Another word for would love to

People often say “I would love to” without realizing this may not be the most professional choice of words. If you’re one of those people, you should try out some more appropriate alternatives.

Luckily, we’ll help you in your search for the best synonyms.

Here are some other ways to say “I would love to”:

  • I would appreciate that
  • That would be great
  • I would be much obliged
  • I would be delighted to
  • I would welcome the opportunity
  • I’d gladly
  • I am eager to
  • I would be happy to
  • Absolutely
  • That sounds good to me

Now, keep reading to learn more about these professional synonyms for “I would love to.” After all, they are best used in different levels of formality.

1. I Would Appreciate That

You can say “I would appreciate that” to be courteous when you accept an offer of help or an invitation.

When you use this statement, it is implied that you have accepted the request or offer and that you greatly appreciate it.

Showcasing that you are thankful for something is considered a sign of professionalism.

To be appreciative is to show that you’re aware of the positive impact something has had on your life. When you use “I would appreciate that” as a professional synonym for “I would love that,” you are showing that you are grateful for it.

This statement does implicate that you are accepting the offer.

Here are some examples of how to use this phrase in your emails:

Thank you for the offer, I would appreciate that.

I recognize the kindness in your proposal, and I would appreciate that help.

I would appreciate that update. Thank you in advance for your time.

2. That Would Be Great

“That would be great” is another synonym you can use when looking for what to say instead of “I would love to.”

Generally, you would say “that would be great” after someone has extended an offer of assistance, information, or even an invitation.

Moreover, this is also another way of implying that you do plan on accepting the offer.

This alternative does come across as both professional and polite. It’s not overwhelming personal like using the word “love.” However, it’s still friendly.

Approachability and professionality go hand in hand. This statement implies both of these aspects.

Finally, a few ways in which you could use this statement are:

That would be great. Thank you so much for the offer.

A meeting with the CEO the following Monday? That would be great!

That would be great and thank you all for your time here today.

3. I Would Be Much Obliged

“I would be much obliged” is a great example of how to say “I would love to” professionally.

This alternative can be used when you wish to convey that you are thankful for something, like an invitation.

This other way to say “I would love to” is a highly formal way of speaking to or addressing someone.

When you say “I would be much obliged,” you are expressing that you are both accepting and grateful for something.

Moreover, this phrase is especially appropriate when you are accepting an invitation to an event or an offer of assistance.

However, this phrase is often preceded by a clause beginning with “if.” This essentially means you can use this phrase to ask someone a request or favor.

Lastly, here are a few examples of how you can use this phrase:

I would be much obliged to attend the gala. Thank you, sir.

I would be much obliged if you could assist me with this task.

I would be much obliged if you could fax these reports to Mr. Evans.

4. I Would Be Delighted to

“I would be delighted to” is a very kind and friendly way of accepting an invitation.

You can say this in response when someone has invited you to something. However, you can also say this in response to a request for assistance.

When you say you are “delighted,” you are conveying an abundance of pleasure. This is an excellent response to an exciting invitation to a formal party or a lunch with professional connections such as co-workers or a client.

Moreover, you can also say this when you would be more than willing or happy to assist someone with something.

Lastly, some examples of how to use as another way to say “I would love to” are:

I would be delighted to help you. Let me just grab my bag and we’ll head out.

I would be delighted to attend the party. Thank you for the invitation!

I would be delighted to go out for lunch with you.

5. I Would Welcome the Opportunity

You can say “I would welcome the opportunity” as another alternative to “I would love to.”

When you say you “welcome” an action, decision, or opportunity, you both approve of it and are pleased that it will occur.

Moreover, this is a very professional and formal response. Therefore, it is very much suitable when speaking to customers or superiors.

When you use the word “opportunity,” you are describing a situation in which you can do something you’d like to do. As you “welcome” this situation, you expect it to have a positive outcome.

Lastly, here are some ways you can use this phrase in a business email:

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss this.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details on the incident.

I would welcome the opportunity to work for your company.

6. I’d Gladly

“I’d gladly” is an amazingly versatile choice if you’re looking for how to say “I would love to” professionally.

You can use this phrase to begin in multiple contexts. Moreover, when you use the word “gladly,” you express that you are willing or eager to be involved.

Furthermore, “I’d gladly” is a versatile opening to a sentence because you can utilize it in so many ways. You can describe how you would gladly assist someone, how you would gladly attend something, etc.

This statement also conveys a level of pleasure and gratitude. However, it is still a much more professional alternative than “I would love to,” as “gladly” is more appropriate formally than “love.”

Now, here are a few examples for further understanding:

I’d gladly assist you in the matter.

I’d gladly attend your opening ceremony. Thank you for the invitation.

I’d gladly show you the way out.

7. I Am Eager to

If you’re looking for what to say instead of “I would love to” in a formal setting, you can say “I am eager to” as a friendly response to a request or invitation.

When you say “eager,” you are expressing that you very much want to do what the other person just suggested.

Therefore, saying this statement conveys a level of excitement.

You should only say “I am eager to” when you have a high level of interest in the subject matter. Moreover, this allows for the recipient to be equally ecstatic with your response.

“I am eager to” is both professional and courteous. Much of the time when someone has planned something, it takes an abundance of effort. By using this professional synonym for “I would love to,” you can show that you appreciate their effort.

Finally, some ways you can use this in a conversational sense are:

I am eager to attend the party. Thank you again for the invitation.

I am eager to attend the meeting and showcase my new ideas for the company to you all.

I have a meeting with our new boss next week and I am eager to meet him.

8. I Would Be Happy to

“I would be happy to” is a mild-mannered response to a request.

When you say that you are “happy” to, you are conveying the appropriate level of emotion for a professional setting.

To say you are “happy” is not meant to exude emotion. Instead, it is merely meant as a positive confirmation.

Therefore, “I would be happy to” is an alternative that you can use in many different contexts. You can make it sound more or less emotive by surrounding it with appropriate sentences and punctuation.

Lastly, to further grasp how to use “I would be happy to” in a sentence, here are a few examples:

I would be happy to assist you with your inquiry. Just give me one moment.

I would be happy to attend the meeting with the owners. Thank you for thinking of me.

I would be happy to help. What can I do for you today?

9. Absolutely

“Absolutely” is another versatile term you can use as another word for “I would love to.”

When you say “absolutely,” you can use it to emphasize your agreement with someone. You can also use this term to give someone permission to do something.

Moreover, you should always follow a statement like absolutely, with further information.

While “absolutely” is only a single word, it does tend to carry an abundance of meaning. When you say “absolutely,” you are confirming something to someone or agreeing with them.

Hence, when you use “absolutely,” you cannot be misunderstood by the recipient. Your confirmation will be very clear by just using this single-word alternative.

Finally, here are a few examples illustrating how to use this term accordingly:

Worker: May I please use the washroom?

Manager: Absolutely.

Worker: We are required to wash our hands every twenty minutes, correct?

Manager: Yes, absolutely!

Yes, I would love to be a bridesmaid at your wedding! Are you kidding? Yes, absolutely!

10. That Sounds Good to Me

“That sounds good to me” is both an informal and colloquial way of saying that you accept someone’s suggestion or offer.

While not formal, this synonym isn’t an unprofessional response. You are merely stating that the request appears satisfactory to you.

When you say that something “sounds good” to you, it means that you like the idea of what someone has proposed. This is a polite way of agreeing to someone’s request.

After all, you would not say something sounds good to you if you had points to refute. This would be unprofessional and nonsensical at the same time.

To clear any lingering confusion, here are a few examples of how to use this phrase:

Yes, I like your proposal – that sounds good to me.

Lunch at 11:30 today? That sounds good to me!

Do you need to reschedule the meeting for next Thursday? Alright, that sounds good to me.

So, now you’ve got some professional synonyms to use instead of “I would love to.” We don’t recommend using “I would love to” in any professional context, despite it being a correct phrase. Therefore, keep these good alternatives in mind for your business emails!

You may also like: “I Would Love To” – Meaning Explained (With Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Would love представляет собой усиление конструкции would like. Would like означает «хотел бы», значит would love переводится «очень сильно хотел бы», «с радостью бы», «с удовольствием».

  • Would you like a nice cup of coffee? — Хотел бы чашечку кофе?
  • I would love to. — С удовольствием.

Ещё пример: кто-то спрашивает про ваше желание сейчас и вы можете ответить: I would love to take a book and spend a couple of hours reading. — С радостью бы взял книжку и провел бы пару часов за чтением.

Would hate является усилением отрицания wouldn’t like и переводится «очень (сильно) не хотел бы».

I would hate to be in her position now. — Очень бы не хотел оказаться на ее месте сейчас.

I would hate to work for such a company. — Очень сильно бы не хотел работать в такой компании.

И, как вы могли уже заметить, после would love/would hate используется инфинитив.

Больше информации вы найдете в моем телеграм канале

I frequently use the expression «I would love to» when I write e-mails to request things from the other party. As in «I would love to have a call to discuss...» I feel like it conveys humility, expressing that the other party would be doing me a favor by accepting the call, for instance, which is useful for sales.

However, it was pointed out to me that this may not be very professional, because it has the word «love» in it. Are there any similar constructs that can convey the similar subtlety of the expression, while still sounding more professional?

Expressions like «I would like to..» clearly don’t make the cut..

asked May 11, 2016 at 12:59

user1496984's user avatar


2731 gold badge2 silver badges6 bronze badges


My verb of choice would be appreciate.

It conveys all aspects you want to express: a polite request, valuing the other party’s time and effort and a gratefulness for their contribution.

answered May 11, 2016 at 13:28

Stephie's user avatar


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I don’t know why you said I would like to… «clearly doesn’t make the cut», because it is precisely the expression you need to use in a formal context such as a work email. When you are making a request, «like» is way more polite than «love», and «like» doesn’t have any of the connotations that would make «love» unsuitable regardless of politeness or lack thereof.

I would like to have a call to discuss the new project. Would Wednesday at 2:00 work for you?

answered May 11, 2016 at 14:34

Martha's user avatar


5,1642 gold badges26 silver badges46 bronze badges


«It would be great if we could…»

Seems like it will fit the bill to me. Slightly stronger than «I would like to…» and slightly weaker than «I would love to…»

answered May 11, 2016 at 15:31

Emile Cole's user avatar


I don’t understand why somebody would point out «would love to» or «would like to» may not be very professional. They are perfectly fine in any business context. An expression like

I would be much obliged if we could have a call to discuss XYZ.

will be considered unnecessarily formal. It doesn’t mean you can’t use this expression. You can use this expression if you are dealing with high authorities or if you are asking for a special favor.

The most common expression would be

I would appreciate (it) if we could have a call to discuss XYZ.

Again, this could be considered a little formal.

You can just say

Please let me know what time is/would be most convenient for you to discuss XYZ.


Please give me a call to discuss XYZ when it is convenient for you.

Using just «please» is simple, polite, and it is not unprofessional at all.

ColleenV's user avatar


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answered May 11, 2016 at 15:01


Go with «I would be delighted to…» it conveys what you describe when using «I would love to…»

J.R.'s user avatar


109k9 gold badges160 silver badges288 bronze badges

answered May 11, 2016 at 20:28

Paul's user avatar

I often use:

I would welcome the opportunity to …

answered May 12, 2016 at 14:32

cmhughes's user avatar


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  • #1

Hi all,

I’m trying to find alternative ways of saying «We would love to» in the context of «…arrange a meeting soon to discuss this proposal in further detail».

I’m not exactly sure of other ways of saying this in formal Business English aside from «We would be delighted if we could …» but I personally feel that this sounds a bit too desperate? :p

Many thanks for your help!

  • MuttQuad

    • #2

    «Delighted» is, perhaps, a bit effusive. You might try «be glad to» or «be pleased to.»

    • #3

    I wouldn’t think of used «would love to» in a business context. That’s a reply to a party invitation, not a meeting.

    I’d say I’d be «pleased to» or «happy to».

    These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

    These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


    I love the Coen Brothers, always loved those guys, would love to do something with them.

    «Я люблю братьев Коэнов, я всегда любил этих ребят и хотел бы с ними что-нибудь сделать.

    He would love to have discussed this topic.

    She would love to spend time with you if you can make her laugh easily.

    Она бы с удовольствием провела время с тобой, если бы ты мог легко рассмешить её.

    Lots of our members would love to be writers.

    Наверняка многие из нас хотели бы стать писателями.

    However, we received an incredible amount of feedback from people who told us how much they would love to play as pirates.

    Однако мы получили невероятное количество отзывов от людей, которые сказали нам, насколько они хотели бы играть за пиратов.

    But, of course we would love to have the first [legislative norms] in the world.

    Но, конечно, мы хотели бы иметь первые законодательные нормы в мире».

    We would love to see these people open their minds to a higher understanding than what they currently have.

    Мы хотели бы видеть, что эти люди открывают свои умы более высокому пониманию, чем то, которое у них есть в данный момент.

    We would love to fund more startups taking this science to market.

    Мы хотели бы финансировать больше стартапов, продвигающих эту науку на рынок.

    Within a generation, they would love to see the borders dropped and one currency.

    В пределах одного поколения они хотели бы видеть стертые границы и одну валюту.

    Spiritual beings keep their thoughts on love and harmony, in the face of things they would love to see changed.

    Духовные существа сохраняют свои мысли о любви и гармонии, перед лицом вещей, которые они хотели бы видеть измененными.

    Many other countries would love to have 4.5% unemployment.

    Многие другие страны хотели бы иметь безработицу на уровне 4,5%.

    Given below are some of the titles that you would love to play.

    Ниже приведены некоторые из названий, которые вы хотели бы сыграть.

    Add millions of old people who would love to engage in worthwhile activities but who are now relegated to a boring, passive retirement.

    Прибавьте миллионы престарелых, которые очень хотели бы заниматься полезной деятельностью, но которых сейчас обрекают на тоскливую, пассивную пенсию.

    If you would love to be the director of your own life, you must equilibrate your perceptions and emotions.

    Если вы хотели бы быть директором своей собственной жизни, вы должны уравновешивать ваше восприятие и эмоции.

    These media hold valuable memories that the family members would love to preserve despite the changing times.

    Эти СМИ хранят ценные воспоминания, которые члены семьи хотели бы сохранить, несмотря на меняющиеся времена.

    If there was a wish, we would love to get more access to top-class technologies from all the U.S. partners.

    Если будет желание, мы хотели бы получить больше доступа к первоклассным технологиям от всех американских партнёров.

    Payformix makes great web forms and we would love to share them with you.

    Payformix делает отличные веб-формы, и мы хотели бы поделиться ими с Вами.

    Many of these researchers were Christians who would love to find the Ark, but the evidence was lacking.

    Многие из этих ученых были христианами, которые хотели бы найти ковчег, но доказательств не хватало.

    They are the «eternal adolescents» all Americans would love to be.

    Это «вечные подростки» — какими хотели бы быть все американцы.

    Platforms like Etsy and Amazon are the perfect place to start selling gifts that other people would love to give.

    Платформы, такие как Etsy и Amazon являются идеальным местом, чтобы начать продавать подарки, которые другие люди хотели бы купить.

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