar — meteorological map
  • Isobars — meteorological map
  • Isochronal — recurrent
  • Isochronism — era, phase
  • Isochronisms — era, phase
  • Isochronous — recurrent
  • Isogloss — people sharing language or dialect
  • Isoglosses — people sharing language or dialect
  • Isolate — cut off, set apart
  • Isolated — unique; private
  • Isolates — cut off, set apart
  • Isolating — cut off, set apart
  • Isolation — seclusion
  • Isolationism — absence of feeling, interest
  • Isolationisms — absence of feeling, interest
  • Isolationist — unoriginal
  • Isolationists — neutral country
  • Isolations — seclusion
  • Isoline — map line showing height
  • Isolines — map line showing height
  • Isonomies — similarity, balance; egalitarianism
  • Isonomy — similarity, balance; egalitarianism
  • Issuance — distribution
  • Issuances — distribution
  • Issue — point in question
  • Issued — circulated
  • Issues — point in question
  • Issuing — distribute
  • Isthmi — narrow connector
  • Isthmus — narrow connector
  • Isthmuses — narrow connector
  • It — ability to draw attention; something that draws attention
  • Italic — printing font
  • Italicize — emphasize
  • Italicized — emphasize
  • Italicizes — emphasize
  • Italicizes
  • Italicizing — emphasize
  • Italics — printing font
  • Itch — scratching; tingling
  • Itched — scratching; tingling
  • Itches — scratching; tingling
  • Itchier — itching
  • Itchiest — itching
  • Itchiness — scratching; tingling
  • Itchinesses — scratching; tingling
  • Itching — scratch; tingle
  • Itchings — fidgetiness
  • Itchy — itching
  • Item — part, article
  • Itemization — list of stock; stock
  • Itemizations — list of stock; stock
  • Itemize — keep detailed record
  • Itemized — counted
  • Itemizes — keep detailed record
  • Itemizing — keep detailed record
  • Items — part, article
  • Iterance — duplication; doing again
  • Iterances — duplication; doing again
  • Iterant — irregular, sporadic
  • Iterate — say again
  • Iterated — say again
  • Iterates — say again
  • Iterating — say again
  • Iteration — redundancy
  • Iterations — redundancy
  • Iterative — repetitive
  • Itinerant — roaming
  • Itinerants — person who moves to a foreign place
  • Itineraries — plan of travel
  • Itinerary — plan of travel
  • Itinerate — itinerant
  • Its — belonging to individual
  • Ivories — trophy or memorial
  • Ivory — fair

Vocabulary List

  • Words that Start with A
  • Words that Start with B
  • Words that Start with c
  • Words that Start with D
  • Words that Start with E
  • Words that Start with F
  • Words that Start with g
  • Words that Start with H
  • Words that Start with I
  • Words that Start with J
  • Words that Start with K
  • Words that Start with L
  • Words that Start with M
  • Words that Start with N
  • Words that Start with O
  • Words that Start with P
  • Words that Start with Q
  • Words that Start with R
  • Words that Start with S
  • Words that Start with T
  • Words that Start with U
  • Words that Start with V
  • Words that Start with W
  • Words that Start with Y
  • Words that Start with Z

Idioms by Category

  • The Most Common English Idioms
  • Common English Idioms
  • Familiar English Idioms
  • Idioms about Age
  • Idioms about animals
  • Idioms about art
  • Idioms about clothes
  • Idioms about colors
  • Idioms about crime
  • Idioms about death
  • Idioms about dreams
  • Idioms about food
  • Idioms about furniture
  • Idioms about general
  • Idioms about health
  • Idioms about home
  • Idioms about language
  • Idioms about law
  • Idioms about life
  • Idioms about love
  • Idioms about men and women
  • Idioms about money
  • Idioms about music
  • Idioms about names
  • Idioms about nationalities
  • Idioms about nature
  • Idioms about numbers
  • Idioms about parts of the body
  • Idioms about relationship
  • Idioms about religion
  • Idioms about sexuality
  • Idioms about sport
  • Idioms about technology and science
  • Idioms about time
  • Idioms about travel
  • Idioms about war
  • Idioms about weather
  • Idioms about work
  • IDIOMS beginning with A
  • IDIOMS beginning with B
  • IDIOMS beginning with C
  • IDIOMS beginning with D
  • IDIOMS beginning with E
  • IDIOMS beginning with F
  • IDIOMS beginning with G
  • IDIOMS beginning with H
  • IDIOMS beginning with I
  • IDIOMS beginning with J
  • IDIOMS beginning with K
  • IDIOMS beginning with L
  • IDIOMS beginning with M
  • IDIOMS beginning with N
  • IDIOMS beginning with O
  • IDIOMS beginning with P
  • IDIOMS beginning with Q
  • IDIOMS beginning with R
  • IDIOMS beginning with S
  • IDIOMS beginning with T
  • IDIOMS beginning with U
  • IDIOMS beginning with V
  • IDIOMS beginning with W
  • IDIOMS beginning with X
  • IDIOMS beginning with Y
  • IDIOMS beginning with Z

Phrases by Category

  • Common Expression
  • Greetings
  • Travel & Directions
  • Number and Money
  • Location
  • Phone and Internet and Mail
  • Time and dates
  • Accommodations
  • Dining
  • Making friends
  • Entertainment
  • Shopping
  • Communication difficulties
  • Emergency and health
  • General questions
  • Work
  • Weather
  • Miscellaneous
  • Phrases beginning with A
  • Phrases beginning with B
  • Phrases beginning with c
  • Phrases beginning with D
  • Phrases beginning with E
  • Phrases beginning with F
  • Phrases beginning with g
  • Phrases beginning with H
  • Phrases beginning with I
  • Phrases beginning with J
  • Phrases beginning with K
  • Phrases beginning with L
  • Phrases beginning with M
  • Phrases beginning with N
  • Phrases beginning with O
  • Phrases beginning with P
  • Phrases beginning with Q
  • Phrases beginning with R
  • Phrases beginning with S
  • Phrases beginning with T
  • Phrases beginning with U
  • Phrases beginning with V
  • Phrases beginning with W
  • Phrases beginning with Y
  • Phrases beginning with Z

Vocabulary List

[ A ]

[ B ]

[ C ]

[ D ]

[ E ]

[ F ]

[ G ]

[ H ]

[ J ]

[ K ]

[ L ]

[ M ]

[ N ]

[ O ]

[ P ]

[ Q ]

[ R ]

[ S ]

[ T ]

[ U ]

[ V ]

[ W ]

[ X ]

[ Y ]

[ Z ]

damn, jerk, ugly, stupid, fart knocker…. Or he could be legitimately swearing like a sailor, in which case he’d be using Elizabethan English: Block, stone, fool, beslubbering, bawdy, yeasty, vassal, rank, pox-marked, pus-filled, vagrant, tooth-spitting, filthy, villainous, wretch, etc.

Likewise, Is Frick a bad word?

Frick isn’t a swear word. I know there are certain individuals who think c r a p is a swear word (even though it really isn’t), but “frick” isn’t a swear word by any sense of the meaning of “swear word”. No one is going to get offended by someone saying “frick”.

Also, What’s the baddest word?

‘Moist’ – a word apparently despised the world over – is about to be named the worst word in the English language. The word has emerged as a clear frontrunner in a global survey conducted by Oxford Dictionaries.

Secondly, What does the F word say?

—used as a way to refer to the offensive word « fuck » without saying it or writing it He got in trouble for using the f-word on television.

Furthermore What bad word is number 11? Krabs: Yes sirree, that’s bad word number 11. In fact, there are 13 bad words you should never use.

What is the D word?

The D-Word is an online community for professionals in the documentary film industry. … The name « D-Word » is defined as « industry euphemism for documentary, » as in: « We love your film but we don’t know how to sell it. It’s a d-word. » As of 2019 it has over 17,000 members in 130 countries.

Does freakin mean the F word?

Yes, “fricking” or “freaking” are basically milder substitutes for the “F-word”. They are thus LESS offensive than that word. But among people who do not use vulgar language, these words could still be offensive. …

What is the T word?

What parents need to know. Parents need to know that Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word is a documentary featuring transgender young adults speaking honestly about their lives. There’s no foul language, nudity, sex, drinking, or drugs.

What is the P word?

P word is a euphemism that may refer to the following: Paki, a derogatory term for a person from South Asia (particularly Pakistan), mainly used in the United Kingdom. Prostitute, considered an offensive term by most sex workers’ rights activists.

What is the H word?

h-word (plural h-words) (euphemistic) The word hell/Hell.

Why is bloody a bad word?

After the mid 18th century until quite recently bloody used as a swear word was regarded as unprintable, probably from the mistaken belief that it implied a blasphemous reference to the blood of Christ, or that the word was an alteration of ‘by Our Lady’; hence a widespread caution in using the term even in phrases, …

What is the H word?

Welcome to the H-Word, a series dedicated to evaluating, challenging, and re-presenting sex worker portrayals in the media from a feminist, pro-sex worker (though not necessarily pro-sex work) stance. … And yes, the “H-Word” is hooker.

What is the G cuss word?

List of Curse Words Beginning With G. gay – homosexual. gayass – butt. gaybob – homosexual. gaydo – homosexual.

What does frickin mean?

« Frickin’ » is where the rebellion REALLY starts to creep in. To use it is to play with fire. Examples: « It’s frickin’ tax season. »

Is it a sin to say fudge?

Children learn very early that uttering these words is extremely serious. It’s not just a matter of politeness or social nicety. Saying the words is a very serious sin and represents a departure from godliness that no true Christian could even find thinkable.

Is friggin a swear?

Frigging is a vulgar slang term defined as emphasize upset, anger or annoyance. “Frigging,” previously profanity in its own right, lost both its edge and its original meaning and became wholly acceptable as an anodyne substitute for a completely different swear word.

What is the Z word swear?

zilch is the word you are all looking for.

What is the U word swear?

starting with the letter u. uglyfuck – idiot. unclefucker – homosexual. More Slang Translators: Text Slang.

What is the meaning of the word f * * * * *?

/ (fʌk) taboo, slang / verb. to have sexual intercourse with (someone) noun. an act of sexual intercourse.

What does H word mean on Tiktok?

(H) is an emoticon which means means « Cool Dude » or « Heart. » This emoticon may be typed as (H), but is more commonly typed as (h).

What is H word on twitter?

The h/t is most at home on Twitter, where it’s used to tell the people your followers that something you’re tweeting about was brought to your attention by someone else: … The h/t is a way of acknowledging a source. You didn’t stumble upon the interesting article on your own; someone steered you to it.

Is Dang a bad word?

As an expletive, it’s a nonsense word with no meaning, thus not offensive. Dang is nothing but a nonsense word with no meaning except that produced by its habitual use as an expletive. Thus is it not offensive.

Is cuss a Southern word?

If you happen to learn southern slang by hanging around a bunch of southerners who are a little “rough around the edges,” cuss words are probably going to be the first words you learn. … This means that southern slang isn’t some kind of strange dialect spoken only by a handful of Americans…

What’s a bad Word that starts with y?

List of Negative Words Starting With Y

  • Yammered – talk foolishly or incessantly.
  • Yell – a loud, sharp cry of pain, surprise, or delight.
  • Yobbish – (especially of a young person) rude, noisy, and aggressive.

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Funny Words

If you and your friends/family use words or phrases that only you know the meaning of, STOP BEING SO SELFISH!! Let everyone share your wisdom here and soon people from the other side of the world will be using it, if slightly mispronounced.

Pick a letter to view words beginning with that letter, or view Newest

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z

Add your own funny words!

Add this to the end of your words and it sounds funny. Example: Crapish, suckish, poopish

submitted by bobo
I’m chokin’ on my gerkin!!
When something suprises you or when people do scandalous things.

submitted by Christopher & Megan
I’m on a mission
Saying your on a prowl of getting something or a goal done

submitted by D Man
I don’t speak GEEK!!
Something to say to a geek at your high school

submitted by Addie
I have a belly button
My favorite saying, only used to make people oblivious/confused, only useful at a random time to anyone who hasn’t heard it before

submitted by K-man
I need a coat
I am erect

submitted by shane
I need to see a man about a dog
Someone going to see a man about getting alcohol. This was used in the oldern days

submitted by Kayla
I Wuv You
A higher form of Love. Also a cute way of saying ‘I Love You’

submitted by Ariane
A preson of InDiscriminate Gender. So named after the barmade in our favourite pub Opium

submitted by fluffyrob
It’s an inside joke at school but it means It’s Funny Because Your’reFat

submitted by brittany
This isnt really an acronym, it just helps pronounce it right. Its like saying «Aight» (alright) plus -«ee-oh». It helps you sound like an insane psycho just like me. This is how you really spell it: AIGHTYO!! example: «Michelle, can you escort me to the loo?» response:: «Aightyo!» (remember to prounounce it as «i.t.o», as in «eye-tee-oh»

submitted by Your Adams Apple
Ironing board WAPS, a girl with no tits

submitted by Juggs
In Da Butt

submitted by I get banged IDB
(Pron. Idg, it) Idiot, used for friends

submitted by Eclaire
Idiot Box
Another word for a TV

submitted by the unknown one
IGnorant MOronic reTARD

submitted by BOB
Someone whos both ignorant and an arse hole

submitted by James
Used to properly describe a person who is both an idiot and an asshole.

submitted by Lacey, 2002 Pre-teen Indiana (USA)
When you are really super fat and stupid, and you have no friends

submitted by stephie
Same as Ill, example : «Dude your car is freaken illna!»

submitted by Lizzie aka Paris
In All In Anyways
All purpose phrase for a non committal agreement

submitted by grinder
Innocent skank meaning : a girl whos really innocent but wants people to think shes nasty so theyll like her =]

submitted by zeeegler
Indians Revenge
Your bumhole after eating a very spicy curry

submitted by Rutter
A better way of saying indeed

submitted by Gatenss
Undoubtedly; unquestionably; in a manner to remove all doubt.

submitted by Brie
The ideal pet: a small fuzzy white creature. Also an exclamation: «HOLY INKERDINK!»

submitted by dean
Inner Britney
When you though a hissy fit, you are showing your inner britney

submitted by moi
In agreement of a statement.

submitted by Moose’s are poggers

submitted by peter andre and trish
A clever word that fooled many a teacher in research papers (Means absolutely nothing)

submitted by AdamT
Insignificant butt
You say it to guys who can’t fill out the back of their jeans…

submitted by Jenny
Instant Section 8
Used to describe a person who converses with an annoying person (see glover).

submitted by northern
Intensley Epic

submitted by Kyles
The netting inside your swimming shorts

submitted by THE troublesome three
Internet Warrior
Someone who plays online games all the time such as COD and WOW

submitted by Neil
Something very interesting. As in «oh, how intidudiating!»

submitted by Bianca Healey
Someone who tries to shift the blame by any means to an innocent party after blocking a toilet with an unsightly and unflushable poo!

submitted by Gordo
Invisible Tickler
When you start laughing, but end up laughing at yourself because you are laughing so much. The inivisble tickler was there.

submitted by ELLIE
Sleepin / in bed, as in involved in bed….

submitted by Kim
That darn snot in your throat you can’t seem to hawk up when you’re sick.

submitted by Annie
A word used to describe a person who is both annoying and completely stupid.

submitted by Andy.C
Is it
Interrogitave usually answered with «yeah, why not», or «Nah, I can’t be arsed»

submitted by Rhian_Demon
Ugly chick or guy

submitted by jmmy zombie
(to be said italian-stylee) when you just so completely cant comprehend something

submitted by kelli xXx

English has a range of swear words. Some are unlikely to offend other people, while others are much stronger and more likely to upset people.

If you spend any time at all in an English-speaking country, or if you watch English films, etc; you’re going to hear swear words.

In this blog post, I’ve got a few guidelines about swearing, plus some common expressions about it.

Types of swear words

Different languages have different types of words which can be used as swear words. For example, Italian swear words tend to be blasphemous (insulting religion) while Dutch swear words tend to be about terrible illnesses.

English swear words are generally about bodily functions and sex. Some English swear words – especially the least offensive – have religious origins. These could be words like “Blimey!” (to show surprise) or the adjective “bloody”, as in “Bloody hell!” which shows surprise or anger.

Should you ever swear?

Research shows that people swear in many different situations. Most of the time, we swear when we are frustrated, angry or surprised. (But we also swear to show a positive emotional response to something.) We also swear when we’re in physical pain. Apparently it can make it less painful.

But before you swear, you need to know if it’s appropriate for the situation you’re in, and the people you’re with.

As a general rule:

1. Swearing is less acceptable in ‘mixed’ company
It’s somehow less rude if men swear when they are with men, and women swear when they’re with other women. (This is especially true for stronger swear words.)

2. Swearing is not acceptable in formal company
Don’t swear in formal situations, in front of your boss or people high up in your company, or with people you don’t know.

3. Avoid swearing on social media
You don’t know who will read what you say, and very often, what you say can be misunderstood or misinterpreted. At the worst, you can get banned for “profane” or “abusive” language.

Using alternative words

You often hear words starting with the same letter as the swear word. These words are particularly used by women. Here are some common ones in English:

“Oh sugar! I’ve forgotten my umbrella.”

“Oh fiddlesticks! I’m supposed to be at the meeting now.”

Freaking (to replace “effing”)
“He’s so freaking jealous!”

How to talk about swearing

Here are some things you can say – and things you might hear – in the context of swearing.

“Scuse my French” / “Scuse the French”
You can say this if you use a (generally) mild swear word like “Bloody”:
For example: “Oh bloody hell. Oops, ‘scuse my French.”

effing and blinding = using lots of swear words
“The man in the post office was effing and blinding about something or other.”

(drop) the F-bomb = use the swear word beginning with “f”
The “F-word” is rude and can offend. If you use it in the wrong situation or with the wrong people, it can have an effect like a bomb.
“He dropped the F-bomb in the middle of his presentation.”

swear like a sailor / swear like a trooper = swear a lot
“Have you heard her speak? She swears like a sailor.”

have a potty mouth = have a “dirty” mouth (A “potty” is the bowl we use when we want to toilet-train children.)
“He’s become a bit of a potty mouth recently.”

use foul language / a foul-mouthed tirade = use swear words
“I asked him to move, and I got a foul-mouthed tirade.”

“Safe” swear words

These British English swear words are more or less inoffensive, but all the same, be careful. Don’t use them in front of your boss, a particularly religious person, or an elderly person.

bloody = to show surprise / anger
“Bloody hell! What time do you call this?”
“The bloody shop’s closed!”

bollocks = “rubbish” / when you don’t believe someone
“He’s talking bollocks again.”

bugger = to show irritation
“Oh bugger. I’ve missed my train.”
“Bugger off! I don’t want to talk to you any more!”

damn = when you’re angry with yourself
“Damn! I left my wallet at home.”

God! / Jesus! = to show surprise, anger, frustration or annoyance
(For most native English speakers, these words are not considered blasphemous.)
“God! You can be so annoying at times!”
“Jesus! Is that the best excuse you can find?”

Improve Your English Fluency

If you want to speak English fluently and confidently, join the English Fluency Club! You get regular speaking (in live, small group lessons) AND my two complete fluency programs, with 650+ expressions for everyday English. Click below for all the details.

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