Another word for this example



Other Ways to Say FOR EXAMPLE: List of 26 Powerful Synonyms for For Example


For example synonym! What is another word for for example? List of 26 important synonyms for for example with examples sentences and images. Learning these for example synonyms will help you enhance your vocabulary and your essay writing skill in English.

For example Synonym

List of Synonyms for For example

“For example” is a transition word that shows the addition to other ideas in a sentence or paragraph. Learn useful list of 26 synonyms for for example in English.

  • As a sample
  • As a case in point
  • As an example
  • As an illustration
  • As an illustration of
  • As an instance
  • As for instance
  • As shown in the text
  • By way of example
  • By way of illustration
  • For instance
  • i.e.
  • e.g.
  • In other words
  • In particular
  • Including
  • Like
  • Namely
  • Specifically
  • Take for example
  • Take one example
  • That is
  • That is to say
  • To be specific
  • To give an example
  • To give an instance

Another word for For example | Infographic

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Other Ways to Say For example

Other Ways to Say For example with Examples

Learn another word for “for example” with example sentences.

  • As an example

As an example, they have broken the purchasing activity into teams.

  • As an illustration

Take the direct marketing of financial products as an illustration.

  • As an illustration of

As an illustration of this point, I’m going to tell you a true story.

  • As an instance

As an instance, they have broken the purchasing activity into teams.

  • As for instance

Some can swim, as for instance, fishes, molluscs, and crustaceans, such as the crawfish.

  • By way of example

By way of example, he suggests a threat by a debtor not to pay the 100 he owes her.

  • By way of illustration

By way of illustration, I’ll refer to the behavior of rabbits.

  • As a case in point

The treatment of the Manchu Emperor may be taken as a case in point.

  • For instance

In the electronics industry, for instance, 5000 jobs are being lost.

  • i.e.

The price must be more realistic, i.e. lower.

  • e.g.

They keep animals, e.g. goats and cattle.

  • In other words

In other words, humans are sometimes spookier than the critters.

  • Including

I’ve got three days’ holiday including New Year’s Day.

  • Like

Many polymers like nylon, are artificial.

  • Namely

Three students were mentioned, namely John, Sarah and Sylvia.

  • Take for example

Take for example, someone using affirmations to lose weight.

  • Take one example

Take one example, the role played by the monarch.

  • That is

We hope to grow old, yet we fear old age; that is, we are willing to live, and afraid to die. 

  • That is to say

That is to say, he has not won any more major championships.

  • To be specific

To be specific, the argument in your graduation thesis is logical.

Synonyms for For example with Examples | Infographic

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As a writer, I’m hypersensitive to reusing words. If I write «That sounds great» in the first sentence of an email, I won’t sign off with «Have a great weekend.»

For Example Synonym: Image shows a stack of thesaurus books.

Yet even if you’re not as nitpicky as me (I hope you’re not as nitpicky as me), mixing up the phrases you use is a good idea. This habit makes you a better speaker and writer and helps you avoid sounding repetitive. Whether you’re in a meeting, drafting an email, talking on a sales call, giving a presentation, or writing a memo, using strong, persuasive, varied language gets your point across more effectively.

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I’ve already written about alternatives for a number of common phrases, but what about «for example»? This one may come up most of all.

Without further ado, here are 13 different ways to say «for example.»

For Example’ Synonym Phrases

  1. «For instance …»
  2. «To give you an idea …»
  3. «As proof …»
  4. «Suppose that …»
  5. «To illustrate …»
  6. «Imagine …»
  7. «Pretend that …»
  8. «To show you what I mean …»
  9. «Let’s say …»
  10. «Case in point …»
  11. «e.g.»
  12. «Such as …»
  13. «In particular …»

1. «For instance …»

«For example» and «for instance» can be used interchangeably.

  • «Our product has several features your reps will love; for instance, they can schedule a series of emails …»

2. «To give you an idea …»

Use this phrase to introduce a use case or example.

  • «The right training program will ‘stick’ for months and months. To give you an idea, Abel Co.’s sales team’s average productivity rate per rep increased by 30% in the first quarter after our workshop — and it’s stayed within two percentage points ever since.»

3. «As proof …»

After you make a point, say «as proof» followed by an anecdote or statistic.

  • «Unhealthy snacks might be hurting employee satisfaction more than you’d think. As proof, HereNow’s eNPS score went up 10 points once we revamped their office ‘pantry.'»

4. «Suppose that …»

This phrase makes your listener the star of the story, which helps grab and keep their attention.

  • «Surprisingly, most salespeople spend the majority of their day on non-selling tasks. Suppose that all the time you currently spend in your CRM could be put toward emailing, calling, and meeting with prospects.»

5. «To illustrate …»

When you want to prove your point, try this expression.

  • «Everyone needs a good cybersecurity strategy — even if you’re not in a ‘risky’ industry. To illustrate, we just protect a client in the consumer pet space, of all things, from an extremely sophisticated attack that would’ve taken every single one of their 100 stores offline for hours, maybe even days.»

6. «Imagine …»

Asking the other person to imagine themselves in a relevant situation makes them likelier to believe you.

  • «Imagine every single franchise you own doubled their sales. What impact would that have on your life?»

7. «Pretend that …»

Along similar lines, «Pretend XYZ happened» is another effective alternative to «for example.»

  • «Onboarding has a huge impact on your retention rate. Pretend new employees could spend their first 10 days learning about your product, team, culture, and customers. What impact would that have on their performance?»

8. «To show you what I mean …»

If you’re using content — like a customer testimonial, video, blog post, case study, press release, etc. — to prove your point, this phrase comes in handy.

  • «Millennials work harder when they feel they are contributing to a larger purpose. To show you what I mean, here’s an article about what happened when we rolled out a ‘Danco Cares’ internal marketing campaign.»

9. «Let’s say …»

«Let’s say» is a folksy alternative to «imagine» or «suppose.»

  • «Let’s say you could attract five times more people to your website.»

10. «Case in point …»

For the times you’ve made a bold claim and need to back it up with the perfect example, go for «case in point …»

  • «It might sound too good to be true, but simply adding more recycle bins can make your restaurant produce far less trash. Case in point: We put three bins inside Pita Palace’s Westwood location and removed one trash bin, and waste decreased by 13.9%.»

11. «e.g.»

This Latin abbreviation (which is always lowercase) means «for example.»

  • «You have a lot of opportunity to grow, e.g., it doesn’t sound like you’ve optimized your pricing page in years.»

12. «Such as …»

If you need to illustrate a certain point, use «such as » to explain further.

  • «Clients who used the Standard CRM saw positive changes for their sales teams, such as productivity increases of 15% and a 40% increase in sales revenue.»

13. «In particular …»

Is there a certain section of your message you’d like to emphasize? If so, try using «in particular» to highlight the areas of emphasis.

  • «With a custom email sending IP address, your email strategy will reap many benefits. In particular, you’ll see an improvement in email deliverability.«

With 13 alternatives to choose from, you’ll never have to use «for example» again and again … well, again. To learn more, check out this follow-up thank you email next.

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.4 / 5 votes

  1. example

    From its original sense of sample or specimen (Latin exemplum) example derives the seemingly contradictory meanings, on the one hand of a pattern or model, and on the other hand of a warning — a sample or specimen of what is to be followed, or of what is to be shunned. An example, however, may be more than a sample or specimen of any class; it may be the very archetype or prototype to which the whole class must conform, as when Christ is spoken of as being an example or leaving an example for his disciples. Example comes nearer to the possible freedom of the model than to the necessary exactness of the pattern; often we can not, in a given case, exactly imitate the best example, but only adapt its teachings to altered circumstances. In its application to a person or thing, exemplar can scarcely be distinguished from example; but example is most frequently used for an act, or course of action, for which exemplar is not used; as, one sets a good (or a bad) example. An exemplification is an illustrative working out in action of a principle or law, without any reference to its being copied or repeated; an example guides, an exemplification illustrates or explains. Ensample is the same as example, but is practically obsolete outside of Scriptural or theological language. Compare MODEL; SAMPLE.

    archetype, ensample, exemplar, exemplification, ideal, model, pattern, precedent, prototype, sample, specimen, standard, type, warning

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.7 / 3 votes

  1. example

    sample, specimen, pattern, model, copy, illustration, in, stance, issue, development

    stock material, substantial, law, rule, character, principle, system, quality, case

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:4.2 / 5 votes

  1. example, illustration, instance, representativenoun

    an item of information that is typical of a class or group

    «this patient provides a typical example of the syndrome»; «there is an example on page 10»

    representative, congressman, object lesson, good example, instance, lesson, exemplar, case, voice, congresswoman, illustration, deterrent example, model, exemplification, interpreter, spokesperson, exercise

  2. model, examplenoun

    a representative form or pattern

    «I profited from his example»

    role model, mannequin, theoretical account, fashion model, exercise, modeling, instance, lesson, manikin, exemplar, case, representative, illustration, poser, deterrent example, modelling, mannikin, model, good example, object lesson, framework, manakin, simulation

  3. exemplar, example, model, good examplenoun

    something to be imitated

    «an exemplar of success»; «a model of clarity»; «he is the very model of a modern major general»

    representative, mannequin, illustration, simulation, modelling, instance, lesson, modeling, manikin, exemplar, fashion model, case, mannikin, role model, theoretical account, poser, deterrent example, model, good example, object lesson, framework, manakin, exercise

  4. example, deterrent example, lesson, object lessonnoun

    punishment intended as a warning to others

    «they decided to make an example of him»

    good example, object lesson, deterrent example, lesson, case, illustration, exemplar, representative, model, exercise, instance, moral

  5. case, instance, examplenoun

    an occurrence of something

    «it was a case of bad judgment»; «another instance occurred yesterday»; «but there is always the famous example of the Smiths»

    deterrent example, type, font, instance, object lesson, pillow slip, case, eccentric, pillowcase, guinea pig, lesson, fount, casing, exemplar, character, event, subject, cause, good example, causa, representative, slip, compositor’s case, caseful, grammatical case, face, showcase, illustration, exercise, vitrine, display case, sheath, typeface, typesetter’s case, model, lawsuit, suit, shell

  6. exercise, examplenoun

    a task performed or problem solved in order to develop skill or understanding

    «you must work the examples at the end of each chapter in the textbook»

    representative, physical exercise, usage, use, practice, deterrent example, instance, lesson, drill, practice session, utilisation, case, utilization, employment, illustration, exemplar, exercising, model, good example, object lesson, recitation, workout, physical exertion, exercise

Matched Categories

    • Lesson
    • Representation

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. precedent

    model; an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances

    Submitted by anonymous on March 8, 2021  

  2. morphosis

    gives you clue

    Submitted by rinat on September 10, 2019  

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. examplenoun

    sample, specimen, exemplification, model, pattern, prototype, copy, archetype, exemplar, precedent instance, illustration, case

    Associated words:
    exemplify, exemplification, exemplary, praxis

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «example»:

    instance, examples, illustration, sample, eexample, exemple, model, case, ejemplo, such, ‘exemple, e.g., beispiel

Suggested Resources

  1. example

    Song lyrics by example — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by example on the website.

How to pronounce example?

How to say example in sign language?

How to use example in a sentence?

  1. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley:

    Seventy percent of us are earning the same or less than we did 10 years ago, and that’s the first time that this has happened this side of World War II, so there are many people in the Republican Party who fall victim, if you will, to leaders who want to blame other people. And Donald Trump’s racist rants against all Mexican immigrants being the latest example of that, anger and fear.

  2. Penn State President Eric Barron:

    This gives a chance to see engineering in real life, to watch a race and see engineering play out, all sorts of opportunities we can use to promote STEM education, seeing Penn State on that car is a tremendous sense of pride, and this is just a perfect example of taking advantage of all our opportunities.

  3. Yusef Bey:

    I grew up on Marion Barry. I was able to see his effect on Washington from my early years, i love the man and his work. He was an example for humanity — what can be done.

  4. Viraphonh Viravong:

    For example, in Thailand, they are more than willing to buy cheaper hydropower from Laos to replace gas-fired power projects … so I don’t notice any slowdown in power projects.

  5. Anthony Scaramucci:

    That’s very was outrageous, an example of Scandal Inc. nonsense and the politics of personal destruction here, don’t like it at all, to be candid.

Translations for example

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • مثل, أمثولةArabic
  • миҫал, өлгөBashkir
  • прыклад, узо́рBelarusian
  • модел, образец, примерBulgarian
  • exempleCatalan, Valencian
  • příkladCzech
  • enghraifftWelsh
  • eksempelDanish
  • Vorbild, Exempel, BeispielGerman
  • παράδειγμαGreek
  • ekzemploEsperanto
  • ejemplo, ejemplarSpanish
  • adibide, ereduBasque
  • مثالPersian
  • harjoitustehtävä, [[varoittava]] [[esimerkki]], esikuva, esimerkkiFinnish
  • exempleFrench
  • samplaIrish
  • exemploGalician
  • דֻּגְמָהHebrew
  • नमूना, मिसाल, उदाहरणHindi
  • egzanpHaitian Creole
  • példa, precedens, példányHungarian
  • օրինակArmenian
  • exemploInterlingua
  • misalIndonesian
  • dæmiIcelandic
  • esempioItalian
  • 例え, 例, 例題Japanese
  • მაგალითიGeorgian
  • 예, 보기, 例Korean
  • نمونه‌Kurdish
  • exemplum, exemplarLatin
  • pavyzdysLithuanian
  • piemērs, paraugsLatvian
  • примерMacedonian
  • contoh, misalMalay
  • နမူနာBurmese
  • voorbeeldDutch
  • døme, eksempelNorwegian
  • exempleOccitan
  • przykładPolish
  • exemploPortuguese
  • exempluRomanian
  • приме́р, примерRussian
  • primjer, пример, primer, примјерSerbo-Croatian
  • príkladSlovak
  • primer, zgled, primerekSlovene
  • shembullAlbanian
  • exempel, övningsexempel, föredöme, illustrativt exempelSwedish
  • mfano, mifanoSwahili
  • எடுத்துக்காட்டுTamil
  • örnek, ibretTurkish
  • ürnäk, mísalTatar
  • при́кладUkrainian
  • مثالUrdu
  • ví dụVietnamese
  • Chinese

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Nine “For Example” Alternatives

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“For example” is a phrase you might often use in your writing. Below, we’ll share nine formal and informal alternatives that you can use instead.

For example in formal writing / Another Way To Say For Example / Other words for for example in an Essay

“For example” is an extremely common phrase.
  • For example is a phrase used “to introduce something chosen as a typical case” or “introduce something that proves something is true.”
    • My dog, Oso, is learning many new tricks. For example, he can sit, stay, and lie down.
  • For example can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.
  • Two alternatives of for example are: for instance and e.g.

“For Example” Definition and Placement

For example is a phrase often found in essays, articles, and many other types of texts. It’s used to introduce or emphasize something that supports what you’re writing about. This phrase can be found in the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.

Many movies were adapted from books. For example, The Wizard of Oz was a popular novel before it hit the big screen.

Many movies were adapted from books. The Wizard of Oz, for example, was a popular novel before it hit the big screen.

Many movies were adapted from books—The Wizard of Oz was a popular novel before it hit the big screen, for example.

When at the beginning of a sentence, for example should be followed by a comma. In the middle of a sentence, a comma should be placed before and after. And when for example is at the end of a sentence, a comma is only needed before.

When you’re writing, you may find yourself using this phrase often. If you’re looking for alternatives, you’ve come to the right place. Below, we’re going to give you nine alternatives and let you know if they’re better suited for formal or casual writing.

Nine Alternatives for “For Example”

Not every alternative can be used exactly like for example. Because of that, it’s important to keep in mind that using some of the alternatives listed below might require restructuring the sentence a bit. We’ll show you how to do this with the examples.

1. For instance

For instance is a near-identical synonym to for example. This phrase is used to introduce an example that helps illustrate your point. It’s used the same way as for example.

There are many things I like about hiking. For example, the exercise plus the views I encounter keep me coming back!

There are many things I like about hiking. For instance, the exercise plus the views I encounter keep me coming back!

Best for: More often seen in formal writing, but can also be used in informal writing.

2. Namely

Namely helps present a specific example.

Your work has been extremely beneficial to this company. For example, your sales have brought in record profits.

Your work has been extremely beneficial to this company, namely your sales that have brought in record profits.

Best for: Formal writing

3. To give you an idea

To give you an idea helps your readers visualize and conceptualize the point you are trying to make.

The brain is extremely powerful. For example, some studies have shown that visualization can indeed help you reach your goals.

The brain is extremely powerful. To give you an idea, some studies have shown that visualization can indeed help you reach your goals..

Best for: Mostly used in informal writing, but can sometimes be used in formal writing.

4. By way of illustration

This phrase is typically found in professional and academic settings. If you like this option, but want something more concise, you can try to illustrate instead.

Many inventions changed the course of human history. For example, the printing press allowed for the rapid and widespread circulation of knowledge and news.

Many inventions changed the course of human history. By way of illustration, the printing press allowed for the rapid and widespread circulation of knowledge and news.

Best for: Formal writing

5. In particular

In particular helps point out a specific example. This phrase can be at the beginning of a sentence (with a comma after) or at the end of a sentence (with no comma preceding it).

There are many things I enjoyed when I traveled to Italy. For example, I loved trying various kinds of pasta.

There are many things I enjoyed when I traveled to Italy. In particular, I loved trying the various kinds of pasta.


There are many things I enjoyed when I traveled to Italy. I loved trying the various kinds of pasta in particular.

Best for: Formal and informal writing

6. Examples include

This phrase is similar to for example except that it makes it clear you are introducing multiple examples. Examples include is always found at the beginning of a sentence.

Some animals mate for life—beavers, gray wolves, and bald eagles, for example.

Some animals mate for life. Examples include beavers, gray wolves, and bald eagles.

Best for: Formal and informal writing

7. E.g.

This abbreviation comes from Latin and means “exempli gratia,” which means “for the sake of the example.” The abbreviation e.g. is always separated by commas or parentheses and is always lowercase. If you’re putting it within parentheses, the abbreviation must still be followed by a comma.

Some dogs are considered hypoallergenic. Take Poodles, for example.

Some dogs are considered hypoallergenic, e.g., Poodles.


Some dogs are considered hypoallergenic (e.g., Poodles).

Best for: Formal writing

8. Such as

Such as is another alternative that helps illustrate or emphasize a certain point.

Disney has many classic movies—Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and The Lion King, for example.

Disney has many classic movies such as Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, and The Lion King.

Best for: Informal writing

9. Case in point

This alternative is perfect for professional and academic settings. There are two ways it could be used:

Countless people go undiagnosed for years. For example, William was diagnosed 15 years after his symptoms first appeared.

Countless people go undiagnosed for years. Case in point: William was diagnosed 15 years after his symptoms first appeared.


Countless people go undiagnosed for years. A case in point is William, who was diagnosed 15 years after his symptoms first appeared.

Best for: Formal writing

Don’t Forget About Proper Spelling and Grammar

For example and other alternatives like it help enhance the flow of your text. They serve as a marker that informs your readers that what you write next helps prove or support your message.

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What is another word for For example?

  • for instance

    as an illustration

  • like

    as an illustration, for instance

  • such as

    as an illustration, for instance

  • to illustrate

    for instance, as an illustration

  • by way of illustration

    for instance, as an illustration

  • namely

    in particular

  • as an illustration

    for instance

  • as an example

  • that is

  • exempli gratia

  • in particular

  • as

  • to cite an instance

  • in other words

  • par exemple

  • to give an example

  • to give an instance

  • for one

  • among other things

  • -like

  • that is to say

  • specifically

  • explicitly

  • to be exact

  • to be precise

  • to wit

  • especially

  • particularly

  • specially

  • videlicet

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From above of half of sliced ripe grapefruit with tampon in center showing use of feminine product during menstruation Black and Silver Round Coin on White Paper White Printer Paper on Brown Wooden Table Black and White Knit Cap From above of crop anonymous female demonstrating on sliced ripe grapefruit correct use of tampon against blue background Black Textile on White Paper

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Synonyms for For example. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from

Synonyms for For example. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for For example. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023.

What is another word for “for example”? The useful list of for example synonyms is here. It contains accurate other and similarly related words for “for example” in English.

For Example Synonyms

Other Ways to Say “For Example”

  • Like
  • Additionally
  • As a sample
  • Such as
  • In addition to
  • By way of example
  • By way of illustration
  • Likewise
  • For instance
  • In other words
  • Also
  • To illustrate
  • Examples include
  • Let’s say…
  • As an example
  • Note well
  • As an example being
  • Namely
  • Pretend that
  • Take for example
  • In particular
  • To be specific
  • Especially
  • E.g.
  • That is
  • One example is
  • As seen in
  • Case in point
  • In a similar case
  • Take one example
  • Including
  • To give an example
  • To give an instance
  • Specifically
  • That is to say
  • As proof
  • Suppose that
  • Imagine
  • If you look at
  • These include

Examples of For Example Synonyms

As a sample

  • As a sample of offenders, the course participants have more in common with prisoners than probationers.

Such as

  • Wildflowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.

By way of example

  • By way of example, think of what is pictured in the law of action and reaction.


  • The clams were delicious. Likewise, the eggplant was excellent.

For instance

  • You cannot rely on her; for instance, she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.

In other words

  • In other words, I had something to aim for, an immediate goal.

To illustrate

  • To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story.

Examples include

  • Examples include factory automation and large on-line financial networks.

Let’s say…

  • You could learn the basics in, let’s say, three months.

As an example

  • As an example, take the consumption function model discussed in sections 3.2 and 3.3.


  • The book was inspired by a real person, namely Tamara de Treaux.

Pretend that

  • Pretend that the reader is standing by your desk.

Take for example

  • Take for example the item right at the top of my list right now.

To be specific

  • To be specific, the argument in your graduation thesis is logical.


  • I like games in general, and especially football.


  • You should eat more food that contains a lot of fiber, e.g. fruit and vegetables.

That is

  • We’re leaving on 2 March, that is, Friday.

One example is

  • One example is the display and circuit in the Duracell battery tester.

As seen in

  • The default editor interface will then appear, as seen in the first picture.

Case in point

  • Williams’ career is a case in point.

Take one example

  • Take one example, the role played by the monarch.


  • He has admitted committing several crimes, including two murders.


  • Several people, specifically Tom, Mike, and Joan have agreed.

That is to say

  • That is to say, they are designed as tiers of managerial levels.


  • Imagine that you have just won a million pounds.

If you look at

  • If you look at the painting close up you can see that it’s fake.

These include

  • These include benefits and tax calculations and personal problems.

Another Word for “For Example” | Infographic

List of For Example Synonyms

For Example Synonyms

Last Updated on April 14, 2021

How is the word example distinct from other similar nouns?

Some common synonyms of example are case, illustration, instance, sample, and specimen. While all these words mean «something that exhibits distinguishing characteristics in its category,» example applies to a typical, representative, or illustrative instance or case.

a typical example of bureaucratic waste

When could case be used to replace example?

While in some cases nearly identical to example, case is used to direct attention to a real or assumed occurrence or situation that is to be considered, studied, or dealt with.

a case of mistaken identity

When would illustration be a good substitute for example?

The meanings of illustration and example largely overlap; however, illustration applies to an instance offered as a means of clarifying or illuminating a general statement.

a telling illustration of Murphy’s Law

Where would instance be a reasonable alternative to example?

In some situations, the words instance and example are roughly equivalent. However, instance applies to any individual person, act, or thing that may be offered to illustrate or explain.

an instance of history repeating itself

When is sample a more appropriate choice than example?

Although the words sample and example have much in common, sample implies a part or unit taken at random from a larger whole and so presumed to be typical of its qualities.

show us a sample of your work

When might specimen be a better fit than example?

The words specimen and example can be used in similar contexts, but specimen applies to any example or sample whether representative or merely existent and available.

one of the finest specimens of the jeweler’s art

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