Arabic word for mother and daughter

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وفقا للتقارير الأولية الأم والابنة تشاجرتا خلال لعبة كرة القدم?

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A drawing of a happy family

Asmaa Akl

27 Nov 2019

The first words a child utters in his life are usually Mama or Papa. We are born surrounded by our family members; this is why learning to call them is essential. Usually we address our brothers and sisters by their names but grownups in the family usually have certain labels that we call them with. Later on in life we get to know the labels of our brothers and sisters. This is what we’ll be discussing in this article. We will learn Arabic words for family members.

In our syllabus we have developed animations in order to help you further learn Arabic words about family members. Let’s take a look at our characters for Mother أم, pronounced as Umm. If you want to say my mother in Arabic you say: أمي pronounces as Ummi:

The Arabic word for Father is أب, pronounced as Abb. If you want to say my father in Arabic, you say: أبي, pronounced as Abbi:

Choosing the Arabic word for

(An excerpt from Nour Academy’s Interactive Arabic Course)

There are also the Arabic words for Brother أخ, pronounced as Akh. If you want to say my brother in Arabic, you say: أخي, pronounced as Akhi and finally Sister أخت pronounced as Ukht. If you want to say my sister in Arabic, you say:أختي, pronounced as Ukhti:

Arabic Words for

(An excerpt from Nour Academy’s Interactive Arabic Course)

We have to learn more Arabic words to express different kinds of family members and relationships. For example, The Arabic words for Husband and Wife are زوج and زوجة (pronounced as Zawj and Zawja) respectively. Additionally, the Arabic words for My Husband زوجي, pronounced as Za`wji and My Wife زوجتي, pronounced as Zawjati:

Husband and wife

Here is another sample exercise from our Arabic course:

The Arabic word for wife

(An excerpt from Nour Academy’s Interactive Arabic Course)

If you have children you are a parent. The Arabic words for Daughter and Son are إبنة, pronounced as Ibnah and إبن, pronounced as Ibn. Here are some activities we compiled in order to help you understand these Arabic words:

Arabic word for

(An excerpt from Nour Academy’s Interactive Arabic Course)

This is a family tree in order to help you better understand these Arabic words:

(An excerpt from Nour Academy’s Interactive Arabic Course)

For you to learn Arabic words and phrases we at Nour Academy developed a special syllabus heavily using animated characters, video links and activities to make learning Arabic online easier for the non Arabic speaker. Check our Learn Arabic online classes for a better Arabic learning experience. We hope this article helped you learn Arabic words in a fun way and brought you further towards your goal to learn Arabic. If you want to practice and learn more Arabic words, phrases and expressions, stay tuned for our next article in the series: Learn Arabic words and phrases.

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Learn Quran: Surat Al Bakarah

Surat Al-Bakarah is the second and longest chapter or surah in the holy Quran. It has 289 verses, 6,201 words and 25,500 letters. Its name ‘Al-Bakarah’ means The Cow. The recitation of Surat Al Bakarah has many benefits for Muslims, the most important of which is that Surat Al Bakarah protects those who recite it from the devil and the evil eye. It is known to ward off the devil from the house in which it is recited for three days.


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Learn Quran with Tajweed Rules: The Meem Sakinah

In order to learn Quran with tajweed you have to encounter the Meem Sakinah and apply its three different tajweed rules for pronunciation: Idgham with Ghunnah, Oral Ikhfaa also known as Ikhfaa Shafawi إخفاء شفوي and Oral Izhar, also known as Izhar shafawi إظهار شفوي.


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Learn Arabic words and phrases: Arabic Numbers (Six to Ten)

We established in part 1 of this article that learning numbers in any language is essential, but since there are an infinite amount of numbers, we will start off with the basics, with which you can form any number. In this article we will continue to learn Arabic numbers from where we left off in our article, ‘Learn Arabic words and phrases: Arabic Numbers (Zero to Five)’. Now we we’ll learn how to write and pronounce Arabic numbers from 6 to 10.


Arabic nations respect the family and the bonds among relatives a lot, in this lesson we will join Sarah who will talk about her small family and we will list the family vocabulary in Arabic and English.

مرحباً : اسمى سارة،  وأنا إبنة عمرو و ليلى. وحفيدة أحمد وفاطمة.

Hello , My name is Sarah and I am Amr and Lila`s daughter, And the Granddaughter of Ahmed and Fatimah.

يلعب محمد الكرة مع ابن عمنا كريم, وأقضى وقتى مع ابنة عمنا ريهام فى التسوق

My brother Mohamed plays soccer with our cousin Karim, and I spend my time I shopping with our cousin Reham

عمى تامر لديه منزل واسع ونستطيع اللعب فية بحرية وزوجة عمى نور دائماً ما تطهو لنا أفضل الطعام.

Tamer my uncle has a large house and we can freely play in it . and my uncle’s wife Noor always cock for us the best food ever.

List of Family member terms in Arabic.




أب Ab Father
أم Um Mother
ابن Ibn Son
ابنة Ibnah Daughter
أخ Akh Brother
أخت Ukht Sister
جد Jad Grandfather
جدة Jaddah Grandmother
حفيد Ḥafeed Grandson
حفيدة Ḥafeedah Granddaughter
أحفاد Aḥfaad Grandchildren
عم 3am Uncle (Father side)
خال Khaal Uncle (Mother side)
عمة 3mmah Aunt (Father side)
خالة Khaalah Aunt (Mother side)
إبن العم Ibnu Al-3m Cousin (male) – (Father side)
ابن الخال Ibnu Al-Khaal Cousin (male) – (Mother side)
بنت العم Bintu Al-3m Cousin (female) – (Father side)
بنت الخال Bintu Al-Khaal Cousin (female) – (Mother side)
إبن الأخ Ibnu Al-Akh Nephew (brother’s son)
ابن الأخت Ibnu Al-Ukht Nephew (sister’s son)
ابنة الأخ Ibnatu Al-Akh Niece (brother’s daughter)
ابنة الأخت Ibnatu Al-Ukht Niece (sister’s daughter)

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Modern standard Arabic

Egyptian Arabic

Arabic for kids

Arabic Conversation.

ṣūra: ʿāʾiliyyaː

صورة عائلية

ʾlʾṭfāl yuqabbilūn ʾummaHum

الأطفال يقبلون أمهم

The children are kissing their mother.

man huwa ʾabū māryū?

من هو أبو ماريو؟

zawǧatī ladayhā ʿuyūn zarqāʾ.

زوجتي لديها عيون زرقاء.

zawǧī al-ḥabīb yaṭbuḫ lī.

زوجي الحبيب يطبخ لي.

My beloved husband is cooking for me.

al-ṭifl yabtasim.

الطفل يبتسم.

haḏihi ʾibnatī.

هذه إبنَتي.

ʾarsaltu ibnī lildirāsaẗi fī landan.

أرسلت ابني للدراسة في لندن.

I sent my son to study in London.

al-ʾaḫu al-ʾakbaru yaḥmilu ʾuḫtahu al-ṣaġīrah.

الأخ الأكبر يحمل أخته الصغيرة.

The older brother is holding his younger sister.

ḏahabat ʾuḫtī al-ṣuġrā ʾilā ʾiinǧiltirā lildirāsah fī al-ḫāriǧ.

ذهبت أختي الصغرى إلى إنجلترا للدراسة في الخارج.

My younger sister went to England to study abroad.

ʾaḫī al-ʾaṣġar kaṯīran mā yataḥaddaṯ fī al-nawm.

أخي الأصغر كثيرا ما يتحدث في النوم.

My younger brother often talks in sleep.

al-ʾaḫu al-ʾakbaru yaḥmilu ʾuḫtahu al-ṣaġīrah.

الأخ الأكبر يحمل أخته الصغيرة.

The older brother is holding his younger sister.

al-ǧadaّh min al-ʾum

الجدة من الأم

al-ǧaddu min al-ʾum

الجد من الأم

ḥafīdah ṣaġīrah

حفيدة صغيرة

ibnah ʾaḫī sārah

ابنة أخي سارة

Арабские Слова по Теме Семья

أَب: отец.

أُم: мать.

بَابَا: папа.

مَامَا: мама.

الوَالِدَان: родители.

الرَضِيع: грудной ребенок.

الزَوْج: муж.

الزَوْجَة: жена.

الأَوْلَاد: дети.

الصَبِي: мальчик.

الفَتَاة: девочка.

الوَلَد: парень.

البِنْت: девушка.

إِبْن: сын.

إِبْنَة: дочь.

أَخ: брат.

أُخْت: сестра.

جَد: дедушка.

جَدَة: бабушка.

حَفِيد: внук.

حَفِيدَة: внучка.

أَحْفَاد: внуки.

عَم: дядя (со стороны отца).

خَال: дядя (со стороны матери).

عَمَة: тетя (со стороны отца).

خَالَة: тетя (со стороны матери).

أَقَارِب: родственники.

إِبْن العَم: двоюродный брат (со стороны отца).

إِبْن الخَال: двоюродная брат (со стороны матери).

بِنْتْ العَم: двоюродная сестра (со стороны отца).

بِنْتْ الخَال: двоюродная сестра (со стороны матери).

إِبْن/إِبْنَة الأَخ: племянник/племянница (со стороны брата).

إِبْن/إِبْنَة الأُخْت: племянник/племянница (со стороны сестры).

Дополнительные слова:

العُرْس: жених.

العَرِيس: невеста.

العَرُوس: брак.

الزَوَاج: он женат.

هُو مُتَزَوج: она женат (состоит в браке).

هِي مُتَزَوِجة: она замужем .

هُو غَيْر مُتَزَوِج/أَعْزَب: он не женат.

هُي غَيْر مُتَزَوِجة/عْزَباء: она не замужем.


هُو مُعَلِم وَ زَوْجَتُه طَبِيبَة: он учитель, а его жена врач.

وَلَدَت الأُم صَبِيَا/فَتَاة: мать родила мальчика/девочку.

الأُم تُرْضِع وَلَدها: мать, кормит ребенка грудью.

الأُم تَغْسِل وَلَدَها: мать моет ребенка.

الأُم تُعْطِي الحَلِيب للرَضِيع: мать дает ребенку молоко.

الأُم تُحضِر الأَكْل لأَوْلادِها: мать готовит еду своим детям.

الأَب يَعْمل. الآن هُو فِي العَمَل: отец работает. Сейчас он на работе.

جَدُه يَعِيش فِي الرِيف: его дедушка живет в деревне.

تَعِيشُ جَدَتُه فِي بَيْت كَبِير: его бабушка живет в большом доме.

وَالِدَاه يَعِيشَان في المَدِينة: его родители живут в городе.

تَعِيش أُمُه فِي شِقَة صَغِيرَة: его мама живет в маленькой квартире.

لَدَيْهِمَا أَوْلَاد كَثِيرُون: у них много детей.

عِنْدَهُمَا وَلَدَان فَقَط: у них всего двое детей.

وَلَدَهُم يَقْرَأُ فِي المَدْرَسة: их ребенок ходит в школу.

بِنْتُهُم صَغِيرَة جِدا. لَازَالَت تَلْعَب بِالدُمَى: их дочь еще ребенок. Она все еще играет с куклами.

الصَبِي يَلْعَب بالسَيَارَات: мальчик играет в машинах.

فِي بَيْتِهِم قِطُ وَ أَرْنَب: в их доме кот и кролик.

القِطُ يُحِب المُعَلَبَات و الأَرْنَب يُحِب الجَزَر: кот любит консервные банки, а кролик любит морковь.

يَمْشِي القِطُ فِي البَيْت، وَ يَعِيشُ الأَرْنَب فِي قَفَص: кот гуляет по дому, а кролик живет в клетке.

يُحِب الكَلْب العِظَام: собака любит кости.

عَمُه أَسْمَر و خَالَتُه شَقْراء: его дядя смуглый, а тетя блондинка.

صَدِيقُه طَوِيل و صَدِيقَتُه قَصِيرَة: его друг высокий, а его подруга низкая.

هُو سَمِين و أُخْتُه نَحِيفَة: он толстый, а его сестра худая.

هُو يَأْكُل كَثِيرَا وَ هِي تَأْكُل قَلِيلَا: он много ест, а она мало.

الأَطْفَال يُحَبُون اللَعِب في الخَارِج: дети любят играть на улице.

الأَرْنَب يُحِب القَفْز فِي الشَارِع: кролик любит прыгать на улице.

الصِبْيَة يُحِبُون لَعِب كُرَة القَدَم و تَسَلُق الأَشْجَار: мальчики любят играть в футбол и лазить по деревьям.

يَجْرِي الأَطْفَل اليَوْم كُلَه فِي الشَارع بِدُون أَحْذِيَة: дети целый день бегают по улице босиком.

يَرْمِي الأَطْفَل الحِجَارَة ثُم يَهْرُبُون: дети бросают камни и убегают.

يُطَارِد الأَطْفَل الدَجَاج: дети бегают за курицами.

يَخَاف الأَطْفَال مِن الكَلْب: дети боятся собаки.

يَحْفِر الصَبِي حُفْرَة فِي الأَرْض: мальчик роет яму в земле.

تَرْسُم البِنْت دَائِرة فَوْق الأَرض: девушка рисует круг над землей.

تَقْفِز الفَتَيات فَوْق الحُفَر: девушки прыгают через ямы.

تَلْعَب الفَتَيَات بالحَبْل: девочки играют со скакалкой.

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