Are these statements true or false correct the false ones the word


Are these statements true or false?Correct the false ones
1.The World Wildlife Fund is an organization fighting to save animals in danger.
2.It uses the whale and the panda as its symbols
3.At present about ten hundred species are almost extinct.


Светило науки — 21184 ответа — 153888 раз оказано помощи

1. True — The World Wildlife Fund is an organization fighting to save animals in danger.
2. Not true — It uses the panda as its symbols
3. True  — At present about ten hundred species are almost extinct.

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: danisdi364


Автор ответа: VACmeister



1 true

2 false

3 true

4 true

5 true

6 true

7 true

8 true

9 false

10 true


Думаю, что к этим вопросам мог быть текст, но если его нет, то в принципе на вопросы понятны ответы. 9 вопрос загуглил и не было новостей по поводу защиты китов от китайского правительства

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16 дм
15 м
12 м 35 ДМ
46 СМ
b b
4 СМ
2 ДМ
? М
3 м
2 дм
30 СМ
h2 СМ
? ДМ
3 м
2 м
1 ДМ
? СМ
у ? см3 128 дм3 90 м3
? м?? дм3 27 600 см3

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(4.6k баллов)

28 Май, 18

Правильный ответ

1. True. They are England, Scotland and Wales

2. The teritory of the country is large: 244,000 square kilometres (Transform it into square miles 1km²=0,3861 mile² )

3. True

4 Most people in Wales live in the valleys.

5. The Highlands are the oldest mountains in Great Britain

6. They are situated in Scotland

7. Glasgow is a great industrial centre.

8. Northern Ireland is poor in natural resources (здесь могу ошибаться)

9. The real ruler of the country is the Parliament.

10. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. 

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(10 баллов)

28 Май, 18



Не правильно.

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(17 баллов)

28 Май, 18




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(17 баллов)

28 Май, 18



1. F. (England, scotland, wales, Northern Ireland

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(17 баллов)

28 Май, 18



1. False, (England, Scotland , Wales, Nothern Ireland)

оставил комментарий


(17 баллов)

28 Май, 18



2. True, 3. True, 4. False(most people live in the coastal plains); 5. True, 6. F(they’re situated in Scotland);7. True, 8. True, 9.F(prime minister)10. False ( a monarchy)

Опубликовано в категории Английский язык, 14.06.2019

Помогите пожалуйста. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones. 1. The Temple of Artemis is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 2. It is situated in Greece. 3. Its columns are made of bronze. 4. The temple was founded in 550 BC. 5. It was built in honour of a Greek queen. 6. Today it is a museum which houses many works of art, including four ancien bronze statues of Amazons. 7. The temple was used as a marketplace. 8. The people could sell and buy earrings, bracelets and necklaces there. 9. In 401 AD the Temple of Artemis was torn down by St John Chrysostom and then rebuilt. 10. It is the most beautiful museum in the world.

Ответ оставил Гость

1.True2. False. The Temple of Artemis is located on the west coast of modern Turkey.3. False. Its columns are made of marble.4. False. It was reconstructed in 550 BC.5. False. It was build in honour of a Greek goddess.6. False. 7. True. This temple was both a market place and a place of worship. 8. True.9. True10. False. Today the site of the temple is marked by a single column constructed of dissociated fragments discovered on the site.

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Английский язык, опубликовано 09.09.2022

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usually, on, you, go, days, for, off, a, the, in, walk, village

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Эти утверждения правдивы (True) или ложны (False)? Исправьте ложные.

1. False – The Russian Federation is a federal semi-presidential constitutional republic. — Российская Федерация является федеративной полупрезидентской конституционной республикой.  

2. False – The President is the head of state and is elected directly by the people. — Президент является главой государства и избирается непосредственно народом.

3. False – The President is involved in the work of the legislative and executive branches of power. — Президент участвует в работе законодательной и исполнительной ветвей власти.

4. False — The government consists of the Prime Minister (the Chairman of the Government), the deputy prime ministers, and the federal ministers. — Правительство состоит из премьер-министра (председателя правительства), заместителей премьер-министра и федеральных министров.

5. False — The executive power is vested in the Government. — Исполнительная власть принадлежит правительству.

6. False – The members of the State Duma are elected by popular vote. — Члены Государственной Думы избираются всенародным голосованием.

7. True — The Federation Council is formed of the heads of the regions. —  Совет Федерации формируется из глав регионов.

8. False — Each Chamber of the Government is checked and balanced by the President. — Каждая палата правительства проверяется и уравновешивается президентом.

9. False — The legislative power is represented by the Federal Assemble which consists of the Federal Council (upper house) and State Duma (lower house). — Законодательная власть представлена Федеральным собранием, в состав которого входят Совет Федерации (верхняя палата) и Государственная Дума (нижняя палата).

10. False — The Russian Federation was set up by the Constitution in 1993. — Российская Федерация была основана Конституцией в 1993 году.

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