Another word for the word good

  • acceptable
  • excellent
  • exceptional
  • favorable
  • great
  • marvelous
  • positive
  • satisfactory
  • satisfying
  • superb
  • valuable
  • wonderful
  • ace
  • bad
  • boss
  • bully
  • capital
  • choice
  • crack
  • nice
  • pleasing
  • prime
  • rad
  • sound
  • spanking
  • sterling
  • super
  • superior
  • welcome
  • worthy
  • admirable
  • agreeable
  • commendable
  • congenial
  • deluxe
  • first-class
  • first-rate
  • gnarly
  • gratifying
  • honorable
  • jake
  • neat
  • precious
  • recherché
  • reputable
  • select
  • shipshape
  • splendid
  • stupendous
  • super-eminent
  • super-excellent
  • tiptop
  • up to snuff
  • honest
  • respectable
  • innocent
  • right
  • sound
  • upright
  • worthy
  • admirable
  • blameless
  • charitable
  • dutiful
  • estimable
  • ethical
  • exemplary
  • guiltless
  • honorable
  • incorrupt
  • inculpable
  • irreprehensible
  • irreproachable
  • lily-white
  • obedient
  • praiseworthy
  • pure
  • reputable
  • righteous
  • tractable
  • uncorrupted
  • untainted
  • well-behaved
  • able
  • efficient
  • proper
  • reliable
  • satisfactory
  • suitable
  • talented
  • useful
  • adept
  • expert
  • accomplished
  • adroit
  • au fait
  • capable
  • clever
  • dexterous
  • first-rate
  • proficient
  • qualified
  • serviceable
  • skillful
  • suited
  • thorough
  • trustworthy
  • acceptable
  • advantageous
  • appropriate
  • beneficial
  • convenient
  • decent
  • desirable
  • favorable
  • fruitful
  • healthy
  • helpful
  • profitable
  • proper
  • respectable
  • satisfying
  • suitable
  • approving
  • brave
  • common
  • fit
  • fitting
  • meet
  • right
  • all right
  • ample
  • apt
  • auspicious
  • becoming
  • benefic
  • benignant
  • commendatory
  • commending
  • conformable
  • congruous
  • favoring
  • healthful
  • hygienic
  • needed
  • opportune
  • propitious
  • salubrious
  • salutary
  • seemly
  • serviceable
  • tolerable
  • toward
  • unobjectionable
  • wholesome
  • flawless
  • normal
  • perfect
  • safe
  • solid
  • stable
  • eatable
  • sound
  • whole
  • dependable
  • fit to eat
  • fresh
  • intact
  • loyal
  • trustworthy
  • unblemished
  • uncontaminated
  • uncorrupted
  • undamaged
  • undecayed
  • unhurt
  • unimpaired
  • unspoiled
  • vigorous
  • friendly
  • approving
  • humanitarian
  • altruistic
  • beneficent
  • benevolent
  • charitable
  • considerate
  • gracious
  • humane
  • kindhearted
  • merciful
  • obliging
  • philanthropic
  • tolerant
  • well-disposed
  • honest
  • legitimate
  • proper
  • reliable
  • true
  • valid
  • kosher
  • regular
  • sound
  • bona fide
  • conforming
  • dependable
  • genuine
  • justified
  • loyal
  • orthodox
  • strict
  • trustworthy
  • well-founded
  • proper
  • orderly
  • considerate
  • decorous
  • dutiful
  • kindly
  • mannerly
  • obedient
  • polite
  • respectful
  • seemly
  • thoughtful
  • tolerant
  • tractable
  • well-mannered
  • adequate
  • advantageous
  • big
  • great
  • large
  • long
  • profitable
  • respectable
  • solid
  • sufficient
  • worthwhile
  • entire
  • full
  • much
  • whole
  • ample
  • complete
  • extensive
  • immeasurable
  • lucrative
  • paying
  • sizable
  • substantial
  • prosperity
  • welfare
  • well-being
  • asset
  • avail
  • behalf
  • benediction
  • blessing
  • boon
  • commonwealth
  • favor
  • gain
  • godsend
  • interest
  • nugget
  • plum
  • prize
  • profit
  • service
  • treasure
  • use
  • usefulness
  • windfall
  • good fortune
  • class
  • dignity
  • excellence
  • ideal
  • merit
  • prerogative
  • probity
  • quality
  • rectitude
  • right
  • righteousness
  • straight
  • uprightness
  • value
  • virtue
  • worth

On this page you’ll find 596 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to good, such as: acceptable, excellent, exceptional, favorable, great, and marvelous.

  • bad
  • detestable
  • disagreeable
  • mean
  • noxious
  • unpleasant
  • unrespected
  • unsuitable
  • bad
  • incompetent
  • unskilled
  • ineffective
  • unable
  • unreliable
  • bad
  • detrimental
  • disadvantageous
  • poor
  • unhelpful
  • unsuitable
  • unsuited
  • inadequate
  • imperfect
  • unhealthy
  • bad
  • noxious
  • rotten
  • tainted
  • unpleasant
  • unreliable
  • unsuitable
  • bad
  • detestable
  • disagreeable
  • mean
  • selfish
  • stingy
  • unpleasant
  • deceptive
  • dishonest
  • false
  • fraudulent
  • invalid
  • unreal
  • bad
  • fake
  • forged
  • bad
  • disagreeable
  • misbehaving
  • naughty
  • unpleasant
  • inadequate
  • insufficient
  • little
  • miniature
  • small
  • tiny
  • unimportant
  • incomplete
  • inconsequential
  • inconsiderable
  • bad fortune
  • bad luck
  • disadvantage
  • loss
  • dishonesty
  • immorality
  • imperfection
  • unfairness
  • wrong
  • evil
  • sin
  • wickedness

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use good in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • absolutely
  • affirmative
  • agreed
  • all right
  • amen
  • assuredly
  • aye
  • beyond a doubt
  • by all means
  • certainly
  • definitely
  • even so
  • exactly
  • fine
  • gladly
  • good
  • good enough
  • granted
  • indubitably
  • just so
  • most assuredly
  • naturally
  • of course
  • okay
  • positively
  • precisely
  • roger
  • sure thing
  • surely
  • true
  • undoubtedly
  • unquestionably
  • very well
  • willingly
  • without fail
  • yea
  • yep
  • adept
  • adequate
  • adroit
  • agile
  • alert
  • apt
  • bright
  • capable
  • competent
  • cunning
  • deft
  • dexterous
  • easy
  • effortless
  • endowed
  • equipped
  • facile
  • fitted
  • good
  • intelligent
  • knowing
  • powerful
  • ready
  • smart
  • strong
  • worthy
  • adept
  • adequate
  • adroit
  • agile
  • alert
  • apt
  • bright
  • capable
  • competent
  • cunning
  • deft
  • dexterous
  • easy
  • effortless
  • endowed
  • equipped
  • facile
  • fitted
  • good
  • intelligent
  • knowing
  • powerful
  • ready
  • smart
  • strong
  • worthy
  • A-1
  • A-OK
  • ace
  • attractive
  • best ever
  • cat’s pajamas
  • choice
  • commendable
  • cool
  • copacetic
  • crackerjack
  • deserving
  • dream
  • estimable
  • excellent
  • exquisite
  • fine
  • good
  • great
  • greatest
  • hunky-dory
  • keen
  • laudable
  • meritable
  • meritorious
  • neat
  • out of sight
  • out of this world
  • peachy
  • praiseworthy
  • rare
  • solid
  • super
  • super-duper
  • superior
  • unreal
  • valuable
  • wicked
  • wonderful
  • worthy
  • zero cool
  • adept
  • apt
  • artful
  • clean
  • clever
  • crack
  • crackerjack
  • cunning
  • cute
  • deft
  • dexterous
  • expert
  • foxy
  • good
  • handy
  • hot tamale
  • ingenious
  • masterful
  • neat
  • nifty
  • nimble
  • on the ball
  • on the beam
  • proficient
  • quick on the trigger
  • quick on the uptake
  • quick-witted
  • savvy
  • sharp
  • skillful
  • slick
  • smart
  • up
  • up to speed
  • whiz
  • wizard
  • aid
  • ascendancy
  • asset
  • assistance
  • authority
  • avail
  • blessing
  • boon
  • break
  • choice
  • comfort
  • convenience
  • dominance
  • edge
  • eminence
  • expediency
  • favor
  • gain
  • good
  • gratification
  • help
  • hold
  • improvement
  • influence
  • interest
  • lead
  • leeway
  • leg up
  • leverage
  • luck
  • mastery
  • odds
  • position
  • power
  • pre-eminence
  • precedence
  • preference
  • prestige
  • prevalence
  • profit
  • protection
  • recognition
  • resources
  • return
  • sanction
  • starting
  • superiority
  • support
  • supremacy
  • upper hand
  • utility
  • wealth

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

What is another word for Good?

  • agreeable, characteristic

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Synonyms for good

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. good

    One who is honest in the ordinary sense acts or is always disposed to act with careful regard for the rights of others, especially in matters of business or property; one who is honorable scrupulously observes the dictates of a personal honor that is higher than any demands of mercantile law or public opinion, and will do nothing unworthy of his own inherent nobility of soul. The honest man does not steal, cheat, or defraud; the honorable man will not take an unfair advantage that would be allowed him, or will make a sacrifice which no one could require of him, when his own sense of right demands it. One who is honest in the highest and fullest sense is scrupulously careful to adhere to all known truth and right even in thought. In this sense honest differs from honorable as having regard rather to absolute truth and right than to even the highest personal honor. Compare CANDID; JUSTICE.

    candid, equitable, fair, faithful, frank, genuine, honest, honorable, ingenuous, just, sincere, straightforward, true, trustworthy, trusty, upright

    deceitful, dishonest, disingenuous, faithless, false, fraudulent, hypocritical, lying, mendacious, perfidious, traitorous, treacherous, unfaithful, unscrupulous, untrue

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. good

    right, complete, virtuous, sound, pious, benevolent, propitious, serviceable, suitable, efficient, sufficient, competent, valid, real, actual, considerable, honorable, reputable, righteous, proper, true, upright, just, excellent

    wrong, imperfect, unsound, vicious, profane, niggardly, unpropitious, unserviceable, unsuitable, inefficient, inadequate, incompetent, invalid, unctious, supposititious, inconsiderable, mean, disgraceful, disreputable, bad, evil

  2. goodnoun

    boon, benefit, advantage, gain, blessing, mercy, virtue, prosperity, weal, profit, interest, welfare

    hurt, injury, loss, detriment, evil, disadvantage, ill, calamity, infliction, curse

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.0 / 8 votes

  1. goodnoun


    «for your own good»; «what’s the good of worrying?»

    goodness, trade good, commodity

    bad, evil, badness, evilness, indiscriminating, pestiferous, unfortunate, ill, unworthy, awful, mephistophelian, unfavourable, meagerly, scrimpy, wretched, tough, atrocious, inoperative, slimy, icky, inopportune, sinister, evil-minded, uncomplete, infernal, grievous, dark, satanic, unskilled, undiscriminating, sorry, swingeing, displeasing, unsound, mephistophelean, worthless, hellish, terrible, distant, fiendish, frightful, diabolical, remote, unsuitable, incompetent, severe, painful, pretty, unspeakable, imitative, rotten, flagitious, stale, hopeless, unhealthy, shitty, hard, vile, naughty, devilish, unhealthful, stingy, diabolic, monstrous, distressing, disadvantageous, meagre, perversive, ugly, fearful, deplorable, unrighteous, uncool, lamentable, no-good, meager, stinking, unfavorable, corked, demonic, corruptive, pitiful, crappy, horrid, rubber, nonintellectual, unholy, lousy, stinky, disreputable, negative, abominable, incomplete, counterfeit, poor, black, corky, dreadful, sad, mediocre, nasty, despicable

  2. good, goodnessnoun

    moral excellence or admirableness

    «there is much good to be found in people»

    good, goodness, trade good, commodity

    evilness, badness, evil, bad, counterfeit, infernal, dark, tough, scrimpy, imitative, atrocious, devilish, unhealthy, frightful, inopportune, diabolical, distant, unskilled, meagre, fiendish, meager, rotten, fearful, vile, remote, despicable, unfortunate, unsound, crappy, worthless, sad, mediocre, icky, satanic, stingy, severe, corky, swingeing, unworthy, lousy, pestiferous, unholy, inoperative, stinking, rubber, hard, monstrous, deplorable, no-good, unsuitable, unfavorable, displeasing, pretty, diabolic, lamentable, awful, unfavourable, negative, unhealthful, shitty, meagerly, poor, nonintellectual, black, perversive, stinky, undiscriminating, ill, dreadful, disadvantageous, distressing, ugly, flagitious, hellish, incompetent, hopeless, unrighteous, incomplete, abominable, pitiful, wretched, uncool, disreputable, stale, evil-minded, slimy, uncomplete, indiscriminating, corked, grievous, nasty, terrible, mephistophelean, demonic, unspeakable, corruptive, mephistophelian, naughty, painful, sorry, sinister, horrid

  3. good, goodnessnoun

    that which is pleasing or valuable or useful

    «weigh the good against the bad»; «among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization»

    good, goodness, trade good, commodity

    badness, evil, evilness, bad, no-good, distressing, sad, grievous, frightful, scrimpy, disreputable, monstrous, naughty, shitty, perversive, vile, swingeing, atrocious, remote, fiendish, crappy, ugly, ill, uncomplete, distant, diabolical, corruptive, unworthy, despicable, stingy, mephistophelean, unskilled, unsound, negative, fearful, stinky, counterfeit, worthless, undiscriminating, deplorable, displeasing, black, rubber, hard, nasty, hopeless, flagitious, dreadful, awful, severe, poor, infernal, imitative, unfavourable, incompetent, pitiful, unsuitable, stinking, unholy, sorry, pestiferous, dark, evil-minded, unrighteous, diabolic, unfavorable, satanic, uncool, stale, meagre, lamentable, hellish, icky, disadvantageous, sinister, inoperative, indiscriminating, meager, incomplete, demonic, inopportune, mephistophelian, tough, abominable, meagerly, unspeakable, corky, unfortunate, devilish, painful, mediocre, unhealthy, corked, nonintellectual, wretched, horrid, rotten, slimy, unhealthful, pretty, lousy, terrible

  4. commodity, trade good, goodadjective

    articles of commerce

    good, goodness, trade good, commodity

    evilness, badness, evil, bad, uncool, deplorable, unsuitable, swingeing, unskilled, incomplete, undiscriminating, hard, diabolical, unhealthy, awful, corky, perversive, icky, unspeakable, stinky, lousy, inopportune, fiendish, satanic, imitative, indiscriminating, diabolic, disadvantageous, scrimpy, no-good, frightful, sad, abominable, monstrous, atrocious, tough, meagerly, unhealthful, uncomplete, ill, horrid, hopeless, wretched, demonic, crappy, dreadful, evil-minded, counterfeit, nasty, rotten, painful, nonintellectual, distressing, hellish, ugly, stinking, mephistophelean, inoperative, distant, worthless, infernal, rubber, negative, black, fearful, meagre, unfavourable, severe, remote, unfavorable, corruptive, shitty, unfortunate, unworthy, unrighteous, unholy, meager, poor, stingy, slimy, mediocre, naughty, sorry, dark, flagitious, disreputable, grievous, pretty, corked, incompetent, terrible, sinister, pitiful, despicable, unsound, mephistophelian, pestiferous, displeasing, vile, lamentable, stale, devilish

  5. goodadjective

    having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified

    «good news from the hospital»; «a good report card»; «when she was good she was very very good»; «a good knife is one good for cutting»; «this stump will make a good picnic table»; «a good check»; «a good joke»; «a good exterior paint»; «a good secretary»; «a good dress for the office»

    upright, dependable, serious, right, full, undecomposed, ripe, estimable, honorable, expert, beneficial, proficient, secure, in effect(p), effective, skillful, well(p), skilful, salutary, just, unspoiled, in force(p), respectable, honest, practiced, adept, sound, near, unspoilt, dear, safe

    bad, badness, evil, evilness, dreadful, stale, uncomplete, severe, meagre, nonintellectual, horrid, mediocre, ugly, deplorable, hard, sinister, diabolic, incomplete, corruptive, indiscriminating, unhealthful, black, tough, stingy, naughty, atrocious, unfortunate, despicable, incompetent, swingeing, sad, counterfeit, distant, vile, unsound, remote, hellish, unhealthy, infernal, uncool, lamentable, crappy, pestiferous, distressing, unholy, abominable, pretty, demonic, hopeless, poor, unskilled, meager, stinky, rubber, mephistophelian, fiendish, awful, unfavorable, flagitious, icky, mephistophelean, undiscriminating, perversive, sorry, nasty, evil-minded, disadvantageous, fearful, grievous, corked, shitty, frightful, devilish, painful, meagerly, unspeakable, slimy, corky, unrighteous, diabolical, rotten, dark, stinking, unfavourable, terrible, imitative, ill, satanic, unworthy, lousy, pitiful, unsuitable, inoperative, scrimpy, negative, inopportune, worthless, disreputable, wretched, no-good, monstrous, displeasing

  6. full, goodadjective

    having the normally expected amount

    «gives full measure»; «gives good measure»; «a good mile from here»

    dear, wide-cut, right, entire, in effect(p), broad(a), skillful, sound, serious, effective, good, upright, salutary, in force(p), skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, expert, secure, beneficial, replete(p), wide, proficient, full, honest, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, full(a), ripe, just, safe, adept, honorable, total, well(p), near, unspoiled

    badness, evil, evilness, bad, crappy, corruptive, unskilled, unfavorable, counterfeit, unfortunate, stale, diabolic, hard, unfavourable, unsuitable, ugly, worthless, disadvantageous, pretty, black, diabolical, awful, incompetent, imitative, distressing, perversive, dark, frightful, grievous, displeasing, hellish, unhealthful, uncool, shitty, poor, unspeakable, hopeless, ill, satanic, mephistophelian, unhealthy, dreadful, scrimpy, negative, painful, stinking, severe, rotten, swingeing, meagerly, flagitious, unrighteous, deplorable, lousy, remote, icky, unholy, infernal, incomplete, rubber, stinky, corky, sinister, mediocre, sad, demonic, indiscriminating, slimy, atrocious, naughty, monstrous, unworthy, meager, inoperative, pitiful, abominable, vile, evil-minded, unsound, mephistophelean, despicable, inopportune, wretched, terrible, lamentable, pestiferous, meagre, devilish, nonintellectual, fiendish, uncomplete, stingy, corked, nasty, no-good, distant, disreputable, undiscriminating, tough, horrid, fearful, sorry

  7. goodadjective

    morally admirable

    upright, dependable, serious, right, full, undecomposed, ripe, estimable, honorable, expert, beneficial, proficient, secure, in effect(p), effective, skillful, well(p), skilful, salutary, just, unspoiled, in force(p), respectable, honest, practiced, adept, sound, near, unspoilt, dear, safe

    evil, bad, evilness, badness, pestiferous, nonintellectual, diabolical, flagitious, unhealthy, distant, unholy, corruptive, black, corky, hard, mephistophelean, monstrous, sad, poor, ugly, stale, stingy, swingeing, unrighteous, devilish, fearful, stinky, unsound, perversive, unspeakable, rotten, despicable, abominable, fiendish, incompetent, lamentable, wretched, displeasing, uncool, deplorable, pitiful, unworthy, diabolic, imitative, distressing, sinister, unfavorable, tough, nasty, no-good, sorry, frightful, disreputable, unskilled, severe, unhealthful, scrimpy, counterfeit, painful, uncomplete, unsuitable, naughty, satanic, lousy, unfavourable, grievous, mephistophelian, icky, indiscriminating, awful, horrid, inopportune, remote, rubber, vile, shitty, ill, infernal, corked, undiscriminating, hellish, atrocious, dark, disadvantageous, incomplete, hopeless, terrible, meagerly, inoperative, pretty, dreadful, slimy, crappy, meager, meagre, negative, evil-minded, stinking, unfortunate, mediocre, demonic, worthless

  8. estimable, good, honorable, respectableadjective

    deserving of esteem and respect

    «all respectable companies give guarantees»; «ruined the family’s good name»

    dear, good, beneficial, in effect(p), unspoiled, skillful, sound, serious, effective, goodish, upright, salutary, in force(p), skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, tidy, expert, secure, right, sizeable, healthy, proficient, full, sizable, honest, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, ethical, ripe, just, hefty, goodly, safe, adept, honorable, honourable, well(p), computable, near

    badness, evil, evilness, bad, mephistophelian, stingy, lousy, grievous, wretched, painful, no-good, unfortunate, diabolical, hellish, awful, indiscriminating, unfavourable, rubber, lamentable, unspeakable, abominable, distant, severe, stale, meager, demonic, incomplete, remote, fearful, diabolic, unsuitable, flagitious, unskilled, counterfeit, mediocre, unhealthful, mephistophelean, horrid, sinister, ill, pretty, negative, infernal, nonintellectual, unrighteous, devilish, meagre, corky, slimy, imitative, worthless, fiendish, distressing, poor, disreputable, uncomplete, incompetent, vile, terrible, uncool, pestiferous, corruptive, crappy, displeasing, icky, inopportune, hard, unfavorable, swingeing, satanic, corked, unsound, ugly, atrocious, nasty, deplorable, naughty, inoperative, stinking, black, pitiful, evil-minded, unhealthy, dark, despicable, scrimpy, undiscriminating, sorry, monstrous, sad, perversive, frightful, hopeless, tough, rotten, shitty, dreadful, unholy, unworthy, stinky, disadvantageous, meagerly

  9. beneficial, goodadjective

    promoting or enhancing well-being

    «an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries»; «the beneficial effects of a temperate climate»; «the experience was good for her»

    upright, dependable, just, right, full, undecomposed, ripe, estimable, honorable, expert, beneficial, proficient, secure, in effect(p), effective, skillful, well(p), serious, skilful, salutary, good, unspoiled, in force(p), respectable, honest, practiced, adept, sound, near, unspoilt, dear, safe

    bad, evilness, evil, badness, vile, painful, incompetent, remote, awful, unrighteous, lamentable, horrid, severe, unhealthful, pestiferous, meagre, terrible, meagerly, rotten, flagitious, indiscriminating, sorry, scrimpy, distant, deplorable, displeasing, pitiful, dreadful, fearful, sad, diabolical, tough, sinister, crappy, unholy, naughty, counterfeit, lousy, stingy, ugly, unhealthy, disadvantageous, demonic, corked, grievous, hopeless, stale, evil-minded, swingeing, mephistophelian, hard, unfortunate, pretty, unsound, uncool, uncomplete, distressing, imitative, shitty, fiendish, no-good, frightful, wretched, incomplete, negative, perversive, corruptive, monstrous, undiscriminating, mephistophelean, ill, rubber, diabolic, unfavourable, atrocious, disreputable, inoperative, meager, dark, unsuitable, stinky, abominable, devilish, unspeakable, icky, unskilled, worthless, nasty, black, inopportune, hellish, satanic, infernal, stinking, despicable, corky, mediocre, unfavorable, nonintellectual, slimy, unworthy, poor

  10. goodadjective

    agreeable or pleasing

    «we all had a good time»; «good manners»

    upright, dependable, serious, right, full, undecomposed, ripe, estimable, honorable, expert, beneficial, proficient, secure, in effect(p), effective, skillful, well(p), skilful, salutary, just, unspoiled, in force(p), respectable, honest, practiced, adept, sound, near, unspoilt, dear, safe

    evilness, evil, bad, badness, vile, stale, mephistophelian, sorry, stinking, negative, disreputable, grievous, poor, stingy, incomplete, abominable, atrocious, hopeless, monstrous, unsuitable, distant, meager, corked, fiendish, wretched, perversive, displeasing, pitiful, rotten, swingeing, diabolical, worthless, painful, despicable, disadvantageous, awful, icky, demonic, unholy, corky, inopportune, unworthy, pretty, lousy, satanic, infernal, sinister, undiscriminating, distressing, ill, unhealthful, uncool, deplorable, unskilled, dark, nonintellectual, rubber, unfavourable, shitty, naughty, unrighteous, meagerly, indiscriminating, diabolic, meagre, unsound, no-good, unhealthy, fearful, black, mephistophelean, hellish, uncomplete, nasty, imitative, stinky, tough, mediocre, terrible, unfortunate, sad, slimy, severe, crappy, ugly, scrimpy, unspeakable, flagitious, lamentable, corruptive, incompetent, hard, dreadful, horrid, counterfeit, evil-minded, unfavorable, devilish, remote, inoperative, frightful, pestiferous

  11. good, just, uprightadjective

    of moral excellence

    «a genuinely good person»; «a just cause»; «an upright and respectable man»

    dear, good, beneficial, in effect(p), unspoiled, skillful, sound, secure, serious, effective, upright, salutary, in force(p), vertical, skilful, practiced, equitable, estimable, expert, just, erect, proficient, full, honest, unsloped, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, fair, ripe, safe, adept, honorable, dependable, well(p), right, near

    evil, badness, evilness, bad, crappy, ugly, devilish, mephistophelean, painful, fiendish, fearful, diabolic, lousy, corruptive, indiscriminating, worthless, unworthy, scrimpy, swingeing, awful, shitty, frightful, imitative, hard, distressing, unskilled, poor, sad, remote, unsuitable, pitiful, unspeakable, incomplete, corked, counterfeit, ill, diabolical, hopeless, disreputable, infernal, meagre, terrible, hellish, pestiferous, lamentable, atrocious, despicable, unholy, tough, meagerly, distant, unrighteous, unhealthy, deplorable, displeasing, stinky, flagitious, stingy, uncool, naughty, pretty, rubber, sorry, stale, perversive, dark, mephistophelian, satanic, stinking, rotten, meager, undiscriminating, incompetent, sinister, corky, icky, unhealthful, slimy, unfortunate, abominable, inoperative, mediocre, uncomplete, nasty, dreadful, evil-minded, no-good, monstrous, nonintellectual, disadvantageous, negative, horrid, unfavourable, severe, unfavorable, demonic, inopportune, unsound, black, wretched, vile, grievous

  12. adept, expert, good, practiced, proficient, skillful, skilfuladjective

    having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

    «adept in handicrafts»; «an adept juggler»; «an expert job»; «a good mechanic»; «a practiced marksman»; «a proficient engineer»; «a lesser-known but no less skillful composer»; «the effect was achieved by skillful retouching»

    dear, good, right, in effect(p), unspoiled, skillful, sound, serious, effective, upright, salutary, in force(p), skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, technical, expert, secure, beneficial, proficient, full, honest, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, nice, ripe, just, safe, adept, honorable, well(p), near, practised

    evilness, bad, evil, badness, evil-minded, terrible, stinky, naughty, unfortunate, unfavourable, unsuitable, counterfeit, fiendish, incomplete, undiscriminating, stingy, unfavorable, distressing, nonintellectual, unrighteous, monstrous, worthless, diabolic, dreadful, lamentable, diabolical, swingeing, infernal, grievous, sinister, mephistophelian, corked, disreputable, inoperative, deplorable, tough, satanic, poor, icky, meager, meagre, disadvantageous, corruptive, devilish, corky, uncomplete, distant, abominable, unskilled, severe, ill, slimy, atrocious, flagitious, unsound, shitty, mephistophelean, unspeakable, painful, awful, rubber, pretty, horrid, stale, displeasing, fearful, sad, despicable, meagerly, pitiful, imitative, indiscriminating, uncool, demonic, hard, vile, nasty, unhealthy, mediocre, unholy, sorry, hellish, frightful, inopportune, black, unworthy, scrimpy, unhealthful, remote, crappy, no-good, ugly, perversive, wretched, dark, negative, incompetent, rotten, lousy, pestiferous, stinking, hopeless

  13. goodadjective


    «had a good workout»; «gave the house a good cleaning»

    upright, dependable, serious, right, full, undecomposed, ripe, estimable, honorable, expert, beneficial, proficient, secure, in effect(p), effective, skillful, well(p), skilful, salutary, just, unspoiled, in force(p), respectable, honest, practiced, adept, sound, near, unspoilt, dear, safe

    evilness, evil, badness, bad, pitiful, black, imitative, atrocious, despicable, sinister, ugly, satanic, corky, severe, scrimpy, stinky, unhealthful, vile, poor, fearful, stingy, sad, horrid, unworthy, deplorable, hellish, tough, uncomplete, rotten, abominable, meagre, nonintellectual, pestiferous, diabolic, no-good, mediocre, meager, incomplete, rubber, sorry, displeasing, corked, grievous, shitty, naughty, icky, unspeakable, evil-minded, negative, diabolical, crappy, uncool, meagerly, nasty, dark, frightful, hopeless, pretty, awful, ill, terrible, incompetent, swingeing, unskilled, perversive, remote, lamentable, unfavourable, corruptive, flagitious, mephistophelian, undiscriminating, unsuitable, distant, slimy, mephistophelean, stale, distressing, lousy, fiendish, wretched, unfortunate, monstrous, devilish, stinking, hard, infernal, disreputable, painful, dreadful, inopportune, unrighteous, disadvantageous, indiscriminating, unsound, worthless, unholy, demonic, unhealthy, unfavorable, inoperative, counterfeit

  14. dear, good, nearadjective

    with or in a close or intimate relationship

    «a good friend»; «my sisters and brothers are near and dear»

    beneficial, dear, close, good, upright, sound, costly, in effect(p), unspoiled, skillful, effective, near(a), serious, secure, penny-pinching, heartfelt, salutary, pricy, earnest, skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, dear(p), nigh(a), expert, approximate, just, darling, beloved, skinny, cheeseparing, proficient, full, nigh, right, high-priced, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, in force(p), ripe, pricey, honest, safe, adept, honorable, devout, well(p), near

    badness, evilness, bad, evil, distressing, black, painful, unfavorable, uncool, unskilled, disadvantageous, atrocious, pretty, infernal, despicable, distant, rubber, sad, unhealthful, hellish, unfavourable, corked, lamentable, pitiful, sinister, unsound, tough, satanic, unrighteous, demonic, nasty, indiscriminating, dreadful, undiscriminating, icky, inoperative, mephistophelean, corruptive, hard, fearful, unsuitable, meager, pestiferous, terrible, meagre, fiendish, stale, monstrous, perversive, shitty, incompetent, scrimpy, unholy, stinking, diabolic, displeasing, deplorable, corky, diabolical, poor, mediocre, swingeing, crappy, severe, abominable, unworthy, slimy, unfortunate, incomplete, horrid, worthless, inopportune, frightful, awful, flagitious, uncomplete, grievous, nonintellectual, devilish, unhealthy, meagerly, dark, wretched, remote, vile, stingy, counterfeit, mephistophelian, disreputable, evil-minded, imitative, ill, unspeakable, no-good, hopeless, stinky, ugly, naughty, sorry, lousy, negative, rotten

  15. dependable, good, safe, secureadjective

    financially sound

    «a good investment»; «a secure investment»

    dear, safe(p), good, right, in effect(p), unspoiled, effective, skillful, sound, serious, secure, true(p), upright, untroubled, steady-going, inviolable, salutary, in force(p), reliable, skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, rock-steady, expert, just, unafraid, beneficial, unassailable, proficient, full, honest, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, ripe, impregnable, safe, adept, honorable, strong, well(p), near, unattackable

    bad, badness, evilness, evil, black, icky, despicable, shitty, corruptive, mediocre, unrighteous, unfortunate, stinky, diabolical, corked, severe, indiscriminating, unhealthy, dark, abominable, rotten, no-good, grievous, diabolic, stale, nonintellectual, uncomplete, vile, stingy, devilish, meager, incompetent, infernal, remote, mephistophelian, disreputable, nasty, stinking, unskilled, hellish, imitative, inoperative, pestiferous, meagerly, perversive, unhealthful, fearful, unfavorable, disadvantageous, crappy, flagitious, meagre, awful, wretched, frightful, slimy, ill, sad, lousy, negative, distant, displeasing, scrimpy, hard, pitiful, naughty, tough, demonic, painful, evil-minded, lamentable, distressing, pretty, incomplete, unsuitable, unspeakable, fiendish, rubber, deplorable, uncool, inopportune, mephistophelean, swingeing, undiscriminating, counterfeit, sorry, unholy, atrocious, dreadful, unsound, unworthy, poor, sinister, ugly, monstrous, hopeless, corky, worthless, unfavourable, satanic, horrid, terrible

  16. good, right, ripeadjective

    most suitable or right for a particular purpose

    «a good time to plant tomatoes»; «the right time to act»; «the time is ripe for great sociological changes»

    dear, good, beneficial, in effect(p), unspoiled, skillful, sound, secure, serious, effective, upright, salutary, in force(p), skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, veracious, expert, correct, just, proficient, right-hand(a), right(a), proper, full, honest, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, ripe, mature, ripe(p), safe, adept, honorable, well(p), right, near, advanced

    evilness, badness, evil, bad, ill, unfavourable, displeasing, corruptive, fiendish, diabolical, negative, infernal, slimy, unfortunate, icky, awful, no-good, incompetent, shitty, meager, horrid, satanic, unskilled, dreadful, deplorable, rubber, diabolic, vile, meagerly, nonintellectual, black, uncomplete, hellish, undiscriminating, unholy, indiscriminating, remote, atrocious, ugly, counterfeit, sad, swingeing, disreputable, pitiful, mephistophelean, unspeakable, sorry, hopeless, rotten, pretty, lousy, fearful, disadvantageous, unworthy, grievous, inopportune, pestiferous, corked, unsuitable, stinking, mediocre, hard, unsound, evil-minded, frightful, stinky, perversive, distant, wretched, unfavorable, terrible, naughty, monstrous, abominable, unhealthful, worthless, stale, crappy, distressing, despicable, meagre, severe, painful, devilish, unrighteous, scrimpy, flagitious, uncool, poor, unhealthy, corky, stingy, demonic, inoperative, dark, sinister, mephistophelian, lamentable, tough, incomplete, nasty, imitative

  17. good, well(p)adjective

    resulting favorably

    «it’s a good thing that I wasn’t there»; «it is good that you stayed»; «it is well that no one saw you»; «all’s well that ends well»

    evil, evilness, bad, badness, perversive, black, stinky, unholy, hellish, vile, mephistophelian, satanic, indiscriminating, infernal, horrid, displeasing, unskilled, corked, lousy, diabolical, distressing, flagitious, atrocious, diabolic, meager, slimy, inoperative, fiendish, fearful, imitative, severe, meagerly, unfortunate, uncool, crappy, wretched, stingy, rubber, terrible, awful, icky, nasty, mediocre, unhealthful, negative, naughty, lamentable, disadvantageous, deplorable, stale, mephistophelean, swingeing, sinister, ugly, devilish, remote, frightful, despicable, tough, unfavourable, uncomplete, unspeakable, no-good, sad, hard, distant, incomplete, unhealthy, demonic, scrimpy, painful, evil-minded, unrighteous, corruptive, shitty, unworthy, grievous, corky, hopeless, counterfeit, monstrous, rotten, sorry, nonintellectual, pitiful, unsuitable, worthless, dreadful, meagre, unsound, pretty, inopportune, unfavorable, undiscriminating, incompetent, abominable, poor, ill, stinking, disreputable, pestiferous, dark

  18. effective, good, in effect(p), in force(p)adjective

    exerting force or influence

    «the law is effective immediately»; «a warranty good for two years»; «the law is already in effect (or in force)»

    bad, evil, evilness, badness, atrocious, awful, satanic, infernal, frightful, evil-minded, fiendish, scrimpy, dreadful, disreputable, disadvantageous, unworthy, lousy, ugly, stingy, severe, fearful, diabolical, black, unhealthy, mediocre, worthless, naughty, unsound, terrible, unskilled, unholy, meagre, incompetent, imitative, hard, dark, meager, distant, counterfeit, lamentable, meagerly, sad, undiscriminating, ill, horrid, stinking, distressing, devilish, flagitious, slimy, nonintellectual, unfavourable, stale, perversive, icky, unsuitable, sinister, pestiferous, painful, unhealthful, nasty, demonic, hopeless, pretty, pitiful, mephistophelian, grievous, negative, unfavorable, stinky, unfortunate, swingeing, no-good, unrighteous, incomplete, indiscriminating, uncool, deplorable, diabolic, inopportune, remote, crappy, corky, poor, wretched, rotten, vile, unspeakable, sorry, tough, corruptive, despicable, shitty, rubber, displeasing, monstrous, inoperative, corked, abominable, hellish, uncomplete, mephistophelean

  19. goodadjective

    capable of pleasing

    «good looks»

    upright, dependable, serious, right, full, undecomposed, ripe, estimable, honorable, expert, beneficial, proficient, secure, in effect(p), effective, skillful, well(p), skilful, salutary, just, unspoiled, in force(p), respectable, honest, practiced, adept, sound, near, unspoilt, dear, safe

    evilness, bad, badness, evil, monstrous, abominable, mephistophelian, diabolic, imitative, unholy, undiscriminating, pestiferous, deplorable, distressing, meagerly, atrocious, frightful, sorry, pretty, unrighteous, inoperative, tough, slimy, mephistophelean, dark, nonintellectual, disreputable, nasty, wretched, terrible, worthless, indiscriminating, lamentable, distant, unsuitable, meagre, sad, swingeing, counterfeit, sinister, fearful, scrimpy, poor, negative, meager, hopeless, no-good, stingy, diabolical, awful, unsound, hard, painful, inopportune, demonic, stinking, pitiful, flagitious, incompetent, naughty, unspeakable, grievous, unhealthful, unworthy, unhealthy, uncomplete, uncool, mediocre, unskilled, remote, ill, perversive, stinky, dreadful, stale, displeasing, fiendish, unfortunate, rubber, ugly, shitty, crappy, unfavourable, severe, horrid, satanic, rotten, hellish, corruptive, evil-minded, infernal, vile, disadvantageous, icky, black, corked, corky, incomplete, despicable, lousy, unfavorable, devilish

  20. good, seriousadjective

    appealing to the mind

    «good music»; «a serious book»

    dear, good, beneficial, unplayful, in effect(p), unspoiled, skillful, sound, secure, serious, effective, severe, upright, salutary, in force(p), skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, life-threatening, grievous, expert, just, grave, dangerous, sober, proficient, full, honest, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, ripe, safe, adept, honorable, well(p), right, near

    bad, evilness, evil, badness, unsuitable, disadvantageous, frightful, devilish, unfortunate, satanic, unrighteous, horrid, atrocious, inopportune, corked, displeasing, unspeakable, awful, diabolical, nasty, rubber, evil-minded, wretched, ill, scrimpy, sinister, flagitious, mediocre, vile, grievous, deplorable, lousy, stinking, inoperative, abominable, severe, crappy, poor, mephistophelean, naughty, tough, shitty, distressing, incomplete, hellish, meagerly, counterfeit, unsound, unworthy, corky, demonic, dreadful, diabolic, stingy, black, meagre, corruptive, stinky, hard, swingeing, pitiful, undiscriminating, lamentable, painful, indiscriminating, mephistophelian, unskilled, sad, meager, pretty, rotten, incompetent, perversive, remote, hopeless, sorry, distant, despicable, unfavorable, uncool, icky, infernal, slimy, pestiferous, unfavourable, unholy, terrible, dark, unhealthy, imitative, ugly, unhealthful, worthless, negative, no-good, monstrous, uncomplete, fiendish, nonintellectual, disreputable, stale, fearful

  21. good, soundadjective

    in excellent physical condition

    «good teeth»; «I still have one good leg»; «a sound mind in a sound body»

    dear, good, beneficial, in effect(p), unspoiled, effectual, skillful, sound, secure, serious, effective, wakeless, well-grounded, upright, legal, salutary, in force(p), skilful, practiced, heavy, dependable, estimable, intelligent, expert, levelheaded, just, level-headed, healthy, proficient, full, honest, profound, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, ripe, safe, adept, reasoned, honorable, well(p), right, near

    badness, evil, bad, evilness, deplorable, pestiferous, sinister, pitiful, corked, meagerly, uncomplete, infernal, stingy, nonintellectual, indiscriminating, frightful, mephistophelian, poor, devilish, unholy, nasty, undiscriminating, disadvantageous, atrocious, unrighteous, distressing, corky, diabolical, uncool, severe, rotten, unfortunate, unhealthy, diabolic, painful, negative, fearful, slimy, lamentable, meagre, unspeakable, hellish, meager, imitative, crappy, remote, dreadful, stale, unsuitable, black, ugly, unskilled, evil-minded, sorry, grievous, inopportune, awful, shitty, monstrous, incompetent, vile, wretched, horrid, unhealthful, flagitious, incomplete, despicable, displeasing, rubber, scrimpy, demonic, disreputable, naughty, corruptive, mephistophelean, worthless, pretty, tough, hopeless, swingeing, mediocre, distant, stinking, terrible, unsound, inoperative, perversive, icky, unfavorable, hard, ill, unworthy, stinky, fiendish, sad, satanic, no-good, abominable, lousy, unfavourable, counterfeit, dark

  22. good, salutaryadjective

    tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health

    «beneficial effects of a balanced diet»; «a good night’s sleep»; «the salutary influence of pure air»

    upright, dependable, serious, right, full, undecomposed, ripe, estimable, honorable, expert, beneficial, proficient, secure, in effect(p), effective, skillful, well(p), skilful, salutary, just, unspoiled, in force(p), good, respectable, honest, practiced, adept, sound, near, unspoilt, dear, safe

    evil, bad, evilness, badness, stinky, swingeing, hopeless, pretty, wretched, hard, incomplete, unworthy, poor, sinister, flagitious, stale, pitiful, perversive, demonic, shitty, tough, devilish, mediocre, distant, counterfeit, crappy, dreadful, awful, mephistophelean, unsound, unfortunate, unhealthful, unhealthy, scrimpy, slimy, inopportune, undiscriminating, corruptive, naughty, unrighteous, unskilled, abominable, infernal, deplorable, uncomplete, monstrous, remote, dark, diabolical, diabolic, meagerly, sorry, hellish, terrible, corked, stingy, disreputable, evil-minded, ill, incompetent, distressing, sad, worthless, pestiferous, despicable, unspeakable, uncool, stinking, icky, no-good, unholy, mephistophelian, horrid, rotten, inoperative, nonintellectual, displeasing, meagre, satanic, meager, lousy, negative, rubber, nasty, ugly, painful, atrocious, black, fearful, disadvantageous, fiendish, imitative, indiscriminating, corky, grievous, unsuitable, severe, unfavourable, vile, unfavorable, frightful, lamentable

  23. good, honestadjective

    not forged

    «a good dollar bill»

    dear, good, beneficial, in effect(p), unspoiled, skillful, sound, secure, serious, effective, true(p), salutary, upright, reliable, in force(p), skilful, practiced, dependable, estimable, expert, just, proficient, full, honest, respectable, undecomposed, unspoilt, fair, ripe, safe, adept, honorable, well(p), right, near

    evilness, bad, badness, evil, fearful, negative, dreadful, poor, demonic, atrocious, hellish, unskilled, corky, awful, monstrous, unsound, rubber, disadvantageous, abominable, disreputable, pretty, stale, undiscriminating, stinking, dark, uncomplete, lamentable, no-good, infernal, diabolic, satanic, worthless, pitiful, wretched, pestiferous, deplorable, stinky, uncool, sad, inopportune, unholy, scrimpy, remote, incomplete, unhealthful, flagitious, sinister, hopeless, severe, terrible, stingy, ugly, meagre, imitative, shitty, naughty, mediocre, unhealthy, corruptive, painful, diabolical, unfavorable, crappy, frightful, tough, indiscriminating, devilish, meagerly, slimy, mephistophelian, inoperative, horrid, corked, icky, grievous, unfortunate, vile, despicable, unrighteous, evil-minded, nasty, mephistophelean, black, hard, distant, unworthy, rotten, unspeakable, swingeing, nonintellectual, perversive, distressing, unsuitable, incompetent, ill, counterfeit, unfavourable, displeasing, fiendish, meager, lousy, sorry

  24. good, undecomposed, unspoiled, unspoiltadjective

    not left to spoil

    «the meat is still good»

    upright, dependable, serious, right, full, undecomposed, ripe, estimable, honorable, expert, beneficial, proficient, secure, in effect(p), effective, skillful, well(p), skilful, salutary, just, unspoiled, in force(p), good, respectable, honest, practiced, adept, sound, near, uncorrupted, unspoilt, dear, safe

    bad, evil, evilness, badness, unfortunate, crappy, pretty, disadvantageous, icky, unsuitable, stinky, corky, unsound, tough, fiendish, indiscriminating, diabolic, hellish, horrid, shitty, lousy, incomplete, infernal, sad, unhealthy, stinking, corruptive, counterfeit, inopportune, negative, meagerly, worthless, unfavorable, dreadful, uncool, nasty, corked, slimy, meager, unfavourable, unworthy, stingy, mediocre, despicable, displeasing, diabolical, awful, evil-minded, ugly, rotten, ill, swingeing, remote, uncomplete, pitiful, distressing, fearful, hopeless, sorry, monstrous, perversive, stale, frightful, unrighteous, abominable, sinister, black, mephistophelian, rubber, poor, severe, vile, distant, dark, unskilled, grievous, satanic, inoperative, wretched, hard, painful, nonintellectual, terrible, unholy, deplorable, mephistophelean, pestiferous, disreputable, unhealthful, unspeakable, demonic, incompetent, flagitious, naughty, meagre, atrocious, scrimpy, lamentable, devilish, no-good, imitative, undiscriminating

  25. goodadverb

    generally admired

    «good taste»

    upright, dependable, serious, right, full, undecomposed, ripe, estimable, honorable, expert, beneficial, proficient, secure, in effect(p), effective, skillful, well(p), skilful, salutary, just, unspoiled, in force(p), respectable, honest, practiced, adept, sound, near, unspoilt, dear, safe

    evilness, evil, bad, badness, negative, ugly, indiscriminating, remote, stingy, distressing, severe, incomplete, nasty, satanic, unskilled, atrocious, stinking, meager, wretched, corruptive, lamentable, sinister, unspeakable, undiscriminating, meagerly, icky, terrible, rubber, diabolic, mephistophelean, corky, unrighteous, black, dark, awful, demonic, incompetent, counterfeit, rotten, pitiful, displeasing, unholy, nonintellectual, unsound, unsuitable, hard, sorry, imitative, devilish, diabolical, disreputable, corked, unfavorable, fearful, hopeless, abominable, poor, uncool, horrid, no-good, inoperative, vile, unworthy, stale, shitty, mephistophelian, swingeing, unhealthful, naughty, unfavourable, worthless, infernal, hellish, inopportune, pretty, ill, tough, flagitious, frightful, distant, painful, stinky, unhealthy, uncomplete, crappy, fiendish, slimy, dreadful, monstrous, disadvantageous, unfortunate, scrimpy, lousy, evil-minded, deplorable, grievous, sad, meagre, pestiferous, perversive, despicable, mediocre

  26. well, goodadverb

    (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good’ is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well’)

    «the children behaved well»; «a task well done»; «the party went well»; «he slept well»; «a well-argued thesis»; «a well-seasoned dish»; «a well-planned party»; «the baby can walk pretty good»

    soundly, considerably, easily, comfortably, good, substantially, advantageously, thoroughly, intimately, well

    bad, badness, evil, evilness, distant, no-good, unfortunate, meager, lamentable, black, unskilled, diabolic, atrocious, worthless, fiendish, meagre, horrid, unworthy, slimy, painful, undiscriminating, perversive, deplorable, abominable, flagitious, scrimpy, shitty, rotten, diabolical, unholy, ill, dark, unsound, distressing, displeasing, imitative, incomplete, swingeing, poor, hard, devilish, sorry, unhealthy, remote, disadvantageous, indiscriminating, mediocre, tough, corked, satanic, ugly, lousy, inopportune, unfavorable, stale, nasty, mephistophelian, fearful, corky, stingy, unrighteous, rubber, incompetent, nonintellectual, monstrous, pestiferous, stinky, unsuitable, unhealthful, demonic, corruptive, pitiful, negative, inoperative, terrible, evil-minded, uncomplete, disreputable, dreadful, unspeakable, frightful, severe, pretty, unfavourable, hellish, uncool, wretched, sinister, hopeless, naughty, icky, despicable, meagerly, awful, counterfeit, vile, stinking, mephistophelean, infernal, grievous, crappy, sad

  27. thoroughly, soundly, goodadverb

    completely and absolutely (`good’ is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly’)

    «he was soundly defeated»; «we beat him good»

    good, exhaustively, soundly, thoroughly, well

    badness, bad, evilness, evil, unfavourable, lamentable, swingeing, nonintellectual, pitiful, icky, displeasing, unspeakable, corky, sorry, pretty, no-good, meagre, unhealthful, fearful, distressing, abominable, unholy, unhealthy, evil-minded, infernal, poor, counterfeit, remote, demonic, corked, negative, mephistophelian, lousy, unrighteous, distant, diabolic, tough, hellish, unworthy, meagerly, diabolical, sad, satanic, shitty, inopportune, terrible, unskilled, naughty, flagitious, atrocious, mediocre, awful, incompetent, ill, stinky, imitative, sinister, unsuitable, deplorable, vile, stinking, despicable, unfortunate, disreputable, unsound, incomplete, horrid, scrimpy, dreadful, black, stale, ugly, rubber, worthless, grievous, rotten, devilish, slimy, crappy, uncomplete, hopeless, dark, severe, painful, monstrous, wretched, uncool, disadvantageous, fiendish, nasty, mephistophelean, inoperative, perversive, undiscriminating, pestiferous, stingy, hard, unfavorable, meager, indiscriminating, corruptive, frightful

Matched Categories

    • Advantage
    • Morality
    • Quality

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. superb

    that is a superb plan

    Submitted by acronimous on March 17, 2019  

  2. advantagable

    advantages are good

    this power up gives a lit advantage!

  3. well behaved

    good as something is good

    well behaved as you do something good

    Submitted by anonymous on March 3, 2020  

  4. amazing

    something that is very good

    this project is amazing

  5. bad

    when your parents tell you to clean your room and you clean it.

    Submitted by anonymous on December 16, 2020  

  6. trustedadjective

    good; isn’t annoying

  7. smexyadjective

    means cool and fun

    that was smexy

  8. gucci

    it is good.

    «what gucci bro»

    Submitted by rinat on September 4, 2019  

  9. ok

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. goodadjective

    advantageous, beneficial, useful, profitable, serviceable

  2. goodadjective

    suitable, fit, proper, convenient, admirable, not bad, well adapted

  3. goodadjective

    virtuous, upright, religious, pious, righteous, worthy, dutiful

  4. goodadjective

    excellent, valuable, precious, sterling, capital

  5. goodadjective

    kind, benevolent, humane, friendly, favorable, gracious, merciful, obliging, well-disposed

  6. goodadjective

    unblemished, unimpeached, untarnished, unsullied, immaculate, fair, honorable

  7. goodadjective

    companionable, social, genial, lively, cheerful

  8. goodadjective

    able, skilful, ready, expert, dextrous, well qualified

  9. goodadjective

    competent (pecuniarily), of established credit

  10. goodadjective

    10. pleasant, agreeable, gratifying, cheering

  11. goodadjective

    considerable, great, not small, not insignificant

  12. goodadjective

    real, true, serious, not feigned

  13. goodnoun

    benefit, advantage, profit, gain, utility

  14. goodnoun

    welfare, weal, prosperity, interest

  15. goodnoun

    righteousness, virtue, moral qualities

  16. goodnoun

    just actions, moral works

  17. goodnoun

    abundance, richness, best fruits

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes

  1. goodadjective

    virtuous, worthy, moral, exemplary, conscientious, sterling, meritorious, saintly, guileless, humane, altruistic, philanthropic, benevolent, indulgent, desirable, excellent, expedient, commendable, beneficial, auspicious, propitious, favorable, clever, dexterous, competent, adroit, proficient, ready

  2. goodnoun

    welfare, benefit, advantage, weal, well-being, utility, interest, virtue, excellence, worth, character, value

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:2.5 / 2 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «good»:

    well, buenos, sound, right, fine, positive, excellent, proper, nice, okay, bon, correct, satisfactory, boa, smooth, hassan, great, maid, best, beautiful, useful, ok, bona, bra, boas, successful, happy, bonne, favourable, healthy, favorable, buena, beneficial, -good, guten, valid, properly, appropriate, bueno, quality, perfect, effective, buen, bom, alright, tayyip, bun, al-rashid, strong, buon, cool, solid, decent, adequate, bills, jesus, coupons, pleasant, brave, much, hasan, al-khair, al-rasheed, sweet, handsome, property

Suggested Resources

  1. GOOD

    What does GOOD stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the GOOD acronym on the website.

How to pronounce Good?

How to say Good in sign language?

How to use Good in a sentence?

  1. Brother Erin Lowe:

    He was so amazing in so many ways, somebody so young, doing so good in his life can be taken away by a senseless crime.

  2. David Davis:

    The aim is to get a good outcome and I’m confident I’ll get a good outcome, one of the reasons we don’t talk about the contingency plan too much is we don’t want people to think this is what we are trying to do.

  3. Jimmie Johnson:

    I definitely think it gives you a sign of who’s going to be competitive, i feel really good coming here and having this kind of showing. What we did here, we can take to a lot of the racetracks ahead.

  4. President Obama:

    The one thing good about executive orders : The new president, if he comes in — boom, first day, first hour, first minute, you can rescind that.

  5. Mohannad Aama:

    The retail sales that we are seeing today is backward. I would put less weight on backward-looking data and I would put more weight on management’s discussion of guidance in the future, and that doesn’t look good, investors are starting to build a mosaic of information suggesting that the consumer is not doing as well as you would expect.


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Синонимы к слову "Good"

Synonyms for the Word «Good»

На английском На русском
1 Ace специалист
2 Amazing изумительный, ошеломительный, ошеломляющий
3 Awesome потрясающий, фантастический
4 Brilliant искрящийся, блестящий, сверкающий
5 Cool равнодушный, апатичный; сухой, прохладный
6 Excellent отличный, отменный, превосходный, прекрасный
7 Exceptional исключительный, необыкновенный
8 Fantastic фантастический, причудливый
9 Fine изящный; возвышенный
10 First-class (rate) первокласный
11 Good job хорошенькое дело
12 Gorgeous вычурный, эффектный, яркий
13 Great возвышенный (о цели, идее)
14 Magnificent великолепный, величественный
15 Marvellous изумительный, великолепный
16 Nice хороший, приятный, милый, славный
17 Not bad неплохо
18 Outstanding видный, выдающийся
19 Perfect совершенный, безупречный
20 Pleasant приятный, радостный, милый
21 Perfectly well великолепно
22 Precious драгоценный
23 Righteous благочестивый, добродетельный, праведный
24 Splendid роскошный, пышный
25 Stupendous изумительный
26 Superb великолепный; роскошный, величественный ; благородный
27 Terrific огромный, необычный, прекрасный
28 Thumbs up всё в порядке
29 Very well очень хорошо
30 Well done хорошо сделано
31 Wonderful замечательный, изумительный

Содержание статьи:

  • Синонимы к слову good
  • Good — это прилагательное или наречие
  • Как сохранить синонимы good на изучение
  • Как искать синонимы для других слов

Сегодня у нас запредельно позитивная статья. Здесь будет больше сотни прилагательных для описания чего-то хорошего: good и синонимы, great и синонимы, amazing и синонимы… Представляете? Давайте приступим.

Совсем недавно у нас в блоге вышла зеркально противоположная статья. Если пропустили, открывайте в новой вкладке и читайте вслед за этой: Подборка синонимов слова bad

Мы советуем запомнить хотя бы пару десятков слов из списка. Используя эти слова, вы будете звучать как человек с хорошим уровнем английского. Ведь начинающие часто ограничиваются самыми банальными прилагательным: good, great, perfect, excelent и так далее. А вот если вы обогатите свою речь словечками вроде compelling или flawless, это будет просто zingy (потрясающе).

Синонимы к слову good

Слева — список слов на английском. Справа — их перевод. У некоторых слов в реальности больше значений, чем перечислено в этой табличке.

Eng Rus
able способный
absolute абсолютный
acceptable допустимый
accomplished удавшийся
ace выдающийся
adept искусный
admirable замечательный
adorable восхитительный
adroit ловкий
affable приветливый
agreeable приятный
alluring заманчивый
altruistic альтруистический
amazing удивительно
amiable любезный
amusing занимательный
angelical ангельский, кроткий
appealing трогательный
approving одобрительный
attractive привлекательный
awesome классно
beautiful красивый
beneficent благодетельный
benign доброкачественный
best лучший
big большой
bighearted великодушный
blessed благословленный
blest блаженный
bounteous щедрый, обильный
brill блестящий
brilliant блестящий (как алмаз)
calming успокаивающий
captivating увлекательный
charitable милосердный, щедрый
charming обаятельный
clean чистый
clear чистый, понятный
clever умный
comfortable комфортный
commendable похвальный
committed идейный
compassionate сострадательный
compelling неотразимый
congenial благоприятный
considerate внимательный
convincing убедительный
correct правильный, корректный
creditable похвадбгый
cunning изобретательный
cute милый
dainty изящный
darling милый, любимый
dear дорогой, милый
delicate деликатный
delightful восхитительный
deluxe делюкс
devoted преданный
dishy привлекательный
dutiful послушный
ecstatic эстетичный
ethical этичный
elegant элегантный
enchanting очаровательный
engaging вовлекающий
enjoyable приятный
euphoric эйфорично
excellent отлично
exceptional исключительный
exhilarating волнующий
expedient целесообразно
fair честный, справедливый
faithful верный, проверенный
faultless безошибочный
felicitous удачный
fine хороший, отлично
first-class первоклассный
first-rate первосортный
fit как раз
flawless без изъяна
free бесплатный, свободный
fresh свежий
fun веселый
friendly дружелюбный
genial гениальный
gentle нежный, мягкий
glad рад
glossy вылощенный
good хороший
good-looking хорошо выглядящий
goodhearted добросердечный
goody-goody хорошо-хорошо
gorgeous великолепный
graceful изящный
grateful благодарный
great великий
high-grade высококлассный
high-quality высококачественный
holy святой
honorable почетный
hospitable гостеприимный
hot горячий
humane человечный
incredible волшебный
inculpable невиновный
indefectible безупречный
inoffensive безобидный
intact нетронутый
kind добрый
kindhearted добросердечный
likable нравящийся 
lovely любимый
loyal преданный
magic волшебный
magnanimous великодушный
marvelous чудесный
mild умеренный
moralistic моралистический
neat изящный
nice хороший
nifty изящный, ловкий
normal нормальный
perfect идеальный
pleasant приятный
pleasing приятный
praiseworthy заслуживающий похвалы
pretty красивый
prime основной
prized награжденный
proficient опытный
profitable прибыльный
pure чистый, безупречный
real реальный
really действительно
reliable надежный
reputable достойный уважения
respected уважаемый
safe безопасный
satisfactory удовлетворительно
satisfying удовлетворяющий
shipshape в полном порядке
skilled опытный
smart умный
snazzy шикарный
solid солидный
spanking превосходный
special особый
spotless безупречный
stable стабильный
standard соответствующий стандарту
stunning ошеломляющий
sublime величественный
super супер
supreme величайший
sweet приятный, милый
swell шикарный
tasteful вкусный
thorough тщательный
tip-top отлично (все тип-топ)
true настоящий
trustworthy заслуживающий доверия
unblamable безупречный
unspoiled неиспорченный
unswerving непоколебимый
untouched нетронутый
valuable ценный
valued высоко оцененный
weighty весомый
well хорошо
winning побеждающий
wonderful прекрасный
worthy стоящий
zingy потрясающий

*Некоторые из синонимов слова good в этом списке переводятся одинаково, однако имеют разные смысловые оттенки.

**Часть слов здесь — наречия. Об этом сейчас поговорим.

Читай также

Разница между Weird, Odd, Awkward и Strange

Good — это прилагательное или наречие

Такой вопрос задают не только иностранцы. Нейтив спикеры тоже гуглят: is good adjective or adverb. Правильный ответ — good является одновременно прилагательным, наречием и даже существительным. Все зависит от контекста. Обращайте внимание, к какому слово относится good. К существительному? К глаголу? Или оно и вовсе выступает самостоятельным членом предложения?

Вот несколько примеров.

I’m looking for a good accountant.
Я ищу хорошего бухгалтера.

Слово good относится к существительному accountant, значит оно в этом предложении является прилагательным. Напомним, что прилагательные описывают существительные, а наречия — глаголы. Если путаетесь, можно освежить память в нашей статье про части речи в английском.

You’re doing good.
Ты хорошо справляешься.

Кто-то скажет, что это неправильно. Ваша школьная учительница английского и часть наших преподавателей наверняка бы так сказали. И это по большей части правда.

В английском языке есть идентичное по смыслу наречие, и это слово well. Грамматически правильно использовать именно его. Однако часть носителей все равно используют good как наречие, и такая форма также очень распространена в некоторых диалектах. Так что да, чисто формально good как прилагательное не используется, но если вы так скажете, то вам простят.

А вот многие другие слова из списка синонимов слова good действительно могут использоваться и как прилагательные, и как наречия. Тут никаких споров не возникнет. Например, fair — a fair law (справедливый закон) или that’s not fair (это не справедливо). Чтобы понять, какие слова могут переходить в разные части речи, а какие нет, прочитайте статью — словообразование в английском.

My mission is to do good.
Моя миссия — творить добро.

Здесь good можно перевести как «добро», «благо». Следовательно, это существительное. Так в английском языке тоже нередко происходит. Возьмем вот слово fun. Это может быть и «веселый», и «веселье».

Как сохранить синонимы good на изучение

Только что вы расширили свой словарный запас. Чтобы не забыть новую лексику, сохраните ее в персональный словарь. Выделите понравившееся слово мышкой или пальцем и нажмите на плюсик. Тогда вы сможете отработать слово в бесплатных онлайн тренажерах EnglishDom. Функция доступна только для зарегистрированных пользователей.

Далее вы сможете отработать слово на сайте, либо в приложении ED Words. Обучение построено на методике интервальных повторений. Сначала вы учите слово в разных тренажерах, пока не запомните его звучание, написание и перевод. Затем повторяете его несколько раз спустя время: сначала с промежутком в несколько дней, потом интервалы увеличиваются — и так пока вы не запомните на всю жизнь.

Читай также

Специализированный английский

Как искать синонимы для других слов

Самый простой способ — вбить слово в гугл поиск с запросом вроде «good synonyms». Тогда ниже поисковик предложит до нескольких десятков вариантов. Минус такого способа в том, что изначально гугл подсвечивает только сами синонимы, без перевода и дефиниции.

Также вы можете зайти в словарь. Не бумажный, а электронный. Найдите в Интернете Oxfrord Dictionary, Urban Dictionary или другой, вбейте в поиск исходное слово и промотайте до блока синонимов. Там уже сразу будет и значение, и примеры. Нам бы хотелось отдельно выделить сайт Tresaurus, ведь там слова отсортированы по степени лексического сходства. Близкие синонимы подсвечены ярким красным, а менее похожие слова — оранжевым и желтым. И там же можно найти еще и синонимы синонимов.

Хотите узнать больше о разных английских словарях? Смотрите также: Подборка 12 словарей для изучения английского

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Thanks for reading.

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