Antonym to the word large

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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largely, largeness, largish

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White Cruise Ship Gray Elephant Elephants on Brown Mountain Elephant on Green Grass Field Photo of Rocky Shore During Sunset Shallow Focus Photo of Two Brown Lions

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elephant, wildlife, mammal elephant, mammal, wildlife stork, pair, grass mammal, animal, bull elephant, mammal, african elephant reptile, animal, nature

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Antonyms for Large. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

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Antonyms for Large. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. largeadjective

    small, tiny, minuscule

    gigantic, huge, giant, largeish, stour, mickle, great, enormous, big

  2. largeadjective

    Of considerable or relatively great size or extent.

    gigantic, enormous, mickle, largeish, stour, big, great, huge, giant

    tiny, minuscule, small

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. large

    Large denotes extension in more than one direction, and beyond the average of the class to which the object belongs; we speak of a large surface or a large solid, but of a long line; a large field, a large room, a large apple, etc. A large man is a man of more than ordinary size; a great man is a man of remarkable mental power. Big is a more emphatic word than large, but of less dignity. We do not say that George Washington was a big man.

    brief, diminutive, inconsiderable, infinitesimal, insignificant, limited, little, mean, microscopic, minute, narrow, paltry, petty, scanty, short, slender, slight, small, tiny, trifling, trivial

    abundant, ample, big, broad, bulky, capacious, coarse, colossal, commodious, considerable, enormous, extensive, gigantic, grand, great, huge, immense, long, massive, spacious, vast, wide

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. large

    small, mean, narrow, circumscribed, contracted, scanty, illiberal, niggardly, bigoted, petty, sordid

    big, bulky, extensive, abundant, capacious, ample, liberal, comprehensive, enlightened, catholic, great, vast, wide

Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:1.0 / 3 votes

  1. largeadjective

    a garment size for a large person

    teentsy, insignificant, microscopical, elflike, unimportant, tiny, smallish, pocket-size, littler, diminutive, inconspicuous, little, teeny, invisible, minute, puny, ungenerous, nonpregnant, olive-sized, dinky, bantam, teensy, smaller, slim, half-size, midget, lesser, micro, minuscule, bittie, microscopic, incomprehensive, itsy-bitsy, shrimpy, noncomprehensive, unrhetorical, small-scale, infinitesimal, elfin, itty-bitty, pocketable, undersized, subatomic, miniature, lilliputian, small, meanspirited, bitty, flyspeck, teeny-weeny, pocket-sized, wee, runty, gnomish, undersize, weensy, slender, atomic, miniscule, dwarfish, teensy-weensy, petite, weeny

  2. large, bigadjective

    above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

    «a large city»; «set out for the big city»; «a large sum»; «a big (or large) barn»; «a large family»; «big businesses»; «a big expenditure»; «a large number of newspapers»; «a big group of scientists»; «large areas of the world»

    teensy-weensy, inconspicuous, infinitesimal, half-size, minute, runty, atomic, itsy-bitsy, wee, pocket-sized, lesser, microscopical, gnomish, micro, dinky, meanspirited, nonpregnant, midget, slender, smaller, tiny, noncomprehensive, weeny, teeny-weeny, flyspeck, elflike, olive-sized, petite, miniscule, littler, undersized, small-scale, bantam, unrhetorical, teensy, lilliputian, smallish, itty-bitty, bitty, puny, slim, small, incomprehensive, pocketable, teeny, elfin, teentsy, microscopic, shrimpy, subatomic, diminutive, undersize, miniature, pocket-size, ungenerous, bittie, weensy, dwarfish, invisible, insignificant, minuscule, little, unimportant

    bountiful, magnanimous, full-grown, prominent, big, grownup, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, heavy(p), giving, bombastic, turgid, grown, large(p), enceinte, tumid, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, bighearted, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), expectant, heavy(a), great(p), bragging(a), bad, freehanded, with child(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, openhanded, declamatory, adult, orotund, gravid, big(p), crowing

  3. largeadjective

    fairly large or important in effect; influential

    «played a large role in the negotiations»

    teensy, teeny-weeny, diminutive, pocketable, undersized, shrimpy, small, insignificant, infinitesimal, weensy, teeny, half-size, microscopical, itty-bitty, elfin, petite, teensy-weensy, inconspicuous, ungenerous, flyspeck, littler, puny, dinky, bitty, miniature, smaller, microscopic, noncomprehensive, slender, smallish, olive-sized, atomic, small-scale, itsy-bitsy, nonpregnant, minute, unimportant, gnomish, wee, bantam, midget, subatomic, incomprehensive, lesser, meanspirited, teentsy, pocket-sized, elflike, lilliputian, slim, micro, bittie, weeny, minuscule, miniscule, pocket-size, undersize, tiny, unrhetorical, little, invisible, runty, dwarfish

    great(p), turgid, tumid, heavy(p), prominent, declamatory, large(p), orotund, enceinte, big(p), with child(p), expectant, gravid, magnanimous, bombastic, big

  4. bombastic, declamatory, large, orotund, tumid, turgidadjective

    ostentatiously lofty in style

    «a man given to large talk»; «tumid political prose»

    minuscule, littler, small-scale, petite, invisible, bittie, noncomprehensive, olive-sized, elflike, small, lilliputian, minute, dinky, pocket-sized, tiny, infinitesimal, microscopical, flyspeck, microscopic, undersized, miniscule, bitty, weensy, little, dwarfish, unimportant, atomic, itsy-bitsy, incomprehensive, pocket-size, pocketable, meanspirited, slim, bantam, inconspicuous, diminutive, elfin, nonpregnant, miniature, teensy, ungenerous, teeny-weeny, shrimpy, subatomic, itty-bitty, midget, half-size, insignificant, lesser, undersize, weeny, puny, micro, unrhetorical, smallish, runty, teeny, gnomish, slender, teentsy, smaller, teensy-weensy, wee

    pear-shaped, gravid, big, tumid, orotund, rotund, great(p), bombastic, enceinte, expectant, heavy(p), round, with child(p), big(p), prominent, intumescent, large(p), tumescent, turgid, magnanimous, puffy, erect, declamatory

  5. big, large, magnanimousadjective

    generous and understanding and tolerant

    «a heart big enough to hold no grudges»; «that’s very big of you to be so forgiving»; «a large and generous spirit»; «a large heart»; «magnanimous toward his enemies»

    midget, tiny, wee, nonpregnant, olive-sized, inconspicuous, teeny, dinky, slender, bantam, pocket-sized, microscopical, weeny, smaller, meanspirited, puny, smallish, half-size, small-scale, minuscule, infinitesimal, atomic, elflike, pocket-size, pocketable, littler, subatomic, diminutive, unrhetorical, noncomprehensive, teentsy, unimportant, microscopic, itsy-bitsy, shrimpy, ungenerous, invisible, undersize, dwarfish, runty, teensy, elfin, incomprehensive, weensy, miniature, undersized, insignificant, micro, minute, lesser, small, slim, teensy-weensy, teeny-weeny, bitty, little, petite, gnomish, lilliputian, itty-bitty, flyspeck, miniscule, bittie

    magnanimous, bountiful, prominent, big, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, with child(p), giving, bombastic, greathearted, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, tumid, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), bragging(a), bad, freehanded, turgid, heavy(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, declamatory, adult, orotund, gravid, big(p), crowing

  6. big, large, prominentadjective

    conspicuous in position or importance

    «a big figure in the movement»; «big man on campus»; «he’s very large in financial circles»; «a prominent citizen»

    diminutive, weeny, microscopical, undersize, miniature, petite, shrimpy, littler, gnomish, teentsy, nonpregnant, slim, lilliputian, minute, invisible, ungenerous, bantam, microscopic, dinky, lesser, smallish, small, midget, wee, undersized, bitty, unimportant, elflike, atomic, teensy-weensy, tiny, incomprehensive, unrhetorical, itsy-bitsy, pocketable, elfin, itty-bitty, puny, teensy, runty, pocket-size, pocket-sized, half-size, dwarfish, slender, small-scale, infinitesimal, inconspicuous, smaller, little, weensy, olive-sized, teeny, miniscule, subatomic, teeny-weeny, noncomprehensive, meanspirited, bittie, flyspeck, minuscule, insignificant, micro

    magnanimous, spectacular, bountiful, prominent, big, vainglorious, cock-a-hoop, braggy, with child(p), striking, giving, bombastic, grownup, grown, large(p), enceinte, tumid, bounteous, liberal, self-aggrandizing, swelled, handsome, fully grown, braggart(a), bighearted, expectant, heavy(a), great(p), bragging(a), bad, freehanded, turgid, heavy(p), big(a), self-aggrandising, salient, boastful, full-grown, openhanded, declamatory, adult, orotund, gravid, big(p), crowing, outstanding

  7. largeadjective

    having broad power and range and scope

    «taking the large view»; «a large effect»; «a large sympathy»

    itsy-bitsy, lilliputian, weensy, miniscule, slender, teensy, pocket-sized, atomic, unrhetorical, small, nonpregnant, smallish, runty, littler, half-size, pocketable, teeny-weeny, lesser, insignificant, smaller, teentsy, ungenerous, microscopic, undersize, bittie, micro, undersized, olive-sized, puny, little, incomprehensive, subatomic, tiny, shrimpy, unimportant, invisible, flyspeck, weeny, bitty, slim, elfin, inconspicuous, petite, teeny, dwarfish, minuscule, noncomprehensive, midget, itty-bitty, small-scale, elflike, infinitesimal, teensy-weensy, bantam, gnomish, wee, diminutive, pocket-size, meanspirited, miniature, minute, microscopical, dinky

    great(p), turgid, tumid, heavy(p), prominent, declamatory, large(p), orotund, enceinte, big(p), with child(p), expectant, gravid, magnanimous, bombastic, big

  8. big(p), enceinte, expectant, gravid, great(p), large(p), heavy(p), with child(p)adverb

    in an advanced stage of pregnancy

    «was big with child»; «was great with child»

    undersize, microscopical, lesser, small-scale, noncomprehensive, insignificant, bantam, teeny-weeny, pocketable, unimportant, ungenerous, teensy-weensy, bittie, minute, wee, elfin, undersized, gnomish, miniature, microscopic, subatomic, itty-bitty, petite, micro, midget, teeny, half-size, dwarfish, pocket-sized, elflike, teentsy, flyspeck, slender, lilliputian, runty, itsy-bitsy, meanspirited, invisible, shrimpy, minuscule, atomic, diminutive, unrhetorical, smallish, incomprehensive, bitty, weensy, pocket-size, smaller, infinitesimal, teensy, small, inconspicuous, little, dinky, slim, nonpregnant, miniscule, littler, olive-sized, puny, weeny, tiny

  9. largeadverb

    at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)

    meanspirited, pocketable, nonpregnant, undersize, smallish, lesser, littler, teeny-weeny, pocket-sized, pocket-size, small-scale, little, microscopical, itty-bitty, puny, teeny, incomprehensive, subatomic, itsy-bitsy, minute, runty, dinky, miniscule, noncomprehensive, slender, bantam, wee, slim, tiny, shrimpy, inconspicuous, elflike, bittie, dwarfish, petite, invisible, flyspeck, unimportant, insignificant, ungenerous, micro, weensy, miniature, midget, teensy-weensy, undersized, bitty, atomic, unrhetorical, half-size, minuscule, microscopic, teensy, teentsy, infinitesimal, smaller, gnomish, diminutive, elfin, small, olive-sized, lilliputian, weeny

    vauntingly, boastfully, big

  10. largeadverb

    with the wind abaft the beam

    «a ship sailing large»

    noncomprehensive, pocket-size, diminutive, teeny, undersize, microscopic, tiny, teensy-weensy, inconspicuous, miniscule, microscopical, minute, micro, meanspirited, dinky, itty-bitty, miniature, runty, smallish, subatomic, minuscule, atomic, shrimpy, unrhetorical, smaller, elflike, teeny-weeny, small-scale, bitty, half-size, puny, gnomish, olive-sized, insignificant, unimportant, nonpregnant, weeny, bantam, little, undersized, lilliputian, teensy, bittie, small, infinitesimal, wee, incomprehensive, weensy, littler, teentsy, petite, itsy-bitsy, ungenerous, slim, lesser, pocket-sized, invisible, midget, slender, flyspeck, elfin, dwarfish, pocketable

    vauntingly, boastfully, big

  11. boastfully, vauntingly, big, largeadverb

    in a boastful manner

    «he talked big all evening»

    gnomish, pocket-sized, itty-bitty, shrimpy, teensy, undersized, minute, miniature, weensy, lilliputian, pocket-size, bittie, itsy-bitsy, infinitesimal, nonpregnant, diminutive, wee, bitty, inconspicuous, smallish, insignificant, small-scale, dwarfish, slim, unimportant, invisible, teentsy, midget, lesser, bantam, slender, puny, subatomic, teeny, smaller, elfin, atomic, minuscule, little, dinky, teeny-weeny, micro, flyspeck, microscopic, olive-sized, weeny, runty, tiny, elflike, miniscule, meanspirited, ungenerous, microscopical, noncomprehensive, petite, unrhetorical, incomprehensive, teensy-weensy, small, pocketable, undersize, littler, half-size

    vauntingly, boastfully, big

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. largeadjective

    big, extensive, huge, unwieldy, vast, massive, immense, colossal, gigantic, bulky, ample, copious, liberal, unstinted, generous, liberal, munificent, princely, hypertrophied, spacious, commodious, capacious

Editors ContributionRate these antonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. humongous

    humongous mean large

    the cat was humongous

    Submitted by anonymous on October 7, 2019  

  2. smol

    large is the opposite of »smol» because large is big and smol is short.

    yessir hot

    Submitted by bigzoe on January 27, 2023  

How to use large in a sentence?

  1. Li Yao:

    It should boost demand on the direct, large end users of especially domestic pipeline gas, and also benefits those with integrated value chains such as downstream assets in power plants and city distribution networks.

  2. Capitol Police:

    If the doors were breached, the rioters would have immediate access to the House Chambers, the actions of the officer in this case potentially saved Members and staff from serious injury and possible death from a large crowd of rioters who forced their way into the U.S. Capitol and to the House Chamber where Members and staff were steps away.

  3. Zhang Yiping:

    Stimulus measures continued to gain traction in October, which would be conducive for large and state factories.

  4. Chief Executive Michael O’Leary:

    However it is clear in my mind that within the next four of five years we will see the emergence of four or five large European airline groups… with much more capacity discipline …and some upward pressure on pricing.

  5. Bob Menendez:

    We all know that it may be the intent of someone not to have any large-scale, long-term offensive combat troops, but that intention can honestly change along the way.

How to pronounce large?

How to say large in sign language?


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4. large

adjective. [‘ˈlɑːrdʒ’] having broad power and range and scope.


  • large (English)
  • large (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • large (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

6. large

noun. [‘ˈlɑːrdʒ’] a garment size for a large person.


  • large (English)
  • large (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • large (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

7. large

adverb. [‘ˈlɑːrdʒ’] in a boastful manner.


  • large (English)
  • large (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • large (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

8. large

adjective. [‘ˈlɑːrdʒ’] in an advanced stage of pregnancy.


  • large (English)
  • large (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • large (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

9. large

adjective. [‘ˈlɑːrdʒ’] conspicuous in position or importance.


  • large (English)
  • large (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • large (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

10. large

adjective. [‘ˈlɑːrdʒ’] ostentatiously lofty in style.


  • large (English)
  • large (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • large (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

Antonyms for (adj) large

Main entry: large, big

Definition: above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

Usage: a large city; set out for the big city; a large sum; a big (or large) barn; a large family; big businesses; a big expenditure; a large number of newspapers; a big group of scientists; large areas of the world

Antonyms: little, small

Definition: limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent

Antonyms: single

Definition: used of flowers having usually only one row or whorl of petals

Antonyms: shallow

Definition: lacking physical depth; having little spatial extension downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or outward from a center

Antonyms: shallow

Definition: not deep or strong; not affecting one deeply

Antonyms: scrimpy, meager, meagerly, meagre, stingy

Definition: deficient in amount or quality or extent

Antonyms: narrow

Definition: not wide

Antonyms: narrow

Definition: very limited in degree

Antonyms: intensive

Definition: of agriculture; intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor

Antonyms: unextended

Definition: not extended or stretched out

Main entry: large

Definition: having broad power and range and scope

Usage: taking the large view; a large effect; a large sympathy

Main entry: big, magnanimous, large

Definition: generous and understanding and tolerant

Usage: a heart big enough to hold no grudges; that’s very big of you to be so forgiving; a large and generous spirit; a large heart; magnanimous toward his enemies

Main entry: big, with child, large, heavy, gravid, great, enceinte, expectant

Definition: in an advanced stage of pregnancy

Usage: was big with child; was great with child

Main entry: big, prominent, large

Definition: conspicuous in position or importance

Usage: a big figure in the movement; big man on campus; he’s very large in financial circles; a prominent citizen

Main entry: large

Definition: fairly large or important in effect; influential

Usage: played a large role in the negotiations

Main entry: tumid, turgid, bombastic, declamatory, large, orotund

Definition: ostentatiously lofty in style

Usage: a man given to large talk; tumid political prose

Visual thesaurus for large

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