Answer with only one word

Answer with only one word. перевод - Answer with only one word. русский как сказать

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Answer with only one word.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Ответить с только одним словом.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Ответ с одним словом.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


отвечу только одно слово.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Поддержка инструмент перевода: Клингонский (pIqaD), Определить язык, азербайджанский, албанский, амхарский, английский, арабский, армянский, африкаанс, баскский, белорусский, бенгальский, бирманский, болгарский, боснийский, валлийский, венгерский, вьетнамский, гавайский, галисийский, греческий, грузинский, гуджарати, датский, зулу, иврит, игбо, идиш, индонезийский, ирландский, исландский, испанский, итальянский, йоруба, казахский, каннада, каталанский, киргизский, китайский, китайский традиционный, корейский, корсиканский, креольский (Гаити), курманджи, кхмерский, кхоса, лаосский, латинский, латышский, литовский, люксембургский, македонский, малагасийский, малайский, малаялам, мальтийский, маори, маратхи, монгольский, немецкий, непальский, нидерландский, норвежский, ория, панджаби, персидский, польский, португальский, пушту, руанда, румынский, русский, самоанский, себуанский, сербский, сесото, сингальский, синдхи, словацкий, словенский, сомалийский, суахили, суданский, таджикский, тайский, тамильский, татарский, телугу, турецкий, туркменский, узбекский, уйгурский, украинский, урду, филиппинский, финский, французский, фризский, хауса, хинди, хмонг, хорватский, чева, чешский, шведский, шона, шотландский (гэльский), эсперанто, эстонский, яванский, японский, Язык перевода.

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In the Listening as well as the Reading sections of the IELTS test, you will notice that several questions instruct you to write the answers in a specific format.


ONE WORD ONLY means your answer should only consist of a single word.

Question: How many fingers are there in one human hand?

Answer 1: five (one word answer) Correct

Answer 2: 5 (5 is a number, not a word) Incorrect

Answer 3: five fingers (two words) Incorrect

Answer 4: 5 fingers (one number and one word) Incorrect

ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER means that you can use a single word, a single number, or both as an answer.

Question: How many years make a decade?

Answer 1: ten (one word answer) Correct

Answer 2: 10 (one number) Correct

Answer 3: 10 years (one number and one word) Correct


NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS means you can write either one word or two words as an answer but not more than that.

Question: In which direction does the sun rise?

Answer 1: east (you cannot write more than two words, but less than two words is allowed) Correct

Answer 2: the east (two words) Correct

Answer 3: in the east (three words) Incorrect


NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER means your answer can have up to two words or just one number or both.

Question: When is Valentine’s Day celebrated?

Answer: 14th of February (“14” is one number, “of” and “February” are two words) Correct

Answer tips

You can write numbers in either Arabic numerals (1, 2, 10, 85) or in words (one, two, ten, eighty-five).

Contracted words like doesn’t, it’s, can’t, Dr (as in doctor), tel no (as in telephone number), X-mas, etc are not accepted as answers.

Hyphenated words like high-tech, brother-in-law, close-up, long-term, etc are considered to be a single word.

Write answers, use one word only.

Write answers, use one word only?

На этой странице находится ответ на вопрос Write answers, use one word only?, из категории
Английский язык, соответствующий программе для 5 — 9 классов. Чтобы посмотреть
другие ответы воспользуйтесь «умным поиском»: с помощью ключевых слов
подберите похожие вопросы и ответы в категории Английский язык. Ответ, полностью
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интерфейса: нажмите кнопку вверху страницы и сформулируйте вопрос иначе.
Обратите внимание на варианты ответов других пользователей, которые можно не
только просмотреть, но и прокомментировать.

One should consider this a general reference question. However:

Why would we have a tag «single-word requests» if there was a better term for that? Technically, there’s no such thing as a monoword, though polyword is well known, mostly as an adjective.

If you chose to be informal:

  1. monoword. Being of few words, being quite cold in the reply.

Wikipedia mentions word sentences, though I think that’s more of an academic term. (The link under that term contradicts, in a way, the very sentence from where it is drawn!)


a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.

A «set» can consist of any number of words, including one, or even none.

Further to that, everything else is qualified with «typical» but not necessarily.

«Yes.» is a sentence. QED.

By the way, «Yes, I am.» is not monosyllabic.

(Using and forming short answers in English grammar)

When are short answers used?

Short answers are responses that contain a pronoun (which is the subject) and a verb. Although they occur frequently, they are not a peculiarity of the English language, as they may also be used similarly in other ones. However, English requires the use of such short answers to establish an adequate level of kindness or politeness and to evade the possibility of sounding rude or even offensive. Shortened answers are, therefore, also a stylistic device of spoken language (verbal means of communication) comparable to question tags. Consider the details of their use in context:

  • Note: Answers with only one word (for example, ‘yes’ or ‘no’) can quickly be perceived as harsh and too direct and should be avoided. Examples of polite answers/variants:
    • Question “Are you our new colleague from London?”
    • Short answer “Yes, I am.”
      • A sole “Yes.” would be too short and not very polite.
    • Question “Have you ever been to France?”
    • Short answer “Yes, we have.”
      • The short answer is common here too.
    • Question “Didn’t you use to drink a lot of coffee?”
    • Short Answer “Yes, I did, but now I prefer tea.”
      • This shortened answer states additional information in a supplementary part of the utterance.

How are short answers formed?

The formation of short answers and hence the grammatical aspect offers two crucial points: First, the auxiliary verb that has already been present in the question also appears in the short answer. This rule applies to the vast majority of occurrences, although individual cases such as interrogatives with the purpose to offer something are excluded from it. Second, the adaption of the personal pronoun used may be necessary. Now compare the formation in detail:

Auxiliary verbs (do, be, have, …)

  • The auxiliary verb found in the question sentence must be used in the short answer and also bear the same tense:
    • Do you come from Italy? – Yes, I do.”
      • Do’ is employed in the question and the short answer.
    • Have they invited you? – Yes, they have.”
      • Here, ‘to have’ is used in both sentences.
    • Could he sell his record collection at the flea market yesterday? – Yes, he could.”
      • Here, the question sentence contains the modal verb ‘can’ in the past tense. This verb is required in the short answer accordingly.
    • Were they at the party too? – Yes, they were.”
      • The main verb ‘to be’ has a particularity: It does not need an auxiliary verb and stands in the question as well as the short answer. In this example, it appears in the past tense.

Personal pronouns (I, you, we, they, …)

  • The personal pronouns utilised are also included in the short answer. If there is a noun in the question, it must be replaced by the corresponding pronoun in the response. Careful with the direct address in the 2nd person: In this event, ‘you’ must be replaced by ‘I’ or ‘we’. Examples:
    • “Is Barbara going to visit you? – Yes, she is.”
      • The person represented as the noun Barbara becomes ‘she’ in the short answer; the following sentence is not possible and wrong:
        • Incorrect “Yes, Barbara is.”
    • “Did the house cost a lot of money? – Yes, it did.”
      • Instead of the noun ‘house’, ‘it’ is used in the answer here.
    • “Are you Tom’s friend? – Yes, I am.”
      • This statement is a direct address with ‘you’. In such a situation, the answer must be in the 1st person, and so ‘you’ becomes ‘I’.

Shortened verb forms (haven’t, didn’t, …)

  • A rule: If short answers are negative (i.e. negated), the usage of shortened verb forms is the standard (‘haven’t, didn’t, can’t’, etc.). In positive answers, however, the auxiliary verb is not shortened. In case of extraordinary emphasis, long/regular forms are used in negative responses instead:
    • “Didn’t your father lend you his car last weekend? – No, he didn’t.”
      • This reply is a negative short answer which usually contains a shortened verb form.
    • “Have you ever broken your arm? – Yes, I have.”
      • This reply is a positive answer with a verb that is not shortened.
    • “Are you going on holiday next week? – Yes, I am.”
      • Here, ‘to be’ is in a positive short answer and, thus, cannot be shortened either.

What are the answers to polite questions or offers?

Note that it is not always necessary to use the auxiliary verb of the question in the short answer. In some situations, this procedure seems somewhat inappropriate. Typical examples are questions that are interrogative sentences (in grammatical terms), but in fact, serve as requests or utterances in which the speaker offers something. In this context, compare ‘How to phrase polite questions’ for more details. Some instances for a quick illustration:

  • “Would you like some coffee? – Yes, please.”
    • Here, the speaker wants to offer something to the person he is talking to, so “Yes, I would.” would be improper. You say ‘please’ instead.
  • “Can you help me? – Yes, of course.”
    • Here, “Yes, I can.” would be very rude because it would signal that the person answering would not want to help. So, “Yes, of course.” would be suitable here.

Further explanations related to the ‘Short answers’

The following explanations relate to the topic ‘Using and forming short answers in English’ and may help you as well:

  • Short forms of ‘to be’ in the present simple
  • List of exercises about word order

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

That question is harder to answer with a single word or sentence.

Let me answer with a single word: history.

The raven answers with a single word: «Nevermore.»

Most kids will answer that question with a single word: Nothing.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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0 голосов

47 просмотров

Write answers, use one word only.


  • write
  • answers
  • 5 — 9 классы
  • английский язык

Английский язык


(120 баллов)

13 Май, 18


47 просмотров

Дано ответов: 2

0 голосов

Правильный ответ


brush (paint-brush)

dictionary (vocabulary)

textbook (workbook)

exercise-book (copy-book)


register  (class-book)


(6.3k баллов)

13 Май, 18

0 голосов

1. Pen

2. Paints/ Pencils

3. Dictionary

4. English textbooks

5. Exercise books

6. Chalk

7. Register/ Diary


(63.6k баллов)

13 Май, 18

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