At the same time definition word



Автоматический перевод

одновременно, в то же время, вместе с тем, заодно, в то же самое время, наряду, тем не менее

Перевод по словам

same  — то же, тот же, та же, так же, то же самое, одинаковый
time  — время, времена, раз, период, приурочить, повременный


Both ends wrote at the same time.

Корреспонденты на обоих концах линии связи написали одновременно.

He felt sticky and chilly at the same time.

Ему было одновременно липко и холодно.

At the same time he set his wooden stump upon my foot.

И в этот момент он наступил мне на ногу своим деревянным протезом.

Kate and I both went to live in Spain at the same time.

Мы с Кейт оба переселились в Испанию в одно и то же время.

The file can be accessed by many users at the same time.

Файл может быть доступен многим пользователям одновременно.

Too many things demanded his attention at the same time.

Слишком много вещей требовали его внимания в одно и то же время.

Kids can have fun and learn about music at the same time.

Дети могут одновременно весело проводить время и учиться музыке.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was excited and at the same time shy.  

At the same time, that party’s role seems to be entirely negative.  

He phones us every Sunday at six, regular as clockwork (=always at the same time).  

I don’t like to mix business with pleasure (=combine business and social activities at the same time).  

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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

time /taɪm/USA pronunciation  
n., adj., v., timed, tim•ing. 

  1. the system in which events follow from one to another;
    the passing of minutes, hours, days, or years:[uncountable]Einstein’s conception of time.
  2. Time a system of measuring the passage of time:[uncountable* sometimes: Time]six o’clock Greenwich Mean Time.
  3. a limited period, as between two events:[countable* often: a + singular]a long time.
  4. a particular period:[countable]Youth is the best time of life.
  5. Often, times. [plural]
    • a period in history, esp. one existing over the same years as (the life of) a famous person: [countable]prehistoric times.[uncountable]in Lincoln’s time.
    • [countable] the current period of months, years, etc., or the period just passed:It’s a sign of the times.
    • [countable] a period identified with reference to its conditions:hard times.

  6. the end of a period, as of one’s life or a pregnancy:[uncountable]His time had come (= He would die shortly). When her time came, she delivered twins.
  7. a period experienced in a particular way:[countable]Have a good time.
  8. a period of work of an employee, or the pay for it:[uncountable]He’s put in his time at the job.
  9. Informal Termsa term of forced duty or imprisonment or jail:[uncountable]had to do time for her crime.
  10. the period necessary for something:[uncountable]The bus takes too much time, so I’ll take a plane.
  11. leisure or spare time:[uncountable]I hope to take some time (= for vacation) in August.
  12. a definite point in time, as indicated by a clock: [uncountable]breakfast time.[countable]at evening times.
  13. a special or agreed-on instant or period:[countable]There is a time for everything.
  14. the particular time when an event is scheduled to take place: [uncountable]Curtain time is at 8.[countable]Departure times have been pushed back.
  15. an indefinite period into the future:[uncountable]Time will tell.
  16. each occasion of a repeated action:[countable]to do something five times.
  17. times, [plural] the number of instances a quantity or factor are taken together:Two goes into six three times.
  18. Music and Dance[uncountable]
    • tempo;
      the speed of movement in a piece of music, or its characteristic meter or rhythm.
    • proper rhythm or tempo:The drummer couldn’t keep time.Seekeep time below.

  19. Military rate of marching, counted by the number of steps taken per minute:[uncountable]double time.

adj. [before a noun]

  1. of or relating to the passage of time.
  2. (of an explosive device) containing a clock so that it will explode at the desired moment:a time bomb.
  3. of or relating to an installment plan of paying:time payments.

v. [+ object]

  1. to measure or record the speed or rate of:The judges timed the race.
  2. to fix how long (something) should be:She timed the test at 15 minutes.
  3. Timeto fix the interval between (actions, etc.):They timed their strokes at six per minute.
  4. Timeto regulate (a train, etc.) as to time.
  5. to choose the moment or occasion for;
    schedule:He timed the attack perfectly.


  1. Idioms against time, in an effort to finish within a limited period:The advertising team was working against time to finish the project.
  2. ahead of one’s time, in advance of others in one’s thinking, etc.:Those ancient astronomers were way ahead of their time.
  3. ahead of time, before the time due;
    early:arrived ahead of time and had to wait.
  4. Idioms at one time:
    • once;
      formerly:At one time she was the chairman of the board.
    • at the same time;
      simultaneously:He was at one time chairman of the board and president of the company.

  5. Idioms at the same time, nevertheless;
    yet:He’s young; at the same time, he’s quite responsible.
  6. Idioms at times, occasionally:The car seems to stall at times.
  7. Idioms behind the times, old-fashioned;
    dated:She complained that her parents were behind the times.
  8. Idioms for the time being, temporarily;
    for the present;
    for a while:For the time being we’ll let you stay on the job.
  9. Idioms from time to time, occasionally;
    at different periods:From time to time she’d let me watch as she painted.
  10. Idioms gain time, to achieve a delay or postponement:He tried to gain time by putting off the signing of the papers.
  11. Idioms in good time:
    • in advance of the appointed time;
      punctually:We arrived there in good time.
    • at the best or appropriate time:«When can we open the presents?» —»All in good time.»

  12. Idioms in no time, in a very brief time:In no time she was at the door, ready to go.
  13. Idioms in time:
    • early enough:Come in time for dinner.
    • in the future;
      eventually:In time he’ll understand.
    • in the correct rhythm or tempo:The drummer isn’t in time.

  14. Idioms keep time:
    • to record time, as a watch does:Does your watch keep good time?
    • to mark or observe the correct tempo, as by performing rhythmic movements.

  15. Idioms kill time, to occupy oneself with some activity to make time pass more quickly:killed time by watching TV.
  16. Idioms make time, to move or travel quickly:We made very good time on the highway.
  17. Idioms mark time:
    • to slow one’s progress for a while;
      fail to advance:The company was just marking time, but its competitors were forging ahead.
    • Militaryto move the feet as in marching, but without advancing or moving forward.

  18. Idioms on one’s own time, during one’s free time;
    while not being paid.
  19. Idioms on time:
    • at the specified time:For once the train was on time.
    • to be paid for within a designated period of time, as in installments.

  20. Idioms take one’s time, to act without hurry.
  21. Idioms the time of one’s life, a very enjoyable experience:We had the time of our lives at the seashore.
  22. Idioms time after time, again and again;
    repeatedly:Time after time he’d try to get over the wall.
  23. Idioms time and (time) again, repeatedly;

tim•er, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(tīm),USA pronunciation n., adj., v., timed, tim•ing. 

  1. the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future;
    indefinite and continuous duration regarded as that in which events succeed one another.
  2. duration regarded as belonging to the present life as distinct from the life to come or from eternity;
    finite duration.
  3. Time(sometimes cap.) a system or method of measuring or reckoning the passage of time:mean time;apparent time;Greenwich Time.
  4. a limited period or interval, as between two successive events:a long time.
  5. a particular period considered as distinct from other periods:Youth is the best time of life.
  6. Often, times. 
    • a period in the history of the world, or contemporary with the life or activities of a notable person:prehistoric times; in Lincoln’s time.
    • the period or era now or previously present:a sign of the times; How times have changed!
    • a period considered with reference to its events or prevailing conditions, tendencies, ideas, etc.:hard times; a time of war.

  7. a prescribed or allotted period, as of one’s life, for payment of a debt, etc.
  8. the end of a prescribed or allotted period, as of one’s life or a pregnancy:His time had come, but there was no one left to mourn over him. When her time came, her husband accompanied her to the delivery room.
  9. a period with reference to personal experience of a specified kind:to have a good time; a hot time in the old town tonight.
  10. a period of work of an employee, or the pay for it;
    working hours or days or an hourly or daily pay rate.
  11. Informal Termsa term of enforced duty or imprisonment:to serve time in the army; do time in prison.
  12. the period necessary for or occupied by something:The time of the baseball game was two hours and two minutes. The bus takes too much time, so I’ll take a plane.
  13. leisure time;
    sufficient or spare time:to have time for a vacation; I have no time to stop now.
  14. a particular or definite point in time, as indicated by a clock:What time is it?
  15. a particular part of a year, day, etc.;
    season or period:It’s time for lunch.
  16. an appointed, fit, due, or proper instant or period:a time for sowing;the time when the sun crosses the meridian;There is a time for everything.
  17. the particular point in time when an event is scheduled to take place:train time; curtain time.
  18. an indefinite, frequently prolonged period or duration in the future:Time will tell if what we have done here today was right.
  19. the right occasion or opportunity:to watch one’s time.
  20. each occasion of a recurring action or event:to do a thing five times; It’s the pitcher’s time at bat.
  21. times, used as a multiplicative word in phrasal combinations expressing how many instances of a quantity or factor are taken together:Two goes into six three times; five times faster.
  22. Literature[Drama.]one of the three unities. Cf. unity (def. 8).
  23. Poetry[Pros.]a unit or a group of units in the measurement of meter.
  24. Music and Dance
    • tempo;
      relative rapidity of movement.
    • the metrical duration of a note or rest.
    • proper or characteristic tempo.
    • the general movement of a particular kind of musical composition with reference to its rhythm, metrical structure, and tempo.
    • the movement of a dance or the like to music so arranged:waltz time.

  25. Militaryrate of marching, calculated on the number of paces taken per minute:double time; quick time.
  26. Sport[Manège.]each completed action or movement of the horse.
  27. against time, in an effort to finish something within a limited period:We worked against time to get out the newspaper.
  28. ahead of time, before the time due;
    early:The building was completed ahead of time.
  29. at one time:
    • once;
      in a former time:At one time they owned a restaurant.
    • at the same time;
      at once:They all tried to talk at one time.

  30. at the same time, nevertheless;
    yet:I’d like to try it, but at the same time I’m a little afraid.
  31. at times, at intervals;
    occasionally:At times the city becomes intolerable.
  32. beat someone’s time, [Slang.]to compete for or win a person being dated or courted by another;
    prevail over a rival:He accused me, his own brother, of trying to beat his time.
  33. behind the times, old-fashioned;
    dated:These attitudes are behind the times.
  34. for the time being, temporarily;
    for the present:Let’s forget about it for the time being.
  35. from time to time, on occasion;
    at intervals:She comes to see us from time to time.
  36. gain time, to postpone in order to make preparations or gain an advantage;
    delay the outcome of:He hoped to gain time by putting off signing the papers for a few days more.
  37. in good time:
    • at the right time;
      on time;
    • in advance of the right time;
      early:We arrived at the appointed spot in good time.

  38. in no time, in a very brief time;
    almost at once:Working together, they cleaned the entire house in no time.
  39. in time:
    • early enough:to come in time for dinner.
    • in the future;
      eventually:In time he’ll see what is right.
    • in the correct rhythm or tempo:There would always be at least one child who couldn’t play in time with the music.

  40. keep time:
    • to record time, as a watch or clock does.
    • to mark or observe the tempo.
    • to perform rhythmic movements in unison.

  41. kill time, to occupy oneself with some activity to make time pass quickly:While I was waiting, I killed time counting the cars on the freight trains.
  42. make time:
    • to move quickly, esp. in an attempt to recover lost time.
    • to travel at a particular speed.

  43. make time with, [Slang.]to pursue or take as a sexual partner.
  44. many a time, again and again;
    frequently:Many a time they didn’t have enough to eat and went to bed hungry.
  45. mark time:
    • to suspend progress temporarily, as to await developments;
      fail to advance.
    • Militaryto move the feet alternately as in marching, but without advancing.

  46. on one’s own time, during one’s free time;
    without payment:He worked out more efficient production methods on his own time.
  47. on time:
    • at the specified time;
    • to be paid for within a designated period of time, as in installments:Many people are never out of debt because they buy everything on time.

  48. out of time, not in the proper rhythm:His singing was out of time with the music.
  49. pass the time of day, to converse briefly with or greet someone:The women would stop in the market to pass the time of day.
  50. take one’s time, to be slow or leisurely;
    dawdle:Speed was important here, but he just took his time.
  51. time after time, again and again;
    often:I’ve told him time after time not to slam the door.
  52. time and time again, repeatedly;
    often:Time and time again I warned her to stop smoking.Also, time and again. 
  53. time of life, (one’s) age:At your time of life you must be careful not to overdo things.
  54. time of one’s life, [Informal.]an extremely enjoyable experience:They had the time of their lives on their trip to Europe.


  1. of, pertaining to, or showing the passage of time.
  2. (of an explosive device) containing a clock so that it will detonate at the desired moment:a time bomb.
  3. Business[Com.]payable at a stated period of time after presentment:time drafts or notes.
  4. of or pertaining to purchases on the installment plan, or with payment postponed.


  1. to measure or record the speed, duration, or rate of:to time a race.
  2. to fix the duration of:The proctor timed the test at 15 minutes.
  3. Timeto fix the interval between (actions, events, etc.):They timed their strokes at six per minute.
  4. Timeto regulate (a train, clock, etc.) as to time.
  5. to appoint or choose the moment or occasion for;
    schedule:He timed the attack perfectly.


  1. to keep time;
    sound or move in unison.
  • bef. 900; (noun, nominal) Middle English; Old English tīma; cognate with Old Norse tīmi; (verb, verbal) Middle English timen to arrange a time, derivative of the noun, nominal; akin to tide1

    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged term, spell, span.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged epoch, era.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

time /taɪm/ n

  1. the continuous passage of existence in which events pass from a state of potentiality in the future, through the present, to a state of finality in the past
  2. a quantity measuring duration, usually with reference to a periodic process such as the rotation of the earth or the vibration of electromagnetic radiation emitted from certain atoms. In classical mechanics, time is absolute in the sense that the time of an event is independent of the observer. According to the theory of relativity it depends on the observer’s frame of reference. Time is considered as a fourth coordinate required, along with three spatial coordinates, to specify an event
    See space-time
  3. a specific point on this continuum expressed in terms of hours and minutes: the time is four o’clock
  4. a system of reckoning for expressing time: Greenwich mean time
  5. a definite and measurable portion of this continuum
  6. (as modifier): time limit
  7. an accepted period such as a day, season, etc
  8. (in combination): springtime
  9. an unspecified interval; a while
  10. (often plural) a period or point marked by specific attributes or events: the Victorian times, time for breakfast
  11. a sufficient interval or period: have you got time to help me?
  12. an instance or occasion: I called you three times
  13. an occasion or period of specified quality: have a good time, a miserable time
  14. the duration of human existence
  15. the heyday of human life: in her time she was a great star
  16. a suitable period or moment: it’s time I told you
  17. the expected interval in which something is done
  18. a particularly important moment, esp childbirth or death: her time had come
  19. (plural) indicating a degree or amount calculated by multiplication with the number specified: ten times three is thirty, he earns four times as much as me
  20. (often plural) the fashions, thought, etc, of the present age (esp in the phrases ahead of one’s time, behind the times)
  21. Brit
  22. informal a term in jail (esp in the phrase do time)
  23. a customary or full period of work
  24. the rate of pay for this period
  25. Also (esp US): metre the system of combining beats or pulses in music into successive groupings by which the rhythm of the music is established
  26. a specific system having a specific number of beats in each grouping or bar: duple time
  27. short for time value
  28. against timein an effort to complete something in a limited period
  29. ahead of timebefore the deadline
  30. at one timeonce; formerly
  31. simultaneously
  32. at the same timesimultaneously
  33. nevertheless; however
  34. at timessometimes
  35. beat time(of a conductor, etc) to indicate the tempo or pulse of a piece of music by waving a baton or a hand, tapping out the beats, etc
  36. for the time beingfor the moment; temporarily
  37. from time to timeat intervals; occasionally
  38. have no time forto have no patience with; not tolerate
  39. in good timeearly
  40. quickly
  41. in no timevery quickly; almost instantaneously
  42. in one’s own timeoutside paid working hours
  43. at one’s own rate
  44. in timeearly or at the appointed time
  45. eventually
  46. at a correct metrical or rhythmic pulse
  47. keep timeto observe correctly the accent or rhythmic pulse of a piece of music in relation to tempo
  48. make timeto find an opportunity
  49. (often followed by with) US informal to succeed in seducing
  50. on timeat the expected or scheduled time
  51. US payable in instalments
  52. pass the time of dayto exchange casual greetings (with an acquaintance)
  53. time and againfrequently
  54. time offa period when one is absent from work for a holiday, through sickness, etc
  55. time onAustral an additional period played at the end of a match, to compensate for time lost through injury or (in certain circumstances) to allow the teams to achieve a conclusive result
  56. time out of mindfrom time immemorial
  57. time of one’s lifea memorably enjoyable time
  58. (modifier) operating automatically at or for a set time, for security or convenience: time lock, time switch

vb (transitive)

  1. to ascertain or calculate the duration or speed of
  2. to set a time for
  3. to adjust to keep accurate time
  4. to pick a suitable time for
  5. to control the execution or speed of (an action, esp a shot or stroke) so that it has its full effect at the right moment


  1. the word called out by a publican signalling that it is closing time

Etymology: Old English tīma; related to Old English tīd time, Old Norse tīmi, Alemannic zīme; see tide1

at the same time‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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at the same time — перевод на русский

/æt ðiː seɪm taɪm/

At the same time, I don’t want to get hurt.

В то же время, я не хочу причинить боль.

Studying and drinking at the same time: good decision.

Учиться и в то же время пить — хорошее решение.

We want this people to be peace-loving… but at the same time to be courageous.

Мы хотим чтобы этот народ был миролюбив… но в то же время был отважным.

Naturally, I’m sympathetic, but at the same time…

Естественно, я сочуствую, но в то же время…

I know that isn’t clear, but I saw you here, and at the same time further away, then still further away;

Я знаю, это непонятно, но я видел тебя здесь и в то же время дальше,..

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All that at the same time?

И это все одновременно?

You know I don’t like to be critical, Dancer, but… you know, it doesn’t look quite right when you and your partner… and your prima donna and your best customer… all go out at the same time.

Ты знаешь, я не люблю делать замечания, Дэнсер, но знаешь, как-то не очень хорошо получается когда ты и твой партнер и твоя примадонна и твой лучший клиент — все выходят отсюда одновременно.

It would have been the same thing if we’d both met her at the same time.

То же самое произошло, если бы мы познакомились с ней одновременно.

I’m wiggling both my ears at the same time.

Шевелю ушами одновременно.

Well, just as you say I can’t very well represent you and be against you at the same time.

Как вы заметили я не могу одновременно представлять вас и быть вашим противником.

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— All at same time?

Всех вместе?

Wasn’t it made at the same time as the others, Duchess?

— Разве ее не создали вместе с остальными?

Margherita, they’re here. They’ve all arrived at the same time

Маргарита, они уже здесь, приехали все вместе.

Shouldn’t we be everywhere at the same time?

Разве мы не должны быть везде вместе?

You’d have liked to be dead in her place, or at the same time as her, but it depends only on you that Genevieve stays alive.

Вы бы хотели умереть вместо нее, или вместе с ней, но от вас, Мазе, только от вас зависит, чтобы Женевьева продолжала жить.

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It was just that you tried to do… too many things at the same time.

Только ты пытался делать много дел сразу.

I much prefer seeing all of my face at the same time.

Гораздо приятней видеть сразу всё лицо.

I’d like to have 7 babies at the same time!

Я бы хотела сразу семерых детей!

Three flat tires at the same time?

Спущены сразу три шины?

Couldn’t they all come at the same time and have it over?

А не могут ли они прийти все сразу, Джейкоб? Чтобы уж поскорее с этим покончить?

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I’m looking for a box that says the news, but at the same time you can see and there’s music. Have you seen it?

я ищу коробку, котора€ говорит новости, но в то же врем€ ты можешь видеть, и там музыка. ¬ы видели ее?

It’s very important, especially when you’re down and out on your luck like I was. A buck can be the difference between life and death but, at the same time, money isn’t everything.

ќни очень важны, особенно когда ты на улице и у теб€ чЄрна€ полоса в жизни,… … как это было со мной. ќдин единственный доллар отдел€л жизнь от смерти… … но, в то же врем€, деньги — это не всЄ.

«We want a radical revolution, but at the same time, we want our relatively prosperous lives to go on undisturbed»?

«ћы хотим радикальную революцию, но в то же врем€, мы хотим, чтобы нашу относительно благополучную жизнь ничто не потревожило»?

At the same time, it’s almost like a desk job instead of making music. The music business is left overseas in a way.

» в то же врем€ это становитс€ твоей работой, со своими законами… ћузыкальный бизнес всегда был чем-то чуждым дл€ нас.

I’ve got to say, I can cope with lots of different feelings at once. I can be totally happy yet quite ill at the same time.

ƒолжен сказать, € могу справл€тьс€ одновременно со множеством разных чувств я могу быть очень счастливым, но в то же врем€ чувствовать себ€ достаточно плохо

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Then we beam up from the cargo ship at the same time.

Тогда мы сможем использовать кольца на грузовом корабле, чтобы проникнуть туда в тот же момент.

If he killed himself at the same time as Olivia, he would’ve missed his chance to bask in the limelight.

Если бы он хотел убить себя в тот же момент, что и Оливию, он потерял бы шанс прославиться.

At the same time, we came under heavy contact.

В тот же момент мы попали под ударную волну.

At the same time, I lost contact with my sister.

В тот же момент, я утратила связь со своей сестрой.

At the same time plug the power

В этот момент происходит вспышка.

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At the same time, they can’t bring you home and give you the Navy Cross for impersonating an officer.

С другой стороны, они не могут привезти вас домой и вручить вам крест ВМФ за то, что вы выдавали себя за офицера.

At the same time, when I was young he told my girl cousins I would never be a varsity athlete.

С другой стороны — когда я был молод, он сказал моей двоюродной сестре, что я никогда не стану хорошим спортсменом;

And at the same time, who could pass up a sale, son?

С другой стороны, кто ж мимо распродажи пройдёт, сынок?

But at the same time, he was my dad.

Но с другой стороны, он же мой отец.

I know I should be happy for her, she’s, you know, pursuing her dreams, but at the same time, this is huge for me, and…

Знаю, что должен быть рад за нее, она следует своей мечте, но с другой стороны, это так важно для меня…

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At the same time, I will be the gatekeeper… to protect the house from invasion… by a motley crowd like you.

Заодно буду и сторожем, чтобы защитить дом от вторжения… всякого сброда вроде вас.

How can you love somebody and not like them at the same time? Seems strange.

Как можно любить и заодно испытывать неприязнь

Do not forget, he was with them at the same time.

Не забьlвайте, он с ними заодно.

And maybe at the same time I’ll attempt to master quantum physics, and throw Sanskrit in there, too.

Может, я заодно получу степень магистра по квантовой физике и выучу санскрит.

We get rid of him and discredit him at the same time.

Избавимся от него и очерним заодно.

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It’s fate that you happened to be here at the same time as me.

Это судьба, что ты здесь тогда же, когда и я.

You know, Andrews, when those doctors cut your balls off you should had them pull the stick out of your ass at the same time.

Знаешь, Эндрюс, когда врачи отрезали твои яйца, они должны были тогда же вытащить кол из твоей задницы!

When I bought my house, I got the babies at the same time.

Когда купила дом, тогда же купила и этих младенцев.

I think my childhood pretty much… ended at the same time.

Я думаю, мое детство в общем-то закончилось тогда же.

You cannot demand two things at the same time. You am is virgin and the child is not of you, that is you are not him and the child can be of you.

Либо вы девственница, и тогда ребенок не ваш, либо вы не девственница, и тогда ребенок может быть вашим.

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If I die with you at the same time, I am satisfied.

Я буду рада умереть с тобой в один день.

Two parents die at the same time, only their kids are left, who’s gonna take charge?

Двое родителей умерли в один день, оставив детей сиротами. Кто о них позаботиться?

This is like Christmas And my birthday all at the same time

Да это же как Новый Год и мой день рождения, в один день!

And you won’t have me believe that a Mr Bannister from New York came here for a week-end at the same time as a Mr. Popov from Leningrad and…

И я ни за что на свете не поверю, что мистер Баннистер из Нью-Йорка… и товарищ Попов из Ленинграда приехали сюда в один и тот же день, чтобы провести здесь выходные.

We both got our army call up papers at the same time.

Нас обеих призвали в один и тот же день.

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  • 1
    at the same time

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > at the same time

  • 2
    at the same time

    But at the same time the words of the song are silly it will never become the top of the pop.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > at the same time

  • 3
    at the same time

       тeм нe мeнee, oднaкo, нecмoтpя нa этo, вcё жe

    I was deeply moved. Yet at the same time I took the thing with a grain of salt (J. Murdoch)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > at the same time

  • 4
    at the same time

    Персональный Сократ > at the same time

  • 5
    at the same time

    тем не менее, однако, несмотря на это, всё же

    There is some point in what you say; at the same time we adhere to our own opinion. — В том, что вы говорите, есть доля правды, тем не менее мы придерживаемся своего мнения.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > at the same time

  • 6
    at the same time

    1. в то же время

    2. в то же самое время; одновременно

    Синонимический ряд:

    while (other) as; during; in the act of; in the process of; on the point of; while

    English-Russian base dictionary > at the same time

  • 7
    at the same time

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > at the same time

  • 8
    at the same time

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > at the same time

  • 9
    at the same time

    Англо-русский технический словарь > at the same time

  • 10
    around the same time

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > around the same time

  • 11
    at the same time

    1) Общая лексика: в одно и то же время, в то же время, в то же самое время, в тот же момент, вместе с тем, заодно, зараз, однако, тем не менее, когда , наряду с этим, вместе с этим, при этом

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > at the same time

  • 12
    at the same time

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > at the same time

  • 13
    at the same time

    в то же самое время, наряду, вместе с тем, тем не менее, заодно

    Новый англо-русский словарь > at the same time

  • 14
    at the same time

    English-Russian SQL Server dictionary > at the same time

  • 15
    at the same time

    1) вместе, одновременно

    2) в то же время, вместе с тем, однако

    Англо-русский современный словарь > at the same time

  • 16
    at the same time

    в то́ же вре́мя, вме́сте с тем

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > at the same time

  • 17
    at the same time


    v tom samom vrěmeni · в том самом времени

    Dictionary English-Interslavic > at the same time

  • 18
    [while] at the same time

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > [while] at the same time

  • 19
    pluralism (The holding of two or more benefices at the same time)


    одновременное владение несколькими бенефициями

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > pluralism (The holding of two or more benefices at the same time)

  • 20
    …, and at the same time …

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > …, and at the same time …


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  • 1
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См. также в других словарях:

  • at the same time — {adv. phr.} 1. In the same moment; together. * /The two runners reached the finish line at the same time./ Syn.: AT ONCE, AT ONE TIME. 2. In spite of that fact; even though; however; but; nevertheless. * /John did pass the test; at the same time …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • at the same time — {adv. phr.} 1. In the same moment; together. * /The two runners reached the finish line at the same time./ Syn.: AT ONCE, AT ONE TIME. 2. In spite of that fact; even though; however; but; nevertheless. * /John did pass the test; at the same time …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • at the same time — phrasal nevertheless, yet < slick and at the same time strangely unprofessional Gerald Weaks > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Same Time, Next Year — is an award winning play from 1975, written by Bernard Slade, that was adapted into a Hollywood film in 1978. It was also the basis for a 1994 Hong Kong film, I Will Wait for You (年年有今日), directed by Clifton Ko.PlayInfobox Play name = Same Time,… …   Wikipedia

  • Same Time, Same Place — Infobox Television episode Title=Same Time, Same Place Series=Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season=7 Episode=3 Airdate=October 8 2002 Production=7ABB03 Writer=Jane Espenson Director=James A. Contner Guests=Camden Toy (Gnarl) Anthony S. Johnson… …   Wikipedia

  • The Lilac Time — are a band formed in Herefordshire, England and now based in Cornwall by Stephen Duffy and his brother Nick Duffy in 1986. The name being taken from a line in the Nick Drake song River Man :: Gonna see the River Man Gonna tell him all I can About …   Wikipedia

  • The Song Remains the Same (film) — Infobox Film name = The Song Remains the Same caption = director = Peter Clifton Joe Massot producer = Peter Grant writer = starring = John Bonham John Paul Jones Jimmy Page Robert Plant music = Led Zeppelin cinematography = Ernest Day editing =… …   Wikipedia

  • Open Access Same-Time Information System — The Open Access Same Time Information System (OASIS), is an Internet based system for obtaining services related to electric power transmission in North America. It is the primary means by which high voltage transmission lines are reserved for… …   Wikipedia

  • The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time — infobox Book | name = The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time title orig = translator = author = Mark Haddon cover artist = country = United Kingdom language = English series = genre = Mystery novel publisher = Jonathan Cape release… …   Wikipedia

  • The Name’s the Same — infobox television show name = The Name s the Same caption = format = Game show rating = TV G runtime = 30 minutes with commercials starring = Robert Q. Lewis (host) country = USA network = ABC first aired = December 5, 1951 last aired = October… …   Wikipedia

  • in the same breath — {adv. phr.} 1. At the same time; without waiting. * /John would complain about hard times, and in the same breath boast of his prize winning horses./ * /Jane said Bill was selfish, but in the same breath she said she was sorry to see him leave./… …   Dictionary of American idioms


a    the continuous passage of existence in which events pass from a state of potentiality in the future, through the present, to a state of finality in the past  

b    (as modifier)  
time travel         Related adj     

2      (Physics)   a quantity measuring duration, usually with reference to a periodic process such as the rotation of the earth or the vibration of electromagnetic radiation emitted from certain atoms (see caesium clock, second2 (sense 1)). In classical mechanics, time is absolute in the sense that the time of an event is independent of the observer. According to the theory of relativity it depends on the observer’s frame of reference. Time is considered as a fourth coordinate required, along with three spatial coordinates, to specify an event  
  space-time continuum  

3    a specific point on this continuum expressed in terms of hours and minutes  
the time is four o’clock     

4    a system of reckoning for expressing time  
Greenwich mean time     

a    a definite and measurable portion of this continuum  

b    (as modifier)  
time limit     

a    an accepted period such as a day, season, etc.  

b    (in combination)  

7    an unspecified interval; a while  
I was there for a time     

8    often pl   a period or point marked by specific attributes or events  
the Victorian times, time for breakfast     

9    a sufficient interval or period  
have you got time to help me?     

10    an instance or occasion  
I called you three times     

11    an occasion or period of specified quality  
have a good time, a miserable time     

12    the duration of human existence  

13    the heyday of human life  
in her time she was a great star     

14    a suitable period or moment  
it’s time I told you     

15    the expected interval in which something is done  
the flying time from New York to London was seven hours     

16    a particularly important moment, esp. childbirth or death  
her time had come     

17    pl   indicating a degree or amount calculated by multiplication with the number specified  
ten times three is thirty, he earns four times as much as me     

18    often pl   the fashions, thought, etc., of the present age (esp. in the phrases ahead of one’s time, behind the times)  

19      (Brit)      (in bars, pubs, etc.) short for     
  closing time  

20    Informal   a term in jail (esp. in the phrase do time)  

a    a customary or full period of work  

b    the rate of pay for this period  

22      (Also (esp. U.S.))

a    the system of combining beats or pulses in music into successive groupings by which the rhythm of the music is established  

b    a specific system having a specific number of beats in each grouping or bar  
duple time     

23      (Music)      short for     
  time value  

24      (Prosody)   a unit of duration used in the measurement of poetic metre; mora  

against time   in an effort to complete something in a limited period  

ahead of time   before the deadline  

all in good time   in due course  

all the time   continuously  

beat time   (of a conductor, etc.) to indicate the tempo or pulse of a piece of music by waving a baton or a hand, tapping out the beats, etc.  

before one’s time   prematurely  

for the time being   for the moment; temporarily  

from time to time   at intervals; occasionally  

gain time      See     

have no time for   to have no patience with; not tolerate  

in no time   very quickly; almost instantaneously  

a    outside paid working hours  

a    early or at the appointed time  

c      (Music)   at a correct metrical or rhythmic pulse  

keep time   to observe correctly the accent or rhythmic pulse of a piece of music in relation to tempo  

lose time   (of a timepiece) to operate too slowly  

lose no time   to do something without delay  

b    often foll by: with     (U.S.)  
informal   to succeed in seducing  

in the nick of time   at the last possible moment; at the critical moment  

a    at the expected or scheduled time  

b      (U.S.)   payable in instalments  

pass the time of day   to exchange casual greetings (with an acquaintance)  

50      (Scot)   alternately; turn and turn about  

time and again   frequently  

time off   a period when one is absent from work for a holiday, through sickness, etc.  

time on      the Austral. equivalent of     
  extra time  

time out of mind   from time immemorial  

time of one’s life   a memorably enjoyable time  

56    modifier   operating automatically at or for a set time, for security or convenience  
time lock, time switch     
      vb   tr  

57    to ascertain or calculate the duration or speed of  

59    to adjust to keep accurate time  

60    to pick a suitable time for  

61      (Sport)   to control the execution or speed of (an action, esp. a shot or stroke) so that it has its full effect at the right moment  

62    the word called out by a publican signalling that it is closing time  
     (Old English tima; related to Old English tid time, Old Norse timi, Alemannic zime; see tide1)  

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