Another word for willing to wait

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Я благодарен, что Вы готовы ждать столь долго, сколько необходимо.

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Не каждый готов ждать 18 лет, чтобы сказать» Я люблю тебя.

But quite often customers have a deadline, so they are not willing to wait;

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Но довольно часто у заказчиков поджимают сроки, поэтому они не готовы ждать;

Although the company have serious production capacity problems,

people do want their cars badly and are willing to wait for them.


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Хотя у компании серьезные проблемы с производственными мощностями,

люди очень хотят получить свои автомобили и готовы их ждать.


all somewhere urgently need


go, and because of all let all pass.


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У нас всегда случается так, что никто не готов ждать столько времени,

всем куда-то срочно надо ехать, и потому всех пускают, все проезжают.


Price your house realistically and take into consideration how much you are

willing to

accept and


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Постарайтесь установить реалистичную цену на Ваш дом и решите для себя, насколько Вы




I checked the laws… and it can take up


six months

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Я читала законы об аренде и пока я его выселю,

может пройти полгода. А я не желаю ждать так долго.

They are normally companies that are experiencing problems(hopefully short-term),

and a lot of people are not willing to wait for those companies



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Ими будут нормальн компании испытывают проблемы( hopefully недолгосрочные),

и множество людей не охотно готово ждать те компании для того чтобы взять.

it is likely that you


visit it was a Russian physician or a local doctor, accompanied by an interpreter.

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есть вероятность того, что вас посетит именно русскоязычный врач или местный врач в сопровождении переводчика.

Roster management could become considerably more burdensome; moreover,

it was doubtful that highly skilled candidates would be willing to wait months or even years before being recruited.


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Составление реестров со временем может



обременительным; кроме того, сомнительно, что высококвалифицированные кандидаты станут ждать набора в течение нескольких месяцев или даже лет.


If at the moment the company has no vacancies, and You are willing to wait for their appearance, you can try


pass the competition


other companies.


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Если же в данный момент в компании нет вакансий, и Вы не готовы ждать их появления, то можно пробовать пройти конкурс в других компаниях.


I still strongly believe that my daughter belongs with me, but I’m willing to wait until we have had a chance




know each other better.

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Я по-прежнему убежден, что моя дочь- частичка меня, но я готов подождать, пока у нас будет возможность узнать друг друга получше.

I’m willing to wait for your album, yes, but I will not wait in line behind a bunch of up-and-comers when it comes


the priorities of this label.

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Я готова ждать твой новый альбом, да но я не стану в очередь за кучей выскочек, чтобы поддержать приоритеты студии.

That’s a good start.- But I’m not willing to wait. I want you


send me in


every person in this town


willing to

meet me.

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Хорошее начало- но я не готов ждать я хочешь посылать меня к каждому в этом городе, кто


встретиться меня не волнует

если я потрачу время.

Recent research in usability field

and easily give up the»heavy» sites in favor of fast sites.


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Последние исследования в области юзабилити показали, что пользователи не готовы ждать, когда загрузится страница

и легко отказываются от« тяжеловесных» сайтов в пользу быстрозагружаемых.


Hela is usually willing to wait until a person has died before claiming the soul,

but she can kill a healthy human or even Asgardian with a single touch, her»touch of death.

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Хела обычно готова ждать, пока человек умрет, прежде чем заявить о своей

душе, но она может убить здорового человека или даже асгардца одним прикосновением, своим« прикосновением смерти».

If you are willing to wait past the time you reach 5th level before calling your mount,

you may be able


call a unicorn, a giant eagle, or even a dire lion.

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Если вы желаете ждать достижения 5- го уровня перед вызовом вашего верхового животного,

вы можете быть способны вызвать единорога, гигантского орла или даже ужасного льва.

some drugs may come up, and if you need


poison insects per day, then these


be completely different means and methods).

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Быстродействие( если вы готовы ждать пару- тройку недель-

могут подойти одни препараты, а если нужно обязательно потравить насекомых за сутки, то это будут совсем другие средства и методы).

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

готовы ждать

готов ждать

готовы подождать

готов подождать

готова ждать

хотят ждать

хотите ждать

против подождать

готова подождать

согласны подождать

предлагают подождать

предпочитает подождать

буду ждать

Today users are not willing to wait for slow pages.

Сегодня пользователи не готовы ждать медленных страниц.

Karma teaches us that good things do come, but we need to be willing to wait.

Карма учит нас тому, что хорошее приходит, но мы должны быть готовы ждать.

But I wasn’t willing to wait.

She may need evidence that you really care about her and are willing to wait.

Может, ей нужны доказательства того, что ты действительно заботишься о ней и готов ждать.

When it comes to well-known and authority sites, people are willing to wait a little longer.

Когда дело доходит до известных и авторитетных сайтов, люди готовы подождать немного дольше.

We are willing to wait until the time is right.

In this image, he appears as a loving father who is willing to wait until the last soul of the righteous.

В этом образе он выступает как любящий отец, который готов ждать до последнего души праведных.

When something seems difficult, he is willing to wait until the situation becomes manageable again.

Когда что-то кажется трудным, он готов ждать, пока ситуация снова становится управляемой.

Simply put, the term represents a trading strategy that is used by those who are willing to wait.

Проще говоря, термин представляет собой торговую стратегию, которая используется теми, кто готов ждать.

Many people are not willing to wait more than a few seconds to load the page they visited.

Многие люди не готовы ждать больше нескольких секунд для загрузки страницы, которую они посетили.

By defining the space, you may also define the length of time that you are willing to wait for your partner.

Определяя место, вы можете также определить период времени, что вы готовы ждать вашего партнера.

Means of communication progress rapidly, and users are less willing to wait.

С развитием средств коммуникации пользователи готовы ждать всё меньше.

I’m willing to wait if you are.

He wanted payback, and he was willing to wait.

Well, I’m not willing to wait while you tinker with it to perfection.

Я не готов ждать, пока ты возишься, доводя все до совершенства.

However, those that are willing to wait will be rewarded.

These independent cells are highly motivated and are willing to wait until they receive generalized signals from their leadership to strike.

Эти независимые ячейки высоко мотивированы и готовы ждать, пока они не получат обобщённые сигналы на теракт от своего руководства.

You can silently nod his head, as if recognizing that it is willing to wait.

Вы можете молча кивнуть головой, как бы признавая, что готовы подождать.

Bowman is setting a good example, but fans and media aren’t as willing to wait.

Боуман показывает пример, но болельщики и журналисты не готовы ждать.

Plus, they take time to write, and few businesses are willing to wait.

Кроме того, для них нужно время, чтобы написать, и мало кто готов ждать.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 415. Точных совпадений: 415. Затраченное время: 129 мс


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I just met, again, someone using the phrase «willing». He said: «I’m willing to go.» Why did he not use «want to»?

Is there any difference between the words? Any situation where you would just use one of both?


So I did some research about it, still I’m confused about it.

I found a reference here explaining the difference. It says that «want to» means things that I really wish to do or happen. On the other hand, «willing» means to be able to do something but it isn’t really the number one thing which is a priority.

But what is about a sentence like «I’m willing to wait.»? «I want to wait» doesn’t sound as it could mean the same. In my opinion, «ready» could be good replacement for «willing» in this content. So, when do I exactly use «willing» and when «want to»?

StoneyB on hiatus's user avatar

asked Dec 20, 2014 at 23:18

Zerotime's user avatar


If I go to the movie theater for a 1pm showing of ‘the Hobbit’ and tickets are sold out for that showing, but there are still tickets for the 3pm showing, then a friend of mine might

want to wait for the next showing (3pm). This means he really desires to wait two hours.

but someone else in our group might

not be willing to wait, which means they really want to leave and probably will, which could be big trouble if he’s the one with the car and we don’t have another way to get home.

On the other hand the second person might say he’s willing to wait. This doesn’t usually express a strong desire to wait, but at least he will wait, rather than leave. It can mean that he prefers to leave, but that he’ll wait just because the others want to stay and wait.

So willing to wait can show a reluctance to wait. But wanting to wait definitely expresses the desire to wait.

answered Dec 21, 2014 at 1:43

You want to do something which you actively desire because it benefits you in some way:

  • You want to go swimming because it refreshes you and tones your muscles, making you irresistible to whichever sex attracts you (and maybe the other one, too).
  • You want to go to the University of the Southwest Ozarks because only there can you study with the celebrated costume historian Prof. Taylor Sartorius.
  • You want to overthrow the regime of the despot Czûlgymh and exact terrible revenge for the murder of your brother.

You are willing to do something which you do not actively desire but which does not repel you either, or at least is not so unpleasant that you refuse to do it. You typically indicate your willingness to do something which somebody else wants you to do or which is a precondition to your achieving something which you do desire. For instance:

  • You dislike washing dishes, but you are willing to do the dishes if your friend will make you his famous weeping leg of lamb with roast potatoes.

  • You don’t much care for jazz, preferring the gloriously intricate music of Bach, but you are willing to go to a jazz club to entertain your significant other who absolutely worships Wynton Marsalis.

  • You can’t imagine a dinner without large quantities of red meat, and you really haven’t got the money to spend on books; but you are willing to live off of potatoes and cabbage for two months in order to buy your own copy of McCawley’s Syntactic Phenomena in English, which has transformed your understanding of English grammar.

answered Dec 21, 2014 at 3:13

StoneyB on hiatus's user avatar

StoneyB on hiatusStoneyB on hiatus

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Want actively indicates desire or immediate intention. If you say you want to do X, you are going to do it.

Willing is passive. If you are willing to do X, there’s an external condition implied or specified that you are waiting for before you do X. You may end up not doing X.

I want to wait.

You are saying you are going to wait. There may be a reason, but that reason has happened or is happening now.

I’m willing to wait.

This strongly implies you are not doing something until whatever you are waiting for has happened.

answered Dec 21, 2014 at 1:07

LawrenceC's user avatar


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In «I want to do sth» the focus is on wish, in «I’m willing to do» the focus is on will/volition. Practically there is only a slight difference in meaning, but one may say the frequency of the two expressions is different. «to want to do» is a common expression whereas «to be willing to do» is not a frequent expression.

In negative form «willing» is justified: I’m not willing to tolerate this behaviour.

answered Dec 22, 2014 at 4:11

rogermue's user avatar


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What is another word for Wait?

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:4.3 / 3 votes

  1. wait

    To abide is to remain continuously without limit of time unless expressed by the context: «to-day I must abide at thy house,» Luke xix, 5; «a settled place for thee to abide in forever,» 1 Kings viii, 13; «Abide with me! fast falls the eventide,» Lyte Hymn. Lodge, sojourn, stay, tarry, and wait always imply a limited time; lodge, to pass the night; sojourn, to remain temporarily; live, dwell, reside, to have a permanent home. Stop, in the sense of stay or sojourn, is colloquial, and not in approved use. Compare ENDURE; REST.

    abide, anticipate, await, bear, bide, confront, continue, dwell, endure, expect, inhabit, live, lodge, remain, reside, rest, sojourn, stay, stop, tarry, tolerate, watch

    abandon, avoid, depart, forfeit, forfend, journey, migrate, move, proceed, reject, resist, shun

    Abide in a place, for a time, with a person, by a statement.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.5 / 4 votes

  1. delay, hold, time lag, postponement, waitnoun

    time during which some action is awaited

    «instant replay caused too long a delay»; «he ordered a hold in the action»

    clutch, grip, storage area, delay, keep, holdup, detainment, deferral, handle, hold, appreciation, handgrip, cargo area, detention, postponement, waiting, custody, clasp, cargo deck, clench, clutches, grasp, time lag, deferment, cargo hold

  2. wait, waitingverb

    the act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something)

    «the wait was an ordeal for him»

    waiting, postponement, time lag, hold, delay

  3. waitverb

    stay in one place and anticipate or expect something

    «I had to wait on line for an hour to get the tickets»

    expect, await, waitress, look, hold off, hold back

  4. wait, hold off, hold backverb

    wait before acting

    «the scientists held off announcing their results until they repeated the experiment»

    await, waitress, hold in, keep, restrain, hold back, hold off, hold, look, check, conceal, retain, contain, keep back, forbear, stop, expect, arrest, turn back

  5. expect, look, await, waitverb

    look forward to the probable occurrence of

    «We were expecting a visit from our relatives»; «She is looking to a promotion»; «he is waiting to be drafted»

    count, await, search, appear, depend, hold back, seem, carry, hold off, front, reckon, look, gestate, bet, attend, require, anticipate, waitress, take care, have a bun in the oven, face, ask, calculate, expect, bear, see

  6. wait, waitressverb

    serve as a waiter or waitress in a restaurant

    «I’m waiting on tables at Maxim’s»

    expect, await, waitress, look, hold off, hold back

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. waitverb

    stay, tarry, delay, remain, linger, bide one’s time

  2. waitverb

    watch, look, be expectant

  3. waitverb

    await, abide, stay for, wait for, look for

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. waitnoun

    waiting, delay, halt, stop, ambush, ambuscade

  2. waitverb

    tarry, stay, linger, await, abide, delay, postpone, defer, procrastinate

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «wait»:

    waiting, expect, await, expected, sufferance, -wait, w-wait, suspense, awaits, w-w-wait, espere, wait-wait-wait, expectation, standby, expects, expecting, delay, hold

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How to use wait in a sentence?

  1. Wells Fargo:

    We still came away feeling a bit confused so we’re downshifting into a wait-and-see mode.

  2. Robert Mueller:

    Well guys, almost home. Only a little bit left, only several hours. Thank you for your support. I can’t wait( for) the plane to land, when I’ll be in my homeland.

  3. Ariel Dulitzky:

    They are still disappeared; we don’t know what happened with them… Every single day you wait for the person to come back, so then at some point you accept that ok, maybe they are not coming back.

  4. Kevin Li:

    Our business was harshly hit in 2018. Sales fell steeply and we were forced to hold cars in bonded zones to wait for tariffs to be cut.

  5. Matt Davis:

    I couldn’t wait to get off the ship, i just wanted to get off.

Translations for wait

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  • wagAfrikaans
  • መጠበቅAmharic
  • يَنْتَظِرُ, اِنْتَظَرَArabic
  • gözləməkAzerbaijani
  • ждаць, чакаць, пачакацьBelarusian
  • чакам, обслужвамBulgarian
  • অপেক্ষা করাBengali
  • esperar-se, esperarCatalan, Valencian
  • čekat, obsluhovat, PočkejteCzech
  • arosWelsh
  • venteDanish
  • bedienen, wartenGerman
  • lalaEwe
  • περιμένω, σερβίρωGreek
  • atendi, atenduEsperanto
  • aguardar, espera, retraso, esperarSpanish
  • ootamaEstonian
  • وایسادن, صبر کردن, انتظار داشتن, منتظر شدنPersian
  • odottaa, odotus, tarjoillaFinnish
  • bíðaFaroese
  • faire le service, attente, servir, attendreFrench
  • fanIrish
  • agardar, esperarGalician
  • המתין, חיכהHebrew
  • इंतज़ार करनाHindi
  • várHungarian
  • սպասել, սպասարկելArmenian
  • menungguIndonesian
  • vartarIdo
  • bíðaIcelandic
  • attendere, attesa, servire a tavola, aspettareItalian
  • לחכותHebrew
  • ウエイターをする, ウエイトレスをする, 待ち, 待つJapanese
  • დალოდებაGeorgian
  • күту, тосуKazakh
  • រងចាំ, ចាំKhmer
  • 시중들다, 서비스하다, 대기하다, 기다림, 기다리다Korean
  • күтүүKyrgyz
  • exspecto, expectatio, expectoLatin
  • waardenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • ລໍLao
  • lauktiLithuanian
  • gaidīt, apkalpotLatvian
  • чека, исчекувње, служи, чекањеMacedonian
  • хүлээлтMongolian
  • menungguMalay
  • stennaMaltese
  • စောင့်Burmese
  • venteNorwegian
  • afwachten, bedienen, wachtenDutch
  • ventaNorwegian Nynorsk
  • venteNorwegian
  • esperarOccitan
  • czekaćPolish
  • aguardar, servir, espera, esperarPortuguese
  • suyayQuechua
  • spetgarRomansh
  • aștepta, servi masa, așteptareRomanian
  • обслуживать, подождать, ждать, обслужить, ожидать, ожида́ниеRussian
  • vuorditNorthern Sami
  • чекати, čekatiSerbo-Croatian
  • čakaťSlovak
  • čakatiSlovene
  • presAlbanian
  • bida, väntaSwedish
  • мунтазир шуданTajik
  • รอThai
  • garaşmakTurkmen
  • beklemekTurkish
  • көтәргәTatar
  • ждати, чекатиUkrainian
  • انتظار کرناUrdu
  • kutmoqUzbek
  • đợi, chờVietnamese
  • stebedön, bötönVolapük
  • ratinde, rawårderWalloon
  • וואַרטןYiddish
  • 等待Chinese

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