Another word for to be found out

  • 1
    found out

    разоблаченный, раскрытый

    Новый англо-русский словарь > found out

  • 2
    found out

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > found out

  • 3
    be found out

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > be found out

  • 4
    be found out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > be found out

  • 5
    get found out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > get found out

  • 6
    be found out

    Новый англо-русский словарь > be found out

  • 7
    to found out a town

    основать (построить) город

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to found out a town

  • 8
    FOFO (Found Out? Fuck off)

    Общая лексика:

    Выяснил? (теперь) Отъебись!

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > FOFO (Found Out? Fuck off)

  • 9
    I have found out all about it

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I have found out all about it

  • 10
    an animal not found out of Europe

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > an animal not found out of Europe

  • 11
    he has been found out

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he has been found out

  • 12
    we found out that he was gone

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > we found out that he was gone

  • 13
    what the old man said when he found out about it was nobody’s business

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > what the old man said when he found out about it was nobody’s business

  • 14
    The real character of a man is found out by his amusements.


    Истинный характер человека можно определить по тому, как он развлекается. Reynolds (Рейнольдс).

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > The real character of a man is found out by his amusements.

  • 15
    out of


    he took a handkerchief out of his pocket — он вынул носовой платок из кармана

    is there a way out of it? — есть ли из этого выход?

    she looked at him out of the corner of her eye — она украдкой посмотрела на него

    2) вне, за (пределами); вы-

    an animal not found out of Europe — животное, не встречающееся за пределами Европы

    in another year he will be out of the army — через год он вернётся из армии

    when I am out of here… — когда я уеду отсюда…

    the words were hardly out of my mouth when… — не успел я произнести эти слова, как…

    3) от

    the camp is six miles out of town — лагерь находится в шести милях от города

    1) вне, за

    2) от, не, в; :

    out of breath — запыхавшийся; задыхающийся

    out of the ordinary — необычный, особенный

    out of place — не на (своём) месте; неуместный

    out of order — не в порядке, неисправный, испорченный

    out of one’s mind /head/ — лишившийся рассудка

    3) :

    to be out of fashion — быть немодным; выйти из моды; устареть

    3. из, от

    out of pity — из /от/ жалости

    out of spite — по злобе, со злости

    4. из

    out of stone [glass] — из камня [стекла]

    she made a dinner out of hors-d’oeuvres — на обед она подала разные закуски

    2) из

    he was not long out of a theatre school — он недавно окончил театральную школу /-ое училище/

    3) :

    4) из

    we picked our puppy out of that litter — мы выбрали себе щенка из того помёта

    2) из

    what did you get out of his lecture? — что вы вынесли из его лекции?

    7. :

    he is out of money — у него нет денег /кончились деньги/

    8. у, из

    to get money out of smb. — вымогать у кого-л. деньги; выуживать /выманивать/ у кого-л. деньги

    can good ever come out of evil? — разве зло приводит к добру?; ≅ на чужом несчастье счастья не построишь

    9. :

    to make a good living out of painting — зарабатывать на жизнь продажей картин

    to talk /to argue/ smb. out of smth. — отговорить кого-л. от чего-л.

    to laugh smb. out of smth. — насмешками заставить кого-л. отказаться от чего-л.

    to frighten smb. out of his wits — напугать кого-л. до смерти

    to reason smb. out of his fears — рассеять чьи-л. страхи; убедить кого-л., что опасения напрасны

    to be out of it — а) быть непричастным; чувствовать себя посторонним; б) чувствовать себя неуютно; among these young people I feel that I am out of it — в компании этих молодых людей я чувствую себя неуютно; в) не понимать что к чему, быть не в курсе

    to be well out of it — удачно избежать чего-л. [ тж. out of it]

    сочетания см. под соответствующими словами

    НБАРС > out of

  • 16

    1. n парл. разг. оппозиция

    2. n спорт. аут

    3. n спорт. команда, которая в данный момент не отбивает

    4. n спорт. что-то неправильное; то, что не в порядке; недостаток

    5. n спорт. амер. разг. отговорка, оправдание, предлог, причина

    ease out — выживать; спровадить под благовидным предлогом

    6. n спорт. амер. разг. выход; решение

    7. n полигр. пропуск; то, что пропущено

    8. n полигр. пропущенное слово

    9. n полигр. диал. экскурсия, прогулка

    10. a внешний; наружный

    11. a крайний, отдалённый

    12. a необычного размера, большой

    13. a незанятый, свободный

    free out — свободно от выгрузки; свободная выгрузка

    14. a потерявший; освобождённый, уволенный

    15. a неизбранный, непереизбранный

    out party — партия, потерпевшая поражение на выборах

    16. a выключенный; потушенный

    17. a отсутствующий; имеющийся в недостаточном количестве

    18. a вышедший из моды, из употребления

    all out — от всей души; изо всех сил

    19. a потерпевший убыток

    20. a спорт. находящийся вне игры

    eat out — питаться, столоваться вне дома

    21. a действующий или происходящий в другом месте

    22. a рваный, продранный

    23. a в обмороке; в бесчувственном состоянии

    24. a тех. потерявший точность, смещённый; вышедший из строя

    25. v выгнать, выставить, изгнать

    cast out — выгнать, выбросить; заставить уйти

    sling out — выгнать, вышвырнуть; прогнать

    26. v гасить, тушить

    27. v спорт. разг. нокаутировать

    28. v спорт. сл. уложить на месте, убить

    29. v спорт. вывести из игры, удалить с поля

    30. v спорт. разг. выходить, отправляться на прогулку, пикник, экскурсию

    31. v спорт. разг. рассказать, высказать; разболтать

    hear out — выслушать; дать высказаться

    whip out — сказать резко и неожиданно; выкрикнуть

    32. v спорт. раскрыться, обнаружиться, всплыть

    33. prep амер. из; за

    34. prep амер. разг. вдоль, по

    shrink out — декатировать; усаживать под утюгом

    35. int спорт. аут!

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. escape (noun) escape; excuse; explanation; means of escape; way out

    3. eject (verb) boot out; chase; chuck; dismiss; eject; evict; extrude; kick out; throw out

    5. get out (verb) break; come out; get out; leak; transpire

    6. absent (other) absent; at lunch; busy; gone; left; not in; on vacation

    8. away from (other) away from; from; from within; out from; out of; out toward

    9. disqualified (other) disqualified; down; fanned; in the field; put out; retired; struck out

    12. outside (other) exposed; external; extraneous; extrinsic; open; out of doors; outdoors; outer; out-of-doors; outside; unconcealed; withoutdoors

    14. to completion (other) accomplished; completely; ended; finished; fulfilled; over; to completion; totally

    15. unconscious (other) comatose; insensate; insensible; out cold; senseless; unconscious

    English-Russian base dictionary > out

  • 17
    out of

    1. phr prep изнутри; из

    when I am out of here … — когда я уеду отсюда …

    the words were hardly out of my mouth when … — не успел я произнести эти слова, как …

    2. phr prep вне

    out of order — не в порядке, неисправный, испорченный

    3. phr prep из, от

    4. phr prep из; в

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. sold out (other) depleted; exhausted; gone; not in stock; sold out

    English-Russian base dictionary > out of

  • 18

    имя прилагательное:


    учреждать (establish, set up, Institute, constitute, found, start)

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > found

  • 19

    1. n геол. поиск, разведка

    2. v основывать; закладывать

    3. v основывать, учреждать; создавать

    4. v учредить на свои средства; создать фонд для содержания

    to found a college — учредить колледж, выделив на это соответствующий фонд

    5. v создавать, быть основателем, основоположником

    6. v обосновывать, подводить основу; класть в основу

    7. v редк. основываться, опираться

    8. v плавить, выплавлять

    9. v лить, отливать

    10. v варить стекло

    11. a снабжённый всем необходимым; обеспеченный жильём и питанием

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. discovered (adj.) detected; discovered; encountered; located; met; no longer lost; rescued; retrieved; unearthed

    2. caught (verb) caught; descried; detected; encountered; espied; hit on; hit upon; met with; turned up

    3. found (verb) chance on; come across; come on; found; happen on; light on; run across; run into; stumble on

    4. gave/given (verb) delivered; dished out; dispensed; fed; furnished; gave/given; handed; handed over; provided; supplied; transferred; turned over

    6. rest (verb) base; bottom; build; establish; ground; predicate; rest; root in; seat; stay

    8. start (verb) constitute; create; establish; institute; organise; organize; originate; set up; start

    English-Russian base dictionary > found

  • 20
    out in the cold


    1. в дураках, ни при чем, на бобах, при пиковом интересе

    2. одинокий, отверженный, брошенный, изгнанный

    Everybody made plans for Christmas Day and Mary found herself out in the cold.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > out in the cold

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    phrasal verb



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    Synonyms for Found out. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

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    Synonyms for Found out. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

    determine; find; ascertain. learn; hear; get word; get wind; pick up; get a line; discover; see. check; watch. catch out; detect; observe; find; discover; notice.

    Is found out or find out?

    The the usual grammar is find out + [noun phrase] and find out + [subject/verb]. Find out is a phrasal verb, and the past tense is found out.

    What does find out about mean?

    : to become aware of (something) Her mother found out about her smoking habit.

    How do you use the word found out in a sentence?

    found out in a sentence

    1. We would not have found out about Watergate without Deep Throat.
    2. I found out soon enough it was none of the above.
    3. But he found out too late the whole dam was rotten.
    4. When I found out about what happened I started to cry.
    5. I found out about the Bathhouse by reading American Theatre Magazine,

    What is the phrasal verb of find out?

    find out something (about something/somebody) to get some information about something or someone by asking, reading, etc. She’d been seeing him for a while, but didn’t want her parents to find out.

    What is the antonym of found out?

    What is the opposite of found out?

    misplaced lost
    displaced mislaid
    displanted dropped
    misfiled forgot
    misset forgot whereabouts of

    Have we found out meaning?

    1 : to learn by study, observation, or search : discover. 2a : to catch in an offense (such as a crime) the culprits were soon found out. b : to ascertain the true character or identity of the informer was found out. intransitive verb. : to discover, learn, or verify something I don’t know, but I’ll find out for you.

    How do you use found?

    Found sentence example

    1. We just found out. …
    2. She found him in the living room reading the newspaper. …
    3. It was a good thing he found it so amusing. …
    4. I’m glad he found a car for you. …
    5. Yesterday, when I was digging in it, I found a box full of gold and jewels. …
    6. About this time I found out the use of a key.

    Is found out a verb?

    find out (that): Her parents found out that she had a boyfriend. … find out Definitions and Synonyms.

    present tense
    he/she/it finds out
    present participle finding out
    past tense found out
    past participle found out

    What’s the definition of salable?

    : capable of being or fit to be sold : marketable.

    What part of speech is out in find out?

    Out can be an adverb, a preposition, a noun, a verb or an adjective.

    What is the meaning of figured out?

    Definition of figure out transitive verb. 1 : discover, determine try to figure out a way to do it. 2 : solve, fathom figure out a problem. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About figure out.

    When we use find and found?

    3 Answers. If you presume they have already looked at the list, use found. If you would like them to review the list, but they haven’t done so, use find.

    What is the difference between found and founded?

    The word ‘found’ is the past tense of the verb find. For example: a. … The word ‘founded’ is the part tense of the verb found which means to establish / set up.

    How did you find out meaning?

    find out about (something) This means to learn about something for the first time. It also carries the sense that you have discovered something that other people might not know about. This band is awesome! How did you find out about them?

    What is the past tense of find out?

    The past tense of find out is found out. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of find out is finds out. The present participle of find out is finding out.

    What are the 10 phrasal verbs?

    10 + Phrasal Verbs You Can Use Every Day

    • Ask out to ask someone out on a date. …
    • Ask around ask a number of people for information or help. …
    • Bring down make unhappy, to be sad. …
    • Come across give, find out, produce, find out by chance. …
    • Clean up tidy, organise things. …
    • Come from originate from a place.

    What are examples of idioms?

    The most common English idioms

    Idiom Meaning
    Beat around the bush Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable
    Better late than never Better to arrive late than not to come at all
    Bite the bullet To get something over with because it is inevitable
    Break a leg Good luck

    What can I write instead of found out?

    found out

    • ascertained,
    • caught on (to),
    • discovered,
    • got on (to),
    • heard,
    • learned,
    • realized,
    • saw,

    What is a nicer word for fat?

    big, bulging, bulky, chunky, heavy, hefty, inflated, large, meaty, obese, plump, well-fed, fatty, greasy, lucrative, flesh, grease, lard, blimp, bovine.

    What is the synonym of found?

    establish, set up, start, begin, get going, initiate, institute, put in place, form, create, bring into being, launch, float, originate, develop, inaugurate, constitute, endow.

    What does the tin say?

    It does exactly what it says on the tin was originally an advertising slogan in the United Kingdom, which then became a common idiomatic phrase. It colloquially means that the name of something is an accurate description of its qualities. … The phrase is also commonly known and used in Ireland.

    Will be sorted out meaning?

    Definition of sort out 1 : to understand or find (something, such as a reason or a solution) by thinking I’m trying to sort out a way to do it. 2 : to find an answer or solution for (something) He’s still trying to sort out his problems. We need to get these problems sorted out as soon as possible.

    What is Quicken expedite?

    transitive verb To relieve of impediments; to facilitate; to accelerate the process or progress of; to hasten; to quicken.

    Have found meaning?

    It means it was true in the past, it is true now, and you tend to believe that It will be true in the future. I’ve found this quote to be true means you realized it’s true in the past. jakesamz.

    What is the difference between find out and figure out?

    To find out implies that the answer exists elsewhere, and through research or investigation, you will get that existing answer. To figure something means to apply logic and reason. To figure out implies that you will determine the answer yourself without outside help, often through trial and error.

    Is Found a past tense?

    Found is the past tense and past participle of find. When an institution, company, or organization is founded by someone or by a group of people, they get it started, often by providing the necessary money.

    • ascertain
    • catch
    • detect
    • determine
    • disclose
    • expose
    • hear
    • identify
    • observe
    • realize
    • reveal
    • see
    • uncover
    • catch on
    • divine
    • note
    • perceive
    • unearth
    • unmask

    On this page you’ll find 46 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to find out, such as: ascertain, catch, detect, determine, disclose, and expose.

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    TRY USING find out

    See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

    How to use find out in a sentence

    Suppose you wish to find out what words will translate the date of the settlement of Jamestown, Va., 1607.


    One of us better head in for the Crossin’ an’ find out for sure if any uh them fellers come t’ the camp, an’ what he wanted there.


    We shall have to pretend to do some gun practice, and drop a shell on to its surface to find out.


    He halted to investigate and find out what was wrong, and at that moment a startled cry came from Clip.


    Though he knew it was risky he determined to stop and find out where he was and to inquire the shortest way to Palmyra.


    See if you can find out something about the great herds of bison that used to live in this country.


    «How that fire passed the guards I don’t know, but there will be time to find out later,» he said to Dane.


    What does your mother do, when she wants to find out whether the flatiron is hot enough to iron?



    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • catch on
    • check
    • check out
    • check up on
    • confirm
    • determine
    • dig
    • discover
    • divine
    • double-check
    • establish
    • eye
    • eyeball
    • find out
    • fix
    • get down cold
    • get down pat
    • get hold of
    • get it down
    • get the hang of
    • identify
    • learn
    • learn the ropes
    • make certain
    • make sure
    • peg
    • pick up
    • pick up on
    • read
    • see
    • settle
    • size
    • size up
    • tell
    • verify
    • catching on
    • checking
    • checking out
    • checking up on
    • confirming
    • determining
    • digging
    • discovering
    • divining
    • double-checking
    • establishing
    • eyeballing
    • eyeing
    • finding out
    • fixing
    • getting down cold
    • getting down patting
    • getting hold of
    • getting it down
    • getting the hang of
    • identifying
    • learning
    • learning the ropes
    • look-seeing
    • making certain
    • making sure
    • pegging
    • picking up
    • picking up on
    • reading
    • seeing
    • settling
    • size up
    • sizing
    • telling
    • verifying
    • analyze
    • ascertain
    • audit
    • balance account
    • candle
    • case
    • compare
    • confirm
    • correct
    • count
    • enquire about
    • eyeball
    • find out
    • frisk
    • go through
    • investigate
    • keep account
    • look at
    • look over
    • make sure
    • monitor
    • note
    • overlook
    • probe
    • prove
    • quiz
    • review
    • scout out
    • scrutinize
    • study
    • take stock
    • tell
    • test
    • try
    • verify
    • anticipate
    • apprehend
    • ascertain
    • behold
    • descry
    • detect
    • determine
    • difference
    • differentiate
    • discover
    • discrepate
    • discriminate
    • distinguish
    • divine
    • espy
    • extricate
    • figure out
    • find out
    • focus
    • foresee
    • get a load of
    • get the picture
    • get wise to
    • judge
    • know
    • make distinction
    • make out
    • note
    • notice
    • observe
    • perceive
    • pick out
    • read
    • remark
    • rubberneck
    • secern
    • see the light
    • see through
    • separate
    • severalize
    • spot
    • take in
    • view
    • ascertain
    • authorize
    • base
    • certify
    • circumstantiate
    • confirm
    • constitute
    • corroborate
    • decree
    • determine
    • disambiguate
    • discover
    • enact
    • find out
    • formulate
    • learn
    • legislate
    • make
    • make out
    • predicate
    • prescribe
    • prove
    • ratify
    • rest
    • show
    • stay
    • substantiate
    • validate
    • verify
    • ascertains
    • authorizes
    • bases
    • certifies
    • circumstantiates
    • confirms
    • constitutes
    • corroborates
    • decrees
    • determines
    • disambiguates
    • discovers
    • enacts
    • finds out
    • formulates
    • learns
    • legislates
    • makes
    • makes out
    • predicates
    • prescribes
    • proves
    • ratifies
    • rests
    • shows
    • stays
    • substantiates
    • validates
    • verifies

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    What is another word for found out?

    113 synonyms found


    [ fˈa͡ʊnd ˈa͡ʊt], [ fˈa‍ʊnd ˈa‍ʊt], [ f_ˈaʊ_n_d ˈaʊ_t]

    Table of Contents

    • adj.

      established (adjective)

      • more identified,
      • more validated,
      • more demonstrated,
      • most identified,
      • most ascertained,
      • most validated,
      • more authenticated,
      • most corroborated,
      • most demonstrated,
      • un-deniable,
      • most objectified,
      • most achieved,
      • most substantiated,
      • more ascertained,
      • up held,
      • more concluded,
      • un deniable,
      • more achieved,
      • more substantiated,
      • more objectified,
      • most authenticated,
      • up-held,
      • most concluded,
      • more corroborated.

      exposed (adjective)

      • un masked,
      • more unsealed,
      • un-sheltered,
      • un-concealed,
      • de bunked,
      • most unsealed,
      • most debunked,
      • most resolved,
      • dis-covered,
      • more unhidden,
      • most revealed,
      • most divulged,
      • un-masked,
      • most unveiled,
      • un-hidden,
      • un hidden,
      • dis covered,
      • most denuded,
      • ex posed,
      • more solved,
      • more resolved,
      • more unveiled,
      • un veiled,
      • un concealed,
      • most peeled,
      • de fined,
      • more bared,
      • dis closed,
      • un-protected,
      • on spot,
      • de-bunked,
      • more revealed,
      • un protected,
      • re-solved,
      • more divulged,
      • more disclosed,
      • ex-posed,
      • more peeled,
      • most defined,
      • un-sealed,
      • more defined,
      • de-fined,
      • more denuded,
      • more unmasked,
      • un-veiled,
      • un sheltered,
      • un sealed,
      • dis-closed,
      • most disclosed,
      • most unmasked,
      • more debunked,
      • most unhidden,
      • most solved,
      • most bared.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • Upheld,
      • unhidden,
      • established,
      • made manifest,
      • on the spot,
      • exposed,
      • laid bare,
      • on display,
      • unprotected,
      • for show,
      • on view,
      • uncovered,
      • dug up,
      • stripped,
      • unveiled.

      uncovered (adjective)

      • made public.
    • v.

      ascertained (verb)

      • assured,
      • demonstrated,
      • verified,
      • confirmed,
      • certified,
      • ascertained,
      • proven,
      • determined,
      • proved,
      • Audited,
      • checked,
      • substantiated,
      • double checked.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • discovered,
      • heard,
      • learned,
      • laid up,
      • Learnt,
      • detected.

    How to use «Found out» in context?

    According to Freud, what we call ‘the unconscious’ is actually just a lot of things that we’ve ignored or refused to face in our lives. For example, our inner critic. Or the fact that there might be things we don’t want to know about ourselves. When these things are pushed to the edge, we might ‘find out’ about them. For example, we might have a panic attack in public, or come out of the closet. In both of these cases, the person was forced to deal with something that was hidden and had been fighting against for a long time.

    Word of the Day




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    English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. find out

      Of human actions or character, detect is used, almost without exception, in a bad sense; discover may be used in either the good or the bad sense, oftener in the good; he was detected in a fraud; real merit is sure to be discovered. In scientific language, detect is used of delicate indications that appear in course of careful watching; as, a slight fluttering of the pulse could be detected. We discover what has existed but has not been known to us; we invent combinations or arrangements not before in use; Columbus discovered America; Morse invented the electric telegraph. Find is the most general word for every means of coming to know what was not before certainly known. A man finds in the road some stranger’s purse, or finds his own which he is searching for. The expert discovers or detects an error in an account; the auditor finds the account to be correct. Compare DISCERN.

      See synonyms for HIDE.

      ascertain, descry, detect, discern, disclose, discover, expose, ferret out, find, invent

    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

    1. determine, find, find out, ascertainverb

      establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study

      «find the product of two numbers»; «The physicist who found the elusive particle won the Nobel Prize»

      influence, detect, recover, settle, ensure, square up, find oneself, hear, shape, get, get hold, fix, find, retrieve, get word, square off, rule, notice, regulate, determine, see, get wind, come up, define, specify, line up, assure, control, encounter, happen, watch, receive, feel, incur, mold, observe, get a line, see to it, make up one’s mind, witness, decide, catch out, pick up, ascertain, obtain, bump, limit, set, learn, regain, chance, discover, insure, check

    2. learn, hear, get word, get wind, pick up, find out, get a line, discover, seeverb

      get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally

      «I learned that she has two grown-up children»; «I see that you have been promoted»

      turn around, ensure, read, pick up, collar, unwrap, key out, reveal, look, experience, get word, visualise, come upon, watch, assure, memorise, fancy, intoxicate, go steady, distinguish, disclose, learn, chance upon, receive, instruct, run into, discover, light upon, escort, try, perk, fall upon, lift up, con, uplift, reckon, give away, take heed, consider, gain vigor, study, name, come across, get a line, elate, collect, chance on, bring out, divulge, take care, let on, control, ascertain, insure, attend, date, realize, check, peck, interpret, meet, image, larn, gather up, strike, take, catch, see to it, cop, see, listen, construe, regard, visualize, describe, picture, find, catch out, call for, perk up, visit, identify, view, project, percolate, arrest, let out, hear, realise, go out, envision, happen upon, determine, take in, nab, get wind, nail, encounter, figure, acquire, examine, expose, break, witness, understand, detect, teach, key, run across, attain, memorize, go through, notice, observe, apprehend

    3. determine, check, find out, see, ascertain, watch, learnverb

      find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort

      «I want to see whether she speaks French»; «See whether it works»; «find out if he speaks Russian»; «Check whether the train leaves on time»

      encounter, ensure, take, read, hold in, jibe, look out, look, experience, tick off, visualise, square up, watch, gibe, assure, image, hold, run across, moderate, look on, learn, checker, condition, check out, run into, discover, regulate, escort, keep an eye on, stop, examine, pick up, memorize, visit, hear, chequer, observe, fix, mold, consider, study, con, tally, come across, regard, define, get a line, suss out, instruct, get wind, check off, check over, take care, watch out, match, check up on, control, look into, ascertain, mark, insure, attend, date, realize, go over, train, check, hold back, specify, interpret, meet, go out, witness, memorise, set, fancy, catch, decide, construe, see, discipline, square off, limit, visualize, picture, find, catch out, go through, take in, correspond, curb, view, influence, project, watch over, fit, arrest, check into, follow, contain, get word, envision, determine, larn, make up one’s mind, retard, crack, turn back, go steady, figure, acquire, see to it, break, understand, delay, teach, reckon, shape, settle, tick, realise, agree, mark off

    4. find out, catch outverb

      trap; especially in an error or in a reprehensible act

      «He was caught out»; «She was found out when she tried to cash the stolen checks»

      see, ascertain, get wind, find, discover, get a line, check, hear, catch out, watch, pick up, learn, get word, determine

    How to pronounce find out?

    How to say find out in sign language?

    How to use find out in a sentence?

    1. David Echeverri López:

      It is the first time that we are implementing this procedure. We are going to follow up and monitor it to find out how successful it can be.

    2. Donald Trump:

      They use other people, too, what am I going to do? I have to say what I have to say. And you (know) what I have to say? There’s a problem. We have to find out what is a problem. And we have to solve that problem.

    3. The President:

      So Christopher Wray was put there. We have an election coming up. I wish he was more forthcoming, he certainly hasn’t been. There are documents that they want to get, and we have said we want to get. We’re going to find out if he’s going to give those documents. But certainly he’s been very, very protective.

    4. Joe Biden:

      We’ll find out what they do, but, in the meantime, we’re going to keep strong the sanctions, we’re going to continue to provide the Ukrainian military with the capacity to defend themselves, and we’re going to continue to keep a close eye on what’s going on.

    5. Reporterthat Kloots:

      I think the plan today is to do a scan with ink to light up his lungs so that they can get a better picture of whats going on, they want to find out from this culture what the fungus is so that they can specifically give the right medication to attack that fungus.

    Translations for find out

    From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

    • اكتشفArabic
    • zjistitCzech
    • finde ud af, undersøgeDanish
    • erfahren, herausfindenGerman
    • sciiĝiEsperanto
    • averiguar, descubrirSpanish
    • selvittää, saada selvilleFinnish
    • savoir, découvrirFrench
    • faigh a-machScottish Gaelic
    • rájön, kitalálHungarian
    • komast að, komast á snoðir umIcelandic
    • scoprireItalian
    • 見出す, 調べる, 分かる, 発見Japanese
    • rescisco, experiorLatin
    • ຊອກຮູ້Lao
    • дознаваMacedonian
    • ontdekken, uitvinden, onderzoekenDutch
    • dowiedzieć sięPolish
    • descobrirPortuguese
    • обнаружить, узнать, узнаватьRussian
    • ta reda påSwedish
    • anlamak, ortaya çıkarmakTurkish
    • find outUkrainian

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    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    целью установить


    Whoever ghosted your computer wanted to be found out.

    That remains to be found out individually.

    Только в индивидуальном порядке это можно узнать.

    Time so needs to be found out what can threaten our life and working capacity and to protect the only source of income.

    Раз так — нужно выяснить, что может угрожать нашей жизни и трудоспособности, и защитить свой единственный источник дохода.

    Almost like someone begging to be found out.

    The person wants to be found out.

    Or you are and you want to be found out.

    They do… but secrets are made to be found out with time.

    With this test has to be found out whether a plastic is to be classed into the categories of rigid or flexible plastics.

    Это испытание имеет целью установить принадлежность пластика к категории жестких или гибких пластиковых материалов.

    What the characters of the four sisters were we will leave to be found out.

    Каковы же характеры у четырех сёстер были, мы оставим для выяснения.

    I don’t want to be found out.

    Now it remains to be found out and proven who [was responsible for] the attack.

    We do not care to be found out.

    We want them to be found out.

    The cure has to be found out depending on the situation of energy in your body.

    How much we are courageous, that is to be weighed and to be found out.

    Сколь мы мужественны, это нужно взвесить и определить.

    Our true nature has to be found out.

    And I really don’t want to be found out.

    Though she hadn’t expected to be found out so quickly.

    Однако женщина не рассчитывала, что ее так быстро найдут.

    Those «facts» remain to be found out.

    That thread means he’s about to be found out.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 79. Точных совпадений: 79. Затраченное время: 282 мс


    Корпоративные решения




    Справка и о нас

    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

    Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

    More information on these guidelines can be found out at the DNV-GL website.


    context icon

    Дальнейшую информацию об этих правилах можно найти на вебсайте компании DNV- GL.


    context icon

    Therefore, other causes must be found out justifying the percentage of infant mortality rate.


    context icon

    Следовательно, нужно искать другие причины, обусловливающие уровень младенческой смертности.



    Legal solutions should be found out for the registration of children born abroad,



    registered under different names and of the children who do not live with their own parents;


    context icon

    Необходимо найти правовое решение проблемы регистрации, родившихся за

    границей детей, записанных под различными фамилиями и не проживающих с родителями;




    only one truth, and the fate of those kidnapped must be found out, while those responsible for it must


    identified and punished.

    context icon

    Правда может быть только одна, и мы должны узнать судьбу пропавших людей, найти и наказать виновных в этом.

    Lady de Clifford

    feared the Prince Regent’s rage should they be found out, but Princess Caroline


    delighted by her daughter’s passion.

    context icon

    Леди Клиффорд боялась гнева принца- регента, если их обнаружат, но принцесса Каролина была в восторге от страстности своей дочери.

    Detailed knowledge about the PROMOTIC system that cannot be found out by self-study or during proceeding.


    context icon

    Подробные сведения о системе PROMOTIC, которые невозможно узнать при самостоятельном обучении или в течении переговоров.


    They meet regularly, but



    aware that the law would treat both of them harshly should they be found out.

    context icon

    Они встречались регулярно,

    хоть и отдавали отчет, что закон будет к ним безжалостен, если их обнаружат.

    Speed does not smell, there


    no changes in a body from speed,

    context icon

    Скорость не пахнет, нет никаких изменений в теле от скорости,

    I will not


    surprised, if it will suddenly be found out that among attacking settlement there


    also cops, sorry, polizei-men.


    context icon

    Не удивлюсь, если вдруг выяснится, что в числе нападавших на поселок были и менты, пардон, полицаи.


    In principle, it may be found out that the quantum theory


    incorrect in its present form….

    context icon

    В принципе, может выясниться, что квантовая теория в ее теперешней форме неправильна….



    told, he hasn’t composed his song yet- family life has done away with more than one talent,

    as can be found out in the series,»Lives of Notable People.

    context icon

    Правда, песню он так еще и не сочинил- ведь семейная жизнь загубила не один талант,

    o чем можно узнать из cepии» Жизнь замечательных людей.

    Also, the cost of transportation can be find out with the»Request a rate» button.


    context icon

    Также выяснить стоимость перевозки можно при помощи кнопки» Запросите ставку.


    The origin of arrears should be find out and write them off in a relevant way.

    context icon

    Откуда эти суммы? Нужно выяснить происхождение долга и соответственно его списать.

    context icon

    Когда Рас узнает, что ты предал Лигу.

    context icon

    Или мы все вместе увязнем в этом, или нас обнаружат и уничтожат!

    But our number-one priority is finding out. What the kgb knows about this.

    context icon

    Но наш главный приоритет- выяснить, что в КГБ знают об этом.

    context icon

    Получая одитинг, он все больше узнает о себе и о жизни.


    Now, what we have got to do is find out who his mystery source


    context icon

    Сейчас нам надо выяснить, кто этот его загадочный источник.

    context icon

    Важно выяснить, кто оставил эту метку в покоях Марии.

    Then the best thing we can do for her is find out who killed her.

    context icon

    Тогда лучшее, что мы можем для нее сделать, выяснить, кто ее убил.

    Maybe the creature, or whatever it is, found out Billy had some information on it.

    context icon

    Возможно, существо, чем бы оно ни было, узнало, что Билли обладает какой-то информацией.

    The most essential differences are found out between inulinases from Aspergillus fumigatus and Arthrobacter sp.


    context icon

    Самые существенные отличия обнаружены между инулиназами из Aspergillus fumigatus и Arthrobacter sp.


    context icon

    Он выяснил, что его мать занимается сексом.

    context icon

    context icon

    Он разузнал о прошлом Михаила и он в бешенстве.

    context icon

    Дэрмот узнал результат поединка.- Боже.

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