Another word for train

  • caravan
  • convoy
  • line
  • track
  • alternation
  • appendage
  • chain
  • column
  • concatenation
  • cortege
  • course
  • court
  • entourage
  • file
  • following
  • gradation
  • order
  • procession
  • progression
  • retinue
  • row
  • run
  • scale
  • sequel
  • sequence
  • set
  • string
  • succession
  • suite
  • tail
  • thread
  • tier
  • trail
  • wake
  • consecution
  • care for
  • develop
  • discipline
  • educate
  • equip
  • improve
  • instruct
  • qualify
  • study
  • teach
  • tutor
  • work out
  • accustom
  • brainwash
  • coach
  • cultivate
  • drill
  • enlighten
  • exercise
  • ground
  • guide
  • habituate
  • harden
  • hone
  • inure
  • mold
  • prime
  • rear
  • rehearse
  • school
  • season
  • shape
  • sharpen
  • tame
  • update
  • break in
  • drum into
  • dry run
  • get a workout
  • get in shape
  • grow strong
  • make ready
  • run through
  • show the ropes
  • warm up
  • whip into shape
  • wise up
  • focus
  • beam
  • cast
  • direct
  • head
  • incline
  • lay
  • level
  • point
  • slant
  • turn
  • bring to bear
  • draw a bead
  • get in one’s sights
  • line up
  • zero in

On this page you’ll find 215 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to train, such as: caravan, convoy, line, track, alternation, and appendage.

  • decrease
  • learn
  • abandon
  • destroy
  • ignore
  • mislead
  • neglect
  • forget
  • neglect
  • take
  • forget

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use train in a sentence

I live in a town, Fort Collins, Colorado, that is known for having a train line that runs literally through the middle of town and creates subsequent traffic backups.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • address
  • angle
  • aspire
  • attempt
  • cast
  • concentrate
  • contemplate
  • covet
  • design
  • direct
  • endeavor
  • essay
  • fix
  • focus
  • intend
  • level
  • mean
  • plan
  • propose
  • purpose
  • set one’s sights on
  • sight
  • slant
  • steer
  • strive
  • target
  • train
  • try
  • want
  • wish
  • zero in on
  • zoom in
  • addressing
  • angling
  • aspiring
  • attempting
  • casting
  • concentrating
  • contemplating
  • coveting
  • designing
  • directing
  • endeavoring
  • essaying
  • fixing
  • focusing
  • intending
  • leveling
  • meaning
  • planning
  • proposing
  • purposing
  • setting one’s sights on
  • sighting
  • slanting
  • steering
  • striving
  • targeting
  • training
  • trying
  • wanting
  • wishing
  • zero in on
  • zooming in
  • addresses
  • angles
  • aspires
  • attempts
  • casts
  • concentrates
  • contemplates
  • covets
  • designs
  • directs
  • endeavors
  • essays
  • fixes
  • focuses
  • intends
  • levels
  • means
  • plans
  • proposes
  • purposes
  • sets one’s sights on
  • sights
  • slants
  • steers
  • strives
  • targets
  • trains
  • tries
  • wants
  • wishes
  • zero in on
  • zooms in
  • breed
  • cultivate
  • develop
  • discipline
  • educate
  • feed
  • form
  • foster
  • nourish
  • nurture
  • provide for
  • rear
  • school
  • support
  • teach
  • train
  • breeds
  • cultivates
  • develops
  • disciplines
  • educates
  • feeds
  • forms
  • fosters
  • nourishes
  • nurtures
  • provides for
  • rears
  • schools
  • supports
  • teaches
  • trains
  • band
  • camel train
  • campers
  • cavalcade
  • convoy
  • expedition
  • procession
  • safari
  • train
  • troop

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Need another word that means the same as “train”? Find 88 synonyms and 30 related words for “train” in this overview.

Table Of Contents:

  • Train as a Noun
  • Definitions of «Train» as a noun
  • Synonyms of «Train» as a noun (38 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Train» as a noun
  • Train as a Verb
  • Definitions of «Train» as a verb
  • Synonyms of «Train» as a verb (50 Words)
  • Usage Examples of «Train» as a verb
  • Associations of «Train» (30 Words)

The synonyms of “Train” are: coach, develop, educate, prepare, civilise, civilize, cultivate, school, check, condition, discipline, trail, rail, groom, aim, direct, take, take aim, instruct, teach, tutor, give lessons to, upskill, edify, prime, drill, demonstrate something to, make something clear to, study, learn, be taught, take instruction, qualify, exercise, do exercises, work out, get into shape, practise, ground, rehearse, make ready, make fit, point, level, line something up, turn something on, fix something on, sight, position, focus, string, gear, gearing, geartrain, power train, railroad train, caravan, wagon train, procession, line, file, column, convoy, cavalcade, rank, succession, progression, array, retinue, entourage, cortège, following, staff, household, court, suite, chain, series, sequence, set, course, cycle, row, order, concatenation, tail, appendage

Train as a Noun

Definitions of «Train» as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “train” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A number of vehicles or pack animals moving in a line.
  • A series of connected events or thoughts.
  • Piece of cloth forming the long back section of a gown that is drawn along the floor.
  • Wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed.
  • A series of gears or other connected parts in machinery.
  • A series of connected railway carriages or wagons moved by a locomotive or by integral motors.
  • A trail of gunpowder for firing an explosive charge.
  • A retinue of attendants accompanying an important person.
  • A sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding.
  • A procession (of wagons or mules or camels) traveling together in single file.
  • A series of consequences wrought by an event.
  • Public transport provided by a line of railway cars coupled together and drawn by a locomotive.
  • A long piece of material attached to the back of a formal dress or robe that trails along the ground.

Synonyms of «Train» as a noun (38 Words)

appendage A projecting part of an invertebrate or other living organism, with a distinct appearance or function.
They treat Scotland as a mere appendage of England.
array An indexed set of related elements.
He was clothed in fine array.
caravan A camper equipped with living quarters.
They spent a fishing holiday in a caravan.
cavalcade A procession of people traveling on horseback.
The royal cavalcade proceeded through the city.
chain A measure of length equivalent to a chain 66 ft.
A tall man with a heavy gold chain round his neck.
column A vertical glass tube used in column chromatography a mixture is poured in the top and washed through a stationary substance where components of the mixture are adsorbed selectively to form colored bands.
The typical business report consists of columns and rows of numeric information.
concatenation A series of interconnected things.
A complicated concatenation of circumstances.
convoy A procession of land vehicles traveling together.
A convoy of lorries.
cortège The group following and attending to some important person.
course A procedure adopted to deal with a situation.
Guests are offered a choice of main course.
court The place where a court meets.
The house was built around an inner court.
cycle The period of time taken to complete a cycle of events.
A cycle of reprisal and retaliation.
entourage A group of people attending or surrounding an important person.
An entourage of loyal courtiers.
file A number of issues and responsibilities relating to a particular policy area.
What progress has the Prime Minister made on the unity file.
following A body of supporters or admirers.
The following are both grammatically correct sentences.
gear A particular setting of engaged gears.
From this weekend the campaign is expected to step up a gear.
gearing The set or arrangement of gears in a machine.
The firm expects its gearing to rise to 20 per cent.
geartrain Wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed.
The fool got his tie caught in the geartrain.
household The establishment and affairs of a royal household.
It was a good Christian household.
line Denoting an image consisting of lines and solid areas with no gradation of tone.
You must wait in a long line at the checkout counter.
order The insignia worn by members of an order of honour or merit.
The firm has won an order for six tankers.
power train Physical strength.
procession (theology) the origination of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Magistrates complain that they see a procession of recidivist minor offenders.
progression A passage or movement from one note or chord to another.
The vista unfolds in a progression of castles and vineyards as seemingly endless as the Rhine itself.
railroad train A line of track providing a runway for wheels.
rank A position within the hierarchy of an organization or society.
Conifer plantations growing in serried ranks.
retinue The group following and attending to some important person.
The rock star s retinue of security guards and personal cooks.
row The act of rowing as a sport.
A row of chairs.
sequence A set of three or more playing cards of the same suit next to each other in value, for example 10, 9, 8.
A sonnet sequence.
series A set of games played between two teams.
The visiting team swept the series.
set The act of putting something in position.
A set of books.
staff A rod or sceptre held as a sign of office or authority.
Hospital staff were not to blame.
string A piece of string used to tie round or attach to something.
A string quartet.
succession A group of people or things arranged or following in order.
A succession of failures.
suite A group of people in attendance on a monarch or other person of high rank.
The Royal Saloon was built for the use of the Queen and her suite.
tail A thing resembling an animal s tail in its shape or position typically extending downwards or outwards at the end of something.
The chances of heads and tails in the long run are equal.
trail A trailer for a film or broadcast.
Smoke trails.
wagon train A child’s four-wheeled toy cart sometimes used for coasting.

Usage Examples of «Train» as a noun

  • A camel train.
  • A train of gears.
  • The bride wore a cream silk dress with a train.
  • A freight train.
  • The train of events leading to Pascoe’s death.
  • Express trains don’t stop at Princeton Junction.
  • The journey took two hours by train.
  • It led to a train of disasters.
  • The fool got his tie caught in the geartrain.
  • A minister and his train of attendants.
  • Train of mourners.
  • A train of thought.
  • The bride’s train was carried by her two young nephews.
  • They joined the wagon train for safety.

Train as a Verb

Definitions of «Train» as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “train” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Develop (a child’s or animal’s) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control.
  • Undergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession.
  • Educate for a future role or function.
  • Drag loosely along a surface; allow to sweep the ground.
  • Teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment.
  • Create by training and teaching.
  • Travel by rail or train.
  • Entice (someone).
  • Reduce one’s weight through diet and exercise in order to be fit for a particular event.
  • Prepare (a person or animal) for a particular sport or event with a course of exercise and diet.
  • Cause to grow in a certain way by tying and pruning it.
  • Point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards.
  • Develop (children’s) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control.
  • Teach and supervise (someone); act as a trainer or coach (to), as in sports.
  • Undertake a course of exercise and diet in order to reach or maintain a high level of physical fitness.
  • Exercise in order to prepare for an event or competition.
  • Go by train.
  • Develop and improve (a mental or physical faculty) through instruction or practice.
  • Cause (a plant) to grow in a particular direction or into a required shape.
  • Teach (a person or animal) a particular skill or type of behaviour through practice and instruction over a period of time.
  • Point or aim something, typically a gun or camera, at.
  • Be taught through practice and instruction over a period of time.

Synonyms of «Train» as a verb (50 Words)

aim Point or direct (a weapon or camera) at a target.
She wanted to aim a pun.
be taught Be priced at.
check Write out a check on a bank account.
Processes to check against deterioration in the quality of the data held.
civilise Raise from a barbaric to a civilized state.
civilize Raise from a barbaric to a civilized state.
Both countries feel they have a mission to civilize the world.
coach Travel by coach.
Fly or coach to the shores of the Mediterranean.
condition Apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny.
O Brien conditioned winners of 13 European Derbies during his career.
cultivate Raise or grow (plants), especially on a large scale for commercial purposes.
He cultivated an air of indifference.
demonstrate something to Provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one’s behavior, attitude, or external attributes.
develop Cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development.
He preferred to develop his bishop on e7.
direct Direct the course determine the direction of travelling.
Heating ducts to direct warm air to rear seat passengers.
discipline Train (someone) to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience.
Many parents have been afraid to discipline their children.
do exercises Give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally.
drill Make a hole in or through something by using a drill.
A sergeant was drilling new recruits.
edify Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.
Rachel had edified their childhood with frequent readings from Belloc.
educate Create by training and teaching.
The need to educate people to conserve water.
exercise Cause an animal to take exercise.
Control is exercised by the Board.
fix something on Kill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic study.
focus Place the focus on an element of a sentence.
She focused her eyes on his face.
get into shape Perceive by hearing.
give lessons to Be the cause or source of.
groom Care for one’s external appearance.
A beautifully groomed woman.
ground Place something on the ground or touch the ground with something.
Rather than be blown up Muller grounded his ship on a coral reef.
instruct Give instructions or directions for some task.
She is skilled in interviewing clients and instructing counsel.
learn Commit to memory learn by heart.
We learn from experience.
level Make level or straight.
He levelled a pistol at us.
line something up Mark with lines.
make fit Head into a specified direction.
make ready Behave in a certain way.
make something clear to Put in order or neaten.
point Give a point to.
Reach up with your arms and point your toes.
position Put or arrange (someone or something) in a particular place or way.
He pulled out a chair and positioned it between them.
practise Perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.
He practised as a barrister.
prepare Prepare for eating by applying heat.
Prepare a report.
prime Cover with a primer apply a primer to.
Prime a mine.
qualify Describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of.
The training necessary to qualify as a solicitor.
rail Enclose with rails.
They are railing for fresh fish.
rehearse Supervise (a performer or group) during a rehearsal.
Criticisms of factory farming have been rehearsed often enough.
school Educate in or as if in a school.
It s important to school yourself to be good at exams.
sight Adjust the sight of a firearm or optical instrument.
Tell me when you sight London Bridge.
study Apply oneself to study.
With no husband to study housekeeping is mere play.
take Of a plant or seed take root or begin to grow germinate.
They don t take children.
take aim Have with oneself; have on one’s person.
take instruction Assume, as of positions or roles.
teach Work as a teacher.
He came one day each week to teach painting.
trail Be losing to an opponent in a game or contest.
The Mercedes trailed behind the horse cart.
turn something on Accomplish by rotating.
tutor Act as a tutor to a single pupil or a very small group.
She is scraping a living on part time tutoring.
upskill (of an employee) learn additional skills.
This is an opportunity to upskill staff and expand their capabilities.
work out Find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of.

Usage Examples of «Train» as a verb

  • The detective trained his gun on the side door.
  • He trained as a legal aid.
  • She trained her long scarf behind her.
  • Last October I started training for the London Marathon.
  • She is training to be a teacher.
  • She trained to Hamburg.
  • Don’t train your camera on the women.
  • It’s a learning experience— I have to train my eyes again and refine my footwork.
  • Is this dog trained?
  • The dogs are trained to sniff out illegal stowaways.
  • The horse was trained in Paris.
  • The scheme trains people for promotion.
  • She is training for the Olympics.
  • Charles trained to London with Emma.
  • Have you ever done any vocal exercises or anything else to train your voice?
  • He trained down to heavyweight.
  • He trained his gun on the burglar.
  • He trained as a plumber.
  • Train the vine.
  • The old master is training world-class violinists.
  • They trained crimson ramblers over their houses.
  • They trained him to be a warrior.
  • He is training our Olympic team.
  • She trains three times a week.

Associations of «Train» (30 Words)

airport Relating to or denoting light popular fiction such as is offered for sale to travellers in airports.
An airport thriller.
bike A bicycle or motorcycle.
My friends and I would ride our bikes.
bullet A projectile that is fired from a gun.
You can apply your lipstick straight from the bullet but I like to use a brush.
bumpy Covered with or full of bumps.
A bumpy country road.
bus Travel by bus.
The busbar in this computer can transmit data either way between any two components of the system.
car A railway carriage.
She drove up in a car.
carriage Any of the separate sections of a train that carry passengers.
A typewriter carriage.
coach Travel by coach.
Many employees are now flying coach instead of business class to Europe.
commuter A person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis.
A fault on the line caused widespread delays for commuters.
conveyor A conveyor belt.
A conveyor of information.
derail (of a train or tram) accidentally leave the tracks.
The plot is seen by some as an attempt to derail the negotiations.
equipage The equipment for a particular purpose.
gear Wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed.
The play moves down a gear whenever he walks off stage.
jalopy An old car in a dilapidated condition.
His father got worried about him driving that old jalopy it wasn t safe.
passenger A traveller on a public or private conveyance other than the driver, pilot, or crew.
A passenger ferry.
platform A raised structure standing in the sea from which oil or gas wells can be drilled or regulated.
Their candidate simply ignored the party platform.
projectile Denoting or relating to a projectile.
They tried to shield Johnson from the projectiles that were being thrown.
railroad Transport by railroad.
The Bill had been railroaded through the House.
ride A mechanical device that you ride for amusement or excitement.
Let it ride.
rider A condition or proviso added to something already agreed.
Two riders approached the cottage.
station The frequency assigned to a broadcasting station.
A radio station.
subway An electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city.
In Paris the subway system is called the metro and in London it is called the tube or the underground.
surrey (in the US) a light four-wheeled carriage with two seats facing forwards.
taxi A motor vehicle licensed to transport passengers in return for payment of a fare and typically fitted with a taximeter.
I would taxi home and sleep till eight.
terminal Of a condition forming the last stage of a terminal disease.
The terminal segments of the antennae.
trainer Simulator consisting of a machine on the ground that simulates the conditions of flying a plane.
A decent pair of trainers.
transcontinental A transcontinental railway or train.
A transcontinental radio audience.
transport Something that serves as a means of transportation.
Art can send people into transports of delight.
transporter A person or thing that transports something.
wagon A vehicle used for transporting goods or another specified purpose.
A milk wagon.

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What is another word for train?

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[ tɹˈe͡ɪn], [ tɹˈe‍ɪn], [ t_ɹ_ˈeɪ_n]

How to use «Train» in context?

Train, both as a verb and a noun, has multiple definitions. As a verb, train means to furnish with a train or a train of horses, wagons, or cars. As a noun, train can refer to either a locomotive or the passenger cars attached to it.

How is the word train different from other verbs like it?

Some common synonyms of train are discipline, educate, instruct, school, and teach. While all these words mean «to cause to acquire knowledge or skill,» train stresses instruction and drill with a specific end in view.

trained foreign pilots to operate the new aircraft

When is discipline a more appropriate choice than train?

While the synonyms discipline and train are close in meaning, discipline implies training in habits of order and precision.

When could educate be used to replace train?

In some situations, the words educate and train are roughly equivalent. However, educate implies development of the mind.

more things than formal schooling serve to educate a person

When is it sensible to use instruct instead of train?

The synonyms instruct and train are sometimes interchangeable, but instruct suggests methodical or formal teaching.

instructs raw recruits in military drill

Where would school be a reasonable alternative to train?

While in some cases nearly identical to train, school implies training or disciplining especially in what is hard to master.

schooled the horse in five gaits

When might teach be a better fit than train?

Although the words teach and train have much in common, teach applies to any manner of imparting information or skill so that others may learn.

taught us a lot about our planet

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. train

    To teach is simply to communicate knowledge; to instruct (originally, to build in or into, put in order) is to impart knowledge with special method and completeness; instruct has also an authoritative sense nearly equivalent to command. To educate is to draw out or develop harmoniously the mental powers, and, in the fullest sense, the moral powers as well. To train is to direct to a certain result powers already existing. Train is used in preference to educate when the reference is to the inferior animals or to the physical powers of man; as, to train a horse; to train the hand or eye. To discipline is to bring into habitual and complete subjection to authority; discipline is a severe word, and is often used as a euphemism for punish; to be thoroughly effective in war, soldiers must be disciplined as well as trained. To nurture is to furnish the care and sustenance necessary for physical, mental, and moral growth; nurture is a more tender and homelike word than educate. Compare EDUCATION.

    discipline, drill, educate, enlighten, give instruction, give lessons, inculcate, indoctrinate, inform, initiate, instill, instruct, nurture, school, teach, tutor

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. trainverb

    lead, rear, accustom, habituate, inure, drill, exercise, prose, discipline, instruct, bend, educate

    force, break, trail, disaccustom, dishabituate, miseducate, disqualify

  2. trainnoun

    suite, procession, retinue, cortege, course, series

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. train, railroad trainnoun

    public transport provided by a line of railway cars coupled together and drawn by a locomotive

    «express trains don’t stop at Princeton Junction»

    geartrain, gear, railroad train, gearing, wagon train, caravan, power train, string

  2. string, trainnoun

    a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding

    «a string of islands»; «train of mourners»; «a train of thought»

    strand, geartrain, gear, bowed stringed instrument, cosmic string, power train, railroad train, twine, chain, caravan, wagon train, drawing string, gearing, drawstring, string

  3. caravan, train, wagon trainnoun

    a procession (of wagons or mules or camels) traveling together in single file

    «we were part of a caravan of almost a thousand camels»; «they joined the wagon train for safety»

    geartrain, gear, railroad train, gearing, wagon train, caravan, power train, van, string

  4. trainnoun

    a series of consequences wrought by an event

    «it led to a train of disasters»

    geartrain, gear, railroad train, gearing, wagon train, caravan, power train, string

  5. trainnoun

    piece of cloth forming the long back section of a gown that is drawn along the floor

    «the bride’s train was carried by her two young nephews»

    geartrain, gear, railroad train, gearing, wagon train, caravan, power train, string

  6. gearing, gear, geartrain, power train, trainverb

    wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed

    «the fool got his tie caught in the geartrain»

    geartrain, gear wheel, string, gear, geared wheel, railroad train, gearing, gear mechanism, wagon train, appurtenance, power train, cogwheel, caravan, paraphernalia

  7. train, develop, prepare, educateverb

    create by training and teaching

    «The old master is training world-class violinists»; «we develop the leaders for the future»

    rail, rise, originate, coach, prepare, get, build up, civilise, cook, fix, develop, uprise, get up, gear up, organize, take, recrudesce, civilize, make, arise, spring up, modernize, grow, take aim, evolve, trail, groom, aim, explicate, direct, organise, produce, germinate, ready, set up, school, discipline, modernise, make grow, cultivate, break, condition, formulate, set, machinate, educate, devise, acquire, check

  8. train, prepareverb

    undergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession

    «She is training to be a teacher»; «He trained as a legal aid»

    set up, aim, ready, educate, cook, cultivate, civilise, set, gear up, machinate, civilize, groom, develop, discipline, take aim, rail, check, condition, direct, coach, trail, devise, take, organize, get up, school, fix, make, organise, prepare

  9. discipline, train, check, conditionverb

    develop (children’s) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control

    «Parents must discipline their children»; «Is this dog trained?»

    tally, checker, rail, ensure, correct, qualify, coach, prepare, mark, watch, look into, civilise, crack, check up on, develop, go over, tick off, match, tick, fit, take, specify, stop, civilize, correspond, determine, see, groom, agree, assure, turn back, take aim, check into, break, trail, control, condition, check out, learn, hold back, aim, curb, direct, hold, arrest, see to it, discipline, chequer, gibe, mark off, stipulate, delay, school, hold in, check off, suss out, ascertain, find out, check over, cultivate, jibe, contain, sort out, retard, moderate, educate, insure, check

  10. prepare, groom, trainverb

    educate for a future role or function

    «He is grooming his son to become his successor»; «The prince was prepared to become King one day»; «They trained him to be a warrior»

    rail, dress, coach, prepare, civilise, cook, fix, develop, get up, gear up, organize, take, civilize, make, aim, take aim, trail, groom, direct, discipline, organise, curry, ready, set up, school, neaten, cultivate, condition, set, machinate, educate, devise, check

  11. educate, school, train, cultivate, civilize, civiliseverb

    teach or refine to be discriminative in taste or judgment

    «Cultivate your musical taste»; «Train your tastebuds»; «She is well schooled in poetry»

    aim, groom, educate, naturalise, cultivate, civilize, school, develop, discipline, take aim, rail, work, domesticate, check, coach, condition, direct, trail, take, naturalize, tame, civilise, crop, prepare

  12. aim, take, train, take aim, directverb

    point or cause to go (blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment) towards

    «Please don’t aim at your little brother!»; «He trained his gun on the burglar»; «Don’t train your camera on the women»; «Take a swipe at one’s opponent»

    require, read, occupy, subscribe to, rent, withdraw, shoot for, organise, lead, ingest, develop, mastermind, take aim, carry, deal, assume, engineer, have, hold, choose, learn, fill, aspire, civilise, calculate, prepare, consume, drive, hire, condition, place, consider, need, study, civilize, pick out, steer, send, contract, adopt, film, remove, purpose, rail, orchestrate, lease, take on, discipline, point, check, trail, take up, bring, strike, use up, select, take, engage, make, claim, demand, coach, channelize, cultivate, manoeuvre, head, get, channelise, get hold of, propose, exact, take away, pack, call for, take in, educate, submit, convey, shoot, aim, direct, charter, manoeuver, contain, address, draw a bead on, target, subscribe, groom, necessitate, involve, acquire, look at, postulate, organize, accept, purport, guide, admit, ask, maneuver, conduct, school

  13. coach, trainverb

    teach and supervise (someone); act as a trainer or coach (to), as in sports

    «He is training our Olympic team»; «She is coaching the crew»

    aim, groom, educate, cultivate, civilize, school, develop, discipline, take aim, rail, check, coach, condition, direct, trail, take, civilise, prepare

  14. trainverb

    exercise in order to prepare for an event or competition

    «She is training for the Olympics»

    aim, educate, cultivate, civilise, civilize, groom, develop, discipline, take aim, rail, check, condition, direct, coach, trail, take, school, prepare

  15. trainverb

    cause to grow in a certain way by tying and pruning it

    «train the vine»

    aim, educate, cultivate, civilise, civilize, groom, develop, discipline, take aim, rail, check, condition, direct, coach, trail, take, school, prepare

  16. train, railverb

    travel by rail or train

    «They railed from Rome to Venice»; «She trained to Hamburg»

    aim, educate, cultivate, civilise, vituperate, civilize, groom, develop, discipline, take aim, rail, vilify, check, condition, direct, coach, trail, inveigh, revile, take, rail off, rail in, fulminate, school, prepare

  17. trail, trainverb

    drag loosely along a surface; allow to sweep the ground

    «The toddler was trailing his pants»; «She trained her long scarf behind her»

    give chase, civilise, civilize, groom, educate, chase after, condition, aim, trail, shack, get behind, develop, discipline, chase, drop back, rail, tail, check, coach, go after, direct, dog, cultivate, take aim, take, track, tag, school, drag, hang back, drop behind, prepare

Matched Categories

    • Consequence
    • Control
    • Drag
    • Educate
    • Exercise
    • Learn
    • Piece Of Cloth
    • Position
    • Procession
    • Refine
    • Ride
    • Series
    • Teach

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. stress

    a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.

    «he’s obviously under a lot of stress»

    Submitted by rinat on August 15, 2019  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. trainverb

    trail, draw, drag, haul, tug

  2. trainverb

    educate, discipline, instruct, drill, school, exercise, nurture, breed, bring up, break in

  3. trainverb

    accustom, habituate, inure, use, familiarize

  4. trainnoun


  5. trainnoun

    retinue, suite, staff, followers, CORTÈGE, body of attendants

  6. trainnoun

    series, succession, consecution

  7. trainnoun

    course, process, method, order

  8. trainnoun

    line (as of cars connected together)

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. trainnoun

    retinue, suite, attendants, series, chain

  2. trainverb

    discipline, nurture, drill, accustom, habituate, familiarize

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. List of paraphrases for «train»:

    trains, tren, training, rail, form, railway, formation, process, educate, subway, forming, trainset, convoy, tensile, forms

Suggested Resources

  1. train

    Song lyrics by train — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by train on the website.

How to pronounce train?

How to say train in sign language?

How to use train in a sentence?

  1. Gaelle Asheri:

    I used to train with boys, so with boys there were some exercises I was not allowed to do because I am a girl, but reaching here it was just another world, I was forced to do abdominal exercises, forced to do all harsh work so you reach a level where tears usually come out with sweat.

  2. Dos Santos:

    This is where I started, it’s a special place for me, this is a reference for the whole of Brazil, having this base and being able to count on her. The doors are always open so you can always come and train and that is very important.

  3. Deputy Culture Minister Piotr Zuchowski:

    I am over 99 percent sure that such a train exists.

  4. Alfred North Whitehead:

    Every philosophy is tinged with the coloring of some secret imaginative background, which never emerges explicitly into its train of reasoning.

  5. Dochka Ivanova:

    This train is the only option for people in several villages. And we’re talking about poor people whose only income comes from the milk obtained from one or two cows they breed, they must travel to sell the milk and buy some basic products to survive. They continue to live as they lived 100 years ago.

Translations for train

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • адәыҕбаAbkhaz
  • treinAfrikaans
  • قِطَارArabic
  • qatarAzerbaijani
  • цягні́к, параво́зBelarusian
  • влакBulgarian
  • ট্রেনBengali
  • karavanenn, trenBreton
  • entrenar, trenCatalan, Valencian
  • trénovat, cvičit, vlakCzech
  • hyfforddi, treinio, anelu, dysgu, ymarfer, gosgordd, dilyniant, trên, cerbydresWelsh
  • træne, øve, optog, række, slæb, tog, kædeDanish
  • trainieren, lehren, zielen, üben, Eisenbahn, Zug, GedankenfolgeGerman
  • εκπαιδεύω, εξασκώ, ασκούμαι, προπονούμαι, προπονώ, εξασκούμαι, γυμνάζομαι, ασκώ, στρέφω, ακολουθία, αλληλουχία, τραίνο, τρένο, αμαξοστοιχία, ουρά, ειρμόςGreek
  • trejni, trajno, vagonaroEsperanto
  • entrenar, entrenarse, trenSpanish
  • rongEstonian
  • قطار, ترنPersian
  • harjoitella, ohjata, opettaa, suunnata, kouluttaa, harjoittaa, jono, ketju, pulssijono, juna, kulkue, sarja, laahusFinnish
  • togFaroese
  • exercer, pointer, s’entraîner, former, entraîner, dompter, s’exercer, traîne, train, caravaneFrench
  • traeinIrish
  • trèan, teagaisgScottish Gaelic
  • adestrar, trenGalician
  • תירגל, תרגל, התאמן, רַכֶּבֶת, שיירהHebrew
  • रेलगाड़ी, ट्रेन, गाड़ीHindi
  • edz, kiképez, vonat, pulzus, karavánHungarian
  • գնացք, երթ, թափորArmenian
  • trainar, traino, caravanaInterlingua
  • kereta apiIndonesian
  • edukar, trenoIdo
  • lestIcelandic
  • esercitarsi, allenare, treno, carovanaItalian
  • 訓練, 照準, 練習, 鍛える, 汽車, 連続, 電車, トレーン, 行列, 尾, 列車Japanese
  • მატარებელიGeorgian
  • mogithiKikuyu, Gikuyu
  • поездKazakh
  • រទេះភ្លើងKhmer
  • 열차, 列車, 기차, 汽車Korean
  • شه‌مه‌نه‌فه‌رKurdish
  • trenCornish
  • поездKyrgyz
  • asporto, hamaxostichusLatin
  • ZuchLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • ລົດໄຟLao
  • traukinysLithuanian
  • trenēties, apmācīt, karavāna, vilciensLatvian
  • tereinaMāori
  • низа, возMacedonian
  • പരിശീലിയ്ക്കുക, തീവണ്ടിMalayalam
  • галт тэрэгMongolian
  • keretapi, kereta api, trenMalay
  • မီးရထားBurmese
  • trainen, oefenen, stoet, trein, sleep, karavaan, rijDutch
  • trene, mosjonere, øve, togNorwegian
  • kǫʼ naʼałbąąsiiNavajo, Navaho
  • ishkodewidaabaanOjibwe, Ojibwa
  • поездOssetian, Ossetic
  • ćwiczyć, trenować, przesuwać się, wycelować, świta, układ, łańcuch, zespół, tren, pociąg, orszak, ciąg, seria, sznur, ogonPolish
  • instruir, [[exercitar]]-[[se]], treinar, praticar, comboio, sequência, arrasto, trem, sériePortuguese
  • trenRomanian
  • учи́ться, научи́ться, обучи́ться, учи́ть, натренирова́ться, тренирова́ться, обуча́ться, научи́ть, обуча́ть, обучи́ть, парово́з, карава́н, проце́ссия, се́рия, цепо́чка, шлейф, по́езд, сви́та, верени́ца, корте́ж, череда́, тренRussian
  • обучавати, обучавати се, obučavati se, obučavati, влак, voz, свита, пратња, шлеп, воз, vlak, svita, pratnja, šlepSerbo-Croatian
  • කෝච්චියSinhala, Sinhalese
  • vlakSlovak
  • vlakSlovene
  • trenAlbanian
  • öva, tåga, träna, tåg, kedja, persontåg, pulståg, godstågSwedish
  • gari moshi, treniSwahili
  • ரயில்Tamil
  • поездTajik
  • รถไฟThai
  • otly, türgenleşmekTurkmen
  • magsanay, trenTagalog
  • tren, katarTurkish
  • پويىزUyghur, Uighur
  • по́їздUkrainian
  • ریل گاڑی, گاڑی, ٹرینUrdu
  • poezdUzbek
  • tàu hỏa, xe lửaVietnamese

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Table of Contents

  1. What is another name for train?
  2. What is a antonym for train?
  3. What’s another word for train station?
  4. What is a terminus?
  5. What subway means?
  6. What is the meaning of terminal?
  7. What’s another word for terminal illness?
  8. Does terminal mean death?
  9. What is terminal in Short answer?
  10. What is Telnet full form?
  11. What are types of terminal?
  12. What is a terminal coding?
  13. Is CMD a terminal?
  14. What are the commands for terminal?
  15. What is the terminal useful for?
  16. What is difference between console and terminal?
  17. What language does terminal use?
  18. How do you use terminal effectively?
  19. Can I write code in terminal?
  20. How do I get Emacs in terminal?
  21. How do you use command line?
  22. How do I open command line?
  23. What is command line application?
  24. How do I open a command line?
  25. How do I set up command line?
  26. What are OS commands?
  27. How do you ping?

What is another word for train?

locomotive intercity
wagonUS railway train
night train boat train
rolling stock carriage
stock underground

What is a antonym for train?

Antonyms. stand still synchronise consecrate falsify. Synonyms. coach exercise.

What’s another word for train station?

railroad station; railroad terminal; train station; train depot; terminal; terminus; depot.

What is a terminus?

1 : either end of a transportation line or travel route also : the station, town, or city at such a place : terminal. 2 : an extreme point or element : tip the terminus of a glacier. 3 : a final goal : a finishing point. 4 : a post or stone marking a boundary.

What subway means?

: an underground way: such as. a : a passage under a street (as for pedestrians, power cables, or water or gas mains) b : a usually electric underground railway.

What is the meaning of terminal?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a(1) : leading ultimately to death : fatal terminal cancer. (2) : approaching or close to death : being in the final stages of a fatal disease a terminal patient.

What’s another word for terminal illness?

In this page you can discover 5 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for terminally-ill, like: , on the critical list, in critical condition, on-one-s-deathbed and at-death-s-door.

Does terminal mean death?

What does terminal illness mean? A terminal illness is a disease or condition which can’t be cured and is likely to lead to someone’s death. It’s sometimes called a life-limiting illness.

What is terminal in Short answer?

A terminal is the point at which a conductor from a component, device or network comes to an end. A terminal may simply be the end of a wire or it may be fitted with a connector or fastener.

What is Telnet full form?

Telnet stands for Teletype Network, but it can also be used as a verb; ‘to telnet’ is to establish a connection using the Telnet protocol.

What are types of terminal?

For FreeBSD, there are three kinds of terminals: Dumb terminals. PCs acting as terminals. X terminals….The remaining subsections describe each kind.

  • 1.1. Dumb Terminals. Dumb terminals are specialized pieces of hardware that let you connect to computers over serial lines.
  • 1.2. PCs Acting As Terminals.
  • 1.3. X Terminals.

What is a terminal coding?

In short, the terminal allows us to accomplish and automate tasks on a computer without the use of a graphical user interface (GUI), but instead using a command-line interface (CLI). This means that if you want to access a folder or create a new file, for example, you don’t have to go clicking around.

Is CMD a terminal?

Agreeing that cmd is not a terminal emulator, whether it is a shell depends upon your expectations. Microsoft refers to it as a command interpreter. As a command interpreter (including a variety of built-in features — see Command-line reference A-Z), it is able to interpret scripts.

What are the commands for terminal?

17 Terminal commands every user should know

  • Change Directory. Command: cd.
  • Listing Directory. Command: ls.
  • Open files. Command: open.
  • Copy a file to another directory. Command: cp.
  • Move a file. Command: mv.
  • Create a text file. Command: touch.

What is the terminal useful for?

Using a terminal allows us to send simple text commands to our computer to do things like navigate through a directory or copy a file, and form the basis for many more complex automations and programming skills.

What is difference between console and terminal?

The console is typically the primary interface for managing a computer, eg while it is still booting up. A terminal is a session which can receive and send input and output for command-line programs. The console is a special case of these. The shell is a program which is used for controlling and running programs.

What language does terminal use?

A terminal itself is a program, a command-line interface. Most are written in C or C++. The programs called from the terminal are executable files, they can be many things : compiled programs (usually C or C++), scripts specific to the terminal, scripts in an interpreted language like python or perl.

How do you use terminal effectively?

Ctrl+a, Ctrl+e — Beginning of line, end of line Very often, we want to move the caret to the beginning or end of the line. This is done with Ctrl+a (beginning of line) and Ctrl+e (end of line). If you integrate these 4 key bindings in your workflow, you will be more effective in moving your caret than most people.

Can I write code in terminal?

The terminal is the actual interface to the console that you can type and execute text based commands. You can enter commands after the command prompt. Keep in mind that you cannot access source code through a terminal. The terminal is used to execute commands that allow you to do a certain task.

How do I get Emacs in terminal?

At your shell prompt, type emacs and hit enter. Emacs should start up. If not, it is either not installed or not in your path. Once you’ve seen Emacs, you need to know how to exit.

How do you use command line?

Click on Command Prompt in the Windows System section. Hold the special Windows key on your keyboard and press the “X” key. Choose “Command Prompt” from the pop-up menu. Hold the Windows key and press the “R” key to get a “Run” window.

How do I open command line?

Windows: On Windows 10, open the start menu and go to the shortcuts folder called “Windows System”. Pressing the dropdown menu should reveal a shortcut to open the Command Prompt application. Right click on the shortcut, press “More”, and press “Run as Administrator”.

What is command line application?

Command Line Applications (aka CLI applications or simply CLIs – for Command Line Interface) are programs that you interact with entirely through your terminal and shell. They have no graphics or visual interface beyond what you see in your terminal after you run the program.

How do I open a command line?

Press Windows+R to open “Run” box. Type “cmd” and then click “OK” to open a regular Command Prompt. Type “cmd” and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open an administrator Command Prompt.

How do I set up command line?

To set up the AWS CLI

  1. Download and configure the AWS CLI. For instructions, see the following topics in the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide:
  2. Add a named profile for the administrator user in the AWS CLI config file.
  3. Verify the setup by typing the following help command at the command prompt.

What are OS commands?

OS command injection (also known as shell injection) is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary operating system (OS) commands on the server that is running an application, and typically fully compromise the application and all its data.

How do you ping?

In Windows, hit Windows+R. In the Run window, type “cmd” into the search box, and then hit Enter. At the prompt, type “ping” along with the URL or IP address you want to ping, and then hit Enter.

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