Another word for your dreams

Need another word that means the same as “dream”? Find 37 synonyms and 30 related words for “dream” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Dream as a Noun
  • Definitions of «Dream» as a noun
  • Synonyms of «Dream» as a noun (23 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Dream» as a noun
  • Dream as a Verb
  • Definitions of «Dream» as a verb
  • Synonyms of «Dream» as a verb (14 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Dream» as a verb
  • Associations of «Dream» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Dream” are: ambition, aspiration, dreaming, pipe dream, fantasy, nightmare, daydream, reverie, trance, daze, stupor, haze, hypnotic state, half-conscious state, state of unreality, hope, delight, joy, marvel, wonder, gem, treasure, pleasure, stargaze, woolgather, have a dream, have dreams, have a nightmare, have nightmares, daydream about, think, consider, contemplate, conceive, entertain the thought of, visualize

Dream as a Noun

Definitions of «Dream» as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dream” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality.
  • A person or thing perceived as wonderful or perfect.
  • Imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake.
  • An unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy.
  • A state of mind in which someone is or seems to be unaware of their immediate surroundings.
  • A cherished desire.
  • Someone or something wonderful.
  • A cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.
  • A series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep.
  • A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep.
  • A fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe.

Synonyms of «Dream» as a noun (23 Words)

ambition A strong drive for success.
Young men and women with ambition.
aspiration The action of drawing fluid by suction from a vessel or cavity.
Bathing solutions were changed by careful aspiration.
daydream Absentminded dreaming while awake.
She was lost in a daydream.
daze A state of stunned confusion or bewilderment.
His mother s death left him in a daze.
delight Great pleasure.
She took great delight in telling your story.
dreaming Imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake.
fantasy Fiction with a large amount of imagination in it.
His researches had moved into the realms of fantasy.
gem Used in names of some brilliantly coloured hummingbirds e g mountain gem.
This architectural gem of a palace.
half-conscious state The federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies.
haze Atmospheric moisture or dust or smoke that causes reduced visibility.
An alcoholic haze.
hope A specific instance of feeling hopeful.
He was their best hope for a victory.
hypnotic state A drug that induces sleep.
joy A thing that causes joy.
The joys of country living.
marvel A wonderful or astonishing person or thing.
The marvels of technology.
nightmare A terrifying or deeply upsetting dream.
I had nightmares after watching the horror movie.
pipe dream A long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc.
pleasure Sexual gratification.
The car makes driving in the city a pleasure.
reverie Absentminded dreaming while awake.
I slipped into reverie.
state of unreality A politically organized body of people under a single government.
stupor The feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally.
A drunken stupor.
trance A state of abstraction.
The kind of trance he went into whenever illness was discussed.
treasure Accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc.
The housekeeper is a real treasure I don t know what he would do without her.
wonder A thing or a quality of something that causes wonder.
We all eat cakes from Gisella she s a wonder.

Usage Examples of «Dream» as a noun

  • Maybe he could get a job and earn some money—but he knew this was just a dream.
  • I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe.
  • It was a dream of a backhand.
  • He went about his work as if in a dream.
  • I had a dream about you last night.
  • I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion.
  • Her new man’s an absolute dream.
  • He had been walking around in a dream all day.
  • I had a recurrent dream about falling from great heights.
  • He lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality.
  • This dessert is a dream.

Dream as a Verb

Definitions of «Dream» as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “dream” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • See, hear, or feel (something) in a dream.
  • Have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy.
  • Contemplate the possibility of doing something or that something might be the case.
  • Indulge in daydreams or fantasies about something greatly desired.
  • Experience dreams during sleep.
  • Experience while sleeping.

Synonyms of «Dream» as a verb (14 Words)

conceive Form a mental representation of; imagine.
I had conceived a passion for another.
consider Give careful consideration to.
They considered the possibility of a strike.
contemplate Think about.
She couldn t even begin to contemplate the future.
daydream Indulge in a daydream.
Stop daydreaming and pay attention.
daydream about Have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy.
entertain the thought of Take into consideration, have in view.
have a dream Have as a feature.
have a nightmare Get something; come into possession of.
have dreams Have ownership or possession of.
have nightmares Cause to be born.
stargaze Have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy.
Visitors can sunbathe and stargaze on the upper deck.
think Dispose the mind in a certain way.
I can t think what her last name was.
visualize Make visible.
The DNA was visualized by staining with ethidium bromide.
woolgather Have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy.

Usage Examples of «Dream» as a verb

  • I never dreamed anyone would take offence.
  • Maybe you dreamed it.
  • He dreamt a strange scene.
  • Eventually I dozed off and dreamed that I was flying among the clouds.
  • I wouldn’t dream of foisting myself on you.
  • This is not at all how she dreamed her baby’s birthday was going to be.
  • She had dreamed of a trip to Italy.
  • She claims to never dream.
  • I dreamed about her last night.

Associations of «Dream» (30 Words)

abstractly In abstract terms.
ambition Have as one s ambition.
He achieved his ambition of making a fortune.
aspiration A hope or ambition of achieving something.
The needs and aspirations of the people.
awake Regain consciousness.
Was now awake to the reality of his predicament.
chimerical Produced by a wildly fanciful imagination- Douglas Bush.
His Utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists.
daydream Indulge in a daydream.
Stop daydreaming and pay attention.
delusion An erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary.
What a capacity television has for delusion.
dreaming A series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep.
dreamy Dreamy in mood or nature.
A slow dreamy melody.
envisage Form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case.
The Rome Treaty envisaged free movement across frontiers.
envision Picture to oneself; imagine possible.
I cannot envision him as President.
fancy Have a fancy or particular liking or desire for.
All pelargoniums from scented leaf species to fancy hybrids thrive in hot sunshine.
fantasy The faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things.
Look at their dedication to fantasy leagues and the enormous minutiae of the stats they memorize.
hallucination A mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea.
He continued to suffer from horrific hallucinations.
idea An approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth.
The idea of linking pay to performance has caught on.
ideational Being of the nature of a notion or concept.
Policy has been shaped by both material and ideational factors.
illusion A false idea or belief.
He had no illusions about the trouble she was in.
imaginable Capable of being imagined.
The most spectacular views imaginable.
imagination The ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful.
Popular imagination created a world of demons.
inspiration The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
Helen had one of her flashes of inspiration.
megalomania A psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur.
nightmare A terrifying or deeply upsetting dream.
Developing thunderclouds are a balloonist s worst nightmare.
oversleep Sleep longer than intended.
We talked until the early hours and consequently I overslept.
paranoia A psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur.
Mild paranoia afflicts all prime ministers.
paranoiac A person afflicted with paranoia.
Psychotic and paranoiac tendencies.
reverie An abstracted state of absorption.
His own compositions can move from impressionist reveries to an orchestral chordal approach.
sleep Be able to accommodate for sleeping.
Studios sleeping two people cost 70 a night.
visionary A person with unusual powers of foresight.
Visionary schemes for getting rich.
visualize Make visible.
It is not easy to visualize the future.
waking Marked by full consciousness or alertness.
Days of danger and nights of waking.

What’s another phrase or metaphor that means «to fulfill your dream» or «make your dreams a reality?»

asked Oct 2, 2011 at 7:43

Mark's user avatar


  • achieve one’s ambition
  • meet your desires
  • fulfill your wish / make your wish come true

Looking for a metaphor, one option is:

To describe someone’s achievement as a feather in their cap means
that it is something they can be proud of.
«The overwhelming victory of the team was a feather in the cap for the
new manager.»

Source: Success/Failure Idioms

answered Oct 2, 2011 at 12:02

rems's user avatar


5831 gold badge4 silver badges10 bronze badges

Well, the word actualize means to make real. Specifically, self-actualization is a term used by psychological theorists to describe the process by which a person reaches his full potential. There’s a subtle difference between fulfilling dreams and reaching max potential, so you could say actualize your aspirations.

answered Oct 2, 2011 at 14:01

ajk's user avatar


1,63810 silver badges12 bronze badges


Another way to say it would be «to realize your dream».

answered Oct 2, 2011 at 8:21

dangph's user avatar


5,99223 silver badges26 bronze badges


How about in the grasp of your fingers?

answered Feb 4, 2014 at 1:41

user64644's user avatar


dream become reality dream realized
———————- ——————————–
fantasy fulfilled wish become reality
wish granted better than one’s wildest dreams
couldn’t ask for more dreaming with one’s eyes open
from vision to reality perfect scenario

something you have wanted very much for a long time that has now happened: For her, making the Olympic team was a dream come true.

What do you call someone who makes dreams come true?

ANSWER. One who makes dreams come true. GENIE.

How do you use dream come true in a sentence?

Example Sentences It will be a dream come true if she would agree to go out on a date with me. My dream came true after the birth of my daughter. The professor winning a lottery ticket is his dream come true.

What is a dream maker?

Dream-Maker: The dream-maker is a comprehensive identity or entity (a larger Self) who creates dreams, incorporating not only the dreamer’s personal associations and unconscious ideas, but also drawing upon a collective realm of metaphor, imagery, knowledge, and points of reference.

Is there a word for a good dream?

I don’t think there is a specific word for a ‘good dream’. You need an appropriate adjective to qualify the dreams as good, pleasant, nice or lovely. Probably the most common adjective which is closely related to ‘good’ is the one used in the very common expression: . See also : Sweet dreams.

Is a dream come true Correct?

It is correct. Come is a past participle here, not a simple present. . « A dream come true » « Come » is the past participle form of the Irregular verb « come ». It is in a verb form but used as participle modifier of the word « dream ».

What is another way to say dream come true?

dream become reality dream realized
———————- ——————————–
fantasy fulfilled wish become reality
wish granted better than one’s wildest dreams
couldn’t ask for more dreaming with one’s eyes open
from vision to reality perfect scenario

What does it mean when you have a realistic dream?

When a dream feels real it means that you are really involved in that dream and that you’re thinking hard about something. . usually you dream a lot and forget most dreams because you came to a conclusion while dreaming. But the things you remember were problems without solution.

What does dreams come true mean?

dream come true A wish or a goal that a person has wanted or achieved after a long time. . When he finally asked her out on a date, it was a dream come true. Some of my favorite organizations are the ones that make dreams come true for terminally ill children.

What do you call a person who loves dreaming?

Such a traveler in a dream may be called an oneironaut. .

What is the meaning of the phrase dream come true?

something you have wanted very much for a long time that has now happened: For her, making the Olympic team was a dream come true.

What do you call a person who loves sleeping?

Clinophile. Clinophile literally translates to a person who loves beds. Psychiatrists associate the word with sleep disorders and the desire to stay in a reclining position.

How can we make our dreams come true?

– Do some stripping. Stripping down your goals, that is! .
– Look fear in the eyes. Whenever you decide to go after something you want, fear often shows up. .
– Set your boats on fire. .
– Shamelessly steal. .
– Build a plan. .
– Set a deadline. .
– Do the work. .
– Praise the progress.

Can dreams tell you the truth?

Contrary to the rationalist hooey that dreams aren’t real (“You’re just dreaming”), dreams are very much real. They convey real information, real impact, real emotions, and have real consequences if ignored.

Are there hidden truths in dreams?

They have conducted studies in different cultures and found out that dreams contain hidden truths. . 68% said that dreams foretell the future and 63% said that at least one of their dreams have come true. Researchers, however, warn that dreams may also lead to trouble as well.

What I see in dreams come true?

Some research suggests up to a third of people report some type of precognitive experience, often in the form of a dream that seemed to come true. According to Psychology Today, informal surveys put this figure much higher, suggesting around half of the population has had some type of prophetic dream.

Last Review : 7 days ago.

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  1. Reference 1
  2. Reference 2
  3. Reference 3


Говорят, что не стоит сообщать о своей мечте вслух, пока она не сбудется. Но если все-таки очень хочется поделиться заветными желаниями с друзьями из других стран, вам обязательно пригодится наша статья. Тем более в английском предостаточно слов и выражений для этого. Самое первое слово, с которым вы должны познакомиться, – это a dream (мечта). Ну а если вам это слово известно, давайте рассмотрим его братьев-синонимов:

  • ambition – сильное желание, чаще честолюбивое (c негативным оттенком);
  • aspiration – мечта, сильное желание;
  • daydream/reverie – грезы, сны наяву;
  • desire – сильное желание, вожделение;
  • fantasy/fancy – фантазия;
  • velleity – пассивное желание, неподкрепленное действиями;
  • wish – желание.

Также мечта может быть заветной (a long-life dream) или, к сожалению, неосуществимой (a pipe dream). Если мечта так и не исполнилась, то мы называем ее broken. Но не будем о плохом.

Мечтателя (a dreamer) еще иногда называют a stargazer (дословно – пристально разглядывающий звезды). Романтично, правда? Хотя то же слово переводится как «астроном».

Некоторые люди вместо осуществления своей мечты (dream comes true) предпочитают только лишь проводить время, грезя наяву (to dream away), часто витают в облаках (to daydream / to be in la-la land) или воображают (to imagine), что случится, когда их мечта воплотится в жизнь.

Другие все готовы отдать (to give eye-teeth for) за свое стремление, много и упорно работают над (to work towards) воплощением мечты в жизнь. Главное, самому не саботировать (to sabotage) результаты своей работы и преодолеть препятствия на пути к достижению цели (obstacles towards achieving your goal). Иногда может казаться, что вы зашли в тупик (to hit a dead-end). Но главное – продолжать двигаться к достижению мечты и все-таки воплотить ее в жизнь (to fulfill a dream / to achieve a dream).

Посмотрите, как воплотилась в жизнь мечта маленького мышонка в этом милом мультике.

Грамматические конструкции, которые помогут вам рассказать о мечтах

  1. Рассказывая о мечтах, главное – это не перепутать предлоги, ведь в английском глагол to dream может иметь два значения: to dream of – мечтать, а to dream about – видеть сны. Как говорится «Дитя́м – мороженое, его бабе – цветы. Смотри, не перепутай».

    Last night I dreamt about petting a Baskerville dog. – Прошлой ночью мне снилось, что я гладил собаку Баскервилей.

    I am dreaming of becoming famous and living in a castle. – Я мечтаю стать известным и жить в замке.

    Также обратите внимание на то, что после предлогов мы используем герундий. Подробнее с этой формой можно познакомиться в этой статье.

  2. В английском можно говорить как о настоящих, так и несбывшихся желаниях с помощью глагола to wish (желать, хотеть).
    • Если вы с сожалением вспоминаете о ситуациях, которые нельзя изменить, то нужно использовать конструкцию wish + Past Perfect:

      I wish I had worked harder at school. – Жаль, что я не учился в школе лучше.

    • Если есть что-то, что не устраивает вас в данный момент, мы говорим об этом с помощью wish + Past Simple/Continuous:

      I wish I had more money. – Хотел бы я иметь больше денег.

    • А вот мечты о будущем можно передать через wish + would/could. Could для собственных желаний, а would – если вы хотите, чтобы кто-то что-то изменил.

      I wish she would stop complaining. – Хотел бы я, чтобы она перестала жаловаться.

      I wish I could afford a Porsche. – Хотел бы я позволить себе Porsche.

    Если вы хотите поближе познакомиться с конструкцией I wish, загляните вот сюда.

    А также посмотрите следующее полезное видео.

  3. Рано или поздно наступает время, когда мечты перерастают в намерения, и тогда, чтобы говорить о них, мы используем конструкцию to be going to:

    I am going to take up an English course. – Я собираюсь изучать английский на курсах.

  4. А когда мы максимально приближаемся к исполнению мечты и намерения становятся конкретными планами с определенными временными рамками, мы используем Present Continuous:

    I am taking up an English course next week. – Я начинаю курс английского на следующей неделе.

5 «мечтательных» выражений на английском языке

А теперь рассмотрим некоторые интересные выражения, связанные с мечтой и ее исполнением.

  1. To be in a dream world – жить в мире грез, витать в облаках.

    He should stop living in a dream world! She’ll never forgive him. – Хватит ему витать в облаках! Она никогда не простит его.

  2. Beyond wildest dreams – сверх всяких ожиданий.

    My birthday party was beyond my wildest dreams, it was absolutely perfect. – Вечеринка в честь моего дня рождения превзошла все мои ожидания. Она была идеальной.

  3. Dream on! / In your dreams! – Размечтался! Мечтать не вредно!

    You want me to give you my mobile phone? Dream on! – Хочешь, чтобы я отдала тебе свой телефон? Размечтался!

    А теперь послушайте, в каком контексте использует это выражение группа Aerosmith в своей песне Dream on.

  4. To dream up (to invent) – придумывать, изобретать, активно используя при этом воображение.

    He dreamt up a new business plan surprisingly fast. – Он довольно быстро придумал новый бизнес-план.

  5. Wouldn’t dream of doing – не решаться на что-то.

    I wouldn’t dream of bungee-jumping, it’s too scary. – Я бы не решился на банджи-джампинг, слишком страшно.

А самая позитивная преподаватель английского Ронни расскажет нам об еще одном интересном понятии, связанном с мечтами.

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For Your Dreams - Gillan

Информация о песне На данной странице вы можете ознакомиться с текстом песни For Your Dreams, исполнителя — Gillan. Песня из альбома Unchain Your Brain: The Best Of Gillan, в жанре Хард-рок
Дата выпуска: 25.11.2007
Лейбл звукозаписи: Demon
Язык песни: Английский

Выберите на какой язык перевести:

For Your Dreams


She’s got a face of a street kid
With the lips of an orchid
And the eyes of a distant dream
She’s got the hands of a lover
And the arms of a mother
And the eyes of a future dream
Is there some way of knowing
If there’s more than she’s showing
In her eyes with a secret dream
We live in the wrong time we’re barely alive
There must be a better life
We’ve to many people too many bodies
How can we all survive
One day no mortality
No more human tragedy
Touch me and I will fight for your dreams
She has a smile of a Princess
But she cries in the darkness
With the tears of another dream
When the old fears are growing
And the terror of knowing
Take us back to our ancient dreams
It’s been such a long time yet nothing is done
We’re leading a wasted life
We’ve too many people too many bodies
Fighting all to survive
We live in the wrong time we’re barely alive
There must be a better life
We’ve too many people too many bodies
How can we all survive
One day no mortality
No more human tragedy
Touch me and I will fight for your dreams

Для Ваших Снов


У нее лицо уличного ребенка
Губами орхидеи
И глаза далекой мечты
У нее руки любовника
И руки матери
И глаза будущего сна
Есть ли способ узнать
Если есть больше, чем она показывает
В ее глазах тайная мечта
Мы живем не в то время, мы едва живы
Должна быть лучшая жизнь
У нас слишком много тел для многих
Как мы все можем выжить
Один день без смертей
Нет больше человеческой трагедии
Прикоснись ко мне, и я буду бороться за твои мечты
У нее улыбка принцессы
Но она плачет в темноте
Со слезами другой мечты
Когда старые страхи растут
И ужас знания
Верните нас к нашим древним мечтам
Прошло так много времени, но ничего не сделано
Мы ведем впустую жизнь
У нас слишком много людей, слишком много тел
Бороться со всеми, чтобы выжить
Мы живем не в то время, мы едва живы
Должна быть лучшая жизнь
У нас слишком много людей, слишком много тел
Как мы все можем выжить
Один день без смертей
Нет больше человеческой трагедии
Прикоснись ко мне, и я буду бороться за твои мечты

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