Another word for thinking about you


  • #1

Is there any difference between the two expressions: Thinking of you and Thinking about you? I have found songs with both of them.


    • #2

    I would say so.

    «Thinking about you» means that you’re actually thinking thoughts about a person.

    «Thinking of you» to me has a couple of meanings. One is more like «Something reminded me of you.» For example, let’s say your favorite ice cream is strawberry banana swirl. Then I could say, «I went to the supermarket and thought of you when I saw they had strawberry banana swirl ice cream.»

    Another meaning for «Thinking of you» is related to the word «thoughtful.» For example, let’s say I bought you some strawberry banana swirl ice cream. You could then say, «Thanks for thinking of me.»

    Hope this helps!


    • #3

    Thanks, and you were very helpful and it’s sound very reasonable.

    One of the songs I have seen is «Thinking of you» by Hanson. It goes like that:
    «…You’ll be on my mind
    I’ll be thinking of you the whole time…»

    Is it compatible with your suggestion?

    • #4

    Hmm, guess not. I guess «thinking of you» can also mean «thinking about you» but not vice versa?


    • #5

    I was thinking about you:

    About the color of your hair

    About your eyes

    About your figure

    About your height

    About your intelligence

    About etc.

    I was thinking of you:

    I closed my eyes and my mind drifted, and all I could think of was you.

    (No dissection of the person involved).


    • #6

    Is there any difference between the two expressions: Thinking of you and Thinking about you? I have found songs with both of them.


    This is a nice question (because I don’t know how to answer:D)

    Here goes sentences I am familiar with:
    —I think about you all the time.
    —I am thinking of you right now.
    —I think about the way you smile.
    —I think of the words you said.

    Hmmmmm……I really don’t see the difference here………

    What is another word for Think about?

    • consider

      ponder, believe

    • contemplate

      consider, ponder

    • meditate

      consider, ponder

    • ponder

      consider, wait

    • deliberate

      consider, ponder

    • entertain


    • think of

    • mull over

      consider, wonder about

    • study

      ponder, wonder about

    • toy with


    • ruminate

      mull over, agonize over

    • weigh

      think, wait

    • think over

      mull over, to ruminate

    • debate

      wait, discuss

    • reflect

      mull over, agonize over

    • revolve

    • examine

    • muse

      wonder about, agonize over

    • reflect on

    • discuss

      talk over

    • reflect upon

    • flirt with

    • regard

      favor, believe

    • cogitate

    • give thought to

    • chew over

    • analyze

      come to understand

    • see


    • reckon

      believe, think

    • conceive


    • meditate on

    • evaluate

    • appraise

    • digest

      to ruminate

    • tolerate


    • ponder over

      to ruminate

    • feel

      think, endure

    • allow


    • permit

    • judge


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    • v.

      bat around (verb)

      • discuss.

      brood (verb)

      • mope,
      • grieve,
      • worry,
      • sigh,
      • consider,
      • sweat over,
      • bleed,
      • chafe inwardly,
      • ponder,
      • lament,
      • mull over,
      • reflect,
      • be in brown study,
      • fret,
      • dwell upon,
      • sulk,
      • gloom,
      • sweat out,
      • repine,
      • deliberate,
      • daydream,
      • meditate,
      • despond,
      • dream,
      • languish,
      • ruminate,
      • think upon,
      • muse,
      • speculate,
      • stew over,
      • eat one’s heart out,
      • think about.

      chew the cud (verb)

      • digest,
      • mull something over,
      • ponder over,
      • chew the fat,
      • converse.

      digest (verb)

      • contemplate,
      • take in,
      • study,
      • assimilate,
      • master,
      • think over,
      • grasp,
      • analyze.

      have (verb)

      • must,
      • see,
      • be up to,
      • let,
      • tolerate,
      • rest with,
      • experience,
      • should,
      • become,
      • entertain,
      • allow,
      • be forced to,
      • sustain,
      • undergo,
      • suffer,
      • be one’s duty to,
      • fall on,
      • leave,
      • put up with,
      • be compelled to,
      • ought,
      • enjoy,
      • permit,
      • feel,
      • meet with,
      • know,
      • need.

      heeding (verb)

      • Heeding,
      • taking notice of,
      • caring about,
      • Scrutinizing,
      • paying attention to,
      • taking seriously,
      • concentrating on,
      • studying,
      • attending,
      • Minding,
      • watching.

      hesitate (verb)

      • equivocate,
      • shift,
      • dally,
      • fumble,
      • sit on fence,
      • delay,
      • stutter,
      • balk,
      • fluctuate,
      • hedge,
      • stop,
      • alternate,
      • shrink,
      • hold back,
      • swerve,
      • linger,
      • pussyfoot,
      • stammer,
      • balance,
      • demur,
      • hang back,
      • straddle,
      • be reluctant,
      • hang,
      • stumble,
      • hold off,
      • shy away,
      • pause,
      • waffle,
      • pull back,
      • weigh,
      • dither,
      • tergiversate,
      • falter,
      • vacillate,
      • defer,
      • hem and haw,
      • hover,
      • debate,
      • oscillate,
      • waver,
      • seesaw,
      • blow hot and cold,
      • doubt,
      • think twice,
      • dillydally,
      • scruple,
      • be unwilling,
      • flounder,
      • be irresolute.

      puzzle (verb)

      • ask oneself,
      • rack one’s brains,
      • cudgel,
      • brood,
      • think hard,
      • marvel.

      take into account (verb)

      • bear in mind,
      • allow for,
      • include,
      • take into consideration.

      view (verb)

      • judge,
      • reckon,
      • regard,
      • look on,
      • deem.

      weigh (verb)

      • evaluate,
      • think out,
      • rate,
      • reflect upon,
      • sort out,
      • appraise,
      • examine,
      • rehash,
      • sweat,
      • estimate,
      • track,
      • Perpend,
      • give thought to,
      • mind,
      • hash over,
      • brainstorm,
      • excogitate.
    • Other synonyms:

      Other relevant words:

      • absorb,
      • account.

    How to use «Thinking about» in context?

    I really enjoy thinking about things. When I’m not at work or school, I’m usually thinking about something. I wouldn’t say I’m an intelligent person, but I do like to think about things. It’s fun to figure things out, and it’s a great way to relax. Even if I don’t figure out anything, just thinking about things is usually enjoyable.

    Word of the Day



    Nearby words

    • thinkableness
    • thinker
    • thinkers
    • thinkin
    • thinking
    • Thinking about
    • ‘tween decks
    • (take) offence
    • (that’s a) good question
    • (the) best of luck
    • (the) more fool you/him/her etc.


    • THINKING ABOUT synonyms at
    • THINKING ABOUT synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
      — THINKING ABOUT synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of THINKING ABOUT
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for THINKING ABOUT

    thinking about you — перевод на русский

    I won’t even think about it.

    Я даже думать об этом не буду.

    — I prefer not to think about it.

    — Я не хочу думать об этом.

    I didn’t have the ability to think about it then.

    Тогда я еще не был способен думать об этом.

    And I don’t dare think about it.

    Я боюсь и думать об этом.

    — I don’t wanna think about it.

    — Я не хочу думать об этом.

    Показать ещё примеры для «думать об этом»…

    I need to think about it.»

    Мне надо подумать.»

    I’d like a little more time to think about it.

    Я хотел бы ещё подумать.

    You’ll have to give me a little time to think about it.

    Вам придётся дать мне время подумать.

    Someone offered me a job as a traveling salesman. I said I’d think about it.

    Мне предложили место и жалованье, но я взял время подумать.

    If you think about it, your Problems will be fixed.

    Если вы попытаетесь подумать, вы поймете, в чем ваша вина.

    Показать ещё примеры для «подумать»…

    Please give me time to think about it.

    Позвольте мне все обдумать.

    Can I think about it, boss?

    Я могу всё обдумать, босс?

    Just let me think about it.

    Просто дай мне всё обдумать.

    I must think about it.

    Я должен это обдумать.

    — I must think about it.

    -Мне надо это обдумать.

    Показать ещё примеры для «всё обдумать»…

    And I don’t like pale ale, brown ale, nut brown ale, porter or stout, which makes me «ulp» just to think about it.

    И я не люблю светлый эль,.. …черный эль, ореховый эль, портер и стаут. Меня мутит от одной мысли от них.

    It’s got me jittery just thinking about it. Suppose something like that happened to my husband.

    Я трясусь от одной мысли, что что-то подобное может случиться с мужем.

    If I thought about it enough, I could really build it up into a production.

    Если я достаточно разовью эти мысли, они могут стать новым сюжетом.

    You forced me to think about you.

    Вы меня сами навели на эти мысли.

    Murray, really, have you ever thought about it?

    Тебе когда-нибудь приходили в голову подобные мысли?

    Показать ещё примеры для «мысли»…

    Have you ever thought about it?

    Вы когда-нибудь задумывались об этом?

    Fascinating idea, blank check, if you ever stop to think about it.

    Замечательная идея, эти чеки, если Вы когда-нибудь задумывались об этом.

    Haven’t you ever thought about it at all?

    Ты вообще задумывался об этом?

    You must have thought about it, Emiliano.

    Ты должно быть задумывался об этом, Эмилиано.

    Think about it?

    Задумывалась о чем?

    Показать ещё примеры для «задумывались об этом»…

    I was just thinking about you.

    Я как раз вспоминала о тебе.

    When I think about it even now, I get chills.

    У меня до сих пор мурашки, когда я об этом вспоминаю.

    I know you haven’t thought about us.

    Я знаю, Вы, наверное и не вспоминали о нас.

    I don’t like to think about it.

    Не люблю ее вспоминать.

    It’s just that whenever I’m with a really first-class newsman, I get furious thinking about you.

    Каждый раз, когда я в компании с первоклассным журналистом, я прихожу в ярость, вспоминая о тебе.

    Показать ещё примеры для «вспоминала о тебе»…

    Instead of doing a job, you sit around, thinking about your wives.

    Вместо того, чтобы делать дело, сидите, размышляете о своих женах.

    I’ve been thinking about him a great deal lately, and you know what?

    Я много размышляла в последнее время, и знаешь, что я придумала?

    — I thought about it.

    — Я размышлял об этом.

    He’s thinking about it.

    Он размышляет.

    One day, thinking about it, I realized that if each human could be reduced in size, say, 1/10 Everything that one needs would automatically have increased 10 times.

    Однажды, размышляя над этим, я подумал, что если бы человечество уменьшилось бы, например, до 1/10 то все, что ему необходимо, автоматически как бы увеличилось бы 10-кратно.

    Показать ещё примеры для «размышляете о своих»…

    I wasn’t thinking about my dance card!

    Страшно вспомнить.

    Yes, many times. But whenever I think about it, my mind becomes so confused.

    Да… но всякий раз как я пытаюсь вспомнить эти встречи, мои мысли путаются.

    (Hammering) how could you know how many toes that cub had? sir… but I found him the next day… and I got to thinking about my grandfather… and totems… and legends… and the first thing I knew I had that cub hogtied… and was heading for high country. Turned him loose up there.

    сколько пальцев было у того детеныша? и я вспомнил своего деда и тогда я связал медвежонка чтобы отпустить его там. чем скотовод.

    Yeah, it makes me laugh just to think about it.

    Я, как об этом вспомню, всегда ржу.

    After all, when you think about it!

    Как вспомню об этом!

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    Table of Contents

    1. What is another word for being nervous?
    2. What is it called when you worry about something?
    3. What is the 333 rule for anxiety?
    4. What is the overthinking?
    5. Why do Overthinkers overthink?
    6. Can overthinking kill brain cells?
    7. Can depression kill brain cells?
    8. Can stress cause mental illness?
    9. How do I get a diagnosis for mental illness?
    10. Can mental health be cured?
    11. What triggers bipolar?
    12. Can bipolar people tell they are bipolar?
    13. What are 4 signs of bipolar disorder?
    14. What is a bipolar person like?

    What is another word for worry about?

    What is another word for being nervous?

    What is another word for nervous?

    agitated anxious
    apprehensive overwrought
    tense timid
    uptight jittery
    taut unsettled
    think agonize over
    meditate deliberate
    mull over muse
    ruminate reflect
    think about meditate on

    What is it called when you worry about something?

    What Is GAD? Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. You might worry about things like health, money, or family problems. But people with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) feel extremely worried or feel nervous about these and other things—even when there is little or no reason to worry about them.

    What is the 333 rule for anxiety?

    Follow the 3-3-3 rule. Then, name three sounds you hear. Finally, move three parts of your body — your ankle, fingers, or arm. Whenever you feel your brain going 100 miles per hour, this mental trick can help center your mind, bringing you back to the present moment, Chansky says.

    What is the overthinking?

    Overthinking is simply what its name suggests – thinking too much. Overthinking is going over the same thought again and again, analysing the simplest of situations or events until all sense of proportion has gone.

    Why do Overthinkers overthink?

    Overthinkers may have trouble distinguishing between the fear of making a mistake, which leads to overthinking to the point where they make no decision, and a deep feeling that something is wrong.

    Can overthinking kill brain cells?

    Stress can kill brain cells and even reduce the size of the brain. Chronic stress has a shrinking effect on the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning.

    Can depression kill brain cells?

    Studies show these proteins are even higher in people who’ve had untreated major depressive disorder for 10 years or longer. Uncontrolled brain inflammation can: Hurt or kill brain cells.

    Can stress cause mental illness?

    When stress becomes overwhelming and prolonged, the risks for mental health problems and medical problems increase. Long-term stress increases the risk of mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, substance use problems, sleep problems, pain and bodily complaints such as muscle tension.

    How do I get a diagnosis for mental illness?

    To determine a diagnosis and check for related complications, you may have:

    1. A physical exam. Your doctor will try to rule out physical problems that could cause your symptoms.
    2. Lab tests. These may include, for example, a check of your thyroid function or a screening for alcohol and drugs.
    3. A psychological evaluation.

    Can mental health be cured?

    Treatment can involve both medications and psychotherapy, depending on the disease and its severity. At this time, most mental illnesses cannot be cured, but they can usually be treated effectively to minimize the symptoms and allow the individual to function in work, school, or social environments.

    What triggers bipolar?

    Factors that may increase the risk of developing bipolar disorder or act as a trigger for the first episode include: Having a first-degree relative, such as a parent or sibling, with bipolar disorder. Periods of high stress, such as the death of a loved one or other traumatic event. Drug or alcohol abuse.

    Can bipolar people tell they are bipolar?

    So no, not everyone who has bipolar disorder knows they have it. There are lots of reasons why someone with bipolar disorder might not realize it—or why they might deny having it even if they do.

    What are 4 signs of bipolar disorder?

    Some symptoms that suggest a teenager might have bipolar disorder are:

    • Uncharacteristic periods of anger and aggression.
    • Grandiosity and overconfidence.
    • Easy tearfulness, frequent sadness.
    • Needing little sleep to feel rested.
    • Uncharacteristic impulsive behavior.
    • Moodiness.
    • Confusion and inattention.

    What is a bipolar person like?

    People with bipolar experience both episodes of severe depression, and episodes of mania – overwhelming joy, excitement or happiness, huge energy, a reduced need for sleep, and reduced inhibitions. The experience of bipolar is uniquely personal. No two people have exactly the same experience.

    Synonyms of ‘think about something or someone’

    I have often thought about this problem. Synonyms. ponder. He didn’t waste time pondering the question. consider.

    Then, what is another synonym for think?

    What is another word for not caring what others think?

    based carefree
    insouciant indifferent
    nonchalant unconcerned
    indifferent to what others think untroubled about what others think
    unworried about what others think free from care about what others think

    Secondly, how do you describe someone’s thoughts?

    Here are some adjectives for thoughts: terse, tense, thy habitual, tiresomely sluggish, lawless and uncertain, strange uncharted, positive, happy, thy freer, preliminary vague, uneasy, rousing, dark, nighttime, further grim, uncomfortable and yet delightful, morbid and sickening, wistful futile, impure and lustful,

    Write Your Answer

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    думать о тебе

    думать о вас

    о тебе думаю

    о тебе думал

    мысленно с вами

    мысли о тебе

    о тебе думать

    подумал о вас

    Thinking About You

    подумал о тебе


    Guess it beats sitting around thinking about you.

    Наверное, это лучше, чем просто сидеть и думать о тебе.

    I couldn’t stop thinking about you last night.

    К примеру, «Я не могу перестать думать о тебе со вчерашнего дня».

    They are not always thinking about you.

    What’s more, the user starts thinking about you better.

    Более того, пользователь начинает думать о вас лучше.

    Just thinking about you drives me mental.

    Guess it beats sitting around thinking about you.

    Наверное, это помогает мне не слоняться тут повсюду, думая о тебе.

    Obviously I am thinking about you.

    That means that she’s thinking about you.

    Which means they will be thinking about you.

    It makes you feel like somebody is thinking about you.

    It’s the image that will pop up in everyone else’s mind when thinking about you.

    Это — картина, которая появляется в головах других каждый раз, когда они думают о вас.

    Why am I thinking about you?

    I have lost many nights of sleep thinking about you and your family.

    Я провел много бессонных ночей, думая о вас и вашей семье».

    I cry every night thinking about you.

    I was just thinking about you!

    An old lover is thinking about you.

    This means that he is likely thinking about you.

    Тогда, скорее всего, он по-прежнему думает о вас.

    I hope you see it and know that I am thinking about you.

    Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты видел это и понял, что я думаю о тебе.

    I’ve been thinking about you.

    I’ve been thinking about you a lot.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат thinking about you

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