Another word for you are correct

Knowing how to tell someone they were correct or right may be difficult, especially if you were wrong in the situation. This article will go over how to use ‘you are correct” and “you are right”.

You can indeed use “you are correct” in the place of “you are right”. Both phrases can be used easily to let someone know that they were correct or right. “You are correct” is more formal while “you are right” is more informal.

you are correct

“You are correct” is more formal, but there is no need to avoid it. “You are right” is a much more casual phrase. However, both of these phrases can be used despite whatever the situation may be.

What Does “You Are Correct” Mean?

“You are correct” is a phrase used to announce to another person they were right about something. You do not have to be in the wrong in order to state someone is correct. They may have gotten an answer right or come to you with a question.

Using the phrase “you are correct” can be an easy way to let someone know that they got a correct answer, had the right idea, or were correct about something in a debate. It can be used in more formal and important settings, but there is no need for it to only be used formally.

Below are some great examples on how “you are correct’ can be used in a sentence.

  • You are correct in answering that an angler fish can be over three feet long.
  • You are completely correct to show me these discrepancies in our finances.
  • I can’t believe that you were correct about Stephanie being such a jerk.
  • You are correct in your decision to let me know what’s been going on.
  • I hate to admit it, but you are correct and a hotdog is technically a taco.

What Does “You Are Right” Mean?

The phrase “you are right” is used to let another person know that they were correct about something. This could be from an argument you were having, answering a question they had, or letting them know they got an answer or solution to something right.

The phrase “you are right” is a more casual phrase used more often as a result. This phrase is not confined to casual and informal settings but can be used in important or formal conversations while still being appropriate.

Some references have been provided for you to see how “you are right” can be used in a sentence.

  • You are right that my client was not home last night, but she was not alone.
  • You are right and have won yourself a free trip to Ohio!
  • I can’t believe that you are right about it being more cost-effective to house the homeless.
  • You are right in stating the correlation between the vaccine and increased heart attacks.
  • You think you are always right and that you’re never wrong.

How Prevalent Is The Use Of “You Are Correct” And “You Are Right”?

The use of the phrase “you are right” has always far outweighed the use of the phrase “you are correct”. This can easily be seen in this graph provided by Google Ngram Viewer which compares the usages of the two words side by side.

you are correct vs. you are right

Recently at the start of the 2000s, the use of “you are right” has tripled while “you are correct” has maintained its low, but consistent, usage during this time.

Can “That Is Correct” Be Used Instead Of “You Are Correct” Or “You Are Right”?

“That is correct” can safely be used instead of “you are correct” and instead of “you are right”. This is due to the fact that you do not have to personally address a person each time you want to tell them they are correct.

Here are a few examples of how “that is correct” can be used.

  • That is correct, but you could be nicer.
  • That is correct that she was not present.
  • He’s allergic to peanuts, is that correct?
  • Sally, you already know that is correct.
  • That is correct that orange is a secondary color.

You Are Correct – Synonyms

Provided below are some synonyms for “you are correct”.

  • You Got It
  • That’s Accurate
  • Exactly
  • Great Answer
  • That’s An Appropriate Answer

You may also like: “Right” vs. “Correct” vs. “True” – Difference Explained

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

  • #1

I’m trying to re-learn tagalog so I’m doing this by learning phrases by phrases. What’s the most common thing people say when someone has answered a question correctly?

I suppose the English equivalent would be «you’re right» or «you are correct». Can I simply say «Oo» in Tagalog or is there a more better or specific way of saying this?


  • sean de lier

    • #2

    I’m trying to re-learn tagalog so I’m doing this by learning phrases by phrases. What’s the most common thing people say when someone has answered a question correctly?

    I suppose the English equivalent would be «you’re right» or «you are correct». Can I simply say «Oo» in Tagalog or is there a more better or specific way of saying this?


    «You are correct» translates to Ikaw ay tama or Tama ka. However, the choice of expression varies between different situations. An acceptable alternative is Tama «Correct». Oo translates to «Yes», and can be substituted for Tama only in certain instances, much the same as «Correct» and «Yes» are not entirely interchangeable.

    NB: Tama has two different pronunciations, with different meanings: «correct» and «hit».


    • #3

    In Tagalog we say Tama ka. Or you may also drop the ka(you) and just say Tama!(Correct!).

    Or if you want, just pronounce ‘correct’ the Tagalog way, Korek ka jan. ‘jan’ or its other spelling ‘dyan’, means ‘there’ which in this context is referring to the answer provided.

    I hope you learned something.:)

    • #4

    A very colloquial way of stating it is »Tumpak na kasagutan.» This was presumably started by lunchtime TV hosts and it made it with the audience big time.


    • #5

    A very colloquial way of stating it is »Tumpak na kasagutan.» This was presumably started by lunchtime TV hosts and it made it with the audience big time.

    I just heard one saying this from a noon time game show.

    Ang tumpak na kasagutan ay…(short pause) letter A!
    (The correct answer is… letter A!)
    Tama ang sagot mo.(Your answer is correct.)

    • #6

    Isn’t there another word in Tagalog for correct which I think is «wasto» ? I usually never hear it being used though compared to tama (most used) and tumpak (used mostly in Filipino game shows).


    • #7

    Yes, there is also this word «wasto». It also means «correct» but it is rarely used on ordinary or informal conversations.

    • #8

    What are the verb conjugation forms for correct in Tagalog? I think some of them are mag-tama, itama, mag-wasto, wastuin, ikorek. I think tumama and tumaan mean to be hit though I’m not sure if the pronounciation differs from the tama that means correct.


    • #9

    What are the verb conjugation forms for correct in Tagalog? I think some of them are mag-tama, itama, mag-wasto, wastuin, ikorek. I think tumama and tumaan mean to be hit though I’m not sure if the pronounciation differs from the tama that means correct.

    There is no such word as tumaan and wastuin. ;)

    Just like the other Tagalog verbs, there are a lot of ways to conjugate «correct» as a verb. As you know, another reason for that aside from the tense is the focus of the sentence, whether the verb is actor or object focus. I cannot give you a complete list, but I can check if your conjugation is correct. Moreover, the use of «tama» as a verb does not always mean «correct».

    For example:
    Nagtama ang kanilang mga mata. ( Their eyes met.)
    Itinama ng titser ang sagot sa unang tanong. ( The teacher corrected the answer on the first question. )
    Tumama ang kanyang ulo sa sahig. (His head hit the floor.)

    Again, «wasto» is seldom used as a verb, though it can also conjugate as in iwasto, iwinasto, iwinawasto. The reason is that wasto is only more commonly used as an adverb/adjective.

    pagkain ng wasto = pagkain ng tama = eating adequately
    wastong edad = tamang edad = rightful/legal age
    wastong pagluluto = tamang pagluluto = correct way of cooking

    What is another word for Correct?

    • right

      fix, rectify

    • rectify

      fix, action

    • proper

      right, characteristic

    • precise

      right, accurate

    • redress

      rectify, fix

    • true

      accurate, right

    • exact

      accurate, right

    • accurate

      exact, right

    • castigate

      scold, reward

    • chasten

      praise, discipline

    • adjust

      activity, fix

    • chastise

      reward, rebuke

    • amend

      fix, rectify

    • remedy

      rectify, health

    • discipline

      reward, rebuke

    • emend

      rectify, activity

    • appropriate

      characteristic, property

    • fitting

      proper, nice

    • mend

      activity, action

    • seemly

      proper, nice

    • regulate

      adjust, calibrate

    • punish

      reward, discipline

    • faithful


    • improve

      action, better

    • fit

      property, proper

    • penalize

      reward, discipline

    • repair

      activity, mend

    • suitable

      proper, characteristic

    • revise

      revise and correct, rework

    • fix

      activity, adjust

    • veracious


    • decent

      proper, courtesy

    • decorous


    • regular

      methodical, orderly

    • strict

    • better


    • set right

      action, adjust

    • befitting

      characteristic, property

    • nice


    • reprimand

      scold, discipline

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    Faith is but another word for victory.

    She always said Project is just another word for experiment.

    Она всегда повторяла, что Проект это всего лишь другое слово для эксперимента.

    There is another word for ‘self-discipline’.

    Maybe waiting is just another word for letting go.

    Key is another word for hotel room.

    In other words, it was another word for energy.

    Vitality is another word for life force.

    Accountability is another word for consequences.

    Life is another word for love.

    We use another word for describing this unknown space.

    Мы используем другое слово для описания этого неведомого пространства.

    As if that’s not enough, another word for submarining is haunting.

    Как будто этого недостаточно, другое слово для подводного плавания преследует.

    Contrast is another word for white level, and these controls will determine how white the brightest parts of the picture appear.

    Контраст — это еще одно слово для уровня белого, и эти элементы управления будут определять, насколько белым выглядят самые яркие части изображения.

    Coupon is another word for the interest rate paid by a bond.

    Купон — это еще одно слово для процентной ставки, выплачиваемой облигацией.

    Or perhaps that’s just another word for… destiny.

    Ardent is another word for burning, ardent kisses.

    Fun is just another word for learning under optimal conditions.

    The reason is another word for logical thinking.

    Exhaust is another word for the gaseous products of combustion, while soot is basically a solid form of exhaust.

    Выхлоп — еще одно слово для газообразных продуктов сгорания, в то время как сажа — в основном твердая форма выхлопа.

    Ransomware is another word for this kind of malicious software, one that might be more familiar to you.

    Вымогатели-это другое слово для этого вида вредоносного программного обеспечения, которое может быть более привычным для вас.

    Reinventing is just another word for evolving.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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    Need another word that means the same as “correctly”? Find 16 synonyms and 30 related words for “correctly” in this overview.

    Table Of Contents:

    • Correctly as an Adverb
    • Definitions of «Correctly» as an adverb
    • Synonyms of «Correctly» as an adverb (16 Words)
    • Usage Examples of «Correctly» as an adverb
    • Associations of «Correctly» (30 Words)

    The synonyms of “Correctly” are: aright, right, accurately, rightly, faithfully, precisely, exactly, faultlessly, flawlessly, perfectly, properly, decently, suitably, fittingly, appropriately, aptly

    Correctly as an Adverb

    Definitions of «Correctly» as an adverb

    According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “correctly” as an adverb can have the following definitions:

    • In an accurate manner.
    • In a way that is socially acceptable; properly.
    • In a way that is true, factual or appropriate; accurately.

    Synonyms of «Correctly» as an adverb (16 Words)

    accurately Strictly correctly.
    We are simply unable to predict long term trends accurately.
    appropriately In an appropriate manner.
    Volunteers need to be approachable calm and able to respond appropriately.
    aptly In a manner that is appropriate or suitable in the circumstances.
    America s aptly named Sunshine State.
    aright Correctly; properly.
    I wondered if I d heard aright.
    decently To a fair and appropriate degree; fittingly.
    Parents can teach their children how to behave decently.
    exactly Indicating exactness or preciseness.
    He was doing precisely or exactly what she had told him to do.
    faithfully In a faithful manner.
    He swore that he would serve the king faithfully.
    faultlessly Without a fault; in a faultless manner.
    fittingly In a way that is suitable or appropriate under the circumstances.
    Perhaps fittingly Scotland has its share of outdoor clothing firms.
    flawlessly In a manner free from imperfections or defects; perfectly.
    The gymnast landed flawlessly.
    perfectly Used for emphasis, especially in order to assert something that has been challenged or doubted.
    The ring fitted perfectly.
    precisely In exact terms; without vagueness.
    He was doing precisely or exactly what she had told him to do.
    properly Appropriately for the circumstances; suitably or respectably.
    Ensuring the work is carried out properly.
    right In the right manner.
    I ll be right back.
    rightly With good reason.
    If I remember rightly she never gives interviews.
    suitably To a degree that is expected or appropriate in the circumstances.
    I looked suitably horrified.

    Usage Examples of «Correctly» as an adverb

    • The flower had been correctly depicted by his son.
    • She correctly answered eight questions.
    • She had acted correctly.

    Associations of «Correctly» (30 Words)

    accurate Of an instrument or method capable of giving accurate information.
    A player who can deliver long accurate passes to the wingers.
    accurately In a way that is correct in all details; exactly.
    Every single vote was accurately counted.
    conspicuously In a way that attracts notice or attention.
    One important voice has been conspicuously absent.
    correct Socially right or correct.
    The stock market corrected.
    defined Having a definite outline or specification; precisely marked or stated.
    Hills defined against the evening sky.
    distinct Constituting a separate entity or part.
    A distinct smell of nicotine.
    distinctly To a distinct degree.
    He looked distinctly uncomfortable.
    exact Take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs.
    The exact details were still being worked out.
    exactitude The quality of being precise or accurate.
    It is not possible to say with any scientific exactitude what a dream means.
    exactly Used to emphasize the accuracy of a figure or description.
    He was doing precisely or exactly what she had told him to do.
    just Of an opinion or appraisal well founded justifiable.
    Inflation fell to just over 4 per cent.
    justly In a way that is well founded; justifiably.
    We can justly be proud of our achievements.
    justness Conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety.
    It was performed with justness and beauty.
    literally Used for emphasis while not being literally true.
    I was literally blown away by the response I got.
    marked Strongly marked easily noticeable.
    A marked man.
    obviously Unmistakably (`plain’ is often used informally for `plainly.
    The answer is obviously wrong.
    pinpoint Locate exactly.
    It is difficult to pinpoint the source of his life s inspiration.
    precise Marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.
    A precise image.
    precisely Indicating exactness or preciseness.
    Kids will love it precisely because it will irritate their parents.
    pronounced Strongly marked; easily noticeable.
    A pronounced flavor of cinnamon.
    reliably In a faithful manner.
    Few of these paintings can be reliably dated.
    righteous (of a person) morally good; virtuous.
    The prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
    rightly With good reason.
    The delicious cuisine for which her country was rightly famous.
    rightness The quality or state of being true or correct as a fact.
    They are convinced of the rightness of their theories.
    scrupulous Very concerned to avoid doing wrong.
    The research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail.
    specifically In a way that relates to species.
    The problem was specifically mentioned in the report.
    sure Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty confident and assured.
    Wood dust is a sure sign of termites.
    truly To the fullest degree; genuinely or properly.
    She was now truly American.
    veracious Habitually speaking the truth.
    A veracious witness.
    verbatim In exactly the same words as were used originally.
    Subjects were instructed to recall the passage verbatim.

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