B1 word formation sentences wf004

B1 Word Formation



Use the words in capitals to form a new word that fits into each blank!

1. Please be careful with that painting. It’s extremely ____________________ . (VALUE)

2. When you write to someone you know you can use ____________________ language.


3. I have come to the ____________________ that I must leave my parents’ home and

go somewhere else. (CONCLUDE)

4. In the Victorian Age rich people often had ____________________ to do work for them.


5. I like most subjects, but I don’t like ____________________. (CHEMIST)

6. The performance was __________________. I haven’t seen anything like it before. (BELIEVE)

7. ____________________ between the ground station and the satellite was disrupted.


8. I could tell from the ____________________ on his face that he was very afraid. (EXPRESS)

9. There is no ____________________ that we will ever reach a planet with life on it. (CERTAIN)

10. The ____________________ was able to escape even though the building was highly secure.


11. The Prime Minister called a general ____________________ because he was quite certain

his party could win it. (ELECT)

12. The new store offers a wide variety of sportswear at ____________________ prices.


13. ____________________ from all over the world have come to Canada to see the

new discovery. (SCIENCE)

14. The match was ____________________. I haven’t seen one like that for years. (FASCINATE)

15. The company came and ____________________ our phone because we didn’t pay our bill.


16. The best man gave an excellent ____________________ at his friend’s wedding. (SPEAK)

17. We will only achieve real ___________________ when women get the same pay as men.


18. The man was still ___________________ and breathing when the rescuers found him. (LIVE)

19. The countries at the meeting couldn’t reach an ____________________ on climate change.


20. In most countries it is ____________________ to grow and sell marijuana. (LEGAL)

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Word Formation
Use the words in capitals to form a new word that fits into each blank!
1. Please be careful with that painting. It’s extremely ____________________ . (VALUE)
2. When you write to someone you know you can use ____________________ language.
3. I have come to the ____________________ that I must leave my parents’ home and
go somewhere else. (CONCLUDE)
4. In the Victorian Age rich people often had ____________________ to do work for them.
5. I like most subjects, but I don’t like ____________________. (CHEMIST)
6. The performance was __________________. I haven’t seen anything like it before. (BELIEVE)
7. ____________________ between the ground station and the satellite was disrupted.
8. I could tell from the ____________________ on his face that he was very afraid. (EXPRESS)
9. There is no ____________________ that we will ever reach a planet with life on it. (CERTAIN)
10. The ____________________ was able to escape even though the building was highly secure.
11. The Prime Minister called a general ____________________ because he was quite certain
his party could win it. (ELECT)
12. The new store …
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Use the words in capitals to form a new word that fits into each blank!

1. Please be careful with that painting. Its extremely ____________________ . (VALUE)

2. When you write to someone you know you can use ____________________ language.


3. I have come to the ____________________ that I must leave my parents home and go

somewhere else. (CONCLUDE)

4. In the Victorian Age rich people often had ____________________ to do work for them.


5. I like most subjects, but I dont like ____________________. (CHEMIST)

6. The performance was __________________. I havent seen anything like it before. (BELIEVE)

7. ____________________ between the ground station and the satellite was disrupted.


8. I could tell from the ____________________ on his face that he was very afraid. (EXPRESS)

9. There is no ____________________ that we will ever reach a planet with life on it. (CERTAIN)

10. The ____________________ was able to escape even though the building was highly secure.


11. The Prime Minister called a general ____________________ because he was quite certain his

party could win it. (ELECT)

12. The new store offers a wide variety of sportswear at ____________________ prices.


13. ____________________ from all over the world have come to Canada to see the new

discovery. (SCIENCE)

14. The match was ____________________. I havent seen one like that for years. (FASCINATE)

15. The company came and ____________________ our phone because we didn’t pay our bill.


16. The best man gave an excellent ____________________ at his friends wedding. (SPEAK)

17. We will only achieve real ___________________ when women get the same pay as men.


18. The man was still ___________________ and breathing when the rescuers found him. (LIVE)

19. The countries at the meeting couldnt reach an ____________________ on climate change.


20. In most countries it is ____________________ to grow and sell marijuana. (LEGAL)

Word formation 1 with ansers

1. _________________ people are not always the happiest. (WEALTH)

2. There was an _________________ line of cars waiting to cross the border. (END)

3. He runs a _________________ restaurant near the beach. (FASHION)

4. The new cars are equipped with very _________________ engines. (POWER)

5. It was at a very early age that she decided to become a _________________. (MUSIC)

6. She deserved the _________________ she was given by the headmistress. (PUNISH)

7. The refugees got _________________ from the local police force. (PROTECT)

8. _________________, a number of people died in the accident. (FORTUNATE)

9. It was very _________________ at the disco, so we decided to go somewhere else. (NOISE)

10.We _________________ eat out. In most cases we get some takeaway food. (RARE)

11.There are thousands of _________________ people in the large cities of the

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B1 Word Formation Sentences WF014 
Use the words in capitals to form a new word that fits into each blank! 
1. _________________ people are not always the happiest. (WEALTH) 
2. There was an _________________ line of cars waiting to cross the border. (END) 
3. He runs a _________________ restaurant near the beach. (FASHION) 
4. The new cars are equipped with very _________________ engines. (POWER) 
5. It was at a very early age that she decided to become a _________________. (MUSIC) 
6. She deserved the _________________ she was given by the headmistress. (PUNISH) 
7. The refugees got _________________ from the local police force. (PROTECT) 
8. _________________, a number of people died in the accident. (FORTUNATE) 
9. It was very _________________ at the disco, so we decided to go somewhere else. (NOISE) 
10. We _________________ eat out. In most cases we get some takeaway food. (RARE) 
11. There are thousands of _________________ people in the large cities of the world. (HOME) 
12. Use your _________________ and think of something that will work. (IMAGINE) 
13. If you accept this job you will have an enormous _________________ towards your 
colleagues. (RESPONSIBLE) 
14. The test was _________________ easy. We were finished in no time. (SURPRISE) 
15. The pupils thought they were treated _________________ by the teacher and wrote a 
protest letter to the headmaster. (FAIR) 
16. She didn't give us any information that turned out to be very _________________. (USE) 
17. The politician's _________________ did not come to the event. (SUPPORT) 
18. It was _________________ to see anything in the thick fog. (POSSIBLE) 
19. There are _________________ methods of succeeding. (VARY) 
20. The train was very _________________, and we had to stand. (CROWD) 
21. He took a lot of _________________ with him because it would be a long expedition. 
22. I _________________ eating alone. I always have to have someone to talk to. (LIKE) 
23. The student council provided financial and _______________ help for new students. 
24. The newspaper is delivered to my doorstep _____________ at 5 in the morning. (REGULAR) 
25. The drive up to the mountains ended with a _________________ view of the sea. (FANTASY) 
1. Wealthy people are not always the happiest. (WEALTH) 
2. There was an endless line of cars waiting to cross the border. (END) 
3. He runs a fashionable restaurant near the beach. (FASHION) 
4. The new cars are equipped with very powerful engines. (POWER) 
5. It was at a very early age that she decided to become a musician. (MUSIC) 
6. She deserved the punishment she was given by the headmistress. (PUNISH) 
7. The refugees got protection from the local police force. (PROTECT) 
8. Unfortunately, a number of people died in the accident. (FORTUNATE) 
9. It was very noisy at the disco, so we decided to go somewhere else. (NOISE) 
10. We rarely eat out. In most cases we get some takeaway food. (RARE) 
11. There are thousands of homeless people in the large cities of the world. (HOME) 
12. Use your imagination and think of something that will work. (IMAGINE) 
13. If you accept this job you will have an enormous responsibility towards your 
colleagues. (RESPONSIBLE) 
14. The test was surprisingly easy. We were finished in no time. (SURPRISE) 
15. The pupils thought they were treated unfairly by the teacher and wrote a protest letter 
to the headmaster. (FAIR) 
16. She didn't give us any information that turned out to be very useful. (USE) 
17. The politician's supporters did not come to the event. (SUPPORT) 
18. It was impossible to see anything in the thick fog. (POSSIBLE) 
19. There are various methods of succeeding. (VARY) 
20. The train was very crowded, and we had to stand. (CROWD) 
21. He took a lot of equipment with him because it would be a long expedition. (EQUIP) 
22. I dislike eating alone. I always have to have someone to talk to. (LIKE) 
23. The student council provided financial and practical help for new students. (PRACTICE) 
24. The newspaper is delivered to my doorstep regularly at 5 in the morning. (REGULAR) 
25. The drive up to the mountains ended with a fantastic view of the sea. (FANTASY) 

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  • WF011 — Word Formation — · PDF fileenglish-grammar.at WF011 WORD FORMATION Use the words in…

english-grammar.at WF011 WORD FORMATION Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into the gap. 1. How long is the __________________ from Rome to Paris ? (FLY) 2. I have a very good __________________ with both my parents (RELATION) 3. Pulling my front tooth didn’t hurt. – It was completely __________________ (PAIN). 4. I can tell from your __________________ that you’re not really happy (EXPRESS) 5. We offer free __________________ for purchases over € 100 (DELIVER). 6. James hasn’t had a lot of __________________ lately, so I hope he’ll do well with his new company (SUCCEED) 7. It is __________________ colder today that it was yesterday (CERTAIN). 8. What __________________ is he ? Spanish or Portuguese ? (NATION) 9. You have the __________________ . – You can either go by bus or walk (CHOOSE). 10. My best friend has a great __________________ . (PERSON). 11. You need a lot of __________________ to write a good story (IMAGINE) 12. The lesson was __________________ . I almost fell asleep. (BORE) 13. Don’t be so __________________ . This is the second vase you have broken this month (CARE). 14. It’s simply __________________ . I have won the lottery . (BELIEVE) 15. I have to hold a __________________ at my brother’s wedding (SPEAK) 16. There’s a lot of __________________ about that on the internet (INFORM) 17. The children were very __________________ when the teacher came in (NOISE). 18. The film was a bit __________________ . I didn’t really understand what happened (CONFUSE) 19. He has to wear these gloves for __________________ reasons (SAFE) 20. Sally was __________________ for two years before she found a new job (EMPLOY) 21. In India, there are a lot of __________________ in the streets (BEG). 22. When I gave up smoking I started putting on more __________________ (WEIGH). 23. I had no __________________ in finding the right street . (DIFFICULT) 24. He talked about __________________ and peace in our world (FREE) 25. __________________ , I was invited to watch the new film (LUCKY) 26. The __________________ of our rainforests is a serious problem (DESTROY) 27. Animals in a zoo don’t live in their __________________ environment (NATURE) 28. __________________ does not have anything to do with how much money you have (HAPPY) 29. Thank you for being so __________________ yesterday (HELP) 30. He has been a long- __________________ runner for a few years now (DISTANT) 31. Don’t you think it’s too __________________ for you to go sailing in such weather (DANGER) 32. This is my last __________________ . – Don’t walk across the lawn ! (WARN) 33. He gave me some good __________________ on where to go shopping (ADVISE) 34. If you want to complain about the product, please go to the __________________ (MANAGE). 35. The new flat is not __________________ . It’s too expensive (AFFORD) 36. John is six years old. He’s very __________________ and full of life (ACT) 37. My mother spent her __________________ in France (CHILD) 38. I have made a few __________________ to your article (CORRECT) 39. Every child should get a good __________________ (EDUCATE). 40. Listen carefully to the __________________ before you go out ! (INSTRUCT)

WF011 — Word Formation — · PDF fileenglish-grammar.at WF011 WORD FORMATION Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into the gap. 1. How long is the _____ from Rome

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Text of WF011 — Word Formation — · PDF fileenglish-grammar.at WF011 WORD FORMATION Use the words in…

  • english-grammar.at


    Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into the gap.

    1. How long is the __________________ from Rome to Paris ? (FLY)

    2. I have a very good __________________ with both my parents (RELATION)

    3. Pulling my front tooth didnt hurt. It was completely __________________ (PAIN).

    4. I can tell from your __________________ that youre not really happy (EXPRESS)

    5. We offer free __________________ for purchases over 100 (DELIVER).

    6. James hasnt had a lot of __________________ lately, so I hope hell do well with his new company


    7. It is __________________ colder today that it was yesterday (CERTAIN).

    8. What __________________ is he ? Spanish or Portuguese ? (NATION)

    9. You have the __________________ . You can either go by bus or walk (CHOOSE).

    10. My best friend has a great __________________ . (PERSON).

    11. You need a lot of __________________ to write a good story (IMAGINE)

    12. The lesson was __________________ . I almost fell asleep. (BORE)

    13. Dont be so __________________ . This is the second vase you have broken this month (CARE).

    14. Its simply __________________ . I have won the lottery . (BELIEVE)

    15. I have to hold a __________________ at my brothers wedding (SPEAK)

    16. Theres a lot of __________________ about that on the internet (INFORM)

    17. The children were very __________________ when the teacher came in (NOISE).

    18. The film was a bit __________________ . I didnt really understand what happened (CONFUSE)

    19. He has to wear these gloves for __________________ reasons (SAFE)

    20. Sally was __________________ for two years before she found a new job (EMPLOY)

    21. In India, there are a lot of __________________ in the streets (BEG).

    22. When I gave up smoking I started putting on more __________________ (WEIGH).

    23. I had no __________________ in finding the right street . (DIFFICULT)

    24. He talked about __________________ and peace in our world (FREE)

    25. __________________ , I was invited to watch the new film (LUCKY)

    26. The __________________ of our rainforests is a serious problem (DESTROY)

    27. Animals in a zoo dont live in their __________________ environment (NATURE)

    28. __________________ does not have anything to do with how much money you have (HAPPY)

    29. Thank you for being so __________________ yesterday (HELP)

    30. He has been a long- __________________ runner for a few years now (DISTANT)

    31. Dont you think its too __________________ for you to go sailing in such weather (DANGER)

    32. This is my last __________________ . Dont walk across the lawn ! (WARN)

    33. He gave me some good __________________ on where to go shopping (ADVISE)

    34. If you want to complain about the product, please go to the __________________ (MANAGE).

    35. The new flat is not __________________ . Its too expensive (AFFORD)

    36. John is six years old. Hes very __________________ and full of life (ACT)

    37. My mother spent her __________________ in France (CHILD)

    38. I have made a few __________________ to your article (CORRECT)

    39. Every child should get a good __________________ (EDUCATE).

    40. Listen carefully to the __________________ before you go out ! (INSTRUCT)

  • english-grammar.at


    1. How long is the FLIGHT from Rome to Paris ? (FLY)

    2. I have a very good RELATIONSHIP with both my parents (RELATION)

    3. Pulling my front tooth didnt hurt. It was completely PAINLESS (PAIN).

    4. I can tell from your EXPRESSION that youre not really happy (EXPRESS)

    5. We offer free DELIVERY for purchases over 100 (DELIVER).

    6. James hasnt had a lot of SUCCESS lately, so I hope hell do well with his new company (SUCCEED)

    7. It is CERTAINLY colder today that it was yesterday (CERTAIN).

    8. What NATIONALITY is he ? Spanish or Portuguese ? (NATION)

    9. You have the CHOICE . You can either go by bus or walk (CHOOSE).

    10. My best friend has a great PERSONALITY . (PERSON).

    11. You need a lot of IMAGINATION to write a good story (IMAGINE)

    12. The lesson was BORING . I almost fell asleep. (BORE)

    13. Dont be so CARELESS . This is the second vase you have broken this month (CARE).

    14. Its simply UNBELIEVABLE . I have won the lottery . (BELIEVE)

    15. I have to hold a SPEECH at my brothers wedding (SPEAK)

    16. Theres a lot of INFORMATION about that on the internet (INFORM)

    17. The children were very NOISY when the teacher came in (NOISE).

    18. The film was a bit CONFUSING . I didnt really understand what happened (CONFUSE)

    19. He has to wear these gloves for SAFETY reasons (SAFE)

    20. Sally was UNEMPLOYED/EMPLOYED for two years before she found a new job (EMPLOY)

    21. In India, there are a lot of BEGGARS in the streets (BEG).

    22. When I gave up smoking I started putting on more WEIGHT (WEIGH).

    23. I had no DIFFICULTY in finding the right street . (DIFFICULT)

    24. He talked about FREEDOM and peace in our world (FREE)

    25. LUCKILY , I was invited to watch the new film (LUCKY)

    26. The DESTRUCTION of our rainforests is a serious problem (DESTROY)

    27. Animals in a zoo dont live in their NATURAL environment (NATURE)

    28. HAPPINESS does not have anything to do with how much money you have (HAPPY)

    29. Thank you for being so HELPFUL yesterday (HELP)

    30. He has been a long- DISTANCE runner for a few years now (DISTANT)

    31. Dont you think its too DANGEROUS for you to go sailing in such weather (DANGER)

    32. This is my last WARNING . Dont walk across the lawn ! (WARN)

    33. He gave me some good ADVICE on where to go shopping (ADVISE)

    34. If you want to complain about the product, please go to the MANAGEMENT /MANAGER (MANAGE).

    35. The new flat is not AFFORDABLE . Its too expensive (AFFORD)

    36. John is six years old. Hes very ACTIVE and full of life (ACT)

    37. My mother spent her CHILDHOOD in France (CHILD)

    38. I have made a few CORRECTIONS to your article (CORRECT)

    39. Every child should get a good EDUCATION (EDUCATE).

    40. Listen carefully to the INSTRUCTIONS before you go out ! (INSTRUCT)

In word formation exercises the learner is given the most basic form of a word, known as “the root” form. You need to change the prefix or suffix to adapt the word into the correct form and make it fit in the 8 gaps in the text so that it makes perfect sense.

The best way to do this exercise is to focus on the word class (type of word: noun, verb, adjective, adverb), grammar (singular or plural, verb tenses, +/-) and spelling. The words must be spelled correctly and if a capital letter is needed, it must be used.

You ought to think of this as a 3 step process:

What type of word do I want? Noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

What grammar is needed? Singular or plural noun, the tense of the verb

Is it affirmative or negative? Which prefix or suffix do I need?

To aid the candidate’s understanding of this part of the exam. we have included a prefix and suffix list, high frequency root words list and also example sentences with answers in the extra resource section.

Key materials in PDF:

Study word formation on our site to improve your understanding of word classes. See the Root Word HERE and our Prefix and Suffix list HERE. We also have example exercises in alphabetical order HERE

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