Another word for what is needed

What is needed in one word?

What is another word for needed?

necessary required
essential desired
requisite critical
integral lacking
vital wanted

Can you say much needed?

“Much-needed” and “well-known” pop up quite a lot too, but note that these are hyphenated only when (1) appearing directly before the noun described or (2) following a form of the verb “to be.”

How do you use much needed?

Horses is the along the country’s the tubs all got a much-needed manicure. Anne is thrilled about the new book, and feels it will bring much-needed publicity to the condition. responsive handling as well as adding much-needed ride comfort.

Is much needed one word or two?

In general, hyphens are joiners. Use them to avoid confusion or to form a single idea from two or more words: much-needed clothing (clothing is badly needed) versus much needed clothing (the clothing is abundant and needed).

Is it needs to be or need to be?

There has to be ways around the “There need to be” is plural. If you want to say something in the singular, you need to say “There needs to be…” The plurality of the verb “need” must agree with …

What is the verb of need?

need. (transitive) To have an absolute requirement for. (transitive) To want strongly; to feel that one must have something. (modal verb) To be obliged or required (to do something). (intransitive) To be required; to be necessary.

What type of verb is needs?

Need is a semi-modal verb because in some ways it is like a modal verb and in other ways like a main verb. We use need mostly in the negative form to indicate that there is no obligation or necessity to do something: You needn’t take off your shoes.

What type of word is want?

verb (used with object) to wish, need, crave, demand, or desire (often followed by an infinitive): I want to see you.

What is the adjective for need?

needful. Needed; necessary; mandatory; requisite; indispensible.

What is the verb of do?

The verb do is irregular. It has five different forms: do, does, doing, did, done. The base form of the verb is do. The past simple form, did, is the same throughout. The present simple tense do and the past simple tense did can be used as an auxiliary verb.

What is the verb of went?

Yes, ‘went’ is the preterite (or simple past tense) of the verb ‘to go’. It is an irregular verb. The past participle of ‘to go’ is ‘gone’.

What is the verb definition?

Verbs are words that show an action (sing), occurrence (develop), or state of being (exist). Almost every sentence requires a verb. The basic form of a verb is known as its infinitive. The forms call, love, break, and go are all infinitives. Almost all verbs have two other important forms called participles.

What is V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 example?

Examples V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 List in English

V1 V2 V3
beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
come came come

Is there a V1 V2 V3 V4 V5?

Here are Verb Forms v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 pdf In English there are regular verbs as well as irregular verbs. In Simple Past Tense and Past Participle forms, most of the verbs have -d, -ed and -ied suffixes, while some verbs do not follow this rule….50 irregular verbs, English Irregular Verbs V1 V2 V3 V4 V5.

V1 – Present V2 – Past Simple V3 – Past Participle
come came come

What is the verb of good?

make verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense
good gooding gooded

What is the verb of powerful?

(transitive) To provide power for (a mechanical or electronic device). (transitive) To hit or kick something forcefully. To enable or provide the impetus for.

What is the verb of excitement?

excite. (transitive) To stir the emotions of. (transitive) To arouse or bring out (e.g. feelings); to stimulate. (physics) To cause an electron to move to a higher than normal state; to promote an electron to an outer level.

What is the root word for inspiration?

Inspiration has an unusual history in that its figurative sense appears to predate its literal one. It comes from the Latin inspiratus (the past participle of inspirare, “to breathe into, inspire”) and in English has had the meaning “the drawing of air into the lungs” since the middle of the 16th century.

What are powerful words?

Power words are words that smart copywriters use to trigger a psychological or emotional response. They’re called “power words” because they are so persuasive that people simply can’t resist being influenced by them! Here are over 700 of them that you can use to trigger just about any emotion, for any conversion goal…

What is noun form of powerful?

strength is the right answer.

What is a powerful adverb?

adverb. /ˈpaʊəfəli/ /ˈpaʊərfəli/ ​in a way that shows power or force; in a way that is very effective.

What is the noun form of painful?

pain. (countable and uncountable) An ache or bodily suffering, or an instance of this; an unpleasant sensation, resulting from a derangement of functions, disease, or injury by violence; hurt. (uncountable) The condition or fact of suffering or anguish especially mental, as opposed to pleasure; torment; distress.

What is the base word of powerful?

1400, pouerful, “mighty, having great strength or power,” from power (n.) + -ful.

What is the antonym of powerful?

Antonyms: subhuman, low-powered, powerless, feeble, weak, uninfluential, nerveless, helpless, incapacitated. Synonyms: muscular, potent, hefty, stiff, brawny, herculean, virile, sinewy, strong, knock-down(a) brawny, hefty, muscular, powerful, sinewy(adj)

In this page you can discover 25 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for needed, like: necessary, wanted, required, requisite, taken, needful, involved, necessitated, postulated, asked and lacked.

What’s a word for being needed? What is another word for needed?

necessary required
essential desired
requisite critical
integral lacking
vital wanted

Likewise Is needed a correct word?

We can say the past “needed” is correct. However, if this is a fact or something that is true at present, some could end up having a difficult time understanding why “needed”, a past form, is correct. Use “needed”.

When can I use needed? 1 Answer. The two mean different things. “Mary is needed” means that there is something or someone that needs Mary. “Mary is in need” means that Mary needs something or someone.

When it is needed meaning?

If you say that something will happen if necessary, when necessary, or where necessary, you mean that it will happen if it is necessary, when it is necessary, or where it is necessary.

Are you needed meaning? Free with no obligation to buy.

What’s needed in a sentence?

A complete sentence must have, at minimum, three things: a subject, verb, and an object. The subject is typically a noun or a pronoun. And, if there’s a subject, there’s bound to be a verb because all verbs need a subject. Finally, the object of a sentence is the thing that’s being acted upon by the subject.

Were needed in a sentence? We made changes where we felt they were needed”. But where they were needed, Jews were tolerated. In many respects, Chrysler focused its improvements where they were needed most. They were needed first to cushion recession, and then to bring on economic growth.

Is needed or necessary?

Needed: past participle form of verb need; sometimes uses substantively as a noun. Necessary: an adjective. Oxford Dictionaries Online recommends necessary in lieu of needed.

What is the difference between necessary and needed? Needed: past participle form of verb need; sometimes uses substantively as a noun. Necessary: an adjective.

Is it need for or need of?

Nowadays, need usually takes for except in the expression in need of. So I would say that, except for in need of, current usage is to use the preposition for with need.

What is need with example? The definition of a need is a desire or requirement. An example of a need is the desire for a fast Internet connection. An example of a need is food and water for survival. … I’ve always tried to have few needs beyond food, clothing and shelter.

How can I write a good sentence?

What Makes a Good Sentence?

  1. A good sentence is a complete sentence. A complete sentence requires a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought—also known as an independent clause. …
  2. A good sentence conjures a particular mood. …
  3. A good sentence paints a picture. …
  4. A good sentence has flow.

What are 10 simple sentences? 50 examples of simple sentences

  • She doesn’t study German on Monday.
  • Does she live in Paris?
  • He doesn’t teach math.
  • Cats hate water.
  • Every child likes an ice cream.
  • 6.My brother takes out the trash.
  • The course starts next Sunday.
  • She swims every morning.

What is sentence example?

A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax. For example:”Ali is walking”. A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought.

Were needed or where needed? Both are OK. Where seems more appropriate in a context in which, for example, you are checking in with several departments of your company to ask if any of them need any help. Some will, some won’t. You offer help where (i.e. in those departments in which) it is needed.

Is not Needed meaning?

Definition of no need

—used to say that something is not necessary “I’ll get someone to help you.” “No need.

How do you use want in a sentence? Wants sentence example

  1. He wants one of his own. …
  2. They try to connect the person who wants to know something to the thing that person wants to know. …
  3. Martha wants to work until she has the baby. …
  4. Jonathan wants a little brother, not a little sister. …
  5. The prince wants to bathe. …
  6. She wants to talk to you.

What part of speech is the word necessary?

Necessary can be a noun or an adjective.

Does essential mean required? 1 : extremely important or necessary It is essential that we all meet here. 2 : forming or belonging to the basic part of something Free speech is an essential right of citizenship. : something that is basic or necessary I packed the bare essentials for the trip.

Is Needed past tense?

The ordinary transitive verb need has a regular past tense needed: They needed to be careful .

need Definitions and Synonyms ‌‌‌

present tense
past tense needed
past participle needed

What is the preposition of need? Nouns and prepositions

nouns preposition
need, reason, responsibility for
changes, differences, increase in
inquiry, investigation, research into
cause, example, way of

What type of verb is needs?

Need is a semi-modal verb because in some ways it is like a modal verb and in other ways like a main verb. We use need mostly in the negative form to indicate that there is no obligation or necessity to do something: You needn’t take off your shoes.

What is another word for Needed?

Use filters to view other words, we have 686 synonyms for needed.

Synonyms for needed

If you know synonyms for Needed, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words.

Similar words of needed

  • APA
  • MLA
  • CMS

What is another word for needed?

354 synonyms found


[ nˈiːdɪd], [ nˈiːdɪd], [ n_ˈiː_d_ɪ_d]

Related words: needed to, need to, need to know, need to do

Related questions:

  • What am i needed for?
  • Do i need a visa?
  • Do i need a passport?
  • Table of Contents

    • adj.

      all (adjective)

      • needed.

      deficient (adjective)

      • wanting.

      devoid (adjective)

      • de void,
      • de-void,
      • be-reft,
      • in-nocent,
      • more denuded,
      • more without,
      • most without,
      • be reft,
      • sansest,
      • sanser,
      • most denuded,
      • in nocent.

      essential (adjective)

      • more right-hand,
      • fore-most,
      • fore most,
      • right-hand,
      • pre requisite,
      • most right hand,
      • more righthand,
      • more right hand,
      • most righthand,
      • most right-hand,
      • most fundamental.

      good (adjective)

      • healthy,
      • be coming,
      • fruitful.

      indispensable (adjective)

      • in-dispensable,
      • in dispensable.

      lacking (adjective)

      • not making it,
      • can’t cut it,
      • coming up short,
      • not hacking it,
      • deprived of,
      • flawed.

      missed (adjective)

      • most desired,
      • more craved,
      • more desired,
      • most craved,
      • de sired,
      • de-sired.

      necessary (adjective)

      • more all-important,
      • bottomline,
      • most all-important,
      • more bottom line,
      • most all important,
      • un-avoidable,
      • para mount,
      • all important,
      • para-mount,
      • most bottom line,
      • more necessary,
      • most allimportant,
      • allimportant,
      • name game,
      • most bottom-line,
      • more bottom-line,
      • most bottomline,
      • un avoidable,
      • more all important,
      • more allimportant,
      • more bottomline.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • bottom-line,
      • good,
      • free from,
      • sought,
      • not up to par,
      • condign,
      • unprovided with,
      • too little too late,
      • nitty gritty,
      • in default,
      • life or death,
      • requested,
      • namer,
      • pre-requisite,
      • life-or-death,
      • Sans,
      • all-important,
      • lacking,
      • out of gas,
      • vital,
      • yearned for,
      • required,
      • Compulsatory,
      • indispensable,
      • asked for,
      • devoid,
      • right hand,
      • meat-and-potatoes,
      • not good enough,
      • necessary,
      • missed,
      • essential,
      • name-of-the-game,
      • incumbent on,
      • name of game,
      • coal-and-ice,
      • righthand.

      perfect (adjective)

      • unerring,
      • bull’s eye,
      • to a turn,
      • on the money,
      • on target,
      • to turn,
      • on the button,
      • a turn,
      • dead on,
      • bulls-eye.

      required (adjective)

      • re-quired,
      • re quired.

      required/requisite (adjective)

      • more compulsatory,
      • more condign,
      • de-served,
      • most compulsatory,
      • most condign,
      • most demanded,
      • pre-scribed,
      • de served,
      • re-commended,
      • re commended,
      • pre scribed,
      • more demanded.

      vital (adjective)

      • more meat and potatoes,
      • more nitty-gritty,
      • more name-of-the-game,
      • most coal-and-ice,
      • most nitty-gritty,
      • most name-of-the-game,
      • more name of the game,
      • most coal and ice,
      • most meat and potatoes,
      • most nittygritty,
      • more coal and ice,
      • more life or death,
      • most life or death,
      • most nitty gritty,
      • namest,
      • more life-or-death,
      • nittygritty,
      • more nitty gritty,
      • under lined,
      • under-lined,
      • most name of the game,
      • most underlined,
      • more underlined,
      • most life-or-death,
      • most meat-and-potatoes,
      • coal and ice,
      • more coal-and-ice,
      • more nittygritty,
      • more meat-and-potatoes.

      wanting (adjective)

      • dis appointing,
      • un-soundest,
      • co oked,
      • un-fulfilled,
      • un-sounder,
      • more cooked,
      • most unfulfilled,
      • co-oked,
      • more away,
      • un sounder,
      • sub standard,
      • not up par,
      • un sound,
      • out gas,
      • not to par,
      • un-sound,
      • sub-standard,
      • most cooked,
      • not par,
      • un fulfilled,
      • dis-appointing,
      • most away,
      • more unfulfilled,
      • unfulfilled.
    • n.

      of the essence (noun)

      • essence.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • requisite,
      • needful.
    • v.

      desired (verb)

      • expected,
      • desired,
      • welcomed,
      • fancied,
      • Itched,
      • Hungered,
      • Longed,
      • Wished,
      • Hankered,
      • Yearned,
      • Lusted,
      • coveted,
      • Thirsted,
      • wanted,
      • Pined,
      • craved,
      • grasped,
      • Hoped.

      lacked (verb)

      • Lacked,
      • Defaulted.

      obliged (verb)

      • favored,
      • obliged,
      • Indulged,
      • Demanded,
      • constrained,
      • Accommodated,
      • Necessitated.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • compelled,
      • filmed,
      • Misfortuned,
      • unavoidable,
      • enforce,
      • cardinal,
      • possessed,
      • Exacted,
      • Obtained,
      • constrain,
      • inquire,
      • acquire,
      • attained,
      • high-priority,
      • basic,
      • involve,
      • ingested,
      • Claimed,
      • charged,
      • coerce,
      • critical,
      • demand,
      • affected,
      • Inquired,
      • desire,
      • blamed,
      • announce,
      • convey,
      • subscribed,
      • needs,
      • crying,
      • necessitous,
      • Entailed,
      • induced,
      • considered,
      • compel,
      • contracted,
      • integral,
      • central,
      • contained,
      • conducted,
      • Rented,
      • ask for,
      • requisitioned,
      • contain,
      • engage,
      • urgent,
      • packed,
      • Suffered,
      • studied,
      • order,
      • Caused,
      • trained,
      • occupied,
      • need,
      • birthed,
      • call on,
      • chartered,
      • received,
      • incumbent,
      • removed,
      • take,
      • Carried,
      • affect,
      • important,
      • Gained,
      • exigent,
      • is required,
      • Needing,
      • collected,
      • stimulated,
      • accepted,
      • mandatory,
      • directed,
      • de rigueur,
      • prerequisite,
      • enquire,
      • compelling,
      • consumed,
      • perfect,
      • entail,
      • on request,
      • Occasioned,
      • call for,
      • irreducible,
      • inevitable,
      • sustained,
      • require,
      • featured,
      • filled,
      • of the essence,
      • acquired,
      • Asked,
      • owned,
      • forced,
      • invited,
      • in want of,
      • compulsory,
      • Commanded,
      • selected,
      • involved,
      • Postulated,
      • engaged,
      • implied,
      • Submitted,
      • wrapped,
      • infallible,
      • leased,
      • guided,
      • life-and-death,
      • obligatory,
      • undeniable,
      • employed,
      • conveyed,
      • in request,
      • ask,
      • oblige,
      • imperative,
      • top-priority,
      • Regarded,
      • must-have,
      • in demand,
      • assumed,
      • called,
      • adopted,
      • Indicated,
      • crucial,
      • called to,
      • Faulted,
      • admitted,
      • fundamental,
      • imply,
      • popular,
      • necessitate,
      • admit,
      • Delivered,
      • hired,
      • pivotal,
      • desirable,
      • Urged,
      • make,
      • apply for,
      • called for,
      • experienced,
      • distressed,
      • used,
      • pressured.

    How to use «Needed» in context?

    It’s no secret that many people in the United States are facing financial difficulty. In fact, according to a report by the Federal Reserve, more than 47 million Americans are considered to be living in poverty. In addition, more than 78 million people are considered to be living in households that are considered to be in debt.

    One of the major reasons for these financial problems is the fact that many people are spending more than they are earning. In fact, according to a report by Mastercard, Americans are spending more than ever before.

    Paraphrases for Needed:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Adjective
      • Proper noun, singular
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Adjective
      • Verb, past tense
        lack, Lacked.
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        crucial, desirable, imperative, indispensable, needs, needy, requested, sufficient, unnecessary, vital, warranted, requires, indispensible.
      • Proper noun, singular
        requested, Resources, takes, requires, sets.
      • Verb, past tense
        action, adopt, adopted, advised, agreed, allow, amended, approved, bridge, called, case, charged, come, complete, completed, completing, conduct, conducted, conducting, continue, continued, continuing, cost, data, dedicated, deepen, detected, develop, developed, dictated, drew, enable, enabling, establish, established, expected, experienced, expressed, faced, failed, failure, fill, forecast, found, fulfil, great, he, held, help, hiv, implemented, implied, import, include, included, increase, increased, kept, labour, lay, lead, left, limited, linked, location, made, making, manufactured, measurement, missed, missing, more, noted, perform, permit, place, placed, plan, played, posed, prepared, presented, priority, professional, program, pursue, pursued, put, ready, received, related, required, resource, review, said, set, shared, specified, spent, stated, stay, strategy, sufficient, take, taking, task, thought, time, venue, weight, weighting, works, Achieved, Adopting, Agencies, Aimed, Allowing, Appealed, Argued, Asked, Was, Became, Bodies, Brought, Came, Carried, Caught, Caused, Claimed, D, Did, Doing, Enjoyed, Envisaged, Establishing, Exacted, Existed, Explained, Filed, Gave, Went, Got, Had, Him, Introduced, L, Meant, Operated, Performed, Permitting, Referred, Relating, Relied, Remained, Took, Taxed, Told, Were, Wished, Without, Worked, Procured, Provided, Stayed, Submitted, Efforts, Measurements, Measures, Organizations, Programs, Resources, requires, auditors, tabled, actions, tasks, showed, allocated, matters, problems, topics, mandated, to, programmes, ‘d, requirements1.
      • Verb, past participle
        accomplished, acquired, act, action, added, additional, adjusted, adopted, advanced, advised, affected, aged, agreed, amended, amendment, anticipated, appointed, arms, arranged, assigned, attached, based, become, billed, bound, built, called, case, charged, cherished, clarified, collected, come, commissioned, committed, completed, compliance, concerned, conducted, connected, considered, continued, cost, coveted, dad, decided, dedicated, defined, deprived, described, designed, destined, detailed, determined, developed, devoted, dictated, directed, done, drawn, earned, elaborated, elapsed, emergency, employed, encouraged, enforced, enhanced, equipped, established, estimated, eu, expected, faced, failed, felt, fight, financed, forced, forecast, found, framework, fulfilled, fund, given, granted, guaranteed, have, heard, held, how, hung, implemented, imported, improved, included, inclusive, increased, indispensable, initiated, instructed, intervention, invested, invited, kept, lack, led, left, liked, limited, linked, listed, made, maintained, measured, missed, named, needless, noted, obliged, opened, ordered, organized, owed, paid, permitted, placed, plan, planned, precious, prepared, presented, procedure, proceed, processed, produced, pursued, put, raised, received, recommended, reflected, reinforced, related, requested, required, restricted, retained, reversed, risen, role, run, search, seen, services, set, signed, solicited, specified, spent, starved, stated, stay, strategy, strengthened, suggested, suited, supported, supposed, sustained, taken, trained, utilized, worn, Achieved, Afforded, Aimed, Allowed, Appealed, Asked, Assessed, Been, Brought, Carried, Caught, Caused, Claimed, D, Dealt, Deemed, Deleted, Deployed, Disbursed, Earmarked, Eliminated, Emerged, Enjoined, Enshrined, Entailed, Exacted, Existed, Explored, Fitted, Flagged, Followed, Generated, Got, Had, Happened, Incurred, Indicated, Introduced, Investigated, Lacked, Meant, Met, Mentioned, Necessitated, Obtained, Offered, P, Performed, Queried, Questioned, Reached, Referred, Remained, Served, Targeted, Undertaken, Waited, Wished, Consulted, Created, Predicated, Procured, Prosecuted, Provided, Pushed, Speeded, Strapped, Subjected, Submitted, Supplied, Alia, Guidelines, Programs, challenges, changes, ensured, allocated, mechanisms, mandated, HIT, staffed, realigned, laid, etc, 2005, -rrb-.
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
        need, require.
      • Proper noun, singular
        need, needs, require.
      • Verb, past tense
        assist, assistance, deserved, desired, devoted, entail, greater, identified, indispensable, instructed, insufficient, merited, owed, requested, warranted, Assisting, Depended, Necessitated, Served, Wanna, merits.
      • Verb, past participle
        assistance, desired, identified, relevance, warranted, indispensible.

    Homophones for Needed:

    • natty, ninety, nuda, nudity, noontide, noted, naiant, net, need, 22nd, nitwitted, not yet, nutty, netted, neonate, nude, needy, not, non-white, nominate, nitweed, notate, ninth, numididae, ninety-two, nomad, nod, nantua, noonday, numdah, 2nd, no-hit, ninetieth, nonentity, natta, nintoo, nada, nit, name day, nematoda, nominated, note, nandu, newt, not due, 42nd, nimiety, nett, nth, neat, nato, nonwoody, nut, naiad, numida, nammad, Numidia, nitid, n-th, nutate, new-made, 32nd, named, nad, node, nd, nematode, nintu, nt, nitwit.

    English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

    1. needed

      That is necessary which must exist, occur, or be true; which in the nature of things can not be otherwise. That which is essential belongs to the essence of a thing, so that the thing can not exist in its completeness without it; that which is indispensable may be only an adjunct, but it is one that can not be spared; vigorous health is essential to an arctic explorer; warm clothing is indispensable. That which is requisite (or required) is so in the judgment of the person requiring it, but may not be so absolutely; thus, the requisite is more a matter of personal feeling than the indispensable. Inevitable (Latin in, not, and evito, shun) is primarily the exact equivalent of the Saxon unavoidable; both words are applied to things which some at least would escape or prevent, while that which is necessary may meet with no objection; food is necessary, death is inevitable; a necessary conclusion satisfies a thinker; an inevitable conclusion silences opposition. An infallible proof is one that necessarily leads the mind to a sound conclusion. Needed and needful are more concrete than necessary, and respect an end to be attained; we speak of a necessary inference; necessary food is what one can not live without, while needful food is that without which he can not enjoy comfort, health, and strength.

      essential, indispensable, inevitable, infallible, necessary, needful, required, requisite, unavoidable, undeniable

      casual, contingent, needless, non-essential, optional, unnecessary, useless, worthless

      Necessary to a sequence or a total; for or to a result or a person; unity is necessary to (to constitute) completeness; decision is necessary for command, or for a commander.

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:5.0 / 1 vote

    1. List of paraphrases for «needed»:

      necessary, required, need, requisite, needs, requirements, requires, require, essential, indispensable, lack

    How to pronounce needed?

    How to say needed in sign language?

    How to use needed in a sentence?

    1. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker:

      They seek to intimidate, but we never lost focus. We did what we had to do, and that’s what’s needed in America today.

    2. Sheikh Salman:

      In this time of uncertainty surrounding soccer’s world governing body FIFA, it is clear that what is needed, more urgently than ever, is a firm hand to run the world body competently and with a determination to conduct its affairs professionally and with maximum transparency.

    3. Terence Crutcher:

      Terence just needed help that day, that’s all he needed and he was overcoming.

    4. Liz Ahua:

      Adequate funding is crucial to make sure aid agencies can improve the living conditions for refugees in asylum countries and respond to their protection needs, we relocate refugees away from the conflict border areas, and establish additional refugee camps where needed.

    5. Judge Shelley Chapman on Wednesday:

      They’ve done what you’ve told them they needed to do.


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