Another word for yet not

“Not yet” is a motto for procrastinators all over the world. You know you’re supposed to finish something, but when someone asks you about it, your response is always, “Not yet.”

“Not yet” is correct. It functions as a stand-alone phrase or a short sentence. By itself, “yet not” cannot function as a grammatically correct phrase. However, there are some sentence structures where “yet” precedes “not” and is still acceptable. In this case, there are usually other words between the two that make it grammatically accurate.

“Not yet,” is a phrase that is full of hope. Just because you haven’t done something yet, does not mean that you will never do it. To understand the meaning of “not yet” and when you can use “yet” and “not” together, read on.

What Does “Not Yet” Mean?

“Not yet” is an adverb of time. It indicates that something has not happened until that point in time but will happen in the future (source). It is a response to a question about whether something has occurred.

Example sentences:

  • Q: Have you done your homework? 
  • A: Not yet.
  • Q: Did you call Sarah about her interview? 
  • A: Not yet, but I will first thing in the morning.
  • Q: Have you washed the dishes yet? 
  • A: Nope, not yet.

The phrase “not yet” can stand alone, or it can be part of a longer statement. It informs others about the status of a situation or event. You can also create a contraction for an informal tone.

Example sentences:

  • We have not yet found the right person for this position.
  • I have not yet asked her if she wants to go to dinner.
  • Anthony hasn’t yet asked Kate to marry him.

“Not” is a negative word that you’ll often see after auxiliary verbs (source). The word separates and negates a part of the sentence, such as “I told him not to do that.” Finally, you can also use it directly after verbs to indicate that something has not happened.

“Yet” is an adverb that you can use to convey that something hasn’t happened until this moment in time (source). It is most often accompanied by “not” in some form. 

It also has a comparative meaning. For example, “This is the best chocolate cake I have had yet.” This sentence indicates that there is a possibility that there may be a better chocolate cake in the future.

You can use “not yet” as a short sentence, and it does make sense on its own, but “yet not” requires some addition to become grammatically correct. Therefore, in direct comparison, “not yet” is the only logical form of the phrase.

Not Yet

“Not yet” also makes sense if you add other words for more information. In the following example, the verbs (in red) along with the preposition (in orange) and the object of the preposition or direct object (in green) can also appear after “not yet” and make sense. 

Example sentences:

I have not heard from her yet. I have not yet heard from her.
The students have not finished their homework yet. The students have not yet finished their homework.
Sally and Mellisa have not returned from the party yet. Sally and Melissa have not yet returned from the party.

When the rest of the sentence appears after “not yet,” the tone of the sentence changes despite the meaning remaining the same. The sentence becomes more formal. 

Yet Not

However, to use “yet not” correctly, you need additional information and context. In this context, you’ll have to use “yet” as a conjunction. It functions similarly to “but” and “nevertheless.”

Example sentences:

  • I’m wearing shorts, yet I’m not cold.
  • I love the sun, yet I do not hate this soft rain.
  • He always gets good marks, yet Mark is not optimistic about his finals.

To have “yet” precede “not,” another clause (including the addition of pronouns or nouns) is necessary for your sentence to make sense, as you can see from the example above. Therefore, “yet not” will usually be incorrect in that form, but you can use the phrase in a sentence, keeping the words in that order.

There are a few examples where “yet not” stands alone as one phrase, but you’ll need a comma preceding the phrase for it to make sense, even in that case.

Example sentences:

  • You can turn everyone against you, yet not your mother.
  • I made my sister do it, yet not my brother.

As you can see in the examples, these sentences are quite clunky, and you can easily write them more logically by replacing “yet” with the conjunction “but.”

Is It “Not yet Started” or “Not Started Yet”?

Both phrases above are correct, but the text type and audience will decide which one is more appropriate. As we mentioned earlier, using “not yet” followed by the verb makes a sentence a lot more formal than splitting the phrase with the verb.

Example sentences:

  • They told me that the party had not yet started.
  • They told me that the party had not started yet.
  • I have not yet finished my homework.
  • I have not finished my homework yet.

All of these sentences have the same meaning. The main difference has to do with tone and formality rather than meaning.

In the sentences where “not yet” appears together, the tone is more formal, and such sentences would be more appropriate when speaking or writing for an older audience. 

However, that does not mean that “not,” followed by the subject or verb and ending with “yet,” is informal. On the contrary, the sentence is still functional in a formal setting and is more a matter of preference.

“Did Not Started” or “Did Not Start”?

In contrast, there is a correct answer when comparing the phrase “did not started” to “did not start.” “Did not started” is grammatically incorrect.

“Started” is the past tense and past participle form of “start.” “Start” means to begin something. Thus, “started” means that the action has already begun or took place in the past.

Example sentences:

  • You did not start your homework yet, did you?
  • You did not start your engine correctly.
  • He didn’t start the race as he overslept.

In the previous examples, “did not start” is correct. 

To understand why “did not started” is incorrect, we need to break down the parts of speech in the sentence. To begin with, the word “did” is the past tense verb form of “do,” which indicates that you completed something previously. It marks the performance of an action. 

“Started” as a Past Participle

You might think that “started” and “did” should appear in the same sentence since they are both in the past tense. However, the past participle verb that you should use with “started” is “had.”

If you are struggling with understanding the perfect past tense, look no further. Read “Can We Use Yesterday with Past Perfect?” to know when past perfect tense is appropriate.

Example sentences:

  • She had started the car.
  • They had not started their project, so they got an F.
  • Jake had not started the coffee machine that morning.

By using “had” with “started,” the sentence is grammatically accurate. In contrast, we should combine “did” with “start” to be correct. 

There are a few instances where “did” can precede “started,” but it needs particular conditions to be accurate. For example, if you wish to write in the passive voice, the verb “get” and the past participle will provide a grammatically correct sentence.

Example sentences:

  • When did the party get started?
  • Please tell me that they did not get started without me.
  • It’s always challenging to get started in a new career field.

As you can see in the previous sentences, “get” has to precede “started” for your sentence to make sense and be correct. 

“Started” as Past Tense

“Started” as a past tense form is only correct in the simple past tense.

Example sentences:

  • I started the car before you got here.
  • She started when I entered the room, dropping her phone in shock.
  • Mark started to run after his friends.

Essentially, “did” cannot immediately precede “started.” That is grammatically incorrect. However, if “get” is between the two words, your sentence will make sense.

For Those Who Have Not Submitted Yet

The above heading is one of the worst phrases to hear from a boss, teacher, or lecturer. You open up your email and see a sentence that includes “For those who have not submitted yet.” It’s a blatant reminder that you should have done something and haven’t completed it yet.

But within the context of English grammar, this is another sentence where you use the verb to split “not” and “yet.” The main question is why this is the case and whether it changes the meaning at all.

As discussed earlier, you can use “not yet” together as a single phrase or split it with other words or phrases. This does not generally change in meaning. In keeping with the same example, you could also write, “For those who have not yet submitted.”

When writing a sentence that splits “not” and “yet,” it’s vital to understand which parts of speech are required between them to make the sentence grammatically accurate. 

On the most basic level, you’ll require a verb between “not” and “yet.” However, you can also add pronouns, direct and indirect objects, and prepositions as needed. 

Example sentences:

  • I have not made that call yet.
  • Daphne hasn’t broken up with Simon yet.
  • Padgette has not told Cameron the truth about the bet yet.

Another point where you may have to discuss the usage of a verb after “not” is in the article “Including but not Limited to: Meaning, Punctuation, and Usage.” This should help you break down the phrase and its correct usage. 

The most vital aspect of ensuring your sentence is correct is to include the verb directly after “not.” As “not” is a negation of something, it requires that something is happening to inform your reader that you are not completing that action.

Synonyms for “Not Yet”

“Not yet” means that an event or task has not happened or you did not complete the task until this moment in time. If you find the phrase a little complicated or repetitive, there are some other phrases that you can use instead.

It is difficult to find a synonym for the adverb “not.” Therefore, the bulk of synonyms for “not yet” will focus on “yet.”

“Not thus far” is a synonym that you can use for “not yet.” You can use this phrase to indicate an event or action that has not taken place yet. “Thus far” also has some space for changing the syntax of the sentence.

Example sentences:

  • She has not bought her dress yet.
  • She has not bought her dress thus far.
  • Thus far, she has not bought her dress.

Another synonym for “not yet” can be “not at this time.” You can also change the syntax as you require.

Example sentences:

  • I have not applied for college yet.
  • At this time, I still haven’t applied to any colleges.
  • I have not applied to any colleges at this time.

Finally, “not now” is a somewhat appropriate synonym. However, you can only use it when you intend “not yet” to negate something taking place or not give permission to do something. 

Example sentences:

  • Q: Can I open my eyes? 
  • A: Not yet.
  • Q: Can I open my eyes? 
  • A: Not now.

This article was written for 

The distinction of this synonym is that it only indicates an event cannot take place at the current moment in time. In contrast, “not yet” suggests that while the event cannot take place now, it can occur in the future.

Final Thoughts

Now that you understand that “not yet” is the correct phrase, you can remind people that even when they have not completed something, that does not mean that they will never do it. “Not yet” is indicative of a growth mindset and our ability to learn from our mistakes.

“Yet not” will almost never be the correct form, but there are situations when it can work, as long as the purpose of “yet” is as a conjunction and not as an adverb of time.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


You are rare, yet not extinct.

То, что они редкие, но не вымирающие.

Marriage is sacred, yet not for everyone.

Вечер пятницы — это святое, но не для всех.

But meanwhile it is yet not all trade exchange between these states.

Но пока что это еще не весь торговый обмен между этими государствами.

Even more often on our table fish dishes, quite recently yet not known appear.

Все чаще на нашем столе -появляются блюда из рыбы, совсем недавно еще не известной.

All that banter, yet not a word wasted.

Вся эта чепуха, но ни одного пустого слова.

The tweets must be regular yet not too frequent.

Записи в блоге должны быть регулярными, но не слишком частыми.

I LOVE that their content isn’t explicit yet not pre-teen sounding.

Я ЛЮБЛЮ, что их содержание не является явным, но не предвзятым звучанием.

It is powerful, yet not overpowering.

Он также является Могущественным, но не обладает могуществом .

It may be beneficial to have friends which can be fellow individuals yet not your immediate friends.

Это может быть полезно иметь друзей, которые являются сокурсниками, но не ваши непосредственные одноклассники.

It seems that our whole world is also now in a state of seeking balance… yet not quite attaining it.

Кажется, что весь наш мир также находится в состоянии поиска равновесия… но не совсем его достиг.

These are loans that are aimed at people whose credit is still considered bad, yet not the worst.

Это кредиты, которые предназначены для людей, чей кредит по-прежнему считается плохим, но не худшим.

It might even be a seminal moment in television history; yet not for obvious reasons.

Возможно, это будет даже важный момент в истории телевидения; но не по понятным причинам.

In those years, taxes roundly curbed production, yet not so much as to «kill» the nation’s budget.

В эти годы налоги откровенно сдерживали производство, но не настолько, чтобы «загубить» бюджет страны.

Taxes are a fact of life, yet not all tax systems are created equal.

Налоги являются фактом жизни, но не все налоговые системы созданы равными.

Feminine energy is the seed, bursting with life and potential, yet not fully manifested as the plant.

Женская энергия — это семя, разрывающееся жизнью и потенциалом, но не полностью проявленное как растение.

Mandatory, yet not always justified, involvement of third parties at the stage of issuance.

Обязательное, но не всегда оправданное привлечение третьих лиц на этапе выпуска.

While there have been several proponents of this type of brand loyalty, the empirical evidence is as yet not conclusive.

Несмотря на то, что история знает несколько сторонников существования лояльности к бренду этого типа, эмпирические доказательства все еще не являются достаточными.

Funny, yet not very confidence-inspiring.

Смешно, но не очень вдохновляет уверенностью.

Remember to be strong, yet not assertive.

Помни, будь сильным, но не агрессивным.

I’m abused, and yet not killed.

Я обесчещен, но не убит.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат yet not

Результатов: 1729. Точных совпадений: 1729. Затраченное время: 392 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Tapering uniformly towards the nose leather yet not pointed.

context icon

Равномерно сужающаяся к мочке носа, однако не заостренная.

However, clinical significance of PVB19 after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(HSCT)


context icon

Однако клиническое значение PV В19 после трансплантации гемопоэтических стволовых клеток(


It seemed so natural but yet not obvious.

context icon

Это казалось таким естественным, но все же не вполне очевидным.

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Но ни один выстрел не попал в цель?

Yet not on the same‘scale’ as that upon which our beings‘reside’.

context icon

Однако, не на той же« шкале», на которой наши существа« обитают».

However, the security of the space environment has yet not been adequately addressed.


context icon

А между тем еще не адекватно урегулирована безопасность космической среды.


context icon

A place for her and yet not where she ought to be.


Yet not the slightest connection can be traced between the two centres.

There is yet not case law concerning these provisions.


context icon

Правовых прецедентов, касающихся этих положений, пока еще нет.


A hundred cattle sacrificed, and yet not a drop.

On the one hand, we are somewhere lucky, on the other- yet not.

context icon

С одной стороны, нам где-то повезло, с другой- все же нет.

To believe in It, to regard It as right, yet not to act in accordance with It in everything, would


benefit you at all.


context icon

Если ты уверуешь в Него, сочтя Его Истинным, но не научишься действовать согласно Ему во всякий час, то ни малейшей пользы от этого тебе




In this article I posted photos with a few comments to them and

in fact the real»essay» will be later, as yet not quite ready for publication.


context icon

В этой заметке я размещу фото с небольшими комментариями к ним, а,

собственно, само» сочинение» будет позже, так как еще не совсем готово к публикации.


And he did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah, yet not as the kings of Israel that were before him.

context icon

И делал он неугодное в очах Господних, но не так, как цари Израильские, которые былипрежде него.

Shockwave threw away two nearby cars and three pedestrians without inflicting them too much damage-

for it were yet not their year, day, hour, minute and second.


context icon

Ударная волна отбросила две двигавшиеся невдалеке машины и трех пешеходов,


нанеся им существенных повреждений-

ведь это были еще не их год, день, час, минута и секунда.


It can be a critical resource for peace and development, yet not all governments systematically measure it to understand its role and contribution.


context icon

Оно может быть критически важным ресурсом для обеспечения мира и развития, однако не все правительства занимаются систематической оценкой добровольчества, чтобы понять его роль и вклад.


A consensus appeared to have

emerged in favour of accepting the request of Georgia, yet not all delegations had been allowed to participate

in the informal informal discussion of it.


context icon

Как представляется, сформировался консенсус в

пользу того, чтобы удовлетворить просьбу Грузии, однако не всем делегациям было разрешено участвовать в неофициальном обсуждении

этого вопроса в ходе неофициальных консультаций.


Dream, being the phenomenon of a subjective order,

often serves as an obvious indicator that, what yet not get rid consciousness

and that is brightly shown when the brisling condition is replaced the passive.


context icon

Сон, будучи явлением субъективного порядка,

часто служит явным показателем того, что еще не изжито сознанием и что ярко проявляется,

когда бодрствующее состояние заменяется пассивным.


E-liquid SKYsmoke Juicy Peach will give you the expected flavor experience if you

are looking for an e-liquid that is fresh yet not too sweet.


context icon

Жидкость для электронных сигарет SKYsmoke со вкусом сочного персика оставит Вам незабываемые впечатления,

если Вы ищите свежий, но не слишком сладкий вкус, который можно комбинировать с различными фруктовыми ароматизаторами.


Hairdresses which thresh and decorate: 33 stylish options of fashionable

hairstyles for women after 50 Age are yet not an occasion to stop being beautiful.


context icon

Прически, которые молодят и украшают:

33 стильных варианта модных стрижек для женщин после 50 Возраст- это еще не повод перестать быть красивой.


BEWARE trying to mock ME by saying words others want you to say, and yet not hearing MY voice.

context icon

Остерегайтесь попытки дразнить МЕНЯ, говоря те слова, что другие хотят чтобы вы сказали, и однако не слыша МОЕГО голоса.

Moscow and Beijing yet not in condition to counterstand US in global scales,

but instead they are objectively strong within perimeters of their borders.


context icon

Москва и Пекин пока не в состоянии противостоять США в глобальном масштабе,

зато они объективно сильны по периметру своих границ.


Yet not dismissing of course,

the fact that an‘engine booster’ wouldn’t go amiss! For the whole! That’s the thing.

context icon

того, что« стимулятор двигателя»


будет лишним! В целом! Таковы дела.

India has yet not ratified 1951 UN Convention of the Status of Refugees

or 1967 Protocol.


context icon

Индия пока не ратифицировала Конвенцию Организации Объединенных Наций 1951 года о статусе беженцев и

Протокол 1967 года.


We are saying one

can recognise the FEELING and’USE IT» yet not be attached to it.

context icon

Мы говорим,

что можно признать ЧУВСТВО и« ИСПОЛЬЗОВАТЬ ЕГО», однако не быть к нему прикрепленным.

On communication ACCC/C/2011/62(Armenia), the Committee noted that the deadline of 20 March 2012 had elapsed and

the Party concerned had yet not replied.


context icon

По поводу сообщения ACCC/ C/ 2011/ 62( Армения) Комитет отметил, что установленный на 20 марта 2012 года крайний срок уже истек и что

соответствующая Сторона до сих пор не представила своего ответа.


A choice of life instead of death, a choice of happiness yet not sadness- a choice of joy in place of grief.


context icon

Выборе жизни, а


смерти, выборе счастья, но не горя- выборе радости, а




I have booked this time in with myself to speak with you, yet not sure if it will happen.

context icon

Я зарезервировала это время для беседы с вами, однако не уверена, что так и будет.

What they actually want in a new

911 is a 911 that’s new and yet not new.

context icon

Что они действительно хотели в 911- м-



not yet — ещё не(т), нет пока
not yet worn — ненадеванный
not yet reported — ещё не доложено
not yet returned — ещё не возвратился
not yet operating — пока не работает
not yet available — пока не имеется в наличии; пока недоступно
not yet published — ещё не опубликованный
it is not yet known — ещё не известно
crop is not yet stored — урожай ещё не убран
called but not yet due — предъявленный к оплате, но не причитающийся

due but not yet received — причитающийся, но не полученный
questions not yet settled — всё ещё не решённые вопросы
resources not yet reserved — открытое резервирование ресурсов
resources not yet assigned — открытое резервирование ресурсов
the crop is not yet stored — урожай ещё не убран
he has not yet turned forty — ему ещё нет сорока
liability not yet determined — ответственность ещё не определена
liqueur is not yet Englished — слово liqueur ещё воспринимается как иностранное
incurred but not yet reported — понесенные, но не заявленные убытки
his plans were not yet matured — его планы ещё не были окончательными /не созрели/
committed but not yet disbursed — выделенные, но не использованные; ассигнованные, но не освоенные
allowable but not yet available — но ещё не достигнутый; допустимый
the time is not yet ripe for it — для этого ещё не наступило время
He had not yet finished eating. — Он ещё не поел.
problem has not yet been resolved — проблема ещё не решена
complete proof is not yet at hand — полное доказательство ещё не найдено
he is not yet dry behind the ears — ≅ у него ещё молоко на губах не обсохло
When I came he had not yet got up. — Когда я пришёл, он ещё был в постели.
end of the task is not yet in sight — конца этой работы пока не видно
he was elected but not yet sworn in — он избран, но ещё не вступил в должность

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Автоматический перевод

ещё нет

Перевод по словам

not  — не, нет, ни
yet  — ещё, всё же, тем не менее, всё ещё, всё-таки, но, однако, несмотря на это


The printer is not yet online.

Принтер еще не подключен.

«Are you ready?» «No, not yet

— Вы готовы? — Ещё нет.

‘Is supper ready?’ ‘No, not yet.’

— Ужин готов? — Нет, ещё нет.

His ideas were not yet fully formed.

Его идеи ещё полностью не сформировались.

The royal house was not yet extinct.

Королевская династия ещё не пресеклась.

The trees have not yet come into leaf.

Деревья ещё не распустились.

Critics have not yet reviewed the movie.

Рецензий критиков на этот фильм пока ещё не было.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The jury have not yet been sworn in.  

We’re not there yet, but we’re getting close.  

These boots are not yet suppled by frequent use  

Scientists have not yet found a cure for this illness.  

These theories have not yet been confirmed by experiment.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Signs for YET, NOT YET

Be aware that this sign has another contextual meaning other than «not yet».

Used to describe that something is expected to happen but has not for the moment.

Learner tips: With mouth morpheme TH! Without this proper mouthing, it means LATE.

This usage has multiple meanings in contexts in ASL.

One is «something expected to happen but has not for the moment».

Another is «no, something has not happened» with no indication or intention to complete or happen. E.g. Did you finish your homework?

Third, another meaning is that something has never happened.» It didn’t happen. E.g. A mother asks her son in ASL (translated as), «My $100 bill is missing in my purse. Did you take my $100 bill from my purse?» The son honestly replies, no. Since the mother and her son live alone, she asks again. The son insisted that sign NO-NEVER-DID! (as the gloss NOT-YET is a bad gloss for this context).


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Deaf Culture and tidbits

Cross-cultural communication

In a legal setting, when a lawyer asks a deaf defendant a question via an interpreter, «Did you [insert here].» A monolingual ASL deaf defendant might reply in ASL as (I’m avoiding a gloss here because it doesn’t translate that ASL sign right).

This ASL sign has different meanings in contexts. A culturally incompetent interpreter might translate word for word, «not yet.» Wrong! This can put the Deaf person in prison. This ASL sign in this context means, «No, I never did.» In another context, it means NOT-YET but not meaning in this context.

Like many other words, competent Deaf bilinguals might not use it in some interpreting situations, for they don’t always have the confidence in some interpreters’ competence.

Learn more about cultural communication and competency.

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Search Tips and Pointers

Search/Filter: Enter a keyword in the filter/search box to see a list of available words with the «All» selection. Click on the page number if needed. Click on the blue link to look up the word. For best result, enter a partial word to see variations of the word.

Screenshot of dictionary search with notes

Screenshot of the search dictionary

Alphabetical letters: It’s useful for 1) a single-letter word (such as A, B, etc.) and 2) very short words (e.g. «to», «he», etc.) to narrow down the words and pages in the list.

For best result, enter a short word in the search box, then select the alphetical letter (and page number if needed), and click on the blue link.

Screenshot of dictionary search with notes

Screenshot of the search dictionary

Don’t forget to click «All» back when you search another word with a different initial letter.

If you cannot find (perhaps overlook) a word but you can still see a list of links, then keep looking until the links disappear! Sharpening your eye or maybe refine your alphabetical index skill. :)

Add a Word: This dictionary is not exhaustive; ASL signs are constantly added to the dictionary. If you don’t find a word/sign, you can send your request (only if a single link doesn’t show in the result).

Videos: The first video may be NOT the answer you’re looking for. There are several signs for different meanings, contexts, and/or variations. Browsing all the way down to the next search box is highly recommended.

Video speed: Signing too fast in the videos? See HELP in the footer.

ASL has its own grammar and structure in sentences that works differently from English. For plurals, verb inflections, word order, etc., learn grammar in the «ASL Learn» section. For search in the dictionary, use the present-time verbs and base words. If you look for «said», look up the word «say». Likewise, if you look for an adjective word, try the noun or vice versa. E.g. The ASL signs for French and France are the same. If you look for a plural word, use a singular word.

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