Asking questions write the question word

Опубликовано 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от skoll2hyj

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    1. Where have you worked as a volunteer?
    2. How has the tornado stopped?
    3. Why have you moved to the country since spring?
    4. What has destroyed the town?
    5. Where have the villagers come from?
    6. What have the volunteers done?

    1. Ответ

      Ответ дан


    2. Ответ

      Ответ дан

      Не за что!

Самые новые вопросы


Математика — 3 года назад

Решите уравнения:
а) 15 4 ∕19 + x + 3 17∕19 = 21 2∕19;
б) 6,7x — 5,21 = 9,54


Информатика — 3 года назад

Помогите решить задачи на паскаль.1)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти произведение всех элементов массива.2)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти сумму четных элементов массива.3)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива.4)
дан массив случайных чисел (количество элементов
вводите с клавиатуры). найти максимальный элемент массива среди элементов,
кратных 3.


География — 3 года назад

Почему япония — лидер по выплавке стали?


Математика — 3 года назад

Чему равно: 1*(умножить)х?     0*х?


Русский язык — 3 года назад

В каком из предложений пропущена одна (только одна!) запятая?1.она снова умолкла, точно некий внутренний голос приказал ей замолчать и посмотрела в зал. 2.и он понял: вот что неожиданно пришло к нему, и теперь останется с ним, и уже никогда его не покинет. 3.и оба мы немножко удовлетворим свое любопытство.4.впрочем, он и сам только еле передвигал ноги, а тело его совсем застыло и было холодное, как камень. 5.по небу потянулись облака, и луна померкла. 


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Как выучить английские вопросительные слова? Нужно делать много упражнений! Я предлагаю несколько упражнений на вопросительные слова в английском языке, которые помогут Вам закрепить тему. Ознакомьтесь также с правилами и таблицами использования вопросительных слов.

Первые из предложенных упражнений на английские вопросительные слова подойдут для детей, которые только начинают изучать английский, далее сложность упражнений возрастает.

Упражнения на вопросительные слова для детей.

Следующие упражнения подойдут для детей – учеников 3 – 4 классов.

Упражнение 1. Match the question words to the answers.

1.      Why?

2.      When?

3.      Where?

4.      How?

5.      How many?

6.      What?

7.      Whose?

8.      How old?

a)      Twelve years old

b)      Chocolates

c)      Because I like them.

d)      Twenty-seven

e)      Quickly

f)       Yesterday

g)      At home.

h)      Michael’s

Упражнение 2. Вставьте вопросительные слова: what, where or when.

  1. _____ does Molly get up? – At 10 o’clock.
  2. _____ does Molly have lunch? – At school.
  3. _____ does Molly read in the morning? – A book.
  4. _____ do Molly’s parents get home? – At 6 o’clock.
  5. _____ does Molly’s family have dinner? – At home.
  6. _____ does Molly do after dinner? – She brushes her teeth.

Упражнение 3. Ask questions with who, what, how, where, when or why

  1. _______ is your name?
  2. _______ do you spell your name?
  3. _______ are you from?
  4. _______ do you live?
  5. _______ old are you?
  6. _______ is your birthday?
  7. _______ tall are you?
  8. _______ kind of films do you like?
  9. _______ is your favorite singer?
  10. _______ is your favorite TV programme?

Упражнение 4. Look at these answers Find one answer for each question word.

1.      What?

2.      Who?

3.      Whose?

4.      How?

5.      Where?

6.      When?

7.      Why?

a)      Today

b)      My friend’s

c)      Diana

d)      A book

e)      At school

f)       Because it’s late

g)      Slowly

 Английские вопросительные слова. Упражнения для 5 класса.

Следующие несколько упражнений на вопросительные слова окажутся полезными ученикам 5 класса.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте вопросительные слова.

Why, what, how, where

  1. ______ is Molly thinking about?
  2. ______ don’t you wear this funny sweater?
  3. ______ does your boyfriend go on Mondays?
  4. ______ didn’t you come to school yesterday?
  5. ______ is Susan wearing?
  6. ______ do you think of Fred?
  7. ______ often does Derek go running?
  8. ______ don’t we go fishing this afternoon?
  9. ______ much are these pants?
  10. ______ tall is Rachel?
  11. ______ are they from?
  12. ______ far is your school from our house?

Упражнение 6. Choose and write.

How old, When, How often, How tall, How many

  1. _____ is your mum’s birthday? – It’s on the 21st of May.
  2. _____ should you eat fruit and vegetables? – Every day
  3. _____ is your dad? – He’s 1m 95cm tall.
  4. _____ is your dad? – He’s 30 years old.
  5. _____ apples do you eat every day? – Two.

Упражнение 7.  Fill in the question words

  1. _____ did your mum make? A cake.
  2. _____ did you decorate the Christmas tree? With ornaments.
  3. _____ do you play jokes?- On April 1st
  4. _____ presents did you get? Five.
  5. _____ do you celebrate New Year? At home.
  6. _____ do you like parties?-Because they’re fun.
  7. _____ were you on your last birthday? Nine.

Упражнение 8.  Вставьте вопросительные слова.

  1. _____ was your holiday like? – It was fantastic!
  2. _____ did you go there? – Last month.
  3. _____ did you go there with? – With my friends.
  4. _____ did you like best in the camp? – The picnics in the woods.
  5. _____ did you like the picnics? –Because they were fun.

Упражнение 9.  Choose and write.

What?  Where?  When?  Who?  Why?

  1. ____ lives at the seaside? – Mary’s grandad
  2. ____he go fishing? – In the morning
  3. ____does he collect shells? – On the beach.
  4. ____did Mary’s grandad find on the beach? – A bottle with a strange message
  5. ____does Mary visit her grandad? – Because she loves him.

Упражнение 10.  Write in how many, where, what, when or how old.

  1. ________is your school number? – Number 96
  2. ________ is your school? – 45 years old.
  3. ________lessons do you have on Friday? – Five.
  4. ________ is your last lesson on Monday? – English.
  5. ________do you play sports games? In the gym.
  6. ________ children are there in your class? -26.

Упражнение 11.  Write in what, where, when, who or why

  1. _______ did Pete do yesterday? – To the amusement park
  2. _______ did he go there? – In the afternoon.
  3. _______ did he go there with? – With Molly.
  4. _______ did he have lunch? –At home.
  5. _______ did he get home? – At 4 o’clock.
  6. _______ did he like best? – He liked the ponies very much.
  7. _______ did he like them? – Because they were fast.

Question words exercises. Более сложные упражнения.

Следующие упражнения на английские вопросительные слова несколько сложнее предыдущих. В любом случае, Вы сможете проверить себя, обратившись к ответам в конце статьи

Упражнение 12. Which question word is used to put the question to the italic type word or expression?

who, how, what, where, when, why, whom, with whom

  1. Jill phoned Amanda.
  2. Jane likes spaghetti so much.
  3. We can start working on Monday.
  4. The last test was the easiest.
  5. Janet met her friend at a party.
  6. Molly doesn’t want to dance with Greg.
  7. Megan’s worried about the test.
  8. We have seen this cartoon five times.
  9. My boyfriend’s family has got a flat on the seventy-fifth floor.
  10. It isn’t hot in England in the winter.
  11. Ann’s cousins are going to the concert tonight.
  12. Jannat was upset because she wasn’t invited to the concert.
  13. I’d like to listen to the radio.
  14. They went on an excursion by train.
  15. Molly borrowed money from my sisters.

Упражнение 13. Fill in.

 What / What’s

  1. ________ Sally doing?
  2. ________are Greg’s hobbies?
  3. ________your phone number?
  4. ________do you think of Molly’s new dress?
  5. ________in the news today?
  6. ________does Janet’s sister look like?
  7. ________Nickolas playing with?
  8. ________silver used for?
  9. ________the man in black doing?

Упражнение 14. Ask questions with what, who or which.

  1. _______ kind of books do you like?
  2. _______ hand do you write with?
  3. _______ is your favorite actor?
  4. _______ actor do you prefer –  Al Pacino or Jack Nicholson?

Упражнение 15. Complete the questions. Use question words.

  1. _____ kind of car have you got?
  2. _____ is your favorite sport?
  3. _____ ocean is bigger-the Atlantic or the Pacific?
  4. _____ book is this? Is it yours?
  5. _____ are you from? Are you English?
  6. _____ do you usually have your summer holiday? Do you have it in August?
  7. _____ are you in bed? Are you ill?
  8. _____ do you go to work? Do you go by car?
  9. _____ is your friend? Is he over 21?
  10. _____ are you? Are you over 1 meter 80?
  11. _____ children have you got?
  12. _____ were your shoes? Were they expensive?
  13. _____ do you go to the cinema? Do you go more than once a week?
  14. _____ have you lived in this town? Have you been here for very long?

Упражнение 16.  Ask questions. Вставьте вопросительные слова.

  1. _______ do you go to work? – By train
  2. _______ do you start work? – At 8.30
  3. _______ coffee do you drink every day? – Not very much
  4. _______ do you usually have lunch? – In a cafe
  5. _______ do you go out in the evenings? – Once or twice a week.
  6. _______ sleep do you have a night? – 9 hours
  7. _______ do you usually go to bed? – At about 11.00

Упражнение 17.  Вставьте вопросительные слова

How, when, where, how long, what, who

  1. _____ did you go on your last holiday? – To Greece
  2. _____ did you go there? – Last June
  3. _____ in Greece did you go? – To Crete.
  4. _____ did you go with? – I went with some friends.
  5. _____ did you go there? – We went by plane.
  6. _____ did you stay in Crete? – At a hotel
  7. _____ was the hotel like? – It was very good.
  8. _____ did you stay there? – For two weeks
  9. _____ was the weather like? – It was hot.

Ответы к упражнениям на английские  вопросительные слова:

Exercise 1.

1-с, 2-f, 3-g, 4-e, 5-d, 6-b, 7-h, 8-a

Exercise 2.

1 when, 2 where, 3 what, 4 when, 5 where, 6 what

Exercise 3.

1 what, 2 how, 3 where, 4 where, 5 how, 6 when, 7 how, 8 what, 9 who, 10 what

Exercise 4.

1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-g, 5-e, 6-a, 7-f

Exercise 5.

1 what, 2 why, 3 where, 4 why, 5 what, 6 what, 7 how, 8 why, 9 how, 10 how, 11 where, 12 how

Exercise 6.

1 when, 2 how often, 3 how tall, 4 how old, 5 how many

Exercise 7.

1 what, 2 how, 3 when, 4 how many, 5 where, 6 why, 7 how old

Exercise 8.

1 what 2 when, 3 who, 4 what, 5 why

Exercise 9.

1 who, 2 when, 3 where, 4 what, 5 why

Exercise 10.

1 what, 2 how old, 3 how much, 4 what, 5 where, 6 how many

Exercise 11.

1 where, 2 when, 3 who, 4 where, 5 when, 6 what /who, 7 why

Exercise 12.

1 whom, 2 who, 3 when, 4 what, 5 where, 6 with whom, 7 what, 8 how many, 9 where, 10 when, 11 where, 12 why, 13 what, 14 how, 15 whom

Exercise 13.

1 what’s, 2 what, 3 what’s, 4 what, 5 what’s, 6 what, 7 what’s, 8 what’s, 9 what’s

Exercise 14.

1 what, 2 which, 3 who, 4 which

Exercise 15.

1 What, 2 what, 3 which, 4 whose, 5 where, 6 when, 7 why, 8 how, 9 how old, 10 how tall, 11 how many, 12 how much, 13 how often, 14 how long

Exercise 16.

1 how, 2 when, 3 how much, 4 where, 5 how often, 6 how much, 7 when

Exercise 17.

1 where, 2 when, 3 where, 4 who, 5 how, 6 where, 7 what, 8 how long, 9 what

По теме я могу предложить Вам также почитать:

  • Упражнения на построение вопросов в английском языке.
  • General questions или как составить общий вопрос.
  • Общий вопрос в английском — упражнения. General questions exercises.
  • Специальные вопросы упражнения. Special questions exercises.
  • Разделительные вопросы в английском. Tag Questions.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!


1. Good afternoon, nice to meet you.

2. Thank you for coming today. We’ll be in touch.

3. Have you got any questions?

4. Can you tell us about your previous work experience, please?

5. Do you work well in a team?

6. When could you start?

7. Why do you want this job?

8. We would like to ask you a few questions.

9. What skills have you got that would help you in this job?

10. You’ll get £10.50 per hour and work Wednesdays to Sundays.


1. Добрый день, приятно познакомиться.

2. Спасибо, что пришли сегодня. Мы будем на связи.

3. У вас есть какие-либо вопросы?

4. Не могли бы вы рассказать нам о своем предыдущем опыте работы, пожалуйста?

5. Хорошо ли вы работаете в команде?

6. Когда вы могли бы начать?

7. Почему вы хотите получить эту работу?

8. Мы хотели бы задать вам несколько вопросов.

9. Какими навыками вы обладаете, которые помогли бы вам в этой работе?

10. Вы будете получать 10,50 фунтов стерлингов в час и работать со среды по воскресенье.

How to ask questions in English — all the subtleties

как задавать вопросы в английском языке таблица

When we start building dialogues, we inevitably meet with questions addressed to ourselves or ask them to the interlocutor. Therefore, it is imperative to know how to ask questions in English in order to be able to support any conversation. And in this topic, several surprises await us, since there is a classification of English questions and each type has its own characteristics and structure of constructing a sentence. Everything in order.

Classification of questions

Interrogative sentences in English differ a lot from Russian ones, especially in the order of words in the sentence. Most English questions are formed using inversion (word rearrangement) and the use of auxiliary verbs.

The sentences have their own characteristics and are used in everyday communication by native speakers. There are 5 types of interrogative sentences in total:

  1. general questions (general)
  2. special questions (special)
  3. Disjunctive questions (separating)
  4. alternative questions (alternative)
  5. Questions to the subject (question to the subject)

How to ask questions in English

Scheme for constructing an interrogative sentence

General questions

Reverse word order is used to form such questions. This means that we put the auxiliary verb first, the subject second, and the main verb third.

  • Tom s swimming in the sea… — Does (auxiliary) Tom (subjects) (main verb) swimming in the sea?
  • She goes to work everyday… — Does (auxiliary verb) she (subjects) go (main verb) to work everyday?

Common questions are also built with modal verbs. In this case, the modal verb will replace the auxiliary, that is, it will be placed in the first place.

  • Mold you close the door, please? — Could you close the door, please?
  • May I come in? — May I come in?
  • Should I put on sweater? — Should I wear this sweater?

We draw your attention to the verb to be. We can safely consider it special — in general questions, you do not need to add an auxiliary verb to it.

  • Is he a teacher? — He is a teacher?
  • Was the weather good yesterday? — Was the weather good yesterday?

We form a negative general question.

To do this, you need to add a particle Note… It will stand right after the subject. However, if we use the shorthand not — n’t, it will come before it. Let’s see an example:

  • Does she not go to work on Sunday? = Doesn’t she go to work on Sunday? — She doesn’t go to work on Sunday?
  • Have you not watched this movie? = Haven’t you watched this movie? — Have you seen this movie?

Special Issues

The word «special» means intended solely for something. Accordingly, this question is needed to find out the specific information you are interested in. Therefore, it is called special, that is, you want to clarify special information.

For example:

  • Where are you going to rest? (We will find out specific information — the place where the person will go.)

How to build a custom question?

It is asked using the following interrogative words:

  • what — that
  • Where — where
  • When — when
  • who — who
  • why — why
  • how (much / often / long) — how (much / often / long)

These words are put in the first place, and then the sentence is built, as in a general question.

Word construction scheme: Question word + auxiliary verb + character + action being taken?


  • When did he get up? — When did he wake up?
  • Where will you go? — Where will you go?
  • Why do they travel? — Why do they like to travel?

Separation issues

A dividing question is a type of question that expresses doubt, surprise, or confirmation of what has been said.

The dividing question is formed by adding a short phrase with an auxiliary verb to the usual affirmative sentence, giving the entire sentence a doubt. The Russian equivalent of the dividing question is “is not it

In English, in order to correctly compose this short dividing part, you need to carefully study the sentence itself. If the sentence is affirmative, then the dividing part will be negative, and vice versa, if the sentence is negative, then the dividing part will be affirmative.

The dividing question is formed with the help of an auxiliary verb used in a sentence and a pronoun that could replace the subject of this sentence. Let’s take a look at examples:

  • John is a good student, isn’t he? — John is a good student, isn’t he? (the sentence is affirmative, so the dividing part is negative)
  • Linda is the most beautiful girl in the class, isn’t she? “Linda is the prettiest girl in the class, isn’t she?
  • Jamie’s parents aren’t from Spain, are they? “Jamie’s parents are not from Spain, are they?
  • We aren’t going to London tomorrow, are we? “We’re not going to go to London tomorrow, are we?
  • It will be the best summer in their life, won’t (will not) it? “This will be the best summer of their lives, won’t it?
  • He can climb any tree, can’t he? “He can climb any tree, can’t he?

We already know that all English verbs, with the exception of to be and modals, build questions using the auxiliary verbs do, does, or did (if we are talking about the past).

For example:

  • You don’t your neighbors, do you? — You don’t love your neighbors, do you?
  • He s his friend’s sister, doesn’t he? — He loves his friend’s sister, doesn’t he?
  • They found a new babysitter, didn’t they? “They found a new nanny, didn’t they?

As you can see from the examples, all dividing questions are asked with the aim of expressing doubt, surprise, or to find confirmation of what was said.

Alternative questions

True to its name, this question suggests an alternative, that is, the right to choose. By asking it, we give the interlocutor two options to choose from.


  • Are you flying to England or Germany?

There is always a union in such a matter or (or). The question itself is built as a general one, only at the end with the help of our or we add a choice clause.

Scheme for constructing an alternative question: Auxiliary verb + character + action to be performed + ___ or ___


  • Will they go to the park or to the cinema? — Will they go to the park or to the cinema?
  • Did you buy an apples or pears? — Have you bought apples or pears?
  • Does he work or study? — Is he working or studying?

Questions to the subject

Question to the subject — this is a special category of questions in which it is not necessary to change the direct order of words, i.e. it remains the same as in a regular declarative sentence. Thus, this is the only kind of question where there is no need for auxiliary verbs and there is no inversion (permutation of the members of the sentence).

For example:

  • Who came to the party? — Who came to the party?
  • What happened at the end? — What happened in the end?
  • How many students arrived to the lesson? — How many students came to the lesson?

Order of words in a sentence: Subject — Predicate — Object

Often questions to the subject begin with interrogative words. who ?, what ?, how many / how much? The meaning of the question to the subject lies in the fact that interrogative pronouns in it play the role of a subject.

For example:

Who is taliking to you? — Who speaks to you?

There is nothing difficult to ask a question and find out the information of interest. Now you know how to ask questions in English and take into account all the subtleties and nuances. Learn English, be curious, and ask the right questions to your interlocutors.


Types of questions in English

как задавать вопросы в английском языке таблица

 After watching the video, you can check the correctness of your answers here

Questions in English can be divided into 5 types

General questions Questions that do not contain interrogative words (ie without the words “what”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, etc.)
Special Issues Questions containing interrogative words.
Questions to the subject Questions with the word «who-who».
Inverted questions Questions asked by word rearrangement.
Separation issues Questions that clarify: «right?» or «so?»

Of all five types of questions, only one type of it (questions to the subject) is constructed in the same way as in Russian. In other cases, the question is asked using verbs. A Russian-speaking person does not intuitively feel the need to use them, so you need to remember thatin English, the question always starts with a verb: — do (does), did or will; — if the declarative sentence contains the verb be, have or a modal verb), then the question is asked using the inversion (i.e. the auxiliary verb moves to the beginning of the sentence). See the structure of the interrogative sentence in English language will help the following table.

Questions in English

type of questions — general questions… These are questions asked without interrogative words (ie without the words “what”, “where”, “when”, etc.).

 You live in Moscow. Do you live in Moscow.
 you live in Moscow?  Do you live in Moscow? 
 He lives in London. He lives in London.

 he live London?    
He lives in London? 
 They visited the USA. They visited the United States.

Did  did they visit the USA? Have they visited the USA?

Other examples on the page — general questions in English

type of questions — special. These are questions that use interrogative words. Examples of question words: where — where why — why when — when how — how what — what, which which — which of Special questions are constructed from general questions, adding any question word. 

Where  do  you work?  Where do you work?
Where  did  you work?  
Where did you worked?
Why  does  she prefer them?  Why does she prefer them?
Why did  she prefer them?  Why did she prefer them?
When  did  they go there?  When did they go there?
How  does  he make it?  How does he do it?
How did  
he make it?  
How did he do it?
What  do  you?  

What do you like?

type — questions to «who — who» (or questions to the subject).Questions with all interrogative words are structured in the same way. An exception is the question with «who — who», in English it sounds the same as in Russian.

   Who moves in New – York?  Who is moving to New York? 

 Who does move in New – York?
  Who moved in New – York?  Who Moved to New York?
 Who did move in New – York?

More examples of who-who questions on the English Question Words page.

type — inverted questions (questions formed by rearranging words in places). If a declarative sentence has an auxiliary verb, then the question will be asked using an inversion. There are only 3 types of such proposals: — questions in the future tense (questions with will); — questions with modal verbs; — with the verb «be».

You will stay there. You will be there.
Will you stay there? Will you be there?
He can do it. He can do it.
Can he do it? Can he do it?
She is tall. 
 She (is) tall.
Is she tall? Is she (is) tall?

Other examples of questions with «be» and modal verbs are on the Inversion in English page.

Future tense english

Modal verbs in English table
The verb to be in the present simple

type of questions — dividing (questions-re-asking) This type of questions is quite rare in practice. It is not necessary for the ability to speak, but it is necessary for understanding English speech. The construction of dividing questions is carried out using the words «whether» and «not so».

He drinks coffee, doesn’t he? He drinks coffee, doesn’t he? 

She is beautiful, isn’t she? 
 She’s beautiful, isn’t she?
She is not beautiful, is she? She’s not pretty, is she?

Other examples of how to ask dividing or alternative questions in English

English questions are included in the list of the most important sections of English grammar. Without the ability to ask questions, it is impossible to learn to speak. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the ability to use all types of questions in English to automatism. The audio simulator on the Learn English Online page will help you do this. The simulator gives examples of the most common phrases. 

Questions raised in the video

1. You live in Russia?  Do you live in Russia?
2. Are you a Russian woman?  Are you Russian?
3. Have you made a reservation?  Did you make a resevation?
4. Are they going to Mexico?  Will they go to Mexico?
5. He is sick?  Is he sick?
6. Have you ever skied? (Have you ever skied downhill?  Have you ever skied down hill?
7.  Are they back from vacation yet?  Did they come back from vacation?
8.  Would you like to sit by the window?  Would you to sit by a window?
9.  Do you have a visa?  Do you have a visa?
10.  Would you like fish or meat?  Would you meat or fish?


как задавать вопросы в английском языке таблица

»Blog» How to ask questions in English table

Being able to compose questions in English is an important aspect in learning a language. This topic seems simple and easy, but some nuances stand out. How to cope with them and learn how to correctly formulate questions in English, you will learn in this article.

Stages of writing questions in English

For grammatically correct compilation of questions in this foreign language, a clear, and most importantly, simple scheme was created:

  1. Find a verb in a sentence and understand what it is (basic, modal or to be).
  2. Correctly determine the tense of this verb (knowledge of the tense is required).
  3. We apply the rule of composing questions (the same for almost all types) — either rearrange the verb in the first place, or use an auxiliary verb.

General formula: interrogative word + auxiliary verb + subject + predicate + other members of the sentence?


  • A cat s milk. — The cat loves milk. (affirmative sentence).
  • Does a cat milk? — Does the cat like milk? (interrogative sentence).

Writing questions requires knowledge of verb tenses, modal verbs, and equivalents.

5 types of questions in English

There are five types of questions in English:

  • General;
  • Alternative;
  • Separating;
  • Special;
  • Question to the subject.

Past tense

General questions of the past tense are compiled according to the standard formula, but with some modifications.


Types of questions in English in pictures and with examples

Can you imagine your life without question. Every day we ask and answer dozens of questions: «How to get to the pharmacy?», «What time is it?», «How much is this magazine worth?» 

Our overview article will focus on the five main types of questions in English and how to write questions in English. After all, each of them has its own grammatical features, structure and word order in the sentence. In addition, we will provide useful examples of questions in English with translation, which will help you to understand this topic in more detail.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the selection of English courses for beginners if you want to start speaking and understanding the language faster.

Types of questions in English

In English, there are 5 ways to ask a question. Their type will depend on the situation: you want to confirm the information you have, collect details, ask out of courtesy, etc.

1. General questions. 

If the question implies a monosyllabic answer — «yes» / «no», then it belongs to this category. 

The formula for such a question will look like this:

auxiliary or modal verb + subject + predicate + rest of the sentence 

The verb «to be» does not need auxiliary verbs, provided that it is used in the present or past tense.


  • Do you live in Ekaterinburg? — Yes, I do. — Do you live in Yekaterinburg? — Yes.
  • Will you be at university day after tomorrow? — Yes, I will. — Will you be at the university the day after tomorrow? — Yes.
  • Are you a volleyball player? — Yes, I am. — Are you a volleyball player? — Yes.
  • Can you read this book? — Yes, I can. — Can you read this book? — Yes I can.

2. Separation questions (questions containing ponytails). 

Such interrogative constructions consist of two parts: an affirmative and an interrogative, which acts as a «tail». If the first part is affirmative, then the second is negative. And vice versa.

Similar questions are asked when they want to clarify details, check information; express approval or vice versa — distrust, induce the interlocutor to respond. They also help to express your own emotions: — distrust, ridicule, politeness, sarcasm, doubts, etc.


  • You speak Japanese language, don’t you? — You speak Japanese, don’t you?
  • You didn’t go to the hospital day before yesterday, did you? “You didn’t go to the hospital the day before, did you?
  • His girlfriend worked in medicine, didn’t she? “His girlfriend worked in the medical field, didn’t she?


Subject question in English

In order to ask a question to a subject in English, you must first understand 3 things: what is the subject (the main member of the sentence, answers the question who? What?), What types of questions are there in English and how to compose these questions in English.

A special question for a subject in English. Structure

1. My colleague is writing a report in the office.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

Who is writing a report at the office?
Who writes the report in the office?

2 students came to school.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

How many pupils came to school?
How many students came to school?

3. Porridge is burning in the kitchen.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

What is burning in the kitchen?
What’s burning in the kitchen?

Negative form of subject questions in English

The negative form of questions to the subject in English is built on the principle of negative sentences, that is, the auxiliary verbs do, does, did are used. We put the NOT particle after the modal or auxiliary verb.

4. This student hasn’t answered my question yet.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

Who hasn’t answered my question yet?
Who hasn’t answered my question yet?

5. Kate doesn’t speak English.

Subject Predictable Complement Circumstance

Who doesn’t speak English?
Who doesn’t speak English?

How to formulate a subject question in English?

  1. Find a subject in a sentence.
  2. Replace it with a suitable interrogative pronoun
    — Who? (who?) or What? (what?).
  3. Maintain direct word order, while leaving all members of the sentence in their places.
  4. When composing a question for a subject in English, remember to reconcile the verb with the subject — in Present Simple we use the verb in the third person singular. — add the ending -s (es) to

    verb (eg Who wants tea?).

Questions to determine the subject in English:

  1. What film is the best? What’s the best movie?
  2. How many students attend lectures? How many students
    attends lectures?

Example 1

John is going to England next week.

1. Subject — John

2. Replace John with who

3. Maintain direct word order (that is,
subject + predicate)

Question to the subject: Who is going to england
next week?
Who’s going to England next

Example 2.

Viktuk’s play was staged.

Questions to the subject:

Whose play was staged?
Whose play was performed on stage?

What was staged? What did you do on stage?

Example 3.

The girls are happy.

Question to the subject: Who is happy? Who

Example 4.

We were in the circle.

Question to the subject: Who was in the circle?
Who was in the circus?

Example 5.

We were in the circle.

Question to the subject: Who was in the circle?
Who was in the circus?

Exercise 2. Compare pairs of sentences, find the subject in each sentence, determine which of the questions is a question to the subject — a) or b), translate the sentences into English. In one of the pairs, both sentences are questions to the subject.

  1. a) Who will you go with? versus b) who will go
    with you?
  2. a) What does he do? versus b) Who does it?
  3. a) Who thought about his health? versus b) What did he think about?
  4. a) Whose car did you scratch? versus b) Who
    scratched your car?
  5. a) Which girl has served dinner? versus
    b) Who has to serve dinner?
  1. a) Who will you go with? Who are you going with? versus b) Who will go with you? Who will go with you? b) — question to

    subject to

  2. What does he do? What does he do? versus Who does it?
    Who is doing this? b) — a question to the subject
  3. Who thought about his health? Who thought about their health? versus What did he think about? What is he talking about

    thought? a) — a question to the subject

  4. a) Whose car did you scratch? Whose car did you scratch? versus b) Who scratched your car? Who scratched your car? b) — question to

    subject to

  5. Which girl has served dinner? Which of the girls served dinner? versus Who has to serve dinner? Who Should Serve Dinner? a) and b) — questions to

    subject to

Exercise 3: Correct the mistakes

  1. Who to sing?
  2. Who did was in the park?
  3. What does make you think so?
  4. Who did see the accident?
  5. What does washing need?
  6. Who did make you feel disappointed?
  1. Who’s to sing (singing)?
  2. Who was in the park?
  3. What makes you think so?
  4. Who saw the accident?
  5. What washing needs?
  6. Who made you feel disappointed?

Exercise 4. Translate into English

  1. Who writes articles about animals?
  2. Who upset you?
  3. What’s next to the language school?
  4. What scared your little son?
  5. Who prompted her to do this?
  6. Who didn’t go to the party?
  7. Who is cold (hot)?
  8. Who usually does the dishes in your family?
  9. What influenced his decision?
  10. How many letters did you receive in the afternoon?
  1. Who writes articles about animals?
  2. Who disappointed you? (Who made you feel
  3. What is near the language school?
  4. What scared your little son?
  5. Who influenced her to do that?
  6. Who didn’t go to the party?
  7. Who is cold (hot)?
  8. Who washes up in your family?
  9. What influenced his decision?
  10. How many letters arrived in the afternoon?

Subject question in English


How many types of questions are there really in English? Understanding

Hello my dear readers.

Russian-speaking people rarely ask themselves a question of terminology. Here we do not like these complex words and that’s it. But those who have to learn English are faced with this much more often. An example of how we can know a rule, but not know its name, are the types of questions in English.

There is hardly a student who can easily name all the variations with examples. Well, let’s fix it. Today we are waiting for an interesting theory with explanations, tables and examples, followed by an equally interesting practice.


Let’s start in order.


The general question is the most common. That’s why it is common, as they say. The answer will always be «yes» or «no.» Of course, then the answer can be expanded and supplemented, but confirmation or denial is the basis.

I have already written about this topic in as much detail as possible in a separate article on general issues. But still, let’s remember with examples.

—Are you going to the cinema tonight? — Are you going to the cinema today?

—Yes, I am. — Yes.

And one more example.

—Are they our new neighbors? — Are these our new neighbors?

—Yes, they are.


A special question always starts with a specific question word. Its main purpose is to obtain more detailed information. The most common interrogative words in speech include:

  • Whom — Whom
  • When — When
  • Whose — Whose
  • Which — Which the
  • Where — Where
  • Why — Why
  • How — How
  • And others (more about them in the article)

The ad-hoc question follows a simple structure:

Question word + auxiliary verb + subject + predicate main verb + object.

When did the bell ring? — When did the bell ring?

Where did they go? — Where did they go?

Interestingly, this type is divided into two groups:

  1. Questions to the whole offer
  2. Questions to the subject.

You can learn more about the latter in another article. But we will talk about the first group in great detail here. Their main difference is the word order. Let’s find out by examples.

Who goes to the theater tomorrow? — Who goes to the theater tomorrow? This is a subject matter.

When did you break the plate? — When did you break the plate? This is already a question for the whole proposal.

The difference lies directly in the word order. If in the first sentence the order remains direct, then in the second an inversion occurs: an auxiliary verb is immediately written, and then a pronoun.

To make it clearer, let’s rephrase the second sentence.

Who broke the plate? — Who broke the plate?


The dividing question is most often known by schoolchildren as the «tail». It is usually taught somewhere in the 6th grade and this is perhaps the favorite topic of any student. His main task is to check any assumption, express doubt, or simply confirm his thought.

It consists of two parts: an affirmative part and a question, that is, a tail. We can see its structure right away with an example.


The use of prepositions in English

What I love about English prepositions is the ability to completely change the meaning of the main word with the help of one such small word. It was «look at», but now:

• «look for»
• «to have an opinion» (look upon)
• «look after»
• «forgive» (look over)
• «look to».

Juggling with English pretexts is aerobatics. If you learn this art, you will enrich your vocabulary and generate a buzz of approval with your speech.

Many English learners take pretexts with some arrogance, believing that it is like a student repeating the English alphabet at night. Underestimated. But in vain.

Yes, prepositions are considered official, they do not answer any questions, but they allow you to get different meanings from the same verb, form cases (yes, the same ones that are in Russian) and do other interesting things. There is only one problem: there are a LOT of prepositions in English.

But this does not mean that you need to learn all of them right here and now. It is enough only to know the main ones, as well as to understand the division into groups.

Let’s not waste time on the fact that prepositions are simple monosyllabic, polysyllabic, consisting of several words, blah blah blah. Let’s get down to business and provide not only tables of prepositions in English, but also illustrative examples in pictures. We will also consider the use of prepositions with examples.

1. Prepositions of place and direction (spatial)

It is better to see once than to read the synopsis 100 times:

2. Temporary prepositions

Let’s consider the most basic ones: about, after, at, during, for, in, on, till, within.

about about (about, about) It’s about 6 pm
after after Summer comes after spring. (Summer comes after spring)
at в Let’s meet at 10 am
During for She was sleeping during the whole lesson. (She slept throughout the lesson)
for for He laughed for 5 minutes. (He laughed for 5 minutes)
in via I’ll be home in 10 minutes. (I’ll be home in 10 minutes)
on by I usually go shopping on Fridays. (I usually go shopping on Fridays)
to to I won’t go shopping till Sunday. (I won’t go shopping until Sunday)
Within within, for You must do it within a month. (You have to do it in a month)

because of — because;
on account of — due to, due to;
thanks to — thanks;
in accordance with — according to, in accordance with.

As you can see, the same preposition can be in different groups (for example, in or on are both temporal and spatial). Moreover, if you open any dictionary (well, at least the same Yandex) and select any preposition, you will be surprised at the number of meanings. Let’s say the most commonly used English preposition to can have 13 values ​​(do not be lazy, take a look).

Let’s talk a little about the nuances before inviting you to go into battle the «tests» section, where the first linguistic tests for knowing prepositions await you.


Yes, yes, to sing along or even read out. When you get acquainted with the basic excuses, try yourself in the role of Eminem, Timati, or any rapper you like. Not enough ideas for the text yet? Mix up prepositions! Knowing small and remote prepositions is very cool. Check it out by watching the video and feel like a rising rap star.

We remember the second class.

• Genitive case (who? What?) — preposition of
Show me the plan of the house.

• Dative case (to whom? What?) — preposition to
Give it to me.

• Accusative case (who? What?) — no preposition
Give me a pen.

• Instrumental case (by whom? What?) — preposition With
She was cutting the letter with scissors.

• Prepositional case (about whom? About what?) — preposition about
Don’t speak about me.


Any excuse, know your place!

• In general, the preposition is supposed to be put BEFORE a noun or pronoun (if the noun has an article or a definition, then you cannot break it)

Put the book on the table.
Give it to me.
The shop is behind the green house.
You must do it with in two months.

• In interrogative sentences (which start with what, where, etc.), the preposition is placed at the end:

What city do you live in?
Who are you waiting for?

• The rest of the cases are associated with the use of prepositions in subordinate clauses, passive constructions. All this will be more relevant to study in the «Syntax» section.

• It is very useful to learn the signs, where the preposition has already merged with a certain noun. Useful in everyday communication.

by By mistake
By accident
By chance
By the way
By bus / train / car
day by day
Step by step
by mistake by accident by accident by the way by bus / train / car day after day

step by step

for For a walk / dance / drink / swim
For breakfast / dinner
go for a walk / dance / drink / swim
for breakfast / lunch
in in fact
In case
In the future
In love
In time
In the morning / evening / afternoon
in fact in case in the future in love at the right time

morning / evening / afternoon

on On-television
On holiday / a trip
on foot
on TV on vacation / on a trip

on foot

at At home / work
At night
At present
at home / at work at night


By the way, about the last three pretexts. They won a special place under the sun and formed their own caste — prepositions of place. Why it is necessary to collect a dossier on them no less than on a counterintelligence agent, an article specially devoted to them will tell and prove.

Simple valuable advice: since it is impossible to learn ALL prepositions at the first time of learning (and it is not necessary), when you write out the next new verb from the dictionary, mark yourself at least 2 options with different prepositions.

For example:

Put — put
Put on — to place a bet on (smb., Sm.)
Put across — to deceive

When it becomes a habit, you will one day be happy to find that the use of the verb is masterful: in different meanings for the situation. This will brighten your speech and save you from any pauses and «mmm», «eee», «aaa». In the meantime, the problem exists, then you need to solve it, starting with passing a thematic test on prepositions. 

Have you sorted the prepositions on the shelves in your head? There are spots even on the Sun, so we suggest once again (which is not at all superfluous) to go through the pretexts by watching a video tutorial on the topic. After watching and several years of practice, you can safely assign yourself the honorary title of «guru».


Вопросительные слова в английском. Упражнения

question words

Как выучить английские вопросительные слова? Нужно делать много упражнений! Я предлагаю несколько упражнений на вопросительные слова в английском языке, которые помогут Вам закрепить тему. Ознакомьтесь также с правилами и таблицами использования вопросительных слов.

Первые из предложенных упражнений на английские вопросительные слова подойдут для детей, которые только начинают изучать английский, далее сложность упражнений возрастает.

Упражнения на вопросительные слова для детей.

Следующие упражнения подойдут для детей – учеников 3 – 4 классов.

Упражнение 1. Match the question words to the answers.

a) Twelve years old

c) Because I like them.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте вопросительные слова: what, where or when.

Упражнение 3. Ask questions with who, what, how, where, when or why

Упражнение 4. Look at these answers Find one answer for each question word.

f) Because it’s late

Английские вопросительные слова. Упражнения для 5 класса.

Следующие несколько упражнений на вопросительные слова окажутся полезными ученикам 5 класса.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте вопросительные слова.

Упражнение 6. Choose and write.

How old, When, How often, How tall, How many

Упражнение 7. Fill in the question words

Упражнение 8. Вставьте вопросительные слова.

Упражнение 9. Choose and write.

Упражнение 10. Write in how many, where, what, when or how old.

Упражнение 11. Write in what, where, when, who or why

Question words exercises. Более сложные упражнения.

Следующие упражнения на английские вопросительные слова несколько сложнее предыдущих. В любом случае, Вы сможете проверить себя, обратившись к ответам в конце статьи

Упражнение 12. Which question word is used to put the question to the italic type word or expression?

who, how, what, where, when, why, whom, with whom

Упражнение 13. Fill in.

Упражнение 14. Ask questions with what, who or which.

Упражнение 15. Complete the questions. Use question words.

Упражнение 16. Ask questions. Вставьте вопросительные слова.

Упражнение 17. Вставьте вопросительные слова

How, when, where, how long, what, who

Ответы к упражнениям на английские вопросительные слова:

1-с, 2-f, 3-g, 4-e, 5-d, 6-b, 7-h, 8-a

1 when, 2 where, 3 what, 4 when, 5 where, 6 what

1 what, 2 how, 3 where, 4 where, 5 how, 6 when, 7 how, 8 what, 9 who, 10 what

1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-g, 5-e, 6-a, 7-f

1 what, 2 why, 3 where, 4 why, 5 what, 6 what, 7 how, 8 why, 9 how, 10 how, 11 where, 12 how

1 when, 2 how often, 3 how tall, 4 how old, 5 how many

1 what, 2 how, 3 when, 4 how many, 5 where, 6 why, 7 how old

1 what 2 when, 3 who, 4 what, 5 why

1 who, 2 when, 3 where, 4 what, 5 why

1 what, 2 how old, 3 how much, 4 what, 5 where, 6 how many

1 where, 2 when, 3 who, 4 where, 5 when, 6 what /who, 7 why

1 whom, 2 who, 3 when, 4 what, 5 where, 6 with whom, 7 what, 8 how many, 9 where, 10 when, 11 where, 12 why, 13 what, 14 how, 15 whom

1 what’s, 2 what, 3 what’s, 4 what, 5 what’s, 6 what, 7 what’s, 8 what’s, 9 what’s

1 what, 2 which, 3 who, 4 which

1 What, 2 what, 3 which, 4 whose, 5 where, 6 when, 7 why, 8 how, 9 how old, 10 how tall, 11 how many, 12 how much, 13 how often, 14 how long

1 how, 2 when, 3 how much, 4 where, 5 how often, 6 how much, 7 when

1 where, 2 when, 3 where, 4 who, 5 how, 6 where, 7 what, 8 how long, 9 what

По теме я могу предложить Вам также почитать:

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

5 Комментариев для «Вопросительные слова в английском. Упражнения»

отличные упражнения и для повторения, и для отработки темы. Содержат пассивную и активную лексику, достойную внимания! Учитель с 25-летним стажем.

Спасибо большое за отзыв.

These exercises are great. They are for different levels.

Thank you very well for that.

Упражнения замечательные. Спасибо! Только исправьте, пожалуйста, в упражнении 11 ответ под номером 7: Because they WERE fast.


Раздел: Порядок слов в предложении

Данный раздел содержит информацию по следующим вопросам:

Восклицательные предложения в английском языке. Частицы So and Such

В этом уроке рассмотрим, как составить восклицательные предложения в английском языке, что является очень и очень важным аспектом в разговорной речи. Ведь именно эмоции наполняют предложения жизнью и делают нашу речь вдохновленной и зажигательной!

Все типы вопросов в английском языке. Упражнения


Как задать вопрос в английском языке

В этом уроке мы подробно рассмотрим, как задать вопрос в английском языке и на примере общего вопроса постараемся понять логику английского вопроса.

Вопросы в английском языке бывают:
1. общие
2. специальные
3. альтернативные

1. разделительные
2. к подлежащему

Типы вопросов в английском языке

В этом уроке мы подробно рассмотрим, какие типы вопросов бывают в английском языке, а также как задать их правильно. Однако, прежде чем читать эту статью, надо понять, как задавать общий вопрос в английском языке.

Как задать общий вопрос в английском языке. Упражнения

Безличные предложения в английском языке с конструкцией It is… (упражнения)

Из этого урока вы узнаете, как правильно составлять предложения на английском языке, применяя простые правила №3 и №4 и таким образом избежите типичных ошибок в переводе. Подробнее читайте в статье «Английская грамматика: просто о сложном»

Порядок слов в английском предложении (для начинающих)

В этом уроке мы вернемся к тому, с чего начинали и еще раз рассмотрим порядок слов в английском предложении. Если вы не знаете, что порядок слов в предложении может быть ПРЯМЫМ и ОБРАТНЫМ, а также, что такое ИНВЕРСИЯ, то читайте!

Pryamoy poryadok slov v predlozhenii 2

Д. Л. — действующее лицо; Д. — глагол-действие

Порядок слов в английском предложении. Упражнения для начинающих

Pryamoy poryadok slov

Tag Question. Упражнения (для начинающих)

Tag Question v angliyskom yazyike 448В этом уроке, который посвящен теме «Разделительный вопрос в английском языке. Tag Question», вас ждет практика. Выполните 7 упражнений по данной теме, которые предлагаются для начинающих и даны по уровню сложности. Если вы забыли, какой вопрос называется разделительным, читайте ниже.

Разделительный вопрос. Tag Question (правила)

Tag Question (разделительный вопрос) – это вопрос, который обычно задают, когда почти уверены в положительном ответе, но хотят получить одобрение собеседника или поддержать разговор.

Tag Question v angliyskom yazyike 448

Примеры разделительных вопросов


Построение вопросов разных типов в английском языке: практические задания

В английском языке существует пять типов вопросов :

А также можно поставить вопрос к подлежащему.

А как, в общем, строится вопросительное предложение? Нарушается ли при этом строгая очередность следования членов предложения?

Мы ведь знаем, что по правилам на первом месте в английском предложении стоит подлежащее, на втором – сказуемое, за ним идёт дополнение, а потом остальные члены предложения.

При построении вопроса это правило перестаёт работать, так как порядок слов в вопросительном предложении меняется.

А именно, в одних случаях вопрос начинается с вопросительного слова, в других – с вспомогательного глагола (за исключением вопроса разделительного типа), затем сохраняется известный нам порядок следования:

Тип вопроса Пример
Общий Are you a booklover? – Ты любитель книг?
Do you read books? – Ты читаешь книги?
Специальный Why are you a booklover? – Почему ты любитель книг?
When do you usually read books? – Когда ты обычно читаешь книги?
Альтернативный Are you a booklover or a nonreader? – Ты любитель книг или нет?
Do you read books or magazines? – Ты читаешь книги или журналы?
Разделительный You are a booklover, aren’t you? – Ты любитель книг, не так ли?
You don’t read books, do you? – Ты не читаешь книги, не так ли?
Вопрос к подлежащему Who is a booklover? – Кто любитель книг?
Who reads books? – Кто читает книги?

В начале практической работы выполняем несложные задания по теме, но по мере продвижения сложность упражнений будет возрастать.

3 11 7 1

5 types of questions exercises

Упражнение 1

Fill in the words to form questions did, are, do, have, was, haven’t, is, isn’t:

Now group this question by their types:

Yes / No Questions: ______________.

Alternative Questions: ______________.

Special Questions: ______________.

Tag Questions: ______________.

Упражнение 2

Form questions:

Упражнение 3

Поставьте вопросы к предложениям (начинайте со слов в скобках):

Упражнение 4

Write questions to the underlined parts of the text:

John is my cousin (1). He is only 18, but he is already a student (2). John is very intelligent (3) and he is a good-looking boy too. Many girls (4) admire his dark brown (5) eyes and curly hair. The only problem is that John hasn’t got enough money (6). He likes books (7) but he often has no money to buy them.

Упражнение 5

Write special and alternative questions to the answers:


Упражнение 6

Напишите вопросы к ответам:

A computer. (The Adams bought a computer.)

They have. They have already met Mr Smith.)

They met Mr Smith when they were in London.

They are. (They are going to there again).

English. She teaches English.

Travelling. (He was interested in travelling.)

They do. (They have to get up early.)

At the airport. (He had to meet them at the airport.)

The baby’s room. (Mary has to clean the baby’s room every morning.)

Boots. (They have to wear boots.)

Упражнение 7

Write questions about driving in England.

Use the prompts:

Упражнение 8

Read the text. Write down the questions for the underlined words to get more information:

Упражнение 9

Complete the tag questions:

Упражнение 10

Read these facts Ask and answer questions about the facts.

Use Who? When? What?

Упражнение 11

Ask questions with who or what:

Упражнение 12

Correct the mistakes:


Task 2. Write questions using the present simple passive. 1) Ask about glass. (how/make?) How ____________________________________________? 2) Ask about silver. (what/use for?) _______________________________________________? 3) Ask about the pronunciation of the word. (how/pronounce?) ____________________________________________________________________________?

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Question Words ESL Activities, Games and Worksheets

  • Elementary (A1-A2)
  • Pre-intermediate (A2)
  • Intermediate (B1)

Interview Me

ESL Question Words Activity — Grammar and Speaking: Forming, Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Controlled and Freer Practice — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 30 minutes

This free question words activity can be used to help students practice question words and personal information questions. Working alone, students use question words in a box to complete a set of 12 personal information questions. Students then take it in turns to ask the questions to a partner. Students note down their partner’s answers and ask Wh follow-up questions to gain more information. When everyone has finished, students give feedback to the class on what they found out about their partner.

Interview Me Preview

Introduction to Question Words

ESL Question Words Worksheet — Grammar Exercises: Matching, Categorizing, Gap-fill, Writing Questions from Prompts — Elementary (A1-A2) — 30 minutes

This fun question words worksheet helps elementary students learn and practice how to use question words. Students begin by matching answers with questions. Next, students think about which question word can be used for the words and phrases shown. Students then sort the words and phrases accordingly. Students then move on to match the question words with the things they are used to ask about. After that, students use the question words to complete questions. Finally, students write questions that would elicit given answers.

Introduction to Question Words Preview

Questions, Questions, Questions

ESL Question Words Activity — Grammar and Speaking: Forming, Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Controlled and Freer Practice — Pair Work — Elementary (A1-A2) — 30 minutes

In this question words activity, students complete questions with question words and then ask and answer the questions with a partner. First, students look at incomplete questions and read through the example short answers. Students then complete the questions with question words using the short answers to help them. Next, in pairs, students take it in turns to ask each other the questions, writing down their partner’s answers on the worksheet. Students also ask follow-up questions to gain more information where possible. Afterwards, students report back to the class on the things they found out about their partner.

Questions, Questions, Questions Preview

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