Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:
- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
Use of
In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the antonyms for dry. These antonyms of the word dry are provided for information only.
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- change
- oil
- immerse
- occupy
- moisten
- liquefy
- plunge
- infuse
- lubricate
- dampen
- deluge
- enwrap
- lade
- macerate
- overflow
- perspire
- sop
- souse
- spatter
- spread out
- submerse
- bathe
- brew
- dip
- douse
- drench
- drown
- engulf
- impregnate
- marinate
- permeate
- pickle
- quench
- settle
- soak
- splash
- submerge
- suffuse
- wash
- wash with water and, usually, soap
- swamp
- prepare by boiling
- make wet
- take moisture out of
- inundate with water
- put into liquid
- saturate
- drench, extinguish with liquid
- wet thoroughly
- submerge in liquid; submerge and die
- dip in liquid
- absorb, overwhelm
- submerge in liquid
- infuse, fill; make pregnant
- introduce; soak
- make slippery
- make wet, damp
- be busy with
- pour out, flood
- filter, spread throughout
- preserve fruit or vegetable
- dive or fall fast
- destroy, extinguish
- wash off, out
- drench, wet through
- come to rest; fall
- drench, wet
- make very wet
- splash, sprinkle
- let soak
- dunk in liquid
- overwhelm, flood
- bathe, clean
- dampen; put water in
- dank
- oily
- watery
- hot
- close
- moist
- heavy
- wet
- airless
- clammy
- luscious
- oppressive
- slick
- slippery
- sodden
- sultry
- sweaty
- tufted
- yummy
- creamy
- damp
- delicious
- fatty
- gooey
- greasy
- juicy
- liquid
- misty
- mossy
- muddy
- muggy
- rainy
- saturated
- slimy
- soaked
- steamy
- sticky
- stormy
- succulent
- sweltering
- watered
- all
- very hot
- near, nearby
- smooth, buttery
- wet, humid
- sarcastic, sharp-tongued
- dull, uninteresting
- moistureless
- full of adipose tissue
- sticky, gummy
- slippery, oily
- depressed, gloomy
- very high in temperature
- very damp, referring to weather
- fluid, flowing, melting
- delicious, delectable
- wet, wettish
- dark and cloudy
- fatty, greasy
- hot and humid
- smooth, polished
- oozy, gooey
- smooth, slick
- damp or soaking
- gummy, adhesive
- rough (referring to weather)
- juicy, delicious
- damp with perspiration
- given water
- liquid, diluted
- Other relevant words
- Other antonyms
What is the opposite word for Dry?
dehydrate, dehydrated
dehydrated, dull
dehydrated, moistureless
dehydrated, moistureless
dull, sarcastic
dehydrate, take moisture out of
wet, take moisture out of
sarcastic, dull
sarcastic, dull
take moisture out of
take moisture out of
dull, moistureless
moistureless, sarcastic
take moisture out of
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Dry Thesaurus
Definitions of Dry
Dry Synonyms
Nearby Words
drying, dryer, dryish
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Cite this Source
Antonyms for Dry. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from
Antonyms for Dry. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <>.
Antonyms for Dry. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023.
3. dry
verb. [‘ˈdraɪ’] remove the moisture from and make dry.
- dry (English)
- drye (Middle English (1100-1500))
- drygan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
- dryge (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
4. dry
verb. [‘ˈdraɪ’] become dry or drier.
- dry (English)
- drye (Middle English (1100-1500))
- drygan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
- dryge (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
5. dry
adjective. [‘ˈdraɪ’] humorously sarcastic or mocking.
- dry (English)
- drye (Middle English (1100-1500))
- drygan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
- dryge (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
9. dry
adjective. [‘ˈdraɪ’] lacking warmth or emotional involvement.
- dry (English)
- drye (Middle English (1100-1500))
- drygan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
- dryge (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
10. dry
adjective. [‘ˈdraɪ’] having a large proportion of strong liquor.
- dry (English)
- drye (Middle English (1100-1500))
- drygan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
- dryge (Old English (ca. 450-1100))
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
drench, moisten, wetSynonyms:
drain, parch -
moist, fresh, juicy, lively, entertainingSynonyms:
arid, parched, moistureless, juiceless, barren, tame, sarcastic, vapid, lifeless, dull, tedious, uninteresting, monotonous
Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
dry, prohibitionistadjective
a reformer who opposes the use of intoxicating beverages
moist, nonalcoholic, washed, dampish, drunk, sticky, clammy, muggy, undried, steaming, watery, muddy, bedewed, showery, humid, fresh, unhumorous, humorless, drizzly, sloppy, intoxicated, emotional, humourless, mucky, miry, dewy, soggy, waterlogged, phlegmy, sloughy, wet, sweet, tacky, squashy, rheumy, boggy, marshy, gaseous, stimulating, tearful, steamy, quaggy, liquid, besprent, misty, dank, swampy, damp, reeking, fancy, productive, soppy, lactating, inebriated, drippy, rainy, soddenSynonyms:
prohibitionist -
free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet
«dry land»; «dry clothes»; «a dry climate»; «dry splintery boards»; «a dry river bed»; «the paint is dry»
sodden, showery, watery, drizzly, reeking, rheumy, drippy, intoxicated, muggy, washed, liquid, steamy, inebriated, waterlogged, bedewed, nonalcoholic, humid, fancy, phlegmy, lactating, wet, miry, dank, sweet, unhumorous, gaseous, damp, sloppy, dewy, undried, sticky, marshy, rainy, dampish, mucky, boggy, productive, sloughy, swampy, tearful, tacky, misty, humorless, stimulating, fresh, moist, soggy, steaming, soppy, muddy, besprent, humourless, squashy, clammy, drunk, emotional, quaggySynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
dry, ironic, ironical, wryadjective
humorously sarcastic or mocking
«dry humor»; «an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely»; «an ironic novel»; «an ironical smile»; «with a wry Scottish wit»
squashy, marshy, boggy, wet, humourless, nonalcoholic, tacky, muddy, dampish, quaggy, swampy, rainy, watery, besprent, undried, drunk, tearful, humorless, showery, dank, sodden, reeking, soppy, fresh, humid, miry, emotional, muggy, waterlogged, sweet, drippy, sloppy, soggy, phlegmy, dewy, unhumorous, damp, clammy, sloughy, moist, washed, drizzly, bedewed, steamy, mucky, lactating, inebriated, misty, stimulating, fancy, sticky, gaseous, steaming, liquid, productive, rheumy, intoxicatedSynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
lacking moisture or volatile components
«dry paint»
inebriated, showery, humorless, fancy, muggy, tearful, misty, washed, sweet, bedewed, dampish, wet, watery, emotional, steamy, unhumorous, stimulating, drizzly, quaggy, rainy, soppy, reeking, damp, sodden, drunk, rheumy, besprent, sloppy, miry, undried, lactating, intoxicated, sticky, tacky, steaming, squashy, phlegmy, sloughy, dewy, humourless, humid, gaseous, nonalcoholic, drippy, swampy, waterlogged, fresh, productive, marshy, liquid, boggy, soggy, clammy, mucky, muddy, dank, moistSynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages
«the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers»; «a dry state»
productive, sloppy, rainy, phlegmy, squashy, fancy, steaming, fresh, sweet, sodden, marshy, showery, sticky, clammy, boggy, humid, reeking, besprent, unhumorous, tearful, tacky, bedewed, watery, undried, sloughy, muggy, emotional, intoxicated, wet, dank, dampish, dewy, rheumy, miry, drunk, drippy, quaggy, nonalcoholic, misty, soppy, stimulating, soggy, mucky, steamy, humourless, drizzly, humorless, muddy, swampy, lactating, liquid, moist, washed, inebriated, waterlogged, gaseous, dampSynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
not producing milk
«a dry cow»
lactating, misty, clammy, rheumy, wet, besprent, soggy, mucky, drizzly, soppy, sloppy, gaseous, humourless, productive, unhumorous, steamy, liquid, sloughy, drunk, reeking, swampy, boggy, humorless, fancy, sodden, emotional, bedewed, muddy, washed, sticky, stimulating, muggy, miry, dewy, tearful, humid, fresh, marshy, dampish, intoxicated, dank, sweet, phlegmy, tacky, quaggy, undried, inebriated, rainy, showery, watery, nonalcoholic, damp, drippy, moist, squashy, waterlogged, steamingSynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
(of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation
«a dry white burgundy»; «a dry Bordeaux»
wet, soppy, lactating, watery, sloughy, moist, drizzly, humourless, sticky, inebriated, steamy, sloppy, gaseous, damp, reeking, sodden, washed, steaming, rheumy, dampish, dewy, clammy, quaggy, tacky, squashy, nonalcoholic, stimulating, tearful, fancy, productive, miry, unhumorous, mucky, muddy, fresh, liquid, sweet, bedewed, drunk, rainy, waterlogged, misty, undried, muggy, humorless, drippy, soggy, dank, emotional, showery, boggy, phlegmy, humid, besprent, marshy, swampy, intoxicatedSynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
without a mucous or watery discharge
«a dry cough»; «that rare thing in the wintertime; a small child with a dry nose»
damp, waterlogged, phlegmy, emotional, wet, soppy, drizzly, sloughy, fancy, undried, humourless, dampish, rheumy, gaseous, liquid, humorless, sweet, lactating, sodden, soggy, sloppy, dewy, swampy, miry, washed, misty, watery, muddy, unhumorous, muggy, quaggy, moist, humid, tacky, tearful, inebriated, mucky, sticky, stimulating, drunk, dank, reeking, steamy, besprent, rainy, clammy, steaming, drippy, squashy, fresh, nonalcoholic, showery, marshy, bedewed, intoxicated, productive, boggySynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
not shedding tears
«dry sobs»; «with dry eyes»
steaming, sloppy, sweet, showery, dank, reeking, wet, watery, drizzly, rheumy, drunk, bedewed, misty, muggy, emotional, steamy, dampish, moist, clammy, swampy, sticky, rainy, humourless, soppy, lactating, besprent, gaseous, nonalcoholic, productive, phlegmy, inebriated, drippy, boggy, fancy, soggy, humid, sodden, marshy, squashy, sloughy, washed, undried, liquid, tearful, fresh, stimulating, damp, quaggy, humorless, dewy, unhumorous, tacky, miry, mucky, intoxicated, waterlogged, muddySynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
dry, juicelessadjective
lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifeless
«a dry book»; «a dry lecture filled with trivial details»; «dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to…life»- John Mason Brown
besprent, fancy, soppy, wet, nonalcoholic, muggy, productive, inebriated, intoxicated, muddy, gaseous, sweet, mucky, humorless, showery, undried, sodden, sloppy, humourless, swampy, tacky, misty, miry, rainy, unhumorous, sticky, boggy, quaggy, steamy, watery, drizzly, rheumy, tearful, damp, dewy, emotional, sloughy, drunk, dank, steaming, liquid, phlegmy, humid, clammy, stimulating, marshy, fresh, waterlogged, reeking, squashy, washed, dampish, drippy, bedewed, lactating, moist, soggySynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones
«dry weight»
stimulating, washed, intoxicated, steaming, misty, fresh, clammy, quaggy, sweet, watery, waterlogged, rainy, sloughy, drizzly, wet, rheumy, humorless, muddy, moist, soggy, sticky, unhumorous, sloppy, dewy, sodden, tacky, liquid, nonalcoholic, humid, steamy, dampish, swampy, reeking, fancy, emotional, drunk, muggy, besprent, phlegmy, miry, undried, damp, showery, humourless, squashy, gaseous, dank, drippy, soppy, tearful, boggy, bedewed, lactating, mucky, inebriated, productive, marshySynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
unproductive especially of the expected results
«a dry run»; «a mind dry of new ideas»
steamy, undried, drizzly, humourless, washed, emotional, moist, watery, rainy, sloppy, drippy, marshy, quaggy, squashy, muddy, damp, sticky, clammy, soggy, drunk, phlegmy, sweet, mucky, gaseous, wet, dampish, miry, steaming, fresh, liquid, fancy, soppy, humid, bedewed, showery, humorless, besprent, swampy, reeking, tacky, boggy, tearful, inebriated, muggy, waterlogged, dewy, sodden, productive, nonalcoholic, unhumorous, sloughy, intoxicated, stimulating, lactating, misty, dank, rheumySynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
having no adornment or coloration
«dry facts»; «rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical manner»
drizzly, fresh, quaggy, sloughy, boggy, steamy, miry, muggy, stimulating, watery, inebriated, sloppy, drippy, wet, dewy, dampish, tacky, reeking, showery, steaming, squashy, clammy, rheumy, fancy, humorless, swampy, bedewed, phlegmy, misty, productive, lactating, marshy, humourless, damp, soggy, unhumorous, muddy, sodden, intoxicated, drunk, waterlogged, liquid, dank, washed, tearful, gaseous, sweet, besprent, sticky, humid, mucky, emotional, soppy, nonalcoholic, undried, rainy, moistSynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
(of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish
«dry toast»; «dry meat»
squashy, quaggy, undried, intoxicated, drippy, besprent, fancy, muddy, steaming, sloppy, lactating, drizzly, washed, muggy, waterlogged, watery, reeking, inebriated, tearful, dewy, humid, liquid, productive, steamy, damp, misty, wet, fresh, dampish, sticky, sweet, phlegmy, sloughy, sodden, stimulating, mucky, miry, drunk, bedewed, marshy, swampy, showery, soggy, moist, humourless, soppy, gaseous, rheumy, boggy, emotional, nonalcoholic, clammy, dank, rainy, humorless, unhumorous, tackySynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
having a large proportion of strong liquor
«a very dry martini is almost straight gin»
drizzly, humorless, steamy, waterlogged, quaggy, besprent, misty, wet, boggy, clammy, watery, emotional, swampy, reeking, muddy, tacky, moist, stimulating, humid, nonalcoholic, showery, lactating, sticky, squashy, sweet, soppy, inebriated, fancy, phlegmy, miry, sloppy, mucky, drunk, fresh, bedewed, rainy, productive, gaseous, dank, marshy, washed, dewy, sodden, tearful, unhumorous, humourless, dampish, muggy, damp, drippy, liquid, intoxicated, rheumy, steaming, undried, sloughy, soggySynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
lacking warmth or emotional involvement
«a dry greeting»; «a dry reading of the lines»; «a dry critique»
watery, soggy, productive, humid, miry, clammy, fresh, misty, dank, marshy, besprent, reeking, showery, boggy, rheumy, muddy, fancy, mucky, muggy, steamy, waterlogged, tearful, sweet, intoxicated, rainy, steaming, lactating, swampy, sloppy, sticky, humourless, unhumorous, drunk, emotional, tacky, quaggy, nonalcoholic, wet, drippy, sloughy, soppy, damp, sodden, stimulating, moist, humorless, inebriated, bedewed, gaseous, dewy, dampish, undried, drizzly, liquid, phlegmy, washed, squashySynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
dry, teetotalverb
practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages
«he’s been dry for ten years»; «no thank you; I happen to be teetotal»
watery, nonalcoholic, marshy, clammy, dank, muddy, steamy, bedewed, humourless, undried, sloughy, wet, humorless, soppy, productive, sloppy, mucky, soggy, showery, sticky, tearful, gaseous, sweet, liquid, lactating, unhumorous, misty, dampish, muggy, steaming, swampy, fancy, drizzly, drunk, quaggy, fresh, reeking, dewy, tacky, emotional, phlegmy, rainy, rheumy, miry, stimulating, moist, intoxicated, besprent, boggy, waterlogged, drippy, sodden, washed, damp, inebriated, humid, squashySynonyms:
ironical, teetotal, wry, ironic, juiceless -
dry, dry outverb
remove the moisture from and make dry
«dry clothes»; «dry hair»
muddy, intoxicated, steamy, fancy, drippy, soggy, gaseous, liquid, boggy, squashy, tacky, reeking, inebriated, drunk, rheumy, humid, wet, watery, drizzly, quaggy, dank, humorless, unhumorous, mucky, washed, productive, steaming, moist, dampish, sticky, undried, clammy, lactating, marshy, rainy, muggy, showery, sloppy, emotional, miry, sodden, waterlogged, misty, fresh, humourless, tearful, swampy, damp, stimulating, bedewed, sloughy, besprent, phlegmy, soppy, sweet, nonalcoholic, dewySynonyms:
dry out, run dry -
dry, dry outverb
become dry or drier
«The laundry dries in the sun»
steamy, lactating, stimulating, reeking, damp, productive, sticky, muddy, dampish, fancy, dank, inebriated, rheumy, waterlogged, misty, wet, washed, marshy, muggy, unhumorous, miry, sloppy, sodden, tacky, sweet, tearful, dewy, liquid, humourless, watery, undried, clammy, fresh, squashy, soggy, gaseous, phlegmy, showery, sloughy, drippy, soppy, besprent, rainy, humid, nonalcoholic, intoxicated, mucky, emotional, moist, drizzly, steaming, bedewed, humorless, boggy, swampy, quaggy, drunkSynonyms:
dry out, run dry
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
desiccated, exsiccated, dried, evaporated, arid, parched, anhydrous, droughty, barren, uninteresting, jejune, vapid, tedious, prosaic, tame, sharp, keen, quaint, shrewd, droll -
evaporate, desiccate, exsiccate, arefy, insolate (dry in the sun), torrefy, infumate (dry in smoke)
Editors ContributionRate these antonyms:1.0 / 7 votes
not wet, stiff, uncomfortable
it was a dry summer so all the water was gone
Submitted by anonymous on November 17, 2019
How to use dry in a sentence?
John Jay Chapman:
People get so in the habit of worry that if you save them from drowning and put them on a bank to dry in the sun with hot chocolate and muffins they wonder whether they are catching cold.
Jay Hauck:
Pro-ban supports would like to make it cut and dry, but it’s a very complicated issue, it’s an onion, and you can have to peel away the layers.
Jack London:
I would rather be ashes than dust I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.
Robertson Davies:
He types his labored column — weary drudge! Senile fudge and solemn: spare, editor, to condemn these dry leaves of his autumn.
Daniel Swain:
The Colorado River shortage’s extremely fortunate that October and December 2021 were very wet months in California, as otherwise this extremely dry January and start to February would have produced pretty dire consequences.
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as in thirsty
marked by little or no precipitation or humidity
the dry climate of the American Southwest
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in boring
causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest
a very dry topic for a lecture at a museum of natural history
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in cold
having or showing a lack of friendliness or interest in others
a dry temperament that suited him well in a desk job that required no interaction with the customers
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in to desiccate
to make dry
the wind quickly dried their clothes
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in to fade
to lose liveliness, force, or freshness
his creative talents were just drying on the vine in that small, provincial town
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
as in teetotalist
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
Thesaurus Entries Near dry
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“Dry.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 13 Apr. 2023.
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Antonyms for (verb) dry
Main entry: dry, dry out
Definition: remove the moisture from and make dry
Usage: dry clothes; dry hair
Antonyms: wet
Definition: cause to become wet
Antonyms for (adj) dry
Main entry: dry
Definition: without a mucous or watery discharge
Usage: a dry cough; that rare thing in the wintertime; a small child with a dry nose
Antonyms: phlegmy
Definition: characterized by phlegm
Main entry: dry
Definition: (of liquor) having a low residual sugar content because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation
Usage: a dry white burgundy; a dry Bordeaux
Antonyms: sweet
Definition: (used of wines) having a high residual sugar content
Main entry: dry
Definition: free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet
Usage: dry land; dry clothes; a dry climate; dry splintery boards; a dry river bed; the paint is dry
Antonyms: wet
Definition: covered or soaked with a liquid such as water
Antonyms: hungry
Definition: feeling hunger; feeling a need or desire to eat food
Main entry: dry
Definition: not producing milk
Usage: a dry cow
Antonyms: wet, lactating
Definition: producing or secreting milk
Main entry: dry
Definition: opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages
Usage: the dry vote led by preachers and bootleggers; a dry state
Antonyms: wet
Definition: supporting or permitting the legal production and sale of alcoholic beverages
Main entry: dry
Definition: lacking moisture or volatile components
Usage: dry paint
Antonyms: wet
Definition: containing moisture or volatile components
Main entry: dry
Definition: (of food) eaten without a spread or sauce or other garnish
Usage: dry toast; dry meat
Antonyms: patterned
Definition: having patterns (especially colorful patterns)
Antonyms: fancy
Definition: not plain; decorative or ornamented
Main entry: dry
Definition: having no adornment or coloration
Usage: dry facts; rattled off the facts in a dry mechanical manner
Antonyms: patterned
Definition: having patterns (especially colorful patterns)
Antonyms: fancy
Definition: not plain; decorative or ornamented
Main entry: dry
Definition: having a large proportion of strong liquor
Usage: a very dry martini is almost straight gin
Antonyms: nonalcoholic
Definition: characterized by the absence of alcohol
Main entry: dry
Definition: used of solid substances in contrast with liquid ones
Usage: dry weight
Antonyms: liquid
Definition: existing as or having characteristics of a liquid; especially tending to flow
Antonyms: gaseous
Definition: existing as or having characteristics of a gas
Antonyms: hollow
Definition: not solid; having a space or gap or cavity
Main entry: dry, teetotal
Definition: practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages
Usage: he’s been dry for ten years; no thank you; I happen to be teetotal
Main entry: dry
Definition: lacking warmth or emotional involvement
Usage: a dry greeting; a dry reading of the lines; a dry critique
Antonyms: emotional
Definition: of more than usual emotion
Main entry: dry
Definition: unproductive especially of the expected results
Usage: a dry run; a mind dry of new ideas
Antonyms: productive
Definition: producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly)
Main entry: juiceless, dry
Definition: lacking interest or stimulation; dull and lifeless
Usage: a dry book; a dry lecture filled with trivial details; dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to…life- John Mason Brown
Antonyms: exciting
Definition: creating or arousing excitement
Antonyms: stimulating
Definition: rousing or quickening activity or the senses
Main entry: dry, wry, ironic, ironical
Definition: humorously sarcastic or mocking
Usage: dry humor; an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely; an ironic novel; an ironical smile; with a wry Scottish wit
Main entry: dry
Definition: not shedding tears
Usage: dry sobs; with dry eyes
Antonyms: tearful
Definition: filled with or marked by tears