Another word for tree

What is another word for tree?

536 synonyms found


[ tɹˈiː], [ tɹˈiː], [ t_ɹ_ˈiː]

Table of Contents

  • n.

    • ailanthus,
    • prune,
    • cereal,
    • box elder,
    • redbud,
    • clone,
    • BO,
    • cactus,
    • brassica,
    • ficus,
    • bedding plant,
    • plane,
    • plum,
    • olive,
    • alpine,
    • bush,
    • Abba,
    • Ginko,
    • baobab,
    • catalpa,
    • climber,
    • bean,
    • calabra,
    • bottle,
    • tulip,
    • crabapple,
    • evergreen,
    • betel,
    • bamboo,
    • annual.

    • can opener,
    • breadboard,
    • kitchen,
    • bottle opener,
    • housewares,
    • cutting board,
    • chopping block,
    • chopping board,
    • corkscrew,
    • cheeseboard.

    family tree (noun)

    • genealogical chart,
    • Genealogical Tree,
    • Genealogical Trees,
    • family history,
    • ancestral tree,
    • stemma.

    landmark (noun)

    • wayposts.

    large plant enclosed in bark and shedding leaves (noun)

    • woods,
    • stock,
    • hardwood,
    • wood,
    • forest,
    • topiary,
    • timber,
    • softwood,
    • pulp.

    Other relevant words: (noun)

    • milepost,
    • monuments,
    • sapling,
    • seedling,
    • battleground,
    • Seedlings,
    • plant,
    • shrub,
    • Plants,
    • biennials,
    • weed,
    • perennials,
    • waypost,
    • greenery,
    • cuttings,
    • greeneries,
    • herb,
    • biennial,
    • herbs,
    • family tree,
    • battlegrounds,
    • landmark,
    • weeds,
    • mileposts.

    shrub (noun)

    • brier,
    • Bosket,
    • Boscage,
    • briers.

    tree (noun)

    • magnolia,
    • yew,
    • peach,
    • mountain ash,
    • chestnut,
    • ash,
    • fir,
    • maple,
    • acacia,
    • cashew,
    • oak,
    • quince,
    • cherry,
    • coconut,
    • pecan,
    • elder,
    • gum,
    • beech,
    • rosewood,
    • locust,
    • cassia,
    • banyan,
    • dogwood,
    • ebony,
    • cypress,
    • apricot,
    • fig,
    • orange,
    • willow,
    • lemon,
    • citron,
    • hickory,
    • birch,
    • cottonwood,
    • apple,
    • elm,
    • palm,
    • almond,
    • mahogany,
    • sequoia,
    • mimosa,
    • tamarack,
    • pine,
    • butternut,
    • breadfruit,
    • redwood,
    • papaya,
    • mulberry,
    • walnut,
    • weeping willow,
    • lime,
    • mangrove,
    • aspen,
    • linden,
    • sandalwood,
    • spruce,
    • ironwood,
    • eucalyptus,
    • juniper,
    • balsa,
    • teak,
    • balsam,
    • poplar,
    • sycamore,
    • cedar,
    • alder,
    • pear,
    • laurel,
    • larch,
    • avocado.

    vegetation (noun)

    • fruit,
    • vine,
    • wort,
    • grain,
    • flower,
    • vegetable,
    • grass,
    • vegetation,
    • flora,
    • fern,
    • legume,
    • moss,
    • algae,
    • fungus.
  • v.

    collar (verb)

    • laid hands on,
    • prehending,
    • laying hands on,
    • prehends.

    competition (verb)

    • tree.

    corner (verb)

    • had up tree,
    • brings to bay,
    • have up tree,
    • have tree,
    • hadst a tree,
    • hast up a tree,
    • haddest tree,
    • gotten ropes,
    • gets on ropes,
    • haddest up a tree,
    • gat on ropes,
    • hast up tree,
    • gotten on ropes,
    • hast a tree,
    • hath up a tree,
    • had tree,
    • haddest a tree,
    • had a tree,
    • got ropes,
    • mousetrapping,
    • has a tree,
    • getting ropes,
    • got on ropes,
    • brings bay,
    • get ropes,
    • has up a tree,
    • hadst tree,
    • hadst up tree,
    • have a tree,
    • mousetrapped,
    • gets ropes,
    • hath tree,
    • bringing bay,
    • hath up tree,
    • having up a tree,
    • having up tree,
    • gat ropes,
    • hadst up a tree,
    • has tree,
    • brought to bay,
    • having a tree,
    • brought bay,
    • bring bay,
    • has up tree,
    • having tree,
    • had up a tree,
    • hath a tree,
    • bringing to bay,
    • getting on ropes,
    • hast tree,
    • haddest up tree.

    Other relevant words: (verb)

    • dog,
    • chase,
    • tag,
    • maneuver,
    • go after,
    • direct,
    • activity,
    • guide,
    • manoeuvre,
    • point,
    • track,
    • channelise,
    • give chase,
    • channelize,
    • stretch,
    • head,
    • set,
    • steer,
    • tail,
    • elongate,
    • chase after,
    • manoeuver,
    • trail.
  • Other synonyms:

    • duck,
    • sparrow.

    • block.


    • gallows.

    Other relevant words:

    • prehend,
    • lays hands on,
    • Bottled,
    • mousetrap,
    • collar,
    • copping,
    • Treeing,
    • have up a tree,
    • corner,
    • bring to bay,
    • Copped,
    • mousetraps,
    • lay hands on,
    • treed,
    • Bottling,
    • prehended,
    • get on ropes.

    Other relevant words (noun):

    • death chair,
    • guillotine,
    • good,
    • shoetree,
    • lineage,
    • something else,
    • nutmeg,
    • marblewood,
    • satinwood,
    • pulse,
    • papaw,
    • chair,
    • at a loss,
    • at a nonplus,
    • stump,
    • Trees,
    • preeminent,
    • tulip tree,
    • bine,
    • herbage,
    • calabash,
    • hawthorn,
    • buckeye,
    • cultivate,
    • honourable,
    • trap,
    • ganja,
    • candleberry,
    • axle,
    • grapefruit,
    • importance,
    • erect,
    • cinchona,
    • bow,
    • constitute,
    • pinched,
    • date palm,
    • logwood,
    • clove,
    • greatness,
    • carob,
    • extend,
    • gallows-tree,
    • aground,
    • hellebore,
    • arbour,
    • hemp,
    • stupid,
    • tree diagram,
    • woody plant,
    • adjust,
    • eminence,
    • idiotic,
    • gasoline,
    • mindless,
    • form,
    • prepare,
    • forbears,
    • height,
    • eminent,
    • electric chair,
    • prove,
    • rain tree,
    • hemlock,
    • charcoal,
    • pollard,
    • pedigree,
    • henna,
    • pomegranate,
    • hot seat,
    • log,
    • thrown out,
    • at a standstill,
    • branch,
    • hard up,
    • wooden,
    • genuine,
    • leave,
    • belladonna,
    • wax,
    • Supereminence,
    • pointless,
    • laburnum,
    • neem,
    • axis,
    • maiden,
    • nonplused,
    • happen,
    • preposterous,
    • gravel,
    • drop,
    • paraffin,
    • birth,
    • regulate,
    • cork oak,
    • restore,
    • sincere,
    • arnica,
    • commit,
    • stake,
    • Stirps,
    • conifer,
    • get,
    • palmetto,
    • peerless,
    • shank,
    • mast,
    • allspice,
    • residue,
    • compose,
    • like father,
    • just in case,
    • virtuous,
    • tribe,
    • fruit tree,
    • silver birch,
    • prominent,
    • bay,
    • absurd,
    • superior,
    • republic of letters,
    • sassafras,
    • frankincense,
    • dependable,
    • rowan,
    • in case,
    • credulity,
    • bring,
    • shaft,
    • atop,
    • establish,
    • stranded,
    • litchi nut,
    • death chamber,
    • sept,
    • litchi,
    • medlar,
    • mango,
    • tree trunk,
    • noose,
    • insensible,
    • bottle up,
    • leaf,
    • manage,
    • gibbet,
    • guava,
    • meaningless,
    • breed,
    • gas chamber,
    • arrange,
    • equitable,
    • irrational,
    • rope,
    • Mecate,
    • lick,
    • stick,
    • extraction,
    • foolish,
    • trunk,
    • henbane,
    • scaffold,
    • preeminence,
    • set up,
    • Family,
    • build,
    • witch hazel,
    • copper beech,
    • shade tree,
    • ancestry,
    • Supereminent,
    • promote,
    • spindle,
    • root,
    • aux abois,
    • senseless,
    • rear,
    • floor,
    • descent,
    • high,
    • christmas decoration,
    • nightshade,
    • senna,
    • arbor day honoree,
    • forefathers,
    • bole,
    • origin,
    • hazel,
    • fair,
    • turpentine,
    • genealogy,
    • halter,
    • firing squad,
    • cacao,
    • blossom,
    • beat,
    • race,
    • Sir Herbert Beerbohm tree,
    • aconite,
    • basswood,
    • carbon,
    • chinaberry,
    • Banewort,
    • uncertain,
    • arboreal,
    • kerosene,
    • raffia palm,
    • naptha,
    • tangerine,
    • pacify,
    • flowering plant,
    • throw,
    • arborist’s concern,
    • coke,
    • holly,
    • bayberry,
    • persimmon,
    • mistake,
    • language,
    • bare pole,
    • acer,
    • stem,
    • honorable,
    • straitened,
    • gear up,
    • wags,
    • artless,
    • accommodate,
    • cross,
    • lethal injection,
    • chinquapin,
    • adapt,
    • honest,
    • pistachio,
    • DO,
    • GRAS,
    • nonplus,
    • line,
    • eventually,
    • lancewood,
    • timber tree,
    • patriarchs,
    • house,
    • buttonwood,
    • puzzled,
    • wood alcohol,
    • spar,
    • osier,
    • ax,
    • stuck fast,
    • bowstring,
    • Kumquat,
    • alligator pear,
    • clan,
    • graveled,
    • tar,
    • bhang,
    • hashish,
    • execution,
    • creeper,
    • pole,
    • at bay,
    • cinnamon,
    • betel palm,
    • apple source,
    • nonplussed,
    • primacy,
    • chicot,
    • stalk.

How to use «Tree» in context?

A tree is a vascular plant. A vascular plant is an organism that derives its nutrients and water from photosynthesis, a process where light energy turns chemical energy into plant growth. All vascular plants bear young seedlings directly on the stem or underground trunk from which new plants shoot up. The crown of the tree above the ground is the tip of the branches and the roots spread out below. Trees are the largest living organisms on Earth.

Paraphrases for Tree:

Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
  • Equivalence

    • Adjective
  • Reverse Entailment

    • Noun, singular or mass
      tree-planting, treeline.
  • Independent

    • Adjective
    • Proper noun, singular
      Les, believes, finds, woodlands.
    • Noun, singular or mass
      plantation, trunk, vegetation, Les, dendrogram.

Holonyms for Tree:

  • n.

    • plant
      woods, forest, wood.

Hypernym for Tree:

  • n.

    • plant
      azedarach, Dalbergia Cearensis, gutta-percha tree, lime, Tipu Tree, Calocarpum Zapota, marblewood, tipu, sandalwood tree, Christmas Tree, incense tree, calabura, Australian Nettle Tree, ribbon tree, msasa, coral bean, Wild Medlar, camwood, Bonduc Tree, albizzia, Australian Nettle, kurchi, Drimys Winteri, pepper tree, dhawa, bottle-tree, Aegiceras Majus, chicot, satinwood, beech, dita, Lysiloma Latisiliqua, Clusia Flava, kingwood tree, Firewheel Tree, Diospyros Ebenum, dipterocarp, erythrina, Vangueria Madagascariensis, sissu, African Walnut, Chinese Parasol, Caesalpinia Bonducella, Pisonia Aculeata, Wild Medlar Tree, silk wood, Myroxylon Pereirae, Chinese Scholar Tree, aalii, arere, kitambilla, quandang, Tectona Grandis, Chinese Scholartree, Laguncularia Racemosa, Schinus Chichita, Piscidia Erythrina, Piscidia Piscipula, Gymnospermous Tree, medlar, padouk, pandanus, Calophyllum Calaba, grass tree, wheel tree, molle, quira, Jamaica Dogwood, mahogany, Pterocarpus Santalinus, Butea Monosperma, dak, coffee tree, calaba, yellowwood tree, bonduc, Myroxylon Toluiferum, silver tree, Xylopia Aethiopica, granadillo, Hydnocarpus Laurifolia, marmalade tree, Caesalpinia Coriaria, lemon-wood tree, lemonwood tree, Cordia Gerascanthus, trifoliata, chinaberry tree, ivory tree, andelmin, Elaeocarpus Grandis, Aroeira Blanca, Adenanthera Pavonina, Santalum Album, teak, langset, Caesalpinia Bonduc, beefwood, Sophora Japonica, timber tree, gum tree, Conocarpus Erectus, Bombax Malabarica, phoenix tree, devil tree, chaulmoogra tree, Dovyalis Hebecarpa, evergreen beech, hop hornbeam, Idesia Polycarpa, guinea pepper, linden, Gymnocladus Dioica, Sarcocephalus Diderrichii, hazel tree, silver ash, satinwood tree, Japanese Pagoda Tree, rosewood tree, conessi, wild tamarind, maria, opepe, Nim Tree, Chrysolepis Chrysophylla, Melia Azederach, Virgilia Oroboides, Peruvian Balsam, Sloanea Jamaicensis, Virgilia Capensis, Spanish Elm, White Popinac, huamachil, manila tamarind, neem, ash tree, Virgilia Divaricata, Lovoa Klaineana, china tree, yellowwood, nettle tree, Peruvian Mastic Tree, Brachystegia Speciformis, calabash, Christmas Bush, Castanopsis Chrysophylla, anise tree, simal, Butea Frondosa, sapote, Inga Edulis, Pseudobombax Ellipticum, Quandong Tree, Pongamia Glabra, nakedwood, Poncirus Trifoliata, keurboom, balata, albizia, houhere, rose chestnut, Bombax Ceiba, Kentucky Coffee Tree, ketembilla, millettia, Mesua Ferrea, Melia Azedarach, Enterolobium Cyclocarpa, acacia, divi-divi, cocobolo, caracolito, lemon-wood, fish fuddle, arbor, Schinus Terebinthifolius, Barbados Pride, Red Sanderswood, snag, Eucarya Acuminata, rosewood, birch, langsat, flowering tree, Lanseh Tree, blue fig, ironwood, tanbark oak, chestnut, Dita Bark, Acrocarpus Fraxinifolius, basswood, Hydnocarpus Wightiana, cork tree, casuarina, kitembilla, frijolillo, fringe tree, chaulmugra, Red Saunders, Brazilian Pepper Tree, Calophyllum Candidissimum, Neem Tree, Souari Tree, true sandalwood, Caesalpinia Echinata, Palaquium Gutta, Pimenta Acris, Andaman Marble, shingle tree, lemonwood, ebony tree, Pernambuco Wood, oak tree, Leucadendron Argenteum, Caryocar Nuciferum, willow tree, chinaberry, Cercidium Floridum, peachwood, Lysiloma Bahamensis, devilwood, Spanish Tamarind, Pomaderris Apetala, puka, red sandalwood, Plagianthus Betulinus, poon, balata tree, Jamaican Cherry, Sesbania Grandiflora, lime tree, Holarrhena Pubescens, Alstonia Scholaris, oak chestnut, mescal bean, sycamore, pride-of-india, southern beech, willow, kingwood, granadilla tree, Myroxylon Balsamum, gum, Pterocarpus Indicus, trifoliate orange, soapberry, obechi, Osmanthus Americanus, marble-wood, elm, kurchee, lancewood, Dalbergia Sissoo, necklace tree, negro pepper, arishth, silkwood, bully tree, conacaste, Diospyros Kurzii, break-axe, peacock flower fence, samba, Golden Chinkapin, Myroxylon Balsamum Pereirae, shaving-brush tree, button mangrove, kowhai, idesia, Calycophyllum Candidissimum, Hoheria Populnea, Calophyllum Longifolium, fig tree, coralwood, red sanders, Lithocarpus Densiflorus, quandong, cabbage tree, bay-rum tree, chaulmoogra, padauk, Palo Verde, Pithecellobium Dulce, Brya Ebenus, Ceratopetalum Gummiferum, coffee, Orites Excelsa, alder, lacebark, Pterocarpus Angolensis, button tree, wild cinnamon, wild fig, Indian Beech, Meryta Sinclairii, Psychotria Capensis, Nauclea Diderrichii, Brazilian Ironwood, Taraktagenos Kurzii, fever tree, Tarrietia Argyrodendron, Sophora Tetraptera, sisham, Crescentia Cujete, Burma Padauk, ice-cream bean, azederach, Leucaena Leucocephala, Oxandra Lanceolata, Inga Laurina, Kirkia Wilmsii, Azadirachta Indica, blackwood, beech tree, Parkinsonia Florida, screw pine, camachile, vegetable hummingbird, zebrawood, dagame, Pterocarpus Marsupium, oak, Cordyline Australis, Holarrhena Antidysenterica, tree of knowledge, Triplochiton Scleroxcylon, Maple-leaved Bayur, pollard, linden tree, chinchona, alder tree, Tolu Tree, mayeng, Bitterwood Tree, locust, breakaxe, Pride Of Bolivia, ash, Avicennia Officinalis, Chinese Parasol Tree, lancewood tree, Souari Nut, Plagianthus Regius, tulipwood tree, plane tree, Brisbane Quandong, palas, blackwood tree, hornbeam, Phellodendron Amurense, Lansium Domesticum, white mangrove, soapberry tree, hazel, Santa Maria Tree, Hydnocarpus Kurzii, Sabinea Carinalis, bonsai, guama, winter’s bark, margosa, Bloodwood Tree, sapling, Pterocarpus Macrocarpus, Silver Quandong Tree, Burmese Rosewood, Nitta Tree, Japanese Varnish Tree, souari, Ketembilla Tree, platan, black mangrove, angelim, Castanea Chrysophylla, Taraktogenos Kurzii, peach-wood, Persian Lilac, Leucaena Glauca, breakax, red silk-cotton tree, Tolu Balsam Tree, birch tree, Giant Chinkapin, Ceylon Gooseberry, bottle tree, mammee, cinchona, Baphia Nitida, chestnut tree, Pterospermum Acerifolium, ebony, ribbonwood, wild orange, Melia Azadirachta, coral-wood, lead tree, hackberry, bean tree, Chloroxylon Swietenia, calabash tree, mahogany tree, zebrawood tree, Caesalpinia Ferrea, scrub beefwood, cassia, prickly ash, brazilwood, dhak, Ruptiliocarpon Caracolito, palm tree, Vangueria Infausta, sissoo, Sophora Secundiflora, Schinus Molle, kino, lepidobotrys, Calabur Tree, scarlet wisteria tree, Jamaica Bayberry, yellow jacaranda, African Sandalwood, Firmiana Simplex, elm tree, angiospermous tree, Muntingia Calabura, montezuma, turreae, coral tree, clusia, treelet, American Olive, Manilkara Bidentata, Stenocarpus Salignus, obeche, princewood, ironwood tree, amboyna, shade tree, frijolito, kiaat, inga, cockspur, gliricidia, Stenocarpus Sinuatus, palm, dhava, bayberry, Sophora Sinensis, laurelwood, Fusanus Acuminatus, Pouteria Zapota, Carib Wood, winter’s bark tree, Dalbergia Retusa, elephant’s ear, locust tree.

Hyponym for Tree:

  • n.

    • plant
      ligneous plant, woody plant.
  • v.

    • competition
      give chase, tag, chase after, trail, chase, track, tail, go after, dog.
    • contact
      plant, set.
    • motion
      direct, channelize, steer, channelise, manoeuver, point, head, maneuver, manoeuvre, guide.

Meronym for Tree:

  • n.

    • plant
      tree stump, burl, bole, heartwood, limb, tree trunk, sapwood, crown, trunk, duramen, stump, tree branch, treetop.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 20 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to tree, such as: forest, sapling, seedling, shrub, timber, and wood.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use tree in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • abduct
  • appropriate
  • arrest
  • bag
  • capture
  • catch
  • cop
  • corner
  • get
  • grab
  • hook
  • lay hands on
  • nab
  • nail
  • prehend
  • secure
  • seize
  • take
  • tree
  • bottle
  • bring to bay
  • capture
  • catch
  • collar
  • fool
  • get on ropes
  • have up a tree
  • mousetrap
  • nab
  • put out
  • seize
  • snare
  • trap
  • tree
  • trick
  • trouble
  • ancestral tree
  • ancestry
  • bloodline
  • descent
  • family history
  • genealogical chart
  • genealogical tree
  • genealogy
  • heredity
  • line
  • lineage
  • pedigree
  • stemma
  • tree
  • battleground
  • benchmark
  • bend
  • blaze
  • feature
  • fragment
  • guide
  • hill
  • mark
  • marker
  • memorial
  • milepost
  • milestone
  • monument
  • mountain
  • museum
  • promontory
  • remnant
  • ruins
  • souvenir
  • specimen
  • stone
  • survival
  • trace
  • tree
  • vantage point
  • vestige
  • waypost
  • crises
  • events
  • mileposts
  • milestones
  • stages
  • watersheds
  • wayposts
  • annual
  • biennial
  • bush
  • creeper
  • cutting
  • flower
  • grass
  • greenery
  • herb
  • perennial
  • seedling
  • shoot
  • shrub
  • slip
  • sprout
  • tree
  • vine
  • weed

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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Synonyms for tree

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. treenoun

    seedling, sapling

  2. treenoun

    The structure or wooden frame used in the construction of a saddle used in horse riding.

    seedling, sapling

  3. treenoun


    seedling, sapling

  4. treenoun

    To chase (an animal or person) up a tree.

    The dog treed the cat.

    seedling, sapling

  5. treenoun

    To place upon a tree; to fit with a tree; to stretch upon a tree.

    to tree a boot

    seedling, sapling

  6. treenoun

    An object made from a tree trunk and having multiple hooks or storage platforms.

    He had the choice of buying a scratching post or a cat tree.

    sapling, seedling

  7. treenoun

    A device used to hold or stretch a shoe open.

    He put a shoe tree in each of his shoes.

    seedling, sapling

  8. treenoun

    The structural frame of a saddle.

    seedling, sapling

  9. treenoun

    A connected graph with no cycles or, equivalently, a connected graph with n vertices and n-1 edges.

    seedling, sapling

  10. treenoun

    A recursive data structure in which each node has zero or more nodes as children.

    sapling, seedling

  11. treenoun

    A display or listing of entries or elements such that there are primary and secondary entries shown, usually linked by drawn lines or by indenting to the right.

    We’ll show it as a tree list.

    sapling, seedling

  12. treenoun

    Any structure or construct having branches akin to (1).

    seedling, sapling

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.7 / 6 votes

  1. treenoun

    a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms

    tree diagram

  2. tree, tree diagramnoun

    a figure that branches from a single root

    «genealogical tree»

    tree diagram

  3. Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Treeverb

    English actor and theatrical producer noted for his lavish productions of Shakespeare (1853-1917)

    tree diagram

  4. corner, treeverb

    force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape

    shoetree, corner

  5. treeverb

    plant with trees

    «this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer»

    shoetree, corner

  6. treeverb

    chase an animal up a tree

    «the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it»; «her dog likes to tree squirrels»

    shoetree, corner

  7. tree, shoetreeverb

    stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree

    shoetree, corner

Matched Categories

    • Chase
    • Maneuver
    • Plane Figure
    • Plant
    • Stretch
    • Woody Plant

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. treenoun

    (young) sapling, seedling, (with top cut off) pollard, bolling, (small) staddle

    Associated words:
    dendrology, sylviculture, arboriculture, arboriculturist, sylviculturist, dendrologist, arboreal, arbor, arboreous, arborescence, arborescent, arborist, arborization, dendrography, dendrophilous, sylvan, topiary work, thicket, copse, coppice, grove, plashing, sawyer, dendromoeter, rampick, spinny, dendrite, dendriform, dendroid, dendrolite, lichen, motte

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «tree»:

    trees, shue, shaft, fir, sapin, dendrogram, whole-tree, arbor, camshaft, shu, boom

Suggested Resources

  1. tree

    Song lyrics by tree — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by tree on the website.

  2. TREE

    What does TREE stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the TREE acronym on the website.

How to pronounce tree?

How to say tree in sign language?

How to use tree in a sentence?

  1. Logan Hultman:

    We had a party in my tree house eating goldfish and watching TikToks to celebrate.

  2. Archuleta County Sheriff Rich Valdez:

    It was real mountainous terrain with heavy tree cover, Basically all we were doing was a recovery.

  3. Victor Hugo:

    Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, roots itself deeply in our being and continues to flourish over a heart in ruin. The inexplicable fact is that the blinder it is, the more tenacious it is. It is never stronger than when it is completely unreasonable.

  4. Jeff Kuprycz:

    There was no explosion or anything. It just sounded like a car hitting the ground or a tree or something. Like that one little bang, and that was it.

  5. Beth Czyryca:

    We’re just tossing around ideas, maybe he’s sitting up in a tree where no one can see him, or he broke both his legs and can’t walk and is waiting for someone to find him.

Translations for tree

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • caxa
  • аҵлаAbkhaz
  • boomAfrikaans
  • árbolAragonese
  • شَجَرَةٌ, شَجَرٌArabic
  • গছAssamese
  • гъветӏAvaric
  • khoka, quqaAymara
  • ağacAzerbaijani
  • ағасBashkir
  • дрэ́ваBelarusian
  • дърво́Bulgarian
  • jiriBambara
  • গাছ, বৃক্ষBengali
  • ཤིངTibetan Standard
  • gwezenn, gwezBreton
  • arbreCatalan, Valencian
  • диттChechen
  • tronkoChamorro
  • alberuCorsican
  • ᒥᔅᑎᒄ, mistikCree
  • stromCzech
  • дрѣвоOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
  • йывӑҫChuvash
  • colfen, coeden, prenWelsh
  • træDanish
  • Baum, SchuhspannerGerman
  • δέντρο, δένδροGreek
  • arboEsperanto
  • árbol, enarbolarSpanish
  • puuEstonian
  • zuhaitzBasque
  • دار, درخت, شجرPersian
  • ajaa puuhun, puuFinnish
  • vu ni kau, kauFijian
  • træFaroese
  • arçon, arbreFrench
  • beamWestern Frisian
  • crannIrish
  • craobhScottish Gaelic
  • árboreGalician
  • yvyraGuaraní
  • ઝાડGujarati
  • billeyManx
  • bishiyoyi, bishiyaHausa
  • עץ, עֵץHebrew
  • पेड़, वृक्षHindi
  • pyebwaHaitian Creole
  • faHungarian
  • ծառArmenian
  • arboreInterlingua
  • pohonIndonesian
  • árborInterlingue
  • osịsịIgbo
  • Nuosu
  • napaaqtuqInupiaq
  • arboroIdo
  • tréIcelandic
  • alberoItalian
  • עץHebrew
  • 木, 樹木, ツリー構造, ツリーリスト, 靴型, ツリーJapanese
  • witJavanese
  • ხეGeorgian
  • ағаш, дарақKazakh
  • orpikKalaallisut, Greenlandic
  • ដើមឈើKhmer
  • ವೃಕ್ಷ, ಮರKannada
  • 나무, 낭Korean
  • gwedhenCornish
  • жыгач, даракKyrgyz
  • arborLatin
  • BamLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • mutiGanda
  • ຕົ້ນໄມ້Lao
  • medisLithuanian
  • koksLatvian
  • rākauMāori
  • дрво, калапMacedonian
  • മരംMalayalam
  • модMongolian
  • झाड, वृक्षMarathi
  • pokok, pohonMalay
  • siġraMaltese
  • သစ်ပင်Burmese
  • imin erò ogoda, imin eroNauru
  • रूखNepali
  • boomDutch
  • treNorwegian
  • tsin ííʼáhígíí, tsin ííʼáiiNavajo, Navaho
  • mtengoChichewa, Chewa, Nyanja
  • arbreOccitan
  • ᒥᐦᑎᐟ, mitig, ᒥᐦᑎᑯᐟ, mitigoogOjibwe, Ojibwa
  • ଗଛOriya
  • бæлас, бæласæOssetian, Ossetic
  • ਪੇੜ, ਦਰੱਖ਼ਤPanjabi, Punjabi
  • drzewo, prawidłoPolish
  • árvorePortuguese
  • sach’aQuechua
  • plaunta, plànta, bos-ch, plontaRomansh
  • igitiKirundi
  • pom, arbore, copacRomanian
  • де́рево, распо́рка, дре́воRussian
  • igitiKinyarwanda
  • तरु, वृक्ष, कुज, द्रुमSanskrit
  • وڻSindhi
  • muorraNorthern Sami
  • drvo, дрво, stablo, стаблоSerbo-Croatian
  • ගසSinhala, Sinhalese
  • stromSlovak
  • žlica, drevoSlovene
  • lā’auSamoan
  • geedSomali
  • dru, pemëAlbanian
  • sefateSouthern Sotho
  • träd, skoblockSwedish
  • mtiSwahili
  • மரம்Tamil
  • చెట్టు, వృక్షముTelugu
  • шаҷар, дарахтTajik
  • พฤกษา, ต้นไม้, เฌอ, แผนภาพต้นไม้Thai
  • agaçTurkmen
  • punoTagalog
  • ağaçTurkish
  • агач, дорTatar
  • دەرەخUyghur, Uighur
  • де́ревоUkrainian
  • پیڑ, ورکشUrdu
  • daraxtUzbek
  • câyVietnamese
  • bimil, bimVolapük
  • åbeWalloon
  • garabWolof
  • umthiXhosa
  • בויםYiddish
  • Chinese
  • umuthi, isihlahlaZulu

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  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


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Pronounce tree as tri.

US — How to pronounce tree in American English

UK — How to pronounce tree in British English


family tree     
ancestry, extraction, genealogy, line, lineage, line of descent, pedigree, stemma, stirps  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( trees    plural  )

1       n-count   A tree is a tall plant that has a hard trunk, branches, and leaves.  
oft n N  
I planted those apple trees., …a variety of shrubs and trees.     
  Christmas tree  

  family tree  

2    If you say that someone is barking up the wrong tree, you mean that they are following the wrong course of action because their beliefs or ideas about something are incorrect.  

be barking up the wrong tree      phrase   V inflects, usu cont  
Scientists in Switzerland realised that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree.     

3    If someone can’t see the wood for the trees in British English, or can’t see the forest for the trees in American English, they are very involved in the details of something and so they do not notice what is important about the thing as a whole.  

not be able to see the wood for the trees      phrase   V inflects  

  the top of the tree  


Christmas tree        ( Christmas trees    plural  ) A Christmas tree is a fir tree, or an artificial tree that looks like a fir tree, which people put in their houses at Christmas and decorate with coloured lights and ornaments.      n-count  

family tree        ( family trees    plural  ) A family tree is a chart that shows all the people in a family over many generations and their relationship to one another.      n-count  

fir tree        ( fir trees    plural  ) A fir tree is the same as a fir.      n-count  

gum tree        ( gum trees    plural  ) A gum tree is a tree such as a eucalyptus that produces gum.      n-count  

A tree-lined road or street has trees on either side.      adj   usu ADJ n  
…the broad, tree-lined avenues.     

tree trunk        ( tree trunks    plural  ) A tree trunk is the wide central part of a tree, from which the branches grow.      n-count  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus



a round and sweet fruit with pale, orange-colored skin that comes from a tree of the same name



Vine whose woody part, together with the leaves of the chacrona tree, is used in the preparation of the entheogenic tea called Hoasca (also known as Ayahuasca or Daime) by traditional indigenous and mestizo peoples of the Amazon in shamanic rituals and as a sacrament by some religious denominations.




An entheogenic tea of South American origin prepared with the mariri vine and the leaves of the chacrona tree that provides an expanded state of consciousness. The use of Hoasca in shamanic rituals is part of the ancestral culture of several tribes in the Amazon region.

[Latam];[Rel.];[Reg.];[Bot.] Ayahuasca, Vegetal, Daime, Yagé.



An entheogenic tea of South American origin prepared with the mariri vine and the leaves of the chacrona tree that provides an expanded state of consciousness. The use of ayahuasca in shamanic rituals is part of the ancestral culture of several tribes in the Amazon region.

Other popular names: Hoasca, Vegetal, Daime, Yagé.

toilet papering


act of covering an object, such as a tree, house, or another structure with toilet paper

Syn.: TP’ing

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What is Latin word for tree?

Arbor, the Latin word for “tree,” has been a rich source of tree-related words in English, though some are fairly rare.

Is Arbor Latin for tree?

An arbor is a garden structure on which plants and vines can grow. These two meanings come from two different roots: the wooden arch type of arbor comes from the Latin herba, “grass or herb,” while the tree arbor comes directly from the Latin arbor. Simply enough, it means “tree.”

What is the scientific word for tree?

Dendrology (Ancient Greek: δένδρον, dendron, “tree”; and Ancient Greek: -λογία, -logia, science of or study of) or xylology (Ancient Greek: ξύλον, ksulon, “wood”) is the science and study of wooded plants (trees, shrubs, and lianas), specifically, their taxonomic classifications.

What is tree in one word?

noun. any large woody perennial plant with a distinct trunk giving rise to branches or leaves at some distance from the groundRelated adjective: arboreal. any plant that resembles this but has a trunk not made of wood, such as a palm tree. a wooden post, bar, etc. See family tree, shoetree, saddletree.

What’s another name for trees?

What is another word for tree?

bush sapling
shrub conifer
evergreen seedling
timber hardwood
softwood stock

What is tree example?

A tree is a nonlinear data structure, compared to arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues which are linear data structures. A tree can be empty with no nodes or a tree is a structure consisting of one node called the root and zero or one or more subtrees.

What is tree and its types?

A tree is a representation of the non-linear data structure. A tree can be shown using different user-defined or primitive types of data. We can use arrays, and classes connected lists or other kinds of data structures to implement the tree. It is a group of interrelated nodes.

Where are trees used?

Trees are used in many areas of computer science, including operating systems, graphics, database systems, and computer networking. Tree data structures have many things in common with their botanical cousins. A tree data structure has a root, branches, and leaves.

Is an example of a tree?

A tall plant with a trunk and branches made of wood is known as a tree. Examples for trees are Teak (Tectona grandis) and Mango tree (Mangifera indica). Trees can live many years. Parts of trees are divided into four, they are, root, trunk, branches and leaves.

What is the most common tree in the world?

Red Alder

How do we classify trees?

The starting point for most people when identifying trees species is the leaves. There are three basic leaf types: needles, scales and broadleaf. Most evergreens have needles or scales, while most broadleaf trees are deciduous, meaning they drop their leaves when dormant. However, there are exceptions.

What is a tropical tree called?

Trees in the Tropics Tropical trees include palm trees, conifers, broadleaf evergreen and deciduous trees, and trees with luscious fruits or flamboyant flowers.

What is tropical flower?

Tropical flowers are those that are native to tropical locations, typically those that are located close to the equator, and though they require typically hot and humid climates to thrive, they can also grow well as houseplants or when kept in greenhouses.

What kind of trees are in the tropical rainforest?

List of Some Tropical Rainforest Trees

  • Ceiba.
  • Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis)
  • Cecropia.
  • Kapok.
  • Banana tree.
  • Strangler Fig (Teak)
  • Giant Red Cedar (Curtain Fig)
  • Cathedral Fig.

What does a Cecropia tree look like?

Cecropia fruits grow on fast-growing, tall, tropical trees with very large, 30-centimeter-wide palmate leaves. When on the tree, Cecropia fruits look like greenish-yellow fingers reaching up to the sky. As they grow and mature, they grow soft and plump up.

Why are Cecropia trees not thriving?

The cecropia trees aren’t growing and thriving because there are not enough decomposers in the soil.

How many Cecropia trees are there?

Cecropia is a Neotropical genus consisting of 61 recognized species with a highly distinctive lineage of dioecious trees….

Tribe: Cecropieae
Genus: Cecropia Loefl.
About 25, see text

What animals eat the Cecropia tree?

Their leaves are eaten by some animals (e.g. three-toed sloths), and their seeds are eaten by birds, bats, rodents like the agouti, and other animals. One study of cecropia showed 8 species of monkey, 12 species of bat, and 76 different bird species eating its dangling spike-like fruits.

What does Cecropia mean?

Cecropia is a term derived from the Ancient Greek κέκρωψ (kékrōps, Latinized: cecrops) which means “face with a tail” and refers to the mythical first king of Athens.

Why do sloths like Cecropia trees?

Because Cecropia species grow fast and produce lots of leaves with few chemical defences rather than a few leaves that are defended by a lot of toxins, there are always young, palatable, easily-digestible leaves available for adult sloths.

What is a sloths favorite tree?

cecropia tree

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