Apologize word to friend

“Recently, I’ve said some hurtful things to a friend, and I know she’s still upset. I feel awful and really want to apologize through text, but I’m not sure what to say. I don’t want to make things awkward or worse between us, but I know that I messed up.”

Apologies can be awkward and hard, but they also can help to repair hurt feelings and restore closeness and trust with a friend. If you’ve said or done something to a friend that you regret, or you’ve been neglecting your friendship, a sincere apology is the first step towards making things right. The specific kind of apology you need to give will depend on the situation.

This article will help you understand different kinds of apologies you can use, tips on when to use them, and will provide example quotes on how to word your apology.

Best ways to apologize to a friend

Not all apologies are created equally. Knowing the right and wrong way to apologize can help you craft a sincere apology that is most likely to be well-received. While it’s OK to send a cute or funny sorry message to a friend in some situations, more heartfelt apologies are needed when you’ve said or done something hurtful.

No one is perfect, and making a mistake or betraying a friend’s trust doesn’t need to mean the end of a friendship. A sincere apology is a good way to begin repairing a friendship and can sometimes even lead to a stronger, closer bond. The more serious the situation and the bigger your mistake, the more sincere your apology should be. These are often the hardest apologies to give but also the most important to repair and maintain close friendships.[1]

According to research, here are tips on the right way to apologize to a friend:[1][2][3][4]

  • Apologize right after making a mistake, instead of letting a lot of time pass
  • Give a sincere and heartfelt apology, rather than a half-hearted apology
  • Be specific about what you’re apologizing for
  • Take full responsibility for what you said or did
  • Don’t cancel out your apology with a “but” or by giving excuses
  • Don’t expect automatic forgiveness, especially when you’ve made a big mistake
  • Demonstrate your sincerity by changing your behavior

The specific kind of apology you need to give and how you give it will depend on the situation, as well as the friendship itself. Below are 10 different ways to apologize to a friend, when to use this approach, and how to word your apology message.

1. Clarify whether an apology is needed

If you don’t know if your friend is upset or why they are upset, the first step is to check in and see if an apology is needed. Being direct and asking whether they are upset or what you did to upset them will help you get a clear understanding of the situation and how to repair it.

Examples of messages to get clarification:

  • “Hey, is everything ok with us? Haven’t heard from you in a while.”
  • “Got a weird vibe from you last time we talked. Did I do anything to upset you?”
  • “Hey, I was thinking back to our conversation and am worried I might have said something to upset you?”

2. Be specific with your apology

If you know that you said or did something that upset your friend, the best course of action is to apologize to them. Specific apologies are often better than general or vague apologies because they identify the mistake that was made.[3][4] Use this approach when you know what happened, how it affected your friend, and what you need to apologize for.

Examples of specific apologies:

  • “It was unfair of me to say _______ and I really regret it. I am so sorry.”
  • “I should not have _______ and I just want you to know I am sorry and feel terrible about it.”
  • “It wasn’t right for me to _______ and I just want you to know how sorry I am.”

3. Take full responsibility for your actions

If you did or said something you regret, make sure to take full responsibility instead of shifting blame or giving excuses. Taking full responsibility for your words and actions helps to make your apology more sincere, and is more likely to be well-received by your friend.[3][4]

A card reading "Wish I could make things better" with an image of flowers
Examples of taking responsibility:

  • “There was no excuse for _______ and I accept complete responsibility. I am so sorry.”
  • “I know that was wrong of me to _______ and hope you can forgive me.”
  • “You needed me, and I’m really sorry for not being there for you. I should have _______.”

4. Apologize for the way something made them feel

In some situations, you may need to apologize when you didn’t actually say or do anything wrong. While you are not responsible for your friend’s emotions, apologizing for how something you said or did made them feel can help to protect the friendship.[1] Use this approach when you know your friend is upset but are sure you did not do anything wrong.

Examples of how to apologize for the way your friend feels:

  • “Hey I just wanted to say I’m sorry you felt _______ and hope you know that I _______.”
  • “I feel really bad that you felt _______ and want you to know that I would never _______.”
  • “I am really sorry if I came across _______ or offended you in any way.”

5. Clear up misunderstandings

If there was a misunderstanding or honest mistake, it’s important to clear things up. Apologizing for being unclear while also clarifying what you meant to say or do can help to clear the air. Explaining your intentions, what went wrong, or how the mistake happened can help to strengthen your apology when a misunderstanding occurs.[3]

Examples of clarifying your intentions:

  • “I am really sorry if what I said came across _______. What I was trying to say was _______.”
  • “I’m sorry if there’s been any misunderstanding and wanted to make sure you knew that _______.”
  • “Hey, I’m really sorry if I was unclear in any way. What I meant was _______.”

6. Ask how you can make things right

Another good way to say you are sorry to a friend who is upset with you is to ask them what you can do to restore trust and make things better. Acknowledging you messed up and expressing a desire to make things proves that you value your friendship and opens the door to repairing the damage. This can also help strengthen your apology and make it more sincere.[3]

Examples of asking how to make things right:

  • “I know you’re still feeling hurt. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”
  • “I really want to make things better. What can I do to start?”
  • “Is there anything I can do to make this up to you?”

7. Commit to changing your behavior

The words “I’m sorry” are only sincere when they are backed up by a lasting change in your behavior. Be specific about what you will do or say differently next time, and make sure to only promise something when you are 100% sure you can keep this promise. This is called restitution and is an important way to demonstrate your remorse.[3]

Examples of committing to change:

  • “I am so sorry for _______. I am going to make a point to _______ .”
  • “I’m sorry for not being a good friend to you recently. I promise to _______.”
  • “I feel really bad about _______ and hope you can forgive me. I promise to be better about this in the future.”

8. Express sincere remorse

An insincere apology can be even worse than no apology at all.[5] Remorse is what makes an apology sincere and involves emotions like guilt, sadness, or regret.[1][3][4] Make sure that your apology message conveys these emotions, especially when you made a big mistake. The more damage was done to the friendship, the more remorse is necessary to fix it.

Examples of showing remorse:

  • “I feel terrible about _______. I really hope that you’ll give me a chance to make it up to you.”
  • “I have felt so bad about _______. I know you really needed me to _______ and I’m so sorry I wasn’t supportive.”
  • “I have not been able to stop thinking about _______. I feel so bad and just want you to know that _______.”

9. Give them space and then follow up

Don’t expect an immediate reply from a friend when you send an apology message, and understand that they may need some time and space before they respond. Even if they do respond, it can still take time for them to forgive you, so be patient with them.

Examples of how to follow up after apologizing:

  • “Hey, I just wanted to check in and see if you had time to look at my message. I know you’re really busy but haven’t heard back from you and just wanted to make sure you got my message.”
  • “Just checking in to see if you’ve thought any more about _______. I’d love to see you in person to chat more sometime soon, so feel free to reach out when you have time.”
  • “I know I really hurt your feelings, and I’m not expecting things to be better overnight, but I’m here whenever you feel ready to chat.”

10. Let them know you care about them

When you’ve said or done something to hurt or betray trust with a close friend, it’s important to let them know you care about them, their feelings, and their friendship. Including this in your apology message can be a great way to rebuild trust and closeness with a friend.

A card reading "Is everything okay between us" with an image of two clay figures hugging each other
Examples of how to demonstrate you care:

  • “I just wanted to let you know how important you are to me and that I feel so bad about _______. Please let me know what I can do to make things right with you.”
  • “You are one of my best friends, and I never want to make you feel _______. I am so sorry if I did and am willing to do whatever it takes to make things right with us!”
  • “I hope you know that I really care about you and only want the best for you. I know I really hurt your feelings and betrayed your trust, and I feel awful about it.”

You might also find these examples of thank you messages to friends helpful.

Final thoughts

Apologies are a great way to begin mending broken trust or hurt feelings with a friend. If you’ve said or done something you regret, make sure to issue a sincere apology to them, and don’t wait to reach out. Apologies are a first step towards repairing trust and closeness, and protecting your friendship, but their forgiveness may take time. Be willing to have open discussions with your friend, and prove you’re sorry by making changes to your behavior.

Common questions

Here are answers to some of the most common questions people have about apologizing to a friend via email or text messages.

How do I get my best friend to forgive me over text?

Sending a sincere apology note via text is a good start, but you may need to follow up with a phone call or in-person conversation, especially if you said or did something very hurtful. Ultimately, you cannot control your friend’s response, and sometimes even the best apologies aren’t accepted.

How do you prove you are sorry?

Saying you’re sorry doesn’t mean much unless you show sincere remorse. It’s also important to make changes to your behavior to prove that you feel bad about what you did and won’t make the same mistake again.

How do you indirectly say you’re sorry?

Apologies that don’t directly address a problem can seem insincere, so they aren’t always the best approach. If you didn’t do anything wrong and a direct apology wouldn’t be appropriate, you can still apologize for the way your friend feels or for how your words or actions affected them.

Show references +


  1. Lerner, H. (2017). Why Won’t You Apologize?: Healing Big Betrayals and Everyday Hurts. Simon and Schuster.
  2. Roschk, H., Kaiser, S. (2013). The nature of an apology: An experimental study on how to apologize after a service failure. Marketing Letters, 24, 293–309.
  3. Lewicki, R. J., Polin, B., & Lount Jr, R. B. (2016). An exploration of the structure of effective apologies. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 9(2), 177-196.
  4. Bippus, A. M., & Young, S. L. (2020). How to say “I’m Sorry:” Ideal apology elements for common interpersonal transgressions. Western Journal of Communication, 84(1), 43-57.
  5. Zechmeister, J. S., Garcia, S., Romero, C., & Vas, S. N. (2004). Don’t apologize unless you mean it: A laboratory investigation of forgiveness and retaliation. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 23(4), 532-564.

Sorry Messages for Friends: Sorry is the word that should be said more often than it is said in one’s life. There are times when we unintentionally hurt our beloved ones with our words or actions. So, saying sorry is a must when you have hurt your friend with your action or words. You should not think twice before saying sorry because a heartfelt sorry with some warm words can ensure your friend that you truly care about their feelings. Here are some sorry messages which you can send to your friend while asking for forgiveness. Try to say sorry more often to your friends and loved ones if you want to maintain relationships that last forever.

  • Sorry Messages for Friends
  • Sorry Quotes for Best Friend
  • Touchy Sorry Messages for Friend
  • Apology Messages for Friend
  • Long Sorry Message for Friend

I am extremely sorry for my behavior. I wish I were more careful with my words. I love you, my friend. Please accept my apology for this time.

Dear friend, I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. That wasn’t my intention. Please, forgive me for being so rude.

I just want you to know that I didn’t do it intentionally and it just happened accidentally. I regret that it ended up like this. I am really very sorry.


I have made many mistakes in life, but none of them came back to haunt me with such strength. I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you. Please forgive me.

I know my words and actions made you feel blue. Pardon me for letting you down, friend.

What I did was wrong. Forgive me, and I’ll try to fix everything I’ve ruined. Our friendship is worth a second chance.

Your smile takes my breath away, and your tears kill me in a thousand ways. I’m drowning in guilt and sadness for hurting you. Please, save me with your forgiveness!

I’ve always been hopeless. It’s you who teaches me to hope for the best. I hope you will forgive me for all of my mischiefs and wrongdoings. I’m so sorry.

If I have hurt you with my words or behavior, I am really sorry from the depth of my heart. Can’t stay apart from you. I really am sorry.

I regret doing such a terrible thing to you, dear best friend. Your forgiveness will make my life better, I swear. Please accept my apology, I love you so much.

I wish I could take back all the hurtful things I have said and make everything just like it used to be. Please forgive me, dear.

You own a very special place in my heart and I don’t want to lose you. I am really sorry.

I feel really bad for saying such hurtful words to you but you should know that you are the only one that matters to me, friends. Extremely sorry for my behavior.


Sorry for hurting you like this, but believe me, my life is dull without you. I cannot afford to lose you over something so stupid. Please forgive me.

I will never lie to you again. I will never cause you any more pain. From now on I will be extremely cautious because our friendship is too precious. Please forgive me.

I wish I could take back all the pain from you and fill the space with the joys of friendship once again. I don’t know how much I can do with a simple SORRY. But I know you will understand!

I will never be able to express how I feel inside. I am really sorry about everything!

It’s been so many sleepless nights for me for quite a long time. I am burdened with my own stupidity. I feel no shame in admitting my faults. I am sorry dear!

I may not be as wise as you but I am wise enough to see the damage I have caused to our friendship. I know you will forgive me in the end but I am really sorry!

I fight with you, I shout at you, I do misbehave, I hurt you a lot, but I simply can’t live without you. I am sorry, friend.

sorry quotes for best friend

I am not sorry for fighting with you. But I am sorry that I fought with you for the wrong reasons. Please forgive me!

Sometimes, I take the liberty to take you for granted because deep down in my heart, I know that my best friend will always understand. I am sorry.

I wouldn’t allow anything in this whole world to come between our friendship. Not even my own mistakes. I am sorry for what I did.

Our friendship has no rules but it is based on two beautiful things – unlimited love and unlimited forgiveness. I am sorry for annoying you, please forgive me.

The value of our friendship is more than any stupid argument. Sorry for my bashful words. I love you anyway, please forgive me.

Sorry Quotes for Best Friend

I miss you every moment of every day. It was very immature of me to hurt you like that. I am extremely sorry for hurting you with my words. I love you so much.

I have committed such a great crime by hurting you dear best friend and I am already feeling too bad even to express it. Please forgive me for this one time.

I have been immature and ended up hurting you. I am sorry from the core of my heart dear best friend. Please accept my apology.

Now that we are apart because of my silly mistake, I feel how childish I were back when I did that stupid thing. Please forgive me, dear best friend.


Life does give a second chance to everyone. But, I am saying sorry to you right at my first chance because I can’t wait any longer to see a smile on that face again.

You are the sweetest person I have ever known. How can I possibly remain normal after hurting you? So I am saying sorry to you now. Will you forgive me?

If you add a little bit of salt in too much sugar, it still remains sweet. Our friendship is just like that. I may have made some silly mistakes, but I don’t hesitate to say that I am sorry!

I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world, even my life. How could I live in a world without you and our friendship? Forget everything and embrace me as your friend again!

You are the most amazing friend I have ever had in my life. No one could take your place. Sorry to cause you pain and sadness. I’m nothing but a fool. Please, pardon my mistakes!

My world is all dark and dull when you don’t have a smile on your face. I know it is because of me that you are so upset. I am sorry dear friend. Please smile now!

I haven’t found any better friend in my life than you. Every moment with you is like a moment spent in heaven. I feel truly sad because I have hurt someone so special to me. I am sorry!

Life has its own way of making you realize the value of friendship and the worst part is that it’s always in hindsight. I miss you, my friend; I’m sorry for not keeping in touch.

sorry message for best friend

I feel bad that I hurt you. You were my true friend. I owe you an apology and I think this is the right time to say it. I’m so sorry for all the lies. So sorry my friend.

I won’t say a word. The sweetest apologies are never said, they are felt. I am just going to let you look at the tears in my eyes until your heart melts. I am sorry.

Also Read: Message for Best Friends

Touchy Sorry Messages for Friend

I am sorry for being such a nuisance and causing so much negative energy around you. I hope you will forgive me this time. I am extremely sorry.

There may never come a day when I disappoint you like I did yesterday. I ask for your forgiveness so that we can forever remain, great buddies, like we are.

I hope you will be kind enough to forgive me one last time. Give me another chance and I promise that I won’t disappoint you again.

Though I can’t undo what I did. But, I can beg you to forgive me. I feel terrible that I hurt you so badly. I’m so sorry.

I know you love me more than I love you. You care for me more than I care for you. You’re my brother in the shape of a friend.

I feel terrible for causing trouble and making you feel so low. I ask for your forgiveness from the depth of my heart, dear friend. Please forgive me.

If I knew my actions would hurt my best friend I would think thousand times before doing that. You matter to me more than you think. I am sorry!

I don’t reasons to say sorry to you. I can say sorry when I am guilty, I can say sorry even when I am not. Because our friendship means so much to me.

I look in the mirror and I see a person who is devastated by his own mistakes. A person who is crushed by his guilt. A person who desperately wants to be forgiven by his dearest one. A person that says SORRY.

sorry msg for friend

Life has been way too unforgiving for me. I know I make mistakes but you have always been kind to forgive me again and again. I am sorry to you for one last time.

It’s very easy to say sorry but I know it’s very difficult to be the bigger person and say that it’s okay. Please forgive me, I am sorry.

I know saying sorry is just not enough for how much I hurt you but I’ll say it a million times until you forgive me. I am sorry.

My friend, I didn’t mean to upset you. I lied because I have to save our friendship. I hope you understand. I wish to see you explain everything to you.

I am sorry for lying. You can be as mad at me as you want. But do it quickly because I’ve got something really exciting to tell you.

Read: Thank You Messages For Friends

Sorry Message For Best Friend Girl

Girl, I’ll go all the way to make you feel right. You can punish me for my angry outburst. Forgive me, and tell me how I can fix my mistake!

I’ve been a fool to hurt you that way. And, there is no point in being angry with a fool. Please, give your anger a break and forgive me. I’m sorry.

As you are so beautiful and kind, forgiving me is something you surely can. I humbly ask for your forgiveness. Please, don’t let me down.

It was never my intention to hurt you. I am guilty of what I have done. I am asking for your forgiveness. Please, accept my apology!

I hate myself for being rude to you. How could I hurt a beautiful and soft girl like you? I am truly sorry.

I am sorry for making you feel unhappy. I hope you will give me a second chance to make it up with you. Please!

Apology Messages for Friend

I know that the damage I have caused is too much to ignore, but I cannot live the rest of my life without you dear friend. So, please forgive me and make it easy for me.

I cannot lose you over my immature deeds. You are too precious to me dear friend. I am genuinely sorry for hurting you with my bashful words. Please accept my apology.

You are someone I want to hold on to for the rest of my life and I feel extremely guilty for causing you pain. Please forgive me, dear friend. I love you.

sorry message for friend

I wish you could forget this one incident and give our friendship one more chance, dear. I miss you and I am extremely sorry.

Friends like you are one’s lifetime achievements. You have always been an amazing friend to me. I am deeply sorry for my mistake. Please accept my apology!

You are a true gentleman and a great friend. It’s my fault for not realizing the result of my actions. I am deeply ashamed for that. A true friend like you deserves an unconditional apology. I am sorry!

I never had a second thought before sending this message to you. As soon as I realized my mistake, I decided to apologize to you without any delay. I am sorry after all!

I am sorry for what happened yesterday. Things weren’t in my control. I apologize for every word I said.

I never let EGO come in between our friendship. In fact, when I am wrong, I am ready to apologize. Right now, I really feel I am guilty. So, I apologize for my mistakes dear friend.

I know you are sad and upset. All I can say is that I did not want to hurt you in any circumstances. Because of all the things in life I care about most is our friendship. I am sorry for everything!

I’m honestly heartbroken things are like this, I don’t want my mistake to ruin our friendship and it would mean so much to me if you could give me a second chance.

I’m sorry for all the lies. It hurts you and I understand if you cannot forgive me yet. But please always remember that I only did it because I care for you. I’m sorry.

I am sorry I lied, I am sorry you cried. I didn’t mean to be rude, please forgive me dude.

sorry message for best friend

People like you come along once in a lifetime and I would never do anything intentionally to jeopardize our friendship. Thanks for being such a good friend, I am sorry.

Our friendship is too precious and I would never want to lose you by doing something irrational. I am sorry my words hurt you, but I want you to know that it wasn’t intentional.

Read: Emotional Friendship Messages

Long Sorry Message for Friend

I accept the fact that I am nothing without you and our friendship. That’s exactly why I am so saddened by hurting you with my bad reaction. Please accept this apology. If there is any way you can let me start over once again, I will accept it without any hesitation.

I am sorry that I have hurt you. I am sad and ashamed of my wrongdoings. I can’t afford to lose you. You bring meaning to my life, and I love having you as my best friend. I love you more than you can ever know. Forgive me, bro!

I’m sorry for everything I did that disappointed you. I may not know how to make a perfect apology, but trust that I will try my best to make it up to you. Please, give me another chance for the sake of our true friendship!

long sorry message for friend

Pardon me for my bad attitude and reaction. Hurting you wasn’t my intention. You know what I hold in my heart for you and the intention it carries. I regret throwing bad words at you.

Living a life with you is fantastic. The chance of being your friend is the greatest gift of my life, something I never thought I would ever have. Yet I am such a fool to hurt you like this! Sorry to ruin our happy time. Now forgive me and be the best one among us as you always do!

Sorry Text for Friend

Please accept my heartfelt apologies, friend. I won’t fight with you anymore, promise!

I admit. It’s my mistake. Sorry for hurting you. Please, forgive me.

I am drowning in guilt. I can’t bear the sorrow of hurting you. I hope you will accept my apology.

Sorry is the only word I got here. But my tears mean the whole world. Sorry my dear friend!

I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you. Please give me a hug. I miss you so bad.

I can’t find any word to explain how sorry I am for causing you pain.

I don’t care whether you forgive me or not. You will forever be the friend who I love a lot. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for causing you so much pain. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please, forgive me! Don’t push me away!

Habituate yourself by saying sorry whenever you feel like you have done something that may cause your friend pain. Saying sorry doesn’t always mean that you’re wrong. Instead, it shows how much you care for another person’s feelings. But not saying sorry can have a negative impact on your relationships. Don’t lose your friend over some petty issue. You can always send them some pretty, decent sorry messages along with heartfelt words asking for forgiveness to make them realize you value them more than anything. Friendships are precious; never let them go in vain because of stupid mistakes. Treasure your friends and say sorry whenever it is needed.

Last updated on February 27, 2022

Letter 1: Apology
Letter to Friend for Being Rude

I am writing this letter seeking your forgiveness for my rude
behavior to you the other day. I feel extremely regretful about what happened.
You are one of my oldest and dearest friends and I can never imagine losing

I take complete responsibility for my unacceptable behavior. Nevertheless, I would still request you to give me a chance to explain myself.

It has been a very stressful week for me with overdue office deadlines. My boss has been driving me crazy with huge piles of work while our clients have been constantly getting on my last nerve. I have been feeling really cranky the entire week. I finally lost my temper over that minor argument with you. I know there is still no excuse for me to shout at you and say mean things the way I did.  I feel ashamed of myself. In fact, right after that moment of outburst, I realized my horrible mistake. However, you had already turned around and left before I could compose myself and apologize to you. I wish I could turn the time back and not let this unpleasant incident happen.

I cannot stress enough how remorseful I have been feeling. I am extremely sorry for hurting you. I request you to give me another chance and forget about what happened. I will never ever behave in such an outrageous way with you again. I hope we can move past this for the sake of our years old friendship.

You have always been a source of support to me during hard
times. This is one of those times with an over-demanding job and a stressful
routine. I need you today as I have always needed you to be there for me. I
anxiously await your response.

Apology Letter to Friend for Being Rude

Letter 2: Apology
letter to Friend for not being in touch

I hope you are doing well and life is treating you good. It
has been a long time since we last met. I want to apologize for not being able
to stay in touch. Being a mother of 2 kids keeps me extremely busy. I have lost
touch with several of my good friends including you. But I really want to make
up for the lost time and catch up with you.

I can’t believe it has been almost 4 years since the last
time we got together. Our last telephone conversation took place a year back. You
have been asking me every now and then to come over to your place but I just
could not find the right time to meet you again or call you up. My youngest
daughter, Sarah is very demanding. She is 2 years old now and keeps me on my
toes. Managing all the housework and dealing with Sarah while carrying on with
my office job takes up all my time. I hardly get a chance to socialize or catch
up with old buddies. This is the reason why I haven’t been able to reply to
your messages or call you up all this time. I am sure you will understand and
forgive me.

I miss our college days when we used to see each other every
day. However, since our graduation, life changed rapidly. Job, marriage and
kids added loads to my list of responsibilities. As a result, it just kept
getting harder and harder for me to maintain contact with you or other friends.
I do want to stress that I have not become estranged with you for any reason.
In fact, you are always in my heart. I would love to catch up with you soon.

Let’s not waste more time and get together soon. I will try
to keep in touch more often this time. Hope to see you soon.

Apology letter to Friend for not being in touch

Letter 3: Apology Letter to a friend for not attending the party

I hope you had a wonderful time at your celebration party this Friday. Please accept my apology for not being able to attend the event. I missed the party due to an unannounced arrival of guests at my house. I hope you will understand and forgive me.

My wife’s cousin, Mike arrived with his wife and four kids
this Friday afternoon. I got busy settling them down in our guest room and had
to run to the supermarket to buy extra groceries. All this hustle and bustle
drove your party out of my mind. This is the reason I couldn’t even inform you
that I wouldn’t be able to come.

I wanted to celebrate your promotion with you at your party. However, I could not do so owing to the circumstances. In order to make it up to you, I would like to invite you and your family over dinner this Sunday. Please don’t refuse this invitation. Let’s celebrate together and enjoy some fun time.

Once again, please accept my sincere apologies for not being
able to show up to your party. I hope you forgive me and let me be your host
this Sunday.

Apology Letter to a friend for not attending the party

Letter 4: Apology
letter to friend for not being there

Congratulations at your wedding. I hope the new phase of your life is going to be wonderful. I must state that I feel regretful for not being there for you on your big day. Please accept my sincere apology and forgive me for breaking your expectations. I can’t stress enough how sorry I feel for not being able to make it to the most special day of my best friend’s life.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I got stuck with certain demanding commitments. I know I should have been there for you to help you with your wedding arrangements. You must have been expecting to see me at the pre-wedding functions as well. However, I ended up disappointing you badly by not even making it to the wedding day. Friends never leave each other in the lurch on important events. Please do not think that I turned my back on you or didn’t consider your wedding important enough. In fact, I have been feeling sorry for missing this special event. I resent the circumstances that prevented me from being there for you.

Please do let me know how I can make it up to you. I promise
to try my best to be there for you whenever you need me in future. I hope you
forgive me and give me another chance.

Apology letter to friend for not being there

Letter 5: Apology
Letter to a Friend you Hurt

I feel lost for words as I write this letter to apologize to
you for what happened last week. I know there is no excuse for misbehavior. But
I also know that you are a very kind person and have always cherished our
friendship. So, please forgive me for hurting you and give me another chance. I
can’t explain how sorry I feel.

You are one of my dearest friends. We have been together
since college days and you have always been there for me through thick and
thin. I am sorry I have been taking you for granted lately. I didn’t realize
what I was saying before those hurtful words came out. I feel truly ashamed and
take complete responsibility for my behavior. Please trust me when I say that
this won’t ever happen again. I will always give you the respect that you

It’s true that we never truly acknowledge the value of something till we have lost it. I haven’t seen you since last week and it makes me realize how important you are to me. It makes me feel upset that you haven’t been responding to my calls or messages. I really miss you. Please don’t punish me through this estrangement.

I know you are mad at me. After what I did, I don’t blame you for being angry at me. But please don’t ignore me. I request you to answer my phone calls and talk to me about how you feel. You may even shout at me; I deserve it. Let’s talk it over and resolve the issue. I would love to have my wonderful friend back.

Apology Letter to a Friend you Hurt

Letter 6: Funny apology letter to a friend

want to apologize to you for embarrassing you in front of your fiancé the other
day. I must have left my brain at home before blurting out your embarrassing
childhood memories. 

I am sure you must have hired a hitman for me after the mortifying incident. Well, that’s ok; I deserve it! But please ask him to use an alternative to shoot as I am just a tad bit scared of bullets.

On the other hand, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me and spare my life, I will do your chores for you for as long as you want. When you get married and have babies, I will babysit your kids, feed them, burp them and change their dirty diapers. So, think about it! Forgiveness is just a phone call away.

Funny apology letter to a friend

Letter 7: Apology Letter to Friend’s

I want to begin by thanking you
for everything you have done for me. Please accept my apologies for
creating any trouble I might have caused you during my stay at your house
this week. 

I realize how my presence caused
an extra burden on you. You had to cook meals for two teenaged boys who are
almost always feeling famished. I am sorry we never lent you a hand for any
chores. I apologize for being so inconsiderate towards you while you worked all
day long for us without a frown on your face.

Thank you for being so kind and hospitable. I feel bad for making you overworked because of my stay. I promise when I come over next time, Eric and I will help you with your chores.

Once again, sorry for the hard
time I gave you this week. I hope you forgive me.

Apology Letter to Friend’s Mom

Letter 8: Apology
Letter to Friend for misunderstanding

I am writing this letter to apologize for the misunderstanding that led to the unpleasant incident last night. I feel awful for putting you in an awkward situation with your family. I am willing to come over any time you ask to explain to your wife what really happened. I promise if such a situation arises again in future, I would clarify things with you before jumping to any conclusions.

Please accept my sincere apologies. Let me treat you and your family to dinner this weekend to make up for all the bitterness of last night.

Apology Letter to Friend for misunderstanding

A saying goes by: ‘True friendship is like sound health, whose value is seldom known until it is lost.’

It’s all too common ground to host and witness tensions of misunderstanding, arguments and an overboard eruption of untimely words, putting a strain on the cords of friendship.
Whether by ignorance, negligence or lacking a better attitude and approach to the removal of a knot created in the aching heart of an offended friend, all too often worsens a broken relationship from healing to an eventual natural death of a once perfect relationship, lose of special friends.

Eventually, if every difference is left to blossom, everyone walks out of your life, leaving you to a horrible doom of friendless and lonely life.

The collection following presents a variety or all-circumstance letters tailored and carefully articulated to come to your aid in instances and situations of not knowing the exact words and right attitude with which to render an apology and give both hope and chance to reboot an ailing friendship relationship.

Apology Letters to Your Special Friend

Making amendments quickly after offences is one of the best ways to keep friendship going. These Apology Letters have been carefully collected for you to send to your friend.

1. Dear friend,

With a broken heart and deep regret, I write to express how highly apologetic I am for having hurt and rendered your heart bleeding so much. With shame.

2. Best Friend,

I feel even guiltier, addressing you as my best friend when all I have ever done since I first knew you were to crush and deform your heart in more ways than I will ever come close to putting back and later on mend. With only but regret, I wish to humbly ask for your forgiveness. Truly sorry.

3. Forgive me,

Actually, I feel I deserve not in the least, any forgiveness, considering what a nightmare I have always been in your nights and a bad news in the light of the days we have ever shared. Hearty apologies.

4. With painful regret,

I wish to extend forth my apology. It wouldn’t cover the least of the many blunders I constantly and consciously kept shading your beautiful world with I know, but hoping that somehow, out of your pure heart, even a single thread is found to confirm my disgust at the remembrance and memories of how I so heartlessly hurt your feelings.

5. The more I close up my selfish heart and pretend all is perfect is the more I wake up to the conscious of what manner of wreck, I brought into your quiet and innocent life.
Forgive me.

Apology to A Friend

6. I wish I could sound sorrier than My shame and regret for repaying your goodness with such irrational and uncalled for conduct on my part. I am truly sorry.

7. My world has become a wilderness, hope deserted, flooded with thorns and predators born of the torment and regret my heart initiated the moment I abused the bounties of your goodness. This is to just let you know that I regret my actions and wish to apologise.
forgive me.

8. I feel a thousand miles away from your heart. I deeply regret having ever hurt you and I pray you forgive me.

9. Sometimes I feel I could appear before the front door of your heart as in the cream and bliss fragrance of old days, except I, hurt you and now the burden of regret scares me away from you. someday I wish to land a chance of appearing before you, not with flowers as I used to, but beg for the flower of your forgiveness. I am truly sorry.

10. All the beautiful and precious moments we created together, I tossed out like trash, just to prove and look right by all desperation, when all evidence suggested in vivid truth that I was in the wrong. I regret every bit of it. And am saying sorry.

Apology Letters to Friend for Misunderstanding

A simple way to find your spot back in your friend’s heart is to write some apology letters to him or her. Use these short but powerful apology letters to friend for misunderstanding.

Dear friend, I am so sorry for letting everything drag to this point. I take blame for it all. I am sorry for the misunderstanding and plead for forgiveness.

11. I apologise for making myself the most selfish, egoistic and self-centred person you ever I encountered. Please, forgive me.

12. Even in the night, I’m startled at the very flashes of memories, dreams and the fact that I hurt you. I am very sorry.

13. Losing you has made me look with unobstructed clearness of sight. Back at what a jerk I was, treating you like you deserved it and entitled to less. forgive me.

14. It’s only now that my very actions and words have become my dread most nightmare, that I deeply regret having subjected you to so much pain which I can only but imagine.find it in your heart to forgive my ignorance.

15. With so heavy a heart, I wish to let you know that you brought so much light and cheer to my life, a glue that held every piece in place together. until I threw so much hurt in your face by all my unscaled actions. please, do forgive me.

16. my loyal friend,
I Wish my apology could reach down and heal your heart. But I just wish to wholeheartedly beg for your forgiveness.

17. Loyal friend, am so deeply touched and my heart aches upon realising that I mounted so much pain in my fury and lost self-control. please forgive me.

18. Ever since you walked out from our circle of friendship at the selfish demand of my ego and self-righteous personality. you left a vacuum that has been filled with the pain of losing what we had. sometimes I wish I could take back what I said, but it’s too late and sad that you are far off. I apologise for having been so wrong and judgemental. forgive me.

19. It was wrong of me to judge you like that. I am sorry.

20. It pains me so much to only realise what beauty and excellence you brought to my wretched life. kindly Accept my apology.

Heart Touching Apology Letters to a friend.

21. If I could go back in time and reshape the old me that hurt you so much for the better, I would. But seeing its only but a wish I ask for the grace of your heart to please forgive me.

22. Am sorry for having reciprocated your wonderful and beautiful will for my life with such high a degree of contempt.

23. I have exhausted so many chances of making it up to you that I don’t even know what number to give what am asking of you, Truth is, am never myself everytime I cause your heart pain. Please, forgive me.

24. I have just realised this, that I always incorrectly represent our friendship. I so much apologise for all the times I misinterpreted your motives and in the process wounded your heart.

25. For having abused your innocence and purity of loyalty you devoted to our friendship, am truly sorry.

Apology Letter to Your Best Friend

26. All along I have been the one taking and blowing off a piece from your heart, if there is any even by miracle left, I pray you use it in forgiving me, for I can not in a thousand and more years ever bring back even a particle of your heart.

27. Forgive me for realising too late that you actually deserve and deserved better.

28. There is an emptiness in my life which I can trace back from the instant I hurt you. I apologise for my wrong past and sorry that it crossed paths with your innocence and left it in shambles.

29. Reflecting on my past, I realise I am guilty of stealing away every piece that gave you reasons to smile. Am so sorry.

30. I am so sorry for all the times my grievous conduct caused so much aggression and robbed your joy.

31. Forgive me. truly, I hardly find any courage to remain up on my feet, every time I realise I am the reason for all your sleepless nights and wet pillows.

32. I apologise for having hurt you without any apparent reason. For truly I Hurt you without a cause.

33. For all the calls that went unpicked, for all the sweet texts I Was too busy to respond to. I am sorry

34. I apparently treated you as if you were the last thing that mattered in my life and did not, therefore, matter much. But seeing you standing on the opposite side of the bank of this river of regret, has taught me so many things and opened my eyes to the value that God gifted my life with the moment you came into my life. forgive my insensitivity.

35. I apologise for having taken for granted more than I ever gave, from your life.

36. I am sorry for abusing every sacrifice you ever made for my life.

37. It grieves my heart, every time I remember how you always were the one fighting for me and wishing me well when I even deserved it not. In the end, I treated every good will you had for my life as though it didn’t even matter. I really am sorry.

38. It might not sound right and good enough, but I Wish you to somehow realise that it is from the depth of my heart. That am sorry.

39. Where I am in life, I can hardly tell the difference between night and day. For everything is drenched in the pain of regret and pain I personally invited into my life the day I hurt you. I apologise for everything.

40. No matter how many times and far I try to escape the fact that I Caused your heart a tsunami of pain, is the more I realise I am but escaping into it over and over again on each attempt. please, you should squeeze in some room in your heart and find the grace to forgive me.

Apology Letter to Your Best Friend

Best of all Apology Letters to Your Best Friend.

41. I long for a day when I Shall have a second chance of making it up to you. But even if it doesn’t, I Pray that someday you forgive me.

42. Your exit in my life left it leaking of its fragrance and pleasant flavour. I am sorry for having opened the door for you to slip through.

43. Forgive me for giving you the worst place in my heart, where the least you deserved was the best.

44. Over and over again I put a dent in the trust and confidence you had in me. I just wish to say, I am sorry for it all.

45. If I can do it better again. I am saying sorry.

An Apology Letter to A Friend

46. I struggle with heavy feelings of regret that tears me to pieces and drain my courage. It all because I missed the path and got on one that winded up into grievous things that I did to you.

47. I hurt you so badly and my pain never ceases to remind me of how wrongly I treated you. I am sorry.

48. Forgive me for demanding consistency when my own life is a broken promise.

49. I hid under the covers of silence, though I uttered not a word I now realise how destructive my silence was and how like a volcano it burnt magma of pain beneath your pleasant countenance and heart. Am truly sorry.

50. I am ashamed of claiming to be your loyal and trusted friend when the time you needed me I was busy selfishly going about my business.

51. Every time, I sat to ponder through the former pleasant cheer in my life, you were always an afterthought despite being the reason for it all. But as I now sit to reflect on the same life that was once so bright, I realise its nothing less of a deserted and lifeless deep and dry pit. you were both the spring and a fountain of true goodness in my life. Here I am, just deeply sorry for treating you with so much insignificance.

52. I personally Cannot understand it, express it or explain it. But it feels like a deep shame for all I did to you. am sorry.

53. Forgive me for being all mouthful and never for once living any single thing of what I was always foremost demanding of you for.

54. I ask for your pardon and forgiveness for all my waywardness.

55. With so much regret in my heart, I wish to make known my guilty to you for turning out not an angel my pretentions kept on promising. Am so sorry.

56. I regret having toyed with both your trust and time. Forgive me.

57. I miss your friendship and I apologise for having taken the front in putting the knife to the cords that held it intact. Am sorry.

58. I truly apologise for having given way to the poison that intoxicated the trust, confidence and love of our friendship.

59. On your gracious and good heart, I hung my plea as I apologise for all the rain of torment and chaos through which I inconsiderately had you drenched. Am sorry.

60. My precious friend, with almost breathless and keen zeal, I broke your heart and betrayed your trust. Am so regretfully sorry.

An Apology Letter to A Friend

Emotional  Apology Letters to a Friend you have offended.

61. Through all the storm and disgracing moments of my life, you stuck out ahead for me in the face and force of the masses. yet when you needed me I turned you down. Please forgive my utter cowardice.

62. In the wake and light of realization, I have learnt I deserve no mercy whatsoever, but I just pray that with this apology, you somehow shun the apparent intensity of my wrecks and blunders and forgive me.

63. My whole life is but remains of a dreadful predicament, please forgive me for crumbling down the walls of a beautiful life and blissful moments to nothing but a pile of ruins.

64. All the times I was all loud, all-knowing and in my ego drowned your voice that held all the truth we needed for our misunderstanding. Now all that has remained is this regret with which I wish to express how sorry I am.

65. I look back at what and who we were and I deeply regret for snatching and blowing it all away in the blink of a haste eye.

Apology Letter to Friend for Misunderstanding

66. One day I woke up and realised my personal righteousness and always a ‘holier than thou’ attitude sent you miles away from my proud world. Now, this regret paints and overshadows every great memory of you. where ever you are, I hope you find it in you to forgive me.

67. My own ‘handiwork’, struck out the light and cheer in my life the day I hurt you. Am sorry.

68. Dearest friend. Am asking you to forgive me. I would endeavour to make things right, except time is one constancy I would never alter to my advantage, no matter what.

69. Without your forgiveness, no redemption in my life. I am Just the same old night nightmare who robbed you of the promise of beautiful nights and filled them with terror at the memory of even my name. And he still is the same person who hereby humbly asks for your forgiveness as he stoops down hoping for a second chance of sincere transformation.

70. Forgive me for responding with but a ‘drag and break it down’ attitude to every breakthrough in your life. Am full of regret and I apologise for a thousandfold for being such a pessimist of a confidant to you.

71. I sincerely yearn for better days and wishfully long for days like old yesterdays that I so zealously helped grow wings to fly out of my life along with your positive desire to seeing us transform the broken pieces into a better world. I regret it all and am sorry.

72. If I don’t sound eloquent and good enough to be understood, I pray you overhear my mumbling and pick out but the reason for my message to you. I am sorry.

73. I wish we engaged in proper and amicable ways of settling our differences before, hurt and anger set our terms of communication and determined the fate of our friendship, leaving it in ruins. Am so sorry and I hope to somehow get another chance and perhaps make it up to you in the whole new light.

74. It’s just another day in the grief and core of broken hopes and promises. I know I made it turn out this way. I take the blame for everything but mostly, I am sorry that you have to share in the price of what I really deserve.

75. In the aftermath of the ups and downs, we hoped and looked forward to reminiscing over all that crushes and laugh for making it through together until my selfishness sent you away. I regret ever making you slip off and away just like that. I am sorry.

76. I truly apologise for being so reckless enough to hurt your feelings.

77. I am not blinded by your pleasant and cheerful countenance and calm on your face. My heart shares in the pain that you put up with every single moment you reflect on the past and like some old wound, feel the ache my mistakes caused your heart. Am truly sorry.

78. To the beautiful personality and pleasant flow of your heart. Both which I perforated with nothing but full wrath frustration, I wish to render my apology.

79. Am sorry for making of myself a ‘dream killer,’ out of all the promises you had hoped I would live to become and fulfil.

80. Forgive me for making a routine, hurting you.

Apology Letter to Friend for Misunderstanding

Best collection of Apology Letters to Friend for Misunderstanding.

81. Up to now, not even myself has been able to understand why I would do what I did to you. The more I look and reflect back on the events that put us along with the dreams we set out to build together asunder, the more I regretful I get. And am just taking this opportunity to apologise to you. Am sorry.

82..Every time I close my eyes and want to pray. I feel like a burning in my eyes, the jaws are stuck and my mind is flashed back to the moment I knocked off your faith by betraying your trust. where ever you are, please find it in your heart to forgive my treachery. I am truly sorry.

83. Forgive me friend, Honestly, had you been right here now, I know the future wouldn’t look this bleak.

84. Together, we would be souring so high by now except that is only just a broken man’s wish.All Because the unfortunate reality still lingers in the harsh marks of the pain in your heart, that I hurt you. Am sorry.

85. I am truly sorry. sometimes I wish you know that even at the peak of excellence in my quests and multiple life endeavours, I feel so low and many a time gets bogged down by the frustration that somewhere, somehow your heart bleeds because of me.

Apology Letter to A Friend You Hurt

86. No storm is as sure a ‘quick sinking sand’ than living in the aftermath of the pain and agony in which I hid the radiance of your heart.

87. As I submit this apology, I only wish you to know that you were the heart and soul of my life without which, everything falls and crumbles down lifeless. Forgive me for having personally driven you away.

89. One thing I know with absolute surety is that your grant of forgiveness to me will never rebuild and magically restore your heart and renew your loss. But one thing I sincerely hope and pray for is that somehow may it even in a small way create an end and run dry your tears of pain. Am truly sorry.

90. I am almost chilled out on the door of your heart with my apology. Out here, its like am leaving at the very heart of winter for it seems this coldness is both on the inside as much as it is on the outside. Please do forgive me.

91. Time is the most precious gift ever, ts in abundance every moment we are alive, enjoy a good morning. joyously count the stars in the warmth of evening and savour comfy nights, yet it answers to no one. Otherwise, if it were the case I would command us back to the day I crushed your heart and make a better painting of my harsh words in the hands of time. I cant change a thing out of what I did but somehow I wish by all means to say am truly sorry.

92. Forgive me for my despicable inclination towards an altitude that ultimately deprived us of everything, not to talk of an iota of happiness left. I am sorry.

93. Living in the crowds and everytime surrounded by massive throngs, yet feeling so alone and empty has taught me and concreated the lesson in me that there is no trick to switching to happiness when in the background and honesty of your mind and soul, there are hearts aching because of you. And to you that I hurt beyond words I wish to first place my apology. I am sorry.

94. I am sorry. Coming back every day and seeing you laying down there, curved in agony and sorrow. It always sends chills of terror and imbalance through my spine. Knowing my very actions reduced you to such sad site.

95. I apologise for being highly responsible for the loss of all the cosy days in your life.

96. Somehow, anyhow I hope you do forgive me. sometimes I honestly feel like I am just at a point in my life where I fear facing the world like this. All because I fear the venom with which I wiped out completely your beautiful world might be contagious.

97. It’s hard to trust again that there is any good or better people in the world.More so, in aftermath of betrayal. Truth is there is still goodness in the world and God still has his perfect children ready to connect healing with broken souls and trust deprived innocent ones like you my best friend, whom I hurt and snatched away the guts to trust again. I am sorry.

98. I apologise for having disguised myself as an angel when all truth pointed to my flaws and preached otherwise.

99. I apologise for having taken you for granted and trampled on your faith in people and ultimately implanted a misconception that no good abounds in the world. I am deeply sorry.

100. Your resilience and dedicated passion to everyone else’s wellbeing never left any speck to be spoken badly of. Except it all amounted to nothing for my selfish ego with which I hurt you and tossed your allegiance down to the ground. Please, forgive me for mostly having not even any reason at all to justify my impulsive and hurtful actions but hurting you just anyway.

Apology Letter to A Friend You Hurt

Check out these most touching Apology Letter to A Friend You Hurt.

101. I apologize for all my crude absence on difficult days, all the happy times I deprived you of smiles because I couldn’t make it and on excuses so improper.

102. I am sorry for making your spirit sag, every morning you wake up to the disgust of my many blunders that seems to run on an infinite routine.

103. I pray that somehow, you reconnect with that winner spirit in you, that faith that brightens your being and illuminates even the darkest of comers in our friendship and no matter the season and reason it never dies. As for me, I somehow pray I find mercy to begin a trend of redemption so that I never find joy in causing you multiple pain and sleepless nights ever again. I am sorry.

104. I regret ever neglecting the courage to explore and know myself, always lacking the patience to accept the truth which eventually led me to fill your life with nothing but pain. Please forgive me.

105. I just realized I broke the circle of your love that revolved to fulfil and give my life a sense of direction. It is with shame that I regret and apologize for willingly spinning everything out of control. I am sorry.

106. It never struck me, that the more you loved and cared was the more I fiercely broke you. Until one day I found you moved far off into oblivion. I am deeply sorry.

107. I would be lying to tell you I don’t miss you. I regret having pretended not to need you. Now that all led to parted ways between us, It’s with a self-broken heart that I confess that even all the smiling front I put up every time you come around, is but a shame in disguise. I truly sorry.

108. Maybe without you, I would simply cease to exist, but the gripping hand of guilty from the tormented conscience of having hurt you wakes me up to my real need. It’s your forgiveness I deeply seek.

109. My life has as much as a taste for it was so disoriented and now disorganized, perhaps from the blows with which I shuttered your life with, which seemingly made a rebound and rained on my life a thousand fold. Forgive me.

110. Forgive me for limiting your life with my opinions of you, unbalanced affirmations of your abilities and always judging you. You are great and I could die selfish if I dare remain a negative critic of your extensive-excellence all the time.

111. Am sorry for always attaching conditions and strings to the meaning of love. I wish to open a window if the door still remains too far for me to free your perfect goodness and give you even a glimpse of freedom that comes with a grateful heart.

112. In one instant of a confirmed absence of you in my life, my heart was awakened to the truth of what a selfish friend I am. Forgive me.

113. I am one sad artist. I regret ever sculpting and fashioning a heart which I wouldn’t dare or bear gracing my being with but hid in you. I deeply sorry.

114. Your great kindness and sympathy gave me un-guarded passion to pretend and reckon all to have been fine and perfect until I saw the last of you down to crumbles. Forgive my naive intellect apparently devoid of practical sense of reason.

115. I wasn’t a witness but an active agent in ensuring you were down to nothing until I saw the evil on which my heart practically feasted. I so much regret every single blow I was ever responsible for. Please forgive me.

116. In my opinion, you deserve to be called a hero. You used every brick of malice and heartbreak thrown at you to build a pillar of yourself and rise from the ground in grace. I am sorry. More because of having been the one every time leading the masses in bringing you down.

117. I hurt you so deeply. I apologize. I am deeply sorry. Please forgive me.

118. I can’t afford to blame it on the seemingly ‘temptation enchanted ground’ every time I hurt you. I wish to make it known to you that I take full responsibility for what happened to you that caused you so much pain and it can never be any more high time than now. I wish to just sincerely apologize.

119. I trashed your worth and esteem, both of which I cannot ever restore not in thousand lives. I am sorry.

120. Forgive me so much for not caring, leaving you down in the depth of the valley where your warm spirit waxed cold and forged out a broken heart.

121. My taste has grown so bitter, my world chaotic and dim. I recognise beauty and love no longer because my heart has fused alive in the guilt of the pain I caused your heart. Am sorry.

122. Friend, I sincerely seek your forgiveness, for its the only hope I have a chance out of this wilderness of guilty.

Apology Letters to Friends. Asking for Forgiveness.

You made a mistake and now saying sorry is hard enough. First, you must learn from your mistakes and make sure that they aren’t repeated. Second, it’s never too late to apologize to your friends by saying sorry and admitting that we were wrong. But actually making your friend realize our true feelings through a simple text message can be extremely hard. So we’re going old school on this, and writing a letter of apology. So here are, not only the best letters of apology, but the best letters to say you are sorry to your friends as well!Sample Apology Letters to a Friend

Sample Apology Letters for Friends

  • My dearest friend, I want you to know that I feel ashamed for the terrible actions I’ve done. Normally, I would not have come here, dropping every single inch of my ego so I can apologize to you. But here I am, trying to save the one friendship that made me believe the world can become a better place. Ever since I lost you from my life, the only thing I can do is think about how stupid I’ve been and cry in despair, since my actions have caused me the best friend I have ever had. You have forgiven me time and time again for all the stupid things I’ve done throughout the years, yet, this time it seems you’ve had enough. I know I have not been the most exemplary friend, but I do value our friendship, to a point where I cannot allow myself to destroy it, yet another time. I really hope you can forgive me. I also want you to know that I am prepared to do whatever it takes to have you back into my life because our friendship is way too valuable for me to let go like that. Please forgive me.
  • Sorry Messages for Friends
  • My dearest friend, You know how much I hate fighting. Especially when that fight is caused by something I did. My repetitive acts of selfishness have caused me to lose the only friend I have ever cared so much about. Even though you have been extremely tolerant of my foolish actions throughout the years, it appears that you finally had enough. Yet, I am going to do one more selfish act, and not allow this friendship to end for something like this. I know I have been a horrible friend, but I value our friendship more than you could ever imagine. All the things I’ve gained by having you as a friend over the past years are things that are going to stick with me for the rest of my life, and a friend that can offer you that is very hard to come by. You have always been the mature person between the two of us, so the only thing I am asking you is to think this clearly, knowing that I need you in my life, more than I want to admit. So please, my dear friend, forgive me, and I promise that I will make this friendship worthwhile for you.
  • Sweet Sorry Text Messages
  • My dear friend, I know that no matter what I say, it will be very hard for you to believe me after all I’ve done. Even coming here trying to apologize is selfish, but here I am. I have a burning desire inside me to let you know how sorry I am for everything I’ve done, and beg you for forgiveness. You are far too important to me to just let you go like this. All the good times we’ve had together, all the times you’ve been there for me in time of need, all the things I’ve learned from you that will remember for as long as I live, all the times you’ve made me laugh when I thought I could not be happy. You are a gift not only to me but to humanity. And to lose that amazing gift over some silly attitude in the heat of the moment is something that I will not allow myself to happen. I know that I am the last person you want to talk to right now, but I hope you can forgive all the immature and selfish actions I’ve done, and continue being my friend in the future.

David Miller

Hey there! I’m David Miller, a multi-faceted journalist, writer, and designer with a passion for creative expression and a drive to inform and entertain. With a diverse skillset, I bring important stories to life as a journalist, provide a unique perspective through my writing, and add a creative touch to my designs as a designer. My passion for technology, cinema, TV series and books keeps me on the cutting-edge of current events and popular culture. When I’m not working, I can be found reading a book or watching a movie, soaking up inspiration from the latest trends and happenings. I live in Greece with my three kids and cherish the time I get to spend with them, exploring all that this beautiful country has to offer.

Sorry Messages for Friends: Sorry is the word that should be said more often than it is said in one’s life. There are times when we unintentionally hurt our beloved ones with our words or actions. So, saying sorry is a must when you have hurt your friend with your action or words. You should not think twice before saying sorry because a heartfelt sorry with some warm words can ensure your friend that you truly care about their feelings. Here are some sorry messages which you can send to your friend while asking for forgiveness. Try to say sorry more often to your friends and loved ones if you want to maintain relationships that last forever.

Page Contents

I am extremely sorry for my behavior. I wish I were more careful with my words. I love you, my friend. Please accept my apology for this time.

Dear friend, I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. That wasn’t my intention. Please, forgive me for being so rude.

I just want you to know that I didn’t do it intentionally and it just happened accidentally. I regret that it ended up like this. I am really very sorry.

I have made many mistakes in life, but none of them came back to haunt me with such strength. I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you. Please forgive me.

I know my words and actions made you feel blue. Pardon me for letting you down, friend.

What I did was wrong. Forgive me, and I’ll try to fix everything I’ve ruined. Our friendship is worth a second chance.

touchy sorry messages for friend

touchy sorry messages for friend

Your smile takes my breath away, and your tears kill me in a thousand ways. I’m drowning in guilt and sadness for hurting you. Please, save me with your forgiveness!

I’ve always been hopeless. It’s you who teaches me to hope for the best. I hope you will forgive me for all of my mischiefs and wrongdoings. I’m so sorry.

If I have hurt you with my words or behavior, I am really sorry from the depth of my heart. Can’t stay apart from you. I really am sorry.

I regret doing such a terrible thing to you, dear best friend. Your forgiveness will make my life better, I swear. Please accept my apology, I love you so much.

I wish I could take back all the hurtful things I have said and make everything just like it used to be. Please forgive me, dear.

You own a very special place in my heart and I don’t want to lose you. I am really sorry.

I feel really bad for saying such hurtful words to you but you should know that you are the only one that matters to me, friends. Extremely sorry for my behavior.

Sorry for hurting you like this, but believe me, my life is dull without you. I cannot afford to lose you over something so stupid. Please forgive me.

sorry quotes for best friend

sorry quotes for best friend

I will never lie to you again. I will never cause you any more pain. From now on I will be extremely cautious because our friendship is too precious. Please forgive me.

I wish I could take back all the pain from you and fill the space with the joys of friendship once again. I don’t know how much I can do with a simple SORRY. But I know you will understand!

I will never be able to express how I feel inside. I am really sorry about everything!

It’s been so many sleepless nights for me for quite a long time. I am burdened with my own stupidity. I feel no shame in admitting my faults. I am sorry dear!

I may not be as wise as you but I am wise enough to see the damage I have caused to our friendship. I know you will forgive me in the end but I am really sorry!

I fight with you, I shout at you, I do misbehave, I hurt you a lot, but I simply can’t live without you. I am sorry, friend.

I am not sorry for fighting with you. But I am sorry that I fought with you for the wrong reasons. Please forgive me!

Sometimes, I take the liberty to take you for granted because deep down in my heart, I know that my best friend will always understand. I am sorry.

I wouldn’t allow anything in this whole world to come between our friendship. Not even my own mistakes. I am sorry for what I did.

Our friendship has no rules but it is based on two beautiful things – unlimited love and unlimited forgiveness. I am sorry for annoying you, please forgive me.

The value of our friendship is more than any stupid argument. Sorry for my bashful words. I love you anyway, please forgive me.

Sorry Quotes for Best Friend

I miss you every moment of every day. It was very immature of me to hurt you like that. I am extremely sorry for hurting you with my words. I love you so much.

I have committed such a great crime by hurting you dear best friend and I am already feeling too bad even to express it. Please forgive me for this one time.

sorry messages to best friend

sorry messages to best friend

I have been immature and ended up hurting you. I am sorry from the core of my heart dear best friend. Please accept my apology.

Now that we are apart because of my silly mistake, I feel how childish I were back when I did that stupid thing. Please forgive me, dear best friend.

Life does give a second chance to everyone. But, I am saying sorry to you right at my first chance because I can’t wait any longer to see a smile on that face again.

You are the sweetest person I have ever known. How can I possibly remain normal after hurting you? So I am saying sorry to you now. Will you forgive me?

If you add a little bit of salt in too much sugar, it still remains sweet. Our friendship is just like that. I may have made some silly mistakes, but I don’t hesitate to say that I am sorry!

I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the world, even my life. How could I live in a world without you and our friendship? Forget everything and embrace me as your friend again!

You are the most amazing friend I have ever had in my life. No one could take your place. Sorry to cause you pain and sadness. I’m nothing but a fool. Please, pardon my mistakes!

My world is all dark and dull when you don’t have a smile on your face. I know it is because of me that you are so upset. I am sorry dear friend. Please smile now!

I haven’t found any better friend in my life than you. Every moment with you is like a moment spent in heaven. I feel truly sad because I have hurt someone so special to me. I am sorry!

Life has its own way of making you realize the value of friendship and the worst part is that it’s always in hindsight. I miss you, my friend; I’m sorry for not keeping in touch.

I feel bad that I hurt you. You were my true friend. I owe you an apology and I think this is the right time to say it. I’m so sorry for all the lies. So sorry my friend.

I won’t say a word. The sweetest apologies are never said, they are felt. I am just going to let you look at the tears in my eyes until your heart melts. I am sorry.

Also Read: Message for Best Friends

Touchy Sorry Messages for Friend

I am sorry for being such a nuisance and causing so much negative energy around you. I hope you will forgive me this time. I am extremely sorry.

There may never come a day when I disappoint you like I did yesterday. I ask for your forgiveness so that we can forever remain, great buddies, like we are.

sorry messages for friends

sorry messages for friends

I hope you will be kind enough to forgive me one last time. Give me another chance and I promise that I won’t disappoint you again.

Though I can’t undo what I did. But, I can beg you to forgive me. I feel terrible that I hurt you so badly. I’m so sorry.

I know you love me more than I love you. You care for me more than I care for you. You’re my brother in the shape of a friend.

I feel terrible for causing trouble and making you feel so low. I ask for your forgiveness from the depth of my heart, dear friend. Please forgive me.

If I knew my actions would hurt my best friend I would think thousand times before doing that. You matter to me more than you think. I am sorry!

I don’t reasons to say sorry to you. I can say sorry when I am guilty, I can say sorry even when I am not. Because our friendship means so much to me.

I look in the mirror and I see a person who is devastated by his own mistakes. A person who is crushed by his guilt. A person who desperately wants to be forgiven by his dearest one. A person that says SORRY.

Life has been way too unforgiving for me. I know I make mistakes but you have always been kind to forgive me again and again. I am sorry to you for one last time.

apology message for friends

apology message for friends

It’s very easy to say sorry but I know it’s very difficult to be the bigger person and say that it’s okay. Please forgive me, I am sorry.

I know saying sorry is just not enough for how much I hurt you but I’ll say it a million times until you forgive me. I am sorry.

My friend, I didn’t mean to upset you. I lied because I have to save our friendship. I hope you understand. I wish to see you explain everything to you.

I am sorry for lying. You can be as mad at me as you want. But do it quickly because I’ve got something really exciting to tell you.

Read: Thank You Messages For Friends

Sorry Message For Best Friend Girl

Girl, I’ll go all the way to make you feel right. You can punish me for my angry outburst. Forgive me, and tell me how I can fix my mistake!

I’ve been a fool to hurt you that way. And, there is no point in being angry with a fool. Please, give your anger a break and forgive me. I’m sorry.

As you are so beautiful and kind, forgiving me is something you surely can. I humbly ask for your forgiveness. Please, don’t let me down.

sorry message for friends

sorry message for friends

It was never my intention to hurt you. I am guilty of what I have done. I am asking for your forgiveness. Please, accept my apology!

I hate myself for being rude to you. How could I hurt a beautiful and soft girl like you? I am truly sorry.

I am sorry for making you feel unhappy. I hope you will give me a second chance to make it up with you. Please!

Apology Messages for Friend

I know that the damage I have caused is too much to ignore, but I cannot live the rest of my life without you dear friend. So, please forgive me and make it easy for me.

I cannot lose you over my immature deeds. You are too precious to me dear friend. I am genuinely sorry for hurting you with my bashful words. Please accept my apology.

You are someone I want to hold on to for the rest of my life and I feel extremely guilty for causing you pain. Please forgive me, dear friend. I love you.

I wish you could forget this one incident and give our friendship one more chance, dear. I miss you and I am extremely sorry.

Friends like you are one’s lifetime achievements. You have always been an amazing friend to me. I am deeply sorry for my mistake. Please accept my apology!

You are a true gentleman and a great friend. It’s my fault for not realizing the result of my actions. I am deeply ashamed for that. A true friend like you deserves an unconditional apology. I am sorry!

I never had a second thought before sending this message to you. As soon as I realized my mistake, I decided to apologize to you without any delay. I am sorry after all!

I am sorry for what happened yesterday. Things weren’t in my control. I apologize for every word I said.

I never let EGO come in between our friendship. In fact, when I am wrong, I am ready to apologize. Right now, I really feel I am guilty. So, I apologize for my mistakes dear friend.

I know you are sad and upset. All I can say is that I did not want to hurt you in any circumstances. Because of all the things in life I care about most is our friendship. I am sorry for everything!

sorry message for friend

sorry message for friend

I’m honestly heartbroken things are like this, I don’t want my mistake to ruin our friendship and it would mean so much to me if you could give me a second chance.

I’m sorry for all the lies. It hurts you and I understand if you cannot forgive me yet. But please always remember that I only did it because I care for you. I’m sorry.

I am sorry I lied, I am sorry you cried. I didn’t mean to be rude, please forgive me dude.

People like you come along once in a lifetime and I would never do anything intentionally to jeopardize our friendship. Thanks for being such a good friend, I am sorry.

Our friendship is too precious and I would never want to lose you by doing something irrational. I am sorry my words hurt you, but I want you to know that it wasn’t intentional.

Read: Emotional Friendship Messages

Long Sorry Message for Friend

I accept the fact that I am nothing without you and our friendship. That’s exactly why I am so saddened by hurting you with my bad reaction. Please accept this apology. If there is any way you can let me start over once again, I will accept it without any hesitation.

I am sorry that I have hurt you. I am sad and ashamed of my wrongdoings. I can’t afford to lose you. You bring meaning to my life, and I love having you as my best friend. I love you more than you can ever know. Forgive me, bro!

I’m sorry for everything I did that disappointed you. I may not know how to make a perfect apology, but trust that I will try my best to make it up to you. Please, give me another chance for the sake of our true friendship!

sorry message for best friend

sorry message for best friend

Pardon me for my bad attitude and reaction. Hurting you wasn’t my intention. You know what I hold in my heart for you and the intention it carries. I regret throwing bad words at you.

Living a life with you is fantastic. The chance of being your friend is the greatest gift of my life, something I never thought I would ever have. Yet I am such a fool to hurt you like this! Sorry to ruin our happy time. Now forgive me and be the best one among us as you always do!

Sorry Text for Friend

Please accept my heartfelt apologies, friend. I won’t fight with you anymore, promise!

I admit. It’s my mistake. Sorry for hurting you. Please, forgive me.

I am drowning in guilt. I can’t bear the sorrow of hurting you. I hope you will accept my apology.

Sorry is the only word I got here. But my tears mean the whole world. Sorry my dear friend!

I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you. Please give me a hug. I miss you so bad.

I can’t find any word to explain how sorry I am for causing you pain.

I don’t care whether you forgive me or not. You will forever be the friend who I love a lot. I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for causing you so much pain. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please, forgive me! Don’t push me away!

 Words To Say I’m Sorry Dear Friend. Friendship is a relationship where fights and arguments start from silliest things or reasons and fights and misunderstanding is also a part of friendship. It doesn’t a big matter cause those love more also hurt more and obviously they are bestie. So, don’t be late to set your misconception if you have with your friend and you should take the first step. Here we badge some best lines as sorry messages for friends by which you can repair your misconception with your bestie. When your own words don’t feel like enough to say sorry then these sorry messages will support you to confess or apology for your wrongdoing. These sorry messages for friends are too effective and easily shareable on the cell or any kind of social apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter etc.

Heartfelt Sorry Messages for Friends

The biggest failure in life is when you break the heart of a close friend. I will never be able to express how I feel inside. I am really sorry about everything!

I have done many mistakes in life but none of them came back to haunt me with such strength. I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you. Please forgive me.

long sorry message for friend

long sorry message for friend

It’s been so many sleepless nights for me for quite a long time. I am burdened with my own stupidity. I feel no shame in admitting my faults. I am sorry dear!

I may not be as wise as you but I am wise enough to see the damage I have caused to our friendship. I know you will forgive me in the end but I am really sorry!

I wish I could take back all the pain from you & fill the space with the joys of friendship once again. I don’t know how much I can do with a simple SORRY. But I know you will understand!

I fight with you, I shout at you, I do misbehave, I hurt you a lot, but I simply can’t live without you. I am sorry…

In life, friendship is being tested. I lied to you because I love you. I need to protect you. Sorry if I lied my friend.

My mistake was an accident but our friendship isn’t. My apology is full of regret but our friendship isn’t.

I am not sorry for fighting with you. But I am sorry that I fought with you for the wrong reasons. Please forgive me bro…!

Sorry for being such a brat the other day and thank you for being such a wonderful friend by hugging me even when I was wrong.

Sometimes I take the liberty to take you for granted because deep down in my heart I know that my best friend will always understand. I am sorry.

I wouldn’t allow anything in this whole world to come between our friendship. Not even my own mistakes. I am sorry for what I did.

im sorry message for friends

im sorry message for friends

Our friendship has no rules but it is based on two beautiful things – unlimited love and unlimited forgiveness. I am sorry for annoying you, please forgive me.

Explore More : Message for Best Friends

Ever since I have hurt you I have been feeling really miserable, let’s chill and be cool again! I’m sorry please forgive me!

Sweetest Sorry Messages for Friends

Life does give a second chance to everyone. But, I am saying sorry to you right at my first chance because I can’t wait any longer to see a smile on that face again.

You are the sweetest person I have ever known. How can I possibly remain normal after hurting you? So I am saying sorry to you now. Will you forgive me?

If you add a little bit of salt in too much sugar, it still remains sweet. Our friendship is just like that. I may have done some silly mistakes but I don’t hesitate to say that I am sorry!

My world is all dark & dull when you don’t have the smile in your face. I know it is because of me that you are so upset. I have sorry dear friend. Please smile now!

i am sorry messages for friends

i am sorry messages for friends

I haven’t found any better friend in my life than you. Every moment with you is like a moment spent in heaven. I feel truly sad because I have hurt someone so special to me. I am sorry!

Our friendship is too valuable to me to end over this. To find another friend like you would be impossible, you’re caring, patient, funny… I can go on and on and it doesn’t feel right without you anymore.

Our friendship is lifelong. My silly mistake is just a little pothole along this beautiful journey. I am sorry.

Life has its own way of making you realize the value of friendship… and the worst part is that it’s always in hindsight. I miss you, my friend, I’m sorry for not keeping in touch.

I will never lie to you again, I will never cause you any more pain. From now on I will be extremely cautious because our friendship is too precious. Please forgive me.

I feel bad that I hurt you. You were my true friend. I owe you an apology and I think this is the right time to say it. I’m so sorry for all the lies. So sorry my friend.

i am sorry messages for best friend

i am sorry messages for best friend

Just like how you spotted my lie by simply looking into my eyes, I am sure you will spot the regret in my heart just by hearing my voice. I am sorry.

I don’t care whether you forgive me or not. You will forever be the friend who I love a lot. I’m sorry.

Explore More : Thank You Messages For Friends

I won’t say a word. The sweetest apologies are never said, they are felt. I am just going to let you look at the tears in my eyes until your heart melts. I am sorry.

Touchy Sorry Messages for Friends

If I knew my actions would hurt my best friend I would think thousand times before doing that. You matter to me more than you think. I am sorry!

I don’t reasons to say sorry to you. I can say sorry when I am guilty, I can say sorry even when I am not. Because our friendship means so much to me.

i am sorry i hope you can forgive me friend

i am sorry i hope you can forgive me friend

I look in the mirror & I see a person who is devastated by his own mistakes. A person who is crushed by his guilt. A person who desperately wants to be forgiven by his dearest one. A person that says SORRY.

Life has been way too unforgiving for me. I know I make mistakes but you have always been kind to forgive me again & again. I am sorry to you for one last time.

I could have sent you a thousand words note saying how guilty I feel for hurting you. But life is short. So, I decided to say SORRY & resume our friendship right now. Because I don’t want good times to be wasted anymore.

I am not SURE how many people would tolerate my mood swings but I am SURE that you would. I am sorry for being such a jerk the other day.

Remember The Good Times We Had Spent Together and The Beautiful Future We Had Dreamed Of… Bro, I Never Wanted To Create A Distance Between Us… Please Let Us Bridge The Gaps…

It’s very easy to say sorry but I know it’s very difficult to be the bigger person and say that it’s okay. Please forgive me, I am sorry.

I know saying sorry is just not enough for how much I hurt you but I’ll say it a million times until you forgive me. I am sorry.

My friend, I didn’t mean to upset you. I lied because I have to in order to save our friendship. I hope you understand. I wish to see you to explain everything to you.

You May Like : Long Distance Friendship Messages

Sorry is the only word I got here. But my tears means the whole world. Sorry my dear friend!

I am sorry for lying. You can be as mad at me as you want. But do it quickly because I’ve got something really exciting to tell you.

Best Apology Messages for Friends

Friends like you are one’s lifetime achievements. You have always been an amazing friend to me. I am deeply sorry for my mistake. Please accept my apology!

You are a true gentleman & a great friend. It’s my fault to not realize the result of my actions. I am deeply ashamed for that. A true friend like you deserves an unconditional apology. I am sorry!

I never had a second thought before sending this message to you. As soon as I realized my mistake, I decided to apologize to you without any delay. I am sorry after all!

I never let EGO come in between our friendship. In fact, when I am wrong, I am ready to apologize. Right now, I really feel I am guilty. So, I apologize for my mistakes dear friend.

emotional sorry messages for friends

emotional sorry messages for friends

I know you are sad & upset. All I can say is that I did not want to hurt you in any circumstances. Because of all the things in life I care about most is our friendship. I am sorry for everything!

As one of life’s delightful treats, friendship is best served innocent. Thanks for keeping it that way and sorry for being a jerk.

I’m honestly heartbroken things are like this, I don’t want my mistake to ruin our friendship and it would mean so much to me if you could give me a second chance.

The best way to say sorry to friends is to look them in the eye and bare your heart. If they really care for you, they’ll understand. That’s exactly what I’m doing now.

I’m sorry for all the lies. It hurts you and I understand if you cannot forgive me yet. But please always remember that I only did it because I care for you. I’m sorry.

I am sorry I lied, I am sorry you cried. I didn’t mean to be rude, please forgive me dude.

People like you come along once in a lifetime and I would never do anything intentionally to jeopardize our friendship. Thanks for being such a good friend, I am sorry.

cat image im sorry messages for friends

cat image im sorry messages for friends

Our friendship is too precious and I would never want to lose you, by doing something irrational. I am sorry my words hurt you, but I want you to know that it wasn’t intentional.

Check This : Emotional Friendship Messages

Hope that you are prepared to say sorry your friend and may our compilation of sorry messages for friends will give full support to repair your misleading conditions of best friendship. Our heartfelt well wishes to long live your friendship. Thank you for staying with us.

15 Sample Apology Letters To Friends

Image: Shutterstock

An apology letter to friends straight from your heart can do wonders to your friendship. After all, friends are your chosen family, and you must respect their feelings. So, whether it is your school friend, office friend, or best friend, if you have hurt them, it is best to resolve it soon. Holding on to anger can only dwindle your beautiful relationship.

However, asking for an apology is not always an easy task. People struggle to find the right words to express their true feelings. So, if you are looking for some sample apology letters for inspiration, this post is for you. Keep scrolling.

Here are some sample apology letters you can take inspiration from.

1. Apology letter for a misunderstanding

Writing a letter to apologize for a misunderstanding

Image: IStock

Dear (friend’s name),

I am writing this letter of apology to clear the air between us. The argument we had the other day has left me much disturbed. I said things that might have hurt you, and I am extremely sorry for putting you through this. I understand your viewpoint now. Please accept my heartfelt apology.

Your friend,

2. Apology letter for missing a birthday

Dear (friend’s name),

I hope you’re keeping safe! I apologize for not making it to your birthday party. I was under a lot of pressure at work, and it completely slipped out of my mind.

I would never deliberately miss my best friend’s birthday. I ask for your forgiveness and hope you like the present I sent along with this letter.

Let’s catch up over the weekend!

Your friend,

3. Apology letter for not attending their wedding

My dearest (friend’s name),

First of all, congratulations on your big day! I wish you both a beautiful life full of love and happiness.

I know I should have been there, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to make it to your wedding.

I disappointed you, and I feel deep regret. Please accept my heartfelt apology. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me for not being there for you. I promise you it’ll be a party when we meet next!

Your friend,

4. Apology letter for using inappropriate language

Apologizing for using offensive language

Image: Shutterstock

Dear (friend’s name),

I have been meaning to apologize to you for using inappropriate language the other day. Nothing I say can justify what I said.

I write this letter of apology with a feeling of deep regret for using those hurtful words that have scared our relationship.

I take full responsibility and ask for a second chance. I’ll ensure this doesn’t happen again. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.

Your friend,

5. Apology letter for losing a friend’s belonging

Dear (friend’s name),

I’m writing this letter to apologize for something I did unintentionally. I feel deep regret to inform you that I lost the bag that I borrowed from you last month. Nothing I say can bring it back, but I want to apologize for being irresponsible, and I’m willing to compensate for the loss.

I also want you to know that I will be cautious and never let this happen again. Please accept my heartfelt apology and let me make it up to you.

Your friend,

protip_icon Did you know?

An apology is beneficial for both the wrongdoer and the receiver. While apologizing prevent the wrongdoer from being stuck in the past, it re-establishes prestige in the receiver and helps in their emotional healing.

6. Apology letter for being rude

Dear (friend’s name),

I feel extremely ashamed of my rude behavior with you over the past few weeks. I deeply regret it and seek your forgiveness. You are my dearest friend, and I cannot imagine my life without you.

I have had sleepless nights thinking about my unacceptable behavior, and I take complete responsibility for my actions. I request you to give me a chance to explain myself and hope that we can still be the best of friends.

Your friend,

7. Apology letter for not calling a friend back

Saying sorry over a dinner meeting

Image: Shutterstock

Dear (friend’s name),

I am writing this letter of apology for not returning your calls. I meant to call you, but I had been extremely busy with a project and kept forgetting. You are my dearest friend, and I owe you an explanation. Could we catch up for dinner this weekend? I want to make it up to you.

Your friend,

8. Apology letter for not keeping in touch

Dear (friend’s name),

This has been on my mind for quite a while; and hence, I’m writing this letter to you. I know you’ve been trying to make plans to meet, but I’ve been occupied with work and other commitments at home. I owe you a true apology for not staying in touch.

I don’t want this to cause a rift between us. I hope you understand that I didn’t mean to do that. It’s just that all the work I’ve been doing has taken a toll on my health. I promise to stay in touch from now on.

Your friend,

9. Apology letter for not being there

Dear (friend’s name),

I hope you’re doing better now. I feel like a horrible friend for not being able to support you through your hardships. I would like to meet you and talk about it in person. I deeply regret not being there for you when you needed me the most.

Your friend,

10. Apology letter seeking forgiveness

Writing a letter seeking forgiveness

Image: Shutterstock

Hey (friend’s name),

I hope you’re keeping safe in these times. I sincerely apologize for whatever has happened in the past. There have been some differences between us and things have piled on over the last few years.

This is my humble attempt at salvaging our wonderful friendship. I want to clear the air between us and start afresh. So, please let me know if we can meet.

Your friend,

11. Apology letter for not inviting a friend to an important event

My dear (friend’s name),

I know you must be upset since I didn’t invite you to the event. I had no choice since we were allowed a limited number of invitees by the event organizers.

Thus, we had to organize it for just the closest of our relatives. I hope you understand that I didn’t mean to humiliate you. Please forgive me!

Your friend,

protip_icon Quick tip

While writing an apology letter, accept your mistake, state what happened, and ask for forgiveness. Also, reassure that such things wouldn’t happen from your end again.

12. Apology letter for unreasonable behavior

Saying sorry with flowers

Image: Shutterstock

Hey (friend’s name),

This is about the lunch date we had at yours the other day. I somehow feel like I may have invaded your personal space that day and would like to apologize for my behavior.

I hope you don’t hold it against me. I’d love to make it up to you. But for now, please accept these flowers, and let’s make peace!

Your friend,

13. Apology letter to a friend’s mom/family member

Dear (name),

I know I crossed the line the other night when we were discussing my plans. In retrospect, I understand that you were only looking out for me, and I truly appreciate that. I regret my atrocious behavior. It was in the heat of the moment, and I meant no disrespect towards you all.

Please forgive me.

14. Apology letter addressed to multiple friends

Hey guys,

I hope this letter finds you well. I owe you an apology for my unacceptable behavior the other evening. I was preoccupied with some personal issues and didn’t intend to be rude. I feel incomplete without you all. So, please, find it in your heart to forgive me, and let’s meet to start afresh.

Your friend,

15. Apology letter written in jest

Dear (friend name),

Firstly, I want you to know that I’m the luckiest person on this planet to have a friend like you. I know you’re cross with me because I ate your slice of the pizza.

I sincerely apologize for my behavior. Please don’t be mad for too long; I already miss you! You can have the biggest bite out of my burger the next time we meet. Please forgive me!

Your friend,

1. How do I apologize for hurting my friend?

Although offering an apology can be unpleasant, it is the best way to make amends for our wrongdoing. The situation can improve if you apologize sincerely by acknowledging your error, being honest with your feelings, and accepting responsibility for your actions. You could try writing something like, I’m sorry for my behavior, I haven’t been a good friend, I feel terrible, and I realized my mistake, etc.

2. How do I apologize to my friend group?

It may appear the hardest thing to do, but apologizing to your friends can help restore their trust and love for you. Expressing regret, admitting your mistakes, assuring them a change in your behavior, and asking for forgiveness, are some ways you can try. You can also send a written message such as I am sorry; it was not intentional; I feel regretful for my actions.

Friends are valuable gifts who help you through ups and downs. They support you, cheer for you, and offer you a shoulder in need. It is a blessing to find true friends in life, so if you have such people around you, do not let them go. If your relationship with your friends has wavered for some reason, set everything right by apologizing. An apology can save relationships and release the other person from hurt and misunderstanding. If you are unsure how to write an apology letter to friends, look at the samples provided. These letters can guide you to express your feelings earnestly.

Infographic: Dos And Don’ts Of Apologizing To Someone

Whether intentional or unintentional, our mistakes can be hurtful to the person on the receiving end. If that happens to be your friend, it is an even more bitter experience. So if you’ve messed up and want to apologize, explore what you should and shouldn’t do to express a sincere apology without further complicating the situation.

tips to give a sincere apology (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Download Infographic in PDF version

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Friends mean a lot to most people and are a very important part of one’s life. They give great value and meaning to the non-familial relationship and are also an indispensable part of one’s social circle. We hold a special relationship with our friends. Relationships grow only if there is a mutual understanding and the people share a sense of responsibility between them. It is quite natural for anyone to commit mistakes, but it is much more important to request the other person to pardon him/her to overcome the sense of guilt, and to save the relationship. One should not let mistakes/misunderstandings/fights/rude behavior ruin important and meaningful relationships. Letter writing is one of the best ways to express one’s feelings to someone.

If the words in the letter are genuine and true to their meaning, the reader will definitely understand the feelings of the writer through the words and it becomes easier for the writer to express and convey his/her true feelings. In any person’s life friend mean a lot to them but if in any circumstance you hurt your friend, then taking responsibility and saying sorry is equally important. A friend is a person whom you can tell anything but sometimes saying sorry to your friend is a bit awkward. Hence you take up the support of the sorry letter. When you address a sorry letter to your friend then try to make it short, simple and sweet. As your friend knows you very well he will understand your feelings in simple words.

Letter Of Apology To A Friend Writing Tips:

  • The letter should be precise, clear, and uncomplicated.
  • The language used should be simple and express the actual feelings of the writer.
  • Do not exaggerate or misrepresent.
  • Be true to your feelings and apologize sincerely.

Use our free Letter of Apology to a Friend to help you get started.


__________ (friend’s name)

__________ (friend’s address)



Date __________ (date of writing letter)

Dear……………….( name of your friend),

It is quite unfortunate that …………………………. Although it was not completely my fault, the damage has been done. I sincerely hope that this incident will not strain our friendship, and I really apologize for all that has happened. You have been very supportive of me in the times of need and I hope for the same this time as well.

I hope I am not causing any further inconvenience to you, and I am sure you will understand the situation and support me in this regard.

Once again, I really feel sorry for the trouble I have given you. Hope things will get better soon.

Affectionately yours,

…………………………. (Your name)

Sample Letter

Here is a sample letter which can be cited as a proper example for how to write a Letter of Apology to a Friend.



323 Brown Ton Road,

Jackson, MS 3921.




32 Ocean Towers,

Jackson, MS 3921.

Subject: I am sorry!

Dear John,

I want to apologize for the incident which happened last week. I took your car as my vehicle was under repair and I had to urgently go to my parents’ place as my father had suddenly fallen ill. My mother had called me and asked if I could accompany her to the doctor. I was desperate to reach them and took your permission to use the car. But it was unfortunate that during my return when I was parking the vehicle, a truck came from behind and hit the car. It was all quite sudden and by the time I realized what happened, the damage was done.

It will take some time as I will take the vehicle to the garage to get it repaired. I feel sorry for the damage and the inconvenience caused to you because of all this. Please accept my apology. I hope it will not affect our friendship.

I am sure you will understand my situation and accept my apology.

Yours affectionately,


Email Format

Here is an email format of a Letter of Apology to a Friend.

To: name@email.com

From: name@email.com


Dear Ronald,

From 15th October 2010, the annual football championship is commencing in our college and our group is taking part in it. At the time of selection, I performed well and you selected me in your team. But recently I got a knee injury and doctors have suggested me to take complete rest for a whole month. Hence it won’t be possible for me to play in the annual championship. As you are my best friend and the captain of my team it’s my responsibility to inform you well in advance so that you can arrange someone else on my behalf. Taking our friendship into consideration I feel that you will definitely understand my problem and try to make it easy for me. I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience.

Yours Truly,

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