Any excel file download


  1. Download Sample XLS
  2. Скачать Microsoft Excel бесплатно
  3. Microsoft Excel на русском
  4. Downloading Excel File Using R
  5. 3 Answers 3
  6. FREE Excel Templates for Your Daily Use – Download
  7. FREE Excel Templates
  9. Excel To Do List Template (Printable)
  10. Excel To Do List Template (Drop Down List)
  11. Excel To Do List Template (with Check Boxes)
  12. Task Matrix Productivity Template
  13. Shared Expense Calculator Template
  14. Calendar Integrated with To Do List Template
  15. Vacation Itinerary Template
  16. Vacation Packing List Template
  18. Employee Leave Tracker Template
  19. Excel Timesheet Calculator Template
  20. Milestone Chart Template
  21. Pareto Chart Template
  22. Excel Gantt Chart Template
  23. Excel Thermometer Chart Template
  25. Excel Calendar Template
  26. Excel Holiday Template
  27. Random Group Generator Template
  28. Excel Stopwatch Template
  29. Excel Age Calculator Template
  30. Excel Invoice Generator Template
  31. Military Alphabet Code Generator Template
  32. 122 thoughts on “FREE Excel Templates for Your Daily Use – Download”

Download Sample XLS

Have you ever wondered how a Microsoft Excel file would look on your Smartphone within an app while going for an .xls file import?

Test .xls or Microsoft Excel file with ease using this free service. You need not to create an excel file, enter dummy data probably in thousands, and then test to see whether it works fine while building an app. With an .xls file available for all sizes, you can just download straight away as per your requirement, and test it in seconds. Here you find .xls files available with size ranging from 10 to 50000 rows. So, enable a faster demo with .xls file rapid download.

Whether you have allocated a size in kb or mb for an excel file upload, just see which one suits the requirement. What makes this service unique is download is completely free when it comes to testing .xls or Microsoft Excel file. Testing your php, c#, or any other programming language code targeted towards xls file import functionality becomes much easier now with just one tap download. The dummy xls file contains enough bulk entries for use. All you need to do is hit the DOWNLOAD button, and get started.

Bulk data in xls file. If you want to test your php, c# or any other language’s code which is written for xls file import functionality, download dummy xls file which contains enough bulk entries.

Here ther are plenty of xls files which have dummy data of employee details. The beneath xls files contains 10 columns and from 10 to 50000 rows.


Скачать Microsoft Excel бесплатно

К наиболее популярной программе, входящей в состав Майкрософт Офис, предназначенной для работы с электронными таблицами, считается Microsoft Excel. С помощью Эксель осуществляется анализ информации, ее организация, хранение. Корпорация Майкрософт разработала ее для iOS, Windows Phone, Android, Microsoft Windows, macOS, Microsoft NT.
Скачать Microsoft Excel на компьютер Загрузить MS Excel для любого устройства

Microsoft Excel на русском

Благодаря универсальности Эксель, программа позволяет проводить работу с разными форматами данных. При помощи табличного редактора можно выполнять расчеты — от самых простых до наиболее сложных. Программа предназначается для составления бухгалтерских отчетов, с ее помощью строятся графики, диаграммы, создаются презентации. Приложение активно используется в сфере финансов, аудита. Кроме создания файлов с таблицами, сложных формул, за счет передового функционала приложения, в Excel можно также выполнять их редактирование, просматривать/редактировать рабочие книги, которые являются вложением в электронных сообщениях.

В Excel, кроме создания диаграмм, графиков, также можно размещать разнообразные фигуры, SmartArt изображения. Благодаря данным инструментам становится возможным выполнение визуализации данных в программе. Возможность обмениваться данными с различными источниками (импортировать/экспортировать их), делает работу с программой универсальной. Благодаря применению макросов в Эксель выполнение однотипных задач удается автоматизировать, при этом для запуска макроса достаточно сделать один щелчок мышкой. За счет возможности размещения элементов управления непосредственно на рабочем листе можно создавать интерактивные документы.


Downloading Excel File Using R

Part of R Language Collective

I am trying to download an Excel file from Central bank of Colombia website, but it seems that the usual download.file function couldn’t do the job.

For example, I am trying to download the first file «Serie historica» on this page:

The command I used is:

3 Answers 3

I hope this example will guide you

If you can download the file you could read it as follows

If you are on the windows please consider using mode = «wb» :

The answer is a bit late but I think it is still worthwhile to provide a solution.

It is not possible to use the download.file function since this link does not really direct directly to the file. Actually it is a query to an API using the GET method, so you should use another code structure to get the file, a situation that can occur repeatedly for those who use webscraping techniques

I share an example of how the excel file is obtained for the daily COLCAP index:

I hope the example is helpful, if you still have doubts we could review it in more detail. Regards.

This question is in a collective: a subcommunity defined by tags with relevant content and experts.


FREE Excel Templates for Your Daily Use – Download

Here is a collection of free Excel templates. Every template has a brief description along with the download link. If you want to learn more about the templates, click on the read more link.

This section is updated frequently with new Excel Templates.

FREE Excel Templates

Below is the category of Excel templates available for download.

This Tutorial Covers:


This section has some useful personal productivity Excel templates.

You can download each Excel template by clicking on the download button. If you want to learn more about the template and how to use it, click on the ‘Read more’ option.

Excel To Do List Template (Printable)

Here is a simple excel template where you can fill the tasks and take a print-out. If you prefer writing the tasks yourselves, simply print it first and then fill in the tasks.

Excel To Do List Template (Drop Down List)

Use this Excel Template to jot down all the TO DO list items and then mark it as completed by simply selecting it from the drop-down. The completed tasks get checked off and highlighted in green.

Excel To Do List Template (with Check Boxes)

Use this Excel Template to jot down all the TO DO list items and then mark it as completed by checking the box for that item. The completed tasks get checked off and highlighted in green.

Task Matrix Productivity Template

This Excel template is inspired by the highly successful technique – Eisenhower Decision Matrix (popularized by Stephen Covey in his book 7 habits of highly effective people).

This is a simple and easy to use Excel Template that will help you prioritize work and increase productivity.

It helps you divide tasks into categories based on Importance and Urgency.

Shared Expense Calculator Template

This template can be used to calculate ‘who owes whom’, when the incurred expenses are shared by many people (for example, sharing apartment expenses or vacation/trip expenses).

Simply enter the expense incurred by different people and it automatically gives you the summary.

Calendar Integrated with To Do List Template

A calendar template that also doubles as your To-do list template. Simply double click on a date and enter the to-do task list (as shown above).

The list is stored for each date and reflected in the calendar. You can also get to see the list of all the task in the month by clicking on ‘Show Monthly Tasks List’.

This Excel template is created using Excel functions and VBA.

Vacation Itinerary Template

Use this Vacation Itinerary Template to have all the details in one place (such as flight/travel details, hotel details, and activities/meetings details).

It’s an editable template and you can fill the details in Excel, or can take a printout and fill it.

Vacation Packing List Template

This free Excel template will help you be more efficient while you pack for your next vacation/trip.

You can either use the template in Excel or can take a print out and manually cross off items that you have packed. It’s an editable file so you can add/delete items based on the nature of your trip.

If you are using this template as an Excel workbook, you can simply mark the items as packed by double clicking on the cell to the left of the item name. As soon as you do that, the item gets a check mark on the left and gets shaded in green color.


This section has some useful project management templates. These are ready to use templates that you can download and start using.

With most of the Excel templates, you will also find links to the tutorials on how these have been created.

You can download each Excel template by clicking on the download button. If you want to learn more about the template and how to use it, click on the ‘Read more’ option.

Employee Leave Tracker Template

A ready-to-use Excel template to keep a track of employee leaves.

This template has the built-in functionality to select the working and non-working days. It automatically accounts for specified holidays as well.

Highly recommended projected management tool.

Excel Timesheet Calculator Template

A timesheet calculator template that will calculate the total number of regular and overtime hours and the total payout based on in time and out time.

Available in 3 formats – weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly.

When printed, it fits perfectly on a single page.

Milestone Chart Template

Use this milestone chart Excel template to depict project scope and timelines/milestones.

Just specify the milestones along with the date, and it automatically builds out the chart for you. Highly recommended for project management.

Pareto Chart Template

Remember the Law of Vital Few (better known as the 80/20 rule or Pareto Rule).

Here is an Excel template you can use to quickly create a Pareto chart in Excel.

To make it even better, there is a dynamic version of the chart as well.

Excel Gantt Chart Template

Gantt Chart is a simple yet powerful tool to create a schedule or track progress.

Here is a free Excel template that Batman used to get his Batsuit ready 😉

To make it even better, there is a dynamic version of the chart as well.

Excel Thermometer Chart Template

A Thermometer chart is a good way to show target and actual values in a dashboard.

Just specify the target and actual value and it automatically depicts it in the thermometer chart.


This section has some additional useful Excel templates that you can use for personal/professional work.

You can download each Excel template by clicking on the download button. If you want to learn more about the template and how to use it, click on the ‘Read more’ option.

Excel Calendar Template

This calendar template has two different set of calendars – Monthly calendar and Yearly calendar.

It updates automatically when you update the year (in the yearly calendar template) or Month & Year (in the monthly calendar template). The calendar is built in a way that you can easily take a print and will fit in a single page.

Excel Holiday Template

This Excel template will give you all the national US holidays for the selected year.

Even better, it tells you the number of days to the next holiday and the long weekend.

Random Group Generator Template

This Excel template will help you quickly create random groups of people/items.

You can use it if you’re a teacher and want to create a random group of students or if you want to create random groups of employees/team-members.​

This template uses some basic Excel formulas and VBA.

Excel Stopwatch Template

Here is an excel template that has a stopwatch in it.

It has the options to start, stop and reset the timings. It also automatically records the timings as soon as you hit the reset key.

It has been customized for a ToastMasters kind of meeting where the speeches are timed and the speaker is shown a green card after 1 minute, a yellow card after 1.5 minutes, and a red card after 2 minutes.

Excel Age Calculator Template

Download this Free Age Calculator Template in Excel.

You can specify the Date of Birth and it automatically calculates the total age till date (using the current date). You can also change the current date to any date and it will calculate the time elapsed in the given time interval.

This Excel template can also be used to calculate service tenure or the duration of a project.

Excel Invoice Generator Template

You can use this Invoice Generator template to instantly create and save invoice as PDF (or Excel files). All you need to do is double click on the name of the client and it automatically creates an invoice for it, converts it into a PDF, and saves it in the specified folder in seconds.

Using this template, you can generate hundreds of invoices in a few minutes.

Military Alphabet Code Generator Template

‘A’ as in Alpha, ‘B’ as in Bravo, ‘C’ as in Charlie… Heard this before?

These are called the military alphabet codes. It is often used during telephonic conversations to communicate the name, address, or email address.

Here is a template that will automatically generate the military alphabet code for you as soon as you enter a word

Useful Excel Tutorials:

122 thoughts on “FREE Excel Templates for Your Daily Use – Download”

On the Timesheet calculator, I need to add another in and out time for when my time is split on the same day. Can you tell me how to formulate the cells for it to figure the times correctly?

Hello! I have been using your Leave tracker for 3 years, and it works every time, its just so great! thank you.
In light of Covid and safe workspace, i think an idea for you is to create an excel which enables employees to mark days in the office, and grey out days for their neighbors? 🙂

Brilliant works.
Sadly this is not what I was looking for.
I tried to get a little problem to calculate automatically.
I use it manual today and want to make it easier.
The problem is when we play bowling and make series over 200 we get points for that.
If you score 200 you get 2 points and following.
If you make 205 you get 2,5 points and so on. 210 makes 3 points.
220 makes 4 points, 240 makes 6 points.
You take the first number 2 and add whit the following 2 and 3. I can´t get it to work in Excel.
Thanks for all the help I can get.

Dear Excel Guru,
I have an issue that I am finding hard to resume and I hope that Excel has the functionality to resolve.
1. I have an excel spreadsheet that tracks purchases in a school tuckshop. I have a menu list that has been abbreviated to reduce the size of the document.
2. This list has been converted into a multiple selections drop-down list using VBA.
I am trying to figure out how I can get the multiple selections in the drop-down list to transfer the calculation of items purchased into a total box. e.g. MS = $3:50, BA=$2:50.
The dropdown list would look in a cell MS,BA – then in a seperate cell the total $6.00 the addition of the two abbreviated items.

Can this be done

I want in A column only the highlighted/ colored cells to be numbered sequentially, while the unlighted cells numbers undisturbed. As soon as I highlight the cell it should give automatically the next number.
1 Highlighted
2 Highlighted
3 Highlighted
4 Highlighted
5 Highlighted
1 Highlighted

Can you help me in this matter ?

Dr. Prakash Kulkarni

How can i copy a specific data from word to excel with minimum efforts ?

How can I change the colour of the weekends or the employee leave tracker? I can’t find where you have put the code for that. I really don’t like brown for the holidays. Thank you.

Awesome work Sumit

Thanks , Very Nice Template, Do you have any templates for Inventory Receipts and Issues and Closing Balance

great stuff sumit! more power to you.

Very good tips! Good job! Thank you for that! It’s very helpful!

Hey man, God bless you! This really has been helpful.

It’d be nice if people could take a moment to appreciate the amount of effort has been put in by the creator of this content rather than ungratefully asking for more templates. 🙂

Is there a template for resizing a womens handbag pattern. We have the instructions – no pictures of pattern pieces – but instructions for sizes of each piece in the bag. we would like to make the bag bigger and need to know the new sizes of each piece. thank you

Hi, The videos are so educative. Could you please give a template for Apartment maintenance or for Apartment association which maintains the accounts and reords.

Hello do you have a monthly employee scheduling template that calculates hours for you once times are entered?

Hello, I cannot access your 50 employees leave tracker through dropbox, would there be a way to access the file somewhere please? Many thanks Faz

Brilliant, very helpful.

Hi I am looking for a milage report spreadsheet. I travel to 10 regular places and know the milage.I want the milage column to autofill when I insert the destination, drop down list or type in destination cell is fine.

How would All my orders and automatically group and sort them by workday on another sheet. Each workday day is a header which will then show all orders underneath for that particular day/date.

Do you have a leave tracker template that tracks in hours instead of days? I have lots of employees that do not use an entire days when taking leave. Thanks in advance.

This is already here.

Great work. I downloaded the Leave Tracker (50 Employees). If an employee is going on leave which will include the weekends too then how to change the formula in the Leave Breakup to show the number of days. At present it excludes the weekend. Thanks a lot


In this article, i have grouped my all Excel Project Files in one place.

👉 Lots of people were saying to please provide us with all the project files for our Practice in Excel, so, i think i should make a big excel page where I will upload all my Excel Practice Projects for my audience on the YouTube channel.

👉 Now in the below Table, you can find my video “Topic Name” after that i provided a full article “Reading link” then gave a button to play the video on youtube, and finally provided a “Download Button” to download the Project file which i have used in making the video.

👉 Also, if you are a computer teacher and have your own computer center then I have allowed here to download all my excel project files and use them in your computer center easily. If you need more help then kindly comment to me in the comment box below, i will try to solve your problem by making a video or writing an article for you.

Now if possible, please share this post with your friends on Whatsapp, maybe it will be helpful for them also.“Special Thanks to all🙏”

S.No. Title Check Full Article Watch Video Download 135 How to Calculate Minimum Value Greater than Zero “0” with Formula Read article Watch Video Download 134 How to Select Automatic a Name from Column with Formula Read article Watch Video Download 133 How to Calculate Petrol Conveyance with Formula in Excel Easily Read article Watch Video Download 132 How to Enter All Sheets Monthly Total Summery in a New Sheet Read article Watch Video Download 131 Enter Kgs and Liters Automatically in Excel Cells Read article Watch Video Download 130 Make Monthly Stock Sheet in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 129 How to Split Each Excel Sheet Into a Separate File by One Click Read article Watch Video Download 128 Transpose Very Complicated Excel Data into Easy Format Read article Watch Video Download 127 Attendance Software Data Not Managed Properly In Excel | Convert Vertical Data To Horizontal Format Read article Watch Video Download 126 =COUNTIFS use in Complicated Data in Excel | Count Grade Students with Countifs Formula(Very Useful) Read article Watch Video Download 125 School-College Data Management Make MIS Report (Gender-wise/Class-wise/Caste-wise/Category-wise) Read article Watch Video Download 124 Stock Management in Excel (Closing Stock as Opening Stock) Read article Watch Video Download 123 How to Format Proper Data when Export from Tally to Excel Read article Watch Video Download 122 How to Create a Sales DYNAMIC Map Chart With Slicer in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 121 Download Automated EXPENSE TRACKER Software in Excel (FREE) Read article Watch Video Download 120 Customer Care Complaint Management in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 119 Calculate Expiry Date in Excel | Product Expiry Formula in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 118 MIS Report 2D Column Chart in Excel (HINDI) Read article Watch Video Download 117 How to convert Date to English Words in Microsoft Excel? Read article Watch Video Download 116 How to Convert Number to English Words in Microsoft Excel? Read article Watch Video Download 115 How to Convert Number to Hindi Words in Microsoft Excel? Read article Watch Video Download 114 Excel Small Trick to Check Your Data Accuracy or Reconciliation Read article Watch Video Download 113 Download GST Calculator in Excel for Reverse Calculation | Make Reverse GST Calculator in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 112 Amazing Sales Analysis Report in Excel, How to make Sales Comparison Chart Report in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 111 How to use Forecast Formula in Excel in (Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 110 How to Fill Blank Cells with Value above in Excel using Formula Read article Watch Video Download 109 Vlookup का सबसे आसान Example || What is Vlookup in Excel (in Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 108 Download Stock Management Software in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 107 Use Filter without Mouse || EXCEL में बिना Mouse के Filter Use करना सीखें Read article Watch Video Download 106 MIS Report (Part-4) हिंदी में, Consolidate Multiple sheet Amount into One Sheet Read article Watch Video Download 105 MIS Report (Part-3) Stock Management Software in Excel in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 104 ज़बरदस्त Excel Hidden Feature || Insert Picture in Excel Comment Read article Watch Video Download 103 Excel Magic Formula in Hindi (ज़रूर सीखें) Read article Watch Video Download 102 Excel में ये फंडा आपको नहीं आता होगा || Excel Hidden Tricks (Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 101 MIS Report (Part-2) How to make Payment Reminder Report in Excel (Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 100 Excel में Income Tax Calculator बनाना सीखें (.xlsx Download)  Block editor Read article Watch Video Download 99 Use of Dollar in Excel (in Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 98 Indirect Formula + Vlookup Formula + Conditional Formatting in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 97 Attendance Management in Excel(Hindi) Automated Attendance Sheet Read article Watch Video Download 96 Wildcard Vlookup in Excel (New Lookup) Read article Watch Video Download 95 Excel में Number को Words में कैसे Convert करें Read article Watch Video Download 94 MIS Dashboard Report in Excel (in HIndi) Read article Watch Video Download 93 Excel में एक बड़ी Problem का Solution || Fill Above Data in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 92 =RandBetween( ) Formula Part-2 in Excel (in Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 91 Secret Excel Formula,Very Important for Accountants =RandBetween( ) =Rand( ) Formula Read article Watch Video Download 90 Extract Data from One Cell to Multiple Column in Excel (Text to Column & Flash Fill Function) Read article Watch Video Download 89 Tally to Excel Big Problem’s Solution, Remove Debit and Credit in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 88 =IF( ) Formula Auto Serial No. in Sales Invoice (Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 87 Merge/Combine Multiple Excel Files into one File Excel File (HindI) Read article Watch Video Download 86 Pass-Fail Formula in Excel, Student Marksheet if Formula and Percentage Formula Read article Watch Video Download 85 RTGS-NEFT Charges Calculator in Excel with IFS and IF Formula (HINDI) Read article Watch Video Download 84 =Ceiling( ) and Floor( ) Formula in Excel (in Hindi) || Excel Hidden Formula Read article Watch Video Download 83 Excel में Mobile Data कैसे Filter करें || Len Formula in Excel (Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 82 EXCEL Pivot-Table के ये ज़बरदस्त Features आपको नहीं पता होंगे, Pivot-Table in Tabular Form Read article Watch Video Download 81 MACRO (PART-7)-VBA Code for Unhide All Excel Sheet with a Shortcut Read article Watch Video Download 80 Excel में TOP 2 Ranking Items और उनका Total क्या है कैसे निकाले,with Large Formula & Vlookup Formula Read article Watch Video Download 79 =MAX( ) =MIN( )Formula in Excel,Show Negative-Positive Value Separately Read article Watch Video Download 78 Top 6: Advanced Excel Shortcuts (Powerful & Faster) in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 77 Penalty Formula IF employee reach Office Late with =IF( ),=TIME(hr,mm,sec), =MAX( ) Read article Watch Video Download 76 How to Make Word-Cloud for Official Presentation for PowerPoint / Word / Excel or for Website Read article Watch Video Download 75 Excel Hidden Trick || Copy Excel Format with Find Command Read article Watch Video Download 74 Automatic Pricing in Sales Invoice in EXCEL Read article Watch Video Download 73 TOP-3 Excel Hidden Shortcut keys & Commands Best Time-Saving Tricks Read article Watch Video Download 72 Make Sales Commission Report in Excel (in Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 71 Match 2 Data in Excel || Compare 2 Data in Excel || Compare Two Lists in Excel (in Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 70 Excel Hidden Command in Excel – Fill Justify Command in Excel (in Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 69 Excel Hidden Trick (in Hindi) || Copy Only Visible Filter Data in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 68 Attendance Data Problem Solution in Excel (in Hindi) by TechGuruPlus Read article Watch Video Download 67 MACRO (PART-6) Passport Form Data Filling in Excel Data AutoSave in Next Sheet Read article Watch Video Download 66 Excel Hidden Command (in Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 65 Convert Excel Data from Horizontal to Vertical Format in one line Read article Watch Video Download 64 Make Own Print Button in Excel || Print Preview and Print Button Excel with VBA Coding Read article Watch Video Download 63 Make Inshop Branding Files Name List in Excel, Powerful Function of Excel Read article Watch Video Download 62 Excel Pivot Table with If-Else( ) Formula and Condition Formatting in Pivot Table Read article Watch Video Download 61 Automatic Right Tick and Cross Tick in Payment Receivable in Excel with Condition Formatting Read article Watch Video Download 60 Highlight Search Value automatically by Countif Formula and Condition Formatting Command Read article Watch Video Download 59 Calculate Sales Commission in Excel using if function Read article Watch Video Download 58 =FormulaText ( ) Function in Hindi, छोटा सा ज़बरदस्त Formula in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 57 =trim( ) Formula Solve Big Problem of MS Excel by Trim Formula Read article Watch Video Download 56 How to Use Flash Fill in Microsoft Excel Tutorial in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 55 MACRO (PART-5) Advanced Excel Macro in Excel in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 54 =IF else( ) Amazing Formula in Excel (Sales Man Commission Formula) Read article Watch Video Download 53 Advance Excel Sales-Summery-Chart with Pivot Table (in Hindi) || Pivot Table Part-4 Read article Watch Video Download 52 Top 3 Formula to Change Case with =upper( ) =Lower( ) =Proper( ) in Excel in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 51 =IF else( ) Formula New Trick in Excel(Advance Excel in Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 50 =IF( ) else( ) Amazing Formula in Excel (Jump Serial No.) Read article Watch Video Download 49 How to Make Professional Chart in Excel- Pie Chart, Bar Chart & Line Chart in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 48 Pivot Table Part-3 || Top 10 and Bottom 10 Selling Items by Pivot Table in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 47 Pivot Table Part-2 in Hindi, Stunning Example of Pivot Table in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 46 Pivot Table Part-1 in Hindi, Stunning Example of Pivot Table in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 45 =Large( ) Formula in Hindi || Search Top 4 Rank Value From Students Database Read article Watch Video Download 44 Repeat Heading Line, Row & Column Titles on Every Page in Excel (Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 43 TOP 4 Excel Formula -SUM, SUMIF, SUMIFS, SUMPRODUCT in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 42 TOP 5 Excel Formulas-COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, COUNTBLANK in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 41 MACRO (PART-4) Advanced Excel Macro in Excel in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 40 Filter Option in Excel || Very Simple Example for Filter in Excel (in Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 39 Vlookup Formula with 2 Special Conditions (Find Roll No. on the base of Student Name and Class Name) Read article Watch Video Download 38 Making GST Invoice / Billing Software in Excel with Check Box and Radio Button Read article Watch Video Download 37 Vlookup and Hlookup Formula in Excel (Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 36 =Sumif( ) Formula in Excel in Hindi (TOP 5: Example for Sumif and Countif) Read article Watch Video Download 35 TOP 4 Example of Countif Advance Excel Formula (in Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 34 Top 19: Advanced Excel Shortcuts in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 33 Make BarCode in Excel, What is QR Code & Bar Code Read article Watch Video Download 32 Extract Numbers and Text in Separate Cell in Excel Read article Watch Video Download 31 MACRO (PART-3) Advanced Excel (Powerful Function) Macro in Excel in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 30 How to Convert Number to Dollar or any Other Currency in MS Excel Read article Watch Video Download 29 AUTOMATIC-GST Tax Calculation by Excel in Tax Invoice (CGST/SGST/IGST) Read article Watch Video Download 28 Top 6: Advanced Excel Tips in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 27 Extraordinary Data Formatting with Advance Excel (Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 26 Advance Excel, Making of “Stunning Invoice” with Spin Button (Hindi) Read article Watch Video Download 25 Top 5: Advanced Excel Tips in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 24 Top 10: Advanced Excel Tips in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 23 Top 20: Advanced Excel Tips in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 22 How to Convert Number to Text in MS Excel (Advance Excel Tips) Read article Watch Video Download 21 Top 3: Advanced Excel Tips in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 20 Cheque Printing Format in Excel Free Download (.xls file Download) Read article Watch Video Download 19 MACRO in Advanced Excel (Powerful Function) in Hindi Read article Watch Video Download 18 Loan EMI Calculator in Excel (.xls file Download Here) Read article No Download 17 Age Calculator in Excel (.xls file download) Read article No Download 16 MACRO (PART-2) Salary Dashboard with Macro & Command Button with Developer Tab Read article Watch Video No 15 Special Character Meaning in MS Excel that You Must Know About Read article No No 14 “If, Else” Formula in Excel with 4 Examples (Very Easy) | if else example in excel Read article No No 13 How to Find Duplicates in Excel within 10 Seconds (with Example) Read article No No 12 How to create a Drop-down list in Excel (with in 30 Seconds-With Example) Read article No No 11 How to Protect & How to Unprotect an Excel Sheet with a Password Read article No No 10 How to Lock an Excel file with a Password (very easy) Read article No No 9 How to Learn Pivot Table Quickly in MS Excel (With Example) Read article No No 8 Using of Vlookup Command in Excel (With Example) Read article No No 7 VLOOKUP Function Step by Step Process with Example Read article No No 6 How to Convert Excel to PDF (Very Simple) Read article No No 5 How to Merge Cells In Excel (Merge & Center, Merge Across, Merge Cells) Read article No No 4 Max Min Formula in Excel, Max, Min in Hindi Read article No No 3 Countif in Hindi, Countif कैसे काम करता हैं, Countif Vs Count Read article No No 2 Count function in HINDI, कैसे list में Count करे Read article No No 1 Xlookup in HINDI | What is Xlookup | Xlookup vs Vlookup Read article No No
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Лист Microsoft Excel.xlsx

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Файл загружен: 08/04/2021 17:06:11
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Learn more about the Excel checkout Excel wiki page.

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