Another word for way more

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

намного больше

гораздо больше

нечто большее

намного дороже

намного сложнее

намного важнее

гораздо сложнее

намного интереснее

намного веселее

гораздо интереснее

гораздо дороже

гораздо популярнее

гораздо чаще


You have way more experience than me.

We had way more quantity than you.

But you owe me way more than one.

This was way more than they imagined when they purchased the land years before.

Это было гораздо больше, чем они себе предполагали, когда они покупали землю лет раньше.

Cars are way more than just a way to get from here to there.

Теперь автомобиль — это нечто большее, чем просто способ добраться из одного места в другое.

That’s way more that I can afford.

I wish everyone could that way more often.

И во всяком случае, всем хотелось бы, чтобы так было чаще.

So these groups do way more than just shoot.

То есть эти группы делают куда больше, чем просто стреляют.

You have way more experience than me.

Eight gills is way more than I thought.

I love you way more than my beer making kit…

Я люблю тебя куда больше, чем мой набор для изготовления пива…

To my surprise, I felt way more flexible.

$400 million is way more realistic.

Сумма в $90 млн выглядит куда более реалистичной.

Actually, it’s way more than interesting.

Self-confidence is way more attractive than any physical trait.

Уверенность на самом деле придает больше привлекательности, чем какие-либо физические особенности.

They have way more power than they think.

Они и так уже отсидели больше, чем полагается».

Large-scale fires or mass poisonings happen way more often.

Крупный пожар или массовое отравление случаются, как правило, гораздо чаще.

However, there is no other way more effective for discussion today.

Вместе с тем, сегодня не существует иного, более действенного, способа вести дискуссию.

Bacteria release way more light than eukaryotic cells.

Бактерия испускает света на порядок больше, чем клетки эукариота.

That way more people could participate.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат way more

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

way more — перевод на русский

Everybody in New York City knows there’s gotta be way more cars than parking spaces.

Потому что все в Нью-Йорке знают, что здесь автомобилей больше чем парковочных мест.

There’s 158, way more than I need.

Тут 158, даже больше, чем мне нужно.

I know this is gonna sound insensitive, but don’t you think a bomber wearing a vest would’ve taken out way more people than this?

Может это прозвучит безчувственно, но тебе не кажется, что смертник в жилете со взрывчаткой мог забрать с собой больше жизней?

I got her way more than a piece of jewelry.

Я купил ей больше, чем какую-то побрякушку.

And… you’re way more experience than I am, hence your daughter; Jenny.

И у тебя больше опыта чем у меня, поэтому у тебя есть дочь, Дженни

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You seem like you’re having Way more fun with her than you ever did with me.

Кажется, с ней тебе намного веселее, чем со мной.

You’re way more important to me than Jackie ever was.

Ты для меня намного важнее, чем когда-либо была Джеки.

An enemy that is way more advanced than us technologically.

Врага, который намного превосходит нас технологически.

Oh, it’s way more interesting.

О, да, намного интереснее.

Look, honey, it is way more complicated than that.

Смотри, милая, Все намного сложнее, чем ты думаешь.

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You guys make way more sense than her and I ever did, you know?

У вас, ребята, намного больше общего, чем у нас с ней.

I charge way more than that for assholes like you.

Я беру намного больше с таких сволочей, как ты.

That crack pipe knew way more than he ever told us.

этот нарк знал намного больше, чем говорил нам.

Because She Has Way More Diagnostic Experience Than The Other Swimsuit Models I Was Considering.

потому что у нее намного больше диагностического опыта, чем у других моделей купальников, которых я рассматривал.

And we all know that everyone trusts me way more than you guys!

И мы все знаем, что каждый доверяет мне намного больше, чем вам, ребята!

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We have way more evidence than a mere confession.

У нас гораздо больше доказательств, чем само признание.

Way more!

Гораздо больше!

I saw your face when you were watching her leave, and I realized she hurt you way more than you ever hurt me.

Я видела твоё лицо, когда ты смотрел, как она уходит, и я поняла, что… она причинила тебе гораздо больше боли, чем ты когда-либо причинил мне.

Honey, what we got from him is way more than he owns me, right?

Дорогая, то что мы от него получили, это гораздо больше

— I shot the log way more times!

Я попал в то бревно гораздо больше раз… ! — [Мак] Да пойми ты наконец…

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In this scenarion you were way more important than winning.

И в этом специфическом сценарии ты была более важна, чем победа.

And then there’s a way more fun party that starts at 2:45.

Но есть более крутая вечеринка, которая начинается в 2:45.

Right, and if you’re interested in the way more fun party, all the info can be found here on our more brightly-colored flyer.

Верно, и если вам интересна более крутая вечеринка, всю инфу вы можете найти здесь на нашем более ярком объявлении.

It’s way more creative.

Они более творчески

Only this guy’s way more intelligent than most.

Этот парень более умен,чем другие, только и всего.

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There’s just a couple of cherry-on-the-sundae, nutmeg-on-the-latte things to get done, but finals are way more important.

Надо только с парой вишенок на торте решить, детали типа посыпки-на-латте доделать, но экзамены гораздо важнее.

He’s way more calm than Buffy.

Он гораздо спокойнее Баффи.

But vanishing into thin air— way more polite.

А раствориться в воздухе гораздо вежлевее.

So far,it’s way more simple,yeah.

С ней гораздо проще, да.

Yeah, but you’re way more patient.

— Да, но ты гораздо терпеливее.

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Trust me, Six Flags-— way more exciting.

Поверьте. Шесть Флагов куда более захватывающие.

I think lupus is way more likely.

Я считаю, что волчанка куда более вероятна.

I said lupus is way more likely, but if we treat for lupus and it is hep «E»—

Я сказал, что волчанка куда более вероятно, но если мы будем лечит волчанку, а у него гепатит-E.

Ovarian cancer’s way more likely.

Рак яичника куда более вероятен.

Their IT systems are way more cutting-edge than they need to be.

Их информационные системы куда более развиты, чем должны быть.

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Autoimmune is way more likely.

Аутоиммунное заболевание куда вероятнее.

Since there were way more little bros than big bros, The counselor tried to give randy a shot.

Старших братьев было куда меньше, чем младших, поэтому Рэнди решили дать шанс.

I don’t remember, but his problems are way more serious than that right now.

Я не помню, но его проблемы куда серьезнее сейчас. За дверью полиция.

Have to imagine the CIA is being way more careful with the actual computer.

Думала, ЦРУ будет куда осторожнее с этим компьютером

Hey, man, this is way more high-risk than I originally anticipated.

Слушай, то всё оказалось куда рискованнее, чем я думал.

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I mean, there’s way more bikinis, and they usually have a snack bar!

Там куда больше телок в бикини, а еще там бар с закусками!

I feel like I am exerting way more energy than you are.

По-моему, я трачу куда больше сил, чем ты.

Praising costs way more!

Хвалы стоят куда больше!

It’s way more than that.

Это куда больше.

They probably know way more about you than you realize.

Они наверняка знают о вас куда больше, чем вы осознаете.

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Not bad. I was expecting a way more disgusting culinary experience.

Это было не так уж плохо, Доусон. Я ожидала гораздо более отвратительный кулинарный опыт.

— Because the neck scan revealed nothing, and her doctor’s way more obsessive than she thinks she is.

Потому что сканирование шеи ничего не показало, а её врач оказалась гораздо более одержима, чем она сама думает. Но вы сказали, что это парню нужна была магнитно-резонанская томография.

Yeah, it’s way, way more retarded.

Да. Это гораздо более тупее.

Uh, you’ll have to be way more specific.

Тебе нужно быть гораздо более определеннее. С какого именно дня?

Heart’s way more likely to throw a clot than a kidney.

Гораздо более вероятно, что сердце послало тромб, а не почки.

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What is another word for Way?

  • direction, move

  • route, point of the compass

  • relationship, point of the compass

Use filters to view other words, we have 1901 synonyms for way.

Synonyms for way

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Another word for Way, What is another word Way

Word; Way

Meaning; road, path, route, track, via

Another Words For Way

  • road
  • path
  • route
  • track
  • via
  • direction
  • aspect
  • course
  • sense
  • facet
  • method
  • process
  • procedure
  • technique
  • practice
  • style
  • manner
  • mode
  • genre
  • fashion
  • side
  • party
  • hand
  • part
  • end
  • system
  • behavior
  • attitude
  • conduct
  • act
  • action

Here are 800 Another Words List;

Another Words List – A
abandon – desert
abbreviate – shorten
ability – aptitude
able – qualified
above – overhead
abundant – ample
accurate – correct
achieve – accomplish
adjourn – recess
advocate – support
after – following
afraid – scared
aggressive – militant
aid – assist
always – forever
amateur – novice
ambitious – driven
antagonize – embitter
apparent – obvious,evident
approve – ratify,endorse
arrive – come
arrogant – stuck-up
awful – atrocious
awkward – clumsy

Another Words List – B
ban – prohibit
barren – unproductive
bashful – shy
beautiful – pretty,
before – prior
beginning – start
blend – mix
bottom – base
brave – heroic
break – burst
brief – short
broad – wide,expansive
busy – active
buy – purchase

Another Words List – C
calm – quiet
capture – arrest
care – concern
careful – watchful
cease – stop,
certain – positive
charming – enchanting
chilly – cool
chubby – plump
comical – amusing
complex – complicated
competent – capable
comprehend – grasp
complete – conclude
complex – intricate
compress – crush
concrete – real
concur – agree
condemn – ,denounce
condense – compress
confess – admit
confine – contain
conflict – oppose
conflict – fight
conform – comply
confuse – muddle
congested – overcrowded
connect – join
conscientious – scrupulous
conscious – aware
consecutive – successive
conservative – cautious
considerate – thoughtful
constantly – always
contaminate – pollute
contented – satisfied
continue – persevere
convalesce – heal
convenient – handy
cozy – comfortable
cranky – irritable
crazy – daft
cruel – mean
cry – sob

Another Words List – D
dally – linger
damage – hurt
dangerous – perilous
daring – bold
dark – dismal
dawn – daybreak
dead – lifeless
decay – rot
deduct – subtract
defend – protect
defy – resist
delicate – fragile
demolish – destroy
denounce – blame
dense – thick
depart – leave,exit
detach – separate
deter – hinder,prevent
determined – sure
die – expire,perish
different – distinct
difficult – hard
dilute – weaken
drab – dull
drastic – severe
dreadful – terrible
dry – arid,parched
dubious – doubtful
dull – blunt
dumb – dense

Another Words List – E
early – beforetime
easy – simple
eccentric – unusual
ecstasy – elation
empty – unload
encourage – urge
enemy – opponent
enjoy – like
enlarge – expand
evident – apparent
evil – bad
exceptional – outstanding
excite – arouse,
exhilarated – elated
explicit – exact
exquisite – delightful
exterior – outside
extravagant – luxurious

Another Words List – F
fabulous – marvelous
face – confront
fair – honest
fake – artificial
false – incorrect
fancy – ornate
fantastic – outrageous
fast – rapid
fat – chubby
fatal – deadly
fatigue – tire
feasible – possible
feeble – weak
ferocious – fierce
fertile – fruitful
fiction – fantasy
fill – load
fix – mend
follow – succeed
forbid – prohibit
forgive – pardon
former – previous
fraction – part
frank – candid
frenzy – fury
fresh – unused
friend – comrade
frigid – freezing
frivolous – trivial
front – fore
full – packed
furious – enraged
future – coming

Another Words List – G
gain – acquire
gallant – chivalrous
gather – accumulate
gaudy – showy
gaunt – scrawny
generous – giving
gentle – mild
genuine – authentic
gigantic – immense
give – donate,present
glad – happy
gloomy – dark
glorious – splendid,
good – nice
gratitude – thankfulness
great – outstanding

Another Words List – H
handy – useful
hard – firm
hate – loathe
help – aid
high – lofty
hold – grip
honest – sincere
hospitable – welcoming
hostile – antagonistic
huge – vast
humble – modest
humiliate – embarrass

Another Words List – I
identical – alike
idle – inactive
ignorant – uninformed
immaculate – pure
immature – inexperienced
immune – resistant
impartial – neutral
impatient – eager
imperative – mandatory
imperfect – marred
impetuous – impulsive
important – significant
independent – self-reliant
inferior – lesser
infuriate – enrage
intermittent – sporadic
internal – inner

Another Words List – J,K,L
jolly – merry
jubilant – overjoyed
keep – save
kind – considerate
lament – mourn
large – big
last – final
least – fewest
legible – readable
lenient – lax
listless – lethargic
logical – sensible
long – lengthy
loose – slack,limp
lure – attract
luxurious – extravagant

Another Words List – M
magnify – expand
mandatory – required
maneuver – manipulate
maximum – greatest
meager – scanty
mean – unkind
mediocre – fair
mend – repair
migrant – drifting
militant – combative
minor – lesser
mirth – merriment
mischievous – naughty
misfortune – hardship
mobile – moveable
moderate – temperate
momentous – important
monotonous – boring
moral – righteous
morbid – ghastly
morose – moody
mourn – lament
mysterious – occult

Another Words List – N
naughty – wrong
neat – clean
negligent – derelict
nervous – flustered
neutral – impartial
new – unused
nice – pleasing
nonchalant – indifferent
normal – ordinary
numerous – abundant

Another Words List – O
obey – mind
oblivious – dazed
obnoxious – abominable
observe – examine
obsolete – dated
obstinate – stubborn
odd – peculiar
offend – displease
ominous – menacing
opaque – obscure
open – begin
opponent – rival
optimistic – confident
optional – elective
ordinary – average
outrageous – shocking
outstanding – distinguished

Another Words List – P
painstaking – precise
passive – compliant
past – former
patience – tolerance
peculiar – weird
perfect – flawless
permanent – enduring
perpetual – eternal
persuade – convince
plausible – believable
plentiful – ample
pliable – supple
polite – gracious
poor – destitute
portion – part
possible – conceivable
precarious – dangerous
precious – cherished
prejudiced – opinionated
premature – early,hasty
premeditated – intended
preserve – uphold
pretty – lovely
prevalent – widespread
prevent – prohibit
probable – liable
proficient – adept
profit – gain
prohibit – forbid
prominent – eminent
prompt – punctual
prosperous – successful
proud – elated
push – shove,propel

Another Words List – Q,R
qualified – competent
question – interrogate
quiet – silent
quit – cease
racket – noise
radiant – luminous
raise – hoist
ratify – approve
rational – logical
ravage – devastate
raze – destroy
recreation – amusement
reduce – decrease
refute – contradict
regular – routine
regulate – oversee
relevant – pertinent
reluctant – unwilling
remote – secluded
repulsive – hideous
resist – oppose
retaliate – avenge
reveal – disclose
risky – hazardous
rowdy – boisterous
rude – impolite

Another Words List – S
sad – unhappy
same – alike
savage – uncivilized
save – preserve
scarce – scanty
scrawny – skinny
seize – apprehend
separate – divide
serene – peaceful
serious – grave
shrewd – cunning
shy – timid
sick – ailing
slim – thin
sluggish – listless
small – little
smooth – slick
sociable – friendly
sorrow – woe
special – exceptional
spontaneous – instinctive
stable – steady
stationary – fixed
stimulate – motivate
stop – quit
strenuous – vigorous
strict – stringent
strong – powerful
stupid – unintelligent
subsequent – following
successful – thriving
sufficient – ample
superb – magnificent
suppress – restrain
surplus – excess
swift – fast,speedy,hasty
synthetic – artificial

Another Words List – T
tall – high
tangible – concrete
taut – tense,tight,stiff
tender – delicate
terrible – dreadful
thaw – melt,defrost
thrifty – economical
thrive – prosper
total – whole,entire
trivial – insignificant
turbulent – tumultuous
turmoil – commotion

Another Words List – U,V
unbiased – impartial
upset – perturb,ruffle
urgent – crucial
vacant – unoccupied
vague – unclear
valiant – courageous
vibrate – quiver,tremble
vicious – malicious
victory – triumph,win
virtuous – righteous
vulgar – offensive,uncouth

Another Words List – W
wealth – riches,prosperity
weary – tired,fatigued
wholehearted – earnest
wild – uncivilized
win – triumph,prevail
wise – knowing,smart
wonderful – marvelous
worn – used
wrong – mistaken

Another Words List – Y,Z
yield – produce
zenith – peak,pinnacle

  • #1

Hello. I have some doubts about the usage of «far» and «way»

Something is far/way not the same than something else
Something is way/far behind behind (than something else)
Something is far/way easy (than something else)
Something is far way too easy (than something else)

Would it be correct?

    • #2

    Hello. I have some doubts about the usage of «far» and «way»

    Something is far/way not the same than something else this doesn’t work: try ‘far/way different from’
    Something is way/far behind behind only one «behind» (than something else) no ‘than’
    Something is far/way easier (than something else)
    Something is far way too easy (than something else) ‘far’ or ‘way’ too easy (no ‘than something else’)

    Would it be correct?

    I hope this helps.

    • #3

    Thank you. Just a question on that:

    «way/far too easy/difficult/clear» is correct, but «way/far easy/difficult/clear» is not?


    • #4

    Thank you. Just a question on that:

    «way/far too easy/difficult/clear» is correct, but «way/far easy/difficult/clear» is not?

    That is correct… «far easy/far difficult/far clear» do not make sense.

    In very casual speech a (California) teenager might say, «That was way easy!», meaning «that was very easy!» I can imagine the same for «way difficult», but not for «way clear».


    • #6

    Just to be clear, the use of way (adverb) meaning very, extremely, really is relatively recent slang. (Well I suppose 1987 isn’t recent for slang :) )

    • #7

    Ah, ok. But this is not the case of «far» is it?

    • #8

    << threads merged here — original thread title «»far too» and «way too»» >>

    In my text,it syas :» ….and far too few scientists to study them.»
    I could understand «too few» means the number of scientists are very few,my question is but why still add the «far» in front of the «too»?

    And i also wonder could i put «way too few » instead of «far too few»

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2012


    • #9

    The writer is trying to stress the fact that there are not enough scientists working on that.

    I’m not too happy with the original (although it’s understandable) and I wouldn’t use your version either (although you are correct: it would have the same meaning).

    I might prefer: There aren’t nearly enough scientists to study them.


    • #10

    «way too» is by far too colloquial a construction:)

    • #12

    «way too» is by far too colloquial a construction:)

    I’d agree «way too» is oft misused in this respect it is better reserved for phrases like «way too heavy» in which it is preferable to «far too heavy».

    For catherine1999:

    As Trisia rightly states «far too» is being used to emphasise i.e. there is not just a shortage but a severe shortage.


    • #13

    Way too sounds very AE; indeed, it is way too AE for me :)
    In BE, it would be best avoided except in informal contexts.


    • #14

    » ….and far too few scientists to study them.»

    The writer is trying to stress the fact that there are not enough scientists working on that. […]

    Yes, it is to stress that fact. It is like saying» the are a lot too few…» (although it would be wrong to say it like this!!). This link to the Cambridge Dictionary definition of ‘far‘ might help you.

    «way too» is by far too colloquial a construction:)

    I agree, far ;) too sloppy and colloquial, and as already mentioned, it seems AE…

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2012

    Harry Batt

    • #15

    Yup! It is an AE way of expressing «far too.» My wife says it all the time, «Slow down! You’re going way too fast.»

    • #16

    << threads merged here — original thread title ‘much/way/far more’ >>

    How do the three version compare? Are they equivalent?

    much more
    far more
    way more

    For example, It will cost much more/far more/way more than expected

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2012


    • #17

    Way more is slang.
    Far more may be more than much more.

    • #18

    How much slangish? Could it be used in casual/spoken language?


    • #19

    Slang, almost by definition, is found in casual spoken language as opposed to formal writing.

    • #20

    << threads merged here — original thread title ‘»Far» and «Way» for intensify the meaning’ >>

    Using those words to intensify the meaning, is that grammatically correct ?

    saying «far better solution» or «way better solution»

    And is there a meaning difference between those to statement ?

    Also is it okay if we use «far» and «way» with any other adjective?
    E.g. «She is way beautiful»

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2012


    • #21

    Either of these needs to be preceded with «a» in such senteces:

    It’s a way better solution.
    It’s a far better solution.


    His solution is far better than mine, no article.

    As for the sentence «She is way beautiful», you would need to write «She’s way more beautiful than…»
    You have to make a comparison, otherwise it doesn’t make much sense to use «way» as an intensifier here.

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2012

    • #22

    «Way» is less formal than «far.» You can always say «far,» but I would only use «way» in informal speech or informal e-mail.

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