Arabic word for daughters

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Important letters:

The root of the word daughter consists of three Arabic letters:
alef that is written and pronounced ,
beh that is written and pronounced b and
nun that is written and pronounced n.
Words with the same root letters are often related.

Word related to daughter

The word daughter letter by letter


The Arabic word for daughter consists of: The letter alef that is written ﺍ and pronounced and is a part of the root of the word. The short vowel i that is written as the sign ِ under the letter. The letter beh that is written ﺏ ( here ﺑـ ) and pronounced b and is a part of the root of the word. The letter nun that is written ﻥ ( here ـﻨـ ) and pronounced n and is a part of the root of the word. The short vowel a that is written as the sign َ above the letter. The letter ta marbuta that is written ﺓ ( here ـﺔ ) and pronounced . Therefore, the word is writen ﺍِﺑﻨَﺔ and pronounced ibna.

Arabic is written from right to left. Short vowels are placed above or under the letters, the are usually omitted.
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The Arabic word for daughter is


Translations for daughter and their definitions

     1. daughter
     1. girl
     2. daughter

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Part I of the family vocab series is here.

“Child” (also “baby”) is طِفل (ṭifl, plural أطفال aṭfāl) if a boy or طِفلة (ṭiflah) if a girl (plural طِفلات ṭiflāt but ONLY if they are all girls, otherwise use the masculine plural).

“Son” is ابن (ibn, plural أبناء abnāʾ).

“Daughter” is بِنت (bint, plural بَنات banāt), which can also mean “girl,” though there are other words for “girl” as well. You may also encounter ابنة (ibnah, plural ابنات ibnāt), though this is more formal and less common.

Turkish here. Persian here.

  • Arabic
  • Arabic Vocabulary
  • child
  • daughter
  • family
  • son

As many of you know, family is one of the most important aspects of Arab culture, and in many Arabic-speaking countries, families maintain their loyalty to their tribal and clan connections. Perhaps this is best exemplified by the ages-old Arab adage: “I and my brothers against my cousins; I and my cousins against the stranger”. Arabs know and speak proudly of both their genealogy and heritage.

With Eid al-Adha just a couple of weeks away,  you can be sure that extended families will be gathering to celebrate the holidays together, and we thought this would be a great time for you to learn the words for the family in Arabic and a few of its members. So, without further ado, let’s get started, shall we?

Below are both the most common relatives and some of the more uncommon ones as well:

English Transliteration Arabic
Father in Arabic ab أب
Mother in Arabic um أم
Parent in Arabic wālid (father)
wālidah (mother)
Parents in Arabic abā’ أباء
Child in Arabic tifl (male)
tiflah (female)
Children in Arabic atfāl أطفال
Son in Arabic ibn ابن
Daughter in Arabic ibnah ابنة
Brother in Arabic akh  أخ
Sister in Arabic ukht أخت
Grandfather in Arabic jad جد
Grandmother in Arabic jaddah جدة
Grandson in Arabic Ḥafīd حفيد
Granddaughter in Arabic Ḥafīdah حفيدة
Grandchildren in Arabic aḥfād أحفاد
Uncle in Arabic ‘am (paternal)
khāl (maternal)
Aunt in Arabic ‘ammah (paternal)
khālah (maternal)
Cousin in Arabic ibnu al-‘am (male – paternal side)
ibnu al-khāl (male – maternal side)
bintu al-‘am (female – paternal side)
bintu al-khāl (female – maternal side)
إبن العم
إبن الخال
بنت العم
بنت الخال
Nephew in Arabic ibnu al-akh (brother’s side)
ibnu al-ukht (sister’s side)
 إبن الأخ
 إبن الأخت
Niece in Arabic ibnatu al-akh (brother’s side)
ibnatu al-ukht (sister’s side)
إبنة الأخ
إبنة الأخت

Here are some family relations outside of the extended family:

English Transliteration Arabic
Fiance in Arabic khatīb خطيب
Fiancee in Arabic khatībah خطيبة
Bride in Arabic ‘arūss عروس
Groom in Arabic ‘arīss عريس
Wife in Arabic zawjah زوجة
Husband in Arabic zawj زوج
Spouse in Arabic qarīn (masc.)
qarīnah (fem.)

And here are the names of relatives gained through marriage:

English Transliteration Arabic
Father-in-law in Arabic Ḥamw (husband’s side)
nassīb (wife’s side)
Mother-in-law in Arabic Ḥamāh (husband’s side)
nassībah (wife’s side)
Parents-in-law in Arabic asshār / nasāyeb أصهار /  نسايب
Son-in-law in Arabic zawj ilibnah زوج الابنة
Daughter-in-law in Arabic zawjat ilibnah زوجة الابن
Brother-in-law in Arabic okhu az-zawj (husband’s side)
okhu az-zawjah (wife’s side)
أخو الزوج
أخو الزوجة
Sister-in-law in Arabic okhtu az-zawj (husband’s side)
okhtu az-zawjah (wife’s side)
أخت الزوج
أخت الزوجة

The husband of your daughter or sister is called صهر / sihr in Arabic meaning  “son-in-law”. If you’re a wife, you call your husband’s father حَمْو  / Ḥamw and his mother is called حماة / Ḥamāh. If you’re the husband, then you call your wife’s father نسيب  / nassīb while your mother-in-law is called نسيبة / nassībah.  There are other names that are used for the in-laws and they vary quite a bit between countries and dialects. The easiest thing to do is simply call the male in-laws نسيب  / nassīb, and the female in-laws نسيبة / nassībah.

If you’d like to learn more about family members in Arabic or want to learn to speak Arabic, why not visit our website, download the Kaleela Arabic learning app, and start learning Arabic today! Along with Modern Standard Arabic, you can learn other Arabic dialects like Egyptian Arabic, Levantine Arabic, and now, even Syrian Arabic! And Kaleela is so convenient – you can learn Arabic anytime, anywhere and at a pace that’s comfortable for you! Kaleela really is the best way to learn Arabic.

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∙ 14y ago

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The Arabic for ‘girl’ is Bin’nt. The plural is Binat. Bin’nt is used in conversational Arabic to refer to daughter.

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