As per another word

What is another word for as per?

227 synonyms found


[ az pˈɜː], [ az pˈɜː], [ a_z p_ˈɜː]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    according to (noun)

    • according.
  • Other synonyms:

    Other relevant words:

    • foundation,
    • aright,
    • intellect,
    • nucleotide,
    • expressive style,
    • allot,
    • vogue,
    • base,
    • foot,
    • argue,
    • floor,
    • congruity,
    • good,
    • concord,
    • narrow,
    • radix,
    • ground,
    • reason out,
    • cornerstone,
    • accordance of rights,
    • understructure,
    • documentation,
    • harmonise,
    • right-hand,
    • agree,
    • agency,
    • properly,
    • mode,
    • radical,
    • primer coat,
    • flat coat,
    • configuration,
    • form,
    • cause,
    • modality,
    • balance,
    • stylus,
    • groundwork,
    • correctly,
    • symmetry,
    • abridge,
    • wholly,
    • consonance,
    • way of life,
    • one,
    • redress,
    • all,
    • contract,
    • accordance,
    • meanspirited,
    • mighty,
    • undertake,
    • forge,
    • parallelism,
    • strand,
    • manner,
    • altogether,
    • method acting,
    • room,
    • trend,
    • unison,
    • establish,
    • wallpaper,
    • undercoat,
    • shape,
    • accord,
    • consort,
    • modal value,
    • symmetricalness,
    • press,
    • agreement,
    • fundament,
    • substructure,
    • ripe,
    • abidance,
    • rationality,
    • way,
    • right wing,
    • whole,
    • mean,
    • stem,
    • root word,
    • footing,
    • papers,
    • understanding,
    • text file,
    • sign,
    • ossification,
    • terra firma,
    • flop,
    • contract bridge,
    • musical mode,
    • totally,
    • paper,
    • instauration,
    • written document,
    • concentrate,
    • conformance,
    • correct,
    • decently,
    • veracious,
    • institution,
    • right field,
    • arrangement,
    • run aground,
    • certification,
    • completely,
    • conformation,
    • initiation,
    • grant,
    • dash,
    • rightfield,
    • fashion,
    • rightfulness,
    • compliance,
    • solid ground,
    • home,
    • grounds,
    • base of operations,
    • baseborn,
    • corroboration,
    • cut,
    • foundation garment,
    • treaty,
    • sign up,
    • pact,
    • newspaper,
    • grounding,
    • elan,
    • path,
    • elbow room,
    • priming,
    • get,
    • conclude,
    • concordance,
    • take,
    • stand,
    • commensurateness,
    • correspondence,
    • style,
    • dry land,
    • title,
    • humble,
    • contour,
    • right,
    • right on,
    • fit in,
    • substance,
    • root,
    • land,
    • report,
    • anchor,
    • harmoniousness,
    • musical harmony,
    • background,
    • composition,
    • lowly,
    • harmonize,
    • squeeze,
    • bag,
    • rectify,
    • newspaper publisher,
    • earth,
    • support,
    • basal,
    • personal manner,
    • justly,
    • proper,
    • consensus,
    • abbreviate,
    • means,
    • soil,
    • shrink,
    • primer,
    • compact,
    • founding,
    • right smart,
    • basis,
    • priming coat,
    • right hand,
    • origination,
    • method,
    • infrastructure,
    • powerful,
    • direction,
    • theme,
    • declaration,
    • conformism,
    • mood,
    • found,
    • compensate,
    • foreshorten,
    • document,
    • reasonableness,
    • compress,
    • shorten,
    • reduce,
    • al qaida,
    • entirely,
    • free-base,
    • mightily,
    • constrict,
    • harmony,
    • al qaeda,
    • congruousness,
    • creation,
    • condense,
    • prime,
    • consonant rhyme,
    • decent,
    • sign on,
    • introduction,
    • alkali,
    • flair,
    • software documentation,
    • innovation,
    • congruence,
    • panache,
    • conformity,
    • proportionateness,
    • reason,
    • immoral,
    • pedestal.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • in accordance with,
    • according to,
    • regarding.

How to use «As per» in context?

The article discusses the use of the word «as per» and offers tips for word choice.

As per English grammar, «as per» is a word used after a clause in order to provide clarity. Its use can be a sign of politeness, or it can indicate that something has been arranged according to a pre-existing agreement.

When arranging a meeting, it is polite to say «I will meet you as per your instructions.» This indicates that you have been informed of the meeting location and timeframe, and that you will follow those instructions.


as per — согласно
as per order — согласно заказу
as per usual — по обыкновению
as per advice — согласно уведомлению
as per sample — ком. согласно образцу
as per tariff — по тарифу
as per margin — согласно условиям, изложенным на полях или вписанным в соответствующие графы проформы документа
as per invoice — согласно счету-фактуре [инвойсу]
as per 01.08.05 — начиная с 1 августа
as per contract — согласно контракту; согласно договору

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод


Перевод по словам

as  — как, согласно, как, так как, когда, какой, что, который, в качестве, в виде
per  — в, за, на, по, с, согласно, через, посредством


Jenny was late, as per usual.

Джени опоздала, как обычно.

He got drunk as per usual. *

Он как обычно напился.

She’s skiving off as per usual. *

Она, как обычно, прогуливает.

That lazy little monkey has gone to school and left her bed unmade again, as per usual. *

Эта ленивая девчонка ушла в школу и снова, как обычно, оставила свою постель неубранной.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He just laughed at me, as per usual.  

The work was carried out as per your instructions.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

as per — перевод на русский

And, as per usual, I wouldn’t be surprised if the source of the marital friction weren’t financial.

И, как обычно, нас не удивит, если причиной семейных трений стали финансы.

I’m upset because we haven’t spoken in two weeks and when we do, the first words out of your mouth as per usual, are about Dawson.

Я расстроен, потому что мы не разговаривали две недели и, когда мы в первый раз заговариваем, твои первые слова, как обычно, о Доусоне.

I was annoying you, as per usual.

Я доставал тебя, как обычно.

At present, as per usual, but I’ll clarify that with you at a later time.

В данный момент — как обычно. Я в другой раз это с Вами обсужу.

Dear sweet Gudgeon, as per usual, sprang to my rescue.

Милый Гаджен, как обычно, бросился ко мне на помощь.

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As per law, we can’t do anything! Do something.

Он всё делает в соответствии с законами.

But she wants you to be, and as per the code, that is enough for Laurel to keep her paws off you.

Но она хочет, чтобы ты им был, и в соответствии с правилами этого вполне достаточно для Лорел, чтобы держать руки подальше от тебя.

Tomorrow morning, I’d like to see both parties with settlement offers as per Wyoming law.

Завтра утром я хотел бы видеть обе стороны с предложениями о соглашении в соответствии законами штата.

Are you familiar with the police surgeon brief, Doctor, as per the police handbook?

Вам знакома должностная инструкция полицейского врача, доктор, в соответствии с полицейским руководством?

As per the handbook, seeing to victim welfare.

В соответствии с руководством, слежу за благосостоянием жертвы.

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c. 1782. From as + per


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˌæz ˈpɜː/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˌæz ˈpɝ/


as per

  1. Consistent, or in accordance, with; according to
    • 1895, C. Mamer, Official Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, Illinois. 1893/1894, page 403:

      Gentlemen—As per the rules of your Honorable Body, I advertised for bids for crockery, etc., that might be required by the various Cook County institutions from April 1st to June 30th, 1894, as per specifications on file in my office.

Derived terms[edit]

  • as per the usual
  • as per usual



  • Arabic: وَفْقًا لِـ(wafqan li-)
    Egyptian Arabic: وفقا لـ(wefqan le-)
  • Finnish: mukaisesti (fi)
  • German: laut (de)
  • Polish: zgodnie z
  • Portuguese: conforme (pt)
  • Russian: согла́сно (ru) (soglásno), в соотве́тствии с (ru) (v sootvétstvii s)
  • Spanish: conforme (es)
  • Vietnamese: theo như (vi), theo (vi), tuân theo


  • Earps, Pears, Peras, RESPA, Rapes, Spear, Spera, apers, apres, après, après-, aprés, pares, parse, pears, prase, presa, præs., rapes, reaps, sarpe, spare, spear


  • English terms with IPA pronunciation
  • English lemmas
  • English prepositions
  • English multiword terms
  • English terms with quotations

When people write business letters and other formal documents, they sometimes use the word “as per” in one of the sentences.  Many, however, look at this phrase as wordy and pompous. If you’re looking to hone your business or technical writing skills, you’ll want to use better words. This entails substituting the phrases “as per” and even “as per usual” with other terms.

Before we get to the synonyms of “as per,” let’s take a look at what this phrase means, determine if it’s grammatically correct and look at some examples.

What Does “As Per” Mean?

As per your request, also known as APYR, is a slang commonly used online. Source:

This adverbial phrase simply means “according to.” When you’re citing something or someone, you can use “as per.” When you add the words “your request,” the phrase becomes APYR, the internet slang for “as per your request.”

Careful writers typically avoid using “as per” because of the adverbial phrase’s jargonistic tone. They argue that using according to or in accordance with sounds more natural than “as per.”

Is Using “As Per” Grammatically Correct?

The phrase “as per” is redundant.

“Per,” minus the word “as,” communicates the same meaning. There are even some cases wherein you can drop the word “as.” This is especially true with the everyday phrase “as per usual.”

Does this automatically mean that you should stop using “as per” the same way you’d stop using “bare with me?” The answer is not necessarily.

The choice of using “per” or “as per” is entirely a matter of taste, just like comradery and camaraderie. An article from Grammarist found that “as per” is especially common in Indian publications. The reason may be due to Indian English descending primarily from the language of Colonial Service Administrators who were fond of such jargon.

What’s more, you’ll find people using the more ponderous “as per” in legal or business prose. You can also find this adverbial phrase in writing that tries to adopt a formal tone.

Setting the record straight, the words “as per” is not incorrect to use.

Some, however, just find this phrase overly legalistic and decide to avoid it for this particular reason. Just like in many matters of diction, the tonal requirements of a particular passage should guide your word or phrase choice.

How Do You Use “As Per” in a Sentence?

Now that you know the meaning of “as per,” let’s now see how to use this phrase in a sentence. Here are some examples:

  • Cook the spaghetti in a pan of salted water as per the directions on the container.
  • These treatments are as per the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Lunch, as per her request, consisted of lobster risotto and beef wellington.
  • Please don’t forget to tuck the kids in bed and say good night to them as per our agreement.
  • As per the latest research, people can use bamboo to build doors and windows.

Alternative Words: What Can I Use Instead of “As Per?”

If you want to improve your writing, you’ll want to avoid using “as per” and opt for other synonyms instead. Just make sure that your word or phrase choice will not change the meaning of the sentence.

Here are a few synonyms along with sentences to help you use these phrases correctly:

According to

  • According to the latest census, individuals residing in the northwestern part of the country look after sick relatives, live out of wedlock and are in poor health.
  • I’m confident that you can tailor a sweater according to the size of the cloth I’ve given you.
  • The lighting in warm yellow, blue and red set the mood according to the emotion depicted.

In Line With

  • She loves black shoes, in line with her no-nonsense kind of image.
  • These food products have gone through stringent quality controls in line with the recent health regulations.
  • Businesses have the option to recompense their senior workers as they see fit, in line with what the companies perceive as the going rate for the jobs these employees do.

As Claimed By

  • You don’t need to modify your diet, as claimed by some lifestyle gurus.
  • Friends whispered that his death last year was not natural, as claimed by the family.
  • Superfoods will not increase your lifespan, as claimed by some advertisers and marketers.

Bonus Guide: What Can I Use Instead of “As Per Usual”?

Source: Imgflip

You can drop the word “per” and just go with “as usual.”

You can also drop the word “as” and just use “per usual.” If you want other examples, do check out these other synonyms (along with one example sentence) that you may use to replace “as per usual”:

  • Normally – Ladies and gentlemen, the appropriate personnel is in close communications with the parties responsible for the security and operation of the airport. We have received word that the airport is operating normally.
  • Typically – Typically, the product release includes a limited and a regular edition.
  • Often – The people who lose out on this deal are often the poor.

The phrase “as per” isn’t grammatically correct. It is, however, redundant and overly legalistic. Consider using other words or phrases if you want to sound a bit less stiff or formal in your communications.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


As per an investigation, 92% of adults endure tooth rot due to consistent consumption of soda.

Согласно нескольким исследованиям, 92% взрослых страдают кариесом из-за регулярного использования газированных напитков.

As per the police investigation, she had no understandable speech.

Согласно полицейскому расследованию, у нее не было понятной речи.

As per the legislation, the compilation of a single electoral list at the first stage was carried out by district election commissions.

В соответствии с законодательством, составление единого избирательного списка на первом этапе было произведено участковыми избирательными комиссиями.

As per the current refinery structure, each barrel of oil produces more gasoline than diesel.

В соответствии с текущей структурой нефтепереработки, каждый баррель нефти производит больше бензина, чем дизельное топливо.

As per his wish, his secretary and former lover burned all of his personal diaries.

Согласно его желанию, его секретарь и бывший любовник сожгли все его личные дневники.

As per the recent report, human errors account for 27% of total breaches.

Согласно недавнему докладу, человеческие ошибки составляют 27% от общего числа нарушений.

As per your necessity, you can purchase its modules.

Согласно вашим необходимости, вы можете приобрести ее модулей.

As per business nature, several different models, types, and services have evolved.

В соответствии с характером бизнеса, несколько различных моделей, типов и услуг эволюционировали.

As per the agreement, each country would start construction from their side of the river and meet in the middle.

В соответствии с соглашением, каждая страна должна была начать строительство со своей стороны реки и встретиться посередине.

As per the title «means of communication,» they should be at the center of society, creating connection between us.

Согласно названию — «средства коммуникации» — они должны быть в центре общества, создавая связь между нами.

As per the scenario, participants had to respond to a simulated security threat in a virtual country.

Согласно сценарию участники должны были реагировать на смоделированную угрозу безопасности в виртуальной стране.

As per the product description, they’re airport safe.

В соответствии с описание продукта, они аэропорте безопасным.

As per research, consumption of whole grains such as buckwheat can reduce the risk of childhood asthma by around 50 percent.

Согласно исследованиям, потребление цельного зерна, такого как гречка, может снизить риск развития астмы у детей примерно на 50 процентов.

Government: As per existing practice, a defendant is given the choice of taking the assistance of a Jabmi.

Правительство: В соответствии с установленной практикой обвиняемым предоставляется возможность прибегнуть к услугам джабми.

As per the survey, Ruby has the minimum number of security vulnerabilities and so can be considered as the most secure programming language.

Согласно опросу, Ruby имеет минимальное количество уязвимостей безопасности и поэтому может считаться наиболее безопасным языком программирования.

As per my suggestion, go with some expert SEO services with the cheapest rate of $5.

Согласно моему предложению, пойти с некоторыми экспертными услугами SEO с самой дешевой ставкой 5 долларов.

As per the rules, no crew is allowed to consume alcohol 12 hours prior to the commencement of flight.

Согласно Правилам авиаперевозок, членам экипажа запрещается употреблять алкоголь за 12 часов до начала полета.

As per GTE’s website, the company has already returned all funds to investors.

Согласно сайту GTE, компания уже вернула все средства инвесторам.

As per conservative estimates, currently China is only using 5 percent of its total biomass potential.

Согласно консервативным оценкам, в настоящее время Китай использует только 5% своего потенциала биомассы.

As per the instructions received, captain Schrewe waited underwater for 24 hours, to be sure about the correct working of the transmitter.

В соответствии с инструкциями, полученными, капитан Schrewe ждали подводные за 24 часа, чтобы быть уверенным в корректной работы передатчика.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат As per

Результатов: 10344. Точных совпадений: 10344. Затраченное время: 309 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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