Attacks against someone s reputation through the written or spoken word

The tort of defamation covers attacks against someone's reputation thr перевод - The tort of defamation covers attacks against someone's reputation thr русский как сказать

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The tort of defamation covers attacks against someone’s reputation through the written or spoken word.
Vicarious liability (liability on behalf of someone else) is an important concept in the law of torts. It gives the right to sue the employer of a person who commits a tort in the normal course of his employment. The concept is useful when high damages are sought and the defendant does not have the money to pay them.
Not every wrong committed in the society is remediable in tort. The plaintiff has to show that he has suffered an action recognized as a tortious one and he has to show that his relation to the tortfeaser (committer of a tort) gives him the legal capacity to sue.
Some torts are known as statutory torts. The breach of duty that must be proved is defined in a statute. For example, injury suffered because of defective equipment may lead to a negligence action regulated by the 1969 Employers Liability Act.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Деликт о диффамации охватывает нападения на чьей репутации путем письменного или устного слова. Субститутивная ответственность (от имени кого-то другого) является важной концепцией в законе деликты. Это дает право на иск работодателя лица, которое совершает деликт в нормальный ход его работы. Концепция является полезной, когда испрашиваются высокие убытки и ответчик не имеет денег, чтобы заплатить им.Не всякое зло, совершенное в обществе remediable в деликта. Истец должен показать, что он стал жертвой действий, признается в качестве деликта один и он должен показать, что его отношение к tortfeaser (коммиттер деликта) дает ему правоспособность предъявлять иски.Некоторые деликты называются статутных деликты. Нарушение обязательства, которое должно быть доказано, определяется в Статуте. Например увечья из-за вышедшего из строя оборудования может привести к небрежности действия, регулируемые законом ответственности работодателей 1969 года.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


деликтного диффамации охватывает нападения на чьей — то репутации в письменной или устной.субститутивная ответственность (ответственность, от имени кого — то еще) является важной концепции в деликтного права.это дает право подать в суд на работодателя, лицо, совершившее деликт в обычной своей занятости.концепция полезно, когда большой ущерб запрашиваются, и обвиняемый не было денег.не все ошибки, совершенные в обществе remediable из деликта.истец должен доказать, что он понес действий признается в качестве гражданского правонарушения, и он должен показать, что его связи с tortfeaser (субъект из деликта) дает ему правовые возможности подать в суд.некоторые правонарушения известны как статутные правонарушения.нарушения обязательств, которые должны быть доказаны определяется в уставе.например, вреда, причиненного вследствие некачественного оборудования может привести к халатности действий регламентируются 1969 года, закон об ответственности работодателей.

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against a person’s reputation through the written or spoken word



award of an amount of money to the injured party in an amount
equivalent to the financial value of his injury



non-contractual injury in which the person who caused it intended
to cause injury



a form
of defamation that describes the publication of false or malicious
statements or pictures that cause injury to another person



injure caused by lack of care or failure to act, in contrast to an
intentional tort



liability to the public of a manufacturer or trader for selling a
faulty product




designed to punish the breaching party for conduct found to be
reprehensible, e.g. fraud



a form
of defamation that describes the use of spoken words to harm a
person’s reputation


liability tort

liability is imposed for damages caused regardless of fault or
intent. That means that the victim does not need to prove
negligence. Strict liability is common in cases regarding
defectively manufactured goods.



wrongful act that results in an injury, other than breach of
contract, for which the court will give damages



who commits a tort



invasion of the person, property or rights of another

Additional texts torts and crimes

non-lawyers are unfamiliar
the word tort,
they are likely to be very familiar
the concepts involved. Whenever one person
to sue
there is a good chance their
involves a tort. The word tort,
derives from
French word meaning an ‘injury’ or ‘injustice’, ultimately
from Latin torquere
(= to twist), which
also led to
related words distort
/ contort / extort and

two main objectives of tort law are to provide relief
for the loss

or harm suffered and deter others from committing the same civil

good example of a tort would be a car accident. If
driver accidentally drives into the back of my car, he
probably committed
the tort

of negligent

private property.
may attempt to recover money (damages)
him (or his insurer) to pay for repairs
my car. He may also have committed a crime, such
speeding, in which case the police may become involved, and the state
may prosecute and punish him.
even if he was driving legally, the fact that he drove into my car
suggests he was not paying attention and was
while the same event may be both a
crime and a tort
many torts are less serious than crimes. The standard
of proof

degree of certainty needed to decide a particular case) is higher in
criminal cases.
most tort cases, the standard of proof is fairly low: the
preponderance of the evidence

which explanation is most likely, given the evidence). In some cases,
there is a higher standard of proof:
and convincing proof.

most demanding standard of proof
beyond reasonable doubt
required for criminal convictions.

a crime, the state may prosecute the offender. If the offender is
found guilty, he may be fined or imprisoned. After a tort, it is the
victim who sues
the wrongdoer
has committed the tort). If the wrongdoer is found
may have to pay
the victim.

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Of course not every wrong committed in society is remediable in tort; the plaintiff has to show that he has suffered an action recognised as a tortious one, and he must show that his relation to the tortfeasor (committer of the tort) gives him the legal capacity to sue. Nevertheless, the law of tort covers a wide area of wrong doings. For example, the tort of nuisance covers many situations where even though no property is taken or trespassed upon, your enjoyment of land is interfered with, for example, by a neighbour who creates too much noise or whose rubbish causes unpleasant smells. The tort of defamation covers attacks against someone’s reputation through the written or spoken word. The tort of negligence has particularly wide application. Some torts are known as statutory torts — the kind of breach of duty which must be proved is defined in a statute.

The requirements of proof differ for each tort. Sometimes it is necessary to show a degree of carelessness, as in the tort of negligence. In others, a defendant may be liable even if he was not at fault, such as the strict liability tort where an animal you keep on your land manages to escape and cause damage. In some torts it is necessary for the plaintiff to show that he has suffered actual damage or injury, such as the tort of nuisance, whereas in others no harm need be shown. For example, in the tort of false imprisonment, it is enough to show that you have been detained against your will, even if it was for a short time, no force or threats were used, and you were not harmed or inconvenienced. Under the concept of vicarious liability (liability on behalf of someone else) it may be possible to sue the employer or a person who commits a tort in the normal course of his employment. This may be useful if high damages are being sought, since a defendant cannot be forced to pay more money than he has.

Some duties of care have been long recognized by the law and do not require much proof, for example, the duty of a doctor to exercise a high degree of care in treating his patient. But other duties depend upon the situation and must be proven. For example, what duty does a passer-by owe to the victim of a road accident when he tries to give emergency aid? In English law a general principle has been developed that we owe a duty to people closely affected by our actions to avoid causing harm which we could reasonably have foreseen.

Using this principle, a large body of case law has been created to clarify the duty of care in different areas of life. In developing case law, the courts have also been guided by common sense and public policy. One aim is to allow people to get just compensation for harm suffered without letting them forget their own responsibility to take care of themselves. Another is to discourage a big increase in the number of civil actions because of the amount of time the courts would need to deal with this.

1. What two elements should be present so that a legal liability can be imposed?

2. What are the main intentional torts?

3. What is known by the tort of negligence? What are its main elements?

4. What defenses to negligence do you know? Explain each.

5. Why is the number of cases of negligence rising every year?

6. When is the principle of strict liability applied? Give your examples.

7. What is product liability? Why was it difficult to prove? Has the situation changed today?

8. Explain the doctrine of respondeat superior. Why is it important for businessmen to be aware of it?

1. Give your reasons why torts are often easier to prove than crimes.

2. Name and briefly describe torts that most affect businesses. Give examples.

3. Find the English equivalents in the textsm use them and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. (Существенное различие между гражданскими правонарушениями и преступлениями) is that the former are the subject of civil law disputes between private individuals, and the latter are prosecuted by the state.

2. As for all civil actions (требуемая степень убедительности доказательств) is lower than in criminal prosecutions.

3. In general (почти каждый может искать и отвечать в суде) in tort — a child, someone who is mentally sick, even someone who has died.

4. Under the concept of vicarious liability (возможно подать иск против нанимателя) if a person who commits a tort in the normal course of his employment.

5. Nevertheless, the law of tort (охватывает широкий спектр правонарушений).

6. (Некоторые правонарушения известны как статутные) — the kind of breach of duty which must be proved is defined in a statute.

7. In contract, the aim of damages (состоит в том, чтобы поставить истца) in the position that he would have been in it if the contract had been. performed.

8. (В некоторых случаях гражданских правонарушений истцу необходимо) to show that he has suffered actual damage or injury.

9. (Число исков о халатности) is increasing all over the world, as is the amount of damages.

10. If the tortfeasor’s acts are notoriously wilful and malicious, a court may impose (убытки, присуждаемые в порядке наказания).

11. (Когда-то дела имели исковую силу только) if personal injury or damage to property could be shown.

12. (Защита ссылкой на вину потерпевшего) involves the failure of the injured party to be careful enough to ensure personal safety.

13. Businesspeople must be especially aware of tort law because of the (доктрина “пусть принципал отвечает”).

4. Translate the following text into English.

Термин “деликт” означает правонарушение; в широком смысле слова — антиобщественное деяние, причиняющее вред обществу и караемое по закону. Правонарушения подразделяются на: гражданские (причинение вреда личности, имуществу гражданина или организации), административные (например, нарушения правил дорожного движения), дисциплинарные проступки (прогул) и т.д. За правонарушения законом предусматривается соответственно гражданская, административная, дисциплинарная и уголовная ответственность. Согласно классификации, действующей сегодня в Великобритании, Австралии и некоторых других станах, правонарушения делятся на преступления и гражданские правонарушения, а преступления, в свою очередь, делятся на более серьезные (преследуемые по обвинительному акту) и менее серьезные (преследуемые в порядке суммарного производства).

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Проверочная работа по теме «Деликтное право»
Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски словами и выражениями активной лексики.

1. If somebody damages your car while parking you can sue him in the tort of … .

2. Liability on behalf of someone else is called … liability.

3. Attacks against someone’s reputation through the written and spoken word are covered by the tort of … .

4. The tort of negligence covers … .

5. The injured party in a criminal action is the … .

6. The injured party in a civil action is called …. .

7. The person charged with committing a tort or a crime is called …. .

8. A tort resembles a crime, but …, …, and damages are different.

9. In a tortious action a plaintiff is entitled to … to compensate him for his … .

10. The convicted defendant in a criminal action either … or … .

11. Crimes usually involve … .

12. An unreasonable interference with a person’s use or enjoyment of land is covered by the tort of …

13. A committer of a tort is a … .

14. Statutory torts are those where the breach of duty is defined in a … .

15. Vicarious liability is useful when … are sought.

16. A wrongful act committed by an individual against another individual’s person, property or reputation is called a … .

17. Torts help those who are not in … .

18. If you enter someone’s land without the owner’s permission you may be sued in the tort of … .
Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя активную лексику.

1. Он громко включал музыку по ночам, и соседи возбудили против него дело по деликту нарушения покоя.

2. Они имеют право на возмещение убытков. Компания отвечает за своего работника, если он совершает деликт в рабочее время и не может заплатить убытки по нему. Компания должна заплатить за него.

3. Пострадавшая сторона не может получить убытки в уголовном преследовании. Для получения убытков она должна возбудить гражданское дело.

4. Статутные деликты определены в статутах.

5. Он имеет право подать иск по деликту небрежности.
6. Каждый год тысячи людей становятся жертвами автодорожных происшествий.

7. Если стороны не могут достичь соглашения, они обращаются в суд.

8. Деликты помогают людям, которые не находятся в договорных отношениях.

9. Не всякое совершенное правонарушение имеет средства судебной защиты по деликту.

10. Основной целью деликтного права является возмещение пострадавшей стороне ущерба, который она понесла.
Упражнение 3. Закончите определения для следующих терминов на английском языке, используя местоимения who(m), which, that там, где это необходимо.

1. Истец — это лицо, которое …

2. Ответчик — это лицо, которое …

3. Пострадавшая сторона — это лицо, которое …

4. Правонарушитель / делинквент – это лицо, которое …

5. Ответственность за действия третьих лиц – это ответственность, которая …

6. Денежная компенсация – это деньги, которые …

7. Ответственность по деликту основана на обязательстве, которое …



Of course not every wrong committed in the society is remediable in tort;

the plaintiff has to show that he has suffered an action recognized as a tortious

one, and he must show that his relation to the tortfeaser (committer of the tort)

gives him the legal capacity to sue. Nevertheless, the law of tort covers a wide

area of wrongdoings which may help those not in a contractual relationship. The

tort of nuisance covers many situations where even though no property is taken

or trespassed upon, your enjoyment of land is interfered with, for example, by a

neighbor who creates too much noise or whose rubbish causes unpleasant

smells. The tort of defamation covers attacks against someone’s reputation

through the written or spoken word. The tort of negligence has particularly wide

application. Some torts are known as statutory torts the kind of breach of duty

which must be proved is defined in a statute. For example, injury suffered

because of defective factory equipment may lead to a negligence action

regulated by the 1969 Employers Liability Act.


When creating an express private trust, the settlor creates rights and

obligations that may survive his death. Certain conditions must therefore be

made if the trust is to be valid in law. In English law, for example, there must be

certainty that a trust is being created, what the trust property is, and who the

beneficiaries are. When a husband left property to his widow to use «in any way

she thinks best for the benefit of herself and her family,« it was held that there

was no certainty he had intended to create a trust, and so she was free to use the

property as she wanted (Lambe vs Eames, 1871). On the other hand, when a Mr.

Constance opened a bank account in his own name but made arrangements for

his lover to draw money from it, this was certain enough evidence of her rights

as a beneficiary (Paul vs Constance, 1977). When someone’s will declared a

trust over «the bulk (greater part) of my estate it was held there could be no

trust since no one could say how much property should be in the trust (Palmer vs

Simonds, 1854). A trust for the benefit of a firms employees, former employees,

and their relatives was held to be certain enough even though the number of

beneficiaries might be very large (Re. Baden, 1973). One of the judges in this

case suggested that a trust for the benefit of «the residents of London,» would

not be valid, however; although it is certain who the beneficiaries are to be, the

number would be so great the trust could not be administered.

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