Any last word dota

п  о  р


Реплики героев

Abaddon, Alchemist, Ancient Apparition, Anti-Mage, Arc Warden, Axe, Bane, Batrider, Beastmaster, Bloodseeker, Bounty Hunter, Brewmaster, Bristleback, Broodmother, Centaur Warrunner, Chaos Knight, Chen, Clinkz, Clockwerk, Crystal Maiden, Dark Seer, Dark Willow, Dawnbreaker, Dazzle, Death Prophet, Disruptor, Doom, Dragon Knight, Drow Ranger, Earth Spirit, Earthshaker, Elder Titan, Ember Spirit, Enchantress, Enigma, Faceless Void, Grimstroke, Gyrocopter, Hoodwink, Huskar, Invoker, Io, Jakiro, Juggernaut, Keeper of the Light, Kunkka, Legion Commander, Leshrac, Lich, Lifestealer, Lina, Lion, Lone Druid, Luna, Lycan, Magnus, Marci, Mars, Medusa, Meepo, Mirana, Monkey King, Morphling, Muerta, Naga Siren, Nature’s Prophet, Necrophos, Night Stalker, Nyx Assassin, Ogre Magi, Omniknight, Oracle, Outworld Destroyer, Pangolier, Phantom Assassin, Phantom Lancer, Phoenix, Primal Beast, Puck, Pudge, Pugna, Queen of Pain, Razor, Riki, Rubick, Sand King, Shadow Demon, Shadow Fiend, Shadow Shaman, Silencer, Skywrath Mage, Slardar, Slark, Snapfire, Sniper, Spectre, Spirit Breaker, Storm Spirit, Sven, Techies, Templar Assassin, Terrorblade, Tidehunter, Timbersaw, Tinker, Tiny, Treant Protector, Troll Warlord, Tusk, Underlord, Undying, Ursa, Vengeful Spirit, Venomancer, Viper, Visage, Void Spirit, Warlock, Weaver, Windranger, Winter Wyvern, Witch Doctor, Wraith King, Zeus

Другие реплики

  • Комментатор
  • Продавец
  • Голем чернокнижника

Реплики комментаторов

  • Axe
  • Bastion
  • Bristleback
  • Clockwerk
  • Crystal Maiden
  • Dark Willow
  • Darkest Dungeon
  • Death Prophet (Восстание Тьмы)
  • Defense Grid
  • Deus Ex
  • Восстание тьмы
  • Д-р Кляйнер
  • Fallout 4
  • Гейб Ньюэлл
  • GLaDOS
  • Juggernaut
  • Kunkka и Tidehunter
  • Lina
  • Monkey King
  • Meepo
  • Nature’s Prophet
  • Pyrion Flax
  • Рик и Морти
  • Storm Spirit
  • Techies
  • Pirate Cap’n
  • Stanley Parable
  • Trine
  • Tusk (Холодрыжество)
  • Голос The International

Комплекты озвучки

  • The Disciple’s Path (Anti-Mage)
  • Axe Unleashed (Axe)
  • Davion  of Dragon Hold (Dragon Knight)
  • Slyrak, the Elder Dragon (Dragon Knight)
  • Dread Retribution (Drow Ranger)
  • Planetfall (Earthshaker)
  • Claszian Apostasy (Faceless Void)
  • Conduit of the Blueheart (Crystal Maiden)
  • Acolyte of the Lost Arts (Invoker)
  • The Good Old Days (Invoker)
  • Call of the Bladeform Legacy (Juggernaut)
  • Mirana of Nightsilver (Mirana)
  • Voice of Flockheart’s Gamble (Ogre Magi)
  • Exile Unveiled (Phantom Assassin)
  • Feast of Abscession (Pudge)
  • The Toy Butcher (Pudge)
  • The Eminence of Ristul (Queen of Pain)
  • Voice of the Magus Cypher (Rubick)
  • Mercurial’s Call (Spectre)
  • Phantom Advent (Spectre)
  • Compass of the Rising Gale (Windranger)
  • The One True King (Wraith King)


  • Skeleton King
  • Старые реплики Enigma
  • Актёры озвучивания
  • Герои
  • Представление[]

    • ▶️ A war is coming, and I will be ready.
    • ▶️ Though, you’d think I’d be getting ready by training or sharpening my blades, or you know, doing something other than sitting and trying not to think about anything, which I’m totally screwing up and.. pflegh. Alright, starting over.
    • ▶️ Hhh huh. My blades are an extension of my hands. My hands are an extension of my will.
    • ▶️ My emotions are a reflection of my actions, not the driver of them.
    • ▶️ My mind is focused, real focused.. Like, reeaally focused, you wouldn’t believe how focused I am— Damn it I lost it.. Ok, one more time. Mmmhm.
    • ▶️ My blades are an extension of my hands, my hands are an extension of my will, my emotions are a reflection of my actions, not the driver of them, and my mind is focused on the task at hand, because a divided mind is a weak mind, and this is the creed of the Anti-Mage and this is the law of the hunt. Boom, suck it, meditation.
    • ▶️ Hhh huh, and now I wait until I’m needed.
    • ▶️ Which can happen any time.
    • ▶️ Like any time at all.
    • ▶️ Like, if someone needed help with the war of the Ancients, I woud be sooo ready.
    • ▶️ Just say the word.
    • ▶️ Please, say the word.
    • ▶️ Fhhh huh, I should’ve brought a book.


    • ▶️ The Anti-Mage has arrived.
    • ▶️ I’m Wei. We can get to know each other better after I kill these guys.
    • ▶️ I won’t let my mentor down.
    • ▶️ My life doesn’t matter, the mission does.
    • ▶️ Together we can bring an end to magic.
    • ▶️ Let’s show them who they’re dealing with.
    • ▶️ I’ll show them what I’ve learned.
    • ▶️ This is the moment I’ve been waiting for.
    • ▶️ Now is the time for action.
    • ▶️ We will fight and we will win.
    • ▶️ There’s no magi that I can’t track and kill.
    • ▶️ They will yield, or they will die.

    Вход в битву[]

    • ▶️ The Anti-Mage has arrived.
    • ▶️ I’m Wei. We can get to know each other better after I kill these guys.
    • ▶️ I’ve been training for this moment.
    • ▶️ I won’t fail you.
    • ▶️ I won’t let my mentor down.
    • ▶️ Together we can bring an end to magic.
    • ▶️ I have my orders.
    • ▶️ My life doesn’t matter, the mission does.
    • ▶️ I’m here on the behalf of the Tyler Estate.
    • ▶️ Run mages, run.
    • ▶️ Run mages, run.
    • ▶️ Breathe, Wei, breathe. It’s just an army, no big deal.
    • ▶️ No turning back now.
    • ▶️ Let’s show them who they’re dealing with.
    • ▶️ I’ll show them what I’ve learned.
    • ▶️ This is the moment I’ve been waiting for.
    • ▶️ I can almost taste the anticipation in the wind.
    • ▶️ We don’t have much time. We need a plan.
    • ▶️ Now is the time for action.
    • ▶️ We will fight and we will win.
    • ▶️ I’ve trained for this moment, and I am ready.
    • ▶️ The Anti-Mage trained me, molded me. I will make him proud.
    • ▶️ I’ve waited so long for this moment, to prove not just to my mentor, but to the world what I’m capable of.
    • ▶️ There’s no magi that I can’t track and kill.
    • ▶️ The Anti-Mage and I are similar, but we do have differences. For instance, I know how to talk like a normal person.
    • ▶️ I’ve dedicated my life to be good at one thing: Hunting mages.
    • ▶️ War of the Ancients? Please, I’ve had to conduct an investigation in Weeping Rose. There’s nothing scary about some glowy rocks.
    • ▶️ I don’t look forward to bloodshed, but I’m not afraid of it either.
    • ▶️ The Anti-Mage is not a name. It is a title worthy of respect from the righteous, and fear from the wicked.


    • ▶️ Their suffering is about to end.

    15% шанс

    • ▶️ Call it, this thing is in the bag.

    5% шанс

    • ▶️ It’s over.

    Начало битвы[]

    • ▶️ Alright, Wei, don’t embarass yourself.
    • ▶️ Okay, here we go.
    • ▶️ Uh, that was louder than I thought it would be.
    • ▶️ It’s starting.

    5% шанс

    • ▶️ Jungle, here we come.


    Перезарядка 6 секунд

    • ▶️ I’m ready.
    • ▶️ On it.
    • ▶️ On my way.
    • ▶️ Moving.
    • ▶️ Let’s go.
    • ▶️ п They won’t know what hit’em.
    • ▶️ Ready to fight.
    • ▶️ Let’s keep moving.
    • ▶️ This is what I trained for.
    • ▶️ I won’t let you down.
    • ▶️ Let’s get to work.
    • ▶️ It’s time.
    • ▶️ Let’s make some gold.
    • ▶️ We don’t have time to waste.
    • ▶️ I go where I’m needed.
    • ▶️ I’m ready.
    • ▶️ Let’s stop these bastards.
    • ▶️ I’m with you.
    • ▶️ The battle continues.
    • ▶️ We have a plan, right?
    • ▶️ Moving into position.
    • ▶️ Let’s move.
    • ▶️ Closing in.
    • ▶️ They can’t hide.
    • ▶️ I’ve got this.
    • ▶️ Easy.
    • ▶️ Back to basics.

    3% шанс

    • ▶️ п If I ever drop a «thy» or a «thine», just end me right there.

    Передвижение с 20% здоровья и менее

    • ▶️ This isn’t over yet.
    • ▶️ I’m not giving up.
    • ▶️ I could really use a Tango right about now.
    • ▶️ Oh look, more fighting. Great.
    • ▶️ I’m on it.
    • ▶️ Here we go.
    • ▶️ Would it kill someone to heal me?
    • ▶️ Oh good. More fighting.
    • ▶️ It never ends, does it?
    • ▶️ No time to rest.
    • ▶️ Have to keep moving.


    Перезарядка 6 секунд

    • ▶️ I strike swift and sure.
    • ▶️ I’ll make short work of them.
    • ▶️ This shouldn’t take long.
    • ▶️ I’ll make it quick.
    • ▶️ You’re no match for me.
    • ▶️ I’m taking you down.
    • ▶️ I’ve waited for this moment.
    • ▶️ I won’t be defeated.
    • ▶️ Give no quarter!
    • ▶️ Show no mercy!
    • ▶️ Face me!
    • ▶️ I don’t fear death.
    • ▶️ I don’t run from a fight.
    • ▶️ Surrender, or die!
    • ▶️ You won’t beat me.
    • ▶️ Fight till the end!
    • ▶️ п We must be relentless.
    • ▶️ Only one of us will survive.
    • ▶️ No loose ends.
    • ▶️ You challenge me?
    • ▶️ Time to turn your insides out.
    • ▶️ Any last words?

    15% шанс

    • ▶️ п I’m coming for you.
    • ▶️ 120 Haaa!
    • ▶️ 120 Haaa!
    • ▶️ Eh.
    • ▶️ Ha.
    • ▶️ Hm.
    • ▶️ Ha.
    • ▶️ Nha.
    • ▶️ Chh.
    • ▶️ Mh.
    • ▶️ Nha.
    • ▶️ Ha.
    • ▶️ Nha.
    • ▶️ Ha.
    • ▶️ Hm.
    • ▶️ Huh.
    • ▶️ Mhuh.
    • ▶️ Nhah.
    • ▶️ Huh.
    • ▶️ Yha.
    • ▶️ Hha.
    • ▶️ Hhu.
    • ▶️ Dah.

    Атака с 20% здоровья и менее

    • ▶️ It’s you or me.
    • ▶️ This is where you die.
    • ▶️ I’ll rip you apart!
    • ▶️ I won’t die here!
    • ▶️ I’ll take as many of you with me as I can.
    • ▶️ I won’t stop fighting.
    • ▶️ One of us isn’t walking away.
    • ▶️ It ends here.
    • ▶️ It’s all over.
    • ▶️ You think you can break me?

    Использование заклинания[]

    Только когда дистанция превышает 2 дальности применения, перезарядка 4 секунды

    • ▶️ 120 By focused mind and sharpened will.
    • ▶️ 120 Just like my mentor taught me.
    • ▶️ 120 I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve.

    Середина игры и позже

    • ▶️ 120 Behold the power of the Anti-Mage!

    Использование заклинания с 20% здоровья и менее

    • ▶️ 120 This better work.
    • ▶️ 120 I got one last chance.
    • ▶️ 120 Here goes nothing.
    • ▶️ 120 I can still turn the tide.


    После применения
    60% шанс

    • ▶️ 120 I don’t bow to magic.
    • ▶️ 120 My will is strong.
    • ▶️ 120 I won’t succumb to magic.
    • ▶️ 120 You’re not as powerful as you thought.
    • ▶️ 120 You’ll have to try harder than that.
    • ▶️ 120 You think a couple cantrips are gonna stop me?
    • ▶️ 120 Counter magic was my first lesson, and I learned it well.
    • ▶️ 120 Not so fast.
    • ▶️ 120 I won’t be broken by magic.
    • ▶️ 120 Your tricks won’t work on me.
    • ▶️ 120 It will take more than that, magi.
    • ▶️ 120 You have no power over me.

    Mana Void
    После применения
    60% шанс

    • ▶️ 120 I bring an end to magic.
    • ▶️ 120 Die, magi.
    • ▶️ 120 Die, magi.
    • ▶️ 120 Buh-bye.
    • ▶️ 120 Boom.
    • ▶️ 120 I’m the wizard’s bane.
    • ▶️ 120 Those who turned to magic will be punished.
    • ▶️ 120 Let the void consume you.
    • ▶️ 120 You will be destroyed by your own magic.
    • ▶️ 120 It’s over.
    • ▶️ 120 Say goodnight.
    • ▶️ 120 You brought this on yourself.
    • ▶️ 120 Your magic has failed you.

    Получение уровня[]

    • ▶️ I’m feeling warmed up.
    • ▶️ My training continues.
    • ▶️ I grow closer to my full potential.
    • ▶️ More training never hurts.
    • ▶️ I pick things up fast in the field.
    • ▶️ The enemy is crafty. I must prepare.
    • ▶️ My weapon is an extension of my instincts. My hands an extension of my will.
    • ▶️ There’s so much more for me to learn.
    • ▶️ I rise to meet this challenge.
    • ▶️ п Another step towards perfection.
    • ▶️ They will yield, or they will die.
    • ▶️ My mentor would be pleased.
    • ▶️ There’s nothing I can’t overcome.
    • ▶️ Okay, what’s next?
    • ▶️ Talent alone is nothing.

    Убийство врага[]

    • ▶️ Die!
    • ▶️ Too easy.
    • ▶️ No problem.
    • ▶️ My training paid off.
    • ▶️ The Anti-Mage would be impressed.
    • ▶️ I think I’m getting the hang of this.
    • ▶️ To think I was worried.
    • ▶️ Another one down.
    • ▶️ Onto the next one.
    • ▶️ I’ll cut you all down.
    • ▶️ These guys can’t keep up with me.
    • ▶️ You’re all going to die.
    • ▶️ Yes.
    • ▶️ This isn’t over yet.
    • ▶️ One of many victories.
    • ▶️ I can’t get cocky.
    • ▶️ This fight is far from over.
    • ▶️ You should’ve known better.
    • ▶️ Now to find your friends.
    • ▶️ How did you even get in this fight.
    • ▶️ п Please don’t be mad.
    • ▶️ п Don’t be mad.
    • ▶️ п Why would you think that’s a good idea?
    • ▶️ п Yep, the world is a messed up place..
    • ▶️ п I told you from the top how this was gonna go.
    • ▶️ п Can you bring your friends next time? Lot quicker if I can kill you all in one place.
    • ▶️ п You can’t catch me, you can’t beat me, you can’t run from me.
    • ▶️ I thought this all was supposed to be harder than training.
    • ▶️ It’s called aptitude.
    • ▶️ Didn’t they tell you I was here?
    • ▶️ п It’s the little things in life.
    • ▶️ п I think you’ve had enough.
    • ▶️ п So, what was your goal in all this?
    • ▶️ п The scary thing is you think you’re good at this.
    • ▶️ Hm ha ha.
    • ▶️ Hm he he he he.
    • ▶️ Hm hm ha ha ha he.
    • ▶️ Haa ha ha ha ha!
    • ▶️ Hh ha he he he.
    • ▶️ He hah, he ha ha ha ha ha.
    • ▶️ Aah ha ha ha ha ha.
    • ▶️ Heh ha ha ha ha hah.
    • ▶️ Ha ha!
    • ▶️ Aah ha ha ha ha!
    • ▶️ Ha ha ha!
    • ▶️ Ah ha ha haa haa!

    Убийство определенного героя
    25% шанс

    • ▶️ Abaddon minimap icon.png п Let the Mists of Avernus die with you, Abaddon.
    • ▶️ Abaddon minimap icon.png п The Mists could never save you from me.
    • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon.png п Does an Alchemist count as a mage? Probably not. Oh well.
    • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon.png п Tricks and potions will never beat skill and training.
    • ▶️ Ancient Apparition minimap icon.png п You should’ve remained an apparition.
    • ▶️ Ancient Apparition minimap icon.png п You don’t belong on this plane.
    • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon.png п You had one job, Arc Warden. Now look what your failure has caused.
    • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon.png п Make all the copies you want, I’ll kill you all.
    • ▶️ Axe minimap icon.png п I beat Axe. I beat Axe! Ha ha!
    • ▶️ Axe minimap icon.png п I wonder if Goodkind will put me in one of her stories now.
    • ▶️ Bane minimap icon.png п I don’t fear you, Bane.
    • ▶️ Bane minimap icon.png п Your magic has no power over me, Bane.
    • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon.png п No one’s gonna miss you, Batrider.
    • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon.png п Cute bat.
    • ▶️ Beastmaster minimap icon.png п You’re on the wrong side of this fight, Beastmaster.
    • ▶️ Beastmaster minimap icon.png п My mentor spoke highly of you Karroch. I’m sorry it ended this way.
    • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon.png п The Flayed Twins are monsters.
    • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon.png п Any servant of the Flayed Twins is an enemy of mine.
    • ▶️ Bounty Hunter minimap icon.png п Revtel should have paid you more,
    • ▶️ Bounty Hunter minimap icon.png п You won’t find me easy prey, Bounty Hunter.
    • ▶️ Brewmaster minimap icon.png п The battlefield is no place for a drunk.
    • ▶️ Brewmaster minimap icon.png п Drink it off in White Spire, Brewmaster.
    • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon.png п You nauseate me.
    • ▶️ Bristleback minimap icon.png п You couldn’t beat Tusk and you couldn’t beat me.
    • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon.png п I hate bugs.
    • ▶️ Broodmother minimap icon.png п Die, spider.
    • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon.png п Your hunting days are over, Warrunner.
    • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon.png п Looks like I’m champion of the Omexe arena now.
    • ▶️ Chaos Knight minimap icon.png п Ah, I fought a Fundamental and lived to talk about it.
    • ▶️ Chaos Knight minimap icon.png п I can’t wait to tell my mentor that I killed a fundamental.
    • ▶️ Chen minimap icon.png п Your magic is the worst type, Chen.
    • ▶️ Chen minimap icon.png п I will never be your slave, Chen.
    • ▶️ Clinkz minimap icon.png п The dead should stay dead.
    • ▶️ Clinkz minimap icon.png п Your aim failed you.
    • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon.png п I’ll carve open your tin can.
    • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon.png п Calling your magic science won’t spare you, Clockwerk.
    • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon.png п Sorry, Rylai, you seemed nice.
    • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon.png п Go back to Icewrack while you still can.
    • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon.png п You have a mind for battle, Dark Seer. It’s a shame you picked the wrong side.
    • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon.png п To think there was a time when I thought I could learn from you.
    • ▶️ Dark Willow minimap icon.png п You’re nothing but a petty grifter, Mireska.
    • ▶️ Dark Willow minimap icon.png п Our paths all catch up with us eventually, Mireska.
    • ▶️ Dazzle minimap icon.png п You can only cheat death so many times, Dazzle.
    • ▶️ Dazzle minimap icon.png п Your luck finally ran out, Dazzle.
    • ▶️ Death Prophet minimap icon.png п Turns out you were just waiting for me to show up.
    • ▶️ Death Prophet minimap icon.png п I guess we both agree that this is best.
    • ▶️ Disruptor minimap icon.png п Your Oglodi magic means nothing.
    • ▶️ Disruptor minimap icon.png п I’m sorry about what happened to your people, Disruptor, but you should never have fought me.
    • ▶️ Doom minimap icon.png п Die demon!
    • ▶️ Doom minimap icon.png п Back to the Seven Hells with you!
    • ▶️ Shadow Demon minimap icon.png п Die demon!
    • ▶️ Shadow Demon minimap icon.png п No one’s gonna cry about this one.
    • ▶️ Dragon Knight minimap icon.png п Eldwurm huh? I thought you’d be bigger.
    • ▶️ Dragon Knight minimap icon.png п You’ll always live in Kaden’s shadow, Davion.
    • ▶️ Drow Ranger minimap icon.png п Traxex, your pursuit of power ends here.
    • ▶️ Drow Ranger minimap icon.png п Your pursuit for the Mists of Avernus ends here.
    • ▶️ Earth Spirit minimap icon.png п Nothing but rubble.
    • ▶️ Earth Spirit minimap icon.png п You could take a beating, I’ll give you that.
    • ▶️ Ember Spirit minimap icon.png п It’s a good thing your brothers weren’t around to see your failure.
    • ▶️ Earthshaker minimap icon.png п Die, pawn of Kanna!
    • ▶️ Earthshaker minimap icon.png п If it’s any consolation, I think you have a cool drum.
    • ▶️ Elder Titan minimap icon.png п Hold on, still trying to wrap my head around this.
    • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon.png п When I woke up this morning, I didn’t think I’d be fighting a deer lady surrounded by butterflies.
    • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon.png п It was you or me, Enchantress.
    • ▶️ Enigma minimap icon.png п Your time on this plane is over.
    • ▶️ Enigma minimap icon.png п Back to the void with you.
    • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon.png п I thought that guy was supposed to be a dinosaur.
    • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon.png п I tire of Claszureme’s interference.
    • ▶️ Grimstroke minimap icon.png п What you gonna do? Get some ink on me?
    • ▶️ Grimstroke minimap icon.png п That brush isn’t gonna do you a whole lot of good.
    • ▶️ Gyrocopter minimap icon.png п Get down here!
    • ▶️ Gyrocopter minimap icon.png п You’re grounded.
    • ▶️ Huskar minimap icon.png п It’ll take more than spears to stop me.
    • ▶️ Huskar minimap icon.png п You fought bravely.
    • ▶️ Io minimap icon.png п Honestly, I didn’t even know you could actually stab light.
    • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon.png п I take no joy in killing a father.
    • ▶️ Jakiro minimap icon.png п Nothing against you personally, but you’re pretty much brimming with magic.
    • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon.png п Well, at least you don’t have to be lonely anymore. You know, because, you’re dead.
    • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon.png п I don’t know what Lanaya saw in you.
    • ▶️ Keeper of the Light minimap icon.png п You’re funny old man. Too bad you had to die.
    • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon.png п Next time stay on your boat.
    • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon.png п You always let down your crew, Kunkka.
    • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon.png п Stonehall’s time is over.
    • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon.png п You’re nothing but Galanius’ pawn.
    • ▶️ Leshrac minimap icon.png п Somedays I really like this job more than others.
    • ▶️ Lich minimap icon.png п I’ve waited for this moment.
    • ▶️ Lich minimap icon.png п Time to die, Lich.
    • ▶️ Lifestealer minimap icon.png п Well that was a public service.
    • ▶️ Lina minimap icon.png п So you’re the Slayer. I’m not impressed.
    • ▶️ Lina minimap icon.png п You are way more stabbable than your sister.
    • ▶️ Lion minimap icon.png п You’ll never make it to Weeping Rose, Lion.
    • ▶️ Lion minimap icon.png п There is no sanctuary from me, Lion.
    • ▶️ Lone Druid minimap icon.png п I think I handled that pretty well.
    • ▶️ Luna minimap icon.png п Selemene is a monster, Luna. Someday you’ll see that.
    • ▶️ Luna minimap icon.png п Scourge of the Plains? Please.
    • ▶️ Lycan minimap icon.png п Rest in peace, Lycan.
    • ▶️ Lycan minimap icon.png п You fought well, Lycan.
    • ▶️ Magnus minimap icon.png п Jeez, everyone takes it so personally.
    • ▶️ Mars minimap icon.png п «Godkiller» has a nice ring to it.
    • ▶️ Medusa minimap icon.png п It’s a sad story, Medusa, but this is the only way it was ever gonna end.
    • ▶️ Meepo minimap icon.png п Die, you little runt!
    • ▶️ Meepo minimap icon.png п Sorry, Meepo, you always.. Well, you always seemed like kind of a jerk. Maybe I’m not so sorry.
    • ▶️ Mirana minimap icon.png п I guess that’s about how I expected a princess to fight.
    • ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon.png п Playtime’s over, Wukong.
    • ▶️ Monkey King minimap icon.png п Guess you weren’t so reformed after all.
    • ▶️ Morphling minimap icon.png п What’s fun about fighting water?
    • ▶️ Naga Siren minimap icon.png п Not really into vocalists.
    • ▶️ Nature's Prophet minimap icon.png п Did you think I was gonna let you keep getting away with it?
    • ▶️ Necrophos minimap icon.png п You disgust me.
    • ▶️ Night Stalker minimap icon.png п Your reign of terror is over, Night Stalker.
    • ▶️ Nyx Assassin minimap icon.png п That wasn’t terrifying or anything.
    • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon.png п I know it- they.. whatever — was a monster, and a mage, but that almost felt wrong..
    • ▶️ Omniknight minimap icon.png п You lost the righteous path, Purist.
    • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon.png п Wait, I had something for this.
    • ▶️ Outworld Destroyer minimap icon.png п Ever start a fight not even knowing if an enemy can be killed? Heh, phew.
    • ▶️ Pangolier minimap icon.png п I enjoy my work, but I always take it seriously. You just learned why.
    • ▶️ Phantom Assassin minimap icon.png п Was I on your list, or are you just really unlucky?
    • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon.png п Okay, that has to be the last one.
    • ▶️ Phoenix minimap icon.png п What was all that about?
    • ▶️ Puck minimap icon.png п Wow, that thing’s annoying.
    • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon.png п Is something broken in your brain, Pudge? Do you even have one?
    • ▶️ Pugna minimap icon.png п Disgusting little creature.
    • ▶️ Queen of Pain minimap icon.png п I’m not some foolish man you can entice, Akasha.
    • ▶️ Queen of Pain minimap icon.png п You are such a cliché.
    • ▶️ Razor minimap icon.png п You’re done tormenting souls!
    • ▶️ Riki minimap icon.png п The Jasper Circle should’ve stayed out of my way.
    • ▶️ Riki minimap icon.png п You can never hide from me, Riki.
    • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon.png п Your tricks won’t work on me, Rubick.
    • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon.png п Now to find your father’s staff.
    • ▶️ Sand King minimap icon.png п If something can’t exist without magic, it shouldn’t exist.
    • ▶️ Shadow Fiend minimap icon.png п To the Abysm with you.
    • ▶️ Shadow Fiend minimap icon.png п The Court of Ristul holds no sway here.
    • ▶️ Shadow Shaman minimap icon.png п I hate chickens.
    • ▶️ Silencer minimap icon.png п You’ve betrayed your oath to the Tyler Estate.
    • ▶️ Silencer minimap icon.png п I wish it hadn’t come to this, Silencer.
    • ▶️ Skywrath Mage minimap icon.png п Man, you talk a lot.
    • ▶️ Skywrath Mage minimap icon.png п I finally shut that guy up.
    • ▶️ Slardar minimap icon.png п Anti-Mage never taught me how to fish, but I catch on quick.
    • ▶️ Slark minimap icon.png п I’m sending you back to Dark Reef.
    • ▶️ Snapfire minimap icon.png п Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your lizard.
    • ▶️ Snapfire minimap icon.png п I feel… really guilty about beating up that old lady.
    • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon.png п You fight like a coward, Sniper.
    • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon.png п I hate guns.
    • ▶️ Spectre minimap icon.png п Look, she was obviously dangerous, and possibly in pain. I think we’re good here.
    • ▶️ Spirit Breaker minimap icon.png п I don’t know what business you had in our realm, but it’s over.
    • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon.png п Arrogant bastard.
    • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon.png п So much bluster, so little follow through.
    • ▶️ Sven minimap icon.png п I guess they don’t make knights of the Vigil like they used to, huh?
    • ▶️ Sven minimap icon.png п You fought well, Sven.
    • ▶️ Techies minimap icon.png п I hate those guys.
    • ▶️ Techies minimap icon.png п That’s for… everyone!
    • ▶️ Templar Assassin minimap icon.png п Guess she spent too much time reading.
    • ▶️ Templar Assassin minimap icon.png п Blade smarts over book smarts, I guess.
    • ▶️ Terrorblade minimap icon.png п Foulfell awaits you, demon.
    • ▶️ Terrorblade minimap icon.png п I will never bow to demons!
    • ▶️ Tidehunter minimap icon.png п Stick to the seas, Tidehunter.
    • ▶️ Tidehunter minimap icon.png п Kunkka says hello.
    • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon.png п One less maniac to deal with.
    • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon.png п Are all the Keen that nuts?
    • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon.png п Science, magic, all the same to me.
    • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon.png п The world has enough of the arcane. You didn’t need to invent more.
    • ▶️ Tiny minimap icon.png п The bigger they are.
    • ▶️ Treant Protector minimap icon.png п Ugh, I’m gonna have to spend all night sharpening these.
    • ▶️ Troll Warlord minimap icon.png п He wasn’t a magic user, just a jerk.
    • ▶️ Tusk minimap icon.png п I told you not to challenge me, Ymir.
    • ▶️ Underlord minimap icon.png п All this power and still can’t conquer the mortal realm. Pathetic, really.
    • ▶️ Undying minimap icon.png п This is for the Anti-Mage!
    • ▶️ Undying minimap icon.png п The Anti-Mage will be pleased when I tell him how pathetic you were.
    • ▶️ Ursa minimap icon.png п You made me work for it, bear man, I’ll give you that.
    • ▶️ Vengeful Spirit minimap icon.png п I don’t envy your path, but it ends here.
    • ▶️ Venomancer minimap icon.png п Oh man, I hope this stuff washes off.
    • ▶️ Viper minimap icon.png п That was really unpleasant.
    • ▶️ Visage minimap icon.png п Remind me never to die.
    • ▶️ Void Spirit minimap icon.png п You fought with honor.
    • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon.png п Maybe I need to pay a visit to this university of yours.
    • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon.png п Time to burn this grimoire.
    • ▶️ Weaver minimap icon.png п Couldn’t risk letting you live.
    • ▶️ Windranger minimap icon.png п Not so fast after all, ranger.
    • ▶️ Winter Wyvern minimap icon.png п I killed a dragon. I killed a dragon!
    • ▶️ Witch Doctor minimap icon.png п They’ll call anyone a hero these days.
    • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon.png п It’s over, Ostarion!
    • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon.png п This time you’re gonna stay dead.
    • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon.png п You should’ve stayed hiding out as a swan, old man.
    • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon.png п Some god he turned out to be.
    • ▶️ Anti-Mage minimap icon.png н This is gonna be awkward when we’re back home, isn’t it?
    • ▶️ н Well, killing that kid was a lot less emotionally stressful than I thought it would be.
    • ▶️ н It’s past your bedtime, kid..
    • ▶️ н Sorry, you seemed pretty cool.
    • ▶️ н Played right into my trap.
    • ▶️ н Maybe this is why Anti-Mage doesn’t like pets.
    • ▶️ н Easier than killing practice dummies.
    • ▶️ н This is like some twisted children story.
    • ▶️ н I trust I’ve made myself clear.

    Первая кровь

    • ▶️ Looks like all that training paid off!
    • ▶️ Woooo!
    • ▶️ Wooo-hoo!
    • ▶️ Meh, I thought that would be harder.
    • ▶️ We’re off to a helluva start.
    • ▶️ I don’t get what the boss was talking about. These guys aren’t so tough.
    • ▶️ First blood! Always did catch on quick.
    • ▶️ First blood! That’s out of the way.
    • ▶️ First blood! Hm hm, they’re gonna regret letting me have that.

    Встреча противника[]

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    • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon.png п Your hubris ends here.

    Встреча союзника[]

    Во время ранней игры, в радиусе 1000
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    • ▶️ Abaddon minimap icon.png п Keep your mists away from me, Abaddon.
    • ▶️ Alchemist minimap icon.png п Hey, so someone said you know how to make extra gold…
    • ▶️ Ancient Apparition minimap icon.png п Why do I always get stuck with the weird ones?
    • ▶️ Anti-Mage minimap icon.png п It’s great to be on the field with you.
    • ▶️ Anti-Mage minimap icon.png п I’m gonna make you proud.
    • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon.png п You had to let the ancients to break out of the moon?
    • ▶️ Arc Warden minimap icon.png п You know, Warden, if you did your job properly, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
    • ▶️ Axe minimap icon.png п Axe, I’ve read every adventure Goodkind‘s written about you. Even «Red Mist Red Passion», which is criminally underrated..
    • ▶️ Axe minimap icon.png п Glad you’re on my side, Axe.
    • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon.png п You gonna let me ride the bat when this is over, right?
    • ▶️ Batrider minimap icon.png п That is one big bat.
    • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon.png п Where did you get those blades, Bloodseeker?
    • ▶️ Bloodseeker minimap icon.png п The Flayed Twins will have their blood today.
    • ▶️ Bounty Hunter minimap icon.png п How’s life in Revtel?
    • ▶️ Bounty Hunter minimap icon.png п When will they decide on Kwerthias‘ replacement?
    • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon.png п I’ve always wanted to know how I’d measure up in the Omexe arena.
    • ▶️ Centaur Warrunner minimap icon.png п You know this would be so much cooler if you’d let me ride you into battle.
    • ▶️ Chen minimap icon.png п You’re deplorable, Chen.
    • ▶️ Chen minimap icon.png п The Knights of the Fold are just a cult with a pretty name.
    • ▶️ Clinkz minimap icon.png п You deserve peace, Clinkz.
    • ▶️ Clinkz minimap icon.png п I’ve studied your story, Clinkz. I’m so sorry.
    • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon.png п Always thought you were a robot. Huh.
    • ▶️ Clockwerk minimap icon.png п How much would it cost for you to make me a set of that armor?
    • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon.png п You’re.. not what I pictured, Rylai.
    • ▶️ Crystal Maiden minimap icon.png п You are the most bubbly mage I’ve ever met in my life.
    • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon.png п When the battle’s over, I’d love to talk tactics with you.
    • ▶️ Dark Seer minimap icon.png п It’s nice to fight with someone who has their wits about them.
    • ▶️ Dark Willow minimap icon.png п At least your father cares enough to hire a bounty hunter to find you, Mireska.
    • ▶️ Dark Willow minimap icon.png п Guess it’s us against the world, eh Mireska?
    • ▶️ Death Prophet minimap icon.png п Death Prophet, we really need to talk. An exorcism is when you cast ghosts away from this plane, not summon them to murder somebody.
    • ▶️ Disruptor minimap icon.png п At least Sorla Khan doesn’t use magic.
    • ▶️ Dragon Knight minimap icon.png п The Anti-Mage spoke highly of Kaden. I can see why you’ve idolized him.
    • ▶️ Drow Ranger minimap icon.png п I think you’ve got Windranger all wrong, Traxex. She’s nice.
    • ▶️ Drow Ranger minimap icon.png п Let’s see if you’re as good as Windranger, Traxex.
    • ▶️ Earthshaker minimap icon.png п Can I play your drum?
    • ▶️ Elder Titan minimap icon.png п Elder Titan? Wait, didn’t I read about you in some book?
    • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon.png п Keep me safe, Enchantress. It’ll be worth it.
    • ▶️ Enchantress minimap icon.png п No one can actually be as happy and sweet as you appear to be.
    • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon.png п Hey, if you ever hear of someone breaking the Claszureme Treaty, let me know, and I’ll stab the hell out of the mage responsible.
    • ▶️ Faceless Void minimap icon.png п How do you see?
    • ▶️ Gyrocopter minimap icon.png п What the hell is that abomination?
    • ▶️ Gyrocopter minimap icon.png п Can’t believe people call you Gyrocopter. That’s a thing, not a name.
    • ▶️ Io minimap icon.png п You’re not too chatty, are you.
    • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon.png п Don’t worry, you degenerate. I’ll be civil.
    • ▶️ Invoker minimap icon.png п Well, honestly though, I’m not supposed to talk to you.
    • ▶️ Jakiro minimap icon.png п So, do you two get along?
    • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon.png п If you have time, we should have a little sparring match.
    • ▶️ Juggernaut minimap icon.png п What happened with you and Lanaya?
    • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon.png п Can you take me sailing sometime? I’ve never been on a boat.
    • ▶️ Kunkka minimap icon.png п So, you let your whole crew die? That’s uh.. that’s heavy.
    • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon.png п We’re not that different, Tresdin. We’re both trained to fight for something bigger than ourselves.
    • ▶️ Legion Commander minimap icon.png п Let’s give them hell, Tresdin.
    • ▶️ Leshrac minimap icon.png п Mark my words, Leshrac: When this is done, you’re a dead man.
    • ▶️ Lich minimap icon.png п This is a temporary arrangement, Lich.
    • ▶️ Lich minimap icon.png п I can’t believe I’m fighting alongside someone as repulsive as you.
    • ▶️ Lion minimap icon.png п Just don’t point your finger at me.
    • ▶️ Lion minimap icon.png п The Quorum can’t protect you forever, Lion.
    • ▶️ Luna minimap icon.png п You’re a horrible person, Luna, but Nova is adorable.
    • ▶️ Luna minimap icon.png п Don’t worry, Luna, if you die on the field I’ll take care of Nova.
    • ▶️ Lycan minimap icon.png п When the war is over, I need you to tell me about Slom.
    • ▶️ Medusa minimap icon.png п If we survive this, I’ll help you find your sisters, Medusa. You have my word.
    • ▶️ Meepo minimap icon.png п Meepo. Great. It’s you.
    • ▶️ Meepo minimap icon.png п Stay away from my wallet, Meepo.
    • ▶️ Mirana minimap icon.png п Can I ride Sagan? Please?
    • ▶️ Naga Siren minimap icon.png п Buy me some time, Naga, I’ll take care of the rest.
    • ▶️ Naga Siren minimap icon.png п Between the two of us, they’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
    • ▶️ Ogre Magi minimap icon.png п Well.. just try not to hurt yourself, Ogre.. Or, any of us.
    • ▶️ Oracle minimap icon.png п Probably a good sign you’re on my team, right?
    • ▶️ Pangolier minimap icon.png п Donté, I’ve read about the Nivan Gallants. You need to tell me some stories.
    • ▶️ Pangolier minimap icon.png п I gotta tell you, Panlin. The Nivan Gallants look like they have way more fun than the Tyler Estate.
    • ▶️ Phantom Assassin minimap icon.png п Hey, Mortred, can I see your list?
    • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon.png п I’ve heard stories about your prowess in battle, Azwraith. I look forward to fighting with you.
    • ▶️ Phantom Lancer minimap icon.png п I hope your illusions can buy me enough time.
    • ▶️ Pudge minimap icon.png п Never thought I’d be working with Pudge, but the real world’s a… complicated place.
    • ▶️ Pugna minimap icon.png п I don’t know what to do with you, Pugna. On one hand, you like to burn mages. On the other hand, you’re a mage that wants to burn people. Hmm, I gotta think about this.
    • ▶️ Pugna minimap icon.png п Be grateful I have more pressing problems to deal with, Pugna.
    • ▶️ Queen of Pain minimap icon.png п Hm ha ha ha ha ha, oh wow, you gotta be kidding me.
    • ▶️ Razor minimap icon.png п Honestly, a lot of you «higher beings» are pretty petty about it. Just sayin.
    • ▶️ Riki minimap icon.png п Riki, is it true you know Lorlin Lasan?
    • ▶️ Riki minimap icon.png п See you on the field. Well, I mean, I won’tsee you on the field, but, you kn— you know what I’m saying..
    • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon.png п I got my eye on you, Rubick.
    • ▶️ Rubick minimap icon.png п You got some serious daddy issues, Rubick.
    • ▶️ Silencer minimap icon.png п It’s an honor to assist the Tyler Estate.
    • ▶️ Silencer minimap icon.png п I won’t let you down, Silencer.
    • ▶️ Slark minimap icon.png п Don’t get any ideas, Slark.
    • ▶️ Slark minimap icon.png п Stay focused on the job and we won’t have any problems, Slark.
    • ▶️ Snapfire minimap icon.png п Those cookies smell real good.
    • ▶️ Snapfire minimap icon.png п The Anti-Mage never baked me cookies.
    • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon.png п Cover me, Sniper. I’m gonna need time to build up.
    • ▶️ Sniper minimap icon.png п Okay, so, yes, I think you’re a coward for using a gun. But that being said, I’m super happy you’re not pointing it at me.
    • ▶️ Spectre minimap icon.png п You really gotta work on your enunciation.
    • ▶️ Storm Spirit minimap icon.png п You are a magnificent bastard, Storm Spirit.
    • ▶️ Sven minimap icon.png п I could never betray the man who trained me. You’re despicable.
    • ▶️ Sven minimap icon.png п You have no honor, Sven. I fight with you only out of necessity.
    • ▶️ Templar Assassin minimap icon.png п Hey, Lanaya. What’s going on with you and Yurnero?
    • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon.png п Look, Timbersaw, I think it’s courageous that you talk about… your issues.
    • ▶️ Timbersaw minimap icon.png п Give those trees hell, Rizzrack.
    • ▶️ Tinker minimap icon.png п Hmm, this science of yours sounds an awful lot like magic.
    • ▶️ Vengeful Spirit minimap icon.png п Listen, Venge, I’ll be honest. I don’t know how you put up with Skywrath for as long as you did.
    • ▶️ Viper minimap icon.png п I’m sorry for what happened to you, Viper.
    • ▶️ Viper minimap icon.png п Viper, you don’t need to be consumed by your past. There’s a better way.
    • ▶️ Visage minimap icon.png п Do you even like small talk, Visage?
    • ▶️ Void Spirit minimap icon.png п Let’s find out if you live up to the hype.
    • ▶️ Void Spirit minimap icon.png п Why am I always working with emotionally stunted martial artists?
    • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon.png п Hmm. College sounds like an awesome place.
    • ▶️ Warlock minimap icon.png п Do they have classes not about magic?
    • ▶️ Weaver minimap icon.png п Well, I’m fighting alongside a bug. Didn’t see that coming this morning.
    • ▶️ Weaver minimap icon.png п Yea, but like, could anyone weave new threads of reality, or do you need special mandibles?
    • ▶️ Windranger minimap icon.png п Oh man, remember when we killed that necromancer? Hm hm, fun times.
    • ▶️ Windranger minimap icon.png п We’ll see who gets there first, Lyralei.
    • ▶️ Winter Wyvern minimap icon.png п I hope you fight better than you write poems.
    • ▶️ Winter Wyvern minimap icon.png п So, Auroth, I read some of your stuff, it’s very… uh… verbose.
    • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon.png п I’m watching you, Ostarion.
    • ▶️ Wraith King minimap icon.png п If my mentor finds out I’m helping Ostarion, he’s gonna kill me.
    • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon.png п I’m not your type, Zeus. I have self-respect.
    • ▶️ Zeus minimap icon.png п Oh good. Skeezy older man. I really missed those when I was training in a cave.
    • ▶️ н Alright kid, if you ask nicely I’ll let you be my ward.
    • ▶️ н Stick with me, kid, I won’t let them hurt you.
    • ▶️ н I don’t say this often, but I could really learn a thing or two from you.
    • ▶️ н Of course I think it’s a sad story, but that doesn’t take away from the horrible things you’ve done.
    • ▶️ н I didn’t know these came in a friendly variety.
    • ▶️ н So I had an idea for like, an obstacle course, where the obstacles try to kill you. Hm?
    • ▶️ н I figured we’d make a good team.
    • ▶️ н So, what can you do?


    Перезарядка 60 секунд

    • ▶️ Yes!
    • ▶️ Keep the money coming.
    • ▶️ I’ll need more gold than that.
    • ▶️ Good.
    • ▶️ Easy money.
    • ▶️ Who’s next?
    • ▶️ Bring me more.
    • ▶️ Let’s keep the momentum going.
    • ▶️ Better keep this up.
    • ▶️ Perfection.
    • ▶️ My form was perfect.
    • ▶️ Just like I was taught.
    • ▶️ Getting into a rhythm now.
    • ▶️ Keep the gold flowing.
    • ▶️ I need more gold.
    • ▶️ I’ll take that.
    • ▶️ More coin never hurt.
    • ▶️ I’m gonna need a lot more where that came from.
    • ▶️ That’s how it’s done.
    • ▶️ I don’t think you’ll be needing that gold anymore.
    • ▶️ I’ll count these later.
    • ▶️ Better than practicing.
    • ▶️ Just a means.
    • ▶️ Hm!
    • ▶️ Hm hm!
    • ▶️ Mhm.
    • ▶️ Hmm.
    • ▶️ Aah.
    • ▶️ Ha haa.
    • ▶️ Hmm.

    Середина игры и позже

    • ▶️ п I didn’t spend all this time training just to hit creeps. But damned if it isn’t hypnotic.

    Добивание с 20% здоровья и менее

    • ▶️ At least I got paid.
    • ▶️ The gold makes it all worth it.
    • ▶️ I need to make as much money while I can.
    • ▶️ I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.
    • ▶️ I’m running out of time to make money.
    • ▶️ Maybe now I can buy that Tango.
    • ▶️ Gotta push through the pain.
    • ▶️ I’m not dead yet.
    • ▶️ I’m not giving up.
    • ▶️ I’ll learn as much as I can before it’s too late.

    Добивание союзного юнита[]

    Требует нахождения видимого врага в радиусе 1000, перезарядка 60 секунд

    • ▶️ Nuh-uh
    • ▶️ I don’t think so.
    • ▶️ Sorry, friend.
    • ▶️ Sacrifices must be made.
    • ▶️ You force my hand.
    • ▶️ I’ll steal your victory.
    • ▶️ 240 Your effort was wasted.
    • ▶️ Not today.
    • ▶️ You didn’t think you were gonna collect, did you?
    • ▶️ Denied.
    • ▶️ Denied.
    • ▶️ You thought you were winning?
    • ▶️ I’ll do whatever it takes.
    • ▶️ I thought as much.
    • ▶️ Did you need that?
    • ▶️ It’s better this way.
    • ▶️ Quicker next time.
    • ▶️ Just expressing myself.
    • ▶️ Thanks for letting me have that one.
    • ▶️ No.
    • ▶️ No.
    • ▶️ I don’t think so.
    • ▶️ Not gonna happen.

    Добивание союзного юнита с 20% здоровья и менее

    • ▶️ Not on my watch.
    • ▶️ You’ll get nothing.
    • ▶️ I’ll leave you with nothing!
    • ▶️ Not today!
    • ▶️ You’re not getting that gold!
    • ▶️ You’ve been denied.
    • ▶️ I don’t think so.
    • ▶️ Sorry, friend.
    • ▶️ You think you’re winning?
    • ▶️ Over my dead body!

    Получение предмета[]

    75% шанс

    • ▶️ I need this.
    • ▶️ Good.
    • ▶️ I’ll use this for now.
    • ▶️ Just what I needed.
    • ▶️ Damn, this stuff is expensive.

    Получение специального предмета

    25% шанс


    • ▶️ No!
    • ▶️ No!
    • ▶️ My training failed me.
    • ▶️ Nhu, the Anti-Mage is gonna give me hell for that.
    • ▶️ Was that good? No. But we can still turn things around.
    • ▶️ I will learn from this.
    • ▶️ I won’t lie, I didn’t see that coming.
    • ▶️ Augh… Yeah, that was bad.
    • ▶️ Ugh, that was embarrassing.
    • ▶️ I can’t let that happen again!
    • ▶️ They’re good, I’ll give them that.
    • ▶️ Looks like this won’t be so easy after all.
    • ▶️ This is gonna be harder than I thought.
    • ▶️ Impossible!
    • ▶️ This is how it ends?
    • ▶️ Vile magics!
    • ▶️ Where did that come from?
    • ▶️ But… I haven’t done enough.


    • ▶️ Okay, let’s try this again.
    • ▶️ Maybe I wasn’t as ready as I thought I was.
    • ▶️ Alright, Wei, let’s try not dying this time.
    • ▶️ I can’t let the Anti-Mage down. He’s trusting me.
    • ▶️ I can do this.
    • ▶️ I’m back in the fight.
    • ▶️ I still have time to get revenge.
    • ▶️ Take me to the battle.
    • ▶️ They’re gonna pay for that.
    • ▶️ Now, where were we?
    • ▶️ I need to be better equipped so that doesn’t happen again.
    • ▶️ I didn’t spend years training in a cave just to sit on the sidelines now.
    • ▶️ I’ve been given another chance. I won’t waste it.
    • ▶️ Okay, so maybe this is a redemption arc.
    • ▶️ Is there a limit on these?


    • ▶️ This isn’t over!
    • ▶️ We can still win this!
    • ▶️ You thought once was enough?
    • ▶️ Now we take off the kid gloves.

    Наполнение бутылки[]

    • ▶️ I’ll save this for later.
    • ▶️ This will come in handy.
    • ▶️ I can use this later.
    • ▶️ Oooh.
    • ▶️ Got it.
    • ▶️ I’ll find the right time to use this.

    Активация рун[]

    Руна волшебства Руна волшебства

    • ▶️ 240 The mysteries of the arcane reveal themselves.
    • ▶️ 240 Forbidden magic.
    • ▶️ п I will use the magis’ own power against them.

    Руна богатства Руна богатства
    50% шанс

    • ▶️ Bounty!

    40% шанс

    • ▶️ п More gold never hurts.

    15% шанс

    • ▶️ п It’s not cheap getting the gear I need.

    Руна двойного урона Руна двойного урона

    • ▶️ Double damage.
    • ▶️ I’ll cut our enemies down.
    • ▶️ п They will fall before me.

    Руна ускорения Руна ускорения

    • ▶️ Haste!
    • ▶️ Let’s see them catch me now.
    • ▶️ п I’m faster than ever.

    Руна иллюзий Руна иллюзий

    • ▶️ Illusion.
    • ▶️ I will cloud their minds.
    • ▶️ п Let’s have some fun.

    Руна невидимости Руна невидимости

    • ▶️ Invisibility.
    • ▶️ п They’ll never see me coming.
    • ▶️ п Let’s go hunting.

    Руна регенерации Руна регенерации

    • ▶️ Regeneration.
    • ▶️ I’ll stay in the fight as long as I can.
    • ▶️ п I won’t fall in battle.

    Способность на перезарядке[]

    Одна попытка в течение 10 секунд

    • ▶️ Not yet.
    • ▶️ Not ready.
    • ▶️ I can’t do that.
    • ▶️ It’s not time.

    Две попытки в течение 10 секунд

    • ▶️ Not yet.
    • ▶️ Not ready.
    • ▶️ I can’t do that.
    • ▶️ It’s not time.

    Три и более попыток в течение 10 секунд

    • ▶️ Not yet!
    • ▶️ Not ready!
    • ▶️ I can’t do that!
    • ▶️ It’s not time!

    Нехватка маны[]

    Одна попытка в течение 10 секунд

    • ▶️ No mana.
    • ▶️ I’m out of mana.
    • ▶️ Need mana.
    • ▶️ Mana’s low.

    Две попытки в течение 10 секунд

    • ▶️ No mana.
    • ▶️ I’m out of mana.
    • ▶️ Need mana.
    • ▶️ Mana’s low.

    Три и более попыток в течение 10 секунд

    • ▶️ No mana!
    • ▶️ I’m out of mana!
    • ▶️ Need mana!
    • ▶️ Mana’s low!

    Получение урона[]

    Перезарядка 3 секунды
    75% шанс»

    • ▶️ Uh!
    • ▶️ Ugh!
    • ▶️ Uff!
    • ▶️ Nha!
    • ▶️ Mmh!
    • ▶️ Mhah!
    • ▶️ Gah!
    • ▶️ Haa uh!
    • ▶️ Nauh!
    • ▶️ Mhmh!
    • ▶️ Ngh!
    • ▶️ Gya!
    • ▶️ Hrm!
    • ▶️ Gah!
    • ▶️ Dah!
    • ▶️ Ahh!

    35% шанс»

    • ▶️ 120 We’re under attack!

    15% шанс»

    • ▶️ 120 The tower is under attack!

    5% шанс»

    • ▶️ 120 The enemy is here!

    Редкие фразы[]

    5 быстрых нажатий по герою
    Эти реплики представляют несколько монологов. Реплики в монологах идут друг за другом и не прерываются репликами из других монологов.
    1-ый монолог

    • ▶️ Vanessa once told me that the Anti-Mage is just using me.
    • ▶️ Which isn’t surprising. She’s a wizard. Lying comes easy for their kind.
    • ▶️ I know exactly who and what the Anti-Mage is. A man consumed.
    • ▶️ But even in his dedication and pursuit, he never once persumed to have control over me. There’s a reason he insists I call him mentor, not master.
    • ▶️ He knows why I sought him out, and he knows my path isn’t his.
    • ▶️ Like any father, he has dreams of what I can become.
    • ▶️ And like any daughter, I wanna make him proud. But I need to do it on my terms.

    2-ой монолог

    • ▶️ I don’t remember much about my family.
    • ▶️ I don’t remember.. anything about the day I lost them.
    • ▶️ Just what the Anti-Mage told me.
    • ▶️ He says I’m better off.
    • ▶️ Seeing who he is, what he’s become? He’s probably right.
    • ▶️ But that doesn’t stop me from wanting to know. Needing to know.
    • ▶️ And when my training is complete, he’ll owe me more than a children story.
    • ▶️ He’ll owe me the truth.

    3-ий монолог

    • ▶️ The Anti-Mage saiys I survived for days before he found me.
    • ▶️ He’d stumble across the remains of my caravan.
    • ▶️ On the trail of.. the things that took my kin.
    • ▶️ He was younger, full of fire. Looking for a fight. Not a child…
    • ▶️ I don’t remember much, but I do remember the first moment I saw him.
    • ▶️ He likes to tell me that all he did was lend a hand. That I would’ve survived without his help.
    • ▶️ Growing up, I even used to believe him.
    • ▶️ But I’ve seen what the world makes of lost children.
    • ▶️ Some call the Anti-Mage heartless. A monster. I know better.
    • ▶️ He found a place for me. And when I was old enough, a place beside him. To learn more than just how to survive.
    • ▶️ Together, we’ll beat back the darkness that threatens to make lost children of us all.

    4-ый монолог

    • ▶️ The other children at the sanctuary… didn’t really take to me.
    • ▶️ I mean I can see why. I was insufferable. I had a destiny. I had a mentor waiting for me.
    • ▶️ And when I was old enough, which always seemed just a day or two away, I would seek him out and do great things.
    • ▶️ Can you imagine living with that? So what if it was true? They hated me.
    • ▶️ Humility is something that came later. Well, let’s call it a work in progress.
    • ▶️ I won some of them over in the end.. Kinda.. Well, let’s call that a work in progress, too.

    5-ый монолог

    • ▶️ I can’t stress how much I hate Blink Daggers.
    • ▶️ Like I spent years learning how to transport through space by sheer power of will, and then I find out you can just go to a damn store and buy a Blink Dagger?
    • ▶️ And by the way, it doesn’t even really look like a dagger, it’s more like a… swirly hatchet thing that spits in the face of my training.
    • ▶️ Once I brought this up to the Anti-Mage, and all he had to say about it was, «You should be meditating».
    • ▶️ Which is just this whole other problem because meditation is not my thing.
    • ▶️ Anyway, Blink Daggers. I hate them.
    • ▶️ A war is coming, and I will be ready.

    Реплики в чате[]

    Враг ушёл с линии

    • ▶️ Top’s missing!
    • ▶️ Middle’s missing!
    • ▶️ Bottom’s missing!

    thx, thanks, ty, или если союзник применяет некоторые заклинания на игрока, перезарядка 30 секунд

    • ▶️ Thanks.
    • ▶️ Thank you.
    • ▶️ That was very kind of you.
    • ▶️ Wow, I heard such bad things about you.

    40% шанс

    • ▶️ 240 I owe you one.
    • ▶️ 240 Appreciated.

    /laugh, haha, lol, перезарядка 15 секунд

    • ▶️ Ha hm hm.
    • ▶️ Hm ha ha.
    • ▶️ Hm he he he he.
    • ▶️ Hm hm ha ha ha he.
    • ▶️ Haa ha ha ha ha!
    • ▶️ Hh ha he he he.
    • ▶️ He hah, he ha ha ha ha ha.
    • ▶️ Aah ha ha ha ha ha.
    • ▶️ Heh ha ha ha ha hah.

    Окончание матча[]


    • ▶️ We won!
    • ▶️ We did it!
    • ▶️ See? No problem.
    • ▶️ The war is over.
    • ▶️ Of course we won.
    • ▶️ I was never worried for a second.
    • ▶️ It was an honor to fight beside you all.
    • ▶️ This was over the moment the battle started.


    • ▶️ This is gonna be.. tough to explain to the Anti-Mage.
    • ▶️ I… I lost.
    • ▶️ What did I do wrong?
    • ▶️ That wasn’t the way it was supposed to go.
    • ▶️ Damn it!
    • ▶️ Damn it!
    • ▶️ How did I let this happen?
    • ▶️ Forgive me, Anti-Mage, I failed you.
    • ▶️ My best wasn’t good enough.
    • ▶️ I never thought I’d say this, but put me back in the sanctuary.
    • ▶️ Just meditate on this for a while. It won’t help, but what else have we got?

    Выпадение косметического предмета[]


    • ▶️ Not bad. Not bad.


    • ▶️ Let’s see what I’ve found.

    Rare и выше

    • ▶️ Looks like it’s my lucky day.
    • ▶️ Wait until the Anti-Mage sees this.
    • ▶️ Fortune smiling on me.



    • ▶️ н Crummy wizard.
    • ▶️ н Shitty wizard.
    • ▶️ н Do you even need to qualify the word «wizard» with another pejorative?


    • ▶️ н Hmm!
    • ▶️ н Hrmm!
    • ▶️ н Ha!
    • ▶️ н Ugh!
    • ▶️ н Hrrm!
    • ▶️ н Hrm!


    • ▶️ н Haa.


    • ▶️ You wanna see something really cool?
    • ▶️ The Anti-Mage was right. Practice really does make perfect. Well, pretty close.
    • ▶️ This is the part where I embarrass you before you die.
    • ▶️ Do you even practice?
    • ▶️ What can I say? I’m gifted.


    • ▶️ н Imasleep, hmm.
    • ▶️ н hh, Imreadyletsgo.
    • ▶️ н Whe-re?
    • ▶️ н I’m ready.
    • ▶️ н Uh, thank god.
    • ▶️ н Ugh, thank god.


    • ▶️ н I always leave the hellbear cubs alone. They’re pretty cute, and, you know, I’ll be back this way again.
    • ▶️ н You might not guess it, but I didn’t spend much time around other kids.
    • ▶️ н I don’t hate you, but that doesn’t mean you’re getting out of here alive.
    • ▶️ н I wouldn’t call that a win for you.
    • ▶️ н Did you hear the one about how magic sucks?
    • ▶️ н Crushing dreams is kind of my job.
    • ▶️ н Get out of my jungle.
    • ▶️ н Hey! Who killed these creeps?
    • ▶️ н Run for your wretched life!


    • ▶️ н Why would you think that’s a good idea?
    • ▶️ н Yep, the world is a messed up place.


    • ▶️ н Yes.
    • ▶️ н Yes.
    • ▶️ н Wonderful.
    • ▶️ н Of course.
    • ▶️ н I obey.

    п  о  р

    Озвучены Лорой Бэйли

    • The Disciple's Path Anti-Mage icon.png
      Wei, the Anti-Mage
      (Реплики личности)

  • Диктор (The Lab)
  • КиноПоиск
  • Википедия
  • Roles and LanesFrom Recently Analyzed Matches

    Core Breakdown:

    56% Mid Lane

    23% Safe Lane

    20% Off Lane

    1% Jungle

    0% Roaming

    Support Breakdown:

    60% Safe Lane

    32% Off Lane

    4% Jungle

    4% Mid Lane

    0% Roaming

    Most Played HeroesAll Time



      RatioMatches Role

    • 92.86%13 Core

    • 7.14%1 Support


      RatioMatches Lane

    • 100.00%14 Mid Lane



      RatioMatches Role

    • 71.43%5 Core

    • 28.57%2 Support


      RatioMatches Lane

    • 42.86%3 Off Lane

    • 28.57%2 Safe Lane

    • 14.29%1 Roaming

    • 14.29%1 Mid Lane



      RatioMatches Role

    • 100.00%4 Core


      RatioMatches Lane

    • 100.00%4 Mid Lane



      RatioMatches Role

    • 100.00%5 Core


      RatioMatches Lane

    • 100.00%5 Safe Lane



      RatioMatches Role

    • 83.33%5 Core

    • 16.67%1 Support


      RatioMatches Lane

    • 100.00%6 Mid Lane



      RatioMatches Role

    • 100.00%4 Core


      RatioMatches Lane

    • 75.00%3 Mid Lane

    • 25.00%1 Off Lane



      RatioMatches Role

    • 100.00%4 Core


      RatioMatches Lane

    • 75.00%3 Mid Lane

    • 25.00%1 Off Lane



      RatioMatches Role

    • 100.00%5 Core


      RatioMatches Lane

    • 80.00%4 Safe Lane

    • 20.00%1 Mid Lane



      RatioMatches Role

    • 100.00%3 Core


      RatioMatches Lane

    • 66.67%2 Mid Lane

    • 33.33%1 Safe Lane



      RatioMatches Role

    • 100.00%4 Core


      RatioMatches Lane

    • 25.00%1 Jungle

    • 25.00%1 Mid Lane

    • 25.00%1 Off Lane

    • 25.00%1 Safe Lane

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    No Stats Recorded 67 58.21%
    Lobby Type Matches Win Rate
    Ranked MM 1,390 51.65%
    Normal MM 1,103 54.13%
    Other 15 73.33%
    Game Mode Matches Win Rate
    All Pick 2,049 53.05%
    Single Draft 243 57.20%
    Other 205 44.88%
    Faction Matches Win Rate
    Radiant 1,306 55.28%
    Dire 1,220 50.08%
    Region Matches Win Rate
    Europe West 905 49.28%
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    Europe East 289 51.56%
    South Korea 205 55.12%
    Russia 163 52.76%
    Other 37 40.54%
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    Any last word??? 2021-11-05
    King of Everything. 2021-04-21
    Last Hero 2021-04-10
    Omega BOBO 2021-03-27
    Omega BOBO GoDota… 2021-03-06

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    В избранное, не парясь вообще=) Спасибо за настроение с утра))

    Как я люблю таких уебанов =))

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    Video Details

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    Uploaded Apr 12, 2021 at 07:57AM EDT

    Origin Entry

    Defense of the Ancients (DOTA)


    Uploaded by Интересно via YouTube

    Video Description

    Subscribe for more and enjoy!Dota 2 fail/win Submit your clip in my gmail – blcksunmusic@gmail.comMatch ID / Time / Name main hero

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    gaming, video game, moba, warcraft, valve, esports, youtube, 1j7g6j6f

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