Asking too many questions word

Pest is the word I immediately thought of, but it is probably too strong. Pest is defined by as:

  1. an annoying or troublesome person, animal, or thing; nuisance.

  2. an insect or other small animal that harms or destroys garden plants, trees, etc.

  3. a deadly epidemic disease, especially a plague; pestilence

I suspect Defintion #1 was derived from one of the other two, probably #3 —pestilence — but I would need to do the research to be sure.

nuisance is a better word for your situation. From Merriam-Webster

a person, thing, or situation that is annoying or that causes trouble
or problems

Two example sentences from Merriam-Webster:

the new neighbor is threatening to become a nuisance, dropping in on
us several times a day

folding up this map correctly is such a nuisance

Pest is a stronger word than nuisance. I suggest you use nuisance or the phrase suggested by @Rathony «I’m sorry for bothering you again».

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

When I started asking too many questions about what was wrong, he asked me to leave.

Keep a fine balance between asking questions and asking too many questions.

Mothers often make the mistake of asking too many questions.

Student asking too many questions without trying themself

Not asking too many questions, not allowing themselves to feel — moving in small steps.

Be careful when someone is asking too many questions.

If your child is asking too many questions, have patience.

And, they also defame those who start asking too many questions.

Best to just go with it and enjoy Neo’s journey without asking too many questions.

The guy who was corrupting the youth of Athens by asking too many questions.

Another mistake parents make is asking too many questions and becoming overly concerned with what their children are doing every minute of the day.

Другая ошибка родителей — задавать слишком много вопросов и чрезмерно беспокоиться о том, что делают их дети каждую минуту в течение дня.

You can be «exposed» for asking too many questions, for disobeying the unspoken rules, or for disagreeing with authority.

Этому может быть «подвергнут» тот, кто задает слишком много вопросов, не повинуется негласным правилам, или не согласен с действующей властью.

Deacon says that Gould is asking too many questions for someone who is not interested in religion.

Although in our case there may have been another reason: we were, perhaps, asking too many questions about Hainan’s notorious «maritime militia».

Хотя в нашем случае может быть и другая причина — возможно, мы задавали слишком много вопросов о хайнаньском «морском ополчении».

Teenagers can shut down if they feel you are asking too many questions, so make sure you are sharing the details of your day too.

Подростки могут ощутить раздражение, если чувствуют, что вы задаете слишком много вопросов, поэтому убедитесь, что вы тоже делитесь подробностями своего дня.

Listen, a lot of my colleagues, they’ve either been removed or resigned from this project, apparently for asking too many questions about this mission here.

Знаете, многие мои коллеги либо ушли из проекта, либо были уволены, по-видимому, из-за того, что задавали слишком много вопросов.

It’s better to have a «mother,» who doesn’t have enough stars from the sky, chatting out of business and asking too many questions, but she will understand, feed and take a sip.

Лучше уж «мама», которая звезд с неба не хватает, болтает не по делу и задает слишком много вопросов, зато поймет, накормит и приголубит.

I got in trouble in Sunday school for asking too many questions.

«These are mainly Soviet-era doctors who think family members and relatives should not be in intensive care units-that they will prevent them from working by asking too many questions,» says Lida Moniava, deputy director at the Lighthouse, a children’s hospice in Moscow.

«В основном это врачи советского поколения, которые думают, что членов семьи и родственников в реанимации быть не должно — что они будут мешать работать, задавая слишком много вопросов», — говорит Лида Мониава, заместитель директора московского детского хосписа «Дом с маяком».

When Maryann asked what her income had to do with winning a car, she was told that she was asking too many questions, and would no longer be a «finalist» if she didn’t answer.

Когда Мэриэнн спросил, какой у нее доход должен был выиграть автомобиль, ей сказали, что она задает слишком много вопросов и больше не будет «финалистом», если она не ответит.

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 64. Exact: 64. Elapsed time: 110 ms.


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We read about the Picasso being nicked, so we had a copy made to sell to a private collector,

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Мы прочитали о том, что Пикассо похитили, и сделали копию, для продажи частному коллекционеру,

out information that has absolutely nothing to do with the service performed by us.


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При этом мы никогда не задаем лишних вопросов нашим клиентам, не пытаемся выяснить информацию,

которая не имеет совершенно никакого отношения к выполняемой нами услуге.


Papa was right* l ask too many questions he said a soul can get perplexed* l can’t believe what happens next Papa

was right!

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что происходит!

so you can get your meds and be a big hero back in town.

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чтобы получать лекарства и при этом оставаться великим героем в городе.

During their meeting, Bondurant asks too many questions and Jerry realizes that Bondurant is not who he says he is,

beats him to death,

context icon

На встрече Бондурант задает слишком много вопросов о жизни Джерри, и, подозревая, что мужчина не тот, за кого себя выдает, Джерри

забивает Бондуранта до смерти.


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Девочки с удовольствием поддержат беседу, и при этом не будут задавать лишних вопросов и напрягать бытовыми скучными темами.


Results: 30,
Time: 0.0724





ask too many questions — перевод на русский

If they start asking too many questions…

Если они начнут задавать слишком много вопросов…

It’s better if people don’t ask too many questions about me.

Лучше, если ты не станешь задавать слишком много вопросов обо мне.

Don’t tell her anything, she’ll ask too many questions.

Ничего ей не говори. Она будет задавать слишком много вопросов.

He’d ask too many questions.

Он бы начал задавать слишком много вопросов.

You ask too many questions.

Зачем задавать слишком много вопросов?

Показать ещё примеры для «задавать слишком много вопросов»…

If I push too hard or ask too many questions, they might figure me out.

Если я буду давить или задавать много вопросов, они могут раскрыть меня.

Try not to ask too many questions.

Я стараюсь не задавать много вопросов.

So they don’t ask too many questions, and they don’t find out what they shouldn’t, right, right.

Так они не будут задавать много вопросов, и не узнают того, что знать не должны, правильно, правильно.

Itisbettertobediscreetand do not ask too many questions.

Поэтому лучше быть сдержанным. И не задавать много вопросов.

Then you can blend in and look around without anyone asking too many questions and Mama won’t mind, she likes you.

Ты мог бы осмотреться и познакомиться, никто не будет задавать много вопросов,и мама не будет возражать, ты ей нравишься.

Показать ещё примеры для «задавать много вопросов»…

Someone who wouldn’t ask too many questions.

Не станет задавать лишних вопросов.

And you’ve needed a buyer who’s not inclined to ask too many questions.

К тому же, нам нужен покупатель, который не будет задавать лишних вопросов.

For your own safety, it’s best that you don’t ask too many questions.

Для вашей же безопасности, лучше не задавать лишних вопросов.

I do not ask too many questions.

Я не задаю лишних вопросов.

I-I’m just trying to stay alive, and I find it helps not to ask too many questions.

Я просто пытаюсь выжить, поэтому не задаю лишних вопросов.

Показать ещё примеры для «задавать лишних вопросов»…

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Предложения с «asking too many questions»

But by asking Lauran questions , it allowed us to use dialogue to get to a place of true understanding.

Но я задавала Лорен вопросы , что позволило нам перейти к диалогу, который привёл нас к истинному пониманию.

Although virtual reconstructions are primarily the main focus of our project, some people have been asking the question : Can we print them in 3D?

Хотя цифровые реконструкции — основной фокус нашего проекта, некоторые люди спрашивают: можем ли мы их напечатать в 3D?

So we started asking some questions : What if we could reorganize the medical care system?

И мы задались несколькими вопросами : что, если реорганизовать систему здравоохранения?

So the question that you’re all asking yourselves right now is why?

Итак, вопрос , который задаёт сейчас каждый из вас — почему?

Anyone asking questions or offering feedback was unwelcome.

Те, кто задавал вопросы или выдвигал предложения, были неугодны.

And it’s really asking one question : to what end?

Задаётся всего один вопрос : для чего?

And it all begins really with yourself asking this question : What is your longpath?

И всё это начинается с простого вопроса : каков ваш длинный путь?

And so I sat down to evaluate my pricing, evaluate my value, and I did that by asking key value questions .

Тогда я решила оценить стоимость своих услуг, оценить свою ценность, и я сделала это, задав себе ключевые вопросы .

OK, so the second question that you guys should be asking yourselves to spot bad numbers is: Can I see myself in the data?

Хорошо, и второй вопрос , который вы должны задать, определяя неверные цифры: вижу ли я себя в этих данных?

When we engage people across ideological divides, asking questions helps us map the disconnect between our differing points of view.

Когда мы встречаемся с теми, кто стоит по другую сторону идеологического разлома, именно вопросы помогают нам понять нестыковки между нашими точками зрения.

But asking questions serves another purpose.

Но вопросы служат и другой цели.

When my friends on Twitter stopped accusing and started asking questions , I almost automatically mirrored them.

Когда мои друзья в Twitter прекратили обвинять и начали задавать вопросы , я почти на автомате начала отвечать им тем же.

She was asking me to be humble — not to question but to trust God and my elders.

Она просила от меня смирения — не сомневаться, но верить Богу и старшим.

And across campus, there’s truly brilliant scientists asking questions like, How can I make the world a better place?

Во всём научном городке по — настоящему гениальные учёные задаются вопросами вроде: Как я могу сделать мир лучше?

And through these projects, I’m asking questions like, how do we define nature?

Посредством таких проектов я задаю вопросы вроде: что мы считаем природой?

And all of you, as I start asking questions of Yuval, come up with your own questions .

Пока я буду задавать вопросы Ювалу, вы подумайте о том, что бы вы хотели у него спросить.

And here’s a great question from Cameron Taylor on Facebook: At the end of ‘Sapiens,’ you said we should be asking the question , ‘What do we want to want?

Вот хороший вопрос от Кэмерон Тэйлор на Facebook: В конце книги Sapiens вы говорите, что нам нужно задаться вопросом : Чего мы хотим хотеть?

Let me start by asking you all a question .

Вопрос всем присутствующим.

And if worst case scenarios do come to pass, we’ll have to learn to forgive ourselves for not knowing or for not asking the right questions or not finding the right treatment.

И если случится худшее, нам нужно будет научиться прощать самих себя за незнание или за не заданные вовремя вопросы , или за отсутсвие правильного лечения.

And finally, we can lead and lower the stakes for others by sharing what we want to get better at, by asking questions about what we don’t know, by soliciting feedback and by sharing our mistakes and what we’ve learned from them, so that others can feel safe to do the same.

Наконец, мы можем понижать ставки для других, делиться тем, что мы хотим улучшить, задавая вопросы о том, чего не знаем, собирая отзывы, делясь своими ошибками и тем, чему они нас научили, чтобы другие смогли безопасно делать то же самое.

The layout of the quiz is, you have your repeating icons on the left-hand side there, and a map showing you the area we’re asking you questions about on the right-hand side.

Макет теста выглядит так: у вас есть повторяющиеся иконки на левой стороне и карта, показывающая местность, про которую мы задаём вопросы , на правой стороне.

And it’s related to a question that scientists have been asking for almost 100 years, with no answer.

Речь идёт о вопросе , которым учёные задаются почти 100 лет и не получают ответа.

You should be asking me the question , How in the world are we going to test this crazy, science fiction idea, stuck as we are in three dimensions?

Вам следует спросить меня: Каким образом мы проверим эту безумную научно — фантастическую идею, если мы застряли в трёх измерениях?

But someone — maybe she’s in school right now, maybe she’s not even born yet — could eventually guide us to see physics in a completely new way, and to point out that perhaps we’re just asking the wrong questions .

Но кто — то — возможно, сейчас она учится в школе или даже ещё не родилась — сможет в итоге заставить нас по — новому взглянуть на физику и указать, что, возможно, мы просто задаём неправильные вопросы .

Beautiful organizations keep asking questions .

Прекрасные организации задают вопросы .

We’re asking questions to computation that have no single right answers, that are subjective and open-ended and value-laden.

Мы задаём компьютерам вопросы , на которые нет единого правильного ответа: субъективные вопросы , открытые и вопросы оценочного характера.

We’re asking questions like, Who should the company hire?

Мы задавали такие вопросы , как: Кого стоит нанять в компанию?

He is constantly asking many questions often silly ones.

Он постоянно задает много вопросов , часто нелепые.

And please excuse me for asking the question because I know we’ve really bonded over these last few days.

Простите заранее, что приходится спрашивать, потому что мы по — настоящему сблизились за последние дни.

He’s just putting on a show. Making a big point of poking inside all the tents, asking questions .

Устраивает спектакль, изображает важную птицу, заглядывает во все палатки, задает вопросы .

Why the hell is your man asking me all these damn questions , Rush?

Какого черта твой друг задаёт мне все эти дурацкие вопросы , Раш?

A neighboring lad named George Hansen began hanging out near Bill’s place, asking strange questions .

Около дома Билла крутился соседский парнишка по имени Джордж Хансен, задававший странные вопросы .

Knocking at the door and ringing the bell and asking all sorts of foolish questions .

С утра до ночи звонят, стучат и пристают с дурацкими вопросами .

I’m worried he’s going to start asking questions about the source material for your treatments.

Боюсь, что он скоро начнет задавать вопросы насчет исходных материалов для твоего лечения.

This group of lawyers and clients had decided ahead of time that they didn’t want me asking the questions .

Еще заранее адвокаты и клиенты решили, что вопросы буду задавать не я.

Her glum slouch answered his question , even as his white face and rapid breathing finished asking it.

По ее угрюмому лицу он понял ответ прежде, чем закончил фразу.

The newsletters would get a standing ovation at a Klan rally, but you should stop asking me questions about them.

Этот бюллетень сорвет овации на съезде клана, но ты должен перестать спрашивать меня о них.

But was Janos stating a fact, or was he asking himself a question ?

Трудно сказать, констатировал ли Янош это как факт или сам себя спрашивал об этом.

I know you were just asking me a normal question about Dave moving in, and I’m sorry.

Я понимаю, что ты задала обыкновенный вопрос о переезде Дейва, и мне жаль.

Then Stephen Andrews was asking the question that Webster had dreaded.

А затем Стефан Эндрюс задал вопрос , которого Вебстер так опасался.

I’ll be asking you questions , then observing you for truthfulness.

Я буду задавать вам вопросы и проверять правдивость ответов.

This officer walks into my house and starts asking all these intrusive questions .

Офицер пришёл в мой дом и начал задавать все эти назойливые вопросы .

And now Bean understood the question he was really asking.

Только теперь Боб наконец понял, о чем именно спрашивает его Виггин.

I’m just asking the simple questions that any competent CEO could answer.

Я задаю простые вопросы , на которые ответит любой компетентный руководитель.

He’s been contacting government scientists on the Internet, asking questions about our particle accelerator in Berkeley.

Он общался по интернету с одним ученым, спрашивал про ускоритель частиц в Беркли.

The telepath had been reading her mind ever since he’d started asking questions , Ethan realized, and she already knew it.

Этан понял, что телепат читает мысли с той самой минуты, как начал задавать вопросы .

From the questions they’re asking you can tell they think there’s a connection with the spike.

Они задают вопросы , из которых любому ясно, что они подозревают здесь какую — то связь с Клином.

I have in mind taking you out, buying you a bloody steak, plying you with liquor, and asking you a question .

Я задумал угостить тебя бифштексом, напоить ликером и задать тебе вопросик .

She had been curious about this for so long that she could not refrain from asking the point-blank question .

Она так давно сгорала от любопытства, что не удержалась и все же задала этот вопрос .

She began describing everything in sight, then started asking questions .

Сначала она рассказывала обо всем, что видела вокруг, потом стала задавать вопросы .

The question one should be asking is what is an industry magnate doing among diplomats?

Вопрос, который надо задать в первую очередь, в том, что промышленный магнат делает среди дипломатов?

Winslow couldn’t understand why the Englishwoman was asking such foolish questions .

Уинслоу никак не мог понять, почему эта англичанка задает такие глупые вопросы .

The White House chief of staff asking questions is gonna set off all kinds of alarms.

Начальник штата Белого Дома,задающий вопросы это вызовет большие подозрения.

And I was asking questions about why one 28-year-old might have died from a stroke.

И везде я спрашивал, по каким причинам 28 — летний парень может умереть от приступа.

Sooner or later the protector would be asking questions she shouldn’t answer.

Ведь рано или поздно защитница начнет задавать вопросы , на которые ей не следует отвечать.

Just make sure you look at Billy whenever they’re asking you a question .

Только обязательно смотри на Билли всякий раз, когда они будут задавать тебе вопрос .

Valentine assumed at first that Miro was asking a rhetorical question .

Поначалу Валентине показалось, что Миро задал риторический вопрос .

After asking the right questions in the right order, the next step is to evaluate and that requires criteria.

После постановки правильных вопросов в нужном порядке следующим шагом является оценка, и для этого нужны критерии.

Then you turned up in Aberdeen, asking awkward questions .

А затем в Абердин заявились вы и стали задавать неудобные вопросы .

His asking a second time tends towards oppressive questioning .

А он, задает вопрос во второй раз, стараясь подавить тебя дальнейшими вопросами .

I’m typing an email, well my 3rd to the same person, where I’ve been asking one question after another instead of putting all of them in a single email. I’m very much entitled to ask questions and the other person (not a team, an individual) is obligated to answer them. But I just want to be polite this time and say, “I don’t want to be a ____ but there is this other question” or something to that effect. Help?

PS: It is not that I’m asking a question on top of the previous’ response, I just think of a new question to ask in the same context.


Pest is the word I immediately thought of, but it is probably too strong. Pest is defined by as:

  1. an annoying or troublesome person, animal, or thing; nuisance.

  2. an insect or other small animal that harms or destroys garden plants, trees, etc.

  3. a deadly epidemic disease, especially a plague; pestilence

I suspect Defintion #1 was derived from one of the other two, probably #3 –pestilence — but I would need to do the research to be sure.

nuisance is a better word for your situation. From Merriam-Webster

a person, thing, or situation that is annoying or that causes trouble
or problems

Two example sentences from Merriam-Webster:

the new neighbor is threatening to become a nuisance, dropping in on
us several times a day

folding up this map correctly is such a nuisance

Pest is a stronger word than nuisance. I suggest you use nuisance or the phrase suggested by @Rathony “I’m sorry for bothering you again”.

Source : Link , Question Author : Vid L , Answer Author : ab2

When someone asks a lot of questions, it’s usually because they want to understand something fully. It’s mostly a positive character trait, and it would help to know a few words to describe these people. This article will help you with this problem!

What Do You Call Someone Who Asks A Lot Of Questions?

You should check out one of the following words to see which one works best for you:

  • Inquisitive
  • Curious
  • Thorough
  • Analytical
  • Inquiring
  • Investigative
  • Challenging
  • Nosy
  • Snooping
  • Intrusive
  • Busybody

Words For Someone Who Asks A Lot Of Questions

The preferred version is “inquisitive.” It’s a polite and positive way to refer to somebody who loves to ask questions. They will usually do this to broaden their horizons and expand their knowledge about a subject. They might then relay what they have learned to other people.


“Inquisitive” works when we want to show that someone wants to learn about everything they can. That means they are happy to ask questions to whoever is willing to answer them. The more they ask, the more they tend to learn.

The definition of “inquisitive,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people.”

Here are a few examples to help you:

  • You have an inquisitive spirit about you. I really love that you don’t back down from your questions.
  • He asks so many questions that I wish I could ask myself! I’m just not as inquisitive as he is.
  • You’re so inquisitive! That must be why you’re top of the class!


“Curious” works well to show that someone is always interested in learning more information. To get this information, they will ask many questions. If you can ask questions in a sufficient way, you’ll find it’s a great way to gain more understanding about things.

The definition of “curious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “interested in learning about people or things around you.”

Check out these examples to see how to use it:

  • He has a very curious mind. I really respect that he’s not too scared to ask so many questions.
  • Your daughter is very curious. She’s one of our brightest students, and she doesn’t shy away from a question.
  • The amount of questions you ask shows that you have a curious nature. Never lose that!


“Thorough” works when we want to show that someone puts a lot of care into their questions. They will usually word them in ways that will get the best answers from their teachers. This helps thorough people to explore new ideas and opportunities where possible.

The definition of “thorough,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “detailed and careful.”

These examples should help you with it:

  • I’m very thorough. That’s why all of my test papers come back with the top marks. If I didn’t ask questions, I’d be lost!
  • I think you should try to be more thorough with your questions next time! Then you’ll be able to get to the bottom of it.
  • She’s the most thorough student in the class. She’ll always throw her hand up to ask questions whenever she doesn’t get something.


“Analytical” works well to show that someone likes to examine all the potential outcomes. To do this, they will often ask a lot of questions. Each question is designed to get them closer to the truth or to expand their knowledge about something.

The definition of “analytical,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “examining or liking to examine things in detail, in order to discover more about them.”

Check out some of these examples to see it in action:

  • I’m very analytical! Sometimes, people have told me off for it, but I really like to learn!
  • I’m too analytical for my own good! I even manage to annoy myself with some of the questions I come out with!
  • He’s very analytical in the classroom. It’s why so many of the teachers love him!


“Inquiring” is a good way to show that somebody is always keen to learn new things. To do this, they will ask a lot of questions designed to expand their own understanding.

The definition of “inquiring,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “(of someone’s behavior) always wanting to learn new things, or (of someone’s expression) wanting to know something.”

Here are some examples to help you:

  • I have an inquiring mind. That’s why I always ask so many questions.
  • He’s such a sweet, inquiring young man. I love the questions he asks me.
  • You should try and be a little more inquiring. That way, you’ll be more comfortable with your own knowledge!


“Investigative” works well when we want to show that somebody likes to get all the information necessary out of a situation. That usually means they’ll ask a lot of questions to try and “solve” a matter (even if a solution is not possible).

The definition of “investigative,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “intended to examine a situation in order to discover the truth.”

These examples will help you to understand it:

  • He is very investigative. I think he’ll be a great candidate for this job!
  • You have the mind of an investigative person. I love that you always challenge me and ask deep questions.
  • She’s very investigative! If you want any information found out, she’s the one for you!


“Challenging” is a slightly more negative word than the rest. We use it to show that somebody asks too many questions in a difficult manner. Usually, the questions require specific knowledge or are intended to be difficult for people to answer honestly.

The definition of “challenging,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “difficult to deal with or achieve, especially in a way that forces you to prove your skill or determination to succeed.”

These examples should help you to work this one out:

  • He keeps asking me challenging questions. I really don’t know what he expects me to say to him.
  • He’s very challenging! He’ll ask you questions that are designed to get you to think!
  • You mustn’t be so challenging toward your teachers! They’re all there to help you, remember!


“Nosy” is another negative term we can use to talk about someone who is all too happy to ask difficult questions. However, in the case of being “nosy,” most people simply want to find out about awkward private or personal situations that do not concern them.

The definition of “nosy,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “too interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them.”

Check out these examples if you want to see how it works:

  • You’re too nosy for your own good! One of these days, someone is going to tell you off!
  • Stop being nosy and asking these questions! I don’t have time to answer them for you!
  • I don’t like you enough to answer your question. You’re too nosy, and I know you’ll spill the beans!


“Snooping” works well as another negative choice. We can make it work when we want to show that somebody asks far too many private questions. Usually, they want to find out personal things that they have no right knowing, which is why they are not good people.

The definition of “snooping,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to try to find out about other people’s private lives.”

These examples will help you to understand more about it:

  • She’s a snooping, scheming child! I can’t be anywhere near her!
  • I don’t like how many questions you’re asking me! They’re all personal, and you’re snooping!
  • Stop snooping! Nobody wants to answer your questions anymore!


“Intrusive” is another negative choice we can use. It works to show that someone asks a lot of personal questions that are often designed to make someone uncomfortable. While it can happen accidentally, most intrusive people deliberately choose to make others uncomfortable.

The definition of “intrusive,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “affecting someone in a way that annoys them and makes them feel uncomfortable.”

These examples should help you work this one out:

  • Do you have to ask such intrusive questions? The answers really do not concern you.
  • Stop being so intrusive! This is a personal matter and has nothing to do with you!
  • I can’t stand how intrusive she is! She needs to understand that no one is here to be her friend!


“Busybody” is the last negative term we want to go over. It works well when you want to show that somebody asks too many questions. Usually, they do this to try and impress their superiors (like a teacher’s pet). Many of their peers look down at busybodies.

The definition of “busybody,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who is too interested in things that do not involve them.”

These examples should help you make more sense of it:

  • Joanna is a busybody with all those questions! I can’t stand her!
  • Stop asking so many questions for once in your life! You’re too much of a busybody to handle!
  • I can’t stand busybodies that sit in the classroom and keep asking dumb questions!

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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