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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Hence there is a need for effective water management solutions.
Таким образом, существует необходимость в использовании эффективных методов управления водными ресурсами.
It is felt that there is a need to build a larger manufacturing sector.
Sometimes, if a teenager there was a significant increase in mammary glands, there is a need for plastic surgery.
Иногда, если в подростковом возрасте возникло значительное увеличение молочных желез, возникает необходимость в пластической операции.
If the inflammatory process is complicated or the therapeutic treatment methods have not yielded the proper result, there is a need for surgical intervention.
Если воспалительный процесс носит сильный характер или терапевтические методы лечения не принесли должного результата, возникает необходимость хирургического вмешательства.
That gives the impression that there is a need for you to dodge the question.
Это создает впечатление, что есть необходимость для вас, чтобы уклониться от ответа.
If there is a need to apply a thin sting, then its diameter should not exceed 0.5 cm.
Если есть необходимость применить тонкое жало, то его диаметр не должен превышать 0,5 см.
Therefore there is a need to set up a review body.
If there is a need, just have a try.
Of course, there is a need for development.
Sometimes there is a need to spend in solitude and tranquility not only free but also working hours.
Иногда возникает необходимость провести в уединении и спокойствии не только свободное, но и рабочее время.
Kosice is an ideal place in case there is a need to take part in hearings.
Кошице — это идеальное место, если есть необходимость принять участие в слушаньях.
As a result there is a need for standardisation across the electronics industry.
Animatronics are used in the entertainment industry when there is a need to portray someone (something) that is impossible or difficult to act.
Animatronics используется в индустрии развлечений, когда есть необходимость изобразить кого-то (что-то), что невозможно или трудно действовать.
The consultations in this context showed that there is a need to strengthen consumer protection in this area.
Проведенные в этой связи консультации показали, что существует необходимость в повышении защищенности потребителей в этой сфере.
But there is a need for broader implementation within individual economies, and better coordination across borders.
Но есть необходимость более широкого внедрения в рамках отдельных стран, и улучшения координации через границы.
But if you have already held several events for your company, there is a need for a something original.
Но если вы уже провели несколько мероприятий для свой компании, то возникает необходимость в создании чего-либо оригинального.
He argues that there is a need for greater awareness of the possibility of very strong solar storms and the vulnerability of society.
Он утверждает, что существует необходимость в более глубоком осознании возможности сильных солнечных бурь и уязвимости общества.
While there is a need to protect citizens, we must also preserve our strength in diversity.
В то время как существует необходимость защиты граждан, мы должны также сохранить свои силы в многообразии.
First, there is a need that manifests itself through specific internal stimulation.
Во-первых, есть необходимость, которая проявляется через конкретные внутренние стимуляции.
Consequently, there is a need to look at the App market, which seems set for a revolution.
Следовательно, существует необходимость взглянуть на рынок приложений, который, похоже, настроен на революцию.
Предложения, которые содержат there is a need
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
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there is no need to
Персональный Сократ > there is no need to
there is no need to
English-Russian base dictionary > there is no need to
there is no need to
нет необходимостиb
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > there is no need to
there is no need
Англо-русский технический словарь > there is no need
There is no need to
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > There is no need to
there is a need to
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there is a need to
there is no need
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there is no need
there is no need to do it
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there is no need to do it
there emerged a need to …
Общая лексика: появилась необходимость в
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there emerged a need to …
there is no need
Новый англо-русский словарь > there is no need
There is no need!
Ни к чему!
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > There is no need!
There’s no need for / infinitive
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > There’s no need for / infinitive
there emerged a need to …(or for …)
Общая лексика:появилась необходимость в
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there emerged a need to …(or for …)
there is a need to examine
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there is a need to examine
there is little need to speak of (…)
Общая лексика:нет надобности говорить о
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there is little need to speak of (…)
there is no need for her to work
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there is no need for her to work
there is no need for this
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there is no need for this
there is no need for you to perch out here
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there is no need for you to perch out here
there is no need to worry
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there is no need to worry
there was a need for caution
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > there was a need for caution
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
there is no need (for someone) to do something — there is no need for something phrase used for saying that something does not have to be done or should not be done There’s no need for you to stay late – I can finish this. There’s no need for all this violence. Thesaurus: not wanted or… … Useful english dictionary
there is no need — you do not need to, you do not have to, you should not … English contemporary dictionary
NYC (There’s No Need to Stop) — Single by The Charlatans from the album Simpatico Released July 3, 2006 … Wikipedia
need — need1 W1S1 [ni:d] v 1.) [T not in progressive] to have to have something or someone, because you cannot do something without them, or because you cannot continue or cannot exist without them = ↑require ▪ You don t really need a car. ▪ Plants need … Dictionary of contemporary English
need — I n. 1) to create a need 2) to feel a need 3) to fill, meet, obviate a need 4) to satisfy a need 5) to minister to smb. s needs 6) an acute, crying, desperate, dire, pressing, urgent need 7) a basic, fundamental; biological; emotional,… … Combinatory dictionary
need — need1 [ nid ] verb *** Need can be used in the following ways: as a transitive verb (followed by a noun or pronoun object): I need a drink. Do you need anything? (followed by an infinitive with to ): She needs to rest. You don t need to worry.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
need — [[t]ni͟ːd[/t]] ♦ needs, needing, needed (Need sometimes behaves like an ordinary verb, for example She needs to know and She doesn t need to know and sometimes like a modal, for example She need know , She needn t know , or, in more formal… … English dictionary
need */*/*/ — I UK [niːd] / US [nɪd] verb Word forms need : present tense I/you/we/they need he/she/it needs present participle needing past tense needed past participle needed Summary: Need can be used in the following ways: as a transitive verb (followed by… … English dictionary
need — 1 /ni:d/ verb (transitive not in progressive) 1 MUST to feel that you must have something or must do something; require: need sth: That was what I needed strong, hot coffee. | I don t need your approval, thank you very much. | need to do sth: I… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
need*/*/*/ — [niːd] verb [T] I 1) if you need something, you must have it because it is necessary You ll need some warm clothes for the winter.[/ex] I don t need any advice from you.[/ex] I need someone to help me carry these books downstairs.[/ex] 2) used… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
need — needer, n. /need/, n. 1. a requirement, necessary duty, or obligation: There is no need for you to go there. 2. a lack of something wanted or deemed necessary: to fulfill the needs of the assignment. 3. urgent want, as of something requisite: He… … Universalium
In the sentence, there is a need/necessity to improve moral education, are need and necessity both ok?
The dictionary give very similar definition. I cannot tell them apart when used in this context.
Many thank and merry christmas!
They are both relatively interchangeable in this context, yes.
Also, merry christmas to you and happy holidays!
Yes, I think I’d go along with that. They’re both about the same in the above context.
Last edited: Nov 26, 2014
In the sentence, there is a need/necessity to improve moral education, are need and necessity both ok?
Can «a» be omitted, changing the sentence into «there is need to improve moral education»?
Can «a» be omitted, changing the sentence into «there is need to improve moral education»?
I don’t think so. Let’s wait for the experts to reply though.
I would retain the ‘a’ in this context. As a rider to my previous post, I would add that ‘necessity’ seems a little more urgent than ‘need’.
I’m with Loob, for once.
I wouldn’t use necessity here.
The ngrams overwhelmingly support this view.
The a, the indefinite article, is obligatory, in this context.
I agree with Loob
There is a necessity to improve moral education. There is a necessity [attached] to improving moral education.
or better «It is necessary to improve moral education.»
and emphasize what Beryl has said:
A necessity tends towards being absolute -> it must/should be done. A need is a feeling; a desirable thing; something that some people have expressed should be there.
I agree with Loob
There is a necessity to improve moral education.
There is a necessity [attached] to improving moral education.
Is there any context where there is a necessity to (infinitive verb)… works?
Is there any context where there is a necessity to (infinitive verb)… works?
I’m sure there are plenty, sunyaer. It seems like standard English to me, and I’d be interested to learn why others feel that it merits the ‘red-cross’ cross
treatment. This is not to say that I like, or would use the words ‘there is a necessity to [infinitive]’, but it’s undoubtedly the case that others do. I’m not sure that a keen disliking of their style merits the inking of a red cross, with all the confusion that this entails.
BNC examples
GUC 1658 «There is a necessity for us to behave like this in order to cope with the informational complexity with which we are perpetually faced — we ‘know’ something works so we do it, bracketing off the rest of the world until it becomes clear that there is a need to change our basic beliefs.»
A0X 235 «On the same subject I would advise the author that hot glue is not a necessity to make a joint without cramps.»
EBU 1272 «There was a necessity to get the whole idea across it wasn’t sufficient to show just the final product»
Others here (assuming that such a link works): Click
Oxford dictionary (British & World English): Example sentence: «The necessity to have access to larger markets is absolutely crucial.»
BNC = British National Corpus
I feel it should be ‘There is an imperative to [infinitive]’ I see ‘necessity’ as an embodied need; an entity of itself. The OP does not use it in this sense.
I see A0X 235 as incorrect use «hot glue is not a necessity to make a joint» hot glue is not needed to make a joint
but GUC 1658 «There is a necessity for us to behave like this…» as correct.
I am writing a formal technical report and I would like some advice about an expression I want to use. I have a sentence which I want to make more formal:
The merit of their approach is that there is not a need of designing a fusion strategy for the several modalities.
Basically I want to change the ‘there is not a need for’ to something more formal. Any suggestions?
Mari-Lou A
88.1k86 gold badges303 silver badges571 bronze badges
asked Apr 28, 2015 at 8:56
I want to change the ‘there is not a need for’ to something more formal.
«The merit of their approach is that it circumvents the necessity of designing …»
circumvent verb: find a way around (an obstacle).
• overcome (a problem or difficulty), typically in a clever and surreptitious way. «I found it quite easy to circumvent security»;
synonyms: avoid, get around, get past, evade, bypass, sidestep, dodge; informal duck; «the checkpoints were easy to circumvent«; Google circumvent
answered Apr 28, 2015 at 17:08
The merit of their approach is that there is not a need of designing a fusion strategy for the several modalities.
In general the determiner «no» can be more concise than a combination of a negated auxiliary and a. In other words There is no need might be more elegant here than «There is not a need«. Secondly, the noun need normally takes preposition phrases headed by the preposition for or infinitival clauses. So the Original Poster’s sentence might read better thus:
The merit of their approach is that there is no need to design a fusion strategy for the several modalities.
answered Apr 28, 2015 at 12:39
The merit of their approach is that it eliminates the need for
multiple/several fusion strategies.
Or to the extent that my rewording changes the meaning too much:
…eliminates the need to design/for designing a [different/separate] fusion
strategy for [each of] the several modalities.
(For other good alternatives to “eliminates the need [for/to],” see the answers to this somewhat related question:
What’s a word for «to eliminate the need for»?)
answered May 3, 2015 at 20:11
Papa PoulePapa Poule
9,6592 gold badges19 silver badges45 bronze badges
What about «Obviates the need»?
answered Nov 15, 2021 at 5:02
there is no need — перевод на русский
There’s no need to call for help. Permit me.
Не нужно звать на помощь, мадам.
— There’s no need to say who he is… or to speak of his brilliant record as a soldier and a statesman.
— Не нужно напоминать, что он — выдающийся государственный деятель и борец за наши права.
There’s no need to be frightened, you know.
Не нужно бояться, ладно?
There’s no need to hurry, Rupert.
Не нужно торопиться, Руперт.
— No, there’s no need.
— Нет-нет, не нужно.
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Well, there’s no need for the loser to go all the way to Siberia, you know?
Проигравшему нет необходимости уезжать на другой край земли.
There’s no need for direct contact between us.
Нет необходимости прямого контакта между нами.
— No, there’s no need to.
-Нет, нет необходимости.
There is no need for the delay in their extermination.
Нет необходимости в задержке для их уничтожения.
But there’s no need to die.
Но нет необходимости умирать.
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You deserve severe punishment, but there’s no need to punish an amateur like you.
Ты заслуживаешь сурового наказания, но нет нужды наказывать баклана вроде тебя.
Gentlemen, there’s no need to raise our voices.
Господа, нет нужды перекрикиваться.
When two young people like each other, there’s no need to drug the champagne, I assure you.
Когда молодые люди любят друг друга, нет нужды подсыпать что-либо в шампанское… У веряю тебя, что…
There’s no need to threaten me.
Нет нужды угрожать мне.
It’s… There’s no need to hunt it down.
Нет нужды на него охотиться.
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Не стоит бояться.
There’s no need to be alarmed. Quite the contrary.
Не стоит беспокоиться — напротив.
There’s no need to.
Не стоит.
There’s no need, I’ve understood.
Не стоит, я всё поняла.
I know there’s no need to talk about it anymore.
Больше не стоит об этом говорить.
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There’s no need to be abrupt…
Незачем быть грубым…
Незачем меня оскорблять.
Незачем притворяться, Майкл. — Правда в том…
There is no need for you to prove your existence.
Незачем доказывать, что ты существуешь.
There’s no need to worry him unnecessarily.
Незачем ему беспокоиться о том, о чём беспокоиться необязательно.
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Just because I go out once, there’s no need to start sulking.
Тебе не обязательно дуться из-за того, что я иду развлечься.
— There’s no need to tell me, Mr Arindam.
— Не обязательно мне рассказывать, господин Ариндам
There’s no need to wear a mask for our sake, Miss Fay.
Не обязательно носить при нас маску, мисс Фэй.
— There’s no need to be insulting.
— Оскорблять не обязательно.
There’s no need to name-call.
Не обязательно обзываться.
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There was no need to do it, Pinkie, no need at all.
— Не было необходимости делать это, Пинки.
There was no need for that.
— В этом не было необходимости.
Just as far as the gate, there was no need to go in.
Я подходил только к воротам, но входить внутрь не было необходимости.
In the collective, there was no need to ask permission.
В коллективе не было необходимости спрашивать разрешение.
There was no need to tell her
Не было необходимости говорить ей об этом
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— There’s no need to insult me.
— Зачем вы оскорбляете меня?
There’s no need for everyone to fight.
Зачем биться всем?
But there’s no need to tell the Board.
Впрочем, зачем ему знать?
There was no need for that.
Зачем Вы так?
Anyway, there’s no need to get married.
И вообще, зачем жениться?
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«With a man like Aubanel, there’s no need to worry.
— Она подвела итог так: «С таким человеком, как Обанель, нет причин для беспокойства.
My father, there’s no need to fear. No maid on earth resists Ratmir.
Не бойся, нет девицы в мире, Чтоб не мечтала о Ратмире!
There’s no need to be scared.
— Прошу. — Нет. — Постойте.
There’s no need now.
— Нет, нет.
No, no, there’s no need to blend in just exactly there, necessarily. No, no.
Нет, нет, совсем не обязательно залягать вот прямо здесь.
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Oh, now, now. There’s no need to resort to violence.
Нет никакой надобности прибегать к насилию.
And, by the operation of the second cup,… ..draws him on the drawer, when indeed there is no need.
«Дай бог, чтобы ты мне не понадобилась!» — а после второго кубка, тычут шпагой в слугу, когда в этом нет никакой надобности.
There’s no need for violence.
Нет никакой надобности в насилии.
There’s no need to bring back the past if we don’t have to.
Нет никакой надобности возвращать прошлое, если нас не вынудят.
So, there’s no need for you to hurt Dr. Stowe again. You understand that?
Таким образом нет надобности причинять боль доктору Стоу.
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