At thy word i will

The Divine will settles everything of duty. When we know what our Master would have us to do, there is no longer the slightest question as to what we should do. All we have to do then is to obey. We have nothing to do with considering whether the command is convenient or not, with determining how wise it may be, or with questioning its possibility or impossibility.

When the Master told Peter to launch out into the deep and let down his nets for a catch, the experienced fisherman promptly answered, “At thy word I will.”* (Luke 5:5) He had learned the first lesson in discipleship—prompt, cheerful, unquestioning obedience. According to ordinary fishing rules, nothing would come from obeying this command. Peter reported the problem, yet did not argue. The word of the Master had supreme authority with him. It could not possibly be mistaken. No appeal from it was to be considered for a moment. So Peter said without hesitation, “At thy word I will.”

Peter’s example is to be followed in every case by the Master’s friends. The question of human judgment or opinion is not to be considered when Christ speaks.

The best human wisdom is fallible and may easily be mistaken. Men in authority make mistakes of judgment, which brings harm or loss to those who must follow their direction. On a battlefield a general’s mistake may result in the loss of many lives. Somebody blundered and the six hundred rode into the valley of death. Ofttimes bad advice has wrecked destinies. Even those who love us most truly may err in the counsel they give us, and may lead us into paths which are not good.

In short, many people suffer from the ignorance of those whom they trust as guides. But in Jesus Christ we have a Leader who never errs in wisdom. He never gives wrong advice. He is never mistaken in His decision as to what we ought to do. We are absolutely sure that His commands are both right and wise. Our own opinion and judgment may be against what He bids us to do. It may seem to us, from the human and earthly side, that the course on which He is taking us can lead only to disaster. In such cases, it is an immeasurable comfort to us to know that His biddings are always absolutely infallible. When He bids us to cast our nets in any particular place, we may be perfectly sure that we shall draw them up full.

Many of the things our Master calls us to do or to endure, do not seem to our eyes at the time to be the best things. Much of our life is disappointment. Sorrow comes often with its hot tears, its emptying of the heart, its pain and bitterness. When we set out on any bright, sunny path, we do not know into what experience we shall be led.

Some years ago, a noble young man married a sweet, beautiful girl. They were very happy. Life began for them in a garden of roses. Only three bright years had passed, however, when the young wife broke down in health. She has been an invalid ever since, much of the time unable to leave her room. The burden has been a very heavy one for the husband, requiring continual self-denial and sacrifice, besides the grief and anxiety it has brought.

That was not the life these two dreamed of on their wedding morning. They thought then only of gladness and prosperity. They did not anticipate that sickness and trouble would break into their paradise. But the Master has made no mistake. Even already, to those who have watched their lives and noted the fruit of the suffering in them, it is becoming apparent that love and goodness are written in all the painful lines of the long story. The young man has been growing all the years in strength, in gentleness, in purity of spirit, in self-control, in the peace of God, yes, in all manly qualities. It seemed a strange place to bid him cast his nets—into the deep waters of disappointment—but he is now drawing them full of rich blessing and good.

Here is another story of wedded life. A gentle girl was married to a young man of much promise. But soon the bright promise faded. Their prosperous circumstances were suddenly interrupted, and the accumulation of years, the fruit of hard toil, was gone. Then the husband’s health failed, and times of pinching poverty followed. To earthly sight, the young wife has had little in these years but trial and sorrow.

There are those who would question the wisdom of the Master in leading her into all this experience of pain and suffering. We cannot understand it. We cannot read the divine love in the strange writing, yet we know that the words really must spell love as the angels read them. To infinite Wisdom, the way of sorrow seemed the best way for the adorning, the enriching, the ennobling, and the perfecting of that beautiful life. Sunshine is not all that the fields and gardens need to make them beautiful; they must have clouds and rain as well, or they would be parched and withered. It is so also with human lives. Prosperity and happiness are not the only experiences which bring blessing.

“Is it raining, little flower?

Be glad of rain!

Too much sun would wither thee;

’Twill shine again.

The sky is very black, ’tis true,

But just behind it shines the blue.

“Art thou weary, tender heart?

Be glad of pain!

In sorrow sweetest things will grow,

As flowers in rain.

God watches; and thou wilt have the sun,

When clouds their perfect work have done.”1

We may always say to Christ—whatever His bidding may be, whatever He asks us to do or to suffer, into whatever mystery or trial or pain He may lead us—“At Thy word, I will.” There need never be any smallest exception to this obedience. Though to our narrow, limited vision it seems that only hurt and loss can come to us out of the experience, still we may heed and obey the Voice which calls and commands, knowing that in spite of all seeming ill—there must be blessing and good in the end. We need never question the divine wisdom. Who are we, that we could know better than God what we need, what will bring to us the truest good? God’s will is always perfect—and we may completely, unquestioningly accept it, knowing that the outcome will be blessing.

This makes the way of life very plain and simple. We have only one thing to do—to obey Christ. In whatever way His will is made known to us, whether in His word, through our own consciences, or in His providences, we have but to accept it and do it. It may mean the setting aside of cherished plans, the giving up of things that are dearest to us, a life of pain and suffering, but in any case it is ours to obey without question. We may fix it unalterably in our belief, that there can never be any mistake in our Master’s guidance. Obedience always leads to blessing. It cannot be otherwise, since God is God and His name is Love. Christ cannot fail to keep His smallest word. The universe would fall to wreck if He did. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”* (Matthew 24:35) Someday faith will be made sight, and we shall see that the end of all our Lord’s commands, all His leadings, is good.

“Sometime, when all life’s lessons have been learned,

And sun and stars forevermore have set,

The things which our weak judgments here have spurned,

The things o’er which we grieved with lashes wet,

Will flash before us, out of life’s dark night,

As stars shine most in deeper tints of blue;

And we shall see how all God’s plans are right,

And how what seems reproof was love most true.

“But not today. Then be content, poor heart!

God’s plans like lilies pure and white unfold.

We must not tear the close-shut leaves apart,

Time will reveal the calyxes of gold.

And if, through patient toil, we reach the land

Where tired feet, with sandals loosed, may rest,

When we shall clearly know and understand,

I know that we will say, ‘God knew the best!’ ”2


[May Riley Smith; “Sometime”]



I will do it — я (охотно) сделаю это
I will be obeyed — я заставлю делать по-моему
I will make it do — я обойдусь (этим)
I declare if I will — как бы не так, так я и согласился
I will not buy that — со мной эти штучки не пройдут, я на это не поддамся
I will have him come — я заставлю его прийти, я сделаю так /распоряжусь/, чтобы он пришёл
I will race you home — давай побежим домой наперегонки /кто скорее/
I will come directly — я скоро вернусь
I will dare his anger — меня не страшит его гнев
I will take no denial — отказа я не приму; не вздумайте отказываться

I will take it with me — я возьму это с собой
I will come if you like — если хотите, я приду
I will not /won’t/ do it — я не намерен /не хочу, не желаю/ этого делать
I will help you all I can — я помогу вам всем, чем смогу
I can and I will learn it — я могу выучить это и обязательно /непременно/ выучу
I will not press the point — я не буду настаивать на этом
I will not labour the point — я не буду подробно останавливаться на этом
claw me and I will claw thee — ≅ услуга за услугу; рука руку моет
I will venture to affirm … — беру на себя смелость утверждать …
I will rain bread from heaven — библ. я одождю вам хлеб с неба
I will not take up the matter — я не буду заниматься этим делом
I will venture five shillings — ставлю 5 шиллингов
I will never do the like again — я больше никогда не буду делать таких вещей
I will not take such treatment — я не потерплю такого обращения
vengeance is mine, I will repay — библ. мне отмщение, и аз воздам
I will leave this to your care. — а) оставляю это вам на хранение /на попечение/; б) поручаю это вам, передаю под вашу ответственность
I will contemplate your proposal — я обдумаю ваше предложение
I will see what I can get for it — посмотрим, что я смогу за это получить, посмотрим, что мне за это дадут
I will help you with the luggage — я помогу вам с багажом
I will consult you previous to it — прежде /до этого/ я посоветуюсь с вами

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

я буду

Перевод по словам

will  — воля, желание, завещание, волеизъявление, хотеть, желать, завещать, проявлять волю


I will do it.

Я сделаю это

I will read it.

Я прочитаю это.

I will not buy that.

Я на это не куплюсь.

I will see about it.

Я займусь этим.

I will answer for it.

Я ручаюсь за это. / Я в ответе за это.

I will now summarize.

Теперь я подведу итог.

I will lend you my car

Я одолжу тебе мою машину.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We will not be undersold.  

She will arbitrate the dispute.  

You won’t disown him, will you?  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

by Rev.Charles Bronson

(Jackson, Ms)

Key Verse: Luke 5:1-11


1. Jesus charged His apostles to make disciples of all the nations…

  • Baptizing them upon His authority — Mt 28:18-19
  • Teaching them to observe what He commanded — Mt 28:20

— Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ?

2. The mindset of a disciple was displayed when Jesus called Peter…

  • When Jesus was teaching at the Sea of Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee)- Lk 5:1-3
  • When Jesus called on Peter to let down the net — Lk 5:4-5
  • When Jesus called on Peter to lay down his net — Lk 5:10-11

— Did you notice the mindset of a disciple of Jesus?

We see the mindset of a disciple as we note…



    1. Jesus instructed Peter to let down his net — Lk 5:4

    2. Peter did not think it would do any good — Lk 5:5a

    • They had been fishing all night, they had caught nothing
    • Wouldn’t a fisherman know more about fishing than a carpenter?

    3. Yet Peter said, «Nevertheless at Your word I will led down the net.» — Lk 5:5b

    • Though he did not think it would work
    • Though it defied common sense

    4. The result of doing the Lord’s word — Lk 5:6-8

    • The catch was overwhelming for one net, even for two boats
    • Peter was made aware of his own sinfulness

    — Here we see the mindset of a disciple: «Nevertheless at Your word I will…»


    1. He and his coworkers were astonished at their success — Lk 5:9-10a

    2. Jesus reassured Peter, and then called him and his partners to follow Him — Lk 5:10b-11

    • Though he did not think he could be any good («I am a sinful man, O Lord!»)
    • Though it meant leaving behind a successful business and family
      1) Peter left his wife (for the time being) — cf. Lk 4:38; Lk 18:28; 1Co 9:5
      2) James and John left their father — cf. Mt 4:21-22
    • Yet they left all and followed Him!

    3. The result of doing the Lord’s word

    • The Lord called them to even greater service — cf. Lk 6:13-14
    • They would receive even greater rewards — cf. Lk 22:28-30

    — Such is the mindset of a disciple: «Nevertheless at Your word I will…»

Peter, together with James and John, illustrate the attitude that must characterize a disciple of Jesus: a willingness to do whatever the Lord says, no matter the cost, even when we don’t understand why…



  1. We may not think we can do any good

    1. We might think we are too sinful, but Jesus calls sinners — cf. Lk 5:8,32

    2. Even the rankest of sinners can serve Him — cf. 1Co 6:9-11

  2. We are to follow Him above all (family, work, self)

    1. Jesus must come before family, even self — Lk 14:26; cf. Mt 10:37; Lk 9:23-26

    2. Jesus must come before work as well — Lk 14:16-24

  3. For those willing to follow Him, the rewards are great

    1. In this present time, much more! — Lk 18:28-30a

    2. In the age to come, eternal life! — Lk 18:30b

— Do we have the mindset to become a disciple («Nevertheless at Your word I will»)?

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Another word I will use for it is purpose.

Now you have my word I will find whoever is responsible and make certain that justice is served.

I give you my word I will be a better man.

I give you my word I will return.

The word I will give you to describe the ninth ray is equilibrium.

I give you my word I will not try to escape.

Thanks, you have my word I will help you as I am able.

С благодарностью вспоминаю его слова «буду помогать, чем могу».

I gave my word I will find you and protect you.

The very first word I will teach you is fully versus partially observable.

Прежде всего, я научу вас, в чем различие между полностью наблюдаемым и частично наблюдаемым (observable).

And you have my word I will believe you.

I give you my word I will not detain you more than half an hour.

Я хочу вас предупредить, что мы не сможем задержаться с вами больше, чем на полчаса.

What a (word I will not use here.)

If you say the word I will help you, I said.

«Если ты готов говорить правду, я могу помочь тебе» — сказал я.

You have my word I will do whatever it takes to safeguard Bajor.

And I give you my word I will do everything in my power to find them, but you have to give me something.

И даю вам слово, я сделаю все, что в моих силах, чтобы найти их, но вы должны мне как-то подсказать.

but at your word I will let down the net.

And Simon, answering, said, Master, we were working all night and we took nothing: but at your word I will let down the nets.

Симон ответил Ему: «Наставник, мы трудились всю ночь и ничего не поймали, но если Ты велишь, закину сети».

If you come back to me between now and the first of the month, when your rent is due, and tell me you still intend to move, I give you my word I will accept your decision as final.

Если после этого вы придете ко мне до первого числа следующего месяца, когда вы обычно вносите квартплату, и скажете, что все еще хотите переехать, то даю вам слово, что не стану препятствовать вашему решению.

A word I will say to thee, take my word.

I don’t blame you for being angry, and I give you my word I will not let my affair be an embarrassment to you.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 26. Точных совпадений: 26. Затраченное время: 959 мс


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В этом уроке вы проверите, насколько хорошо вы умеете употреблять условные предложения в английском языке. Этот тест содержит вопросы на все типы условных предложений в английском (нулевое, первого, второго, третьего и смешанного типа).

Если вам требуется больше практики с Conditional Sentences, рекомендую следующие уроки:

  • Упражнения на все типы условных предложений
  • Тест на 0, 1, 2 типы условных предложений 

В каждом вопросе теста только 1 правильный ответ и за каждый правильный ответ вы получите 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов за этот тест — 15.

Выберите правильный ответ:


If I had had a lot of money, I ___________ a house last year.

 would buy

 had bought

 would have bought


If I ___________ too much, I feel terrible.


We will go to the café after you ___________ your homework.


If I lived by the sea, I ___________ swimming every day.

 would went

 will go

 would go


If I were you, I ___________ English when I was at school.

 would study

 would have studied

 had studied


I will not clean the flat unless you ___________ me.


If we ___________ our flight, we would be at home now.

 didn’t miss

 hadn’t missed

 haven’t missed


If she ___________ free today, she would go to an art gallery.


If you come late, you ___________ the presentation.


 will miss

 would miss


When he ___________ to town, we have lunch together.


If you could do anything in the world, what ___________?

 would you do

 will you do

 do you do


She would be very tired if she ___________ work 10 hours a day.

 would have to

 had to

 has to


If he were taller he ___________ playing basketball.

 will start

 would start



If I don’t know the word, I ___________ in the dictionary.

 look it up

 looked it up

 would look it up

15. If you ___________ to be fit, you should exercise more.

 will want

 would want


Изучать далее:

  • Примеры условных предложений с переводом
  • Тест на времена английского языка
  • Упражнения на времена английского языка

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