Awk length of word

In this article, we are going to see how to get string length in Bash scripting.

Here are a few ways from which we can get the length of the string in BASH:

  1. Using the # operator
  2. Using while loop
  3. Using expr command
  4. Using awk command
  5. Using wc command

Using these mentioned tools and commands, we will be able to get the length of a string variable in the BASH script.

Method 1: Using the # operator

#!usr/bin/env bash
str="this is a string"
echo "Length of the string is : $n "

We can use the # operator to get the length of the string in BASH, we need to enclose the variable name enclosed in “{ }” and inside of that, we use the # to get the length of the string variable. Thus, using the “#” operator in BASH, we can get the length of the string variable.

Method 2: Using while loop

In this example. we can use the while loop along with the read command to obtain the length of the string. Firstly we initialize the string to whatever you like, it can be a user input, positional parameter, etc. It’s quite easy to work with the variable, so therefore we create a variable for the string and also initialize the length “n” to 0. Then we start the while loop by reading characters by character using the argument -n1 i.e read just the single character from the entire string. 

For every character in the variable “str” i.e. after every iteration, we increment the length “n” by one. In the while loop, we are reading from the string “str” with echo command along with -n argument which restricts to escape of the newline character. Thus at the end of the loop, we have the length of the string in the variable n which can be accessed as per requirements. 

#!usr/bin/env bash

str="this is a string"
while read -n1 character; do
done < <(echo -n "$str")
echo "Length of the string is : $n "

Method 3: Using expr command

#!usr/bin/env bash

str="Test String@#$"
n=`expr "$str" : '.*'`
echo "Length of the string is : $n "

In this example, we are using the expr command to find the length of the string in BASH. The expr command takes the first argument as the string variable and then the comparison operator “:” that counts the number of common characters in the string and the next string provided after the “:” operator.  For calculating the length of the string, we parse the previous string. For that “.*” is the regex that gets 0 or more characters of the previously provided token. Even parsing the string instead of “.*” will work

n=`expr "$str" : "$str"`

Here we have used the backticks(“` `“) but even using the $( ) there is no such advantage of using the former over the latter. Both serve the same purpose but the $( ) nests very effective than the backticks. 

#!usr/bin/env bash

str="Test String@#$"
n=`expr length "$str"`
echo "Length of the string is : $n "

We can even use the built-in function in expr command “length” that gets the length of the string as a parameter just after the function. The length command as the name suggests gives us the length of the provided string or any variable. 

Remember for every code snippet following this one, you can use the $( ) instead of backticks(` `). 

n=$(expr length "$str")

Method 4: Using awk command

#!usr/bin/env bash

str="this is a string"
n=`echo $str | awk '{print length}'`
echo "Length of the string is : $n "

We can even use the awk command to get the length of the string. We use the function length which is built-in awk along with print that prints the value and thus stores the length of the string after piping (“|“) with the echo command. 

In the expression, echo $str | awk ‘{print length}’ we echo the string variable “str” and then redirect (pipe) the output of it to the awk command. In the awk command, we print the output of the length function, which takes the str variable and stores it in the variable “n“.

Method 5: Using wc command

#!usr/bin/env bash

str="this is a string"
n=`echo -n "$str"|wc -c`
echo "Length of the string is : $n "

In this demonstration, we have used the wc command to get the length of the string. Inside of this command, “echo -n “$str” | wc -c” the echo command is given an argument -n which doesn’t escape the new line character. Next, the output of the echo command is redirected (piped) to the wc command which again is given the argument -c which counts the number of bytes in the provided variable, we can even use -m which also precisely counts the number of characters.   

echo -n "$str" | wc -m

I would like to divide a line by word and then give for each the length and the position in the line.

for word in $line 
    start=`awk -v a="$Logline" -v b="$word" 'BEGIN{print index(a,b)}'` 
    count=`echo $word|wc -m` 
    echo $word : $start : $count

So let’s suppose:

line = ‘This is a test to test’

I would Obtain :

This : 0 : 4

is : 5 : 2

a : 8 : 1

test : 10 : 4

to : 15 : 2

test : 18 : 4

With this solution, the problem appears when two words are identical. Someone has an idea of how to do this?

asked Mar 21, 2014 at 22:57

musecz's user avatar


7777 silver badges17 bronze badges


May be you are trying to do this:

$ cat file
Hi my name is jaypal
i am a software software test engineer
scripting in awk awk awk is my hobby
$ awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)printf "Line=%d Length=%d Word=%sn",NR,length($i),$i}' file
Line=1 Length=2 Word=Hi
Line=1 Length=2 Word=my
Line=1 Length=4 Word=name
Line=1 Length=2 Word=is
Line=1 Length=6 Word=jaypal
Line=2 Length=1 Word=i
Line=2 Length=2 Word=am
Line=2 Length=1 Word=a
Line=2 Length=8 Word=software
Line=2 Length=8 Word=software
Line=2 Length=4 Word=test
Line=2 Length=8 Word=engineer
Line=3 Length=9 Word=scripting
Line=3 Length=2 Word=in
Line=3 Length=3 Word=awk
Line=3 Length=3 Word=awk
Line=3 Length=3 Word=awk
Line=3 Length=2 Word=is
Line=3 Length=2 Word=my
Line=3 Length=5 Word=hobby

answered Mar 22, 2014 at 1:58

jaypal singh's user avatar

jaypal singhjaypal singh

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$ cat file
This is a test to test
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN{ OFS=" : " }
    start = 0
    while ( match($0,/[^ ]+/) ) {
        start = start + RSTART - 1
        print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH), start, RLENGTH
        $0 = substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
        start = start + RLENGTH
$ awk -f tst.awk file
This : 0 : 4
is : 5 : 2
a : 8 : 1
test : 10 : 4
to : 15 : 2
test : 18 : 4

answered Mar 22, 2014 at 13:56

Ed Morton's user avatar

Ed MortonEd Morton

184k17 gold badges76 silver badges183 bronze badges


If you have only one space between words, you could do:

$>echo "this test is a test" | sed 's/ / n/g'| awk 'BEGIN{i=0}{print $1, ":", i, length($1);i+=length($0)}'
this : 0 4
test : 5 4
is : 10 2
a : 13 1
test : 15 4

answered Mar 21, 2014 at 23:22

fredtantini's user avatar


15.7k8 gold badges49 silver badges55 bronze badges


for word in $line
    length=`expr length "$word"`
    echo "$word : $pos : $length"
    pos=`expr $pos + 1`

answered Mar 21, 2014 at 23:19

nettux's user avatar


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I have 100 million rows in my file.

Each row has only one column.



I would like to list the character count

Like this

2 character words - 3
5 character words - 1
7 character words - 1


Is there any easy way to do this in terminal?

ctrl-alt-delor's user avatar

asked Oct 8, 2017 at 15:38

Giri's user avatar


$ awk '{ print length }' file | sort -n | uniq -c | awk '{ printf("%d character words: %dn", $2, $1) }'
2 character words: 3
5 character words: 1
7 character words: 1

The first awk filter will just print the length of each line in the file called file. I’m assuming that this file contains one word per line.

The sort -n (sort the lines from the output of awk numerically in ascending order) and uniq -c (count the number of times each line occurs consecutively) will then create the following output from that for the given data:

   3 2
   1 5
   1 7

This is then parsed by the second awk script which interprets each line as «X number of lines having Y characters» and produces the wanted output.

The alternative solution is to do it all in awk and keeping counts of lengths in an array. It’s a tradeoff between efficiency, readability/ease of understanding (and therefore maintainability) which solution is the «best».

Alternative solution:

$ awk '{ len[length]++ } END { for (i in len) printf("%d character words: %dn", i, len[i]) }' file
2 character words: 3
5 character words: 1
7 character words: 1

answered Oct 8, 2017 at 15:43

Kusalananda's user avatar


312k35 gold badges614 silver badges909 bronze badges


Another way to do it all with awk alone

$ awk '{words[length()]++} END{for(k in words)print k " character words - " words[k]}' ip.txt 
2 character words - 3
5 character words - 1
7 character words - 1
  • words[length()]++ use length of input line as key to save count
  • END{for(k in words)print k " character words - " words[k]} after all lines are processed, print contents of array in desired format

Performance comparison, numbers selected are best of two runs

$ wc words.txt
 71813  71813 655873 words.txt
$ perl -0777 -ne 'print $_ x 1000' words.txt > long_file.txt
$ du -h --apparent-size long_file.txt
626M    long_file.txt

$ time awk '{words[length()]++} END{for(k in words)print k " character words - " words[k]}' long_file.txt > t1

real    0m20.632s
user    0m20.464s
sys     0m0.108s

$ time perl -lne '$h{length($_)}++ }{ for $n (sort keys %h) {print "$n character words - $h{$n}"}' long_file.txt > t2

real    0m19.749s
user    0m19.640s
sys     0m0.108s

$ time awk '{ print length }' long_file.txt | sort -n | uniq -c | awk '{ printf("%d character words - %dn", $2, $1) }' > t3

real    1m23.294s
user    1m24.952s
sys     0m1.980s

$ diff -s <(sort t1) <(sort t2)
Files /dev/fd/63 and /dev/fd/62 are identical
$ diff -s <(sort t1) <(sort t3)
Files /dev/fd/63 and /dev/fd/62 are identical

If file has only ASCII characters,

$ time LC_ALL=C awk '{words[length()]++} END{for(k in words)print k " character words - " words[k]}' long_file.txt > t1

real    0m15.651s
user    0m15.496s
sys     0m0.120s

Not sure why time for perl didn’t change much, probably encoding has to be set some other way

answered Oct 8, 2017 at 15:59

Sundeep's user avatar


11.4k2 gold badges25 silver badges55 bronze badges


Here’s a perl equivalent (with — optional — sort):

$ perl -lne '
    $h{length($_)}++ }{ for $n (sort keys %h) {print "$n character words - $h{$n}"}
' file
2 character words - 3
5 character words - 1
7 character words - 1

answered Oct 8, 2017 at 16:50

steeldriver's user avatar


76.5k11 gold badges104 silver badges145 bronze badges


An alternative one call to GNU awk, using printf:

$ awk 'BEGIN { PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@ind_str_asc"}
           for(i in c){printf("%s character words - %sn",i,c[i])}
          }' infile
2 character words - 3
5 character words - 1
7 character words - 1

The core algorithm just collects character counts in an array.
The end part prints the collected counts formatted with printf.

Fast, simple, one single call to awk.

To be precise: some more memory is used to keep the array.
But no sort is called (numeric arrays indexes are set to be always traversed sorted upward with PROCINFO), and only one external program: awk, instead of several.

Jeff Schaller's user avatar

Jeff Schaller

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answered Oct 8, 2017 at 17:55



Returns the number of characters of the given String


  • If a number is given instead a String, the result will be the length of the String representing the given number. I.e. If we execute length(12345) the result will be the same as length("12345"), that is 5

  • If no value is given, the result will be the length of the actual row being processed, that is length($0)

  • It can be used inside a pattern or inside code-blocks.


Here are a few examples demonstrating how length()works

$ cat file

Inside a pattern

Filter all lines with a length bigger than 4 characters

$ awk ' length($0) > 4 ' file

Inside a code block

Will print the size of the current line

$ awk '{ print length($0) }' file

With no data given

Will print the size of the current line

$ awk '{ print length }' file

Will print the size of the current line

$ awk '{ print length() }' file

Number given instead of String

Will print the size of the String representing the number

$ awk '{ print length(12345) }' file

Fixed String given

Will print the size of the String

$ awk '{ print length("12345") }' file

AWK has the following built-in String functions −

asort(arr [, d [, how] ])

This function sorts the contents of arr using GAWK’s normal rules for comparing values, and replaces the indexes of the sorted values arr with sequential integers starting with 1.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   arr[0] = "Three"
   arr[1] = "One"
   arr[2] = "Two"
   print "Array elements before sorting:"
   for (i in arr) {
      print arr[i]
   print "Array elements after sorting:"
   for (i in arr) {
      print arr[i]

On executing this code, you get the following result −


Array elements before sorting:
Array elements after sorting:

asorti(arr [, d [, how] ])

The behavior of this function is the same as that of asort(), except that the array indexes are used for sorting.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   arr["Two"] = 1
   arr["One"] = 2
   arr["Three"] = 3
   print "Array indices after sorting:"
   for (i in arr) {
      print arr[i]

On executing this code, you get the following result −


Array indices after sorting:

gsub(regex, sub, string)

gsub stands for global substitution. It replaces every occurrence of regex with the given string (sub). The third parameter is optional. If it is omitted, then $0 is used.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   str = "Hello, World"
   print "String before replacement = " str
   gsub("World", "Jerry", str)
   print "String after replacement = " str

On executing this code, you get the following result −


String before replacement = Hello, World
String after replacement = Hello, Jerry

index(str, sub)

It checks whether sub is a substring of str or not. On success, it returns the position where sub starts; otherwise it returns 0. The first character of str is at position 1.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   str = "One Two Three"
   subs = "Two"
   ret = index(str, subs)
   printf "Substring "%s" found at %d location.n", subs, ret

On executing this code, you get the following result −


Substring "Two" found at 5 location.


It returns the length of a string.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   str = "Hello, World !!!"
   print "Length = ", length(str)

On executing this code, you get the following result −

Length = 16

match(str, regex)

It returns the index of the first longest match of regex in string str. It returns 0 if no match found.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   str = "One Two Three"
   subs = "Two"
   ret = match(str, subs)
   printf "Substring "%s" found at %d location.n", subs, ret

On executing this code, you get the following result −


Substring "Two" found at 5 location

split(str, arr, regex)

This function splits the string str into fields by regular expression regex and the fields are loaded into the array arr. If regex is omitted, then FS is used.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   str = "One,Two,Three,Four"
   split(str, arr, ",")
   print "Array contains following values"
   for (i in arr) {
      print arr[i]

On executing this code, you get the following result −


Array contains following values

printf(format, expr-list)

This function returns a string constructed from expr-list according to format.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   param = 1024.0
   result = sqrt(param)
   printf "sqrt(%f) = %fn", param, result

On executing this code, you get the following result −


sqrt(1024.000000) = 32.000000


This function examines str and return its numeric value. If str begins with a leading 0, it is treated as an octal number. If str begins with a leading 0x or 0X, it is taken as a hexadecimal number. Otherwise, assume it is a decimal number.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   print "Decimal num = " strtonum("123")
   print "Octal num = " strtonum("0123")
   print "Hexadecimal num = " strtonum("0x123")

On executing this code, you get the following result −


Decimal num = 123
Octal num = 83
Hexadecimal num = 291

sub(regex, sub, string)

This function performs a single substitution. It replaces the first occurrence of the regex pattern with the given string (sub). The third parameter is optional. If it is omitted, $0 is used.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   str = "Hello, World"
   print "String before replacement = " str
   sub("World", "Jerry", str)
   print "String after replacement = " str

On executing this code, you get the following result −


String before replacement = Hello, World
String after replacement = Hello, Jerry

substr(str, start, l)

This function returns the substring of string str, starting at index start of length l. If length is omitted, the suffix of str starting at index start is returned.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   str = "Hello, World !!!"
   subs = substr(str, 1, 5)

   print "Substring = " subs

On executing this code, you get the following result −


Substring = Hello


This function returns a copy of string str with all upper-case characters converted to lower-case.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   str = "HELLO, WORLD !!!"
   print "Lowercase string = " tolower(str)

On executing this code, you get the following result −


Lowercase string = hello, world !!!


This function returns a copy of string str with all lower-case characters converted to upper case.


[jerry]$ awk 'BEGIN {
   str = "hello, world !!!"
   print "Uppercase string = " toupper(str)

On executing this code, you get the following result −


Uppercase string = HELLO, WORLD !!!


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