Antonyms for the word big


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Adult Tan Great Dane Tiger in Shallow Photo Close-up Portrait of Lion Photo Of An Elephant Gray Elephant Person Holding a Big Leaf Covering His Face

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tiger, cat, predator tiger, cat, predator tiger, cat, predator tiger, cat, predator elephant, wildlife, mammal lion, cat, predator

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Antonyms for Big. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from

Antonyms for Big. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <>.

Antonyms for Big. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:2.5 / 2 votes

  1. bigadjective

    BIG suit

  2. bigadjective

    small, little, minuscule, miniature, minute, tiny

    sizeable, large, massive, ample, jumbo, huge

  3. bigadjective

    An important or powerful person; a celebrity; a big name.

    Elephants are big animals, and they eat a lot.

    adult, BIG suit

  4. bigadjective

    Thought to have undue influence.

    There were concerns about the ethics of big science.

    adult, major league

  5. bigadjective


    That style is very big right now in Europe, especially among teenagers.


  6. bigadjective

    On a large scale, expansively

    You’ve got to think big to succeed at Amalgamated Plumbing.

    young, little


  7. bigadjective


    He hit him big and the guy just crumpled.


  8. bigadjective

    Important or significant.

    What’s so big about that? I do it all the time.


  9. bigadjective

    Enthusiastic (about).

    I’m not big on the idea, but if you want to go ahead with it, I won’t stop you.


  10. bigadjective

    Mature, conscientious, principled.


  11. bigadjective

    Well-endowed, possessing large breasts in the case of a woman or a large penis in the case of a man.

    Woah, Nadia has gotten pretty big ever since she hit puberty.


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. big

    Large denotes extension in more than one direction, and beyond the average of the class to which the object belongs; we speak of a large surface or a large solid, but of a long line; a large field, a large room, a large apple, etc. A large man is a man of more than ordinary size; a great man is a man of remarkable mental power. Big is a more emphatic word than large, but of less dignity. We do not say that George Washington was a big man.

    brief, diminutive, inconsiderable, infinitesimal, insignificant, limited, little, mean, microscopic, minute, narrow, paltry, petty, scanty, short, slender, slight, small, tiny, trifling, trivial

    abundant, ample, broad, bulky, capacious, coarse, colossal, commodious, considerable, enormous, extensive, gigantic, grand, great, huge, immense, large, long, massive, spacious, vast, wide

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. big

    little, small, narrow, minute, slight, lean, affable, easy, unaffected

    large, great, wide, huge, bulky, proud, arrogant, pompous, fat, massive, gross

Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:2.8 / 4 votes

  1. large, bigadjective

    above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

    «a large city»; «set out for the big city»; «a large sum»; «a big (or large) barn»; «a large family»; «big businesses»; «a big expenditure»; «a large number of newspapers»; «a big group of scientists»; «large areas of the world»

    elflike, midget, small, diminutive, invisible, itty-bitty, immature, subatomic, pocketable, olive-sized, shrimpy, miniscule, gnomish, lesser, puny, undersize, small-scale, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, stingy, teentsy, atomic, smaller, inconspicuous, flyspeck, light, weensy, pocket-size, dinky, slender, weeny, runty, microscopic, micro, undersized, itsy-bitsy, bantam, ungenerous, teeny, teensy, littler, miniature, soft, humble, bitty, nonpregnant, mild, wee, minute, tiny, slim, unimportant, petite, minuscule, bittie, lilliputian, smallish, half-size, temperate, dwarfish, meanspirited, little, pocket-sized, microscopical, infinitesimal, elfin

    bountiful, magnanimous, full-grown, prominent, grownup, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, heavy(p), giving, bombastic, turgid, grown, large(p), enceinte, tumid, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, bighearted, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), large, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), bragging(a), bad, freehanded, with child(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, openhanded, declamatory, adult, orotund, gravid, big(p), crowing

  2. bigadjective


    «graduation was a big day in his life»

    teeny-weeny, itty-bitty, microscopic, shrimpy, lesser, teeny, temperate, light, minute, slender, ungenerous, tiny, olive-sized, smallish, dinky, microscopical, invisible, elflike, pocket-sized, midget, small-scale, subatomic, bantam, pocket-size, minuscule, infinitesimal, undersize, little, weensy, weeny, diminutive, immature, micro, miniscule, stingy, teentsy, inconspicuous, meanspirited, bittie, littler, puny, mild, smaller, petite, itsy-bitsy, pocketable, atomic, wee, gnomish, half-size, flyspeck, soft, small, teensy-weensy, miniature, humble, dwarfish, unimportant, undersized, nonpregnant, bitty, slim, teensy, lilliputian, runty, elfin

    magnanimous, bountiful, prominent, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, with child(p), giving, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), large, bragging(a), bad, freehanded, heavy(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, adult, gravid, big(p), crowing

  3. bad, bigadjective

    very intense

    «a bad headache»; «in a big rage»; «had a big (or bad) shock»; «a bad earthquake»; «a bad storm»

    undersized, lesser, teeny, lilliputian, tiny, itty-bitty, elfin, humble, teensy-weensy, undersize, inconspicuous, temperate, teentsy, light, smallish, bitty, ungenerous, miniscule, pocket-sized, runty, bittie, slender, midget, smaller, shrimpy, gnomish, petite, pocketable, flyspeck, weensy, miniature, little, olive-sized, itsy-bitsy, puny, unimportant, dinky, teensy, atomic, pocket-size, elflike, small, minute, microscopic, nonpregnant, mild, wee, teeny-weeny, meanspirited, half-size, subatomic, invisible, dwarfish, micro, soft, minuscule, slim, bantam, weeny, microscopical, diminutive, stingy, immature, infinitesimal, small-scale, littler

    bountiful, magnanimous, full-grown, speculative, prominent, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, sorry, braggy, with child(p), giving, uncollectible, grownup, regretful, grown, large(p), enceinte, bounteous, tough, liberal, unfit, high-risk, self-aggrandizing, swelled, risky, bighearted, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), large, expectant, heavy(a), unsound, spoilt, great(p), bragging(a), bad, freehanded, spoiled, heavy(p), forged, big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, openhanded, adult, defective, gravid, big(p), crowing

  4. bigadjective

    loud and firm

    «a big voice»; «big bold piano sounds»

    miniature, small-scale, itty-bitty, pocketable, subatomic, mild, midget, lesser, smaller, olive-sized, atomic, wee, slim, unimportant, half-size, pocket-sized, soft, dwarfish, humble, teeny, pocket-size, inconspicuous, immature, small, bantam, stingy, smallish, petite, weensy, bittie, bitty, flyspeck, microscopic, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, teentsy, invisible, infinitesimal, littler, elfin, runty, ungenerous, itsy-bitsy, undersized, undersize, puny, microscopical, nonpregnant, elflike, gnomish, minuscule, meanspirited, diminutive, micro, miniscule, light, little, shrimpy, temperate, weeny, lilliputian, tiny, dinky, slender, minute, teensy

    magnanimous, bountiful, prominent, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, with child(p), giving, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), large, bragging(a), bad, freehanded, heavy(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, adult, gravid, big(p), crowing

  5. big, large, prominentadjective

    conspicuous in position or importance

    «a big figure in the movement»; «big man on campus»; «he’s very large in financial circles»; «a prominent citizen»

    tiny, miniscule, infinitesimal, littler, itsy-bitsy, small, pocket-sized, stingy, miniature, bitty, puny, subatomic, dinky, elfin, weensy, undersize, weeny, microscopic, smaller, humble, bittie, slender, olive-sized, nonpregnant, teeny, immature, smallish, mild, shrimpy, dwarfish, microscopical, pocket-size, teentsy, minute, inconspicuous, soft, lilliputian, undersized, little, minuscule, unimportant, ungenerous, pocketable, elflike, half-size, flyspeck, light, teeny-weeny, small-scale, petite, gnomish, runty, invisible, slim, diminutive, midget, teensy, micro, meanspirited, wee, bantam, itty-bitty, lesser, temperate, teensy-weensy, atomic

    magnanimous, spectacular, bountiful, prominent, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, with child(p), striking, giving, bombastic, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, tumid, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), large, bragging(a), bad, freehanded, turgid, heavy(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, salient, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, declamatory, adult, orotund, gravid, big(p), crowing, outstanding

  6. big(a), heavy(a)adjective


    «big spender»; «big eater»; «heavy investor»

    microscopical, undersized, humble, weeny, teeny, pocket-sized, undersize, smallish, miniature, unimportant, teeny-weeny, teentsy, immature, midget, itsy-bitsy, mild, half-size, olive-sized, elfin, atomic, bittie, bantam, micro, light, small-scale, slender, lilliputian, teensy, teensy-weensy, pocket-size, microscopic, infinitesimal, elflike, minute, subatomic, dinky, dwarfish, weensy, pocketable, meanspirited, slim, gnomish, temperate, itty-bitty, miniscule, wee, puny, lesser, stingy, littler, nonpregnant, shrimpy, minuscule, little, diminutive, smaller, flyspeck, petite, ungenerous, soft, bitty, small, tiny, runty, inconspicuous, invisible

  7. boastful, braggart(a), bragging(a), braggy, big, cock-a-hoop, crowing, self-aggrandizing, self-aggrandisingadjective

    exhibiting self-importance

    «big talk»

    miniature, pocket-sized, little, miniscule, unimportant, gnomish, slender, pocket-size, mild, itty-bitty, invisible, micro, undersized, humble, subatomic, infinitesimal, nonpregnant, dwarfish, temperate, immature, minute, undersize, lesser, bittie, small, olive-sized, stingy, teeny, puny, slim, dinky, pocketable, smaller, itsy-bitsy, microscopical, light, weensy, teeny-weeny, minuscule, midget, teensy-weensy, tiny, weeny, ungenerous, lilliputian, elflike, meanspirited, microscopic, smallish, runty, atomic, inconspicuous, half-size, flyspeck, elfin, littler, bitty, petite, bantam, teensy, diminutive, soft, small-scale, wee, shrimpy, teentsy

  8. big, swelled, vaingloriousadjective

    feeling self-importance

    «too big for his britches»; «had a swelled head»; «he was swelled with pride»

    teeny-weeny, stingy, teensy, itsy-bitsy, undersized, petite, unimportant, half-size, pocket-size, subatomic, bittie, immature, invisible, slim, lilliputian, humble, minuscule, infinitesimal, dwarfish, inconspicuous, light, diminutive, teeny, micro, shrimpy, atomic, elflike, teentsy, runty, pocketable, undersize, microscopic, meanspirited, weeny, lesser, microscopical, nonpregnant, soft, temperate, flyspeck, pocket-sized, little, dinky, teensy-weensy, littler, bitty, tiny, gnomish, smallish, slender, wee, bantam, miniature, itty-bitty, smaller, elfin, small, minute, ungenerous, puny, small-scale, mild, weensy, miniscule, olive-sized, midget

    magnanimous, bountiful, prominent, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, with child(p), giving, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), large, bragging(a), bad, freehanded, heavy(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, adult, gravid, big(p), crowing

  9. adult, big, full-grown, fully grown, grown, grownupadjective

    (of animals) fully developed

    «an adult animal»; «a grown woman»

    soft, humble, undersized, teeny, puny, half-size, undersize, microscopic, itty-bitty, ungenerous, teeny-weeny, slim, wee, dwarfish, runty, teensy-weensy, diminutive, invisible, miniscule, weeny, olive-sized, microscopical, small-scale, lesser, petite, bitty, minute, dinky, pocketable, flyspeck, lilliputian, smallish, small, stingy, miniature, bittie, infinitesimal, minuscule, slender, littler, weensy, micro, little, tiny, itsy-bitsy, pocket-size, immature, light, inconspicuous, smaller, elflike, elfin, shrimpy, subatomic, gnomish, midget, nonpregnant, unimportant, pocket-sized, teensy, mild, temperate, bantam, atomic, meanspirited, teentsy

    bountiful, magnanimous, full-grown, prominent, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, heavy(p), giving, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), with child(p), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), large, bragging(a), bad, freehanded, pornographic, big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, openhanded, adult, gravid, big(p), crowing

  10. bigadjective

    marked by intense physical force

    «a big wind»

    slender, half-size, temperate, midget, elflike, undersize, ungenerous, nonpregnant, teeny-weeny, puny, stingy, itsy-bitsy, dwarfish, lilliputian, weensy, runty, miniature, humble, teentsy, pocketable, bitty, olive-sized, pocket-size, diminutive, littler, mild, little, soft, teensy-weensy, lesser, infinitesimal, slim, bantam, smallish, petite, flyspeck, small-scale, weeny, bittie, itty-bitty, gnomish, minuscule, invisible, microscopical, unimportant, subatomic, tiny, dinky, small, inconspicuous, minute, undersized, teensy, immature, pocket-sized, atomic, shrimpy, light, micro, smaller, teeny, elfin, microscopic, miniscule, wee, meanspirited

    magnanimous, bountiful, prominent, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, with child(p), giving, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), large, bragging(a), bad, freehanded, heavy(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, adult, gravid, big(p), crowing

  11. big, large, magnanimousadjective

    generous and understanding and tolerant

    «a heart big enough to hold no grudges»; «that’s very big of you to be so forgiving»; «a large and generous spirit»; «a large heart»; «magnanimous toward his enemies»

    teensy-weensy, temperate, teentsy, smallish, undersize, pocket-sized, gnomish, inconspicuous, small-scale, ungenerous, dwarfish, teeny, diminutive, bantam, runty, weeny, olive-sized, flyspeck, meanspirited, small, slim, bitty, micro, miniature, lilliputian, minute, humble, puny, teeny-weeny, half-size, weensy, midget, soft, elfin, undersized, nonpregnant, slender, infinitesimal, shrimpy, pocket-size, bittie, unimportant, subatomic, littler, itty-bitty, stingy, wee, immature, teensy, dinky, elflike, petite, light, miniscule, little, invisible, itsy-bitsy, microscopical, minuscule, tiny, smaller, atomic, microscopic, lesser, pocketable, mild

    magnanimous, bountiful, prominent, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, with child(p), giving, bombastic, greathearted, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, tumid, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), large, bragging(a), bad, freehanded, turgid, heavy(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, declamatory, adult, orotund, gravid, big(p), crowing

  12. big, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, freehanded, handsome, giving, liberal, openhandedadjective

    given or giving freely

    «was a big tipper»; «the bounteous goodness of God»; «bountiful compliments»; «a freehanded host»; «a handsome allowance»; «Saturday’s child is loving and giving»; «a liberal backer of the arts»; «a munificent gift»; «her fond and openhanded grandfather»

    meanspirited, microscopic, elfin, flyspeck, small-scale, minuscule, undersize, temperate, pocketable, miniature, lesser, soft, bantam, teensy, microscopical, pocket-sized, teensy-weensy, ungenerous, little, gnomish, smallish, wee, unimportant, pocket-size, smaller, humble, teeny-weeny, minute, petite, dinky, elflike, littler, teeny, bittie, dwarfish, stingy, undersized, weeny, weensy, itsy-bitsy, subatomic, itty-bitty, atomic, infinitesimal, shrimpy, slim, half-size, diminutive, immature, lilliputian, bitty, puny, inconspicuous, mild, miniscule, invisible, light, slender, runty, teentsy, small, olive-sized, tiny, micro, nonpregnant, midget

    plentiful, magnanimous, bountiful, prominent, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, free, braggy, good-looking, with child(p), fine-looking, giving, large-minded, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, well-favoured, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, broad, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, freehand, tolerant, heavy(a), great(p), large, bragging(a), bad, freehanded, heavy(p), well-favored, big(a), better-looking, self-aggrandising, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, adult, gravid, big(p), crowing, loose

  13. big(p), enceinte, expectant, gravid, great(p), large(p), heavy(p), with child(p)adverb

    in an advanced stage of pregnancy

    «was big with child»; «was great with child»

    humble, smallish, ungenerous, tiny, slim, mild, smaller, teeny-weeny, pocket-size, midget, miniature, weeny, meanspirited, soft, invisible, elflike, olive-sized, itty-bitty, teensy, slender, unimportant, lilliputian, shrimpy, itsy-bitsy, immature, miniscule, elfin, weensy, littler, micro, dwarfish, wee, diminutive, atomic, gnomish, petite, puny, little, dinky, small-scale, lesser, bittie, pocket-sized, infinitesimal, subatomic, bitty, runty, microscopic, minuscule, microscopical, teeny, half-size, pocketable, small, temperate, teentsy, teensy-weensy, undersize, flyspeck, light, bantam, undersized, minute, inconspicuous, nonpregnant, stingy

  14. bigadverb

    extremely well

    «his performance went over big»

    lilliputian, teensy-weensy, invisible, itty-bitty, gnomish, slim, elfin, miniscule, stingy, smaller, weensy, bittie, olive-sized, diminutive, slender, ungenerous, microscopical, miniature, elflike, dwarfish, mild, undersize, inconspicuous, micro, soft, pocket-size, puny, flyspeck, teeny, atomic, lesser, light, teensy, humble, small-scale, littler, bitty, minuscule, smallish, tiny, minute, dinky, undersized, midget, bantam, microscopic, subatomic, weeny, teentsy, half-size, wee, shrimpy, petite, meanspirited, teeny-weeny, nonpregnant, little, infinitesimal, pocket-sized, small, unimportant, temperate, pocketable, runty, immature, itsy-bitsy

    vauntingly, boastfully, large

  15. boastfully, vauntingly, big, largeadverb

    in a boastful manner

    «he talked big all evening»

    invisible, slim, petite, micro, puny, humble, dwarfish, dinky, elflike, weeny, bittie, bantam, half-size, mild, lesser, smallish, infinitesimal, teentsy, elfin, unimportant, slender, small, lilliputian, microscopical, teensy-weensy, pocketable, midget, runty, pocket-size, atomic, stingy, itsy-bitsy, minuscule, itty-bitty, teeny-weeny, diminutive, shrimpy, ungenerous, nonpregnant, littler, inconspicuous, weensy, wee, miniature, little, bitty, teensy, microscopic, undersize, pocket-sized, flyspeck, temperate, light, gnomish, teeny, soft, miniscule, small-scale, tiny, immature, smaller, minute, meanspirited, undersized, subatomic, olive-sized

    vauntingly, large, boastfully

  16. bigadverb

    on a grand scale

    «think big»

    slender, invisible, unimportant, bantam, teentsy, weensy, bitty, pocket-size, lesser, pocket-sized, elflike, microscopical, soft, little, teeny, pocketable, minute, microscopic, petite, shrimpy, subatomic, infinitesimal, immature, littler, itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, ungenerous, meanspirited, humble, smaller, small, diminutive, smallish, puny, runty, dwarfish, itty-bitty, stingy, flyspeck, minuscule, micro, tiny, undersize, inconspicuous, miniature, temperate, olive-sized, gnomish, nonpregnant, mild, wee, lilliputian, slim, atomic, teensy, dinky, light, miniscule, teensy-weensy, midget, elfin, bittie, small-scale, undersized, half-size, weeny

    vauntingly, boastfully, large

  17. bigadverb

    in a major way

    «the play failed big at the box office»

    slender, light, smallish, itty-bitty, teensy, lesser, microscopic, little, bitty, small-scale, minute, unimportant, teensy-weensy, flyspeck, undersize, humble, puny, miniature, ungenerous, meanspirited, atomic, miniscule, weeny, soft, midget, microscopical, wee, slim, undersized, lilliputian, teentsy, diminutive, bantam, bittie, weensy, itsy-bitsy, elfin, nonpregnant, dinky, temperate, shrimpy, subatomic, teeny-weeny, pocket-size, minuscule, petite, pocket-sized, elflike, micro, inconspicuous, stingy, gnomish, littler, dwarfish, small, pocketable, immature, tiny, runty, infinitesimal, mild, olive-sized, invisible, half-size, teeny, smaller

    vauntingly, boastfully, large

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. bigadjective

    large, huge, bulky, massive, immense, gross, voluminous, capacious, extensive, pregnant, arrogant, overbearing, lordly, magisterial, pompous, bombastic, grandiose, grandiloquent, highflown, sesquipedalian, inflated, turgid

How to use big in a sentence?

  1. Pradeep Kumar:

    One is actually afraid to go and see a doctor, we might catch infection from the hospital. That is a big problem.

  2. Quincy Jones:

    I’ve always thought that a big laugh is a really loud noise from the soul saying, Ain’t that the truth.

  3. Phin Ziebell:

    It’s tough to see a really big rally from here.

  4. Yuta Notsu:

    If a superflare occurred 1,000 years ago, it was probably no big problem. People may have seen a large aurora, now, its a much bigger problem because of our electronics.

  5. Barbara Holthus:

    The Japanese economy and Japanese people are the big losers here, however, if these nods to sustainability, diversity, and inclusion stick and bring about significant change, then that would be great for Japanese society. But this cannot be evaluated right after the Games and probably continues to be a slow process.

How to pronounce big?

How to say big in sign language?


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Are we missing a good antonym for big?

What are the opposite words for big?

Big is a relative term that can have different meanings depending on the context. In general, it describes size, amount, or importance. The opposite of the word big is small, meaning something that is little, tiny or insignificant. In terms of size, big can be antonymous with petite, diminutive, or tiny. When referring to amount or quantity, big can be opposed to small, little, or inadequate. Alternatively, significant, valuable, or substantial can contrast big when discussing magnitude or importance. Deciding on the antonym of big proper requires understanding the intended meaning and choosing the appropriate contrasting word.

Table of Contents

  • all
  • short
  • light
  • small
  • unimportant
  • poor
  • important
  • low
  • little
  • shallow
  • few
  • brief
  • cramped
  • dinky
  • fine
  • infinitesimal
  • lightweight
  • lilliputian
  • meager
  • mere
  • midget
  • miniature
  • minor
  • minute
  • petty
  • pocket
  • secondary
  • compact
  • diminutive
  • dwarf
  • imperceptible
  • inconsequential
  • insignificant
  • measly
  • microscopic
  • negligible
  • paltry
  • portable
  • puny
  • skimpy
  • slender
  • slight
  • teeny
  • thin
  • tiny
  • trifling
  • baby
  • large, great
  • short, compressed
  • condensed
  • congested, overcrowded
  • tiny, petite
  • tiny, small
  • miniature, tiny
  • least
  • hardly any
  • dainty, delicate; sheer
  • imponderable
  • not important; of no consequence
  • not heavy
  • small in size, amount
  • close to the ground; short
  • nothing more; absolute
  • tiny, almost undetectable
  • short, small
  • very small
  • insignificant, small
  • poor; worthless
  • trivial, insignificant
  • small, portable
  • deficient, inadequate
  • easily transported
  • small, insignificant
  • subordinate; less important
  • tiny in size, quantity
  • fine, light, slender
  • of no real worth, value
  • Other relevant words
  • Other antonyms

1. big

adjective. [‘ˈbɪg’] above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent.


  • small
  • little
  • beginning
  • short
  • immobile
  • insignificant
  • scarce


  • full-size
  • walloping
  • sizable
  • bulky
  • monstrous

2. big-chested

adjective. marked by a large or well-developed chest.


  • frail
  • delicate
  • unhealthy


  • robust

3. big-ticket

adjective. very expensive.


  • cheap
  • worthless
  • low-priced


  • expensive

4. big-shouldered

adjective. having broad shoulders.


  • frail
  • delicate
  • unhealthy
  • weak


  • robust
  • square-shouldered

5. big

adjective. [‘ˈbɪg’] significant.


  • unimportant
  • artless
  • end


  • of import

6. big

adjective. [‘ˈbɪg’] conspicuous in position or importance.


  • inconspicuous
  • lowercase
  • ordinary
  • fathomable


  • conspicuous
  • prominent

7. big

adjective. [‘ˈbɪg’] loud and firm.


  • soft
  • inadequacy


  • loud

8. big

adjective. [‘ˈbɪg’] very intense.


  • mild
  • unrhetorical
  • inferior


  • intense

9. big

adverb. [‘ˈbɪg’] in a boastful manner.


  • straighten
  • unequivocal
  • multivalent
  • univalent


  • boastfully
  • vauntingly

10. big

adjective. [‘ˈbɪg’] prodigious.


  • temperate
  • single
  • malfunction


  • intemperate

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