Are 3 form in word format

The third form of the verb is a verb in the past tense, which also carries the signs of an object (this form is used in the Perfect tenses). worked — worked, done — made, bought — bought.
The third form is the past participle, which is used to form the Perfect group tenses. According to the method of forming the second and third forms, verbs in English are divided into regular and irregular.

How many verb forms are there in English?

There are four main forms of the verb in English: basic (original), present participle, past tense, and past participle.

What are verb forms in English?

English verbs have four basic forms: indefinite, Past Simple, present participle, past participle II. …

When is the 2nd and 3rd forms of irregular verbs used?

The first is the infinitive or initial form (as the word is written in the dictionary), the second is used to form the Past Simple tense, and the third is the past participle (used to form the Perfect group tenses, passive voice and some other forms).

How to determine the correct form of a verb in English?

All verbs (verbs) in English are divided into regular (regular) and irregular (irregular). Regular verbs form the past tense form (Past Simple) and the past participle (third form) with the ending -ed, and for irregular verbs this form must be memorized.

How to put verbs correctly in English?

There is more than one auxiliary verb in English. There are three of them: do, be and have.

3. Auxiliary verbs.

Present simple I, you, we, they DO
Past Continuous I, he, she, it THAT
we, you, they WERE
Future Continuous Will be
Present Perfect I, you, we, they HAVE

How many forms does a verb have?

Forms of verbs in Russian are categories of words that have constant grammatical features of verbs, but are used in different ways in speech. There are two main types of verb forms: mutable (conjugated and inflected) and immutable.

What are the tenses of verbs in English?

All time education in English goes like this:

  • Past: I learned English.
  • Present: I learn English.
  • Future: I will learn English.

The third form of the verb in English has an official name — Past participle or Past Participle. These words can be translated into Russian as a passive participle: made — done, taken — taken, got — received.

What is V1 in English?

V1 is the basic form of the verb, the infinitive without the to particle. In the 3rd person singular (he, she, it) -s or -es is added to the stem. Form V1 is used to form the present (Present Simple).

How are verbs formed in English?

The English verb has three main forms: the first form is the infinitive (the Infinitive), the second form is the past indefinite tense of the active voice (the Past Indefinite Active) and the third form is the past participle, or participle II (the Past Participle, Participle II).

How many irregular verbs are there in English?

How many irregular verbs are there in English? The Oxford English Dictionary includes 470 irregular verbs, but the most commonly used are 190-195, so you can learn the 100 most common verbs to get started.

When are was and were written?

WAS and WERE are forms of the same verb to be (in the past tense). Dealing with their application is easy. The first form (WAS) is used in the singular (except for the 2nd person, the pronoun you). The second form (WERE), respectively, in the plural for all persons, as well as in the singular with the second.

What verbs are called irregular?

In English, all those verbs whose Past Indefinite (Simple) and / or Past Participle forms are exceptions to the general grammatical rule for the formation of these forms are incorrect.

How many irregular verbs do you need to know?

Irregular verbs — how much do you need to know? For beginners to learn English, it is enough to learn three forms of 50 irregular verbs. Those who want to get closer to the level of the average English speaker will have to learn about 200.

Three Form of Verb! In grammar, verbs are words that show action. Verbs can denote the action of an individual, or the action of a group of people. They can also be used to indicate an act, event or state.

What is verb?

Verbs are action words that make up the basis for a sentence. They can describe what a person does, what an object does, or what an event does. A good example of a verb is “run”. Other common verbs include “fall”, “play”, and “smile.”

What are the Forms of Verb?

English verbs come in several forms. For example, the verb sing can be: sing, sang, sung, singing or sings. This is a total of 5 forms. Not many, considering that some languages (French, for example) have more than 30 forms for an individual verb. English tenses may be quite complicated, but the forms that we use to make the tenses are actually very simple!

At school, students often learn by heart the basepast simple and past participle (sometimes called V1, V2, V3, meaning Verb 1, Verb 2, Verb 3) for irregular verbs.

Three Form of Verb List

1 Obtrude obtruded obtruded
2 Charge charged charged
3 bate abated abated
4 Allude alluded alluded
5 Jeer jeered jeered
6 prick pricked pricked
7 Carve carved carved
8 Pick picked picked
9 Entreat entreated entreated
10 Demolish demolished demolished
11 Imprison imprisoned imprisoned
12 Arrive arrived arrived
13 Allege alleged alleged
14 Beat beat beat/beaten
15 Post posted posted
16 Height heighted heightened
17 Noise noised noised
18 Become became become
19 Improve improved improved
20 Crow crowed crowed
21 Affect affected affected
22 Fulfill fulfilled fulfilled
23 pertain pertained pertained
24 Print printed printed
25 Found founded founded
26 Slay slew slain
27 Advocate advocated advocated
28 Gallop galloped galloped
29 Hear heard heard
30 Imprint imprinted imprinted
31 Bemoan bemoaned bemoaned
32 Cast cast cast
33 Differ differed differed
34 Mistrust mistrusted mistrusted
35 Freeze froze frozen
36 Adjure adjured adjured
37 Explain explained explained
38 Enrage enraged enraged
39 Gamble gambled gambled
40 Dream dreamt dreamt
41 Gain gained gained
42 Swear sworn sworn
43 Abuse abused abused
44 Grumble grumbled grumbled
45 Spit spat spat
46 Reap reaped reaped
47 Plunge plunged plunged
48 Devise devised devised
49 Pocket pocketed pocketed
50 Choose chose chosen


51 Dwell dwelt dwelt
52 Handcuff handcuffed handcuffed
53 Mount mounted mounted
54 Abridge abridged abridged
55 Interpose interposed interposed
56 Censure censured censured
57 Drink drank drunk
58 Alter altered altered
59 Reward rewarded rewarded
60 Progress progressed progressed
61 Initiate initiated initiated
62 Please pleased pleased
63 Alarm alarmed alarmed
64 Bask basked basked
65 bate abated abated
66 Induce induced induced
67 Attack attacked attacked
68 Contain contained contained
69 Shrink shrank shrunk
70 Sow sowed sowed
71 Pray prayed prayed
72 Misjudge misjudged misguided
73 Help helped hid helped
74 Cause caused caused
75 Shoot shot shot
76 Devote devoted devoted
77 Obviate obviated obviated
78 Address addressed addressed
79 Accompany accompanied accompanied
80 Bequeath bequeathed bequeathed
81 Account accounted accounted
82 Dare dared dared
83 Occur occurred occurred
84 Gull gulled gulled
85 Deface defaced defaced
86 Prescribe prescribed prescribed
87 Encourage encouraged encouraged
88 Civilize civilized civilized
89 Illumine illumined illumined
90 Adapt adapted adapted
91 Garden gardened gardened
92 Account accounted accounted
93 Shave shaved shaved
94 Plaster plastered plastered
95 Sink sank sunk
96 Pronounce pronounced pronounced
97 Minimize minimized minimized
98 hum hummed hummed
99 Compare compared compared
100 Dig dug dug

3 Forms of Verbs List

101 Mutter muttered muttered
102 Compel compelled compelled
103 Stick stuck stuck
104 Behold beheld beheld
105 Bid bade bidden
106 Astound astounded astounded
107 Bear bore born
108 Abuse abused abused
109 Obtain obtained obtained
110 Happen happened happened
111 Bestow bestowed bestowed
112 bide abode abode
113 Point pointed pointed
114 Admit admitted admitted
115 Revolve revolved revolved
116 Comfort comforted comforted
117 Smile smiled smiled
118 Molest molested molested
119 Plunder plundered plundered
120 Hanker hankered hankered
121 Awake awoke awoke
122 Accompany accompanied accompanied
123 Importune impounded importuned
124 Refrain refrained refrained
125 Beset beset beset
126 Poise poised poised
127 Practice practiced practiced
128 Gut gutted gutted
129 Strike struck struck
130 abase abased abased
131 Sing sang sung
132 Grind ground ground
133 Quash quashed quashed
134 Discourage discouraged discouraged
135 Oppose opposed opposed
136 Draw drew drawn
137 Prejudice prejudiced prejudiced
138 Doze dozed dozed
139 Slide slid slid
140 Mislay mislaid misjudged
141 Chastise chastised chastised
142 Balance balanced balanced
143 Pine pined pined
144 Anticipate anticipated anticipated
145 bullish abolished abolished
146 Heap heaped heaped
147 Believe believed believed
148 Examine examined examined
149 Preserve preserved preserved
150 Address addressed addressed

Verbs Form in English

151 Abridge abridged abridged
152 prey preyed preyed
153 Bake baked baked
154 Speak spoke spoken
155 Clean cleaned cleaned
156 Pluck plucked plucked
157 Hang hung hung
158 Shine shined shined/shone
159 Plate plated plated
160 perspire perspired perspire
161 Idolize idolized idolized
162 Deceive deceived deceived
163 Jangle jangled jangled
164 Prepare prepared prepared
165 Profane profaned profaned
166 Narrate narrated narrated
167 persist persisted persisted
168 Qualify qualified qualified
169 Imitate imitated imitated
170 permit permitted permitted
171 Prosper prospered prospered
172 Chide chide chide
173 Emigrate emigrated emigrated
174 Revel reveled reveled
175 Harness harnessed harnessed
176 Defame defamed defamed
177 Altercate altercated altercated
178 Embark embarked embarked
179 Besiege besieged besieged
180 Ride rode ridden
181 Banish banished banished
182 Glorify glorified glorified
183 Paralyze paralyzed paralyzed
184 Allege alleged alleged
185 Oppress oppressed oppressed
186 Postpone postponed postponed
187 Plug plugged plugged
188 pretend pretended pretended
189 Advise advised advised
190 Acclaim acclaimed acclaimed
191 Allude alluded alluded
192 bash abashed abashed
193 Adulate adulated adulated
194 Cling clung clung
195 Astonish astonished astonished
196 perturb perturbed perturbed
197 Destine destined destined
198 Steal stolen stolen
199 Accept accepted accepted
200 Show showed shown

Three Forms of Verb

201 Heal healed healed
202 Keep kept kept
203 Absent absented absented
204 Belch belched belched
205 Advance advanced advanced
206 Irnprecåte Imprecated imprecated
207 Arise arose arisen
208 Clap clapped clapped
209 Grow grew grown
210 Chance chanced chanced
211 Adjure adjured adjured
212 Accede acceded acceded
213 Destroy destroyed destroyed
214 Ratify ratified ratified
215 Advocate advocated advocated
216 Decline declined declined
217 bide abode abode
218 Object objected objected
219 Discipline disciplined disciplined
220 Ring rang rung
221 Advance advanced advanced
222 Acquire acquired acquired
223 Return returned returned
224 Behead beheaded beheaded
225 Inoculate inoculated inoculated
226 Acclaim acclaimed acclaimed
227 Announce announced announced
228 Abolish abolished abolished
229 Declare declared declared
230 Allure allured allured
231 Sting stung stung
232 Exchange exchanged exchanged
233 Color colored colored
234 persuade persuaded persuaded
235 Mingle mingled mingled
236 Pile piled piled
237 Behave behaved behaved
238 Rise rose risen
239 Stand stood stood
240 Bear bore borne
241 Pledge pledged pledged
242 Alter altered altered
243 Adulate adulated adulated
244 Divorce divorced divorced
245 Impose imposed imposed
246 Alarm alarmed alarmed
247 Derive derived derived
248 Pose posed posed
249 Absent absented absented
250 Inspect inspected inspected

Verb Forms List

251 Drive drove driven
252 Hail hailed hailed
253 Damage damaged damaged
254 Defile defiled defiled
255 Perform performed performed
256 Embezzle embezzled embezzled
257 Ravage ravaged ravaged
258 Reave raft raft
259 Despair despaired despaired
260 Disgrace disgraced disgraced
261 Open opened opened
262 Punish punished punished
263 Spring sprung sprung
264 Identify identified identified
265 Affect affected affected
266 Allure allured allured
267 Bind bound bound
268 Hang hanged hanged
269 Rain rained rained
270 Dine dined dined
271 Nurse nursed nursed
272 Animate animated animated
273 Equip equipped equipped
274 Quiver quivered quivered
275 Shake shook shaken
276 Accept accepted accepted
277 Emphasize emphasized emphasized
278 Quell quelled quelled
279 Obey obeyed obeyed
280 Inflate inflated inflated
281 Carry carried carried
282 Consider considered considered
283 Disguise disguised disguised
284 Harm harmed harmed
285 Jump jumped jumped
286 Enlist enlisted enlisted
287 perfume perfumed performed
288 Impeach impeached impeached
289 Preach preached preached
290 Hurt hurt hurt
291 Produce produced produced
292 Play played played
293 Forbear forbore forborne
294 Haggle haggled haggled
295 Admit admitted admitted
296 Kneel knelt knelt
297 Begin began begun
298 bash abashed abashed
299 Inlay inlaid inlaid
300 Choke choked choked

Verbs Form in English

301 Reconcile reconciled reconciled
302 Ponder pondered pondered
303 Revenge revenged revenged
304 Afforest afforested afforested
305 Cheat cheated cheated
306 Check checked checked
307 Harbor harbored harbored
308 Spin span spun
309 Beg begged begged
310 Resemble resembled resembled
311 Accede acceded acceded
312 Chase chased chased
313 held held held
314 Altercate altercated altercated
315 abase abased abased
316 Bark barked barked
317 Bathe bathed bathed
318 Enjoy enjoyed enjoyed
319 Forget forgot forgotten
320 Adapt adapted adapted
321 Immolate immolated immolated
322 Enchant enchanted enchanted
323 Afforest afforested afforested
324 Advise advised advised
325 Rave raved raved
326 Acquire acquired acquired

Infographics- Three Forms of Verb List

Three Forms of Verb List 1

Three Forms of Verb List 2

Three Forms of Verb List 3

three form of verb
three form of verb
three form of verb
forms of verb in english
three form of verb
three form of verb
forms of verb
Three forms of verb

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To create a form in Word that others can fill out, start with a template or document and add content controls. Content controls include things like check boxes, text boxes, date pickers, and drop-down lists. If you’re familiar with databases, these content controls can even be linked to data.

Show the Developer tab

If the developer tab isn’t displayed in the ribbon, see Show the Developer tab.

Open a template or a blank document on which to base the form

To save time, start with a form template or start from scratch with a blank template.

  1. Go to File > New.

  2. In Search online templates, type Forms or the type of form you want and press ENTER.

  3. Choose a form template, and then select Create or Download.

  1. Go to File > New.

  2. Select Blank document.

Add content to the form

Go to Developer, and then choose the controls that you want to add to the document or form. To remove a content control, select the control and press Delete. You can set properties on controls once inserted.

Note: You can print a form that was created using content controls, but the boxes around the content controls will not print.

In a rich text content control, users can format text as bold or italic, and they can type multiple paragraphs. If you want to limit what users add, insert the plain text content control.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the control.

  2. Select Developer > Rich Text Content Control Rich text control button or Plain Text Content Control Plain text control button.

To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.

A picture control is often used for templates, but you can also add a picture control to a form.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the control.

  2. Select Developer > Picture Content Control Picture control button.

To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.

Use building block controls when you want people to choose a specific block of text. For example, building block controls are helpful when you need to add different boilerplate text depending on the contract’s specific requirements. You can create rich text content controls for each version of the boilerplate text, and then you can use a building block control as the container for the rich text content controls.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the control.

  2. Go to DeveloperBuilding Block Gallery Content Control building block gallery control (or Building Block Content Control).

  3. Select Developer and content controls for the building block.

    Developer tab showing content controls

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the control.

To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.

In a combo box, users can select from a list of choices that you provide or they can type in their own information. In a drop-down list, users can only select from the list of choices.

  1. Go to Developer > Combo Box Content Control combo box button or Drop-Down List Content Control List box button.

  2. Select the content control, and then select Properties.

  3. To create a list of choices, select Add under Drop-Down List Properties.

  4. Type a choice in Display Name, such as Yes, No, or Maybe.

    Repeat this step until all of the choices are in the drop-down list.

  5. Fill in any other properties that you want.

    Note: If you select the Contents cannot be edited check box, users won’t be able to click a choice.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the date picker control.

  2. Select Developer > Date Picker Content Control Date picker button .

To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert the check box control.

  2. Select Developer > Check Box Content Control Check box button.

To set specific properties on the control, see Set or change properties for content controls.

Legacy form controls are for compatibility with older versions of Word and consist of legacy form and Active X controls.

  1. Click or tap where you want to insert a legacy control.

  2. Go to Developer > Legacy Forms Legacy control button drop-down.

  3. Select the Legacy Form control or Active X Control that you want to include.

Set or change properties for content controls

Each content control has properties that you can set or change. For example, the Date Picker control offers options for the format you want to use to display the date.

  1. Select the content control that you want to change.

  2. Go to Developer > Properties.

    Controls Properties  button

  3. Change the properties that you want.

Add protection to a form

If you want to limit how much others can edit or format a form, use the Restrict Editing command:

  1. Open the form that you want to lock or protect.

  2. Select Developer > Restrict Editing.

    Restrict editing button

  3. After selecting restrictions, select Yes, Start Enforcing Protection.

    Restrict editing panel 

Advanced Tip:

If you want to protect only parts of the document, separate the document into sections and only protect the sections you want.

To do this, choose Select Sections in the Restrict Editing panel. For more info on sections, see Insert a section break.

Sections selector on Resrict sections panel

Show the Developer tab

If the developer tab isn’t displayed in the ribbon, see Show the Developer tab.

Open a template or use a blank document

To create a form in Word that others can fill out, start with a template or document and add content controls. Content controls include things like check boxes, text boxes, and drop-down lists. If you’re familiar with databases, these content controls can even be linked to data.

  1. Go to File > New from Template.

    New from template option

  2. In Search, type form.

  3. Double-click the template you want to use.

  4. Select File > Save As, and pick a location to save the form.

  5. In Save As, type a file name and then select Save.

  1. Go to File > New Document.

    New document option

  2. Go to File > Save As.

  3. In Save As, type a file name and then select Save.

Add content to the form

Go to Developer, and then choose the controls that you want to add to the document or form. To remove a content control, select the control and press Delete. You can set Options on controls once inserted. From Options, you can add entry and exit macros to run when users interact with the controls, as well as list items for combo boxes, .

  1. In the document, click or tap where you want to add a content control.

  2. On Developer, select Text Box, Check Box, or Combo Box.

    Developer tab with content controls

  3. To set specific properties for the control, select Options, and set .

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each control that you want to add.

Options let you set common settings, as well as control specific settings. Select a control and then select Options to set up or make changes.

  • Set common properties.

    • Select Macro to Run on lets you choose a recorded or custom macro to run on Entry or Exit from the field.

    • Bookmark Set a unique name or bookmark for each control.

    • Calculate on exit This forces Word to run or refresh any calculations, such as total price when the user exits the field.

    • Add Help Text Give hints or instructions for each field.

    • OK Saves settings and exits the panel.

    • Cancel Forgets changes and exits the panel.

  • Set specific properties for a Text box

    • Type Select form Regular text, Number, Date, Current Date, Current Time, or Calculation.

    • Default text sets optional instructional text that’s displayed in the text box before the user types in the field. Set Text box enabled to allow the user to enter text into the field.

    • Maximum length sets the length of text that a user can enter. The default is Unlimited.

    • Text format can set whether text automatically formats to Uppercase, Lowercase, First capital, or Title case.

    • Text box enabled Lets the user enter text into a field. If there is default text, user text replaces it.

  • Set specific properties for a Check box.

    • Default Value Choose between Not checked or checked as default.

    • Checkbox size Set a size Exactly or Auto to change size as needed.

    • Check box enabled Lets the user check or clear the text box.

  • Set specific properties for a Combo box

    • Drop-down item Type in strings for the list box items. Press + or Enter to add an item to the list.

    • Items in drop-down list Shows your current list. Select an item and use the up or down arrows to change the order, Press to remove a selected item.

    • Drop-down enabled Lets the user open the combo box and make selections.

  1. Go to Developer > Protect Form.

    Protect form button on the Developer tab

    Note: To unprotect the form and continue editing, select Protect Form again.

  2. Save and close the form.

If you want, you can test the form before you distribute it.

  1. Protect the form.

  2. Reopen the form, fill it out as the user would, and then save a copy.

Show the Developer tab

  1. On the right side of the ribbon, select Action pop-up menu, and then select Ribbon Preferences.

  2. Under Customize, select Developer .

Open a template or a document on which to base the form

You can start with a blank document and create your own form. Or, to save time, you can start with a form template.

  1. Go to File > New from Template.

  2. In the left pane, expand Online Templates, and then select Forms.

  3. Double-click the form template that you want to use.

Add content controls to the form

  1. In the document, click where you want to add the control.

  2. On the Developer tab, under Form Controls, select Text Box, Check Box, or Combo Box.

  3. To set specific properties for the control, select Options, and then configure the properties that you want.

    Note: To create a list of drop-down items in a combo box, select the combo box placeholder, click Options, and then add the items that you want to appear in the drop-down list.

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each control that you want to add.

Add instructional text (optional)

Instructional text (for example, «Type First Name») in a text box can make your form easier to use. By default, no text appears in a text box, but you can add it.

  1. Select the text box control that you want to add instructional text to.

  2. On the Developer tab, under Form Controls, select Options.

  3. In Default Text, type the instructional text.

  4. Make sure that Fill-in enabled is selected, and then select OK.

Protect the form

  1. On the Developer tab, under Form Controls, select Protect Form.

    Note: To unprotect the form and continue editing, click Protect Form again.

  2. Save and close the form.

Test the form (optional)

If you want, you can test the form before you distribute it.

  1. Protect the form.

  2. Reopen the form, fill it out as the user would, and then save a copy.

Creating fillable forms isn’t available in Word for the web.

You can create the form with the desktop version of Word with the instructions in Create a fillable form.

When you save the document and reopen it in Word for the web, you’ll see the changes you made.

How to Create a Fillable Form in Word

You can use Word to create interactive digital forms that other people can fill out on their computers before printing or sending them back to you. It takes a little preparation but keeps you from having to decipher messy handwriting! Some of the tools you will use when creating a form include:

  • Templates: Forms are normally saved as templates so that they can be used again and again.
  • Content controls: The areas where users input information in a form.
  • Tables: Tables are often used in forms to align text and form fields, and to create borders and boxes.
  • Protection: Users can complete the form fields without being able to change the form’s text and/or design.

Show the Developer Tab

Before you can create a form, you’ll need to turn on the Developer tab to get access to the advanced tools.

  1. Click the File tab.


  2. Select Options.


    The Word Options window opens.

  3. Click the Customize Ribbon tab on the left.

    The column on the right controls which ribbon tabs are enabled.

  4. Check the Developer check box.
  5. Click OK.


The Developer tab now appears on the ribbon. In addition to advanced tools for macro recording, add-ins, and document protection, we now have access to form controls.

Create a Form

Once you’ve enabled the Developer tab, and created the layout and structure of the form, you can start adding form fields to your document with Content Controls.

  1. Place the text cursor where you want to insert the form field.
  2. Click the Developer tab on the ribbon.

    The Controls group contains the different kinds of content controls you can add to a form, as well as the toggle button for Design Mode.

  3. Click the Design Mode button in the controls group.

    While Design Mode is active, controls you insert won’t be active, so clicking a check box to move it around won’t also check it. You can also customize placeholder text for some controls.


  4. Click a Content Control buttons to insert the selected type of control.

    The content control is inserted.

    Select a form field and click the Properties button on the ribbon to edit a control’s options. Depending on the type of control you’ve inserted, you can change its appearance, set up the options in a list, or lock the control once edited.

  5. When you’re done, click the Design Mode button again to exit Design Mode.


You leave Design Mode, and the content controls that you’ve inserted can now be used.

Types of Form Controls

There are many different types of form controls you can add to a form that will allow people to add different types of responses.

Finalize a Form

When you’re ready to distribute a form so others can fill it out, you can restrict the form so that content controls cannot be removed or changed by those filling it out.

  1. Click the Restrict Editing button on the Developer tab.

    The Restrict Editing pane appears on the right.

  2. Check the Editing restrictions check box.
  3. Click the Editing restriction list arrow.
  4. Select Filling in forms.

    When this option is enabled, the only change that anyone else can make to this document is the filling in of form fields. They won’t be able to move, delete, or edit the fields themselves until protection is turned off.


  5. Click the Yes, Start Enforcing Protection button.

    A password is not required to start enforcing protection, but you can add one if you’d like to prevent just anyone from turning this protection off.

  6. Enter a password (optional), then click OK.


The document is now restricted, and anyone you send it to will only be able to fill in the forms.

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от Panchgal

3 form

Основные Глаголы_2

Основные Глаголы_2
Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form

GAMES indoors

GAMES indoors
Случайные карты

от Panchgal

3 form

Present or Past (сигналы)

Present or Past (сигналы)
Групповая сортировка

от Panchgal

3 form

Other Chores

Other Chores

от Panchgal

3 form


Случайные карты

от Panchgal

3 form

Назови 1-ю форму

Назови 1-ю форму
Случайные карты

от Panchgal

3 form

Past Simple ADVERBS

Past Simple ADVERBS
Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form


Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form

ПРОВЕРЬ себя_1

ПРОВЕРЬ себя_1
Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form

Help about the House

Help about the House
Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form

В каком времени предложение?

В каком времени предложение?
Правда или ложь

от Panchgal

3 form

HEAD parts

HEAD parts
Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form


Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form



от Panchgal

3 form

Object pronouns

Object pronouns

от Panchgal

3 form

ПРОВЕРЬ себя_2

ПРОВЕРЬ себя_2
Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form

Numerals Spelling

Numerals Spelling

от Panchgal

3 form

Неправ.Гл_1(2 формы)

Неправ.Гл_1(2 формы)
Сбить воздушный шар

от Panchgal

3 form

ВНЕШНОСТЬ Appearance

ВНЕШНОСТЬ Appearance
Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form



от Panchgal

3 form

City назови(1)

City назови(1)
Случайные карты

от Panchgal

3 form

How are you today?

How are you today?
Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form


Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form

Найди правильный перевод

Найди правильный перевод

от Panchgal

3 form


Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form

"To be" or "have got"

«To be» or «have got»

от Panchgal

3 form



от Panchgal

3 form

НАЗОВИ части тела!

НАЗОВИ части тела!
Случайные карты

от Panchgal

3 form

СИГНАЛЫ Present Simple (3f)

СИГНАЛЫ Present Simple (3f)
Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form

GAMES outdoors

GAMES outdoors
Случайные карты

от Panchgal

3 form

Past simple or Present Simple_1

Past simple or Present Simple_1

от Panchgal

3 form

Spelling - Clothes

Spelling — Clothes

от Panchgal

3 form

Seasons after/before

Seasons after/before

от Petrovalv82

Vereshchagina I.N. 3 form part 2


Найди пару

от Panchgal

3 form
2 Form


Групповая сортировка

от Petrovalv82

Vereshchagina I.N. 3 form part 2

Соедини противоположные по значению слова

Соедини противоположные по значению слова
Найди пару

от Petrovalv82

Vereshchagina I.N. 3 form part 2

What they like

What they like

от Panchgal

4-5 класс
3 form

Прилагательне  и  наречия

Прилагательне и наречия

от Petrovalv82

Vereshchagina I.N. 3 form part 2

Правда или Ложь (распредели)

Правда или Ложь (распредели)
Групповая сортировка

от Petrovalv82

Vereshchagina I.N. 3 form part 2



от Petrovalv82

Vereshchagina I.N. 3 form part 2

Правда или Ложь

Правда или Ложь
Правда или ложь

от Petrovalv82

Vereshchagina I.N. 3 form part 2

Непр. глаголы_2 (2 формы)

Непр. глаголы_2 (2 формы)
Ударь крота

от Panchgal

4-5 класс
3 form

Have/has got 3 form

Have/has got 3 form
Откройте поле

от U24511945

3 класс
Начальная школа / начальная
Starlight 3

EGE 32-38 (confusing words) - 4

EGE 32-38 (confusing words) — 4
Пропущенное слово

от Margaritaten

Form 10
Form 11

Present Continuous Test 3 form

Present Continuous Test 3 form
Привести в порядок

от Nesanna

2-й класс
3 класс
Starlight 2
Starlight 3

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