Antonym of the word reduce


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Antonyms for Reduce. 2016. Accessed April 11, 2023.

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

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  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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1. reduce

verb. [‘rɪˈduːs’] cut down on; make a reduction in.


  • thicken
  • inflate
  • deflate
  • increase
  • lengthen
  • fuse
  • ionate


  • trim back
  • bring down
  • shave
  • downsize
  • lessen


  • reduce (English)
  • reducere (Latin)

2. reduce

verb. [‘rɪˈduːs’] make less complex.


  • complicate
  • stand still
  • pack


  • simplify


  • reduce (English)
  • reducere (Latin)

3. reduce

verb. [‘rɪˈduːs’] bring to humbler or weaker state or condition.


  • promote
  • decentralise
  • deconcentrate
  • decentralize
  • diverge
  • scale up


  • bump
  • kick downstairs
  • demote
  • relegate


  • reduce (English)
  • reducere (Latin)

4. reduce

verb. [‘rɪˈduːs’] be the essential element.


  • abstain
  • ignite
  • heat
  • uncut
  • switch on


  • become
  • boil down
  • come down


  • reduce (English)
  • reducere (Latin)

5. reduce

verb. [‘rɪˈduːs’] simplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another.


  • forbid
  • disallow
  • integrate
  • woman
  • fire


  • substitute
  • interchange
  • exchange


  • reduce (English)
  • reducere (Latin)

6. reduce

verb. [‘rɪˈduːs’] lower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation.


  • thinness
  • significant
  • concentrated
  • full
  • spirited
  • thickly


  • take down
  • put down
  • degrade
  • disgrace


  • reduce (English)
  • reducere (Latin)

7. reduce

verb. [‘rɪˈduːs’] reduce in size; reduce physically.


  • increase
  • erase
  • unabridged
  • unmown
  • untrimmed
  • presence
  • start


  • depopulate
  • scale down
  • shrink
  • desolate
  • miniaturise


  • reduce (English)
  • reducere (Latin)

8. reduce

verb. [‘rɪˈduːs’] to remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase in the number of electrons.


  • stay
  • oxidize
  • oxidise
  • malfunction
  • undiluted
  • uncastrated


  • pole
  • benficiate
  • deoxidise
  • change


  • reduce (English)
  • reducere (Latin)

9. reduce

verb. [‘rɪˈduːs’] make smaller.


  • blow up
  • attend
  • increased


  • shrink


  • reduce (English)
  • reducere (Latin)

10. reduce

verb. [‘rɪˈduːs’] narrow or limit.


  • add
  • waste
  • continue
  • decrease
  • unbalance
  • fat
  • untidy


  • throttle
  • restrict
  • bound
  • limit
  • tighten


  • reduce (English)
  • reducere (Latin)

How does the verb reduce differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of reduce are abate, decrease, diminish, dwindle, and lessen. While all these words mean «to grow or make less,» reduce implies a bringing down or lowering.

you must reduce your caloric intake

When would abate be a good substitute for reduce?

The synonyms abate and reduce are sometimes interchangeable, but abate implies a reducing of something excessive or oppressive in force or amount.

Where would decrease be a reasonable alternative to reduce?

The meanings of decrease and reduce largely overlap; however, decrease suggests a progressive decline in size, amount, numbers, or intensity.

slowly decreased the amount of pressure

When can diminish be used instead of reduce?

While the synonyms diminish and reduce are close in meaning, diminish emphasizes a perceptible loss and implies its subtraction from a total.

his visual acuity has diminished

In what contexts can dwindle take the place of reduce?

In some situations, the words dwindle and reduce are roughly equivalent. However, dwindle implies progressive lessening and is applied to things growing visibly smaller.

their provisions dwindled slowly

When is lessen a more appropriate choice than reduce?

The words lessen and reduce are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, lessen suggests a decline in amount rather than in number.

has been unable to lessen her debt

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. reduce

    Abase refers only to outward conditions. «Exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high.» Ezek. xxi, 26. Debase applies to quality or character. The coinage is debased by excess of alloy, the man by vice. Humble in present use refers chiefly to feeling of heart; humiliate to outward conditions; even when one is said to humble himself, he either has or affects to have humility of heart. To disgrace may be to bring or inflict odium upon others, but the word is chiefly and increasingly applied to such moral odium as one by his own acts brings upon himself; the noun disgrace retains more of the passive sense than the verb; he disgraced himself by his conduct; he brought disgrace upon his family. To dishonor a person is to deprive him of honor that should or might be given. To discredit one is to injure his reputation, as for veracity or solvency. A sense of unworthiness humbles; a shameful insult humiliates; imprisonment for crime disgraces. Degrade may refer to either station or character. An officer is degraded by being reduced to the ranks, disgraced by cowardice; vile practises degrade; drunkenness is a degrading vice. Misfortune or injustice may abase the good; nothing but their own ill-doing can debase or disgrace them.

    advance, aggrandize, dignify, elevate, exalt, honor, promote, raise, uplift

    abase, bring low, cast down, debase, degrade, depress, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, humble, humiliate, lower, sink

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. reduce

    enlarge, magnify, increase, augment, produce, extend, amplify, broaden, expand, renovate, invigorate, restore, repair, liberate, free, except, dissociate, transform

    lessen, diminish, curtail, attenuate, impoverish, narrow, contract, weaken, impair, subdue, subjugate, bring, refer, subject, classify, convert

Matched Categories

    • Cookery
    • Decrease
    • Degrade
    • Demote
    • Destress
    • Impoverish
    • Linguistics
    • Mathematics
    • Oppress
    • Reposition
    • Restrict
    • Separate
    • Simplify
    • Substitute
    • Weaken

Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. reduce, cut down, cut back, trim, trim down, trim back, cut, bring downverb

    cut down on; make a reduction in

    «reduce your daily fat intake»; «The employer wants to cut back health benefits»

    put on, enlarge, gain, magnify, blow up

    clip, cut out, skip, strike down, ignore, cut off, put down, lop, knock down, reduce, curtail, turn off, fell, trim, tailor, visit, shave, quash, cut, overthrow, cut back, mow, land, turn out, lose weight, shrink, slew, rationalise, switch off, prune, melt off, trim down, snip, contract, dress, shorten, thin, make out, geld, rationalize, disregard, down, snub, push down, inflict, subvert, slim down, concentrate, garnish, slue, tighten, abbreviate, bring down, pull down, restrict, keep down, hack, impose, flash back, subdue, cut down, deoxidise, burn, subjugate, curb, issue, edit, edit out, come down, repress, let down, foreshorten, dilute, write out, thin out, curve, swerve, get down, scale down, crop, drop, take down, boil down, pare, slenderize, trend, lower, abridge, deoxidize, sheer, slash, veer, overturn, decoct, slim, trim back

  2. reduceverb

    make less complex

    «reduce a problem to a single question»

    magnify, put on, gain, blow up, enlarge

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  3. reduceverb

    bring to humbler or weaker state or condition

    «He reduced the population to slavery»

    blow up, gain, put on, magnify, enlarge

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  4. reduceverb

    simplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another

    gain, enlarge, magnify, blow up, put on

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  5. reduceverb

    lower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation

    «She reduced her niece to a servant»

    blow up, enlarge, gain, put on, magnify

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  6. reduce, come down, boil downverb

    be the essential element

    «The proposal boils down to a compromise»

    magnify, put on, gain, enlarge, blow up

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, go down, cut, precipitate, trim back, descend, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, sicken, fall, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, reduce, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  7. shrink, reduceverb

    reduce in size; reduce physically

    «Hot water will shrink the sweater»; «Can you shrink this image?»

    gain, enlarge, blow up, magnify, put on

    wither, bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, quail, trim down, thin out, cut, funk, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut down, flinch, tighten, wince, shrink, shrivel up, abridge, reduce, recoil, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, cringe, concentrate, thin, deoxidize, subjugate, dilute, shorten, slim, shrivel, squinch, come down, deoxidise, abbreviate, cut back, keep down, lose weight, repress

  8. reduceverb

    lessen and make more modest

    «reduce one’s standard of living»

    magnify, gain, blow up, enlarge, put on

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  9. reduce, scale downverb

    make smaller

    «reduce an image»

    blow up, enlarge, put on, magnify, gain

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, reduce, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  10. deoxidize, deoxidise, reduceverb

    to remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase in the number of electrons

    gain, magnify, put on, enlarge, blow up

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, reduce, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, come down, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  11. reduce, tightenverb

    narrow or limit

    «reduce the influx of foreigners»

    gain, blow up, enlarge, magnify, put on

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, constrain, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, stiffen, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, fasten, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, tighten up, deoxidise, reduce, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  12. repress, quash, keep down, subdue, subjugate, reduceverb

    put down by force or intimidation

    «The government quashes any attempt of an uprising»; «China keeps down her dissidents very efficiently»; «The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land»

    gain, blow up, enlarge, magnify, put on

    chasten, strangle, get over, suppress, concentrate, master, conquer, avoid, quash, slim down, boil down, surmount, scale down, annul, trim down, thin out, inhibit, lose weight, decoct, cut, foreshorten, nullify, abbreviate, trim, slenderize, subject, shorten, deoxidise, crucify, subjugate, cut down, abridge, reduce, contract, melt off, subdue, curb, stamp down, invalidate, deoxidize, come down, subordinate, tame, number, mortify, dilute, slim, shrink, smother, thin, bring down, trim back, cut back, overcome, muffle, keep down, stifle, void, repress, tighten

  13. reduceverb

    undergo meiosis

    «The cells reduce»

    enlarge, blow up, magnify, put on, gain

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  14. reduceverb

    reposition (a broken bone after surgery) back to its normal site

    put on, enlarge, gain, blow up, magnify

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  15. reduceverb

    destress and thus weaken a sound when pronouncing it

    magnify, blow up, enlarge, put on, gain

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  16. abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, contract, reduceverb

    reduce in scope while retaining essential elements

    «The manuscript must be shortened»

    magnify, enlarge, put on, gain, blow up

    sign on, expurgate, skip, foreshorten, ignore, cut off, bowdlerize, bowdlerise, sign, reduce, hack, compress, tailor, quash, disregard, cut back, sign up, turn out, lose weight, slew, rationalise, switch off, castrate, prune, melt off, trim down, scale down, contract, condense, shorten, compact, thin, slim down, geld, rationalize, make out, abridge, constrict, issue, narrow, take, squeeze, bring down, trim, slue, tighten, deoxidise, abbreviate, turn off, keep down, cut, subdue, cut down, dilute, burn, subjugate, get, shrink, edit, edit out, come down, repress, press, write out, thin out, swerve, boil down, snub, slenderize, trend, curve, deoxidize, sheer, concentrate, undertake, veer, decoct, slim, trim back

  17. boil down, reduce, decoct, concentrateverb

    be cooked until very little liquid is left

    «The sauce should reduce to one cup»

    magnify, gain, enlarge, put on, blow up

    digest, bring down, decoct, pore, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, cut back, trim down, rivet, thin out, center, focus, centralise, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut down, tighten, subjugate, shrink, abridge, reduce, condense, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, centre, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, slim, thin, come down, centralize, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress

  18. reduce, boil down, concentrateverb

    cook until very little liquid is left

    «The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time»

    magnify, blow up, enlarge, put on, gain

    digest, bring down, decoct, pore, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, rivet, slim, center, focus, centralise, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, condense, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, centre, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, thin, reduce, centralize, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  19. dilute, thin, thin out, reduce, cutverb

    lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture

    «cut bourbon»

    gain, blow up, enlarge, put on, magnify

    veer, bring down, decoct, sheer, slim down, turn off, quash, turn out, boil down, burn, foreshorten, shorten, hack, trim down, slim, prune, edit, snub, debase, cut, rationalize, load, curve, trim back, trim, ignore, swerve, cut back, write out, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, skip, abridge, reduce, make out, adulterate, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, switch off, concentrate, stretch, thin, deoxidize, come down, dilute, geld, rationalise, slew, disregard, tailor, cut off, slenderize, edit out, slue, issue, deoxidise, abbreviate, trend, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

  20. reduce, melt off, lose weight, slim, slenderize, thin, slim downverb

    take off weight

    enlarge, gain, blow up, put on, magnify

    bring down, decoct, slim down, quash, boil down, foreshorten, trim down, slim, cut, trim back, trim, slenderize, cut back, cut down, subjugate, thin out, shrink, abridge, come down, contract, melt off, subdue, scale down, concentrate, deoxidize, shorten, dilute, slenderise, thin, reduce, deoxidise, abbreviate, keep down, lose weight, repress, tighten

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. reduceverb

    diminish, lower, degrade, minimize, depress, debase, humble, conquer, subdue, vanquish, subjugate, subject

How to use REDUCE in a sentence?

  1. Seymour Kagan:

    The president or someone in the VA should change the rule to reflect the pandemic and enlarge the vaccination program to any veteran, this would have the added benefit of increasing the distribution of the vaccine at a faster rate rather than going through the states — it would also reduce the demand on the states of those people who are veterans who would get the shot directly through the VA clinic.

  2. Jennifer Landa:

    You want to consider using the copper IUD rather than the one that contains hormones. The hormone containing IUD was just shown in a study to reduce clearance of HPV.

  3. Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel:

    At the same time we took on board the concerns of the people, who are worried about the future, and this means we want to reduce, we want to drastically decrease the number of people coming to us.

  4. Winston Churchill:

    One ought never to turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half.

  5. Johnny Isakson:

    I am demanding answers from the Department of Defense on how they are justifying these troop cuts in Georgia, we cannot afford to reduce our military readiness at a time when the threats to our security here at home and throughout the world are growing at an alarming rate.

How to pronounce REDUCE?

How to say REDUCE in sign language?


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