These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
There is also provision for early and late retirement with adjusted pension.
Существует также положение о досрочном и позднем выходе на пенсию с соответствующей корректировкой размера пенсии.
There is also legislation to address cases involving genocide.
Существует также законодательное положение для рассмотрения дел, связанных с геноцидом.
There is also credit card data transmitted and perhaps stored.
Есть также данные кредитной карты, переданные и, возможно, сохраненные.
There is also a poker room and jackpots.
Есть также комната для покера, казино работает по системе джекпотов.
There is also concern that nuclear material could be used in weapons.
Существует также озабоченность по поводу того, что ядерный материал может быть использован в оружии.
There is also a logical reason that men should lead.
Существует также логическая причина, по которой именно мужчина должен быть лидером.
There is also consensus that Africa poses the biggest development challenge.
Существует также консенсус в отношении того, что Африка представляет самый большой вызов в области развития.
There is also need for more HIV/AIDS programmes specifically targeting women and adolescents.
Существует также необходимость в придании программам по борьбе с ВИЧ/СПИДом более конкретной направленности на женщин и несовершеннолетних лиц.
There is also a risk the U.S.-China tariff dispute will more deeply affect manufacturing spending.
Существует также риск того, что торговый спор между США и Китаем будет более серьезно влиять на производственные расходы.
There is also a PVP (Player Vs.
There is also a tree birth story from Papua New Guinea.
Есть также история рождения, связанная с деревом, из Папуа Новой Гвинеи.
There is also a smattering of apartments.
There is also a market selling souvenirs and clothes.
Кроме того, в другой части рынка продается одежда и сувениры.
There is also no progressive jackpot.
There is also very little action.
There is also no documentary evidence for such reparation works.
В тоже время, документального подтверждения использования указанных материалов при проведении ремонтных работ нет.
There is also evidence of discrimination against teachers.
Имеются также факты, свидетельствующие о проявлении дискриминации в отношении преподавателей.
There is also the possibly glacial rate of change politically.
А так же есть вероятность резких материальных изменений и в сфере политики.
There is also increasing concern about the possible trade effects of process-related criteria.
Кроме того, все большую обеспокоенность вызывает возможное влияние на торговлю критериев, касающихся процессов производства.
There is also inadequate office space for conference-servicing staff.
Кроме того, не хватает служебных помещений для персонала по конференционному обслуживанию.
Suggestions that contain There is also
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There is also a large collection of the 19th- 20th century paintings.
Здесь также представлена большая коллекция картин XIX- XX веков.
Petrov: There is also a very interesting phase-when the poetic texts begin from
Петров: Есть еще очень интересная фаза- когда поэтические тексты начинают оттуда выходить.
There is also Insight service by SensioLabs, I wrote about in that article.
Есть еще сервис Insight от SensioLabs, о котором я писал в той же статье.
a powerful tool in creating expressive pattern variations.
Здесь также присутствует уникальных ARP режим-
мощный инструмент в создании выразительных вариаций ритмических рисунков.
There is also a shortage of professional staff specialized in the treatment of those categories of patients.
Ощущается также нехватка профессиональных работников, специализирующихся на лечении этих категорий больных.
There is also a severe lack of expertise in energy-saving technology and design.
Ощущается также острая нехватка специалистов по вопросам энергосберегающих технологий и разработок.
There is also a tagging programme to collect data on tuna populations.
There is also a project that
initiated this year in Aix-en-Provence.
Есть еще проект, зародившийся в этом году в Экс- ан- Провансе.
There is also the»Baltic Artek» camp near Kaliningrad,
and several other sites of regional importance.
Есть еще« Балтийский Артек» под Калининградом
и несколько площадок регионального значения.
On the territory of the village there is also a health resort for children who
sick with tuberculosis.
На территории поселения действует также детский противотуберкулезный санаторий.
There is also a Scythian settlement that appeared in VI century BC.
There is also networking with the Association of Chief Immigration Officers.
There is also No more cost and stock for printing materials, digital textile inks.
Там также нет более экономически и инвентарь для материалов, красок.
There is also the issue of product-based decentralization of procurement activities within some organizations.
Возникает также вопрос о товарной децентрализации закупочной деятельности в рамках некоторых организаций.
There is also currency risk involved in some of the underlying funds.
There is also some illegal immigration from Angola to the Netherlands.
The house
built on a plot of 735 m2. There is also a separate garage.
Дом построен на участке 735 м2, на котором также находится отдельный гараж.
There is also a huge diversity in local varieties for niche markets.
There is also a commodity exchange and- the financial heart of the country.
There is also the matter of protecting sensitive information supplied by States to the Prosecutor.
Возникает также вопрос сохранения конфиденциального характера информации, представляемой Прокурору государствами.
EUR The house
built on a plot of 735 m2. There is also a separate garage.
EUR Дом построен на участке 735 м2, на котором также находится отдельный гараж.
There is also an urgent need to trace those who have disappeared.
Results: 5293,
Time: 0.0571
Also Synonym! What is another word for also? Helpful list of 25+ synonyms for also with ESL infographics and example sentences. Learning these also synonyms will help you better your vocabulary and your writing skill in English.
Also Synonym
List of Synonyms for Also
Learn list of useful synonyms for also in English.
- Additionally
- Again
- Along with
- And
- And all
- As well
- As well as
- Besides
- Coupled with
- Either
- Else
- Furthermore
- In addition
- Including
- Into the bargain
- More
- More than that
- Moreover
- Otherwise
- Plus
- Second of all
- Secondly
- Still
- Then
- To boot
- Too
Learn more with the full list of transition words in English.
Another word for Also | Infographic
Another Word for Also
Another Word for Also with Examples
Learn another word for also with example sentences.
- Additionally
The birds are additionally protected in the reserves at Birsay.
- And
There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence.
- And all
Peter dipped his whole head under, hat and all.
- As well
He speaks English and Spanish as well.
- As well as
He plays classical music, as well as pop and jazz.
- Besides
I need the money. Besides, when I agree to do something, I do it.
- Coupled with
Over-use of those drugs, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration.
- Either
I don’t eat meat and my husband doesn’t either.
- Else
Marriage! Nothing else demands so much from a man!
- Furthermore
He is lazy, and furthermore, he has no sense of responsibility.
- In addition
There is, in addition, one further point to make.
- Including
She’d undergone 13 operations, including a tummy tuck.
- Into the bargain
Frank is a teacher, and an artist into the bargain.
- More
There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers.
- Moreover
It was, moreover, a waste of time.
- Otherwise
. I can’t come to dinner on Tuesday- I’m otherwise engaged .
- Plus
He’s been studying hard for exams. Plus he’s been working in a bar at night.
- Second of all
Second of all, if you are using shared data, use mutexes for both reading and writing.
- Secondly
To start with we haven’t enough money, and secondly we’re too busy.
- Still
Jackie and Bill are still trying to patch up their marriage.
- To boot
She’s an attractive woman, and wealthy to boot.
- Too
I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.
Another Word for Also with Examples | Infographic
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A complete search of the internet has found these results:
There is also is the most popular phrase on the web.
More popular!
There is also
1,160,000,000 results on the web
Some examples from the web:
- There is also a data protection problem.
- There is also the Youth Employment Initiative.
- There is also the human-rights issue.
- There is also considerable public interest in this round.
- There is also scope for significant supply-side substitution.
- There is also a major animal welfare issue at stake.
- There is also a melted VHS tape from an Arabic souvenir shop.
- There is also another partial match.
- There is also another person, with us, Signe.
- There is also the possibility that someone may have done this on purpose.
- There is also a legal risk.
- There is also a trapper in servitude who knows the marshes.
- There is also a trend towards games that are good for you.
- There is also an urgent need to speed up infringement procedures.
- There is also a huge problem of misinformation.
- There is also a risk of reducing the Commission’s right of initiative.
- There is also scope to raise the profile of European products overseas, particularly by developing niche markets.
- There is also an urgent need for investment.
- There is also a cellulose residue on everything.
- — There is also a tunnel of love.
There also is
2,560,000 results on the web
Some examples from the web:
- There is a potential for trouble here but there also is a potential for much good for the consumer.
- To support fiscal consolidation, there also is a need to put in place effective sanction procedures for individuals’ misuse of public funds, to improve the collection and processing of general government data, and to strengthen the monitoring of outstanding and planned commitments.
- There also is a set of rules.
- There also is not it?
- There also is… Di Noi, whose presence…
- There is also trade among Member States.
- There is also instability politically speaking.
- Lastly, there is also administrative liability.
- There is also an ethical risk.
- There is also the matter of social security.
- There is also greater confidence in the construction industry.
- There is also scope for significant supply-side substitution.
- There is also often confusion between Islamic injunctions and tribal traditions.
- However, there is also intolerance between different Muslim groups.
- There is also increased funding for Palestine and Kosovo.
- There is also a debate on transatlantic relations.
- There is also considerable public interest in this round.
- But there is also funding which is being pumped via Brussels back to the same rich Member States.
- Although this idea of the Commission unfortunately has a somewhat faulty basis there is also much that is positive about Marco Polo.
- There is also something coming this way.
Related Comparisons
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You don’t want to sound like everyone else, do you? In that case, you need to pick your words carefully. This is especially true for essays, as certain terms are overused all the time in academic writing. We’ve identified a few offenders here (as well as some alternatives you can use).
1. Also
‘Also’ is a great linking word. But if you use it in every other sentence, it will stand out. Luckily, there are other words you can use in its place, such as:
- In addition/Additionally
- Furthermore
- As well
- Moreover
Other linking words are available, too, but they tend to be more specific. ‘Likewise’, for instance, can be used when linking similar things, while ‘however’ introduces a contrast.
2. Said
If you’re quoting several sources, you might find yourself using ‘said’ or ‘says’ a lot. To prevent repetition, try using these alternatives:
- Claimed
- Stated
- Declared
- Argued
- Suggested
- Explained
Keep in mind that some of these are specific to particular situations. For example, it would only make sense to use ‘argued’ if the person quoted is arguing something!
It’s also worth noting that repeating ‘said’ is not always a problem. In fact, most fiction writers suggest sticking to ‘said’ or ‘says’, as using too many synonyms can be distracting.
3. Therefore
We use ‘therefore’ to show that something is the result of something else. But since essays may involve drawing lots of links and conclusions, it can be overused. You may want to use a few of these terms instead:
- As a result
- Consequently
- Accordingly
- Thus
- Hence
- For that reason
4. Including
If you’re introducing an example of something that has previously been mentioned, you might use the word ‘including’ (e.g. ‘I know many words, including…’). Other terms can be used in exactly the same way include ‘such as’ and ‘like’ (although ‘like’ is fairly informal).
You can also introduce examples with phrases like ‘for example’ or ‘for instance’.
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5. Interesting
Hopefully, your essay will be about something you find interesting. The word ‘interesting’ itself, though, is rather boring due to being overused. As such, you might need a synonym or two:
- Noteworthy
- Remarkable
- Striking
- Intriguing
- Significant
- Fascinating
Remember, though, that simply noting something as ‘interesting’ isn’t enough. In academic writing, you also need to explain why something is interesting to show off your understanding.
6. There Is/There Are/It Is
Finally, we have ‘there is’, ‘there are’ and ‘it is’. These phrases are often used to start sentences, something known as an ‘expletive construction’ (and not because they’re full of swear words). In this type of sentence, the subject comes after the verb. For instance:
There are many problems we may encounter.
The subject above is ‘we’, while the main verb is ‘are’. In standard sentences, however, the verb should come after the subject. By doing this, we can also make our writing more concise:
We may encounter many problems.
By dropping ‘there are’, we therefore make a more impactful statement.
Is Repetition Always Bad?
We’ve focused on varying your language here, but some repetition is inevitable. With technical terminology, for instance, you should always try to be consistent. And any document will use certain common words repeatedly, such as articles (e.g. a, an, the) and conjunctions (e.g. and, but, so).
As such, you don’t have to worry about repetition unless its affecting the flow of your writing. But if you’d like a second opinion on that, and help with varying your vocabulary, why not give our proofreading services a try?