Antonyms for the word give

What is the opposite word for Give?

  • take

    present, yield

  • withhold

    yield, contribute

  • keep

    present, yield

  • receive

    present, contribute

  • hold

    yield, contribute

  • retain

    contribute, communicate

  • suppress


  • deny

    yield, contribute

  • disallow

  • disapprove

  • refuse


  • reject

  • conceal

    communicate, demonstrate

  • refrain

    communicate, demonstrate

  • withstand

    communicate, get

  • neglect

  • win

  • accept


  • hide


  • fight

    demonstrate, perform action

  • hold up

    perform action

  • rise

  • advance

  • lose

    perform action

  • get


  • hold back

  • reserve

  • repress

  • be quiet

  • fail

    perform action

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giving, given, giver

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rose, flower, yellow rose, flower, white money, euro, 50 euro rose, flower, love flower, rose, love money, euro, 20 euro

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Antonyms for Give. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

Antonyms for Give. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.

Antonyms for Give. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the antonyms for give. These antonyms of the word give are provided for information only.

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  • contract
  • capture
  • take
  • abide
  • receive
  • steal
  • misuse
  • succeed
  • appeal
  • acquire
  • sue
  • possession
  • desire
  • grip
  • collect
  • extract
  • ruin
  • request
  • petition
  • borrow
  • kill
  • fool
  • rescue
  • surprise
  • divest
  • deceive
  • require
  • interrupt
  • retain
  • lose
  • fatigue
  • encroach
  • feel
  • tighten
  • appropriate
  • arrogate
  • ask for
  • bamboozle
  • bite
  • bleed
  • block
  • break in
  • burn
  • cadge
  • catch
  • come by
  • concentrate
  • condense
  • confine
  • cozen
  • cut off
  • default
  • deplete
  • derive
  • disinherit
  • draw out
  • elect
  • embrace
  • engage
  • exact
  • fine
  • foreclose
  • get back
  • grab
  • hold
  • hold up
  • importune
  • impound
  • invoke
  • keep
  • kidnap
  • knock off
  • misapply
  • misappropriate
  • need
  • obstruct
  • operate
  • outsmart
  • outwit
  • pauperize
  • pinch
  • purloin
  • reserve
  • rip off
  • rip-off
  • rive
  • sack
  • screw
  • snitch
  • sponge
  • stock
  • strike
  • strip
  • tackle
  • take over
  • thieve
  • victimize
  • wish
  • abduct
  • admit
  • adopt
  • apprehend
  • ask
  • assess
  • assume
  • beg
  • beguile
  • beseech
  • bilk
  • blackmail
  • boodle
  • cheat
  • claim
  • clasp
  • clinch
  • clutch
  • collar
  • commandeer
  • communicate
  • confiscate
  • constrict
  • crave
  • deduce
  • defraud
  • demand
  • deprive
  • despoil
  • detain
  • earn
  • elicit
  • embezzle
  • enforce
  • entreat
  • extort
  • filch
  • fleece
  • flimflam
  • forage
  • force
  • get
  • grapple
  • grudge
  • gyp
  • harrow
  • have
  • hoard
  • hoax
  • hoodwink
  • hug
  • hurt
  • infringe
  • inhibit
  • intercept
  • invade
  • levy
  • lift
  • loiter
  • loot
  • mooch
  • necessitate
  • nip
  • obtain
  • oust
  • partake
  • pilfer
  • pillage
  • plagiarize
  • plunder
  • postpone
  • press
  • pressure
  • pucker
  • raid
  • ransack
  • ravage
  • requisition
  • retrieve
  • rifle
  • rob
  • save
  • seize
  • shanghai
  • simulate
  • snatch
  • solicit
  • squeeze
  • suffer
  • swindle
  • tax
  • tear
  • tolerate
  • trick
  • twitch
  • unclothe
  • usurp
  • violate
  • welsh
  • wrench
  • take by force and without permission
  • submit to, put up with
  • expropriate
  • obtain or receive
  • allow entry or use
  • choose or take something as one’s own
  • pretend, imitate
  • perceive
  • begrudge
  • set aside; allocate
  • claim without justification
  • covet
  • assign fee,
  • take, undertake
  • fool; cheat
  • wish that someone did not have
  • grip or tear with teeth
  • intimidating for money
  • take for temporary use
  • catch and forcefully hold
  • ensnare, apprehend
  • defraud, fool
  • con
  • demand, maintain property or right
  • grab tightly
  • hold securely; grab
  • grab, snatch
  • accumulate, come together
  • seize, take over
  • deceive, defraud
  • gather, collect
  • steal; seize
  • appeal to, implore
  • desire strongly
  • prevent; interrupt
  • mislead; be dishonest
  • dodge payment
  • cheat, bilk
  • ask strongly for something
  • consume, exhaust supply
  • keep or take away something wanted, needed
  • deduce a conclusion
  • ravage, destroy
  • hold, keep back; arrest
  • dispossess
  • prey on
  • cut off in will of bequeathal
  • dispossess; take off
  • make money
  • hold tightly in one’s arms
  • invade another’s property, business
  • tire, wear out
  • put a rule, plan in force
  • hire for job, use
  • plead with
  • demand, call for
  • physically remove, draw out
  • touch, stroke
  • poach
  • penalize in monetary way
  • plunder, steal
  • deceive, swindle
  • search madly for
  • obligate to do something
  • take away the right to redeem a mortgage
  • come into possession of; achieve
  • yield, collapse
  • contribute, supply, transfer
  • demonstrate, proffer
  • perform action
  • latch on to
  • grab, wrestle
  • hold tightly
  • pain, annoy
  • feel resentful; give unwillingly
  • be in possession
  • put away, accumulate
  • have in one’s hands, possession; grasp
  • hold close, cling to
  • cause physical pain; experience pain
  • demand, insist
  • head off; interrupt
  • bother, interfere
  • attack and encroach
  • call upon
  • hold, maintain
  • abduct; hold for ransom
  • assess, impose
  • move upwards; ascend
  • steal goods
  • use wrongly; steal
  • capture, arrest
  • call for, make necessary
  • want something
  • bite; take small part
  • get, acquire
  • perform, function
  • expel, get rid of
  • eat, share
  • notice, see
  • plead, appeal for
  • steal, embezzle
  • plunder, destroy
  • press tightly
  • ravage, steal
  • infringe upon; trespass
  • help oneself to something
  • take over in place of another
  • pressure, trouble
  • attack, terrorize
  • draw together; wrinkle
  • attack, pillage
  • shoplift
  • sexual assault by force; act of plunder
  • destroy, ransack
  • accept delivery of something
  • ask, demand; necessitate
  • ask for; apply for something needed
  • save from danger
  • keep, hold back
  • rob; trick
  • steal, deprive
  • raid, plunder
  • economize; set money aside for later use
  • twist, contort
  • beg, forage for
  • grab, take
  • grab away
  • plead for; try to sell
  • exert pressure on sides, parts of something
  • supply with merchandise
  • find, discover
  • bare, uncover
  • attain good outcome
  • bring legal charges against
  • endure, permit
  • ask for, pray for
  • sneak up on; catch
  • jump on and grab
  • levy charge on property, income
  • allow, indulge
  • have a spasm
  • cheat, fool
  • jerk, force violently
  • give up
  • give away
  • give in
  • Other relevant words
  • Other antonyms

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. given

    One is addicted to that which he has allowed to gain a strong, habitual, and enduring hold upon action, inclination, or involuntary tendency, as to a habit or indulgence. A man may be accustomed to labor, attached to his profession, devoted to his religion, given to study or to gluttony (in the bad sense, given over, or given up, is a stronger and more hopeless expression, as is abandoned). One inclined to luxury may become habituated to poverty. One is wedded to that which has become a second nature; as, one is wedded to science or to art. Prone is used only in a bad sense, and generally of natural tendencies; as, our hearts are prone to evil. Abandoned tells of the acquired viciousness of one who has given himself up to wickedness. Addicted may be used in a good, but more frequently a bad sense; as, addicted to study; addicted to drink. Devoted is used chiefly in the good sense; as, a mother’s devoted affection.

    abandoned, accustomed, addicted, attached, devoted, disposed, given over, given up, habituated, inclined, prone, wedded

    averse, disinclined, indisposed, unaccustomed

    Addicted to vice.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. given, presumption, preconditionadjective

    an assumption that is taken for granted

    condition, precondition, presumptuousness, assumption, effrontery, presumption, stipulation

    disinclined, unacknowledged

  2. given, grantedadjective

    acknowledged as a supposition

    «given the engine’s condition, it is a wonder that it started»

    disposed(p), apt(p), granted, given(p), tending(p), minded(p)

    unacknowledged, disinclined

  3. apt(p), disposed(p), given(p), minded(p), tending(p)adjective

    (usually followed by `to’) naturally disposed toward

    «he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant»; «I am not minded to answer any questions»

    unacknowledged, disinclined

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «given»:

    granted, provided, awarded, accorded, seen, received, particular, offered, data, considering, paid, made, yielded, issued, donated, assigned, administered, delivered, determined, afforded, conferred, allocated, entrusted, taken, supplied, specified, due, attributed, been, presented, placed, submitted, certain

How to pronounce given?

How to say given in sign language?

How to use given in a sentence?

  1. Bas Eickhout:

    This ruling must serve as a shot across the bow of those again pushing for an over-supply of allowances to be simply given away.

  2. De Greling:

    It’s not the right time to buy telecoms shares, we’re reaching a valuation peak that is essentially due to the M&A activity in the domestic markets. It will soon be over as there won’t be anything else to consolidate after the number of operators is cut to three in each market and given that there’s no cable operator to buy.

  3. Republican Senator Richard Burr:

    I think it’s safe to say that there are 30 end-to-end encrypted software packages that you can download for free. And, given the fact that between iTunes and PlayStation, the number of apps that are added on a weekly and monthly, yearly basis, and I think we anticipate that everything from this point forward will have an encrypted communications to it, now’s the time for us to act.

  4. Robert Schapiro:

    There have been efforts before to have states call for a constitutional convention. And with regard to certain issues, states have come fairly close, but, given the divided times which we face, and given the broad brush of these amendments, I think it’s unlikely to garner the kind of support that would be necessary actually to reach that two-thirds benchmark.

  5. Gene Ryan:

    Let me begin by stating how appalled and frustrated we are at this morning’s events. …. We are disappointed in the apparent rush to judgment given the fact that the investigation into this matter has not been concluded, our officers, like every other American, are entitled to due process.

Translations for given

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • معطىArabic
  • daný, fakt, postulát, axiomCzech
  • vorliegendGerman
  • δεδομένοGreek
  • postuladoSpanish
  • postulat, donnée de départ, vu, étant donné, énoncé, prémisseFrench
  • दिया हुआHindi
  • נָתוּןHebrew
  • forutsetning, gittNorwegian
  • danyPolish
  • данныйRussian
  • uzimajući u obzirSerbo-Croatian
  • danSlovene
  • given, givetSwedish
  • fulaniSwahili
  • veyanmintWalloon

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. giveverb

    transfer, pass, flex, move, yield, donate, guess, estimate, predict, cede, bend

    take, resist, get, receive, obtain

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. give

    To give is primarily to transfer to another’s possession or ownership without compensation; in its secondary sense in popular use, it is to put into another’s possession by any means and on any terms whatever; a buyer may say «Give me the goods, and I will give you the money;» we speak of giving answers, information, etc., and often of giving what is not agreeable to the recipient, as blows, medicine, reproof; but when there is nothing in the context to indicate the contrary, give is always understood in its primary sense; as, this book was given me. Give thus becomes, like get, a term of such general import as to be a synonym for a wide variety of words. To grant is to put into one’s possession in some formal way, or by authoritative act; as, Congress grants lands to a railroad corporation. To speak of granting a favor carries a claim or concession of superiority on the part of the one by whom the grant may be made; to confer has a similar sense; as, to confer a degree or an honor; we grant a request or petition, but do not confer it. To impart is to give of that which one still, to a greater or less degree, retains; the teacher imparts instruction. To bestow is to give that of which the receiver stands in especial need; we bestow alms.

    bestow, cede, communicate, confer, deliver, furnish, grant, impart, supply

    We give money to a person for a thing, for a purpose, etc. (or without proposition, give a person a sum of money); we give a thing to or into one’s care or keeping; the weary fugitive gave himself up to his pursuers.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. give

    withhold, withdraw, refuse, retain, grasp, fail, restrain, deny

    bestow, grant, confer, impart, yield, produce, surrender, concede, present, afford, communicate, furnish

Matched Categories

    • Accord
    • Administer
    • Apply
    • Change
    • Communicate
    • Consent
    • Create
    • Direct
    • Emit
    • Estimate
    • Evince
    • Execute
    • Happen
    • Inflict
    • Law
    • Lead
    • Move
    • Perform
    • Performing Arts
    • Permit
    • Pledge
    • Produce
    • Proffer
    • Provide
    • Recompense
    • Relinquish
    • Show
    • State
    • Submit
    • Supply
    • Think
    • Toast
    • Transfer
    • Turn Over

Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. give, spring, springinessverb

    the elasticity of something that can be stretched and returns to its original length


    natural spring, bound, outpouring, bounce, saltation, spring, springtime, leaping, springiness, fountain, outflow, leap

  2. giveverb

    cause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense

    «She gave him a black eye»; «The draft gave me a cold»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  3. yield, give, affordverb

    be the cause or source of

    «He gave me a lot of trouble»; «Our meeting afforded much interesting information»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, succumb, cave in, relent, impart, pass, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, concede, have, give in, fall in, make, collapse, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, cede, grant, knuckle under, founder, devote, hold, buckle under, render, soften, present, sacrifice, yield, open, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, pay, hand, bear

  4. giveverb

    transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody

    «I gave her my money»; «can you give me lessons?»; «She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  5. giveverb

    convey or reveal information

    «Give one’s name»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  6. give, payverb

    convey, as of a compliment, regards, attention, etc.; bestow

    «Don’t pay him any mind»; «give the orders»; «Give him my best regards»; «pay attention»


    make up, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, compensate, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, ante up, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, pay up, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, pay off, hand, bear

  7. hold, throw, have, make, giveverb

    organize or be responsible for

    «hold a reception»; «have, throw, or make a party»; «give a course»


    render, realize, move over, cast, hold in, restrain, afford, experience, dedicate, get to, devote, cave in, name, confuse, accommodate, defy, shake off, produce, sacrifice, maintain, earn, progress to, entertain, make up, work, take, confine, take a crap, feature, drop, make, create, contain, deliver, shit, possess, pass water, hit, book, cook, arrive at, cause, wee-wee, do, consume, spend a penny, shed, thrust, stool, moderate, give birth, build, construct, induce, birth, founder, present, concur, open, pee, keep, guard, bind, wee, hold back, constitute, yield, bedevil, lay down, reach, establish, check, piddle, generate, draw, return, pull in, pee-pee, hurl, project, pay, throw off, keep back, go for, fuddle, form, ingest, gift, ease up, receive, prepare, attain, own, kick in, crap, support, accept, pretend, harbor, break, impart, realise, apply, bring in, contrive, fall in, obtain, hold, take for, fox, have got, confound, hold up, agree, concord, pass on, cast off, make believe, declare, ca-ca, adjudge, feed, piss, nurse, grant, let, withstand, get, score, hand, bemuse, urinate, oblige, bear, puddle, admit, defend, arrest, harbour, give way, contribute, deem, befuddle, take a shit, chip in, switch, ready, defecate, micturate, make water, fix, throw, take in, view as, flip, clear, retain, reserve, have, halt, turn over, carry, collapse, obligate, discombobulate, suffer, stimulate, sustain, commit, take a leak, seduce, pass, gain, consecrate, relieve oneself, bewilder, prevail, control, nominate, throw away, leave, take hold, curb

  8. give, throwverb

    convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture

    «Throw a glance»; «She gave me a dirty look»


    fuddle, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, thrust, impart, flip, pass on, bedevil, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, cast, project, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, bemuse, devote, confound, hold, befuddle, pass, render, shake off, throw off, confuse, throw away, sacrifice, yield, turn over, fox, leave, shed, give way, bewilder, consecrate, hurl, discombobulate, generate, contribute, switch, cast off, afford, drop, contrive, hand

  9. give, gift, presentverb

    give as a present; make a gift of

    «What will you give her for her birthday?»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, empower, demo, impart, exhibit, endue, pass on, confront, move over, return, establish, acquaint, stage, deliver, show, reach, present, have, lay out, fall in, portray, make, pay, invest, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, introduce, ease up, apply, salute, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, represent, pass, render, endow, indue, sacrifice, yield, turn over, demonstrate, leave, give way, consecrate, award, generate, contribute, pose, face, afford, submit, hand

  10. give, yieldverb

    cause to happen or be responsible for

    «His two singles gave the team the victory»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, succumb, cave in, collapse, impart, concede, pass on, move over, return, establish, knuckle under, reach, present, have, give in, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, relent, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, buckle under, cede, soften, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand, bear

  11. give, pay, devoteverb


    «give thought to»; «give priority to»; «pay attention to»


    make up, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, compensate, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, ante up, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, pay up, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, pay off, hand, bear

  12. render, yield, return, give, generateverb

    give or supply

    «The cow brings in 5 liters of milk»; «This year’s crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn»; «The estate renders some revenue for the family»


    consecrate, knuckle under, give way, interpret, riposte, devote, chip in, cede, have, afford, collapse, hold, recall, buckle under, supply, try, turn over, ease up, sire, concede, founder, engender, open, hand, gift, render, move over, feed, pay, pass on, picture, soften, deliver, return, bring forth, grant, establish, regress, reelect, contribute, come back, yield, fork up, fork over, hand over, retrovert, mother, father, furnish, apply, present, show, make, beget, repay, impart, rejoin, get, devolve, generate, bring back, refund, reach, hark back, relent, retort, submit, depict, fork out, throw, fall in, succumb, dedicate, cave in, give in, bear, turn in, fall, pass, turn back, provide, take back, break, revert, translate, leave, commit, sacrifice, kick in, give back

  13. impart, leave, give, pass onverb

    transmit (knowledge or skills)

    «give a secret to the Russians»; «leave your name and address here»; «impart a new skill to the students»


    consecrate, progress, give way, devote, bequeath, chip in, lead, put across, will, carry, have, lend, afford, collapse, hold, founder, leave alone, go away, add, go forth, turn over, ease up, result, hand, gift, circulate, render, move over, return, pay, get out, relegate, pass on, entrust, channel, open, transmit, grant, establish, contribute, yield, go out, bring, march on, go on, move on, apply, present, make, forget, impart, generate, advance, reach, communicate, submit, convey, allow, bestow, throw, fall in, dedicate, cave in, depart, distribute, pass, pass around, exit, provide, pull up stakes, pass along, feed, break, leave behind, leave, commit, sacrifice, conduct, kick in, allow for

  14. establish, giveverb

    bring about

    «The trompe l’oeil-illusion establishes depth»


    hand, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, lay down, collapse, found, institute, instal, impart, pass on, show, return, establish, base, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, ground, throw, gift, kick in, feed, set up, ease up, apply, plant, grant, open, founder, move over, devote, hold, pass, render, launch, prove, shew, sacrifice, yield, turn over, demonstrate, leave, give way, install, consecrate, break, generate, contribute, constitute, afford, build

  15. giveverb

    leave with; give temporarily

    «Can I give you my keys while I go in the pool?»; «Can I give you the children for the weekend?»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  16. giveverb

    emit or utter

    «Give a gulp»; «give a yelp»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  17. sacrifice, giveverb

    endure the loss of

    «He gave his life for his children»; «I gave two sons to the war»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  18. pass, hand, reach, pass on, turn over, giveverb

    place into the hands or custody of

    «hand me the spoon, please»; «Turn the files over to me, please»; «He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers»


    run, progress, perish, hit, give way, elapse, dig, feed, go past, make pass, lead, top, roll, put across, go by, flip over, draw, evanesce, bowl over, moot, afford, collapse, occur, die, dedicate, debate, impart, turn over, go, contact, spend, ease up, slide by, get to, hold, fade, hand, gift, render, consider, legislate, happen, egest, tip over, authorise, exceed, fleet, pass away, slip away, drop dead, overstep, relegate, move over, knock over, delve, transcend, gain, make it, authorize, founder, strive, devote, grant, establish, extend to, move on, devolve, cash in one’s chips, kick the bucket, yield, contribute, get through, accomplish, fall out, attain, hap, slip by, march on, go on, tump over, sink, eliminate, croak, lapse, present, cave in, pass off, make, fall in, give-up the ghost, strain, return, blow over, apply, take place, generate, get hold of, expire, overhaul, pass around, chip in, throw, advance, go through, reach, open, communicate, submit, come about, choke, break, pop off, go across, cut into, overtake, travel by, arrive at, glide by, turn, deliberate, extend, circulate, reach out, distribute, decease, have, fall, pass, pass by, clear, exit, conk, excrete, buy the farm, pass along, achieve, upset, progress to, snuff it, touch, go along, surpass, guide, flip, overturn, leave, pay, consecrate, commit, sacrifice, kick in, pass on

  19. give, dedicate, consecrate, commit, devoteverb

    give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause

    «She committed herself to the work of God»; «give one’s talents to a good cause»; «consecrate your life to the church»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, institutionalize, place, put, impart, pass on, perpetrate, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, vow, fall in, make, pay, charge, throw, sanctify, gift, kick in, feed, ordinate, break, institutionalise, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, ordain, pass, render, intrust, hallow, practice, sacrifice, yield, turn over, send, confide, leave, invest, give way, bless, consecrate, generate, contribute, entrust, trust, pull, afford, order, hand

  20. giveverb

    give (as medicine)

    «I gave him the drug»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  21. give, applyverb

    give or convey physically

    «She gave him First Aid»; «I gave him a punch in the nose»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, enforce, impart, pass on, lend oneself, move over, return, establish, utilize, put on, reach, present, have, employ, fall in, make, pay, go for, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, use, practice, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, utilise, generate, contribute, afford, implement, hand

  22. give, renderverb


    «give homage»; «render thanks»


    supply, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, hand over, fork out, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, depict, turn in, deliver, show, fork over, reach, present, have, fall in, make, furnish, pay, throw, picture, gift, kick in, translate, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, provide, sacrifice, yield, turn over, fork up, leave, interpret, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, try, afford, submit, hand

  23. grant, giveverb

    bestow, especially officially

    «grant a degree»; «give a divorce»; «This bill grants us new rights»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, allow, establish, allot, reach, concede, have, fall in, make, deed over, return, accord, gift, kick in, feed, break, throw, apply, cede, grant, open, founder, devote, ease up, hold, pass, render, present, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, award, generate, contribute, afford, pay, hand

  24. move over, give way, give, ease up, yieldverb

    move in order to make room for someone for something

    «The park gave way to a supermarket»; «`Move over,’ he told the crowd»


    hand, commit, chip in, dedicate, succumb, cave in, collapse, impart, flag, concede, pass on, move over, return, establish, knuckle under, fail, hold, reach, go bad, have, give in, make, throw, gift, kick in, conk out, feed, break, slacken off, break down, apply, relent, give out, grant, go, founder, devote, fall in, pass, render, buckle under, cede, soften, present, die, sacrifice, yield, open, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, ease off, afford, let up, pay, ease up, bear

  25. feed, giveverb

    give food to

    «Feed the starving children in India»; «don’t give the child this tough meat»


    course, commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, eat, pass on, move over, return, establish, fertilise, reach, present, have, flow, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, founder, break, feast, ease up, apply, grant, open, feed in, devote, hold, pass, render, fertilize, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, run, generate, contribute, prey, afford, hand

  26. contribute, give, chip in, kick inverb

    contribute to some cause

    «I gave at the office»


    commit, dedicate, cave in, collapse, conduce, bring, impart, pass on, add, move over, return, establish, set in, lead, reach, present, have, generate, fall in, make, pay, consecrate, throw, gift, feed, break, put up, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, bestow, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, kick down, give way, kick in, chip in, contribute, afford, lend, hand

  27. collapse, fall in, cave in, give, give way, break, founderverb

    break down, literally or metaphorically

    «The wall collapsed»; «The business collapsed»; «The dam broke»; «The roof collapsed»; «The wall gave in»; «The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice»


    crack, consecrate, break away, give way, unwrap, devote, contribute, chip in, give out, split up, conk out, part, have, afford, collapse, hold, die, transgress, founder, weaken, crumple, bump, discover, snap off, turn over, go, demote, ease up, break out, separate, split, hand, gift, crack up, damp, smash, render, move over, feed, pay, get out, fracture, relegate, bring out, violate, reveal, divulge, pause, let on, open, get around, interrupt, wear out, grant, establish, break-dance, stop, check, break up, breach, develop, fall flat, return, apply, present, better, cave in, make, offend, go bad, impart, generate, break off, disclose, bust, erupt, give away, reach, recrudesce, tumble, break dance, go against, dampen, throw, fall in, soften, break in, let out, dedicate, ruin, fall apart, kick downstairs, burst, pass, break down, infract, fail, come apart, bankrupt, crumble, fall through, join, expose, break, crock up, discontinue, intermit, flop, leave, yield, get together, commit, sacrifice, wear, kick in, pass on

  28. giveverb

    estimate the duration or outcome of something

    «He gave the patient three months to live»; «I gave him a very good chance at success»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  29. giveverb

    execute and deliver

    «Give bond»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  30. giveverb

    deliver in exchange or recompense

    «I’ll give you three books for four CDs»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  31. afford, open, giveverb

    afford access to

    «the door opens to the patio»; «The French doors give onto a terrace»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, spread, impart, spread out, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, unfold, grant, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, pass on, ease up, apply, open up, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  32. giveverb

    present to view

    «He gave the sign to start»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  33. giveverb

    perform for an audience

    «Pollini is giving another concert in New York»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  34. give, yieldverb

    be flexible under stress of physical force

    «This material doesn’t give»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, succumb, cave in, collapse, impart, concede, pass on, move over, return, establish, knuckle under, reach, present, have, give in, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, relent, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, buckle under, cede, soften, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand, bear

  35. giveverb


    «He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  36. giveverb

    accord by verdict

    «give a decision for the plaintiff»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  37. giveverb

    manifest or show

    «This student gives promise of real creativity»; «The office gave evidence of tampering»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  38. giveverb

    offer in good faith

    «He gave her his word»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  39. giveverb

    submit for consideration, judgment, or use

    «give one’s opinion»; «give an excuse»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  40. giveverb

    guide or direct, as by behavior of persuasion

    «You gave me to think that you agreed with me»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  41. giveverb

    allow to have or take

    «I give you two minutes to respond»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  42. giveverb

    inflict as a punishment

    «She gave the boy a good spanking»; «The judge gave me 10 years»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  43. giveverb


    «what gives?»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  44. giveverb

    consent to engage in sexual intercourse with a man

    «She gave herself to many men»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

  45. giveverb

    proffer (a body part)

    «She gave her hand to her little sister»


    commit, chip in, dedicate, cave in, collapse, impart, pass on, move over, return, establish, reach, present, have, fall in, make, pay, throw, gift, kick in, feed, break, ease up, apply, grant, open, founder, devote, hold, pass, render, sacrifice, yield, turn over, leave, give way, consecrate, generate, contribute, afford, hand

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. giveverb

    withhold, refuse

    confer, bestow, accord, grant, vouchsafe, donate, contribute, impart, yield, afford, assign

How to use give in a sentence?

  1. Plato:

    They certainly give very strange names to diseases

  2. Rob Jackson:

    I will always be proud to have served alongside my fellow Commissioners, Chairman (Jay) Clayton, and especially the commission’s staff, who dedicate their careers to protecting ordinary investors and give hardworking American families the chance to build a better future.

  3. Dwyane Wade:

    Now it’s our job to one, go out and get information, to reach out to every relationship that we have, we’re just trying to figure out as much information as we can to make sure that we give our child the best opportunity to be her best self.

  4. Donato Poto:

    L.A. is a very odd city, it can give you false hope sometimes.

  5. Barry Bennett:

    He could give you the same foreign policy answer that Marco Rubio did, and Marco Rubio sounds like everyone you ever heard, and Ben sounds like, ‘Wow, that was strange,’.

How to pronounce give?

How to say give in sign language?


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