Application letter for job in word


Nowadays, not all applicants use a job application letter cover letter when applying for a job vacancy or employment in another company. A fresher student, fresh graduate, and experienced professional primarily rely on the content of their resume, which is actually not a bad option. However, the addition of even a short and formal application letter can actually provide more details about your personal and professional life.

job application letter templates

Our application letter tips may help you write your aspiration and training experience or tell how you managed a business in the past. Our job application letter templates provide sample content for applying in specific positions like a teacher, engineer, accountant, bank teller, hotel clerk, or general marketing officer. Browse among our job application letter templates today to find the prewritten content just for you!

Medical Job Sample Application Letter

medical job application letter template

Entry Level Job Application Letter Template

entry level job application letter template

Job Application Letter Templates

Are you on the lookout for a Job Application Letter? Then, you can check out the Job Application Letter in Word. Job applications are similar to job sample cover letters. They are used to applying for a new job if you are looking for a job change. Take note of the following points when you are writing a job application letter:

  • Address your sample letter directly to the hiring manager.
  • Write your name, address, and contact information for communication.
  • Include why you are writing an application letter in Word for the job and why you are a suitable fit for the position.
  • Write about your skills and experiences relevant to the position you are applying to.
  • Write your basic letter briefly and clearly.

Simple Part Time Job Application Letter Template

part time job application letter template

Student Job Application Letter Template

student job application letter template

Job Application Letter for Employment Template

job application letter for employment template


File Format

  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages


Application Letter Template For a Job Vacancy

application letter template for a job vacancy


File Format

  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


Fresh Graduate Job Application Letter Template

graduate job application letter template


File Format

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  • Google Docs


Formal Job Application Letter Template

formal job application letter template


File Format

  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


Application letter for a Company Job Template

application letter for a company job template


File Format

  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


Restaurant Job Application Form Template

restaurant job application form template


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  • PDF


Job Application Letter for Staff Nurse Template

free job application letter for staff nurse template


File Format

  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


Free Accountant Job Application Letters

Accounting Student Cover Letter for Job Opportunity

accounting student cover

Retial Accounting Job Interview Application Letter Example

accounting job application letter

Accountant Assistant Job Application Letter

accountant assistant job application

Free Bank Job Application Letters

Professional Bank Officer Job Application Letter

bank officer job application

Bank Clerk Job Application Recruitment Letter Template

bank clerk job application

Free Customer Service Job Application Letters

Entry Level Customer Service Cover Letter

entry level customer service cover

Customer Service Business Representative Cover Letter

customer service representative cover

Hotel Customer Service Executive Job Application Letter

customer service executive job application


File Format

  • DOC

Size: 22 KB


Guidelines in Creating an Application Letter for Employment

If you want to create a Job Application Letter in Apple Pages, here are a few suggestions that you may follow:

  • Identify the industry where you want to work. This is very important for the following reasons:
  • It will allow you to identify the kind of applicants that commonly voice out their interests to be a part of the business as an employee.
  • You can already see the qualifications that you need to have to assure that you will be considered for an interview, or even for employment. You can also see more on Job Application Letter for Executive Templates.
  • It allows you to know if you are comfortable with the work functions that may be given to you or even with the nature of the industry operations.
  • It will help you to know whether you are a fit candidate for specific job positions in the industry that you want to be a part of.  You can also see more on Marketing Job Application Letter Templates.
  • Assess your skills, interests, talents, abilities, and qualifications. This will help you in terms of the following matters:
  • You will know if you can last in the job position that will be offered to you depending on your passion to do your tasks on a daily basis.
  • Knowing your strengths can help you to properly introduce yourself, especially in terms of professionalism and your ability to cope with the demands of the work position that you are targeting to have. You can also see more on Job Application Letter for Engineer Templates.
  • It will help you to be aware of the things that you can provide to the business, which may translate to the company’s impression that you can be an added value to their work operations.
  • Assure that you will state items that are related to the qualifications of the work position that you are applying for. You can also see more on Job Application Letter for Teacher Templates.
  • Do not repeat what is already in your resume. A job application letter is used to support your sample resume so you can have a more solid application foundation.
  • Do not just focus on yourself. State items about the company that made you decide to apply there. These items may include any of the following:
  • The perception of people about the company
  • The relation of the business operations of the company to your competencies
  • The business’s reputation
  • The awards, citations, and other achievements of the business makes it your dream company to work for
  • More than stating how you want to be a part of the company, you can also state how the company can benefit from hiring you. You can also see more on Marketing Job Application Letter Templates.

Free Engineering Job Application Letters

Electrical Engineering Job Application Letter Template

electrical engineering job application

Engineering Job Application Email Letter Sample

engineering job application letter


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Size: 32 KB


Software Engineering Job Application Letter Template

software engineering job application

Free Internship Job Application Letter Templates

Engineering Internship Training Cover Letter

engineering internship cover


File Format

  • DOC

Size: 18 KB


Free Marketing Job Application Letters

Standard Entry Level Marketing Job Application Letter

entry level marketing job application

Personal Statement Marketing Internship Job Application Letter

marketing internship job application

Fresher Marketing Aspiration Job Cover Letter

fresher marketing job cover

Job Application Letter for Teachers

A Job Application Letter in word is used by applicants who would like to be considered for a teaching job. If you want to apply for a teaching position, your Job Application Basic Letter must have the following information:

  • Your passion to teach students and share both knowledge and wisdom
  • The grade levels or the age bracket of the students that you have already handled
  • Your work experiences in the field of academics including the schools where you practiced your teaching expertise, the subjects that you have taught, and the specific fields of study that you are trained to teach
  • Your academic background, especially those that are related to the subject that you want to teach
  • Your knowledge regarding various teaching methods and practices

Job Application Letter for Students

A job application letter for students may be used for the following purposes:

  • College graduates may use a job application letter to apply for their first job undertaking. Scholarship Application Letter for Students usually focus on the following items as they still do not have any professional work experience letter:
  • The characteristics of the student
  • The academic and co-curricular or extracurricular achievements of the student
  • The awards and citations that the student has received
  • The internship experiences of the student
  • The seminars and training that the student has attended
  • The skills, talents, and abilities of the student
  • Students may also use a job application letter for internship applications. A Letter for an Internship includes the following information:
  • The available date for the internship
  • The reason for the internship
  • The number of hours that a student may render for an internship
  • The specific industry that the student is required to look for an internship sample program
  • The internship positions that the student is interested to have
  • The qualifications of the student that will help him or her to do the job functions that will be given to him or her even without prior industry experience

There are still a lot of application letters in pdf that may be used by other entities in applying for a job position in the field of academics. As long as the nature of the job position is related to the processes involved in the academe, you can make use of the academic letters for the job that you may download from this page.

Free Manager Job Application Letters

HR Manager Job Application Request Letter

hr manager job application

General Manager Job Resume Reference Application Letter

general manager job application

Free Teacher Job Application Letters

Job Application Letter for Teacher Without Experience

teacher without experience job application

Fresher High School Teacher Short Job Application Letter

fresher teacher job application

Primary School Teacher Practice Job Application Letter

primary school teacher job application

Small business Job Application Letter Template

small business job application


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 226 KB


Short Construction Job Application Letter Template

construction job application

Specifications in Job Application Letter

By now, we have come to the understanding that job applications have to be specific to the position that they are written for. If you want to create a comprehensive Cover Letter for an HR Manager, you have to mention your work experience, competencies, and other qualifications related to the job function that you would like to have. While writing a job application letter for entry-level positions you should mention your internship experiences and technical skills that you have that can be used in the functions of the specific job position. One should strike for a Simple Letter Templates.

More in Letters

Здесь вы найдете 5 писем-образцов о приеме на работу (application letters). Все они приведены с переводом на русский язык.

Все о деловых письмах на английском и их типах

Полезные фразы для деловой переписки

Друзья, в 2022 году запущен онлайн тренинг для взрослых «Говорю по-английски грамотно» с голосовыми домашними заданиями и моей регулярной голосовой обратной связью. Цель тренинга — быстро систематизировать всю базовую грамматику с нюансами, закрыть пробелы и качественно вывести это в речь. По программе и условиям участия я подробно рассказываю в соцсетях (Instagram, Bкoнтaктe).

Письмо 1

Tom Garryson

7834 Divino street

Chicago, Illinois


9034 Groom Street

Chicago, Illinois

USA, 90345

May 12, 2012

Dear Sirs,

I would like to apply for the job of courier in your company. I need part-time job and I am ready to work at the time convenient for you. I have a car for long distances and a bicycle for going round the city. I am very communicative and reliable. More information about me you may learn from my resume attached here.

With respect,

Tom Garryson


От: г-н Том Гэррисон

7834 Дивино улица, Чикаго, Иллинойс

Кому: «Тренд&Фэшн»

9034 Грум стрит, Чикаго, Иллинойс, США 90345

12 мая 2012 года

Уважаемые господа,

Я бы хотел претендовать на позицию курьера в Вашей компании. Мне нужна работа с частичной занятостью, я готов работать в то время, которое удобно Вам. У меня есть автомобиль для поездок на длинные расстояния и велосипед  для поездок по городу. Я — очень коммуникативный и ответственный человек. Более подробную информацию обо мне Вы можете узнать из моего резюме, приложенного к письму.

С уважением,

Том Гэррисон

Письмо 2

Andrew Roll

7834 Central street

Chicago, Illinois


9034 Groom Street

Chicago, Illinois

USA, 90345

August 01, 2012

Dear Sirs

I have just completed my final year at the University of Chicago and would like to apply for a position of Marketing Specialist in your company. I do not have any work experience but I have a great wish to become the part of your company and do my best for its success. I attached my CV so that you can learn more information about me.  You may invite me for an interview at any time convenient for you. Thank you for your time.

With respect,

Andrew Roll


От: г-н Эндрю Ролл

7834 Централ стрит, Чикаго, Иллинойс

Кому: «Тренд&Фэшн»

9034 Грум стрит, Чикаго, Иллинойс, США 90345

01 августа 2012 года

Уважаемые господа

Я только что закончил Университет Чикаго и хотел бы работать в Вашей компании на позиции специалиста по маркетингу. У меня нет опыта работы, но зато у меня есть огромное желание стать частью Вашей компании и делать все возможное для ее успеха. Я приложил свое резюме, чтобы Вы могли узнать обо мне больше информации. Вы можете пригласить меня на собеседование в любое удобное для Вас время. Спасибо, что уделили мне время.

С уважением,

Эндрю Ролл



Kind regards — отличное и серьезное пособие от зарубежного автора, специалиста по коммуникациям, которая собрала в данной книге свой и чужой опыт ведения деловой переписки на английском языке. Там вы найдете множество живых примеров и советов. Эта книга станет вашим помощником и надежным партнером на долгое время.

Письмо 3

Kira Stan

7834 East street

Chicago, Illinois


9034 Groom Street

Chicago, Illinois

USA, 90345

July 12, 2001

Dear Sirs

With reference to your vacancy for Office Manager I am sending you my CV attached to this letter. I have an experience of working as a secretary for 2 years in a small company  where I had no career prospects. I am the Bachelor of Business Administration and so I think my education would allow me to make a significant contribution to your company. I would be very grateful if you consider my application.

With respect,

Kira Stan


От: г-жа Кира Стэн

7834 Ист стрит, Чикаго, Иллинойс

Кому: «Тренд&Фэшн»

9034 Грум стрит, Чикаго, Иллинойс, США 90345

12 июля 2001 года

Уважаемые господа

В ответ на Вашу вакансию офис-менеджера я отправляю Вам свое резюме, приложенное к этому письму. Я имею опыт работы секретарем в течение 2 лет в маленькой компании, где у меня не было карьерных перспектив. Я имею степень бакалавра управления и поэтому я думаю, что мое образование позволит мне сделать значительный вклад в Вашу компанию. Я была бы Вам очень благодарна, если Вы рассмотрите мое заявление.

С уважением,

Кира Стэн

Письмо 4

Steve McGonagal

7834 Paradise street

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Motors

9034 River Street

Chicago, Illinois

USA, 90345

July 21, 2007

Dear Sirs,

My name is Steve and I am writing in response to your advertisement. I am looking for a job of mechanic. I have experience of work as a mechanic in service center and appropriate education. I decided to move to your area that is why I apply for your job. I am a reliable person and would be a good worker for you. You  may invite me for an interview at any time. Thank you for your attention.

With respect,

Steve Mcgonagal


От: г-на Стив Макгонагал

7834 Парадайз стрит, Чикаго, Иллинойс

Кому: «Чикаго Моторс

9034 Ривер стрит, Чикаго, Иллинойс, США 90345

21 июля 2007 года

Уважаемые господа,

Меня зовут Стив и я пишу в ответ на ваше объявление о работе. Я ищу работу механика. У меня есть опыт работы механиком в сервисном центре и соответствующее образование. Я решил переехать в ваш район, поэтому я подаю заявку на Вашу вакансию. Я – ответственный человек и стану для Вас хорошим работником. Вы можете пригласить меня на собеседование в любое время. Спасибо за внимание.

С уважением,

Стив Макгонагал

Мой свежий обзор онлайн-платформы по изучению английского языка LingvoHabit. Рекомендую!

Письмо 5

Ann Peters

7834 Show street

Chicago, Illinois

Mr Cornwell

General Director

Helping Hand

9034 River Street

Chicago, Illinois

USA, 90345

July 21, 2008

Dear Mr Cornwell,

I am writing to apply for the job of volunteer worker. I saw this vacancy in Evening News this week. I have experience in volunteering – last year I helped immigrants to find temporary homes and job. As a volunteer in your company I would like to teach English for immigrants in our country or abroad if necessary.  I graduated with excellent marks this year and would like to be useful in your company helping people.

With respect,

Steve Mcgonagal


От: г-жи Энн Питерс

7834 Шоу стрит, Чикаго, Иллинойс

Кому: г-ну Корнуэллу, генеральный директор, Хелпин Хенд

9034 Ривер стрит, Чикаго, Иллинойс, США 90345

21 июля 2008 года

Уважаемый г-н Корнуелл,

Я пишу, так как хочу быть волонтером. Я увидела объявление о вакансии в «Ивнинг Ньюс» на этой неделе. У меня есть опыт работы волонтером – в прошлом году я помогала иммигрантам в поиске временного жилья и работы. В качестве волонтера в Вашей компании я хочу преподавать  английский язык иммигрантам в нашей стране или за границей, если потребуется. Я закончила школу с отличными оценками в этом году и хочу быть полезной в Вашей компании, помогая людям.

С уважением,

Энн Питерс

Application letters are a formal type of letters which are written to request something from authority. May you want to apply for a job or maybe you want to join school/institution or maybe you want to a particular thing to be done. Here we are specifically covering simple application letter sample for any vacant position, we have shared multiple sample letters and templates in downloadable formats along with important information related to a job vacancy application letter. As a job seeker, you should avail every opportunity that is available there in order to get a job. Apart from building a strong resume along with a job recommendation letter, you can also write an application letter for a vacant job position. You will get a job if your resume and application letter is convincing enough.

An application letter presents your working experience, qualification, abilities, and strong points in front of an employer. In the context of a job, application letters are written to show an interest in a particular job vacancy. Make sure to attach all the relevant document with a letter to make your application more strong.

Guidelines to Write a Perfect Application Letter for Any Vacant Position

Below you can find some useful tips in writing an impactful simple application letter sample for any vacant position. Check them out to know what should be included in a letter to make it more formal and professional.

  • Be Professional: As mentioned that this letter comes under formal letter examples, so there is no way to use any informal words here. Be professional throughout the letter.
  • Keep your Letter Brief: It’s advised to keep your letter brief and to the point only. Here you are addressing the people at higher authority who usually don’t have enough time to write lengthy letters.
  • Express Your Interest: Mention from where you get to know about the job, express your interest in it. Mention how you are suitable for the job and how a company will be benefited. You need to careful while writing this information. Don’t sound like you are bragging or praising yourself. Be subtle while writing.
  • Attach your Resume: Make sure to attach your resume. A resume should be well-prepared. You should follow the art of building a strong resume to make it more impactful.
  • Check for any Writing Mistakes: Before sending a letter, make sure to check it for spelling and grammatical mistakes. If you are writing on a desktop or laptop then use Grammarly extension which will automatically point any writing mistakes. It’s always a good idea to read a letter once before sending it.

[Senders Name]
[Address ]
[State, ZIP Code]


[Recipients Name]
[State, ZIP Code]

[Subject: Summary of the letter, keep it bold and short]

Dear [Recipients Name],

This letter is to inform you about my interest in the latest job vacancy you currently have in the digital marketing department. I check your advertisement on Google Ads. I am interested to apply for this job.

I have a five-year experience in the digital marketing field and I believe that my skills and work experience would be an asset. Please find my resume which I have attached hereto know my qualification and work experience.

I look forward to hearing your positive reply soon. For any information please feel free to contact me at & [phone number].


[Senders Name]

Sample Letter of Application for Any Job Vacancy


The Recruiting Manager,

Kollinwood Furniture

Alpha Mall Road,


10th July 2019

Dear Sir/Mam,

I am writing this letter to show my interest in the post of Digital Marketing Executive in your company. I saw your advertisement in Times Now Newspaper on 9th July 2019 about the job vacancy in the digital marketing department.

I am interested in joining the DM department of your prestige company. I am graduated in Computer Science and have work experience of three years.

Currently, I’m working in XYZ company. I am looking for better job opportunities and your job profile is suitable and interesting. Your company is highly deputed among digital marketers. I would love to be a part of such an esteemed organization.

I have attached my resume and other certificated with this letter. Please go through them and kindly consider me for a job. For any further information, please contact me at & [phone number].

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Mosin Bhalla

Job Application Letter Template Word PDF

Simple Application Letter Sample for any Vacant Position

Letter of Job Application for any Position PDF Word

Simple Application Letter Sample for any Vacant Position

How to Write Job Application Letter for Any Vacancy

Writing a job application for any vacancy is a piece of cake when you know how to write it exactly. This is why we have shared this section here. Read the information below to learn the art of writing an impactful application letter for any job vacancy.

  • Address: Start a letter by writing address at the top. Start with Sender address details such as name, city, state etc and then write a date on which a letter is written. After that, put the receiver address details such as name, city, state, position, company name, etc.
  • Salutation: You should always address a recipient respectfully by using the correct salutation. You could use “Dear Sir/ Mam” or else add Mr./ Mrs. Followed by a person’s last name.
  • Subject: Mention the subject i.e. summaries the entire letter in a few words. A subject should be short. It’s optional to add subject, but it’s advised to add a subject in order to let the recipient know what he/ she is going to read. Many people read a subject and then decide whether to read a letter or not.
  • Body of the Letter: Here comes the content of the letter. Here you could mention where you learn about the job vacancy and what makes you suitable for a job. Express your interest in a job. Talk a little about your qualification and work experience. Keep it short and to the point, as not many people read long letters.
  • End: Always end a letter on a good note. Mention your contact details so that a recipient can contact you if required.


Writing an application letter for a job vacancy is one of the ways to increase your chances of getting a job. As a job seeker, you should always avail every opportunity which has the potential to take your further in career. Make an impactful job application letter with sample letters and templates shared here. Feel free to use these letters for personal or professional use.

What are the benefits of a cover letter template 

Getting your cover letter right is so important. First impressions count, and it might be the first thing the employer sees. If you’re not sure what to write, using a cover letter template can simplify the process. 

Using a great template ensures you don’t miss any key information, you avoid making mistakes or adding irrelevant details, and it saves you from having to rewrite a letter each time you apply for a job. Our customizable, professional designs create the right impression. 

Should my resume and cover letter template match? 

Your cover letter and resume don’t necessarily need to be an exact match. However, having consistency between all your documents will help you take your application to the next level. If you can, try and match the fonts and formatting across all your documents. It’s also highly important to make sure all the information is the same. If you want to achieve a polished, professional first impression, check out our Premium Packages. These contain a 2-page resume and a matching cover letter and only cost $11.99. 

How should I write a cover letter for a job? 

A cover letter is a great way to show the employer your skills, values, and experiences quickly. It should always include your basic info, availability, and contact details. The letter should start with an introduction, a bit about you, and why you want to work for the company. Then, talk about your relevant experience, qualifications, and why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. This should be followed by a brief conclusion to sum up and clarify everything. If you’re looking for more help writing a cover letter, our article, How to Write a Cover Letter, provides detailed instructions, plus loads of helpful tips and advice.

To get started, download our free cover letter template in Word and customize it how you like.

What are the types of cover letters 

There are different types of cover letters, and choosing an appropriate one is key. Employers can tell when you use a generic letter, so it needs to be right for the situation. When you’re applying for a specific job opening, you should choose an application letter, along with your resume. Or, you can use a referral cover letter that mentions someone that’s referred you to the job. 

Alternatively, if you’re making a general inquiry, you should go for a networking letter or letter of interest. This should focus more on why you want to work for the company and inquire about possible job openings and opportunities. 

Do I really need a cover letter? 

Although cover letters are less important now, you still need to have one ready as it may be requested by the employer. In addition, there are some situations where it’s beneficial to add a cover letter to your resume.

For example, if you’re applying for a job that requires strong writing skills. You can also use it to provide the employer with an additional explanation, like when you’re making a big career change or have had a long break in your employment. For more information on when you should use a cover letter, check out our article, Do I Need a Cover Letter?

How long is a cover letter? 

The length of a cover letter will vary, but we recommend having a maximum of 400 words. It should be somewhere between half a page and a full page of text. Your cover letter should be clear and concise and showcase your top skills and qualifications. To get the best results, filter out the most relevant information, and then divide this into 3 or 4 short, high-value paragraphs.

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