На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Share your experiences with a community practicing meditation and ask for opinions.
Поделитесь своим опытом с единомышленниками, практикующими медитацию, задайте им вопросы.
Yet others who were not sure which products to use now had a safe place to come and ask for opinions from a much larger group.
Но другие, которые не уверены, какие продукты для использования в настоящее время было безопасное место, чтобы прийти и попросить мнения от гораздо большей группы.
When you ask for opinions about what future humans might look like, you typically get one of two answers.
Стоит нам поинтересоваться чьим-либо мнением о том, как могли бы выглядеть люди будущего, мы получаем обычно один из двух вариантов ответа.
Ask for a meeting, express your concerns tactfully, and ask for opinions on what your options are (both including going elsewhere, but also discuss what measures you can take to get more out of your program).
Попросил о встрече, выразить свою озабоченность тактично, и спросить мнения о том, что ваши варианты (как в том числе и других, а также обсудить, какие меры можно предпринять, чтобы получить больше из вашей программы).
Detail of the products: when we buy an article online we can obtain a detail about the characteristics of the product/service that we want to acquire, ask for opinions from consumers, request demonstrations or compare it with the competition.
Подробная информация о продуктах: когда мы покупаем статью в Интернете, мы можем получить подробную информацию о характеристиках продукта/ услуги, которые мы хотим приобрести, узнать мнение потребителей, запросить демонстрации или сравнить их с конкурентами.
Другие результаты
Asks for opinion, evaluation, analysis, expression of feeling.
They simply ask for opinions-that is, they bring in people who agree with them and then «lob» easy questions about their opinions.
The Dalai Lama: I think one reason is that I am the type of person who always discusses, who always asks for opinions, including from sweepers.
Далай-лама: Отчасти это потому, что я отношусь к типу людей, которые всегда все обсуждают, спрашивают мнение других, включая метельщиков.
The National Bank asks for opinions to improve the process of lending to the national economy
Национальный банк просит Ваше мнение по улучшению кредитования национальной экономики
Ask for their opinion and listen to them.
People love it when someone asks for their opinion or advice.
And they want to ask people for opinions.
He also added that the culture and tourism ministry must see through all the risks and ask UNESCO for opinions.
Он попросил министерство культуры и туризма оценить возможные последствия и проконсультироваться по этому вопросу с ЮНЕСКО.
Ask others for opinions and commentary.
To keep the session interactive, you can ask the audience some questions or even ask for their opinion.
Чтобы сохранить сессии интерактивный, вы можете задать аудитории несколько вопросов или даже спрашивать их мнение.
I did not ask for their opinions.
Sometimes we even ask for their opinions on certain things.
A reporter called me the other day to ask for my opinion about the new toys on the market for this holiday season.
Репортер позвонил мне на днях, чтобы попросить мое мнение о новых игрушках на рынке в этот праздничный сезон.
Each movie he makes, he saves the best seats for them and asks for their opinions.
Каждый фильм он делает, он сохраняет лучшие места для них и спрашивает их мнения.
Probably, in such situations, you often ask for the opinion of the people who are important to you.
Возможно, в подобных ситуациях вы часто спрашиваете мнения других людей, которые для вас важны.
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Предложения с «ask for opinion»
If I liked a boy, I would ask Okoloma’s opinion . |
Если мне нравился парень, я спрашивала мнение Околомы. |
And I’ve asked people all over the world about this dilemma of speaking up: when they can assert themselves, when they can push their interests, when they can express an opinion , when they can make an ambitious ask. |
Я спрашивал, как люди из разных стран относятся к высказыванию своего мнения: в каких ситуациях отстаивают его, когда продвигают свои интересы, выражают свою точку зрения, выступают с дерзким предложением. |
I respectfully disagree with your opinion , and I didn’t ask for your opinion . |
Я почтительно не согласна с твоим мнением, и я не спрашиваю твоего мнения. |
If anyone were to ask my opinion , which I note they have not, I would say we’re taking the long way around! |
Если кто — нибудь спросил мое мнение, я бы сказал, что мы делаем большой крюк! |
I would have recommended they put out a press release, as it would save on time, money, and effort, but then they didn’t exactly ask for my opinion . |
Я бы порекомендовал Москве сэкономить время, силы и деньги и просто выпустить пресс — релиз, но меня, в общем — то, не спрашивают. |
May I again ask you, Miss Hale, from whose account you formed your favourable opinion of him? |
Могу я вас спросить , мисс Хейл, с чьих слов у вас сложилось благоприятное мнение о нем? |
I ask for your opinion , you overgrown leech? |
Разве я спрашивал у тебя твое мнение, ты пиявка — переросток? |
Although, es, may I suggest, um, well, it’s just that whenever you take out anything more than $10,000, it automatically triggers a… if I wanted an opinion from an asshole, I’d ask my own. |
Мой тебе совет… просто при снятии со счета после 10 000 автоматически возникает… Бак, если бы хотел знать мнения кретина, я бы спросил себя. |
(cap thuds) in my opinion , you don’t text a chick to ask her anything. |
По моему,ты не должен спрашивать девчонку что — либо через смс . |
Did Mr. Ladislaw come on purpose to ask my opinion ? said Mr. Casaubon, opening his eyes narrowly with a knife-edged look at Dorothea. |
Мистер Ладислав приезжал, чтобы узнать мое мнение? — осведомился мистер Кейсобон, чуть приоткрыв глаза и бросая на Доротею взгляд, острый как нож. |
That would show a very decided lack of consideration for others, and Mr. Babbington struck me as a very considerate person. He paused. That, since you ask me, is my opinion . |
Такой поступок был бы крайне неделикатным по отношению к другим, а мистер Бэббингтон показался мне очень деликатным человеком. — Пуаро сделал паузу. — Вот мое мнение. |
If you ask my opinion , young man, this is pure balderdash. |
Мое мнение, юноша, это полная чепуха. |
Don’t drag me in here and ask my opinion only to completely disregard it. |
Не втягивай меня в это, интересуясь моим мнением, только чтобы полностью от него отмахнуться. |
I’m going to ask your opinion as a normal, red-blooded man which you stated you were. |
Я собираюсь спросить вас как нормального здорового мужчину которым вы себя считаете. |
If you ask me I must reply frankly that in my opinion Mrs Leidner was clearly in dread of someone or something. |
Коль скоро вы меня спрашиваете об этом, должен честно сказать, что, по — моему, миссис Лайднер явно боялась кого — то или чего — то. |
All I ask is that you do the same with your opinion and remind yourself and the court that it is in fact your opinion . |
Все чего я прошу, это чтобы вы делали тоже самое со своим мнением и напоминали себе и суду что это ваше мнение. |
You’ve been a great asset, Skye, but unless I ask for your opinion … don’t give it. |
Ты очень полезна, Скай, но если я не спрашиваю твоего мнения… не высказывай его. |
l didn’t ask for an opinion . |
Я не просил высказывать мнения. |
If anyone was to ask for my opinion , which they’re not I’d say we were taking the long way. |
Если бы кто — то спросил меня, а этого не случилось я бы сказал, что мы выбрали самый длинный путь. |
Well, since you do ask me, my opinion is that we should take the land. |
Ну, раз уж ты спросил . Я думаю, что нам нужно взять землю. |
It was only made in one area only to ask for an honest opinion . |
Это было сделано только в одной области, только чтобы спросить честное мнение. |
To hear a counter argument one must approach experts in related fields and ask their opinion about matters that they have not studied. |
Чтобы услышать контраргумент, нужно обратиться к экспертам в смежных областях и спросить их мнение по вопросам, которые они не изучали. |
I could just ask for a 3rd opinion on this GAN, but the same nominator has several other waiting GANs with which I have similar concerns. |
Я мог бы просто попросить 3 — го мнения об этом GAN, но у того же номинатора есть несколько других ожидающих Gan, с которыми у меня есть аналогичные проблемы. |
I do not have opinion on the image or its use here, I merely ask out of curiousity. |
У меня нет своего мнения об изображении или его использовании здесь, я просто спрашиваю из любопытства. |
By now, British public opinion was supportive of a war in support of the Uitlanders, allowing Chamberlain to ask successfully for further troop reinforcements. |
К этому времени британское общественное мнение поддерживало войну в поддержку Уитлендеров, что позволило Чемберлену успешно просить о дальнейшем подкреплении войск. |
Yeah, and I’ll ask my doctor her opinion about transubstantiation. |
Да, и я спрошу у своего врача ее мнение о пресуществлении. |
I ask your opinion and tag Betty Logan for the matter. |
Я спрашиваю Ваше мнение и отмечаю Бетти Логан по этому поводу. |
I have since renominated and I am now placing it out here, to ask the project for that second opinion in a new GAR please. |
С тех пор я переизбрался и теперь размещаю его здесь, чтобы попросить проект об этом втором мнении в новом GAR please. |
I am going to go and ask for a third opinion because our discussion is quickly going nowhere. |
Я собираюсь пойти и спросить третье мнение, потому что наша дискуссия быстро идет в никуда. |
With respect to F. Karadima I didn’t ask the promotor to interrogate him; I only asked Monsignor Andrés Arteaga for his opinion . |
Что касается Ф. Карадимы, то я не просил промоутера допрашивать его; я только спросил монсеньора Андреса Артеагу о его мнении. |
I’ll ask an uninvolved admin for an opinion about that. |
Я спрошу мнение незваного администратора по этому поводу. |
I will not go into details, but i will ask for a second opinion , in this issue. |
Я не буду вдаваться в подробности, но попрошу еще раз высказать свое мнение по этому вопросу. |
What is the avenue to ask for another opinion on this? |
Каков же путь для того, чтобы спросить еще одно мнение по этому поводу? |
Therefore, it’s a good idea once in awhile to ask questions and find out the consensus opinion . |
Поэтому неплохо время от времени задавать вопросы и выяснять общее мнение. |
If we can’t find agreement we should ask opinion of other editors. |
Если мы не можем прийти к согласию, то должны спросить мнение других редакторов. |
Hi, I would like to ask your opinion on how matters of Open Access should best be handled. |
Здравствуйте, я хотел бы спросить Ваше мнение о том, как лучше всего решать вопросы открытого доступа. |
If Polargeo remains in total disagreement, we should just ask some sort of third party for an opinion . |
Если Polargeo остается в полном несогласии, мы должны просто спросить мнение какой — то третьей стороны. |
If we don’t ask the JS for the historical opinion , whom do we ask? |
Если мы не спрашиваем у JS историческое мнение, то кого же мы спрашиваем? |
If we don’t ask the JS for the opinion of educated people who analyze the gospels historically, whom do we ask? |
Если мы не спрашиваем у JS мнения образованных людей, которые анализируют Евангелия исторически, то кого же мы спрашиваем? |
This is why, even though we’re going to ask the WMF legal team its opinion , other informed opinions may be useful also. |
Вот почему, даже если мы собираемся спросить мнение юридической команды WMF, другие информированные мнения также могут быть полезны. |
asking for your opinion — перевод на русский
I didn’t ask for your opinion.
Я не спрашивал твое мнение.
You think I’m asking for your opinion?
Я спрашивал твое мнение?
I don’t recall asking for your opinion.
Я не помню, чтобы спрашивал твоё мнение.
— Who said I was asking for your opinion?
Кто тут спрашивал твоё мнение?
I don’t remember asking for your opinion on the matter.
Я не помню, чтобы я спрашивал твое мнение по этому вопросу.
Показать ещё примеры для «спрашивал твоё мнение»…
You asked for my opinion.
Ты спросила моё мнение.
You asked for my opinion, I told you, you just got angry.
Помнишь, ты спросила мое мнение, я сказал, и ты просто взбесилась.
You asked for my opinion.
Ты спросил моё мнение.
You didn’t ask for my opinion.
Ты спросил мое мнение.
My opinion! They asked for my opinion.
— Они спросили мое мнение.
Показать ещё примеры для «спросила моё мнение»…
I didn’t ask for your opinion.
А тебя никто не спрашивал!
Did someone ask for your opinion?
Тебя никто не спрашивал.
Who asked for your opinion?
Тебя кто-то спрашивал?
I don’t remember asking for your opinion, Mr. Gray.
Я не помню, чтобы я спрашивал вас, мистер Грей.
— I didn’t ask for your opinion.
— Тебя никто не спрашивает.
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The most common way of asking someone for their opinions is “What do you think about it?” or “What is your opinion about it?” In our daily life communication, we ask for opinions from many different people in different places, for instance, at home, at school, at work, or in public places.
However, using the same expression in every situation can make your communication skill stuck somewhere. This means that you can use some better and more persuasive phrases or expressions to ask someone for their opinions and make them more interested to engage with you in the discussion.
I’ve made this list of 20 most commonly and popularly used expressions to ask for an opinion:
Expressions | Examples |
What is your opinion about…? | People are getting lazier using smartphones. What do you think about it? |
What do you think about…? | What is your opinion about my new research? |
How do you feel about that? | How do you feel about leaving your job and starting an investment business? |
What’s your take on…? | I think Messi is the best soccer player. What’s your take on it? |
What are your thoughts on that? | What are your thoughts on homeschooling children? |
What do you reckon? | The weather doesn’t seem good today. What do you reckon? |
What would be your opinion if I said…? | What would be your opinion if I said, “I want to quit my job?” |
Do you have any opinion? | Dad is going to sell our blue car. Do you have any opinions about this? |
Do you have any views on…? | Do you have any views on our proposal? |
Do you have any comments on that? | Do you have any comments on my presentation? |
Do you have any thoughts about it? | Do you have any thoughts about buying a used car? |
Do you have any idea about…? | Do you have any idea about traveling to Asian countries? |
Would you like to go along with that? | Would you like to go along with Mr. Collin’s opinion? |
Would you like to support the view that…? | Would you like to support the view that college fees are worrying students more than parents? |
Would you like to give your opinion here? | We’re going to reject Mr. Jordan’s proposal. Would you like to give your opinion here? |
Would you like to share any thoughts about it? | We’re planning to submit the report by next week. Would you like to share any thoughts about it? |
Do you agree with me? | Life is better in suburban areas. Do you agree with me? |
Are you in agreement with…? | Are you in agreement with Mr. Roy’s proposal? |
Is it justified to say that…? | Is it justified to say that there will be no poor people in the next phase of our civilization? |
Have you ever given it a thought? | Being a YouTuber is better than doing a full-time job. Have you ever given it a thought? |
Use “What do you think about…?” to Ask for an Opinion
“What do you think about…?”, “What is your opinion about…?”, and “How do you feel about…?” are so commonly used while asking for opinions that you’d probably want to not overuse them. These expressions can take three different structures depending on what you’d like to add after the preposition “about.”
Structure 1: What do you think about + pronoun (it/ this/ that)?
- People are getting lazier using smartphones. What do you think about it?
- Our new manager will announce a new holiday soon. What do you think about that?
Structure 2: What do you think about + noun?
- What do you think about indoor sports?
- What do you think about my new research?
Structure 3: What do you think about + (verb+ing)?
- What do you think about leaving your job and starting an investment business?
- What do you think about going on vacation next month?
Note: “What do you think about…?”, “What is your opinion about…?”, and “How do you feel about…?” can be used in the same way using the same structure.
Use “What’s your take on…?” to Ask for Opinions Informally
We’ve seen that “What’s your opinion…?” takes a preposition “about.” Similarly, “What’s your take…?” also takes a proposition that is “on.” Hence, the structures it can take are also similar. However, in my opinion, it’s better to use “What’s your take on…?” than “What’s your opinion about…?” while asking for opinions because the latter seems a little more overused.
Look at the following structures and examples:
Structure 1: What’s your take on + pronoun (it/ this/ that)?
- I’ve decided not to get married. What’s your take on that?
- I think Messi is the best soccer player. What’s your take on it?
Structure 2: What’s your take on + noun?
- What’s your take on the budget of our new project?
- What’s your take on the changes to our company rules?
Structure 3: What’s your take on + (verb+ing)?
- What’s your take on homeschooling children?
- What’s your take on paying taxes online?
Similarly, “What are your thoughts on that?” can be used to ask for opinions with the same structures.
Use “What do you reckon?” to ask for Opinions
We often say, “What do you think” while seeking someone’s opinion in our everyday conversation. However, “What do you reckon?” can be used right instead of that. The word “reckon” means “to think or believe.” It can also mean having a good guess about something.
So, asking someone, “What do you reckon?” right after giving a statement about something means that you’re asking their opinion about your statement.
- The weather doesn’t seem good today. What do you reckon?
- The new boss is going to change a lot in company regulations. What do you reckon?
You can also start your sentence with this expression as follows:
- What do you reckon they’re trying to do?
- What do you reckon the new president will do for our state?
Note: “What do you reckon?” can be used independently without any other phrases or words added.
Use “What would be your opinion if I said…?” to Seek Someone’s Opinion Indirectly
At times, you might want to be indirect in terms of asking people’s opinions, especially when you’re not quite sure about the statement you’re seeking an opinion for. In those situations, you can use this expression. “What would be your opinion if I said…?” cannot be used independently; It requires the mention of a statement at least.
You can mention the statement using double quotations (See example 1) or as a separate clause followed by “that” (See example 2).
Look at the examples below:
- What would be your opinion if I said, “I want to quit my job?”
- What would be your opinion if I said that I’d leave this place next month?
In the first example, the speaker isn’t quite sure if he’s really going to quit the job. However, probably he’s only gathering some opinions so that it helps him make the decision.
The following expressions are all similar and commonly used to ask someone for their opinions. All these expressions work structurally in the same ways. It means they take similar types of extensions because they all end in a preposition, either “on” or “about.”
Do you have any opinions about…?
Do you have any views on…?
Do you have any comments on…?
Do you have any thoughts about…?
Do you have any idea about…?
Structure 1: Do you have any opinions about + pronoun (it/ this/ that)?
- Dad is going to sell our blue car. Do you have any opinions about this?
- My sister wants to study Architecture. Do you have any opinions about it?
Structure 2: Do you have any comments on + noun?
- Do you have any comments on my presentation?
- Do you have any views on our proposal?
Structure 3: Do you have any thoughts about + (verb+ing)?
- Do you have any thoughts about buying a used car?
- Do you have any idea about traveling to Asian countries?
Use “Would you like to…?” to Ask for Opinions Formally
You can choose any expression while asking for opinions from people, but when it comes to a formal situation, be sure to use a formal expression such as “Would you like to support this view?” The phrase “Would you like to” is basically used in formal situations.
So, adding any suitable extensions based on your situation and need can make you sound polite and formal. Look at some of the examples listed below:
Structure: Would you like to + verb (base form)+ Ext.
Example 1: Would you like to go along with that?
Example 2: Would you like to share any thoughts about it?
Example 3: Would you like to give your opinion here?
Example 4: Would you like to support the view that…?
There is a difference in the use of these examples. If you use the expressions mentioned in the first three examples (1, 2, & 3), it means that you’ve already uttered the statement you asked someone’s opinion for. Look at the following example:
The significant drop in the last month’s sales will be thoroughly investigated while you’re on your vacation. Would you like to share any thoughts about it?
On the other hand, if you use the expression mentioned in the fourth example, it means that you’re going to add the statement right to the end of this expression. For example:
Would you like to support the view that college fees are worrying students more than parents?
Would you support the view that international Ph.D. students should also get the PR?
How to Ask for an Opinion in an Email
When you’re writing an email, and you need to ask for an opinion from the person you’re writing the email to, make sure to be polite and formal. You can follow the expressions discussed above to ask for an opinion formally. Look at the email excerpt below for a better idea.
Also, if your sole purpose in writing the email is to seek an opinion from the receiver of the email, make sure to write the subject correctly and precisely (if you choose to write one). Oftentimes, the subject line of a business letterand a formal email would be of the same pattern.
Other Ways of Asking for Opinions from Someone
There are a number of other ways you can ask for opinions from someone. Apart from the ones listed above, you can use the followings, which are also commonly used to ask for opinions.
Expression 1: Do you agree with me?
Example: Life is better in suburban areas. Do you agree with me?
Expression 2: Are you in agreement with…?
Example: Are you in agreement with Mr. Roy’s proposal?
Expression 3: Is it justified to say that…?
Example: Is it justified to say that there will be no poor people in the next phase of our civilization?
Expression 4: Have you ever given it a thought?
Example: Being a YouTuber is better than doing a full-time job. Have you ever given it a thought?
Why and When Is It Important to Ask for Opinions
We’re often told that it doesn’t really matter what other people think about us. Well, that’s true when it comes to your personal matters such as your personal life, relationship, your attire, your job or income, etc. In these cases, yeah, don’t let other people give an opinion that you may not like, nor should you ask them for any opinion.
But in terms of teamwork, or when you’re supposed to collaborate with other people, it’s important to ask for their opinions.
Now, why do you need to ask for people’s opinions? Well, if you ask someone for their opinion, it means that you value and respect their opinion. You give importance to what they think of or feel about a particular matter. It makes them feel good and respected and helps you create better relationships with them.
Is It Okay If Somebody Has No Opinion?
We often ask people for their opinion about something, and it’s okay if they don’t have an opinion. It’s not always compulsory for someone to give their opinion when asked. So people may have no opinion at all. In that case, they’ll perhaps say, “I don’t have an opinion,” or “I have no opinion about it.” or “Haven’t given it a thought yet,” etc.
A Sample Conversation on Asking for Opinions in English
The following is a conversation between Lisa and Steve in which the reporter, Lisa, asks for opinions from the industrialist Steve in different ways.
Lisa (Reporter): Good evening, Mr. Steve!
Steve (Industrialist): Good evening.
Lisa: The protesters are blaming the industries for the environmental crisis. What’s your take on this?
Steve: Well, I believe they’re biased. Commercial industries are important for a strong economy.
Lisa: I see. Would you like to share your thoughts about the recent oil dumping on the Arctic ocean?
Steve: Oh, such accidents are rare.
Lisa: Yes, but this rare accident cost immense marine lives and nearly a billion dollars in trade. What’s your comment on that?
Steve: That loss will soon be recovered.
Lisa: Do you have any opinion about the wildfire in South Korea last week? The locals say that it was intentionally done to expand a renowned shoe factory.
Steve: That’s nonsense! However, I won’t comment on this any further.
Lisa: Okay. But would you like to say something about increasing CO2 emissions due to industrial advancement?
Steve: World leaders are working on it. Now, if you please, I would like to end this session here.
Lisa: Alright, Mr. Steve. That’ll be it for today. Thank you for your precious time.
Takeaway Words
Protester (noun) = a person who talks or acts against a rule, system, or activity
Commercial (adjective) = related to trading products or services for making a profit
Economy (noun) = a domestic, national, or global state of yearly production, supply, and money
Rare (adjective) = an event that doesn’t take place too often or regularly
Immense (adjective) = a huge quantity or effect of something
Marine (adjective) = plants, fishes, and other creatures under the ocean
Trade (noun) = a system of exchanging goods or services for money
Intentionally (adverb) = doing something with a clear mind or on purpose
Renowned (adjective) = something or someone that is highly popular and respected among others
Emission (noun) = an act of discharging light, sound, or smoke
In Conclusion
Asking for an opinion from others is good practice, especially when you’re collaboratively working with someone or a team. It’s also commonplace among friends and family members in some social situations like going shopping, choosing a good restaurant, etc.
Make sure you sound polite and formal when you ask for opinions in a formal situation. Choose the right expression while asking for someone’s opinion. And finally, thank you for choosing to ask for opinions because it means that you respect what other people think.
Thanks for reading.
Happy learning!
(The author of this post is A H M Ohidujjaman,a C.I.T.E. certified tertiary-level English teacher with love for teaching English to ESL learners. He has done his Master’s in ELT, and taught thousands of ESL/EFL learners.)
Do you have any views on … ?
This page lists useful expressions for the language function of asking for opinions.
- Do you think … ?
- How do you feel about … ?
- In your opinion, … ?
- Please tell me your opinion on …
- What do you think about … ?
- What’s your opinion on … ?
- Do you (also) think that … ?
- Do you believe that … ?
- Do you have an opinion on … ?
- Do you have any opinions on/about … ?
- In your experience, … ?
- In your honest opinion, … ?
- What’s your view on … ?
- Would you agree that … ?
- Can you give me your thoughts on … ?
- Do you (dis)approve of … ?
- Do you agree with the opinion that … ?
- Do you have any views on … ?
- Do you share the/my view that … ?
- If I asked your opinion about … , … ?
- If I said … , … ?
- I’d like (to hear) your views on …
- I’m sure you’d agree that …
- What are your feelings about … ?
- What are your views on … ?
- What do you reckon?
- Any (initial) thoughts on … ?
- Are people right in thinking … ?
- Are you in agreement with … ?
- Do you have any particular views on … ?
- Do you have any thoughts on … ?
- From your point of view, … ?
- I know this is not your specialist subject, but …
- I know you haven’t had long to think about this …
- I know you haven’t had much time to think about this, but …
- I’d be (very) interested to hear your views on …
- What are your (first) thoughts on … ?
- What would be your reaction if I said … ?
- What’s your position on … ?
- Would it be right to say … ?
- Would you support the view that … ?
- Am I justified in saying … ?
- Am I right in thinking … ?
- Any objections to the statement … ?
- Are you convinced by the argument that … ?
- Are you of the opinion that … ?
- Does … tally with your experience?
- I imagine you will have strong opinions on …
- I’d guess your view on this is …
- Is it in fact the case that … ?
- What reaction do you have to … ?
- What’s your take on … ?
- Would I be right in assuming that you think … ?
- Would I be right in saying … ?
- Would I/it be wrong to say … ?
- Would it be logical to say … ?
- Would you have any problems with the statement … ?
- Would … be a fair summary of your views on … ?
- Would … be out of the question?
- You strike me as someone who would hold the opinion that …
Useful phrases for asking for help, asking for opinions and asking for approval in English.
Learn more about useful English phrases for asking for information.
How to Ask for Help in English
We all need help sometimes. In English, it is not polite to ask directly. So there are many phrases that we can say before a request to ‘soften’ it:
- Can you give me a hand with this?
- Could you help me for a second?
- Can I ask a favour?
- I wonder if you could help me with this?
- I could do with some help, please.
- I can’t manage. Can you help?
- Give me a hand with this, will you?
- Lend me a hand with this, will you?
- Could you spare a moment?
- I need some help, please.
- Could you please help me out with…?
- Would you mind showing me …?
- Is there any chance you have time to …?
- Could you please explain to me …?
- Please can you do me a favour?
- Please help me with… .
- Is it possible for you to …?
- I was wondering if you could please show me how to ….
- Do you have any free time on/at …(day, date, time)?
- Do you know anything about …?
- I am having a problem with … Do you think you can help me?
- If you don’t mind, I could really use your assistance with…?
- If you don’t mind, I really need your help with …
- I know your good at/with …, and I really could use some help.
- I heard you are really good at/with …. Is their any chance that you could help me?
- Is their any chance you that you could give me a hand with…?
- I heard that you have a lot of experience with …, and I could really use your help.
Asking Somebody’s Opinion
- What do you think of…?
- What do you think about…?
- How d’you feel (about…)?
- What d’you reckon (about…)?
- What’s your opinion of…?
- (What do think about) that?
- What are your views on…?
- Where do you stand (on…)?
- What would you say to… / if we…?
- Are you aware of…..?
- Do you think … ?
- How do you feel about … ?
- In your opinion, … ?
- Please tell me your opinion on …
- What do you think about … ?
- What’s your opinion on … ?
- Pre-intermediate
- Can you give me your thoughts on … ?
- Do you (dis)approve of … ?
- Do you agree with the opinion that … ?
- Do you have any views on … ?
- Do you share the/my view that … ?
- If I asked your opinion about … , … ?
- If I said … , … ?
- I’d like (to hear) your views on …
- I’m sure you’d agree that …
- What are your feelings about … ?
- What are your views on … ?
- From your point of view, … ?
- I know this is not your specialist subject, but …
- I know you haven’t had long to think about this …
- I know you haven’t had much time to think about this, but …
- I’d be (very) interested to hear your views on …
- What are your (first) thoughts on … ?
- What would be your reaction if I said … ?
- What’s your position on … ?
- Would it be right to say … ?
- Would you support the view that … ?
- I imagine you will have strong opinions on …
- I’d guess your view on this is …
- Is it in fact the case that … ?
- What reaction do you have to … ?
- What’s your take on … ?
- Would I be right in assuming that you think … ?
- Would I be right in saying … ?
- Would I/it be wrong to say … ?
- Would it be logical to say … ?
- Would you have any problems with the statement … ?
- Would … be a fair summary of your views on … ?
- Would … be out of the question?
- You strike me as someone who would hold the opinion that …
Learn more useful phrases of how to express your opinions in English
Asking for Approval
Sometimes we are not sure if it’s a good idea to do something. So we need useful expressions for asking if other people agree with an idea or intended action.
- Do you think it’s all right to do it?
- What do you think about (me doing that)?
- Do you think / reckon I ought to (do it)?
- What would you say if I (did it)?
- Would you approve of (doing something)?
- What is your attitude to the idea of…
- Are you in favour of (me doing something)?
- You are in favour of … aren’t you?
- Do you think anyone would mind if I…
- Would it be really awfuil if I…
Useful Phrases for Asking for Opinions | Image
Asking for Opinions with ESL image.
/ / Business English, English Meetings, Speaking
If you need to speak English during meetings, business lunches, or in any type of general conversation, you will probably spend a percentage of this time asking and giving opinions.
If you are a naturally curious person, or you welcome the suggestions of others, you will often ask for the opinions of others. And if you enjoy expressing your ideas, giving your opinion is something you will do regularly.
So if asking and giving opinions is an important part of the language we use, it makes sense to learn a few different ways to give and express opinions.
You see, when you reach an intermediate to advanced level of English, you have a solid foundation of the language and are able to deal with most conversational situations.
But to start sounding more native-like and speaking with a bit more variety, you need to stop relying only on the tried and trusted phrases which you have always used, like ”I think..”. or “In my opinion…”, and try out some different expressions for asking and giving opinions.
In this article, I teach you “native-like” expressions for asking and giving opinions, responding to opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, and lastly, expressing reservations. After learning a handful of these phrases, you will speak with more variety and sound more like a native speaker.
Let’s take a look…
Asking for Opinions
How do you feel about that?
What is your point of view?
David, I would really appreciate your view.
Have you got any thoughts on this?
Do you have any views on this?
Does anyone have any other comments?
Responding to Opinions
I see what you mean.
You’ve got a point there.
That’s a very good point.
That’s a great suggestion.
That’s one way of looking at it.
Expressing Opinions
I believe…
I’m convinced that…
I’m sure that…
I have no doubt…
There’s no doubt in my mind that…
I’m quite certain that…
I think…
Well, if you ask me…
I’d like to point out that…
As I see it…
In my opinion…
I feel that…
My impression is that…
I am not sure but I am leaning towards…
I tend to think…
I totally agree with you.
I have exactly the same opinion as you.
You have hit the nail on the head. (idiom)
I agree to a certain extent.
I am with you up to a point.
I agree partly.
I guess you’re right.
I totally disagree.
I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there.
With respect, I have to say I don’t agree.
I disagree entirely.
I can’t go along with that at all.
It’s out of the question.
I understand what you are saying, but I have a different opinion.
I agree with you to a point but I disagree about…
I know what you mean but…
I don’t really agree with you.
I think it might be better to…
I’d be inclined to think the opposite.
Expressing Reservations
I’m not sure that’s such a good idea.
Don’t you think that…?
I’m concerned that…
I’m not entirely convinced that…
I suggest choosing a few expressions which you like and are comfortable with, then practice saying them. Then, record yourself and play it back to check whether you are saying them correctly.
What really helps you remember these phrases is when you use them in real-life situations. So when you next have a meeting or conversation in English, try to use these new expressions when the opportunity comes up.
Tags Asking and Giving OpinionsBusiness MeetingsLearn EnglishSpeak English
Author: Steven Hobson
Steven is a business English coach, a certified life coach, writer, and entrepreneur. He helps international professionals build confidence and improve fluency speaking English in a business environment.
When a survey questionnaire contains an empty comment box that asks for your opinion on something- provide as much detail as possible.
Если анкета содержит пустое текстовое окно, которое служит для записи Вашего мнения на какую-то тему- впишите столько информации, сколько только сможете.
A verbal report is less formal than a presentation,
and the listener may often interrupt you to ask for clarifications or for your opinion or suggestions.
Устный доклад, менее формальный, чем представление,
и слушатель часто прерывать вас, чтобы обратиться за разъяснениями или ваше мнение и предложения.
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