Are words with hyphens one word

Are words with hyphens one word?

Compound words can be written in three ways: as open compounds (spelled as two words, e.g., ice cream), closed compounds (joined to form a single word, e.g., doorknob), or hyphenated compounds (two words joined by a hyphen, e.g., long-term). Sometimes, more than two words can form a compound (e.g., mother-in-law).

What is the rule on hyphenated words?

Generally, you need the hyphen only if the two words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they’re describing. If the noun comes first, leave the hyphen out. This wall is load bearing.

Do hyphens affect keywords?

Google: Hyphens In Search Queries Can Change Results. John Mueller said it depends, “sometimes they’re seen as reciprocal synonyms, sometimes not.” So in some keyword cases, Google would show the same results for a keyword with and without a hyphen and other times, it won’t.

Does well respected have a hyphen?

A compound adjective should be hyphenated before a noun (unless the compound itself carries a modifier) but not following it unless subject to misreading or hyphenated in Webster’s as an adjective: a well-respected man; a very well respected man; a man well respected for his bravery; he is well respected for his …

Does drug free have a hyphen?

Are you trying to hyphenate drug-free? Unfortunately it cannot be hyphenated because it only contains one syllable.

Does Well played have a hyphen?

When you’re in doubt about compound words and handshakes like these, it’s best to consult a dictionary (and your great-aunt’s will). But when two words forming a compound adjective follow a noun, generally omit the hyphen. Thus, “The well-played game was well played,” and, “The tough-minded executive was tough minded.”

Does half brother need a hyphen?

Also, when half is a kinship term it does not take a hyphen: half brother. The word great usually forms open compounds, such as great ape and great circle, and sometimes combines solidly, as in greatcoat and greathearted.

Does thinly veiled have a hyphen?

These are the other exceptions to the rule: “Very” and adverbs ending with “-ly” do not take hyphens. They are only adverbs, and adverbs do not modify nouns. So it would be impossible to misinterpret thinly veiled criticism as “criticism that is thinly and veiled”.

Does back and forth need hyphens?

This adverbial phrase is good for describing any kind of to and fro movement. With hyphens, back-and-forth is an exchange of ideas: “The back-and-forth between the director and the audience was the best part of the film screening.”

Does badly drawn have a hyphen?

Do not use a hyphen if the two words are not being used to create an adjective. Please sign in on the sign-in sheet. That picture was poorly drawn.

How do you use thinly veiled in a sentence?

I watch with thinly veiled amusement as he insistently taps her on the shoulder. That was a pretty thinly veiled shot at Van Exel, who did not take the comments kindly. His thinly veiled criticism of the management of the unit has been expressed more openly this weekend by the founder of the unit.

What does it mean when something is thinly veiled?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English thinly disguised/veiled if something is thinly disguised etc, someone is pretending it is something else, but you can easily see what it really is He looked at Frank’s new car with thinly veiled envy.

What is thinly veiled sarcasm?

However, new research reveals that sarcasm is merely thinly-veiled meanness, a way of covering contempt or hate because the person making the pun believes their words are less hurtful than their victim thinks. Sarcasm is usually sourced from: Insecurity.

What is a veiled attempt?

a thinly veiled threat: an indiscreet warning. noun. veiled means “hidden”, “covered”. thinly means “lightly”.

Does veiled mean hidden?

not openly or directly expressed; masked; disguised; hidden; obscure: a veiled threat.

What is the word for two words that mean the same thing?


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The reason is quite simple—the generally accepted rule is that a compound word is always treated as a single word. For instance, the compound adjective «real-time» is a different word than «real time.» … So, once compound words are closed or hyphenated, they are counted as one word.

What is the rule on hyphenated words?

When you connect words with the hyphen, you make it clear to readers that the words work together as a unit of meaning. … Generally, you need the hyphen only if the two words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they’re describing. If the noun comes first, leave the hyphen out.

Does it count as one word or two?

The word, «it’s» is one word, but would be counted as two words because if not contracted, you would have two separate words. To circle the words, however, «it’s» would be one word and would be circled.

Is Wordcount one word?

The word count is the number of words in a document or passage of text. Word counting may be needed when a text is required to stay within certain numbers of words. … When converting character counts to words, a measure of 5 or 6 characters to a word is generally used for English.

What words are not counted in word count?

Word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, etc). The list of references, appendices and footnotes2 are NOT included in the word count unless it is clearly stated in the coursework instructions that the module is an exception to this rule.

36 related questions found

How many pages is 2000 words?

Answer: 2,000 words is 4 pages single-spaced or 8 pages double-spaced. Documents that typically contain 2,000 words include college essays, operating manuals, and longer form blog posts. It will take approximately 7 minutes to read 2,000 words.

Is contractions 1 or 2 words?

Contracted words count as the number of words they would be if they were not contracted. For example, isn’t, didn’t, I’m, I’ll are counted as two words (replacing is not, did not, I am, I will). Where the contraction replaces one word (e.g. can’t for cannot), it is counted as one word.

Is should’ve one word?

Writing could’ve and should’ve is standard, even if the spellcheckers say differently. The contractions just emphasize the pronunciation of the words.

Is Semantic a real word?

Semantics (from Ancient Greek: σημαντικός sēmantikós, «significant») is the study of meaning, reference, or truth. The term can be used to refer to subfields of several distinct disciplines, including philosophy, linguistics and computer science.

What happens if you say hyphen 5 times?

It looks like saying “Hyphen” five times crashes the iOS launcher, bringing you to the home screen. … 1 — perhaps the bug was introduced in a recent version of iOS. Verdict: Fact. Saying “hyphen” five times using voice input crashes your iPhone, but there’s no need to worry; nothing else happens in the process.

What is a hyphenated word?

The hyphen ‐ is a punctuation mark used to join words and to separate syllables of a single word. The use of hyphens is called hyphenation. Son-in-law is an example of a hyphenated word.

What are some examples of hyphenated words?

Examples of hyphenated compound words include:

  • two-fold.
  • check-in.
  • merry-go-round.
  • father-in-law.
  • seventy-two.
  • long-term.
  • up-to-date.
  • mother-in-law.

What are semantic words?

Semantics is a branch of linguistics that looks at the meanings of words and language, including the symbolic use of language. It also refers to the multiple meanings of words as well. Two terms that are related to semantics are connotation and denotation. … Denotation includes the literal definition of the word.

What are the two types of semantics?

Semantics is the study of meaning. There are two types of meaning: conceptual meaning and associative meaning. The conceptual meaning of the word sea is something that is large, filled with saltwater, and so on.

What is should’ve short for?

short form of should have: You should’ve come to the party last night, Manya. More examples. You should’ve seen Charlie dancing! I should’ve got there earlier.

Is Couldve a word?

Could of is a common misspelling of the verb phrase could have. Most native English speakers use the contraction could’ve in everyday speech. This pronunciation omits the stressed H sound that differentiates have from of in the slurred familiarity of spoken English.

Is should’ve proper English?

Should’ve is the usual spoken form of ‘should have‘, especially when ‘have’ is an auxiliary verb.

Is Don’t considered one word?

A contraction is a word made by shortening and combining two words. Words like can’t (can + not), don’t (do + not), and I’ve (I + have) are all contractions. People use contractions in both speaking and writing.

Is syntactically a correct word?

According to the rules of syntax. The sentence was syntactically correct, but made no sense.

Are contractions a word?

A contraction is a shortened form of a word (or group of words) that omits certain letters or sounds. … The most common contractions are made up of verbs, auxiliaries, or modals attached to other words: He would=He’d. I have=I’ve. They are=They’re.

Can you write a 10 page paper in one night?

Writing a 10- or 20-page research paper in one night is not easy, so there are bound to be mistakes and typos. The best way to catch these mistakes is to follow these tips: Take a break before you edit so you can come back to the page with somewhat fresh eyes and a clearer head.

What is 1500 words in pages?

Answer: 1,500 words is 3 pages single-spaced or 6 pages double-spaced. Documents that typically contain 1,500 words are short-form news articles, medium length blog posts, and short pieces of journalism. It will take approximately 5 minutes to read 1,500 words.

How many pages is 50000 words?

A standard typed manuscript page (i.e. what you type, before it’s a book page), with 12pt font and one inch margins is about 300 words. A 50,000 word manuscript is about 165 pages.

What is pragmatics example?

Pragmatics is the study of how words are used, or the study of signs and symbols. An example of pragmatics is how the same word can have different meanings in different settings. An example of pragmatics is the study of how people react to different symbols.

Do hyphenated words count as one single word or a phrase?

For example, is “non-hyphenated” a phrase or a single word?

Both your examples that do not have hyphens are words with negative prefixes.
Words that include a negative (or positive) prefix will usually be written without a hyphen.

Examples: antimatter, indecisive, unwilling, probiotic, and nonaggression.

If the word includes an adjective that is neither directly negative or positive but is instead otherwise descriptive, then you should include a hyphen.

Examples: strong-armed, evil-minded, ill-adviced, and well-intended.

«well» is a borderline case, but it is not 100% positive. It’s between neutral and positive, not one of those words you would use as a prefix in the same sense that you use pro, un, in or anti.

I hope this makes sense.

There are further prefixes that are neither positive or negative but still should not include a hyphen. I don’t think it would be productive for me to quote the full list but words like extraordinary, infrastructure and transatlantic certainly seem to prove my theory a bit flawed. The point remains, however, that there are certain prefixes that are usually used without hyphen.

Hyphenated words title image

Hyphenated words can be confusing for writers! There are many rules and guidelines on when to use hyphens. In today’s article, we’ll take a look at exactly what hyphenated words are and when to use them. We’ll go through plenty of examples so that you can use hyphenated words with confidence in your writing.

What Are Hyphenated Words?

A hyphenated word is a word that contains at least one hyphen. Typically, hyphenated words are compound words, which means the hyphen connects two or more words.

There are other uses of hyphens that we use in writing that aren’t compound words. We’ll cover these examples later in this article.

When you can use hyphens

When to Use Hyphenated Words

We use hyphens to combine certain types of words. These include compound modifiers, such as adjectives and participles. We hyphenate many numbers when they are spelled out in word form, like twenty-one.

Sometimes, we hyphenate words after prefixes, but not every prefix requires a hyphen. How do you know which ones to use? We’ll cover these in more detail in a later section.

Hyphens can also help our writing become clearer. This means that occasionally, we can add hyphens where they aren’t required grammatically. Sometimes, that little punctuation mark can make a huge difference in improving clarity and readability.

When you can use hyphens continued

Keep reading for detailed explanations of how and when to use hyphens in your writing.

Hyphens vs. Dashes

Many people confuse hyphens and dashes. We even say dashes when we’re using hyphens in web addresses, which makes things even more confusing.

But in English grammar, hyphens and dashes are very different. A hyphen is one short, horizontal line. You can find it next to the 0 on a QWERTY keyboard.

English also has two types of dashes, the en dash and em dash. The em dash (—) is a punctuation mark used between words to break apart thoughts or ideas within a sentence. It’s the length of two dashes.

The en dash (–) shows ranges between numbers, dates, etc. It’s wider than a hyphen and narrower than an em dash.

Many people use hyphens when they should use en dashes, or they’ll use two hyphens in place of an em dash. But these are three distinct punctuation marks and are not interchangeable.

The difference between hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes

Rules to Follow: What Words Should and Shouldn’t Be Hyphenated?

Hyphenation rules are tricky. Some words must be hyphenated, others should never be hyphenated, and still others can be hyphenated but don’t have to be. We’ll cover some of the basic guidelines for hyphenated words below.

Compound Modifiers

Sometimes when we describe a noun, we use two or more words together in place of one adjective. We call these compound modifiers. You might also hear them called compound adjectives.

There are several types of compound modifiers. One type is adjective + noun (or noun + adjective). We usually hyphenate these words. Here are some examples:

  • short-term
  • full-scale
  • blue-collar
  • skin-tight
  • rock-hard
  • world-famous

Another type of compound adjective combines an adjective with a past participle:

  • old-fashioned
  • tight-lipped
  • good-hearted
  • deep-fried
  • absent-minded

Adjectives can also combine with a present participle:

  • good-looking
  • slow-going
  • quick-thinking

Nouns can also combine with past and present participles by using a hyphen to make a compound modifier:

  • record-breaking
  • mind-numbing
  • sun-kissed
  • air-fried

Some hyphenated compound modifiers are two adjectives, like the examples below:

  • fat-free
  • bluish-purple
  • topsy-turvy

There are also hyphenated compound modifiers that include adverbs, but these get tricky. We’ll cover adverbs in a later section.

Numbers 21 through 99

In English, we hyphenate many two-digit numbers in their written form. Any base-ten higher than twenty plus an integer one through nine is hyphenated. What does this mean? Here are some examples:

  • twenty-one
  • thirty-two
  • forty-three
  • fifty-four
  • sixty-five
  • seventy-six
  • eighty-seven
  • ninety-eight

We don’t hyphenate teens (e.g. sixteen, seventeen), nor numbers higher than 99.

Let’s look at an example of a large number, so you can see where the hyphen goes:

  • 273 = two hundred seventy-three

Notice that we do not hyphenate “two hundred.” We also don’t need the word “and” because in mathematics “and” denotes a decimal. Outside of math, we can place the word “and” to mimic how many people speak. It would look like this:

  • two hundred and seventy-three

What about even bigger numbers? Here’s an example:

  • 24,535 = twenty-four thousand five hundred [and] thirty-five.

How to use hyphens with numbers

Once again, the “and” is optional. Our hyphenation rules remain the same no matter how large the number gets.

If it’s read like a base-ten plus a number (e.g. twenty-four), we hyphenate. The words “hundred,” “thousand,” “million,” and so on, do not need hyphens.

Compound Adjectives with Numbers

Some compound modifiers contain numbers. These might be periods of time or ages. We hyphenate any compound adjective that contains a number if it precedes a noun. Here are some examples:

  • two-week vacation
  • three-day weekend
  • five-year-old boy
  • seventy-three-year-old grandma
  • seven-year itch
  • fifteenth-century castle
  • second-place medal
  • third-grade class


If there is a number in a compound adjective, it must have a hyphen. However, if it’s not part of a compound adjective that precedes a noun, we do not hyphenate the word:

  • I’m on vacation for two weeks.
  • The boy is five years old.
  • The castle was built in the fifteenth century.
  • She teaches third grade.
  • I came in second place.

Always ask yourself how the phrase is functioning. If it’s a compound adjective that contains a number, use a hyphen!

Certain Prefixes

Prefixes are letters or words that attach to the beginning of a word to make a new word. Usually, we do not need to add hyphens after prefixes. However, some prefixes require a hyphen.

When we use the prefix “ex-” to mean “former,” we use a hyphen. Ex- has several meanings as a prefix, and some do not require a hyphen.

If you aren’t sure, try replacing the prefix with the word “former.” If it still makes sense, add a hyphen. If not, the hyphen is probably unnecessary.

  • ex-husband
  • ex-member
  • ex-coworker

So, you wouldn’t need it for words like “excommunicate.” The meaning of the prefix is different.

If you’re using “self-” as a prefix, always add a hyphen. Don’t confuse this with the root word “self” that stands alone as a noun! Here’s what it looks like as a prefix.

  • self-loathing
  • self-confidence
  • self-imposed

You can think of these as compound modifiers instead of a prefix if it helps you remember to use the hyphen.

Likewise, if you’re using “all-” as a prefix, it functions like a hyphenated compound modifier. Let’s look at some examples:

  • all-encompassing
  • all-powerful
  • all-in

You should also hyphenate words that have prefixes before capitalized words, such as “un-American,” “pro-Palestinian,” or “post-Depression era.”

Some words that contain other prefixes have hyphens, but these will occur on an individual basis rather than as a hard and fast rule.

Hyphenating for Clarity

Just when you think hyphenating words was easy once you learn the rules, you find out that some hyphenation rules are optional!

Every now and then, you might write a word that is difficult to read without a hyphen. This often occurs when a prefix shoves two identical letters together.

In these situations, you can add a hyphen to make your writing easier to read. Words like “pre-eclampsia” or “re-elect” are easier to read with the hyphen, even though it’s not necessary.

Hyphens can also help ensure that readers emphasize a syllable correctly to avoid confusion with another word. “Re-collect” will tell the reader you mean “to collect again” rather than “recollect” or “remember.”

Hyphens and Adverbs

Adverbs often combine with other words to form compound modifiers. Sometimes, we need hyphens. Other times, we don’t. How do you remember when to use a hyphen with an adverb?

If the adverb ends in -ly, do not use a hyphen. Take a look at these examples:

  • beautifully dressed
  • heavily laced
  • happily married
  • horribly disfigured
  • poorly written

But not all adverbs end in -ly. Here are some examples of compound modifiers with adverbs that do need a hyphen:

  • well-informed
  • never-ending
  • far-sighted
  • even-keeled

If you aren’t sure when to use a hyphen with adverbs, ProWritingAid can help. The Grammar Report will point out missing and unnecessary hyphens.

ProWritingAid correcting a hyphenated word

Examples of Hyphenated Compound Words

Compound words are words that are comprised of two or more words, often nouns, to create a new word. There are open compound words, closed compound words, and hyphenated compound words.

Open compound words include words such as coffee table, dining room, high school, ice cream, and peanut butter. There’s a space between these words, but both parts of the word are necessary. Peanut and butter are two different things than peanut butter.

Closed compound words push words together without a space or hyphen. Words such as mailbox, skateboard, sunshine, bookshop, and firefighter are closed compound words.

Some compound words used to be hyphenated but eventually the hyphen went out of fashion.

Hyphenated compound words use a hyphen to connect the words. Here are some examples:

  • six-pack
  • merry-go-round
  • runner-up
  • king-size
  • editor-in-chief

Hyphenated compound words like this differ from compound modifiers because they are nouns that are always hyphenated. They don’t function as adjectives or modifiers.

Other Uses of Hyphens in Writing

Hyphens have other uses in English writing, too. They don’t always form new words or connect parts of speech. Sometimes, they are used for formatting purposes.

When we justify text, or line up both margins, words can get cut off. While you can place a long word on the next line, this can look messy and uneven, particularly in books. Hyphens are used to cut words off between lines.

Hyphens can also denote a stutter or stammer in dialogue, as in this example:

  • “It’s f-f-freezing out here!”

These are formatting rules more than grammar rules, but it’s important to know that we can use hyphens in this way.

Conclusion on Words with Hyphens

Hyphens are a tiny punctuation mark that nonetheless pack a punch. Always ensure you are using a hyphen instead of an en dash or em dash when hyphenating words.

Remember to use hyphens in most compound modifiers, and always run your writing through an editing program like ProWritingAid to catch any hyphen errors.

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