Another word of blank

How does the adjective blank contrast with its synonyms?

Some common synonyms of blank are empty, vacant, vacuous, and void. While all these words mean «lacking contents which could or should be present,» blank stresses the absence of any significant, relieving, or intelligible features on a surface.

When could empty be used to replace blank?

Although the words empty and blank have much in common, empty suggests a complete absence of contents.

When can vacant be used instead of blank?

In some situations, the words vacant and blank are roughly equivalent. However, vacant suggests an absence of appropriate contents or occupants.

Where would vacuous be a reasonable alternative to blank?

The words vacuous and blank are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, vacuous suggests the emptiness of a vacuum and especially the lack of intelligence or significance.

a vacuous facial expression

When would void be a good substitute for blank?

The meanings of void and blank largely overlap; however, void suggests absolute emptiness as far as the mind or senses can determine.

a statement void of meaning

What is another word for Blank?

  • expressionless, behaviour

  • clear, empty

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Synonyms for blank

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  • APA
  • MLA
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What is another word for blank?

6326 synonyms found


[ blˈaŋk], [ blˈaŋk], [ b_l_ˈa_ŋ_k]

How to use «Blank» in context?

In general, a blank is a piece of paper that has not been drawn on with ink, made into a picture, or written on with a pen. Blanks are used in different activities such as drawing or writing, filling in a questionnaire, or making a list.

Need another word that means the same as “blank”? Find 98 synonyms and 30 related words for “blank” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Blank as a Noun
  • Definitions of «Blank» as a noun
  • Synonyms of «Blank» as a noun (11 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Blank» as a noun
  • Blank as a Verb
  • Definitions of «Blank» as a verb
  • Synonyms of «Blank» as a verb (26 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Blank» as a verb
  • Blank as an Adjective
  • Definitions of «Blank» as an adjective
  • Synonyms of «Blank» as an adjective (61 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Blank» as an adjective
  • Associations of «Blank» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Blank” are: utter, clean, white, empty, unfilled, unmarked, unwritten on, unused, clear, free, bare, plain, spotless, expressionless, vacant, deadpan, wooden, stony, impassive, inanimate, poker-faced, vacuous, glazed, fixed, lifeless, uninterested, emotionless, unresponsive, inscrutable, baffled, nonplussed, mystified, stuck, puzzled, perplexed, bewildered, bemused, ignorant, lost, muddled, uncomprehending, befuddled, fuddled, addled, all at sea, confused, outright, absolute, categorical, unqualified, complete, thorough, flat, straight, positive, certain, explicit, unequivocal, unambiguous, unmistakable, clear-cut, lacuna, space, blank shell, dummy, gap, blank space, empty space, void, vacuum, emptiness, vacancy, envelop, surround, swathe, enfold, cover, cover up, conceal, hide, secrete, camouflage, disguise, mask, screen, shield, cloak, blanket, shroud, enwrap, canopy, overlay, ignore, take no notice of, take no account of, pay no attention to, pay no heed to, refuse to acknowledge

Blank as a Noun

Definitions of «Blank» as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “blank” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A piece of material ready to be made into something.
  • Used euphemistically in place of a noun regarded as obscene, profane, or abusive.
  • A cartridge containing gunpowder but no bullet, used for training or as a signal.
  • An empty space or period of time, especially in terms of a lack of knowledge or understanding.
  • A blank gap or missing part.
  • A blank character used to separate successive words in writing or printing.
  • A cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet.
  • A dash written instead of a word or letter, especially instead of an obscenity or profanity.
  • A domino with one or both halves blank.
  • A document with blank spaces to be filled.
  • A piece of metal or wood intended for further shaping or finishing.
  • A space left to be filled in a document.
  • A plain metal disc from which a coin is made by stamping a design on it.

Synonyms of «Blank» as a noun (11 Words)

blank shell A blank gap or missing part.
blank space A blank gap or missing part.
emptiness The quality of having no value or purpose; futility.
The emptiness of outer space.
empty space A container that has been emptied.
gap A conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures.
The explosion made a gap in the wall.
lacuna A blank gap or missing part.
The journal has filled a lacuna in Middle Eastern studies.
space (printing) a block of type without a raised letter; used for spacing between words or sentences.
It is the media person s job to buy the press space or the TV or radio spots.
vacancy Being unoccupied.
Vacancy vanity and inane deception.
vacuum A vacuum cleaner.
The political vacuum left by the death of the Emperor.
void An emptiness caused by the loss of something.
The huge desert voids.

Usage Examples of «Blank» as a noun

  • My mind was a total blank.
  • Leave blanks to type in the appropriate names.

Blank as a Verb

Definitions of «Blank» as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “blank” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Make (something) blank or empty.
  • Defeat (a sports team) without allowing them to score.
  • Deliberately ignore (someone.
  • Keep the opposing (baseball) team from winning.
  • Become blank or empty.
  • Cut (a metal blank.

Synonyms of «Blank» as a verb (26 Words)

blanket Form a blanket like cover over.
The countryside was blanketed in snow.
camouflage Hide or disguise the presence of a person animal or object by means of camouflage.
The caravan was camouflaged with netting and branches from trees.
canopy Cover with a canopy.
The river was canopied by overhanging trees.
cloak Cover with or as if with a cloak.
She cloaked her embarrassment by rushing into speech.
conceal Hold back; keep from being perceived by others.
She conceals her anger well.
cover Form a cover over.
The course covered all of Western Civilization.
cover up Hold within range of an aimed firearm.
disguise Conceal the nature or existence of (a feeling or situation.
His voice was heavy with barely disguised emotion.
enfold Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering.
He enfolded her in his arms and stroked her hair.
envelop (of troops) surround (an enemy force.
Fog enveloped the house.
enwrap Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering.
The book jacket enwraps a plain blue paper binding.
hide Conceal oneself.
Juliet s first instinct was to hide under the blankets.
ignore Fail to notice.
He ignored her outraged question.
mask Cover the face with a mask.
The poplars masked a factory.
overlay Cover the surface of (something) with a coating.
A third screen which will overlay the others.
pay no attention to Give money, usually in exchange for goods or services.
pay no heed to Render.
refuse to acknowledge Show unwillingness towards.
screen Pass a substance such as grain or coal through a large sieve or screen especially so as to sort it into different sizes.
Granulated asphalt manufactured to 40 mm down or screened to 28 mm 14 mm down.
secrete Generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids.
Secrete digestive juices.
shield Protect from a danger, risk, or unpleasant experience.
These people have been completely shielded from economic forces.
shroud Form a cover like a shroud.
The body was washed and shrouded.
surround Surround with a wall in order to fortify.
The forest surrounds my property.
swathe Wrap in swaddling clothes.
take no account of Develop a habit.
take no notice of Serve oneself to, or consume regularly.

Usage Examples of «Blank» as a verb

  • Baltimore blanked Toronto in a 7–0 victory.
  • The complete core disc can be blanked out in one piece.
  • Electronic countermeasures blanked out the radar signals.
  • The picture blanked out.
  • I just blanked them and walked out.

Blank as an Adjective

Definitions of «Blank» as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “blank” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Not charged with a bullet.
  • Used euphemistically in place of an adjective regarded as obscene, profane, or abusive.
  • (of a document) with spaces left for a signature or details.
  • Complete; absolute (used emphatically with negative force.
  • Complete and absolute.
  • (of a tape) with nothing recorded on it.
  • (of a surface or background) unrelieved by decorative or other features; bare, empty, or plain.
  • Showing a lack of comprehension or reaction.
  • (of a surface) not written or printed on.
  • Lacking incident or result.
  • Not written or printed on.
  • Void of expression.
  • Temporarily having no knowledge or understanding.
  • Without comprehension.

Synonyms of «Blank» as an adjective (61 Words)

absolute (of a decree) final.
Absolute moral standards.
addled Confused and vague; used especially of thinking.
A drug addled hell raiser.
all at sea Completely given to or absorbed by.
baffled Perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment.
bare Just barely adequate or within a lower limit.
An ordeal that would lay bare a troubled family background.
befuddled Unable to think clearly; confused or perplexed.
Even in my befuddled state I could see that they meant trouble.
bemused Perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment.
Obviously bemused by his questions.
bewildered Perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment.
Bewildered and confused.
categorical Not modified or restricted by reservations.
A categorical assurance.
certain Certain to occur destined or inevitable.
The exercise was causing him a certain amount of pain.
clean Ritually clean or pure.
Children with clean shining faces.
clear Clear of charges or deductions.
It was clear that they were in a trap.
clear-cut Having had all the trees removed at one time.
complete Perfect and complete in every respect having all necessary qualities.
The harvesting was complete.
confused Mentally confused unable to think with clarity or act intelligently.
She was utterly confused about what had happened.
deadpan Impassive or expressionless.
She delivered her monologue in a deadpan voice.
emotionless Unmoved by feeling.
Her voice was flat and emotionless.
empty Containing nothing; not filled or occupied.
Empty bellied children.
explicit Of a person stating something in an explicit manner.
She made her wishes explicit.
expressionless Deliberately impassive in manner.
His face remained expressionless as the verdict was read.
fixed Having a fixed and unchanging value.
With eyes set in a fixed glassy stare.
flat Relating to flat racing.
Flat wall paint.
free Not literal.
The bathroom was free.
fuddled Confused or stupefied, especially as a result of drinking alcohol.
Benjamin was trying to clear his drink fuddled brain.
glazed (of foods) covered with a shiny coating by applying e.g. beaten egg or a sugar or gelatin mixture.
A large glazed urn.
ignorant Discourteous or rude.
She is ignorant of quantum mechanics.
impassive Deliberately impassive in manner.
He remained impassive showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight.
inanimate Appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse.
He was completely inanimate and it was difficult to see if he was breathing.
inscrutable Impossible to understand or interpret.
The inscrutable workings of Providence.
lifeless Devoid of living things.
Dull and lifeless hair.
lost Having lost your bearings confused as to time or place or personal identity.
Lost friends.
muddled Not clear or coherent; confused.
The muddled display of pictures has been taken down.
mystified Totally perplexed and mixed up.
nonplussed So surprised and confused that one is unsure how to react.
Henry looked completely nonplussed.
outright Clear and undisputed.
An outright refusal.
perplexed Completely baffled; very puzzled.
Perplexed language.
plain (of a person) not beautiful or attractive.
The plain and unvarnished truth.
poker-faced Deliberately impassive in manner.
positive Having a positive charge.
A positive benefit.
puzzled Filled with bewilderment.
Puzzled that she left without saying goodbye.
spotless Completely neat and clean.
A spotless white apron.
stony (of a meteorite) consisting mostly of rock, as opposed to metal.
Lucenzo s hard stony eyes.
straight Simple straightforward.
A straight line.
stuck Baffled.
Stuck in the mud.
thorough Absolute (used to emphasize the degree of something, typically something unwelcome or unpleasant.
Our accountant is thorough.
unambiguous Having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning- Mario Vargas Llosa.
Instructions should be unambiguous.
uncomprehending Lacking understanding.
Tried to explain to her uncomprehending husband.
unequivocal Admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; having only one meaning or interpretation and leading to only one conclusion.
The plain and unequivocal language of the laws.
unfilled Of purchase orders that have not been filled.
There are a number of unfilled posts in this area of nursing.
uninterested Not interested in or concerned about something or someone.
She appeared totally uninterested.
unmarked Not taken into account.
An unmarked police car.
unmistakable Clearly evident to the mind.
His opposition to slavery was unmistakable.
unqualified Not meeting the proper standards and requirements and training.
I am singularly unqualified to write about football.
unresponsive Aloof or indifferent.
Was unresponsive to her passionate advances.
unused Not in active use.
We bought an unused car for a change.
unwritten on Based on custom rather than documentation- J.L.T.C.Spence.
utter Complete and absolute.
Utter nonsense.
vacant Having or showing no intelligence or interest.
A vacant stare.
vacuous Devoid of intelligence or thought.
Vacuous comments.
white Of a plant having white flowers or pale coloured fruit.
White Australian culture.
wooden Lacking ease or grace.
The actor s performance was wooden.

Usage Examples of «Blank» as an adjective

  • We were met by blank looks.
  • A blank wall.
  • Fill in the blank spaces.
  • Show the miserable blank-blank Englishman how to fight this war.
  • Blank pages.
  • Blank cassettes.
  • The screen went blank.
  • Those blank moments aboard airplanes.
  • Her mind went blank.
  • Blank tax-return forms.
  • A blank sheet of paper.
  • Blank stupidity.
  • He was met with a blank refusal to discuss the issue.
  • A blank cartridge.
  • When I called her name, she gave me a blank look, as though she didn’t know me.

Associations of «Blank» (30 Words)

amaze Surprise (someone) greatly; fill with astonishment.
She amazed doctors by fighting back when her deteriorating condition caused her to suffer heart failure.
astonish Surprise or impress (someone) greatly.
It astonished her that he was so anxious.
astound Shock or greatly surprise.
Her bluntness astounded him.
bare Lay bare.
I m in a bare good mood for once.
bathtub A bath.
bemuse Cause to be confused emotionally.
He was bemused by what was happening.
bewilder Be a mystery or bewildering to.
His reaction had bewildered her.
clean Clean one s body or parts thereof as by washing.
Keep the wound clean.
daze To cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light.
He was walking around in a daze.
empty A bottle or glass left empty of its contents.
Their promises were empty words.
famish Die of food deprivation.
Many famished in the countryside during the drought.
immaculate Completely neat and clean.
An immaculate record.
impassive Deliberately impassive in manner.
He remained impassive showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight.
lave Cleanse (one’s body) with soap and water.
The sea below laved the shore with small agitated waves.
pristine Immaculately clean and unused.
Handed her his pristine white handkerchief.
spotless Without faults or moral blemishes; pure.
A spotless white apron.
stun Knock unconscious or into a dazed or semi-conscious state.
Stun fish.
stupefy Make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow.
The offence of administering drugs to a woman with intent to stupefy her.
stupor A state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility.
Someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor.
surprise Cause to be surprised.
Surprise major.
surprised Feeling or showing surprise.
Surprised that he remembered my name.
tidy Neat and tidy.
A tidy house.
uncontaminated Free from admixture with noxious elements; clean.
Uncontaminated air and food.
unoccupied (of a building, seat, etc.) not being occupied or used.
The house has been unoccupied for some time.
unpainted Not painted.
Unpainted furniture.
unpolluted Not contaminated with noxious or poisonous substances.
Oman has 1 100 miles of splendid beaches and unpolluted seas.
unspotted Not marked with spots.
The network of avian enthusiasts ensures that no rarity goes unspotted.
unstained Free from blemishes.
His unstained jeans.
unsullied (of reputation) free from blemishes.
His unsullied name.
vacancy An empty area or space.
A vacancy for a shorthand typist.
  • bare
  • barren
  • untouched
  • unused
  • vacant
  • clean
  • empty
  • pale
  • plain
  • virgin
  • virginal
  • void
  • white
  • fresh
  • new
  • spotless
  • uncompleted
  • unfilled
  • unmarked
  • dull
  • hollow
  • immobile
  • impassive
  • lifeless
  • meaningless
  • vacant
  • empty
  • stiff
  • stupid
  • deadpan
  • fruitless
  • inane
  • inexpressive
  • inscrutable
  • masklike
  • noncommittal
  • poker-faced
  • uncommunicative
  • unexpressive
  • vacuous
  • vague
  • dazed
  • bewildered
  • confounded
  • confused
  • disconcerted
  • muddled
  • nonplussed
  • stupefied
  • at a loss
  • awestruck
  • uncomprehending
  • wonderstruck
  • complete
  • perfect
  • regular
  • sheer
  • total
  • downright
  • out-and-out
  • outright
  • straight-out
  • thorough
  • unconditional
  • unqualified
  • void
  • abyss
  • cavity
  • chasm
  • emptiness
  • gap
  • gulf
  • hiatus
  • hole
  • hollow
  • hollowness
  • interstice
  • interval
  • lacuna
  • nihility
  • nothingness
  • nullity
  • omission
  • opening
  • preterition
  • pretermission
  • skip
  • vacancy
  • vacuity
  • vacuum
  • womb
  • tabula rasa

On this page you’ll find 170 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to blank, such as: bare, barren, untouched, unused, vacant, and clean.

  • lively
  • meaningful
  • sensitive
  • animated
  • aware
  • excited
  • filled
  • clear
  • oriented
  • understanding
  • aware
  • imperfect
  • incomplete
  • fullness
  • solid

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use blank in a sentence

In a SPAC IPO, a shell company — nicknamed a “blank-check company” — goes public with the pledge to investors that it will eventually acquire an actual company and, once that happens, become a traditional company.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • bare
  • blank
  • devoid
  • empty
  • hollow
  • lacking
  • minus
  • missing
  • nonexistent
  • omitted
  • unavailable
  • vacant
  • vacuous
  • wanting
  • appeal
  • blank
  • claim
  • demand
  • draft
  • entreaty
  • form
  • inquiry
  • letter
  • paper
  • petition
  • requisition
  • solicitation
  • suit
  • assiduities
  • attentions
  • attentiveness
  • busyness
  • commitments
  • concentrations
  • considerations
  • dedications
  • deliberations
  • diligences
  • efforts
  • industries
  • perseverance
  • studies
  • zeal
  • arid
  • barren
  • blank
  • bleak
  • clear
  • desert
  • desolate
  • empty
  • lacking
  • mean
  • open
  • poor
  • scanty
  • scarce
  • stark
  • unfurnished
  • vacant
  • void
  • wanting
  • arid
  • barren
  • blank
  • bleak
  • clear
  • desert
  • desolate
  • empty
  • lacking
  • mean
  • open
  • poor
  • scanty
  • scarce
  • stark
  • unfurnished
  • vacant
  • vacuous
  • void
  • wanting
  • KO
  • beat
  • beat up
  • better
  • blank
  • blast
  • bulldoze
  • clobber
  • conquer
  • cream
  • deck
  • drub
  • exceed
  • excel
  • flax
  • floor
  • get the better of
  • knock off
  • lambaste
  • let have it
  • lick
  • master
  • outclass
  • outdo
  • outshine
  • outstrip
  • overcome
  • prevail
  • put away
  • shoot down
  • shut down
  • surpass
  • take care of
  • take down
  • tan
  • thrash
  • top
  • total
  • transcend
  • trash
  • triumph
  • triumph over
  • trounce
  • wallop
  • waste
  • wax
  • whip
  • whomp
  • whop
  • wipe
  • wipe out
  • wipe the floor with
  • zap

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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