Any word magic trick

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Магия и чтение мыслей в одном эффекте!
Word Up — это совершенно уникальный эффект, благодаря которому зритель мысленно выбирает слово из поиска слов, которое напечатано на пластиковой карточке. Слово, о котором они просто думают, исчезает. И более того, теперь он появляется на обратной стороне карты! Ваш зритель будет буквально сдулся!
В этот момент вы можете свободно раздавать карточку на экзамен и показывать альтернативные слова.

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What Is a Book Test in Magic?

Popular Trick by Gimmick, Math, or Memory

MilosJokic / Getty Images

When it comes to magic tricks, there are a number of tricks up the proverbial sleeve of a magician: card tricks, disappearing tricks, and a “book test.” You may not know a book test by its name, but rest assured, if you have ever seen a magician perform magic tricks, then this is a popular go-to trick. It gives the illusion that the magician is a mentalist or mind reader.

What Is It?

In the classic example of a book test, you or another spectator may be asked turn to any page in a large book (like a dictionary or encyclopedia) and select a word or sentence. The passage may be revealed to the audience or recorded in some other way for later comparison. 

In this trick, the magician is supposed to “telepathically” name the word or offer an impression of what is in the sentence. In some scenarios of the trick, the magician might even know the page number. The premise of the trick is that there may be thousands of words in a book, yet the magician is able to somehow identify the one word, sentence, or image within the book. 

Book tests come in different forms. Some are based on real, ungimmicked books, and others are based on gaffed ones.

Yesterday and Today

Magicians have been using books as props for magic tricks dating as far back as the 1400s. A version of a book test was created by well-known publisher Girolamo Scotto for the Emperor of Austria in 1572. Although this book test no longer exists, it was well known and the talk of the town at the time. 

Italian magician Vanni Bossi created “The Labyrinth” book test in 1607, which still survives today. It had been reproduced in English in 1610 and spurred many variations for hundreds of years afterward.

Popular modern-day book tests include Double Coincidence by magician Devin Knight, the Houdini Book Test, not actually by Houdini but by Black’s Magic Group, and the “Taylor Made Book Test” by magician David Taylor.

Fun Fact

Although Harry Houdini was the world’s most famous trickster, he was also skeptical of supernatural powers. He used to visit seances in disguise to expose their leaders as frauds.

The Many Ways It’s Done

In some cases, the magician is able to derive the correct answer through basic mathematics. For example, the magician may first ask an unwitting person to choose a word or figure on a starting page. From there, that word, passage, or image leads to another predestined page, and then this pattern continues a few times, all leading the unsuspecting person down a predetermined path. After three flips, the magician stops the person and reveals the word, sentence, or figure.

Another way a magician is guaranteed to “guess” it right is by using a modified or gimmicked book. In these cases, the magician needs to memorize key things on the gimmicked book’s page to know what a person may pick. Or, using sleight of hand, the magician can incidentally insert a gimmicked page into a “natural” book, which is a book that is completely undoctored with the exception of the insertion of the gimmick page.

In another version of the trick, a natural book may also be used, like a dictionary, but the magician guides the person to pick something specific. Then, the magician may lightly pencil in the answers on another part of the page when the person is redirected to look elsewhere.

Other variations, such as involving three or more people, can be pretty easy. In this case, the unsuspecting people use envelopes to record their answers. The trick is for the magician to ask the person to write down their answer and put it in an envelope. Then, the next person is asked to imagine opening the book to a random page and write down the page, line, and word they imagined (the person will be guided to what the first person selected). With sleight of hand, the magician palms the writer’s actual slip and hands the next reader a prepared slip, who opens the book to a selected section. Then, the third person (who does not select anything) just opens the prepared envelope to reveal the same word, sentence, or image.

With this amazing mind reading trick, you can predict several words that a spectator chooses at random. He can really name any words he likes – in the end, you will always have written down the right prediction.

How is this mind reading trick with words performed?

The spectator chooses three words: a random object, a color he likes, and a card. You write your three different predictions for each word on three pieces of paper – and every one of them is correct.

I will explain every detail of this trick, so after reading everything, you can perform this illusion yourself! By the way: the spectator can really choose any words he likes – it doesn’t matter, the trick will work every time.

Let’s dive in.

The performance of this mind reading trick (predicting words)

To give you a better idea of the trick, here is the procedure from the spectator’s perspective.

1. The spectator chooses an object
You ask the volunteer to choose any object in the environment – it doesn’t matter which one. Then you ask him to look you in the eye, and you write your prediction face down on a piece of paper.

This piece of paper is then placed face up in front of you so that you can’t change or replace it.

2. The volunteer thinks of any color of his choice
Next, you look the spectator deep in the eyes and tell them to focus on a color of their choice. Again: you write a prediction on a piece of paper, put it aside, and only then the spectator says his chosen color.

3. One card is chosen at random
Last, you have the volunteer pick a card to show the audience (you don’t see the card). Again, have him look you in the eye, to “read his mind”, and write your final prediction on the third piece of paper.

Once all three words are written down, you ask the spectator to open them and read them out loud.

It turns out that you predicted every single word correctly.

Here’s the secret of the trick.

In short: How it works

For this mental trick, you need three pieces of paper on which you will write your three predicted words.

Both of the first choices don’t matter, the spectator can name any objects or words, only the last selection of the spectator is manipulated because you “force” a card on him.

But the audience doesn’t notice that and thus all three choices seem completely random. With this little secret, you manage to “read the spectator’s mind” every time and always write the correct prediction on the slip of paper.

Tutorial: How you can perform this mind reading trick yourself

Tip: If you are looking for a very easy but still amazing trick, make sure to check this mind-reading card trick illusion.

First of all: it’s impossible to predict or estimate the thoughts of a strange spectator. This trick only works because you are always one step ahead of the spectator without him realizing it.

The only technique you need is to force a card (more on that later).

You also need to do some acting and get the trick right for it to work really well.

You know the card the spectator will choose at the end before you do the trick. That way, you're always one step ahead of him.

The entire secret of this trick is that you don’t actually write your first prediction on the first piece of paper, you change things up. By forcing the card, you already know which one the spectator will choose and can simply write it on the first paper. From now on, you are always one step ahead.

Here’s the exact explanation of which words to write on which cards.

The piece of paper The prediction you write on it
The first piece of paper Third prediction (the card you will force later)
The second piece of paper First prediction (the random object from the environment)
The third piece of paper Second prediction (the color the spectator has chosen)

Now, I know, this might look a little complicated, so let me show you an actual example to explain it better.

The 1st prediction: the spectator chooses an object

On the first piece of paper, you write the third prediction (the card).

You ask the spectator to think of an object in the environment. It can be any other object, but then the choice seems very random. I would recommend you to ask the spectator to choose an object that he can actually see.

Quick tip
In itself, it doesn't matter what word the volunteer chooses, but you want to sell the trick well. And then it's better if you pretend to "read" the spectator's eyes, movements, etc. to make the correct prediction.

If a magic trick looks too impossible, the spectators will look for other explanations. However, as long as it is somehow possible for you to actually “read” the volunteer, the trick will feel more like “real magic”.

Once the spectator has made his choice, you look him deep in the eyes and then write the value of the card on the slip of paper that you will end up forcing. So your first prediction has absolutely nothing to do with the spectator’s item, but nobody knows that!

It is important that you play your role as a “mind reader” convincingly.

After that, you fold up the piece of paper (no one must be able to see what you have written on it, otherwise the trick will be unmasked immediately!)

You then place the paper in front of you in a clearly visible position, but in such a way that no curious spectator can simply grab the paper. Ideally, you should be far enough away from yourself, but also far enough away from all spectators. Nevertheless, the piece of paper must lie in such a way that the audience can see it all the time.

After that, make the spectator say aloud which item he or she has thought of.

This way, everyone in the audience knows what he has chosen, and the spectator cannot change his choice afterward.

You absolutely have to remember the word he said, you will need it!

The 2nd prediction: the spectator chooses a color

On the second piece of paper write the first prediction (the object).

Now you ask the spectator to choose a color and concentrate fully on this color. Again, you try to read his mind (however you want to do it) and then write down the next prediction.

This is how it works: on the second piece of paper, you write the item the spectator just named.

You put this piece of paper with the other one and only then does the volunteer name his or her color. Remember the color you have chosen so that you can write it on the last piece of paper.

As you can see, you never actually write down a prediction, but simply the spectator’s choice from the previous round.

The 3rd prediction: the spectator “chooses” a card

On the third piece of paper, you write the second prediction (the color).

The last thing the spectator may do is “choose” a card. This is not the case, of course, but you force him to pick a card of your choice (I’ll explain how this works in a moment).

So the spectator chooses the appropriate card and looks at it, he can also show it to the audience. You don’t see the card (it’s best to turn around)!

Now, the volunteer should put the card face down in front of him and you try one last time to “read his mind”.

Again: on the third slip of paper, write the color the spectator has just chosen and put it with the other pieces of paper.

Now you have three pieces of paper with the three correct predictions on them. All you have to do now is turning them over and reading out your three predicted words.

Forcing a card: How it works

In order to perform this mind reading trick, you have to learn this technique. But don’t worry, stay with me – it’s really easy. Even if you don’t have any experience with cards, you won’t have a problem learning this method in a few minutes.

With this card forcing move, the spectator thinks he has a free choice, but you know the chosen card beforehand.

I’ve included the video of a very simple method, the so-called “Hindu Force”. For this technique, you only need to know the bottom card (this is the card the spectator will “choose”). Then you shuffle the deck as shown in the video and force the card on the spectator.

Hindu Shuffle Force Tutorial

Now, as I already said, this is one of the easiest forcing methods out there. If you want to dive deeper here, you will find many great tutorials on youtube.

Final tips about the trick and guessing the words

The most important thing: even if you now know the secret of the trick, still try to see the trick through the eyes of the audience.

Try to play your role as a “mentalist” really convincingly (as if you would actually estimate the spectator). Pay attention to his posture, his eyes, and his choice of words. Of course, this has nothing to do with the trick, but that’s why it’s so important.

This “mental” magic trick only works really well when you give the audience the illusion that you are actually somehow “reading” the spectator in front of you.

Hence my tip is that the object to be chosen (1st choice) should be in the environment. This way the choice is much smaller and many more spectators will really believe that you have the ability to read minds.

In theory, the spectator could say any word, no matter what the term is. But this would make the trick seem so impossible that the audience might become suspicious. So keep up the appearance of the “mind reader”!

A quick tip about the pieces of paper

The pieces of paper on which you write your predictions must not be seen or opened by anyone until the end of the trick. But your audience must always have a good look at them (otherwise accusations will come after the trick that you switched the papers).

Never give the pieces of paper to an audience member, they will immediately look to see what you have written on them!

So where is the best place to put the pieces of paper? Somewhere as far away from the spectators as possible, but at the same time far enough away from you. Everyone must be able to see them, but no one must touch them. You will find a suitable place.

And one more thing: The pieces of paper are in the wrong order because you didn’t write prediction 1 on slip 1. To avoid this, put them in a basket, a box, a cylinder, or whatever.
But never put them next to each other or in an orderly sequence, because your audience will then reveal the secret of the trick!

You can also shuffle them again briefly before giving them to the spectator to read them. But do this as inconspicuously as possible, otherwise, an attentive audience might get suspicious.

All in all, if your acting is good and you’ve practiced the trick a few times, this can be an amazing mind-reading illusion!

If you are interested in learning a few more mind-reading tricks, make sure to check my other tutorials as well:

With this mind-reading trick, you can guess the number chosen by a spectator.

All you need for this mental trick is a piece of paper, and you will be able to guess a randomly chosen symbol.

Image source (header image):

Being able to read minds might be impossible, but it is actually a lot easier than you’d think to persuade people otherwise! Thanks to a combination of sleight of hand, misdirection and sheer trickery, over the years magicians have been able to produce more and more impressive methods of mind reading.

In this post I will be outlining the six best tricks you can pull on family and friends to convince them you have psychic powers.

Number 6: Wikitest


This little trick might well be the best mind reading effect of the last 10 years! Why then, you may ask, is it so low on this list?

The reason Wikitest is only No.7 on this list is simply down to the fact that a great deal of you probably won’t be able to afford it.

Or, perhaps a better phrasing of that is; you might not want to spend around 60 dollars on this trick. That is totally understandable, even though I personally do feel it is worth the investment.

So, now that we have that slight disclaimer out of the way, let’s discuss Wikitest.

Wikitest was released fairly recently, and is an app you can download on your phone, that allows you to perform a mental ‘book test’. If that doesn’t make much sense, let me elaborate.

You let the spectator take out their own phone (you don’t touch it at any point) and google how many articles are on Wikipedia, and then to find out how many words are on each article, on average. Having established that there are millions of possible words on Wikipedia, you have them look up any Wikipedia article they want, and pick out one word from that article.

You, without ever needing to peek at their phone, can tell them exactly what word they are merely thinking of.

This trick is actually a lot easier than it sounds, and although it may require slight audience management and memory work, it is bound to give you a great reputation as a mind reader!

Number 5: A Book Test


For those of you who are reluctant to involve technology within your magic, you may prefer the more traditional approach of a book test.

This kind of trick generally involves a spectator picking a book out at random, leafing through the pages, and settling on a single word, which you obviously could never know. Except you do know. And their mind is blown.

There are many, many variations on this classic of magic, a lot of them are free to learn, whilst others will take a bit of money before you get the secret.

For a free tutorial, I would recommend this video (it is obviously a more basic version, but great for beginners or those who don’t want to shell out their hard-earned cash):

As for book tests that you can buy, I would always go with Booked by Steve Valentine, but there are plenty of decent alternatives on the web if you have a look around. You can watch the trailer for that here:

Number 4: Card Force


This is the cheapest and easiest way to read someone’s mind on a limited budget, and luckily for you, if played right, it can pack just as big a punch as any of the other tricks featured on this list.

Essentially it is a ‘pick a card’ trick, in which the spectator seemingly can pick any card he pleases, and yet you are able to read their mind and tell them exactly what card they picked.

Forcing the card: There are a lot of ways to do this- I would recommend watching this video and then picking your favorite.

Make sure to practice this one a lot before you try it out- it will be so much more powerful when you read their mind if you have made them feel as if there is NO POSSIBLE way you could know what card they picked.

The reveal: Now that you have the basic move ready, it is completely up to you as to how you perform the ‘big reveal’. Some magicians like to really draw this bit out, really playing on the tension and suspense. Others prefer to guess it wrong on purpose, likewise another attempt to increase the ‘stakes’.

Number 3: The ‘Lie Detector’.


This is a great trick to use alongside the card force. First, force the card, as you have already learnt, making sure they believe they are the only person who knows the card.

Next, tell them you are going to perform a ‘lie detector’ test to find out what card they have picked; you are going to ask them a series of questions to which they can either lie or tell the truth, and you will be able to discern the identity of the card.

At this point, you can ask them questions like “Is it red?” or “Is is diamonds?”. Remember, you know the card, so you will know when they are lying.

If they have picked the 7 of Clubs, but when you ask “Is it black?”, they say No, you can call them out on it. Keep narrowing it down to the point where you are asking “Is it the six of clubs? Is it the seven? Is it the eight?”

Obviously, you can let the reveal play out however you want, and there is plenty of opportunity for patter along this trick. Really make it feel like you can see through them- they’ll never lie to you again afterwards!

Number 2: Cardtoon


This is THE trick that convinced Simon Cowell that magic is real; and if that doesn’t impress you, I’m not sure what will!

How about the fact that you can pick this trick up for under a tenner? Cardtoon is an incredibly fun card trick, in which the spectator thinks of a card (a completely free choice), after which you show them a pack of cards you have been holding the whole time.

The cards each have a little stickman drawn on them in slightly different positions, so that when you flick through them, they form a little animation- the stickman takes off his hat, pulls out a card, and turns it around. Of course, it is their card.

Number 1: The Invisible Deck


I’ve already written about how much I love The Invisible Deck, so I won’t go into too much detail here (read more about it here instead).

Rest assured, The Invisible Deck is THE best way to read minds; just buy one already. Essentially, the spectator thinks of a card, you pull a deck of cards from your pocket, they name their card, and you show (very clearly and slowly) that their card is the only card in the deck that is turned face down. It is, to the spectator, literally a miracle.

Did you agree with this list? Do you have any other suggestions? Feel free to leave a comment below!

By Pao Chang, author of

Words are not just elements of speech or writing because they can be used to strengthen the effects of magic. When spoken out loud, words transform into frequencies and vibrations. The right frequencies and vibrations can be used to direct and control energy. Because the frequencies and vibrations of words have the power to control energy, learning to use the right magic words is one of the first steps to creating magic effects.

Most people will laugh at the idea of magic being real, but if only they knew what magic really is and how it is being used to control them, they would not be laughing. The world is dominated by magic. Until you innerstand how magic is used to control you, you will never know how the world really works.

The Controllers who control a large percentage of the corporate world are well aware of how magic works. Most, if not all, of them practice the art of magic, which is why they are sometimes referred to as the Dark Magicians. Unfortunately, they like to use magic for power and evil purposes, instead of using it to make the world a better place.

One of the most powerful things in the Universe is energy. If you learn how to control and direct this energy, you will become one of the most powerful people on Earth. Why do you think the Controllers (the Dark Magicians) are so obsessed with magic and energy?

What Is the Definition of Magic?

Here is an excerpt from my book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words that explains what magic is:

The word magic is derived from Old French magique, Latin magicus, and Greek magikos. One of the earliest definitions of magic is the “art of influencing events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces”. Magic has a strong relation with magnetic and electrical energy. Did you notice that the word magnetic has the word magic in it? Take out “net” in “mag-net-ic” and you are left with the word magic.

The art of magic is often practiced along with certain words and sacred geometries. The common words that are used in magic rituals are the words that produce powerful sound tones when spoken out loud. These sound tones have powerful vibrational patterns, which are used to direct and control energy and harness its power.

Sound is able to direct energy for the reason that it carries certain frequency patterns that attract energy to flow in a controllable manner. Furthermore, sound is one of the natural forces used by Nature to create crystalline structures and sacred geometries, which are some of the building blocks of matter.

For strong evidence that sound can direct energy, watch the video below.

Cymatics: Sacred Geometry Formed by Sound

The Power of Words

Once you know how words along with sound can be used to direct energy to produce magic effects, you will know that words can be as powerful or even more powerful than swords. When you move the letter «s» in the term words to the front of the «w,» you get the term sword. This is not an accident.

Many words in the English language are carefully designed and put together in a way that produces magic effects, allowing the Dark Magicians to use these words to trick you to play their «con game» to exploit mankind. Is this hard for you to believe? Read further and I will show you the evidence.

How Words Are Used to Deceive You

When you go to «court» for a trial, whether in the United States or another country, you are not really going to court but are going to a «game arena» where they are planning to con you using «legal words» and trickery. Where do you go to when you want to play basketball or tennis? You go to a basketball «court» or tennis «court.» Therefore, a «court» is where people go to when they want to play a game.

A court is a game arena to play legal word games which is why the judge is sometimes called the administrator. The judge is there to administer or manage the rules of the game in the court/game arena. This is why a meeting between the plaintiff, the defendant, and the judge is called a trial. Phonetically, the word trial is tryout. The plaintiff and the defendant are at a trial/tryout to see which player is better at using words to convince the judge to pick him as the winner of the game.

The good news is that if you know how court games really work, you can take control of a trial and dismiss it. The video below is evidence of this.

Case Dismissed by Living Beneficiary with Subtitles

Sadly, most men and women do not know how court games work, so it is not hard for the judge to trick them to agree to be a legal person. This trick is often done by tricking the defendant to agree to be his or her legal name.

The legal name is found on your driver’s license, social security card, birth certificate, etc. For example, if your first name is John and your last name is Doe and you answer yes to being John Doe (JOHN DOE), you agree to be a legal person, which is a corporation (artificial person). This puts you under the jurisdiction of the legal system. You may not know about the legal name game but ignorance is no excuse, according to their laws. The good news is that the legal system does not have jurisdiction over a spiritual man of God. Therefore, it is a whole different ball game when you know how to use your name and words wisely. Like any game, you better know the rules before you agree to play. Otherwise you have very little chance of winning. Court games are serious games because real people do go to jail.

If you are too scared to play the game in court by yourself and want to hire an attorney to represent you, do not have too much hope because many attorneys and judges are members of the con game. In general, most attorneys are not really there to help you because they are officers of the court. Their allegiance is to the court and their job is to create revenue for the court. Bar attorneys are actually foreign agents because they are agents of the Crown Temple, a secretive society controlled by the Vatican. All licensed bar attorneys in the United States owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple. This is a requirement to be a member of the BAR association.

If you are confused about all this legal stuff, watch the video below and light bulbs should start flashing on like crazy in your head.

Freeman in Court — Judge Bows to Sovereign

The video above took place in Canada but it is still relevant to the courts in the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom and most English speaking countries. This is because nearly all the courts in these countries are operating under Admiralty Law and Maritime Law, not Constitutional Law. This is why judges do not want to hear your arguments about constitutional rights in court.

Are light bulbs flashing on like crazy in your head now? If not, you still have a lot to learn because you do not even realize that you have been tricked to agree to be a slave. Maybe this quote from the movie The Matrix can wake you up.

Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell, or taste, or touch. A prison for your mind.

How to Decipher Words to Find Their Deeper Meaning and Intent

If all you do is look at the common definitions of a word, you will never know the deeper meanings of it. To find its deeper meanings, you need to look beyond its common definitions, dissect its layers, and look at it from many different angles. This means that you may need to use an etymology dictionary to find the origins of the word, and split and rearrange the word using the art of anagram.

Once you find the origins of a word, dissect its layers, and look at it from many different angles, the true intent and meanings of the word often become noticeable inside your mind. So, the next time you investigate a word, do not only look at it at face value but also its origins, prefix, and suffix, and other words that sound similar to it.

A word that you may want to know its deeper meanings is baptism. When you look at the word baptism carefully and study its definitions to see what other words are associated with it, you should eventually come to the conclusion that baptism is a magic ritual that can be used for good or evil purposes.

When someone is externally baptized, that person is considered to have entered into a covenant with the lord. When you split the word «covenant» in half, you get the term «coven ant.» The word coven means «an assembly of witches, especially a group of thirteen». The suffix definition of ant is «causing or performing an action or existing in a certain condition». It can also mean «serving in the capacity of». defines «ant» as:

a suffix forming adjectives and nouns from verbs, occurring originally in French and Latin loanwords (pleasant; constant; servant) and productive in English on this model; -ant, has the general sense “characterized by or serving in the capacity of” that named by the stem (ascendant; pretendant), especially in the formation of nouns denoting human agents in legal actions or other formal procedures (tenant; defendant; applicant; contestant).

The noun form of the word covenant comes from the Old French words covenant and convenant, meaning «agreement, pact, promise.» It also comes from the Latin word convenire, meaning «come together, unite; be suitable, agree.» As a verb, it etymologically means, «to enter into a formal agreement or contract.»

Once you know how the words baptism and covenant are connected at a very deep and spiritual level, you will eventually know that when a person is baptized that person is «serving in the capacity of» a coven or is making a contract with a coven. The question is, is the one performing the baptism a member of a coven of the true Lord or is he a member of a coven of witches who worship false gods? The witches who have infiltrated many churches throughout the world are the Dark Magicians!

The process of external baptism promises the body, mind, and soul of a new born child to a coven of a church, which can be controlled by a coven of the true Lord or witches who worship false gods. If you go to church, you may want to investigate your church before agreeing to be baptized. The true version of baptism is done internally or inside the body, also known as the true temple of God. Hence, the Bible verses 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (KJV):

16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

How Words Are Used as Magic Spells

When you speak words, you are casting your thoughts and vibrations into Earth’s magnetic field or magic field, which is the energy field that creates the reality of Earth. If you are not careful and say certain words together, you can cast a spell without even being aware of it.

Have you ever wondered why one of the first things that they teach you to do in school is how to «spell». When you go to school for the first time in your life, you are taught the alphabet, which is made of letters that are designed based on sacred geometry. These letters are ideograms which are written symbols that represent ideas.

After learning the alphabet, you are taught how to «spell» using the letters of the alphabet. This is to prepare you for the day you can cast magic spells through the use of spelling! Did you notice the terms «magic spell» and «spell-ing» have the word «spell» in them? This is no accident. It is right in your face! The hidden intent of spelling is to cast magic spells.

Most people do not innerstand how magic works, so they have no idea what they are actually doing when they yell harsh words at one another using swear words or «curse» words. They did not call them curse words for no reason.

Why do you think most parents tell their kids to stop cursing when they swear too much? Even at a subconscious level, nearly everyone intuitively knows that it is not good to use curse words.

The main reason that they teach you how to spell words correctly is to make sure that each letter or geometry is arranged the same way every time you write something. This will help strengthen the magic effects of certain words.

By now, you should know what I mean when I said earlier that many words in the English language are carefully designed and put together in a way that produces magic effects, allowing the Dark Magicians to trick you to play their «con game». However, the words of the English language can also be used to free you from their system. Keep in mind that all languages have the magic power to disempower or empower your mind.

How to Protect Your Mind From Magic Spells

One of the most effective ways to protect your mind from magic spells is to become aware of them and how they are being used to control you. For example, when a magician does a magic trick, the magician can fool you to believe that the trick is real. However, if you figure out how the trick is done, you can no longer be fooled because you know it is an illusion. In other words, you have become aware of the trick, and therefore it cannot deceive you anymore.

The magic trick example above is similar to how the Dark Magicians use real magic spells to control your mind. Once you realize that magic is real and become aware of how the Dark Magicians use magic spells to control you, their magic spells cannot affect your mind as much.

Your awareness is one of the most powerful spiritual powers that you have. Learn how to use it wisely and the Dark Magicians will not be able to control you. To learn how to use the power of your awareness wisely, you need to learn the right knowledge. With the right knowledge, you can increase and strengthen your awareness, making it much harder for the Dark Magicians and their agents to control you.

Because you now know how magic affects you, the next time you make a wish using words or yell at someone using «curse» words, you may want to think twice before saying those words. Like they say, «be careful what you wish for.»

Repost Agreement: This article (Word Magic: How Words Are Used as Magic Spells) may be reposted on other websites, as long as the author’s name and a clickable hyperlink to are included in the said article. Please take notice that you are not allowed to modify the words and links of the article thereof, except to correct spelling and grammatical errors.

Category: Public Articles

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