Answer the question with a number a word or


Type in no more than two words and/or a number to answer the questions.
1. How many children did Allan Melville have?
2. When did Herman star his education?
3. What novel written by Herman Melville became one of the most well-known work in the twenty-first century​

1. Eight children<br /><br />2. 1824<br /><br />3. Moby Dick<br /><br />Объяснение:<br /><br />Во втором либо «in 1824», либо просто 1824 без «in».

kadargreen не правельно 1)8 2)1824 3)Moby Dick


Светило науки — 8 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


1. Eight children

2. 1824

3. Moby Dick


Во втором либо «in 1824», либо просто 1824 без «in».

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Last Updated: Tuesday, 14 July 2020 23:20
Written by IELTS Mentor
Hits: 112117

Listening Audio:

Tapescripts of IELTS Listening Sample 6

Section 1:

Question 1-7
Complete the form below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.

IELTS Listening Sample 6 image 1

Question 8-10
Label the diagram/plan below. Write the correct letter, A–G, next to questions 8–10.

IELTS Listening Sample 6

 8. traffic lights …………………..
 9. petrol station …………………..
 10. blue van …………………..

Section 2:

Question 11-14
Complete the sentences below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

11. Dormouse numbers have fallen ………………….. as well as in the UK.
12. Dormice are about as heavy as two …………………..
13. You are most likely to have seen a dormouse in a …………………..
14. In the UK, dormice probably live in hedges and woods, and next to …………………..

Question 15-17
Label the identification sheet below.
Write the correct letter A–E next to questions 5–8.

15. opened by woodmice …………………..
16. opened by voles ………………….
17. opened by dormice ………………….

IELTS Listening Sample 6 image 2

Question 18-20
Complete the summary below, using NO MORE THAN ONE WORD in each space.

If you find nuts opened by dormice 18 ……………….. where you found them. Put them into some kind of 19 ……………….. and 20 ……………….. them (name and address).  Post them to Action for Wildlife.

Section 3:

Question 21-26
Which company website has the following features?

A  Hills Cycles website
B  Wheels Unlimited website
C  both websites

Write the correct letter, A, B, or C next to questions 21–26.

21. bicycle catalogue  ………………..
22. price list  ………………..
23. bicycle accessories  ………………..
24. company history  ………………..
25. online ordering  ………………..
26. moving graphics  ……………….. 

Question 27-30
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

27. According to the tutor, the basic criterion for evaluating the websites should relate to
    A. appearance.
    B. ease of use.
    C target customers.

28. On the subject of timing, the tutor says
    A. the students’ plan is appropriate.
    B. the students’ presentation will be too long.
    C. the students can extend the presentation if necessary.

29. Sarah and Jack will share the work by
    A. speaking in short turns.
    B. doing half the presentation each.
    C. managing different aspects.

30. The tutor advises Sarah and Jack not to
    A. talk too much.
    B. show complicated lists.
    C. use a lot of visuals.

Section 4

Question 31-37
Answer the questions below.

31. Which elephants stay together all their life?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

32. What are elephant family groups known as?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

33. When scientists tracked groups of elephants, which feature of behaviour did they notice?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

34. Which sense do elephants probably use to communicate over long distances?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

35. What did American scientists do with a recording of elephant calls?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

36. What did the elephants in the experiment rush to find?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

37. What were scientists unable to do with the recording they had made?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

Question 38-40
What does the lecturer say about each type of elephant call?
Choose your answers from the box, and write the letters A–H next to questions 38–40.

A.  cannot be heard by humans at all
B.  is usually accompanied by a leg movement
C.  begins and ends at the same pitch
D.  is usually accompanied by a nod of the head
E.  continuously increases in pitch
F.  is repeated over a long period
G.  continually fluctuates in volume

38. Greeting ………………..
39. Contact call ………………..
40. Summons to move on ………………..

Tapescripts of IELTS Listening Sample 6

Answer: (Click the button to Show/ Hide Answers)

Yesterday I posted a list of words and numbers. I asked you to decide how they were counted by IELTS. Check the answers below.

You can also find useful links about word count information in IELTS using the links below.

How are words counted – Answers

The answers below show how these words and numbers are counted in IELTS writing and IELTS listening. The reading test uses the same system as the listening test.

  1. fair-haired
    1.  This is counted as one word. It is a compound noun but it is connected by a hyphen to make one word.
  2. 55%
    1. This is counted as one word in writing and as one number in listening. 
  3. 1960’s
    1. This is counted as one word in writing and one number in listening.
  4. 21st July
    1. This is counted as two words in writing and in listening is it one number and one word.
  5. can’t
    1. This is counted as one word. Although it has a meaning of two words, the words are contracted to make one word.
  6. blackboard
    1. This is counted as one word only.
  7. 9am
    1. This is counted as one word in writing. In listening, it is counted as one number only. The “am” does not count as a word on its own.
  8. up-to-date
    1. This is counted as one word because it is a compound noun joined with hyphens.
  9. at school
    1. This is counted as two words.
  10. $19.17
    1. This is counted as one word in writing and in listening it is counted as one number. Symbols do not count at all.

Useful Links to Learn more about IELTS

Learn how all words are counted in IELTS

Learn about how many words to write for your essay

IELTS Test Information & Tips: over 100 questions answered


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Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

C-shoes do you take?, did you get up this morning?,do you read?, is it from your house to the town centre?,are you?, is your hair?, do you go swimming?, does a hamburger cost in your town?,of music do you like?, does your English lesson last?
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Ответ №1


1. What colour is your hair?

2. How far is it from your house to the town centre?

3. How tall are you?

4. What sort of music do you like?

5. How much does a hamburger cost in your town?

6. How often do you go swimming?

7. What B-size C-shoes do you take?

8. How long does your English lesson last?

9. What newspaper do you read?

10. What time did you get up this morning?


1. My hair is black.

2. It is three miles from my house to the town centre.

3. I am 1 and half meters tall.

4. I like classical music.

5. In my town a hamburger costs $2.74.

6. I go swimming twice a month.

7. Laspampas Charos Silver (не уверена здесь)

8. My English lesson lasts one hour.

9. I read The Guardian.

10. I got up at 8:00 o’clock.


Это соч по английскому 3 четверть мне нужны ответы (ПЛИЗ )


Task. Listen to the recording twice and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER.CD3. Tapescript 3.OR
Go to this link to listen information.

Example: 0. Was she happy in her marriage? No, she was not.

1. What did J.K. Rowling study at university?
2. What was her life when she was married?
3. What town did J.K. Rowling prepare the first Harry Potter book?
4. How many publishers did she offer her book to?
5. What was the name of the publisher’s daughter?
6. How many books were written later?

Total [6]

Task. Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Have you ever been to a hurricane? Hurricanes are serious weather storms. They can do a lot of damage. But what is a hurricane? Another name for a hurricane is a tropical cyclone. A hurricane consists of thunderstorms, torrential rains, and waves with winds up to 75 mph or higher. A hurricane is a tropical storm that starts out in the ocean and gathers speed and strength as it travels.
When the winds inside these storms reach 39 mph, they are given names. An international committee developed the list of names. Hurricanes alternate back and forth between male and female names. Giving the hurricanes names makes it easier for meteorologists to identify and track certain storms. This makes it easier to announce hurricane warnings, as well.
The best place to be during a hurricane is indoors and away from windows and doors. If the hurricane is very bad, you will probably be asked to evacuate and move to safer ground. It is important to keep a bag ready that contains fresh water, long-lasting food, first aid kit, flashlight, rain gear, and other items that would be useful if you had to leave your home for a few days.

Part 1. Choose the correct answer.
Example: 0. According to the author the waves to form a hurricane should be..
A) less than 75 mph
B) less than 39 mph
C) up to 75 mph or higher
D) up to 39 mph

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